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Positive Experiences With
Mysterious Visitors





Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

| i ~ Lee K. Boylan


Positive Experiences with Mysterious Visitors

Westminster Public Library

3705 W. 112" Avenue
Westminster, CO 80031
Also by Richard J. Boylan

Extraterrestrial Contact and

Human Responses

Wild Flower Press

P.O. Box 2350893
Tigard, OR 97281-0893

Positive Experiences
with Mysterious Visitors

Principal Author and Editor:

Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
Associate Editor:
Lee K. Boylan, M.B.A.

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3705 W. 112" Aven ue
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Westminster, co
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COVER ARTIST: Hartmut Jager

Hartmut Jager was born in German-occupied Czechoslovakia,

where his first recollections were of a burning city, air sirens
and dark nights in cellars. Before his homeland became East
Germany, he and his family escaped to the west. He has lived
in Bavaria, South Africa and Australia, where he now resides
with his wife and two children. A master goldsmith, jeweller
and artist, Jager creates art that is vivid, thought-provoking
and culturally diverse. It touches a common chord in all of us.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Close extraterrestrial encounters: positive experiences with

mysterious visitors
/editors, Richard J. Boylan, Lee K. Boylan. -- 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-926524-26-7: $12.95
1. Unidentified flying objects—Sightings and encounters--
Psychological aspects. 2. Civilization--Extraterrestrial influences. 3.
Life on other planets. I. Boylan, Richard J., 1939-. II Boylan, Lee K.,
TL789.3.C59 1993
001.9’42--dc20 93-35636
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 93-35636

First Edition: 1994

Copyright © 1994 by Richard J. Boylan. All rights reserved.

Address all inquiries to

Wild Flower Press
P. O. Box 230893
Tigard, Oregon 97281-0893

Printed on recycled paper in the U.S.A.

This work is dedicated to

R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D.

counseling psychologist,
pioneering researcher in the
extraterrestrial contact
phenomenon, and a voice for
human and
ET understanding.

His work, his example, and

his warm style serve as an
inspiration to us all.
About the Author and Editor

Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., principal author and editor, is a

clinical, research and consulting psychologist in private practice in
Sacramento, California. A student of the UFO phenomenon since
1947, he has, since 1989, engaged in debriefing persons reporting
extraterrestrial (ET) contact experiences. In late 1991 he began a
continuing research investigation into ET contacts with humans.
Dr. Boylan is active in various professional organizations and
has held a number of officer positions. He has taught as an
adjunct professor at Sacramento State University, the University of
California at Davis and Sierra College.
He is married to Lee Boylan, who coedited this book. He has
two daughters, Jennifer and Stephanie, both attending San
Joaquin Delta College, and one grandson, Scotty.

Lee K. Boylan, M.B.A., associate editor, is a physician-rela-

tions professional working for a multi-hospital system headquar-
tered in Sacramento. Her interest in UFOs and ET visitations is
recent, growing out of her participation in the CE-IV support
group, research trips to Area 51 and several anomalous personal
experiences in recent years.
She has two sons, Darren, attending Stanford University, and
Matthew, a high school sophomore.
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Contributing Writers of firsthand accounts:

Michael A.
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.
Frances Geller
Tom Holloway, D.D.S.
Brian Koski
Kurt Mayne
Rayna Ryan
Connie Smith
Ronald Williams
Table of Contents

e List of Tables ¢ x
e List of Figures ¢ xi
¢ Experiencers’ Statement « 1
e Introduction ¢ 7
1 ¢ Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters ¢ 13
2 ¢ 20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters « 29
3 ¢ How Close ET Encounters Affect Humans e 47
4 ¢ Research Findings On Experiencers ¢ 55
e Introduction to the Personal Accounts e 65
5 e Ron’s Account ¢ 67
6 Kurt’s Account e 85
7 ¢ Frances’s Account e 93
8 ¢ Tom’s Account ¢ 95
9 e Connie’s Account ¢ 101
10 e Mike’s Account ¢ 109
11 ¢ Rayna’s Account e 119
12 ¢ Brian’s Account e 127
13 e Dr. Rich’s Account ¢ 135
14 ¢ The Different ET Races and Missions « 149
15 ¢ The Meaning and Message of ET Contact ¢ 157
16 ¢ Special Counseling For Experiencers ¢ 171
17 ¢ Conclusion ¢ 183
e Special Counseling Resources: A Partial Listing ¢ 187
e Correspondence With AMA’s Diagnostic Manual Committee
About Close Encounter Syndrome ¢ 191
e Recommended Readings ¢ 197
List of Tables

Table 1: Consciousness and Perspective Effects by School 48

Table 2: Stressor Effects by School 49

Table 3: Gender of Subjects 55

Table 4: Age of Subject 56

Table 5: Degree of Initial Recall Before Therapy 57

Table 6: Degree of Symptom Production as Result of Close

Encounter 59

Table 7: Mental Health Status of Experiencers at Debriefing 60

Table 8: Experiencers’ Attitudes Towards their CE-IV(s) 61

Table 9: Location of CE-IV Experiences 63

List of Figures
Figure 1: Gender of Subjects Studied 56
Figure 2: Degree of Recall of a Close Encounter Before Therapy 58
Figure 3: Degree of Symptom Production as a Result of Close Extraterrestrial
Encounter 59
Figure 4: Mental Health Status of CE-IV Experiencers at Time of Debriefing
Figure 5: Experiencers’ Attitudes Towards Their CE-IV(s) 62
Figure 6: Location of CE-IV Experiences 64
Figure 7: “It looked as big as a city block.” 68
Figure 8: “Her head was shaped somewhat like an egg.” 70
Figure 9: “I could see, below us, our house and the garage.” 71
Figure 10: “On the right side was a chair that resembled a dentist’s chair.” 72
Figure 11: “I awakened to see a little guy beside my bed.” 75
Figure 12: “A blue light filled the room as the door opened, revealing a being
outside the door.” 79
Figure 13: “...a large circular object...seemed to scan over us, as if they were
taking an X-ray of some kind.” 80
Figure 14: “He showed me different star charts in our galaxy and told me
where they were from.” 81
Figure 15: “The being seemed almost to be composed of a liquid, pillowy
substance, not solid.” 88
Figure 16: “One such memory is of lying naked on a metallic table and seeing
a large, black eye looking down upon me.” 90
Figure 17: “His height was less than five feet, and he had very dark, large
eyes. 99
Figure 18: Connie’s daughter Cassie’s drawing of an ET and UFO that she
remembers. 108
Figure 19: “The taller being then walked me out to the first room.” 114
Figure 20: “Their heads were oversized and bald, their arms and bodies were
long and spindly looking” 120
Figure 21: A probe with a light in the end, used by the ETs in their procedures.
Figure 22: “The ‘Eyeball People’...had claws and wore robes, and each one
had an eye for a head.” 129
Figure 23: “The beings were seven feet tall, wearing blue coveralls and what
looked like helmets.” 132
Figure 24: “His eyes were black all the way across, with no irises or pupils.”
= 4)

aa Box
This is a daring book. We all stand to lose much. But we
all believe there is much to gain by sharing what we have come
to know about extraordinary events that have touched our lives.
We are a group of ordinary human beings from all walks of life.
Each of us has had close, physical contact with one or more rac-
es from other star systems. One of us, Dr. Richard Boylan, is the
clinical psychologist/researcher whose study of extraterrestrial
(ET) contacts drew us to him, and eventually brought us togeth-
er as a group. Our occupations vary widely: phone operator,
businessman, homemaker, political researcher, student, film-
maker, waitress, school psychologist, grandmother, editor, com-
puter operator, nurse, carpenter, meteorological assistant,
dentist, telephone lineman, clinical psychologist, etc. We in-
clude the wealthy, the poor, and working and middle-class peo-
ple. The youngest is an infant. The oldest is 63 and tells of
narratives from her grandmother that sound like ET contact,
too. We and the others Dr. Boylan has interviewed include His-
panics, Native Americans, African-Americans, Asians and Cau-
casians, with men and women about equally represented. We
are often linked in the experience to other family members who
have also been contacted. The most common links we notice are
2 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

between parent and child(ren), between siblings and between

This book is our story and our gift to you. It is our statement
for the overall positive meaning of the ET contact experience. It is
also our collective stand against intimidating forces that are trying
to cover up the immense truth of ET contacts among us.
In this book you will read evidence that makes a solid, sci-
entific case for the reality of ET contact with humans. And we tell
the nature of such contacts. These research findings are based on
Dr. Boylan’s inquiry, since 1989, into the ET contact phenomenon
and involve more than 104 people whom he interviewed and de-
briefed at length. This research, while pioneering a more rigorous
psychological and anthropological methodology, is not the first
published scientific study on the phenomenon of ET presence.
R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., a former counseling psychologist at
the University of Wyoming at Laramie, has for three decades used
his psychological skills to interview hundreds of experiencers and
report the resultant data in journals.
Richard Haines, Ph.D., is an industrial psychologist who
does research at the NASA-Ames Research Center, Sunnyvale, Cal-
ifornia (where applied exobiology and human-factors psychotronic
topics are among those studied). He has, over the past decade,
shifted his published inquiries from UFO-vehicle hardware and
flight characteristics, to focus in on close encounter cases. He is a
consultant to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Edith Fiore, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in practice at Sa-
ratoga, California, published Encounters! in 1990. This book pre-
sented stories from patients who discussed their ET contacts.
John Mack, M.D., a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical
School’s Cambridge Hospital, has, for the past few years, begun a
focus on debriefing and counseling experiencers of close encoun-
ters. He plans to publish his findings in 1994.
Dr. Boylan’s research has appeared in various publications,
including a major paper delivered at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology’s Abduction Study Conference in June of 1992, an ar-
ticle in The Bulletin of Anomalous Experience,” and his earlier book,
Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses.

1. Edith Fiore, Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of Abductions by

Extraterrestrials (New York: Ballantine, 1990).
2. Richard D. Boylan, “CE-IV Exposure With Positive Mental Health Outcomes and
Generally Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”, Bulletin of Anomalous
Experience, Vol. 3, No. 5, October, 1992, pp. 7-8.
3. Richard D. Boylan, Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Response, (Sacramento,
CA: self-published, 1992).
Experiencers’ Statement 3

Anecdotal insider reports and declassified government doc-

uments clearly indicate to us that the military-intelligence complex
has, since at least 1947, conducted studies on ET vehicles and ET
cadavers and perhaps interacted with live aliens.* It is reasonable
to assume that the government, with the hundreds of billions of
dollars at its disposal since 1947 for investigating, monitoring and
covering up this phenomenon, has by now collected volumes of in-
formation on ETs, their behavior and the reasons behind their vis-
its. But because of the government’s imposition of its very highest
security classification on these data—and because the threat of
deadly force keeps those in government who have this information
from talking—even the use of the Freedom of Information Act, con-
gressional hearings and court subpoenas has not yielded much
concrete information about what the government knows. Thus, it
remains for scientists and “mere mortal” civilian researchers to
learn what they can in their own spare time, with no grants and no
help from the government.
In these pages we will present our own personal experiences
with ET encounters. Most of us are not scientifically trained, but we
believe what we see, hear and feel. Dr. Boylan can certify our psy-
chological mental health and truthful characters. We have learned
much by reading about this phenomenon and becoming more dis-
criminating in what we accept in print. We have learned even more
by deciding to speak up about what happened to us and by sharing
our stories with each other. We have deepened our understanding
by striving to recall memories from earlier in our lives to see if they
have any bearing on the close encounter experience. And we have
advanced by seeing how to integrate what ETs show us with what
we already know.
The emotional support and bonding that we have developed
with each other has been precious to us. At first it is terribly lonely
to realize that you have been contacted by persons from other
worlds. You fear that your spouse will think you are crazy if you
talk about it. The same fear blocks the sharing of the experience
with parents, children, coworkers and friends. The bizarreness, the
shame and the sudden feeling of mental isolation are hard to bear.
Before meeting Dr. Boylan, several of us had finally summoned
enough courage to present our experiences to professional counse-
lors, only to have them nervously avoid the subject, raise an eye-
brow in silence or interpret the experience as a dream or waking
hallucination and patronizingly “reassure” us that such things

4. Timothy Good, Above Top Secret (New York: William Morrow, 1988).
4 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

happen to people, “but don’t worry, you’re basically mentally

sound.” Great! We're not crazy, but if we take our experiences seri-
ously, then we might become crazy! The government’s 45-year cov-
er-up has created such a pervasive denial reaction in the American
culture that, for a long time, we felt there was nowhere we could
turn for help to sort out what had happened to us.
It is important for us to acknowledge responsible research-
ers and journalists in the area of ET contact, such as Jenny Ran-
dles, Timothy Good, Whitley Strieber and Vicki Cooper, who have
made our situation more believable to ourselves, more understand-
able to others, and more widely accepted.
We express great appreciation for those open, professional,
informed psychologists, hypnotherapists and other mental health
counselors who are starting to make a difference for “closet experi-
encers”—perhaps millions of them—who need someone sympathet-
ic and knowledgeable to confide in. But we cannot emphasize
enough the value and importance of our consciousness-sharing
and support group. We feel strongly that every experiencer should
find such a group of fellow experiencers for support and for help in
understanding this complex, bizarre reality. We have found it help-
ful to have our group facilitated by an empathetic, informed, pro-
fessional psychologist. Those who cannot find such a resource
might try adapting the approaches of self-help groups, calling in
specialists in sound close encounter information and psychological
coping mechanisms.
It has been our experience that this kind of group support
is what has given us the strength to finally share our experiences
with our families and friends, to talk about what’s going on with us
to coworkers and physicians, and to speak out at conferences and
in this book.
For most of us, the ETs who have contacted us have become
interesting acquaintances and, in some cases, friends. After getting
over our initial fright and upset, we have come to share a deep re-
spect for them and the messages they have traveled so far to deliv-
er. We share their concern for the earth, and for the future of our
society and of humanity as a whole. We find little argument with
their admonitions and lectures about the coming hardships and di-
sasters earth will face if we humans do not change the way we treat
each other and our earth.
So, we are glad to share with you what they have shared
with us. We understand that the role for many of us is, in part, to
tell others about the changes that need to happen and to serve as
agents of those changes.
Experiencers’ Statement 5

In this book we will also discuss the highly sensitive, emo-

tionally-charged matter of the ETs’ influencing the mental and
physical makeup of us and of some of our children. Some of us will
talk, too, about the “starchildren” who have been formed with par-
tial contributions from our bodies (or who have spent some of their
gestation time inside our bodies). We are sensitive to the extreme
delicacy of these matters.
Some of us, who have indications that there are children
elsewhere who are partly ours, are not finished with the emotional
processing of these occurrences. Some are still feeling confused
and wistful. Others are accepting and at peace with this situation,
yet they cannot help wondering what their starchildren look like,
and they long to see them.
Others of us have reason to believe that some of our very
normal-looking children living with us have been genetically al-
tered to have above-normal abilities. This is particularly noticeable
in the areas of intelligence and extrasensory perception (especially
telepathic communication, precognition, mind-reading and general
psychic sensitivity). We feel puzzled amusement and wonder at
these results of the contact between the citizens of other star sys-
tems and our earth.
There is more. Many of us have received the message from
the ETs that the whole human race is, in some sense, a hybrid of
earth and ET origins—that the ETs have been visiting earth for
many millennia and probably eons. And we have learned that the
directed evolution of humankind is now shifting away from the pri-
marily physical changes in characteristics that have equipped us to
be more intelligent and technically capable. Now the higher ETs
state that their emphasis is on evolution of our consciousness, so
that we will be better equipped to participate as aware, non-pollut-
ing and peaceful citizens in a galaxy populated with many intelli-
gent civilizations.
Will all of humankind rise to this challenge? We earnestly
hope so, and we dedicate ourselves and this book to that purpose.
We invite you to read what we have to report with an open
but careful mind. We know that what we are sharing stretches the
boundaries of what all of us have been taught is reality. We are sen-
sitive, too, that the material discussed here may be frightening to
some. For others it may raise crises of religious faith. We want to
reassure our readers that if this message causes a difficult reac-
tion, there is now help.

