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Question 1: What may be causing Myra's symptoms?

Answer: Myra’s symptoms seem to be caused due to dehydration, which resulted into causing
diarrhea (Dudek, 2013).
Question 2: Why didn't Myra feel thirsty as she became dehydrated?
Answer: The aloe's diarrheal impact sped up the passage of her food through the gastrointestinal
(GI) tract, which hampered hydration absorption. This might have prevented the typical thirst
that comes with dehydration (Dudek, 2013).
Question 3: What should Myra understand about the need for "detox" and its potential
Answer: Myra has to realize that the idea of "detox" is frequently not supported by science and
can be hazardous. She experienced severe diarrhea, dehydration, and vitamin loss as a result of
using aloe for detoxification (Dudek, 2013).
Question 4: What should you tell Myra about what she should eat and how much fluid she
should consume? What strategies may help her drink enough fluid given that she doesn't
experience thirst?
Answer: Should suggest to Myra to eat a variety of nutrient-rich meals as part of a balanced diet.
Even if she doesn't feel thirsty, she should try to drink enough fluids throughout the day to
replace her fluid levels.
She can use some of the following methods to ensure she gets enough fluids:
1. Myra should create recurring alarms or reminders to remind her to take water at
predetermined times.
2. Suggest adding natural flavors like lemon or cucumber to make her drink more palatable
and promote greater fluid intake.
3. Stress the value of consuming foods with high water content, such as fruits and
vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce), since they can help with overall hydration.
4. Make sure Myra always has access to fluids, whether it be a water bottle of 1-2 liters,
glass, or jug, so she could sip all day.
Question 5: Which fluids should Myra be encouraged to use to satisfy her fluid
recommendation? Would more than 8 glasses of fluid a day be excessive?
Answer: It is best to urge Myra to ingest a variety of liquids in order to meet her hydration needs
(Dudek, 2013). Water, herbal teas, clear soups, milk, and caffeine-free beverages can all fall under
this category. The precise amount of fluid required depends on a number of variables, including
activity level, climate, and general health. Even though the recommended daily fluid intake is 8
glasses (about 2 liters), Myra might not need more, especially in light of her previous

Dudek, S. G. (2013). Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice.

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