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ARKADINA: This is silly Kostya! ’ KONSTANTIN: Yes! It is! We're in here arguing about him while he, he doesn’t care. You know where he is right now, I saw him. He’s upstairs, in my uncle’s study, in my uncle’s chair, made himself at home ~ ARKADINAT He was told to do so in this house KONSTANTIN: Feet up on the desk and he’s reading his own books! Probably has Nina at his feet now, trying to convince her he’s a genius. Must have his acolytes. Hugh Hefner cum Ian fucking McEwan. Soft target though, don’t you think, mother? (Point to where he imagines Nina is.) She’s never even been off the island, maybe he is a genius after all. But yes, you're right though, a really noble nature, I can see that now. The perfect word, you captured him - noble ARKADINA:-We-ere-leavinig- WHat’ the need for this? You just tting me,-don’t-you?-Wha of it? Why.else-subjugate orthis A How in hell can you respect him? ‘The sad thing is I always thought you were clever, thought you could see through men like that, but no, just another of his women, just another acolyte, does he know your names or do you go by numbers? He’s conned you all. Because, mother, prepare yourself now, his books? His books are very, very, very average. They make me sick, his aggressive mediocrity makes me sick, as soon as I see one of his books I want to be violently sick ARKADINAY This jealousy Kostya ‘ANTIN; Jealous!? ARBKADUVArYou-are positively-green with it,.that’s-probably — beingsick; Youant'your ambitions and” pretenstonsonly hide envy;-pettyrpetty-enwyp— KONSPANTING Thank-you 60 Scanned with CamScanner ARKADINATWHETEWS GAH you do but sneer at real, actual talent Wien you have none yourself KONSTANTING Reab talent? That tan? If that’s ‘real, actual talent’, if you two represent real, actual talent together then we are all doomed. Pack up culture and humanity right now. I, I... [have more talent than the both of you. Than all of you. All of you doing the same thing, congratulating and congratulating each other, not letting anything new in, anything - ARKADINA? Letting in what!-betting-in-you!?-Deluded!-You are.completely-and utterly deluded! KONSTANTIN: Why are you still here? Your pointless, bland little plays and empty theatres call ARKADINA:T have never played in empty Weatres!~ KONSTANTIN: You think you are some creative force, but you're a puppet for hire, speaking other people’s thoughts, leaching off other people's talent, their writing ARKADINA: Oh Kostya please you couldn’t even write a pantomime. You are a deluded, pretentious, covetous, little scrounger. You turn your nose up at money, at fame, because you are obsessed with it, because you'll never getiit, you are not possessed with the ability to ever earn either, You are just a nobody. Oh, and now he’s crying. Go on. I am ever so sorry for telling you the truth. It really is pathetic, if his books make you sick you, definitely make me Pause. © ARKADINA: Sorry He is crying. ARKADINA: Sorry. Oh, come on now, Oh I am sorry. Kostya I didn’t mean it, sweetheart, I’m ever so sorry. You have a horrible mean mother, don’t you? KONSTANTIN hugs her. 61 f Scanned with CamScanner make them have a bath and all that. Do you really not remember? ARKADINA: No KONSTANTIN: You do, The flat that was (A gesture describing who knows what.) Those two dancers used to come for coffee with you ARKADINA; Now that I do remember KONSTANTIN: The religious ones %¢ of assent, Pause. KONSTANTIN: You know recently, the last few days, it’s been like I was a kid again, Don’t you think? I love you just as much. If it wasn’t for that man.., Why have you let him get in between us? INA: Because you put him there darling. KONSTANTIN: Because you brought him here, ‘darling’ A beat. ARKADINA: You don’t understand him, KONSTANTIN: What’s there to understand? ARKADINA: He’s... noble, KONSTANTIN: Noble?! ARKADINA: (Embarrassed.) Oh well that’s silly, I mean - KONSTANTIN: No no fine — he’s noble. So noble he’s running away ARKADINA: Oh really Kostya, from what? From fighting you? He’s leaving because I said we were. You were never oing to like any, any... partner of - KONSTANTIN: Stop! ARKADINA: But you must respect my freedom to be with whoever I please KONSTANTIN: And you must respect my freedom to treat them however I please 59 £ Scanned with CamScanner

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