5. Compare: Carl Saic ie& I.S. Shklovskii, Intelligent Life in the Universe (San
Francisco: Holden-Day, 1966).
6 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

There are a number of good sources now for talking through

the upset or anxiety that can come from dealing with the reality of
the ET presence among us. Good, informed counselors exist in
many communities now, and support groups are more numerous
than they once were. Make inquiries until you locate these resourc-
es, and then use them.
For crises of faith, many communities have a wise pastor or
other religious counselor who can help resolve apparent difficulties
in reconciling the reality of ETs with the central tenets of traditional
faith. The reader should be cautious, however—in three recent cas-
es, experiencers who tried honesty in the church were cast out of
their respective congregations.® Therefore it is suggested that expe-
riencers who wish to tread this path start by tentatively and indi-
rectly determining the church figure’s views on ETs before
disclosing their own experiences.
A number of readers of these pages may feel strange, haunt-
ing similarities to their own experiences. Our advice is: Honor your
own inner knowing. You don’t have to be afraid of the truth. There
certainly is no lasting peace in running away from what you already
know, deep inside, is the truth. On the other hand, there is great
potential for personal growth in facing even difficult truths.
And so we extend our warm welcome to you. Welcome, sis-
ters and brothers. You're not alone any more.

6. See, for example: Denise and Bert Twiggs, Secret Vows: Our Lives With
Extraterrestrials (Tigard, OR: Wild Flower Press 1992) and Katharina Wilson,
The Alien Jigsaw (Portland, OR: self-published 1994).

When George Lucas gave us his masterpiece film Star

Wars, we wondered at this extremely lifelike saga of humans and
exotic-looking ETs interacting in the course of daily life. We were
comforted, despite this strangeness, by the film’s opening
words, which reassured us that it all happened “a long time ago,
in a galaxy far, far away.”
Few if any who first saw that motion picture imagined
that he or she would be alive, and not much older, when the ba-
sic premise of that film became established as essentially a fact
of modern American life. Now perhaps 0.5% of the American
population (over one million people),” know well that strange-
looking intelligent life forms from other star systems have ap-
peared in the course of their daily lives. And, for many of them,
the ETs will probably come again.

1. This conservative estimate is based upon three sources: Robert J. Durant,

“Alien Abduction Workload,” The Bulletin of Anomalous Experience, Vol. 4,
No. 1, February, 1993, pp. 4-6; “Unusual Personal Experiences,” Bigelow
Holding Company, 4640 South Eastern, Las Vegas, NV 89119, 1992; and
my own CE-IV research estimate based upon time-limited data in the
eater Sacramento, California, area, extrapolated to an incidence rate for
the United States.
8 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

It is a phenomenon of the early 1990s that the American

public is developing a growing awareness of reported visitations by
ETs. This awareness has been a long time in developing.
The modern era of public awareness of the existence of
UFOs is commonly considered to have begun when pilot Kenneth
Arnold spotted a formation of large wingless crescent-shaped discs
flying near Washington state’s Mount Rainier in 1947. He reported
his observations when he landed, saying the objects flew erratical-
ly, like a saucer skipped across a pond. Soon reporters were refer-
ring to them as “flying saucers.”
Immediately, a great controversy developed over whether
such things could exist. The Air Force was asked, as experts on avi-
ation, to provide their analysis. Air Force Press Officers became
quite proficient over the years, providing novel and ingenious alter-
native explanations for the many reports of flying saucers. Alterna-
tive explanations included: flights of geese, the planet Venus,
swamp gas, reflections from ice crystals and lenticular clouds.
However, the ETs raised the ante on the cover-up game in
1952, by staging a number of UFO overflights of the U.S. Capitol at
night. Even Congress noted what was going on over their heads. Air
Force planes were scrambled to intercept these intruders into re-
stricted air space. But the Air Force planes never got close to the
quick-moving saucers.
By the early 1960s, rumors and stories began to appear
that the government had in its possession a crashed flying saucer.
With increasing precision these stories zeroed in on an alien disc
which crashed in the New Mexico desert near the town of Roswell.
Inside the saucer, a number of dead aliens had supposedly been
found. These accounts were fuzzy on details, and lacked backup
testimony from authoritative sources. The stories appeared in ad-
venture or entertainment magazines, and were not taken seriously
by most Americans at the time.
The modern era of growing popular awareness of contact by
ETs with humans could be dated from 1966, when John Fuller's
book, The Interrupted Journey,” appeared. This book chronicled the
“abduction” by ETs of a New England couple, Betty and Barney Hill,
from their car on a New Hampshire highway. They were taken into
a waiting UFO, where they underwent “medical” examinations and
telepathic dialogue with the ETs. They were then returned to their
car. They subsequently experienced amnesia about the incident,
until they were hypnotized by a psychiatrist.
2. John Fuller, The Interrupted Journey (New York: Dial Press, 1966).
Introduction 9

This book did not, however, widely penetrate the popular

consciousness. It really remained for two books to accomplish the
broad public awakening to the fact of ET visitors. These were Budd
Hopkins’ Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods® and
Whitley Strieber’s Communion: A True Story.* In Intruders, Hopkins
recounts the reports of ETs repeatedly visiting a family living in a
rural area near a woods. Communion is Strieber’s own story of his
multiple ET encounters, including his temporary removals to their
UFOs for various examinations and procedures. His intimate, re-
vealing descriptions of his own thoughts, doubts and emotions as
he processed these events gave his report a gripping power that
made it a best seller for a long time.
After these two books appeared and were widely read, it be-
came acceptable for the talk-show hosts and media documentaries
to begin treating the topics of UFOs and ET visitation as more than
jokes or sanity tests. Television documentaries, like Hard Copy,
and the now discontinued Sightings, have featured multiple pre-
sentations on ET contact. They include sober discussions of this
phenomenon by investigators and researchers such as Budd Hop-
kins and David Jacobs. In 1992, Paramount Pictures released a
movie, Fire In The Sky, which was presented as the true story of the
abduction by ETs of Arizona logger Travis Walton onto their hover-
ing saucer, while five of his fellow loggers looked on, dumbfounded.
The five witnesses later passed two series of polygraph tests. Fox’s
1993 introduction of The X-Files has continued the public focus on
ETs, abductions and related themes, while the made-for-cable-TV
film, Official Denial, has brought out the themes of ET visitations
and the government cover-up. The New Yorker magazine in 1992,
featured a cartoon of a bedside removal by four ETs of a man in pa-
jamas, while his wife sat up in bed, nonchalantly observing. She la-
conically asks him if she should tape Murphy Brown (so he can
watch it upon his later return). The remarkable thing about this
cartoon is that it assumes that everyone is aware of the general
“script” of an ET contact and removal, including the nocturnal bed-
room as a frequent site, and the return of the person taken, an hour
or so later. :
On June 17, 1992, the ET contact phenomenon finally pen-
etrated the groves of academia. David Pritchard, Ph.D., a physics
professor at M.I.T., and John Mack, M.D.., a psychiatrist at Harvard
Medical School’s Cambridge Hospital, chaired an “Abduction Study

3. Budd Hopkins, Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods (New York:
Random House, 1987).
4. Whitley Strieber, Communion: A True Story (New York: William Morrow, 1987).
10 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Conference.” This hush-hush, invitation-only scientific gathering

took place at the Physics Department of M.I.T. For five days more
than 150 of the world’s best minds—researchers, professors, psy-
chologists and scientists—came together to present learned pa-
pers. (Government intelligence operatives were also discreetly
There were discussions and debates about the fine points of
ET visitations, their effect on humans, and what the purposes of
these visitations might be. Dr. Boylan gave two presentations. One
was on the diagnosis and psychological counseling of persons re-
acting to an ET visitation experience. The other was on the govern-
ment’s secret program to construct squadrons of flying saucers and
particle-beam, laser, electromagnetic-pulse and fusion weapons to
conduct “Star Wars” against the aliens.°
Astonishingly, during those five days and nights of learned
talks and debate, the question of whether ET visitation was a real-
ity was hardly at issue. The fact of close encounters was assumed
by almost all present! The scientific evidence was just too strong.
Furthermore, reports were presented there on five separate
psychological studies of CE-IV experiencers. In these studies, two
groups of people were compared. One was made up of those report-
ing ET contact. The other was a random selection of ordinary indi-
viduals. Both were administered standard psychological tests for
mental soundness. All five studies reached the same conclusions:
CE-IV experiencers cannot be distinguished from the general pop-
ulation in terms of mental health—both groups registered in the
normal range of psychological functioning.
The implications of the findings of this scientific conference
are rather obvious. Either more than 150 of the best minds in
America and the world are all crazy or incompetent, or the truth of
ET contact as an established scientific fact is about to emerge. The
Proceedings of the Abduction Studies Conference at M.I.T. are, as of
this writing, due to be published very soon.®
The appropriate time has come for the manifestation of the
ET presence among us. We, the experiencers, present to you what
each of us has learned and experienced.
This book will show you the common features of the close
ET encounter experience. You will learn of 20 indicators that point

5. See Richard Boylan, Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses (self-

published, Sacramento, CA: 1992).
6. Andrea Pritchard, Pam Kasey, Claudia Yapp, David E. Pritchard, and John E.
Mack, eds. Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Studies Conference
e mee June 13-17, 1992 (tentative title, self-published, Cambridge, MA:
Introduction 11

to the likelihood that a person has had a close encounter. You will
learn how ET contact affects human beings physically, psychologi-
cally, socially, and spiritually. And you will examine data on just
what kinds of people tend to be visited and temporarily taken by
The individual accounts of close encounters in these pages
will furnish you with vivid descriptions of the details of what can
happen when ETs make contact. The experiencers will tell of the
range of feelings they went through. You will get an idea of how
many different kinds of visitors there are and why each of them feel
they have to make contact. There is even a chapter dedicated to in-
terpreting a representative cross-section of the messages from the
Because persons who have undergone close encounter ex-
periences will be reading this book, we have included a special sec-
tion to address the counseling needs of those who are troubled by
the experiences, and to make recommendations for effective coun-
seling. There is also a listing of professionals from around the world
who have had specialized background in this phenomenon.
This is intended to be a comprehensive book on the close ET
encounter phenomenon. That is not to say that it is the last word
on the subject. The human race is just beginning, on a broadly con-
scious level, to process the reality and implications of having nu-
merous star visitors among us. Further experience and research
will lead to further expansion of our understanding of ET contact.
So, if this book makes you more aware of a larger and more
active cosmos around you than you had thought about previously,
and if it helps you in your processing of that greater awareness,
then its contributors will have accomplished what we set out to ac-
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Common Elements Of
Close ET Encounters
A close extraterrestrial encounter (CE-IV) may be defined
as a physical visit to the immediate location of a human being
by one or more extraterrestrial, three-dimensional, intelligent
beings (ETs), usually for purposes of communication, education
or removal to a UFO craft for special procedures. These CE-IVs
typically result in profound psychological reactions in the sub-
ject. At times, the ETs, too, express strong psychological reac-
tions or emotions to their interaction with humans. Let us
explore the various common elements of such close encounters.
Using a very conservative estimate, based on quartering
the numbers in the 1992 Roper Poll Survey! on ET contact, we
can estimate that an average of more than 3,000 close encoun-
ters (CE-IVs) occur in the United States every 24 hours.
Close encounters occur at any hour of the day or night,
and at almost any place on land, in the air, underground or un-
der the sea. Our astronauts have been shadowed on many
spaceflights by UFOs, and there are reports that when Apollo as-
tronauts first landed on the Moon, they were greeted by several
UFOs resting on the opposite side of a crater from them.

