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EDUC6: The Teacher as a Curricularist by: Purita P. Bilbao, Filomena T. Dayagbil and Brenda B.


The Teacher and the School Curriculum is a comprehensive guidebook for teachers in the
Philippines who want to improve their curriculum delivery and create a more effective and
inclusive learning environment for their students. The book is authored by Purita B. Bilbao,
Filomena T. Dayagbil, and Brenda B. Corpuz, who are all experts in the field of education.

The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the philosophical and theoretical
foundations of the curriculum, as well as the cultural and social context in which it is
implemented. The authors provide practical advice on how to plan and deliver lessons that are
aligned with the curriculum and meet the needs of diverse learners.

The book also addresses current issues and challenges facing the Philippine educational system,
such as the need for more inclusive and culturally responsive education. The authors provide
strategies for addressing these challenges in the classroom, emphasizing the need for
collaboration among teachers, school administrators, and other stakeholders in order to create a
cohesive and effective educational system.

One of the key themes of the book is the importance of teachers being reflective practitioners
who constantly evaluate their teaching practices and make adjustments as needed. The authors
encourage teachers to be agents of change in their schools and communities, and to work towards
creating a more equitable and just society through education.

Overall, The Teacher and the School Curriculum is a valuable resource for teachers in the
Philippines who want to improve their curriculum delivery and create a more effective and
inclusive learning environment for their students. The book provides practical strategies and
insights that can be applied in any classroom setting, and it encourages teachers to be proactive
in their approach to education.

the book emphasizes the importance of understanding the philosophical and theoretical
foundations of the curriculum, cultural and social context, and the need for more inclusive and
culturally responsive education. It also provides practical advice on how to plan and deliver
lessons that meet the needs of diverse learners, assess student learning, and use assessment data
to inform instructional decisions. Additionally, it encourages teachers to be reflective
practitioners, engage in ongoing professional development, and work towards creating a more
equitable and just society through education.

According to Bilbao et al. (2008) curriculum development is defined as planned, purposeful, progressive,
and systematic process in order to create positive improvements in the educational system.
In their book, "The Teacher and the School Curriculum: The Teacher as a Curricularist," authors Purita B.
Bilbao, Filomena T. Dayagbil, and Brenda B. Corpuz provide a comprehensive guidebook for teachers in
the Philippines who want to improve their curriculum delivery and create a more effective and inclusive
learning environment for their students.

The authors emphasize the importance of understanding the philosophical and theoretical
foundations of the curriculum as well as the cultural and social context in which it is
implemented. They argue that teachers must be aware of the underlying values and assumptions
that shape the curriculum and must be able to critically evaluate its effectiveness in meeting the
needs of diverse learners.

The book provides practical advice on how to plan and deliver lessons that are aligned with the
curriculum and meet the needs of diverse learners. The authors stress the importance of using a
variety of teaching strategies and resources to engage students and promote active learning. They
also provide guidance on how to assess student learning and use assessment data to inform
instructional decisions.

In addition, the authors address current issues and challenges facing the Philippine educational
system, such as the need for more inclusive and culturally responsive education. They argue that
teachers must be aware of the cultural backgrounds and experiences of their students and be able
to adapt their teaching to meet their unique needs.

Throughout the book, the authors encourage teachers to be reflective practitioners who
constantly evaluate their teaching practices and make adjustments as needed. They stress the
importance of ongoing professional development and collaboration with colleagues to improve
instructional practices.

Finally, the authors encourage teachers to be agents of change in their schools and communities
and to work towards creating a more equitable and just society through education. They argue
that teachers have a critical role to play in shaping the future of their students and their
communities and that they must be committed to social justice and equity in their work. Overall,
"The Teacher and the School Curriculum: The Teacher as a Curricularist" provides a valuable
resource for teachers in the Philippines and beyond who are committed to improving their
instructional practices and creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment fo

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