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Assignment 2: Integumentary System

NAME:______________________________________ Date:_____________
Year and Section: _____________________________

Instruction: Submit your assignment handwritten in a yellow pad paper on our class next week.

I. Define the following terms. (5 pts)

1. Albinism
2. Freckles
3. Nevus
4. Vitiligo
5. Cleavage lines

II. Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences.

1. How are hair produced? Describe each layer of the hair. (3 pts)

2. Nails are composed of what structure? Describe each part of the nail. (3 pts)

3. Differentiate apocrine and eccrine sweat glands. (2 pts)

4. What causes the appearance of pimples? (2 pts)

5. Give specific ways how skin regulates temperature. (2 pts)

6. What is the role of integumentary system in Vitamin D production? (3 pts)

III. Bonus for Unit Quiz

1. Fingerprints and footprints come from what part of the skin? (1 pt)

2. What is the clinical significance of subcutaneous tissue? (1 pt)

3. What is the other name of sweat glands? (1 pt)

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