1. Bigelow Holding Company, “Unusual Personal Experiences.”

2. Good, Above Top Secret.
14 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Research data presented at the M.I.T. Abduction Study

Conference indicates that the most common hours for CE-IVs are
at night, with greatest frequency towards the middle of the night.
My own research with CE-IV experiencers indicates similar conclu-
Who experiences close ET encounters? The ET visitors are
equal opportunity contacters. The rich, poor and middle-class all
are visited. While most reports of encounters come from whites,
significant numbers of Hispanics, African-Americans and other
groups also report contacts. Close encounter literature gives the
impression that whites receive a disproportionate share of contacts
but this may be an artifact of the tendency of whites to have greater
and more comfortable access to media, psychologists and research-
ers in the United States. The ETs have given no indication of pref-
erence for social position or wealth. University professors, welfare
mothers, military officers and waitresses have all reported such en-
The vast majority of close encounters are individual, in that
at the point of contact, one human being encounters one or more
ETs. This is not to imply that the contacted human is always alone
at the point of contact. There are many occasions when the “intend-
ed” individual human is sleeping next to a spouse or partner who
is not a participant in the contact. The ETs exercise an ability to
telepathically prevent the sleeping spouse or partner from waking
as the target individual leaves the bed, despite the movements of
the intended subject, the intense light that frequently floods the
bedroom and the noises accompanying the encounter—for exam-
ple, the “dynamo” hum of a UFO hovering outside. Of course, not
all bedroom encounters result in extractions to hovering craft. On
numerous occasions ETs have apparently conducted telepathic
“conversations” or information exchanges by way of mentally-im-
posed visualizations of scenes conveying specific impressions. ETs
have frequently made contact with children while their parents
slept, unaware, in the next bedroom. Baby monitors reported noth-
ing, at least nothing that the parents heard. Home burglar alarms
and motion sensors were not activated, or were perhaps temporari-
ly rendered inoperative by the ETs.
Not all contacts occur at night or while the subjects are
asleep. Daytime encounters with ETs are also quite common. Like
nocturnal encounters, they usually involve one human subject.
Often the individual “just happens to be” alone in a locale, which is
quite isolated. My impression from the literature and my own re-
search is that the ETs prefer a rural, remote, or, even better, wil-
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters 15

derness setting. (This may reflect the ecological sensibilities of the

ETs, or less romantically, their sensitivity to environmental pollut-
ants—smog, intense electromagnetic fields, cleaning solvent
fumes, etc.—that abound in most urban settings. Remote settings
also simplify the task of making contact with the individual without
alerting or alarming other humans. Also, remote settings may en-
able subjects to “come down” from their close encounters and re-
flect on what happened, particularly if they have partial memory
blocking but suspect that something odd has just gone on.)
But this is not to imply that there may not be other humans
accompanying the “intended” person during an ET contact. Nor
should the reader get the impression that such contact happens
only in remote or dimly lit locations. Although no ET close encoun-
ters have (yet) taken place in the middle of the bleachers at a World
Series game while the crowd watches, plenty of CE-IVs have oc-
curred in suburbs, in central city core areas and even on military
bases and in governmental offices. One Hispanic woman had an ET
contact in which she was removed to a craft overhead while riding
in her uncle’s car in heavy traffic on one of the busiest streets in a
northern California city. According to the witness, the other cars on
the street just stood still, and the people inside them did not move
or notice what was happening to her. Two of the experiencers
whose accounts appear in this book had an evening, waking-state,
brief encounter with two short ETs in the lower level of a house full
of guests in the Berkeley, California, hills. Two ETs appeared short-
ly after an immense, brilliantly lit saucer the size of an aircraft car-
rier paused directly across from them as they stood on the balcony.
A few minutes after the UFO moved on, the ETs skittered by behind
the experiencer, who turned around in time to see them turn a cor-
ner and go down a hallway.
Several Air Force enlisted men serving guard duty around
the nuclear weapons storage area at an Air Force base encountered
an ET while investigating strange lights that came down out of the
sky near a perimeter fence. Unfortunately for interplanetary rela-
tions, one airman fired his weapon, killing the ET.? And at least one
world political leader has had a close encounter with two ETs dur-
ing a meeting with his top advisers, according to USAF Lt. Col.
(Ret.) Donald M. Ware, Eastern Regional Director for MUFON.*
When subjects have been in the company of others, the ETs have
shown ingenuity in effectively separating them from their compan-

3. Good, Above Top Secret.

4. Michael Lindemann, ed., UFOs and the Alien Presence (Santa Barbara, CA: The
2020 Group, 1991).
16 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

ions. If, for example, a group of persons are on a hike or picnic, the
focal individual may feel a sudden urge to explore a side path or
wander over to see what’s on the other side of a hill. If a group is
clustered together in a car or living room, others may be “switched
off’ by the ETs. (Their state of conscious alertness and their usual
ability to notice the passage of time is suspended.) The focal indi-
viduals then have their encounter with the ETs, with or without re-
moval from the place of contact. When the contact is over and the
subject is returned to the point of contact, then both the compan-
ions and the subject are “switched back on” to ordinary conscious-
ness. Usually, no one is aware that anything has happened or that
any unaccounted-for time has passed. Later, one or more persons
may think, “Gee, it’s getting late! Where did the time go?” Only if
the “missing time” is considerable will they begin to look for expla-
People of all ages are contacted. Encounters can happen
to an infant in a crib. Senior adults report contacts. So do children,
teens, young adults and the middle-aged. (My research indicates
that the “average” person reporting contacts to researchers is mid-
It has only become acceptable in the past year or two to
admit to a serious professional that people from another planet
have visited you. Only recently have serious books and documen-
taries treated ET encounters as real events. And only recently has
the general public discovered that serious, sincere, empathetic
therapists are making themselves available to help people share
and make sense out of their experiences, and get support for the
emotional processing they must endure. Most middle-aged experi-
encers I counsel report contacts over a period of several decades.
Of these, the minority have rather complete conscious memory of
their contacts. They have experienced decades of feeling there was
no one to turn to without fear of being locked up. In other cases,
these middle-aged experiencers had forgotten their contacts be-
cause of the tendency of the mind to repress into the unconscious
mind those memories it finds too bizarre or frightening to come to
terms with. In still other cases, the suppression of memory has
been in response to posthypnotic suggestion given by the ETs that
the experiencer will not remember the close encounter until a later
date. In yet other cases, the memory is not available because the
person was given a substitute “screen memory” by the ETs. A
screen memory is a mental visualization, telepathically imposed by
an ET on an experiencer’s mind, which causes the experiencer to
see, hear and “remember” certain details of the close encounter
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters 17

with substitute memories that are generally more acceptable and

more prosaic to the experiencer. One experiencer told of a child-
hood encounter when she was five. The ET popped out from behind
a tree in her back yard. She remembered the event as seeing “Cas-
par, the Friendly Ghost.” Years later, she explored that anomalous
memory during CE-IV debriefing and hypnotherapy with me. (She
had already retrieved adult memories of close encounters, which
were only partially blocked.) Another experiencer thought she saw
Jesus Christ come down the ramp of a shiny landed craft. Upon
closer examination in hypnotherapy, she was startled to “see
through” the superficial facial image of “Jesus.” Underneath it, she
saw the two large, dark, slanted eyes (with no pupils) and the en-
larged, sloped head of an ET.
Young adults, because they are reporting experiences that
happened to them when they were children, are relating events that
happened mostly within the past decade. Within this age segment
of experiencers, I find the same patterns of memory suppression,
the message of delay in retrieving memories until a better time and
the widespread “surfacing” of these CE-IV memories during the last
several years, principally in the early 1990s. Children’s reports are
usually of recent events, often within the past two years, because
they are only a few years old. Children seem particularly likely to
“remember” their contacts as screen memories, perhaps because of
the pliable nature of the child’s mind. Children live in the imaginal
world until they are close to puberty. It also appears that the ETs
especially wish to avoid jarring the tender sensibilities of these little
ones, about whose rearing and education the ETs have given a
number of messages to adults during close encounters. Thus, chil-
dren have reported seeing the ETs as a glowing ball that hovers, or
as a “beautiful lady.”
These accounts of delayed recalls and memory screens
agree with the messages that a number of experiencers have re-
ceived from the ETs, who told them that they would not remember
their encounters until a later, more opportune time. The great
number of experiencers whose memories have awakened in the
early 1990s suggests that that time is now. A number of the expe-
riencers I work with have received explicit or intuitive ET messages
during 1992 that “Now is the time.” Some are more precise, report-
ing their sense that a major manifestation of the presence of ETs
on earth will occur during 1993. Perhaps not coincidentally, the
past two years have seen an explosion of media and print coverage
of close encounters as regular news. Surprisingly, much of this ex-
posure is in the mainstream press and on network television;
18 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

whereas previous CE-IV reports were usually sensationalized, fan-

tastic tales carried in tabloids.
Curiously, the reaction of the U.S. government—particular-
ly of its tried-and-true organs, the Air Force press officers—has
been deafening silence. (Or perhaps, prudent silence, because in
recent decades they have been taken out of the loop.) The task of
simultaneously keeping track of ET contacts and preventing infor-
mation leakage about ET presence to the public has been handled
by secret units within a few agencies unknown to many Americans.
These include:
the National Security Agency,
the Defense Intelligence Agency,
the Air Force Special Security Service,
the National Program Office (with cooperation from the
CIA’s Special Security Office and the FBI’s Counter-
Intelligence Division).>®
My reading of the events of 1992-1993 is that effective con-
trol of the gradual leaking of information about UFOs and ET pres-
ence has been taken away from the government, by reason of the
ETs’ own “game plan,” which appears to call for an acceleration of
human awareness of the ET contact and message. The ETs are
“waking up” so many hundreds of thousands of Americans that it
is not physically possible for the government, even with its tens of
thousands of intelligence operatives, to successfully keep the lid
on. (I can only speak informedly about the American scene, but
scattered reports from other countries, and a conference on ET
contact held at the United Nations October 2, 1992, suggest the
phenomenon is worldwide.) The fact that ETs are regularly contact-
ing and interacting with huge numbers of Americans (and others)
is becoming known to the public. This book is just one more such
example. All that is left for the government to attempt is “spin con-
trol” of UFOs (no pun intended). Available evidence suggests that
the current government “spin” plan involves gradual planted leaks
about UFOs and ETs among us, with the “spin” that these aliens
are menacing, aggressive, nightmarish creatures who rape inno-
cent women and children and who are possibly bent on creating a
race of hybrids to take over the earth. Traditional disinformation
campaigns utilize “reputable” and “famous” authors and scientists
(some of whom are controlled by intelligence handlers) who write,
me het iy Sess eer eran ee toupee bh Be
5. Good, Above Top Secret.
6. William F. Hamilton, III, Cosmic Top Secret: America’s Secret UFO Program (New
Brunswick, NJ: Inner Light Publications, 1991) p. 91.
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters LS

give interviews and otherwise disseminate views consistent with

the shadow government “spin” line.
Contrary to a few current books on ET contact that report
mainly on cases involving human females, focusing on their vaginal
exams by ETs, and supposed lurid breeding procedures, the find-
ings of other investigators and my own research conclude that both
sexes are almost equally likely to have ET contact. My research has
found that men constitute 46% of those having close encounters.
These numbers may not represent the complete picture, because a
large number of close encounters have happened to military per-
sonnel, according to investigators’ reports. My research sample in-
cludes ex-military personnel who report contact while they were on
active duty. Of course, the huge preponderance of military person-
nel are male, and all of these are under strictest National Security
Act regulations not to talk about any UFO/ET-related matters.
Are there any special categories of persons whom the ETs
are more likely to contact? Based on my research and anecdotal re-
ports of other researchers’ findings, there seems to be among expe-
riencers an over-representation of Native Americans, psychics,
persons who were severely sexually or physically abused as chil-
dren, adult children of high-ranking or sensitively posted military
officers, offspring of intelligence agents and children whose par-
ent(s) were themselves experiencers. What are the reasons for this?
I do not know, nor have I heard any other researcher report a rea-
son. I can only make an educated guess, based on my slight under-
standing of the mindset and culture of some of the ETs, which I
have derived from listening to hundreds of hours of experiencers’
reports and dramatic emotional reliving of their encounters under
It is my surmise that Native Americans are more likely to be
selected because their culture—at least the tribes I have studied
the most, the Hopi and the Lakota (Sioux)— has a tradition of visi-
tors from the sky who bring important messages and have special
powers. The Hopi call these visitors Kachinas; the Lakota refer to
them as the Star People. Thus, Native Americans are more likely by
culture to be open to visits by celestial travelers. In one of his
books, Wallace Black Elk, the noted Lakota medicine person, open-
ly discussed a visit by ETs during one of his vision-quest isolation
rituals. He reported that he joked with them and that they respond-
ed with amusement.

7. Wallace Black Elk and William S. Lyon, Black Elk: The Sacred Ways of the Lakota
(San Francisco: Harper, 1991).
20 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Psychics and many persons who have been severely sexual-

ly or physically abused in childhood have a certain quality in com-
mon. Both have a highly permeable psychological “boundary layer.”
This results in their attention to subtle external signals—what we
call intuition or sensitivity to “vibes.” They can read emotion as a
carrier of information and have a heightened attunement to the
thinking of others. Since the ETs we deal with almost invariably use
mental telepathy as their means of communication among them-
selves and with earthlings, they may be able to more easily “read”
human psychics and survivors of severe childhood abuse from afar.
Indeed, it appears to be the very plight of severe childhood abuse
that draws the sympathetic ETs to first start visiting a particular
child who is abused. Repeatedly during regression investigations I
have heard that ETs brought to a sad, frightened, lonely abused
child a message of love, an assurance that things will get better lat-
er in life and that the concerned ET will always be the child’s friend.
Children of intelligence officers, high-ranking military offic-
ers, and officers with sensitive postings (e.g., covert projects) may
be over-represented among experiencers because their parents,
who often do not feel free to talk to civilian researchers, have them-
selves been contacted, because of their involvement in operations
involving government-ET formal contacts, the cover-up of intelli-
gence information on the ET presence on earth, or work on high-
tech aerospace vehicles and weapon systems. My research case-
load strongly points to such an association and other researchers’
reports suggest similar conclusions. In such circumstances, this
would be another instance of the trend that the children of parents
who have had ET encounters are more likely themselves to have
also been contacted. The ETs appear to be trying to mentally influ-
ence whomever they can among the government participants in the
cover-up to experience the ETs for themselves as real, friendly, and
determined to steer humankind toward advanced consciousness
and away from warlike endeavors. This is the ETs’ relatively gentle
mental response to the government’s anti-alien psychological war-
fare disinformation campaign, which has been waged on the Amer-
ican people for 45 years.
The relationship between parents having ET contact and
their children having such contact seems relatively straightfor-
ward. Of course there is the proximity factor: if parents are visited
in one bedroom, it is a short walk to the children’s bedroom. And,
during daytime, children are often not very far from their parents.
But I believe the relationship is based on more interior factors, too.
Children largely participate to a marked degree in the mental out-
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters DAI

look of their parents. Parents and children are linked by lifetimes

of close mental association. The ETs operate within their culture of
telepathic, no-mental-boundaries, group-shared consciousness—
what I call the “collective mind field.” They do not operate from the
highly individualistic perspective of modern American culture.
Thus, the ETs find it natural to operate between the semi-shared
consciousness of parents and children. So they visit and try to
mentally influence both.
Let us now take a look at the common types of experiences
that tend to occur during a close ET encounter. And let me empha-
size that in cataloging the following common elements of close en-
counters, I do not imply that all these elements occur in every CE-
IV, nor that the elements necessarily occur in the order I have pre-
sented them here. (I disagree with the regimented approach that
David Jacobs proposes, and I believe that he may be wrong in sug-
gesting that there is only one blueprint or “script” for all close en-
First, there often is the pre-signal of a close encounter. This
may be the sighting of a distant UFO, which gradually draws near-
er, or it could be awakening at night to find an intense beam of
light—white with a bluish tinge—streaming in through your bed-
room window. Or it could be seeing floating globes of iridescent col-
ored light hovering nearby. In some cases the pre-signal may be an
unusual ringing in one’s ear. Or it may be a tingling sensation or
other strange feeling. In some cases there appears to be no pre-
Then there is the encounter with one or more ETs. The ap-
pearance of the ET may be sudden—seemingly out of nowhere—or
gradual, as when an ET emerges from a UFO. Perhaps the most
dramatic appearances occur when the ET floats down in a beam of
light from a hovering UFO, comes floating down through the ceiling
or walks through a glass door without opening it. Sometimes a per-
son will turn around in a supposedly empty room after sensing a
“presence,” to find an ET standing in a dark corner or in an open
Usually the next element is the contact. This contact may be
physical or mental at first. If it is mental, one of the first messages
the ET communicates telepathically is often equivalent to: “Don’t be
afraid,” “You will not be hurt,” or “It’s all right.” Or it may simply be
an intense close-up stare that communicates loving. Other mes-
sages may be: “Come this way,” or “We must go somewhere.” Often

8. David Jacobs, Secret Life (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).
22 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

just a mental visualization is transmitted of a UFO hovering above

the house, or of the back yard, where the ET wants the human to
walk so that he/she can be taken up from there by the transport
beam to the UFO. On many occasions the ETs do not take the hu-
man anywhere, but conduct their telepathic conversation or men-
tal visualizations “lecture” at the point of first contact. On some
visits, a medical scanning of the person is accomplished, apparent-
ly for diagnostic or follow-up purposes. Healing procedures have
sometimes been conducted in bedrooms or other first-contact sites
without removing the individual to a UFO.
If the contact is physical, it may consist of the ET placing
his/her hand on the temples or forehead of the human. This may
be to relax tense subjects or to facilitate the transmission of mes-
sages or to adjust energy fields. In other instances, ETs may grasp
the arm of a human, to guide him along a desired path. Contrary
to 1950s horror/science-fiction movies, I have heard of no case
where ETs grabbed a human by the throat, fired a laser pistol at a
human, or otherwise acted violently.
A frequent element of close encounters is partial paralysis.
It is not clear whether this is accomplished by mental (hypnotic)
suggestion or by the use of a directed energy field of some kind. The
purpose, as explained by certain ETs, is to assure that the humans
do not hurt themselves by struggling violently or thrashing about.
This appears to be particularly important when the human is being
directed through solid walls, up the transport beam to the UFO or
onto the medical table, particularly if laser surgery or delicate ex-
ams or implant procedures are to take place. The paralysis also ap-
pears to have a psychologically calming effect. It places the human
in a more resigned, passive mindset so that he can focus more on
what is going on than on planning ways to run away.
The paralysis is partial. People report that their minds work
as before and that the functions of breathing, heartbeat, and eye
scanning are unaffected. There seems, also, to be some flexibility in
the paralysis. People can assume different body poses on the UFO
medical table, and many people report walking from room to room
inside the UFO. A few persons have reported using extreme mental
focus and effort to overcome the paralysis, so as to strike an ET or
attempt to run away inside the UFO. The response has often been
to surround the human, grasp him and return him to where he
Another common aspect of close encounters is transport.
While not all CE-IVs involve removal of the person contacted to an-
other location, certainly many do. The locale that the ETs move a
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters 23

person to is often a “scout ship.” This is often a flying saucer, per-

haps 30 to 50 feet in diameter. Or it may be triangular, bell-shaped,
inverted-ice-cream-cone-shaped or a craft of some other configura-
tion, but of similar proportions. In fewer instances, the human is
taken to a huge “mother ship” as large as an aircraft carrier, or, in
some cases, up to two miles long. This type of craft is often of
“blimp” shape, and is usually very high, at the edge of the earth’s
atmosphere or in space. In other instances, humans have been tak-
en to large excavations (“caves”) in the sides of mountains that are
concealed by camouflaged doors. There are a few scattered reports
of ETs taking humans to an underground base where American
uniformed personnel—apparently military—seem to be equally in
charge with the aliens.
The moving of the human to the UFO is accomplished by
having the person walk into the UFO (if it is resting on the ground)
or by lifting him up into the UFO by means of an “antigravity beam”
(if it is hovering in the sky). This beam is most often described as
an intense bluish-white light. It is broad enough so that the hu-
man(s) and ET(s) can all ascend simultaneously, and it shines
down from the UFO to the ground to serve as an energy “elevator.”
If the close encounter involves transport to the craft, com-
mon aspects of activity there are:
scientific/medical examinations,
telepathic communication,
mental visualization “lectures,”
healing procedures and, in some instances,
procedures oriented towards the reproductive system.
The term scientific/medical examination reflects an as-
sumption human participants make about what the ETs are doing.
There is some supportive evidence for calling it this. When a person
is taken to a craft, often the person is taken to a room, told to get
undressed, taken to an examination table or reclining chair such
as found in dentists’ offices and placed on it. The table/chair may
be of an unknown material, somewhat like metallic plastic, some-
times hard, sometimes somewhat yielding. There is no fabric cov-
ering. The examination may include the ETs using their hands to
physically feel (palpate) all tissue areas of the human’s body, a vi-
sual examination of the mouth interior, and the use of a medical
probe, often lighted, to learn the condition of nasal, rectal, urethral,
and vaginal passageways. Sometimes the results learned from the
exam are communicated to the human, particularly if some worri-
some condition is identified or if the human asks why a certain pro-
cedure was necessary. The purpose of the exam appears to be for
24 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

the ETs to determine the subject’s physical and genetic levels and
their overall health status. Occasionally an ET will communicate to
the human that a medical condition needs attention and will indi-
cate that either the human should consult an earth doctor about
treating it or that it can and will be dealt with later. Sometimes
strong light, often colored, is shone down on the examinee, for what
may be phototherapy.
Telepathic communication almost invariably takes place
aboard a craft. Contactees who state that the ETs never talked to
them are usually found to have blocked memories. When they are
subsequently hypnotised and regressed by a skilled therapist, usu-
ally there is recall of nonverbal messages from the ETs. The content
of the telepathic conversations between the ETs and the human
varies widely. Some topics have been: the worrisome condition of
planet Earth, why the ETs have come, where they come from, the
need for humans to become more caring for each other, whether
the human remembers his/her real origin and nature (which they
may imply is ET), etc. Usually the ETs take the initiative in commu-
nicating, but on occasions they provide responses to inquiries from
the humans. On other occasions some ETs decline to answer ques-
tions, leaving some humans puzzled or disappointed.
Often a feeling of love is communicated along with the mes-
Sages. Occasionally an ET will sound stern or angry, if upset by
something that earth people are doing that is terribly wrong. Be-
cause of the shared telepathic mind field, the human can “over-
hear” conversations between ETs. One experiencer reported
receiving the impression that one ET was very angry with another
ET for bungling a certain procedure.
Mental visualization “lectures” are also common features on
board UFOs. In many cases, visualizations appear to be directly
presented to the mind of the experiencer when an ET places its
large eyes close to the eyes of the human. This creates an intimate
hypnotic-telepathic field through which the ET can convey images
it wishes the human to see. Sometimes these scenes are from the
individual’s past personal history. In some instances, the experi-
encer is shown his/her own personal future—either scenes of what
will happen or of what could happen if certain choices are made. In
other instances the human is shown vivid scenes of the earth’s fu-
ture, sometimes including geophysical cataclysms, ecological
blights, urban riots, limited nuclear war, abandoned cities and
post-holocaust living. These scenes are evidently intended as warn-
ings that we humans must change our attitudes about the earth
and about each other. I have not come across any experiencer ac-
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters 25

counts of ETs practicing psychological torture by gratuitously

showing humans scenes of, for example, loved ones maimed, just
to study how humans react emotionally, as David Jacobs asserts is
common in his book, Secret Life.? (This sounds similar to the secret
government “spin” line that projects elements from military-intelli-
gence psychological warfare techniques.)
Healing procedures are sometimes performed aboard UFOs.
While the technology used is often so exotic that the human subject
cannot tell what is being done or explain the equipment used, a
number of humans have reported ET cures of conditions previously
diagnosed by earth doctors as needing attention. In other instanc-
es, the ETs diagnose and cure the condition during the on-board
experience. Treatments and cures have been reported for condi-
tions like ovarian cysts, coronary valve disorder, vaginal yeast in-
fection and obstructed nasal passage. Some procedures resemble
medical treatments, but the preparations or techniques used are so
unfamiliar that the subject cannot be sure what they are for. In this
category of uncertain procedures belongs the matter of “implants.”
Certain persons taken aboard craft report that objects smaller than
peas are inserted up their nasal cavities or through the roofs of
their mouths and lodged near the frontal lobe of the brain. Others
have reported implants in the legs, arms or other areas of the body.
The purpose of these implants is uncertain. Some writers have
speculated that they serve as “tags” or transponders that allow ETs
to monitor the location of the experiencer from afar. My intuition
tells me that an implant serves as a biologically compatible “com-
puter chip’—a sort of extra brain lobe—to enhance telepathic com-
munication, particularly message reception.
A long needle is sometimes used to insert an implant. Some
experiencers have reported that this process is extremely painful.
When they cry out and ask why the ET is doing this, the ET replies,
“It is necessary,” implying an important reason exists that the hu-
man could not be expected to understand. In such cases, the ET
apparently misses the point of the experiencer’s question, which is
more an expression of how much it hurt than a search for the rea-
son behind the procedure. The ETs’ naiveté about human pain lev-
els suggests that ET biology is quite different. Perhaps their nasal-
palate area is not so richly supplied with nerve endings as is a hu-
man’s. When the ET finally comprehends that it is the level of pain
that the human is excited about, the ET is often reported to use a

9. Jacobs, Secret Life.

26 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

touching or hypnotic staring procedure to induce anesthesia,

whereupon the pain promptly stops.
On some occasions, the ETs perform procedures that appear
oriented toward reproductive material. Some experiencers have had
ovum samples or sperm samples taken while on board. The ETs
have inserted ultra-thin tubing up the urethra of the male or the
vagina of the female to acquire these samples. In other cases a nee-
dle is inserted through the abdominal wall directly into the ovary.
A similar ET procedure appears to be for the purpose of implanting
a fertilized ovum back into the woman’s uterus. The woman often
receives a telepathic message that this child will be special. Subse-
quently the woman gives birth to and rears a human-appearing
child with exceptional intelligence, cosmic awareness, and/or psy-
chic powers. A number of experiencers have deduced that the ETs
are engaging in genetic engineering and/or partial hybridization to
gradually enhance the overall abilities of the human race and pro-
vide leaders with superior abilities during the predicted difficult
transition times ahead. My research seems to support this hypoth-
Some women have reported becoming mysteriously preg-
nant while they were celibate. The resultant “miracle” babies often
turn out to be unusually gifted. Others become pregnant and carry
the fetus for up to three months, then suddenly learn from their ob-
stetrician that there is no fetus and they have had a false pregnan-
cy. Around this time the woman may have had an unusual, vivid
dream, and may have awakened the next morning with a vaginal
discharge, although without signs of a spontaneous abortion. This
“missing fetus syndrome” may have an explanation. A few experi-
encers have reported that they recalled seeing ETs take something
very small out of their vaginas. And others remember being direct-
ed to temporarily hold and nurture a small hybrid infant that
looked more alien than human.
Both male and female experiencers have been given mes-
sages that they have a child, or children, not on earth. We deduce
from these accounts that some ETs are engaged in two-way hybrid-
ization efforts:
1) to enhance the abilities of babies who look essentially hu-
man and will grow up on earth, and
2) to rear hybrids who have more of the ET inheritance and
appearance, but also presumably have some useful
human attributes and who grow up elsewhere.
What those human attributes are that the ETs seem to want
in their mixed-heritage offspring is unclear and is the subject of in-
Common Elements Of Close ET Encounters 27

tense debate among CE-IV researchers. It is also the basis for some
of the most intense and poignant emotions among experiencers,
who often feel an intense longing to see and be with their predom-
inantly ET hybrid children. Some of these parent-experiencers have
been told that the predominantly ET child cannot live on earth and
would come to harm if the earth mother were to attempt to rear the
child on earth.
What will be the destiny and mission of the predominantly
ET hybrid children as they become adults is not clear now. We can
only hope that they, like their parents from other star systems and
their parents from earth, may have roles to play in the development
of fuller understanding and peaceful coexistence during the contin-
ued commingling of ET and earth civilizations.
Thus far I have discussed ET encounters aboard UFOs from
the perspective of the individual taken aboard. However, on many
occasions, the individual will see other humans on board, who also
appear to be subjects of ET scientific investigations and/or medical
procedures. A number of experiencers have noted that the other
people they saw looked nervous or confused. Sometimes the other
humans looked impassive and seemed to stare straight ahead, sug-
gesting that their active consciousness may have been “switched
off’ until it was time for their individual examination. Experiencers
have seen fellow family members on adjacent examination tables,
or taken to adjacent rooms. In many cases, the person being de-
briefed can recall seeing nude people of both sexes on adjacent ex-
amination tables or waiting in a line in a hallway nearby.
Experiencers never seem to take note of this unusual social cir-
cumstance unless directly asked. And I have no reports of sexual
thoughts or sexual arousal by experiencers as a result of the group
nudity situation. It is as though the CE-IV experience places the ex-
periencer in a special state of consciousness in which the normal
reactions of the earthbound life pattern are suspended.
On several occasions, groups of people have been taken
aboard UFOs en masse. In October of 1992, three adults and two
babies were motoring between the San Francisco Bay Area and
Sacramento on Interstate 80. At Cordelia Junction, the car was di-
verted off the highway, apparently by some type of mental com-
mand. The whole car with its five occupants was taken up into a
nearby UFO, while the two babies slept in the back seat. The ETs
conversed with the three adults individually, asking each about the
others, quite aware they were a group of friends who knew each
28 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

We have thus far explored the most common features of

close ET encounters. This should not be considered a comprehen-
sive overview of every CE-IV contact, for each contact is unique, in
the same way every human and every ET is unique in personality,
outlook and behavioral style. And the agenda of contacts shifts as
people become more aware of the ET presence among us.
More precise and individual stories of what happens during
ET encounters will be presented in the following chapters, in which
experiencers will present their own accounts.
As you examine these accounts—and those of your friends,
family members, neighbors and coworkers, you will see an ever
clearer picture of what the ET contact phenomenon means. And
that should equip you with the basic information and perspective
you need to become part of the solution, as humans and ETs grap-
ple with the problem of how to live together in a “world” that is no
longer defined by one planet.
2 6
20 Signs That Indicate
Close ET Encounters

A close encounter with an ET being is becoming more

recognized as a possibility in any person’s life. And the millions
of people who have read books like Communion,! Encounters,
and Secret Life * recognize that the majority of people who have
had ET encounters experience partial or complete blocking of
the memory, sometimes for years. So, whether people are merely
curious about the way ET contacts affect humans or wonder if
they themselves are experiencers, a list of possible indicators of
a close ET encounter can be useful.
I based the following list on the results of my years of
personal investigation of more than 104 cases and intensive
study of hundreds of cases investigated by others. It focuses on
psychological or physical signs that are closely associated with
the ET contact experience.
To use this indicator list properly, people fale to deter-
mine whether they have experienced close encounters should al-
ready have independent, previously existing reasons for

1. Strieber, Communion.
2. Fiore, Encounters.
3. Jacobs, Secret Life.
30 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

suspecting ET contact. For instance, they might remember an

anomalous incident that resembles something odd that happened
to an experiencer around the time of a close encounter. Or they
might recall a memory fragment similar to one an experiencer re-
called after a close encounter.
One example of a high-quality “candidate” anomalous event
is having a UFO approach within a quarter-mile. (My personal rule
of thumb, which comes from examining many cases with this cir-
cumstance present, is that anyone who has had a UFO approach
within a quarter-mile has probably had a concurrent close encoun-
ter, whether the person consciously remembers it or not.) Memory
fragments worth pursuing include recurrent “flashbacks” of a rec-
ognizable ET face very near yours, staring at you intensely, coupled
with having a very vivid dream involving scenes of being taken
aboard a craft.
Another word of caution: readers who apply this list to
themselves should have ready access to an understanding friend,
in case the act of reflecting on the various indicator signs triggers
a memory that has been previously buried.
Furthermore, this list should not be considered as fool
proof, even if most of the signs appear to apply. Proof of the reality
of a suspected close encounter will ordinarily come after consulting
a psychologist, psychiatrist, hypnotherapist or other mental health
professional trained to work with close encounter experiencers.
The reason many of the nonphysical signs in this list apply
to persons with ET contact history is because such contact, wheth-
er remembered or repressed into the unconscious, exerts powerful
effects on the mind of the experiencer trying to come to grips with
the highly unusual experience.

Twenty Indicators of Possibly Having Had

a Close ET Encounter.

1. Unexplained Persistent Anxiety Or Restlessness After Expe-

riencing An Event That Has No Ordinary Explanation. :
This sign in itself does not distinguish a close encounter
from other unusual events. It may be significant if other, more pre-
cise indicators of ET contact are present, in which case it can help
support the other evidence. The symptom occurs when repressed
memory of a close encounter struggles to surface in the conscious
mind, but meanwhile remains unconscious. Therefore the experi-
encer cannot work through the anxiety associated with the ET con-
tact, because his/her conscious mind says nothing happened.
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 31

Example: Waking up with a vague memory of an extraordi-

narily powerful “police helicopter searchlight” shin-
ing in one’s bedroom the previous night.
Example: Feeling an almost overwhelming sensation of a
presence in the bedroom and hearing footsteps, but
nothing visible is recalled.
Example: Seeing a very exotic-looking fighter jet fly 200 feet
overhead silently, turn on a dime and fly away again
with no sound.

2. A Strong Fearful Reaction When Confronted With Objects,

Pictures, Stories, Films, etc., that Are Associated With Close
ET Encounters.
Example: An unusually panicky reaction to first viewing
the ET face on the cover of the book Communion (al-
though that face is probably a distortion of one
race’s actual appearance). This panicky reaction
goes well beyond a mere revulsion at the perceived
ugliness or bizarreness of that face and hints at the
inner mind’s knowing what the conscious mind
doesn’t remember. This symptom happens when the
fright at some aspect of the close encounter is bot-
tled up in the unconscious mind and cannot get re-
leased and worked through.
Example: An inexplicable refusal to watch a movie featur-
ing “alien abductions.”
Example: A small child’s unexplained sudden fearful reac-
tion to shadows on her bedroom wall formed by light
coming in the window.
Example: A man’s sudden developing of spooky feelings
about a certain stretch of road, which he will drive
out of his way to avoid traveling.

3. Persistent Insomnia After A Highly Unusual Event And/Or

Nightmares With Themes Of UFOs, ETs Or Close Encounters.
Of course, insomnia by itself does not prove that a close en-
counter happened, even after an anomalous event. At best, like In-
dicator #1, it can serve as an additional indication when other
evidence is present. Persistent nightmares with close encounter el-
ements are fairly strong indicators of a close encounter. This symp-
32 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

tom suggests that a repressed memory of a close encounter is

almost breaking through to the conscious mind.
Example: The developing of nightly restlessness after see-
ing a UFO hover over a neighbor’s house.
Example: A pattern of waking up at 3:00 A.M. nightly with-
out reason, and recalling that this pattern started
several days ago after an unusually vivid, three-di-
mensional, lifelike “dream” featuring several hood-
ed, robed entities standing around the foot of the
bed staring at you.

4. Repeated Daytime Thinking About, Daydreaming About Or

Dreaming Extremely Vivid “Dreams” About UFOs, ETs Or Close
The indicator here is the obsessed and repetitive quality of
the thinking, daydreaming or dreaming. Because normal people do
not spend an inordinate amount of time on such topics, the ques-
tion of what is driving such a fixation arises. These symptoms sug-
gest that the person may have had an intense close encounter
experience, which left them fascinated, feeling highly bonded to the
ETs or puzzled in an intensely curious way.
Example: A man notices that for a while now he finds his
spare time thinking unusually centered on wonder-
ing about UFOs and actually planning a trip toa
place where they have been frequently spotted.
Example: A woman has a “dream” about an ET telling her
of a future event, and then that event happens as

5. Compulsive Behavior Concerning UFOs Or ETs, Such As Vo-

luminous Reading About UFOs.
This may be another indicator of a close encounter memory
that is buried in the unconscious mind but drives the person
master the experience, which the unconscious mind knows
pened, by learning everything possible about it.
Example: One latent experiencer, during seventh and
eighth grades, read every single science-fiction book
dealing with life on other worlds ina large suburban
library (more than 100 books).
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 33

Example: A woman who usually has no interest in scientific

or “bizarre” topics finds herself drawn to conferenc-
es where UFO sightings are discussed, and she de-
vours material on the newest physics explanations
for advanced propulsion systems and the interrela-
tionship of gravity and electromagnetism.
6. Unexplained Moodiness Or Irritability After An Anomalous
This indicator is again one of the less precise signs, and is
chiefly useful to provide additional evidence when other stronger
indicators are present. Everyone in a rotten mood has not had a
close encounter with an alien. On the other hand, experiencers
(particularly new experiencers), jarred by the unprecedented occur-
rence, can have what some people have called “ET PMS.” This
symptom arises because the unnerving experience is repressed
from conscious memory, and the jangled nerves cannot work
through the feelings because conscious memory says nothing hap-
Example: A normally placid, easygoing man developed
grouchy, headachy, short-fused snappishness that
is totally out of character after he noticed that a car
trip across open country the previous evening inex-
plicably took two hours longer than it ever had be-
fore. Furthermore, he noticed a bruise on his upper
arm the next morning that he cannot recall any ba-
sis for.

7. Body Symptoms Or Marks Characteristic Of A Close ET En-

This can be one of the most powerful indicators on the list,
if used wisely. The key here is twofold: one or more unusual marks
or body symptoms, and no ordinary explanation for how the marks
got there, or how the symptoms arose. It is not possible to go into
the entire list of body marks closely associated with ET contact. A
partial list of such marks, which are usually found upon arising af-
ter sleep, would include:
ea scooped-out skin and subsurface tissue, which does not
bleed or hurt, and which heals promptly;
ea straight-line cut that leaves no blood and is already start-
ing to heal;
34 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

* blood in the nose in the morning, particularly after a vivid

“dream” with CE-IV themes in the absence of a his-
tory of bloody noses or a medical condition or injury
that would explain the bloody nose;
ea pattern of inexplicable needle marks after sleep; and
eskin bruising or light contusions in the pattern of long fin-
ger marks.
Body symptoms are again too numerous to list completely
here. A partial list of such symptoms includes:
*° a ringing, especially in only one ear, and episodically, in
association with anomalous incidents;
e after an anomalous incident a feeling of persistent disori-
entation, loss of motivation, and a severe sense that
the world has become nonordinary, along with a
sense of new personal strangeness;
¢ suddenly lowered metabolism without medical explana-
tion, as indicated, for example, by steady body tem-
perature one or two degrees lower than 98.6°F;
¢ a sudden aversion to alcohol, tobacco, red meat, refined
sugar or recreational drugs;
e sudden, persistent reduced need for sleep, along with an
unexplained increase in energy; and
¢ a strong orientation towards health foods.
These signs become stronger indicators precisely to the de-
gree that they cannot be explained by other influences such as at-
tending a lecture, dating someone with similar attitudes or a
suddenly changing in job or other life circumstances.
These body marks and symptoms, if related to an actual
close encounter, would represent the signs of ET scientific sam-
pling or medical procedures, or the physiological (and resultant
psychological) changes stemming from ET interventions with the
experiencer, including messages about needed life changes given
by the ETs to the experiencer.

8. Experiencing A Substantial, Inexplicable Period Of “Missi

Time” Following An Anomalous Incident.
Perhaps this indicator has been overworked in the CE-IV lit-
erature. By itself it is not incontrovertible proof that one has
had a
close ET encounter. We need to keep some balance in these
ters, since there are many mundane reasons why a person
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 35

realize, at the end of a day, that there is a period of the day for
which he/she cannot account. These include:
e dozing off without realizing it,
¢ letting the time get away from you through inattention,
¢ over-concentrating on the task at hand,
ea mild and transient asymptomatic stroke,
¢ a petit mal seizure, even if one does not have a history of
e the time-distorting effect of mild intoxication from “a few
beers” or “just one joint in moderation,”
e the self-hypnotic effect of long driving, particularly if en-
hanced by monotonous, repetitive visuals, such as
evenly spaced telephone poles, and
e chronic sleep-deprivation.
Nevertheless, there are bona fide cases of “missing time”
that point to the probability that something unusual happened
during that missing time. This is especially true if additional indi-
cator signs are present.
Example: A woman drives to a store five miles away to get
a pack of cigarettes around 9:45 P.M. and returns
around 1:00 A.M., feeling slightly disoriented and re-
marking that the route home seemed strangely un-
familiar and seemed to take forever to drive.
Example: A man walks outside at night to see briefly what
kind of airplane has such strange running lights,
then he comes back in an hour later with only
vague, disjointed memories of rotating, pulsing,
multicolored lights.

9. Having The Sudden, Unexplained Onset Of Feelings Of Social

This indicator also must be applied judiciously. Not every
“nerd” is a contactee (although some of each are both). What is be-
ing emphasized here is a rather noticeable change in outlook,
where the subject now feels out of step with the ordinary people
around her. Things that only last week seemed important now
seem unimportant. The world needs a lot more remedial attention
than the person formerly noticed. It feels like important changes
are coming that will make ordinary life seem trivial, and therefore
the person must change in a new direction. This symptom results
36 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

from a conscious or unconscious close encounter experience that

so challenges one’s reality or changes one’s outlook on life that
things will never be the same as they were before.
Example: A person who has had a close ET encounter that
she cannot remember goes through the next few
days noticing that her job seems unimportant when
compared to dramatic world changes being reported
on television news. She feels that she has somehow
changed, that she is no longer thinking convention-
ally, that she feels different from the rest of the
world. She has a perspective somewhat like that of
a college freshman who returns home after the first
semester away from home and realizes that his
house is what he has considered home all his life
until then, but it doesn’t have to be his home.

10. Experiencing A New Cosmic Awareness And Perspective

That Frequently Breaks Into One’s Daily Thinking.
This indicator is subtle, but it is potentially powerful if there
is no conventional explanation for this new way of thinking.
Example: A person who used to think about his life in the
framework of a neighborhood, town, state, and
country, now finds himself thinking as a planetary
citizen. He becomes uncharacteristically active in
the environmental movement in an action and re-
sults-oriented way. Or he changes his political point
of view and decides to work at fostering internation-
al peace or greater Russian-American understand-
Even more telling is the shift in a person who starts to think
of himself as a citizen of but one inhabited world among
many in
our galaxy or universe. Such a person may find herself
actively in-
terested in learning more about what astrophysicists or
tion writers have to say about life elsewhere in the galaxy.
In the
absence of an unusually stirring lecture, book, or other
tive-changing experience, we may begin to consider
whether the
unconscious presence of a buried memory of an
ET encounter
could be altering the perspective of the cryptoexperi
encer, i.e., an
experiencer who does not know that s/he is an experi
Other influences may also explain this change in
tive to one of cosmic awareness. ET mental influe
nce could be a
causative factor. Such mental influence is often notice
d by experi-
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 37

encers. The influence on the mind is frequently as subtle as a

downy feather landing on one’s head. It tends to manifest as the
sudden presence of new knowledge without study or reading. Or it
can take the form of a sudden expansion of knowledge or perspec-
tive on a subject about which the person already has some back-
ground. Sometimes, the mental influence is not subtle, as when a
person hears a voice (not one’s own internal dialogue) saying a
word, phrase or sentence aloud in one’s head. The utterance points
to an idea or piece of knowledge that the ET deems important for
the human to be aware of.
This indicator may also represent the result of ET telepathic
education. Indeed, many of the encounters people have take place
in their bedroom at night, with no removal to an ET craft. As noted
by Major Edward Dames (Ret.) of the Army Intelligence and Secu-
rity Command (specialist in remote viewing), the agenda of most
encounters is education.* And because the ETs expend so much ef-
fort to gradually educate their human contacts, even though the
experiencer may not consciously remember, the results will show
up as telepathic education and a marked advance in cosmic con-
sciousness and perspective.
Just the bizarre event of human-ET contact, unconsciously
remembered, is sufficient to alter consciousness in the experienc-
er’s waking state.

11. Sudden Development Of Feelings Of Affinity For Close En-

counter Experiencers Or Of An Unexplained Attraction To Or
Kinship With ETs.
This is a striking—and often telling—indicator that some-
thing has happened to alter a person’s consciousness. This can be
the unexplained development of a feeling of warmth, understand-
ing, and even kinship with CE-IV experiencers one sees on a televi-
sion documentary or reads about in a book, even though they are
total strangers. This feeling of affinity may even be puzzling to
cryptoexperiencers, who find it odd that they feel drawn to a perfect
stranger with such an unusual life experience.
The development of feelings of attraction to—or even kin-
ship with—an ET can be even more amazing to cryptoexperiencers.
The ET may be one described in an account of a close encounter or
one seen in a documentary, for example. The cryptoexperiencer
may wonder, “Why do I feel warm towards a creature I would oth-

4, Major Edward Dames, USA, ret., Remote Viewing and UFOs: TREAT Monograph I
(Ardsley, NY: The Center for the Treatment and Research of Experienced
Anomalous Trauma, 1992).
38 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

erwise consider repulsive or ugly?” Nevertheless, she does. And

therein lies the clue.
Example: One man said, “When I see shows where the
aliens are the bad guys, and the humans are trying
to get away, or attack them, I get this feeling that the
writers have got the story wrong. The aliens aren’t
the bad guys.”

12. Having The Sense That One Has Received Telepathic Mes-
sages From ETs, Or Repeatedly Receiving Gifted Intuitions.
This indicator refers to an awareness of getting telepathic
information and messages without physically coming face-to-face
with an ET. Telepathy can take the form of a loud voice in one’s
head, but is often very subtle, particularly when distances are in-
volved. Experiencers must often develop the art of listening and no-
ticing the presence of such thoughts, perspectives, warnings,
predictions and directions that feel like received communications.
They must learn to differentiate these from products of their own
mental processes. True telepathic messages may be distinguished
by content; often the ideas are quite different than those experienc-
ers would come up with on their own.
Likewise, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between
the receipt of gifted intuitions and the flashes of inspiration that are
occasional products of regular human mental reflection. One crite-
rion to distinguish the two would be if the gifted intuition deals with
a subject the person has never studied.
Example: A humanities-major college graduate suddenly
wakes up one morning with a new understanding of
an exotic physics principle’s application—an under-
standing that advances beyond top scientists’ cut-
ting-edge research in applications of nuclear
particle physics.
Naturally this indicator is also to be considered wisely.
Hearing “voices” tell one what to do can also be a sign of paranoid
schizophrenia. And believing one has been given, overnight, the key
to special new knowledge can also be a sign of Delusional Disorder,
Grandiose Type.
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 39

13. Having A Sense Of Sharing The Space In One’s Mind With

An ET.
This indicator can be an extremely powerful sign of ET con-
tact. It can also be a sign of a delusional condition. Caution and ex-
pert help in determining just precisely what is going on in one’s
mind is essential.
A possible clue to genuine ET telepathic presence in one’s
mind is the quality of the communication’s content. On the whole,
messages received from ETs deal with peace, ecological balance, so-
cial justice, attaining spiritual balance, respect and love across
species, nonviolent behavior, the conditions for admission to the
interstellar federation of planetary societies, etc. Persons with de-
lusional illness hear “voices” that mock, warn of enemies plotting
against them, argue with the person’s main consciousness or en-
courage the person to do destructive or criminal acts, etc. A gentle
nudge to become aware of something tends to be the style of the
telepathic message’s presence in an experiencer’s mind, whereas
the “voice(s)” of delusion represent a call to (often) contravene what
the person knows is right, true and considerate behavior.
The ETs’ presence in the mind is not a brute taking over and
subduing the human’s ordinary waking consciousness. Indeed, the
ETs prefer, it seems, to influence the mind more subtly by using the
entrance way of the unconscious mind. However, experiencers oc-
casionally report that gentle, but distinct, clear messages pop into
their heads. After a while, they know that the source is their ET fa-

14. Noticing The Beginning Of Psychic Ability Or A Marked In-

crease In Preexistent Psychic Ability.
Possessing psychic ability, in and of itself, is not an indica-
tor of ET contact, particularly if one has been psychic for a lifetime
and has noticed no special increase in ability after a “suspect”
event. But if one has independent evidence that such contact hap-
pened in infancy, then even psychic ability that has not been en-
hanced after a suspected close encounter may still represent an
ability that resulted from an early childhood encounter.
On the other hand, if a person experiences an anomalous
incident and shortly thereafter begins to notice psychic ability or an
increase in preexistent psychic ability, then there may be a basis
for suspecting a connection between the incident and the psychic
ability. Exploring the incident with expert professional help can
help clarify whether the incident contains an explanation.
40 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Psychic ability seems to manifest in persons who have had

ET contact because the ETs’ mental influence appears to draw out
this ability. Other enhancing/triggering mechanisms may include
various mental exercises that sometimes go on during close ET en-
counters and scientific-medical procedures that ETs perform on
the experiencers using poorly understood (by us) ultra-technology
machinery. Also, experiencing clear and decisive telepathic conver-
sation, as experiencers do, often for the first time in their lives, may
well open one’s mind to the possibility that other psychic talents
may reside within the person and can be exercised.

15. Feeling Attracted To A Spirituality Or Religious Practice

Based On The In-Dwelling Of The Supreme Source In All Na-
ture, And, As A Result, The Importance Of Revering All Life
Forms As Relatives.
This indicator is difficult to use as strong, direct proof of ET
contact. Buddhists, Native American religionists, and Taoists could
subscribe to the above principles. Yet surely not every member of
these religious traditions has had ET encounters. On the other
hand, many persons who have had an ET contact have not stopped
believing in the doctrines of the Lutheran church, the Baptist
church, etc. Indeed, a number of church theologians have declared
that there is no intrinsic contradiction between one’s belief in God
and the presence of ET life forms in the universe. And it should be
noted that more than one experiencer has told me that they got the
message from the ETs that they, too, acknowledge a Supreme Being
or source.
Yet, it is my research experience that persons who respond
in an open and accepting way to the ET encounters tend gradually
to develop a spirituality that includes the above principles. And, if
they worship at churches, they also honor the spirituality princi-
ples that the ETs espouse.
As a corollary, experiencers may, subtly and gradually over
time, move toward ending violence as a means of solving conflict
becoming more attuned to the plight of the poor, downtrodden,
hungry and abused and to taking action to change those
tions; working for peace in the world; stopping meat-eating, oppos-
ing cruel treatment of animals; taking religion out of the church
building and into the outdoors; dropping subtle prejudices against
others; abandoning an aggressive approach to social reform
in fa-
vor of an inclusionary, respectful, yet honest outreaching;
championing the rights of ETs as “people, too.”
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 4]

This indicator may arise because of the mental transfer of

information that the ETs often accomplish during a close encoun-
ter. Such information seems to include the “ETs’ theology,” which
may be summed up in the two principles above. Certainly, many
experiencers have been struck with the spiritual underpinnings of
the ETs’ messages, as though the ETs were Zen or Shaolin monks.
(Shades of Yoda!)

16. Having A Longing For That ET Individual With Whom A Per-

son Has Primarily Had Contact, Especially Over Repeated Vis-
This feeling can be a fairly significant indicator of a close en-
counter. Usually, a human does not miss, love and feel torn away
from, and impatiently await the return of, a strange-looking being
from another planet. The connection between such persistent long-
ing and a previous ET contact seems reasonably straightforward.
And this particular “obsession” is absent from the psychiatric liter-
ature. If it is a schizophrenic delusion, it would have to be one of
the most rare.
This longing appears to arise because the ET “goes first” in
(gratuitously, from our point of view) telepathically beaming love for
the human who stands before the ET. Why would ETs travel light
years to confront a human they may have never met before, and im-
mediately upon contact, exude an outpouring of love vibrations and
reassurances that there is no need to be afraid? Are ETs Alpha Cen-
tauri’s answer to Mother Teresa?
Earth cynics, whether jaded New Yorkers, insecure Trilater-
alists, or hardened military intelligence agents, can’t believe that
the message is real. They are looking for the “angle.” But the ETs’
behavior actually follows perfectly the principles they communicate
as important, as outlined in Indicator #15 above.
We honored Dr. Albert Schweitzer for travelling from a suc-
cessful European medical practice to the jungles of Africa to bring
medical help and health to the indigenous peoples there. Is it so im-
probable that the same lofty sensibilities could exist in intelligent
life elsewhere and have the power to touch us deeply? Those expe-
riencers who have had repetitive and recalled experiences with
their primary-contact ET can vouch for a feeling developed that is
somewhere between a begrudging liking and an unabashed intense
missing and caring.
42 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

17. Having An Obsessive Sense Of Mission Acquired During The

Close Eneounter, Whether Clearly Understood, Vague, Or Re-
pressed Into Unconscious Mind.
This is a medium-weight indicator. Many people feel a
strong sense of mission. Some are saints, others are terrorists, and
still others are followers of Ross Perot. The sense of mission may be
an indicator of a close encounter if it is directed toward one of the
primary values the ETs tend to emphasize in their messages, and
it arises right after an incident suspected of being a close encoun-
ter, and subsequent professional debriefing and/or hypnotic an-
amnesis reveals an ET source for the sense of mission.
The sense of mission appears to originate from an emphatic
telepathic communication, often from the primary ET contact per-
son. This communication conveys that the mission is important
and that the experiencer is vital to its accomplishment. What we
are seeing may be an example of the ETs’ use of motivational psy-
chology, but my research suggests that the ETs are prompted to in-
form experiencers of specific missions, based on the ETs’ ability to
foresee the future as a sequence of probable scenarios that will oc-
cur if certain people take certain actions. Thus they place the as-
signments in the experiencers’ hands so that they may serve as
instruments for accomplishing what is for the good of the whole.
Example: Certain brave persons, like R. Leo Sprinkle,
Ph.D., have dedicated much of their professional ca-
reer and reputation to the task of spreading aware-
ness of the ET presence. This is clearly Leo’s
Example: The writing and publishing of this book.
Example: Several staff members at the United Nations
sensed that it was important to take the ETs’ mes-
sage to the U. N. They did so on October 2, 1992.
Three other researchers tried again on October 22,
1993, but, according to ufologist Colin Andrews,
who was scheduled to speak on crop circles and free
energy, they encountered sharp U.S. State Depart-
ment resistance that resulted in a fiasco.
18. Having A Strong Urge To Travel To A Specific Area, Either
With An Intuition That A Close Encounter Is Impending, Or For
An Unknown Reason, Which Turns Out To Be A Close Encoun-
This indicator is a fairly strong sign of at least prior mental
contact by ETs, who imparted the travel suggestion. In many cases
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 43

this special travel urge is a sign of previous repressed close encoun-

ters, which started a bonding to an ET, and thus an increased sus-
ceptibility in the experiencer to be more receptive to telepathic
suggestions by the ET. Naturally, if a subject follows such an urge
and subsequently has an ET encounter, this urge is indeed estab-
lished retroactively as a strong indicator of a CE-IV.
The travel urge often recurs and serves as a way for the ETs
to contact their selected human in a setting conducive to special
experiences and communication. The distance one may travel as a
result of this urge varies widely.
Example: One person felt compelled to take a side trail on
a hike, away from the main trail frequented by other
Example: Another person felt an urge to cross three state
lines then had a remote encounter in the barren
wastes of the Sonoran desert of New Mexico.
Example: Another urge compelled a person to drive 70
miles into the foothills to a deserted meadow, where
an encounter with a glowing craft and its occupants

19. Sensing Partial ET Heritage By Any of The Following:

A) Sharing An ET Perspective On The Earth Situation;
B) Having Partial Shared Genetic Heritage With ETs;
C) Having Had An ET As A Biological Parent; or
D) Having A Sense Of Having Been Born Elsewhere.
This indicator is extremely powerful; however, as with cer-
tain other indicators, it can also be a sign of delusional thinking, or
histrionic New Age “wannabeism.” It is controversial. For many
months the members of our experiencer group were reluctant to
voice this closely held intuition because it seemed so bizarre and
impossible. In our group only a minority could affirm a clear sense
of mixed heritage or off-planet origin. However, it is consistent with
a continually-repeated question that numerous experiencers have
heard ETs ask during close encounters: “Don’t you remember?”
Subsequently, these experiencers felt that their homes were else-
where, and a few saw that their mothers had been visited by ETs
about the time that their mothers became pregnant with them.
What the ETs were asking some experiencers to remember was
their (partial) ET origin.
44 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

This is not to say that every experiencer is a hybrid, was

born off-planet, has an ET father, or partially contains ET genes.
For many experiencers, the fusion of earth and ET is on the mental
level; ordinary earth consciousness is modified by repeated and
profound ET telepathic communication, bonding and perspective-
A word should be said here also about the spiritual or soul
level of the individual’s possible joint earth-ET experience. Some
ETs appear to be saying that some experiencers have a vital spark
or soul that is not having its first life in the human body it currently
animates. The ETs suggest that the soul has lived elsewhere previ-
ously, and that one or more of those times was on the planet the
ETs come from. Thus, if not genetically, or as the partial offspring
of an ET, then at least at the soul level, that experiencer previously
came from their planet.
It appears that ETs are gradual and indirect in stimulating
experiencers to become aware of their mixed heritage. The ETs’ rea-
son for gradualism is apparently to allow experiencers to tap into
their own inner awareness at their own pace. The ETs may wish not
to rush us, and thus “blow our minds.” Here, however, they have
failed miserably. My mind is blown, as are those of most of our ex-
periencer group, by the truly cosmic proportions of the messages
and perspectives the ETs are serving up to us.
ETs have told various experiencers that they have been vis-
iting planet Earth for millennia and that they have been modifying
earlier human evolution to favor the development of an intelligent
human species with greater consciousness. Seen in that context,
the idea that we all may be “hybrids” in some sense becomes more

20. Having A Sense That One’s Destiny Is With The ETs Else-
where In The Galaxy, Or A “Pull” To Go To One’s Final Home,
Which Is An ET Planet One Was Shown By The ETs During A
Close Encounter.
This indicator is another powerful one if there is no detec-
tion of delusional disorder or excessive New Age “wannabeism.”
This criterion is certainly not for everyone. The various reasons that
a person could have such longings or perspective have been ex-
plained above, in the discussion of Indicator #16.
ETs can exert selective, powerful, emotional and attention-
al-focus “fields” upon persons with whom they wish to form intense
relationship links. This process we call “bonding.” After a human
has undergone bonding, he comes to feel a special closeness to that
20 Signs That Indicate Close ET Encounters 45

particular ET. He may become lifelong friends with that ET, and
look forward to meeting again during subsequent close encounters.
One experiencer, during a hypnotic regression, expressed disap-
pointment that his old (ET) friend was not aboard the UFO during
a certain close encounter.
A variation on this process takes place when the ET focuses
a powerful bonding field on two or three humans who are together
in the presence of the ET. This human-human bonding can cause
a very intense and virtually instant sense of special relatedness to
develop between people who may have previously been acquaintan-
ces, but who afterwards experience a deep caring, telepathic and
psychic linking, a sense of mutual concern and a feeling of shared
destiny. The purpose of these human-human bondings is not com-
pletely understood. In some instances, it appears to be a way to en-
sure that emotionally isolated experiencers provide mutual support
to each other with that special “insider” understanding. In other
cases, it appears that the bonded humans may have a special mis-
sion to which each must make an interconnected contribution.
The purposes of human-ET bonding are not completely un-
derstood, either. It appears that one purpose is to establish a cross-
cultural friendship without the expenditure of the length of time
usually required to develop friendships. Of course, ETs cannot
spend long days with humans, as the human goes through daily
life, so the bonding shortens the process.
Although free-will purists might complain that bonding
takes place at the ET's initiative and therefore lacks mutual con-
sent, I am not aware of any humans who have complained about
the ETs to whom they were bonded. Rather, the human usually
treasures the relationship. The position of ETs and humans is not
equal, and it may be unfair, under the circumstances, to hold ETs
to the social rules of ordinary human living. Another purpose of
bonding may be to secure consistent commitment of the human to
a mission (e.g., publicizing the ET presence on earth).
Because some degree of bonding seems to take place as a
result of most close encounters, it is understandable how experi-
encers could develop a longing to go live with the ETs on their home
planet or an expectation that, at the end of human life, they will go
“home” to the ET planet. And if subsequent information reveals
more clearly the (at least partial) off-planet heritage of some expe-
riencers, the longing may be even more understandable.
I hope these twenty criteria will serve as guides to perplexed
persons attempting to sort out strange symptoms and feelings that
they suspect might possibly be related to ET contact. At least four
46 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

indicators should be present to cause one to suspect that ET con-

tact has occurred. Obviously, the more indicators present, the
stronger the case. And generally speaking, the indicators later on
in the list are more significant than those listed earlier. If possible,
a person suspecting ET contact should consult with an experienced
and well referenced professional for assistance in making that de-
termination. (See “Special Counseling Resources: A Partial Listing”
on page 187.)
An alternative way to clarify about whether one has had an
ET contact is to attend a group meeting of experiencers. Sit with
them, listen and feel whether their experience and consciousness
synchronizes with your own, and whether they feel like “brothers”
and “sisters” in this experience.
I welcome research on these indicators, and will be glad to
discuss them further with academic and scientific researchers. It is
through such informed and intelligent dialogue among scientific,
clinical, academic specialists and experiencers that the advance of
the science of the ET phenomenon is achieved. Also, while I feel this
list is best able to identify and discriminate well about the presence
of ET contact experience, there are other lists that some may feel
are fielprul: For example, Encounters® by Edith Fiore and Secret
Life® by David Jacobs both identify clues to ET contact.
I hope this contribution will be of some use to humanity in
better understanding the epoch we have entered.


5. Fiore, Encounters.
6. Jacobs, Secret Life.
How Close ET
Encounters Affect
CE-IVs typically result in profound psychological reac-
tions. This is not surprising, for ETs are startling strangers who
suddenly appear, often impose body paralysis and suddenly
spirit people away. The CE-IV experiencer finds that communi-
cation is almost invariably telepathic, which may feel like an
over-intimate intrusion, particularly if the experiencer’s mind is
read. Gravity-defying extraction procedures and ultra-high-tech
UFO interiors appear to violate physical laws. The ETs may con-
duct involuntary nude physical exams or even body-specimen
sampling procedures. Experiencers may be subjected to worri-
some mentally imposed visualization scenarios. At times other
family members may also be taken. The ETs sometimes promise
that they will return and then appear again as promised. Often
the ETs expose the experiencer to advanced culture and technol-
ogy, as well as spirituality on a cosmic scale, and are themselves
endowed with advanced mental capabilities. The ETs usually
impose a posthypnotic suggestion that the encounter will not be
remembered or that memory will be deferred to a better time.
Common human emotional responses to this kind of en-
counter include: fear, uneasiness, a sense of intrusion, disorien-
48 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

tation, concern for one’s sanity, uncertainty, resentment, curiosity,

awe, respectfulness and a sense of friendship or even kinship.
There is debate among researchers and therapists about
the effects of CE-IVs. My research, based on more than 104 cases
since 1989, indicates that CE-IV experiences vary. At an earlier
stage in my research, before widespread publicity about my work
possibly skewed the kind of cases presented to me, I analyzed the
then-available sample of 44 cases that appeared to be a genuine
cross-section of persons presenting themselves as having had CE-
IV experiences. (See Table 6, page 59.) Some experiencers (43%)
have a mild or only briefly fearful reaction to ET contact. Others
(26%) have no significant symptoms at all. Still others (31%) suffer
extreme and persistent trauma. Why is there such a difference?
What is it like to experience a close ET encounter?
There are two basic positions in the ufological community
on the question of how CE-IVs affect human subjects. These two
positions may be called the “Severe Trauma School” and the “Ex-
panded Consciousness School.” Each school reports different
stress effects and consciousness/perspective effects of the CE-IV
Table 1 shows the comparison for consciousness and per-
spective effects, while Table 2 shows the comparison for stressor ef-

Table 1: Consciousness and Perspective Effects by School

ee ee Friendly feelings toward ETs

Tolerance for sharing earth

Decreased materialistic focus

How Close ET Encounters Affect Humans 49

Table 1: Consciousness and Perspective Effects by School

Severe Trauma Expanded Consciousness

Table 2: Stressor Effects by School

adr [
You will note that Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ap-
pears under “Stressor Effects” only in the Severe Trauma School.
In the Expanded Consciousness School, the CE-IV experience typ-
ically does not lead to Posttraumatic stress disorder.
To consider why this is, let’s look at the elements required
for PTSD.
1. Unusual intentional harm or disastrous incident
2. Trauma is repeatedly reexperienced through anxious
recollecting, dreams, flashbacks or phobias
3. Psychic numbing
4, Anxious, disrupted consciousness
5. Symptoms endure longer than one month.
But characteristics 1 and 3 are often missing for most ex-
periencers. They don’t feel unusual intentional harm or psychic
I will present here a description of both the mild and the ex-
treme reactions to ET contact. I'll also describe those factors that
can help people better process the effects of such contact. I will also
50 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

identify three human trauma factors that cause persons to experi-

ence ET encounters in a highly traumatic fashion.
There is currently a widespread perception that persons
with CE-IV exposure almost always suffer subsequent PTSD, and
therefore require psychological counseling to deal with this pre-
sumed result of such exposure. But I find that when experiencers
are properly debriefed and psychologically treated, they do not ex-
hibit PTSD, unless the close encounter has caused a resurfacing of
preexisting human-caused PTSD-level trauma.
In a study done in 1992, I found this pattern consistent
throughout my sample of 44 cases. It appears that certain elements
of the CE-IV trigger flashbacks. These elements may include: un-
dergoing gynecological/urological “medical exam” procedures; be-
ing restrained against one’s will; having an ET stare into one’s eyes
at extremely close range; being subjected to intrusive controlling
behaviors by ETs; being taken while in bed and asleep; and the re-
pression of memory (either because of psychological shock or ET
posthypnotic suggestion to forget).
My research indicates that the human traumata that can
cause an ET encounter to be experienced as a major trauma in-
1) untreated childhood sexual molestation or rape, even if
not remembered until psychotherapy, when the re-
lived CE-IV causes a flashback to the emotions of
the earlier human-caused trauma;
2) unprofessional and/or biased hypnosis and/or inter-
viewing techniques by an investigator with presup-
positions that ETs’ agendas and methods are
frightening; and
3) staged pseudo-alien abductions conducted as psycholog-
ical warfare (PSYWAR) operations by military /intel-
ligence/special operations figures and featuring
“aliens” (presumably short humans dressed in
“alien” suits).
I found six reasons why “uncomplicated” CE-IVs generally
do not cause PTSD:
1) Experiencers detect no intentional malice on the part of
the ETs;
2) The ETs’ mix of characteristics (bizarre/ intelligent, de-
tached/advanced, etc.) creates ambivalence more
often than trauma;
How Close ET Encounters Affect Humans 51

3) The ETs reassure that they will do no harm, and no great

harm happens;
4) The ETs stress the importance of their agenda earnestly;
5) The experiencers become aware of greater mental powers
and greater sensitive attunement to nature and so-
cial well-being after the CE-IV; and
6) The ETs typically impose a posthypnotic suggestion that
the human will not remember the unusual encoun-
ter until a later, better time (thus the experiencer
does not have to deal with the CE-IV until a time of
later recall).
The psychological effects of an uncomplicated CE-IV form a
recognizable cluster of symptoms, for which I propose the descrip-
tor, Close Extraterrestrial Encounter Syndrome (CEES). In psycho-
logical diagnostic category terms, CEES would be classed as an
“adjustment disorder not otherwise specified,” and defined as a re-
action to a CE-IV, remembered or repressed into the unconscious,
that substantially alters a person’s patterns of daily living and/or
social relationships and includes four or more of the following fea-
tures, which were explored in depth in Chapter 2:
1) repeated anxiety/unexplained restlessness after an
anomalous event;
2) phobic reaction to phenomena associated with a CE-IV
whether remembered or repressed into the uncon-
3) repeated sleep disturbance or nightmares with UFO/ET
encounter themes;
4) obsessional “dreams” or daytime thinking about UFOs,
ETs or CE-IVs;
5) compulsive behavior concerning the UFO topic;
6) unexplained moodiness/irritability after an anomalous
7) body symptoms/marks associated with a CE-IV;
8) an unexplainable substantial period of “missing time” fol-
lowing an anomalous incident;
9) the sudden, unexplained onset of feelings of social nonor-
10) cosmic awareness that enters with unusual frequency
into one’s daytime thinking;
52 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

11) a sudden feeling of affinity for CE-IV experiencers one

reads about or hears interviewed on television, or
feeling a strong attraction to ETs;
12) a sense of receiving telepathic messages or repeated gift-
ed intuitions from an ET source;
13) a sense of one’s “mind space” being episodically entered
into and shared by an ET being;
14) the onset of, or marked increase in, psychic/ESP abili-
15) an attraction for a spirituality or religious practice
based on the in-dwelling of the Supreme Source in
all nature, and resultant reverence for all life forms
as related;
16) a sense of longing for the ET one has primarily dealt
with during one or more encounters;
17) an obsessive sense of having a mission (clear, vague or
unconscious) derived from the CE-IV and related to
the ETs’ messages;
18) strong “urge” to travel to a specific area, either with an
intuition of an impending close encounter there, or
for an unknown reason (which turns out to be a CE-
19) a sense of being at least partly ET; and
20) a sense that one’s destiny is off-planet, that one is feel-
ing a “pull” to go “home” to an ET planet one was
shown by ETs, or to “rejoin fellow ETs” elsewhere in
the galaxy.
The degree of frightfulness, suppression and denial with
which an experiencer reacts to an uncomplicated CE-IV appears to
depend on one or more of eight factors, according to my research.
These include:
1) the ETs’ physical appearance;
2) the ETs’ rapport and style of interaction;
3) the level of bizarreness of the experience;
4) the degree to which the experiencer is influenced by the
government’s cover-up/ridicule campaign and soci-
ety’s resultant denial of CE-IVs;
5) whether the investigator/debriefer has a prejudicial
mindset about ETs;
How Close ET Encounters Affect Humans 53

6) the promptness with which the experiencer gets profes-

sional counseling;
7) the degree of empathy in the experiencer’s social support
system; and
8) the degree of availability of clarifying information about
the ETs’ agenda and purpose.
In contrast, a complicated CE-IV refers to an apparent ET
encounter associated with extreme and persistent disabling psy-
chological trauma (PTSD). As noted earlier, in my research, these
traumata are of three sources: childhood sexual abuse or rape, un-
professional and/or biased hypnotic and interviewing techniques
by an investigator and staged pseudo-alien abductions.
At this point I would like to make it clear that even though
some investigators ultimately ended up scaring more than helping
the experiencer, I commend them, because for many years they
were the only people who would even listen to experiencers. My
hope is that more professionals will become knowledgeable about
the subject and will understand how to use the proper methodology
to counsel experiencers in the future.
Pseudo-alien abductions are possibly conducted as psycho-
logical warfare (PSYWAR) operations. Many believe they involve ab-
ductions by military/intelligence/special operations figures and
“aliens” (short humans dressed in “alien” costumes who are possi-
bly, in a few rare cases, accompanied by a few renegade aliens).
Pseudo-alien abductions appear to involve the following elements:
drugging; hypnosis; electroshock; the staging of terrorizing scenes
in front of the abductee; exposure to disorienting electromagnetic
energy fields, confusing holograms, deliberate torture, and other
CIA Project MK Ultra techniques.! They are, at times, followed by
cultish ritual sexual abuse by cloaked humans as well. These ele-
ments are not reported by subjects of true ET encounters—that is,
those involving only ETs.
It is possible these pseudo-alien abductions are intended to
confuse abductees into believing that they have experienced typical
encounters with ETs. The purpose of such PSYWAR abductions ap-
pears to be to create traumatized victims, to propagandize about
how terrible all ETs are and to justify a Star Wars weapons buildup
to use on “those vicious ETs.” These abductions also may serve to
provide victims for the PSYWAR experiments of some of the darker
elements of the “national security” establishment.

1. See, for example, Gordon Thomas, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret
CIA Mind Control And Medical Abuse. (New York: Bantam Books, 1989).
54 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Why real (renegade) aliens should be involved in this tiny

minority of joint military-alien abductions that include physical
and psychological abuse remains a mystery. More openness on the
part of the government and more research are needed to clarify this
puzzling piece of the ET contact puzzle.
Contrary to some investigators’ hypotheses about aliens be-
ing ethereal spirits or insubstantial, interdimensional entities, my
research data indicate that the ETs are real, three-dimensional be-
The 104 experiencers I have debriefed predominately de-
scribe real ETs as solid, three-dimensional, two-legged, upright,
recognizably intelligent, telepathic, persistent, smart, quirky, falli-
ble, gentle (but firm), often loving beings with a strong sense of mis-
sion and a not infrequent display of a subtle sense of humor. They
come in a variety of sizes, shapes, skin types and hues. None of the
experiencers I have worked with have ever doubted they were deal-
ing with fellow intelligent life forms. There has been no question of
whether the ET was a vegetable, or a horrible, radioactive, garish,
mutant thing. In all cases (except for a few possible biological ro-
bots), one is dealing with a person!
The evidence I have gathered suggests that some of the sa-
distic alien “monsters” some researchers describe exist only in the
minds of “abductees” suffering from delusional disorder or in the
stories of hoaxers, while others are artifacts of pseudo-alien PSY-
WAR abductions.
Delusional disorder, which my research indicates occurs in
11% of “abductees,” can be centered only on the narrow topic of ET
contact, and may sometimes be detected only by professionals
such as psychologists or psychiatrists.
I hope these findings will help clear up some of the confu-
sion about what ET encounters are and what effects they typically
have on humans. I believe it will be in the best interests of all expe-
riencers and the rest of the American people for the U.S. Govern-
ment to quickly end its cover-up of ET contact and presence among
us. It is important that the true nature of the vast majority of ETs
and their mission be understood by the public.
We experiencers can help by going public with our ac-
counts. The government’s cover-up is pointless and increasingly
exposes itself to disbelief and ridicule. We can bury the cover-up
with our truth. That truth can move the public consciousness for-
ward to an awareness of the ET reality that they are gradually ar-
riving at anyway.
The time is now.
Research Findings On
In mid-1992, the following analysis was done on 44 per-
sons reporting ET contact who had responded to my research
announcement. (I had invited such people to discuss their expe-
riences with an empathetic psychologist researcher.) By Octo-
ber, 1993, the number had risen to 104, with the same patterns
of characteristics. This suggests that the patterns are not due to
chance and probably represent the broader population of per-
sons reporting close ET encounters.

Table 3: Gender of Subjects

24 (54.5%) 20 (45.5%)

The relatively equal distribution of males and females in

the experiencer population is notable. One implication is that
the ETs select persons for contact without much preference for
one sex over the other. This may raise questions about research
56 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

reports that overwhelmingly feature females. Further research may

shed more light on this apparent discrepancy.

Gender of Subjects

Figure 1: Gender of Subjects Studied

Table 4: Age of Subject

im ge [Maxi
Age at
amum 8 years 38.8 years 61 years
Age at time of newborn not available 61 years
first CE-IV

The first statistic about age of experiencers when they came

in for debriefing needs interpretation. This average age of 39 does
not mean that the average experiencer is a 39-year-old. I believe
this average indicates the number of people who have been waiting
for years, or decades, for a safe opportunity to tell their stories and
Research Findings On Experiencers 57

get help sorting them out. Thus, when the children and young
adult experiencers are joined by middle-aged and_ senior
experiencers, all coming forward in the years 1990-1992—when
this phenomenon started to become widely accepted by the main-
stream press—the backed-up numbers of older experiencers skews
the average age toward a higher number than if every year were an
equally safe year for people to come forward with their stories.
The range of ages of experiencers at the age of their first
contact is not meant to indicate that older persons have not had an
early first contact. This merely represents the age range of those
who have come forward thus far to this researcher.

Table 5: Degree of Initial Recall Before Therapy


In the group I have studied, only a minority (9%) had clear,

full, and unobstructed recall of their close encounters. In this anal-
ysis, I have chosen to include those few persons who were suffering
from delusional disorders. It is interesting that all the hoaxers and
delusionals claimed full recall of their “encounters” without the
partial or complete memory blocks that so often accompany close
The two groups report full recall for different reasons. Actu-
al experiencers often are unblocked because they are not afraid of
close encounters (and may actually have been hoping for one); their
general life outlook is one of openness to new things, without un-
due concern for outcomes; or the ETs did not impose a suggestion
to forget or may even have encouraged the experiencer to remember
the encounter. The delusional/hoaxer pseudo-experiencers are not
blocked because their “experiences” are generated by their minds,
and thus are quite available to them.
58 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Degree of Recall of a
Close Encounter
Before Therapy
HH Total

[_] Delusional

|) Partial


Figure 2: Degree of Recall of a Close Encounter Before

Partial memory blocking occurs in 73% of those experienc-
ers studied (82% of the nondelusional contactees). This can happen
because the bizarreness of events without precedent causes the
mind to store the memory out of consciousness, where it will not
continue to puzzle or trouble the conscious mind. This can also be
caused by a partially effective ET posthypnotic suggestion to forget.
Those with no recall of their close encounter are the small-
est group. The total memory block is often a response to both the
bizarre circumstances of the encounter and a posthypnotic sugges-
tion the ETs make that the experiencer will not remember the en-
counter. However, the ETs always leave a few clues, so that the
thoughtful experiencer can begin to decipher what happened.
Research Findings On Experiencers 59

Degree of Symptom Production

as Result of Close Encounter
Wi Symptom-free

PTSD w/o

fj Dual Diagnosis

Figure 3: Degree of Symptom Production as a Result of Close

Extraterrestrial Encounter

Table 6: Degree of Symptom Production as Result of Close


existing human-
caused trauma

a a
Dual diagnosis

a. The 5 delusional/hoaxer subjects are excluded from this analysis.

60 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Contrary to the assertions of several writers that close en-

counters with ETs always lead to severe psychological trauma, this
research found that 26% of experiencers have no adverse psycho-
logical reaction to their encounter. The largest segment of experi-
encers (43%) had a mild-to-moderate psychological reaction, which
in most cases was rather quickly alleviated by prompt, appropriate
educational counseling and/or psychotherapy.
This research found no cases where the experiencer had the
severe, prolonged, disabling effects of posttraumatic stress disor-
der, unless the person had undergone previous severe trauma with
human cause. The human trauma then predisposed the person to
process the close encounter in ways that stirred up the wounds of
the old earlier human trauma. There were 31% of experiencers who
had experienced previous human trauma. This signals that such
circumstances present unusual difficulties and challenges for ex-
periencers and therapists, who are faced with trying to wade
through and help disentangle the effects of ET encounter from such
effects of severe earlier abuse as: posttraumatic stress disorder,
fragmentation of sense of self, poor awareness of one’s feelings, dif-
ficulty matching one’s behavior to one’s feelings, poor self esteem,
depression, difficulty in trusting, high sense of vulnerability, etc.

Table 7: Mental Health Status of Experiencers at Debriefing

No psychological 29 66%
Mild problems 23%
Severe reality-dis-
torting disorders

At first glance,Table 7 may appear to be measuring the

same thing as Table 6. However, what is being reported here
is the
overall psychological health status of the person, rather than
degree to which the close encounter affected the person psychol
ically. If the groups with no psychological problems is combin
with the group with mild problems, one could say that 89% of
reporting close encounters are what most people would call
mal. Those reporting encounters who had severe, reality-distor
disorders (11%) include the four delusionals plus one person
Research Findings On Experiencers 61

serious psychological challenges, yet whose close-encounter ac-

count appears genuine.

Mental Health Status of CE-IV

Experiencers at Time of
Pa No

[_] Mild Problems


Figure 4: Mental Health Status of CE-IV Experiencers at Time

of Debriefing

Table 8: Experiencers’ Attitudes Towards their CE-IV(s)

62 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

The clear majority (59%) of experiencers report an overall

positive feeling about their encounters. This includes those who
have received some counseling and education to help sort out their
experiences. Other experiencers (32%) feel a mixture of positive and
uncertain or anxious feelings. This group includes those who have
recently begun counseling and have not yet had an opportunity to
work through their experiences, as well as those who have dis-
cussed their experiences but are still processing how they ultimate-
ly feel about the whole thing. Only a small fraction (9%) feel
unequivocally that their encounters had no redeeming features.

Experiencers’ Attitudes
Towards their CE-IV(s)

HH Positive

[_] Ambivalent

Ea Negative

Figure 5: Experiencers’ Attitudes Towards Their CE-IV(s

It is this researcher/clinician’s assessment that the varia-
tion in how people feel about their close encounters is explain
more by the personality and outlook on life of the experiencer
less by other variables, such as particular type of ET seen,
or pro-
cedures performed by ETs. I hope that future research will
illuminate these differences.
Research Findings On Experiencers 63

Table 9: Location of CE-IV Experiences

i) SBedioomer
or |
unpopulated locale:

Crowded situation
or populous
daytime scene
Diverted from
populous to private

These statistics deal with typical locations where a close en-

counter occurs. One interpretation of these numbers is that the
ETs prefer privacy when encountering the human of focus. Thus,
the sites of encounters tend to be either bedrooms—usually at
night after everyone is asleep—or remote, rural or wilderness loca-
tions, where the person may be practically alone.
If a particular person who is the subject of a contact is not
likely to be near a remote locale for a while, sometimes the ETs will
‘communicate an almost overwhelming mental “urge” to drive or
walk away from a crowded area to a quieter place—more conducive
to being contacted or removed to a craft—without drawing the at-
tention (and possible hostile response) of other humans.
64 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Location of CE-IV

MH Bedroom or

(] Crowded
situation or
daytime scene

Diverted from
populous to
private locale

Figure 6: Location of CE-IV Experiences

Much more research is needed to provide additi

onal infor-
mation and analyses, which can help us under
stand better the full
nature of and variations in close encounters,
and in their effects on
human beings. I hope this modest analysis can
make one contribu-
tion toward that goal.
Introduction to the
Personal Accounts
In the following pages, you will find reports by nine expe-
riencers of ET contact. Each of these accounts is uniquely indi-
vidual, yet all share certain common features of the experience.
The reader will note variation in the degree of contact, in the
kinds of ETs seen, in the clarity of recall, and in the subjective
and emotional appraisals these nine make of their experiences.
These accounts present images of the different ages at which
contact takes place and the differing responses people have to
such visitors. Because these experiencers come from all walks of
life, the way in which the contacts are described and interpreted
varies with the perspective of the narrator. The reader can also
see the progression of each experiencer from their earliest con-
tacts to later ones, with the psychological shifts that are part of
processing such unusual experiences. One can also see how the
experiencers’ sense of themselves and their place in the universe
changes as a result of ET contact.
Each of these persons is a psychologically sound, genu-
ine human being, who could just as easily as not be your neigh-
bor down the street or your coworker at your job. As you read
their accounts, you may wish to put yourself in their places and
consider how you would react to each of these contact experi-
66 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

The experiencers share these intimate details of their lives,

not out of a sense of drawing attention to themselves, but rather
motivated by a desire to share what they have gone through and
what they have discovered, in the hope that it may be of benefit to
others. They can also be seen as serving as models of processing
extraordinary events with grace, humility, courage, spiritual sensi-
tivity and even a sense of humor.
Here, then, are their stories.
5 Fa

Ron’s Account

In the fall of 1952, two months before my sixth birthday,

my family and I were in the living room of our home. My mother
was reading to my little sister, who was sitting beside her. My
grandmother was sitting in a soft chair beside them knitting. My
father was working out of town and would only come home on
the weekends.
It was about dusk when I felt an urge to go over to the
bay window and look outside. I looked toward the southwest and
there I could see a large craft. It was oval in shape and silver in
color and looked as big as a city block. (See Figure 7 on page 68.)
It was moving very slowly over the tree tops toward us. As it
reached the clearing some one hundred yards from us, I yelled
to everyone to come over to the window and look at it.
We all just stood there staring at the strange object, not
saying a word to each other. Beneath the craft we could see an
orange light coming out, which covered a large area below it. The
undercarriage of the ship moved in a circular motion, seemingly
independent of the rest of the craft.
We could not take our eyes off this strange craft. We
could see nearly every detail of its bottom side as it moved slowly
over the house. It made no sound as it passed over us. Even at
my age I knew that it was not an airplane.
68 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Figure 7: “It looked as big as a city block.”

My brothers and I thought it was going to crash into the
earth. We asked my mother if we could go outside, but she would
not let us.
My brothers and I took off running through the house to the
back patio, but my mother yelled at us to come back and sit down.
She seemed to be very frightened of what we had just seen. Later
that evening, as we discussed what it might have been, my mother
told all of us that we should not say a word to anyone about it.
When we asked her why, she replied that no one would believe us
anyway, and my dad would probably lose his job or we might be run
out of town. Although we did not understand, we all agreed not to
mention it to anyone.
My brothers and I, still excited over what we had seen, went
to talk about it among ourselves. A little later my mother told us
get ready for bed. After giving her and my grandmother a good
kiss, my twin brother went to bed.
I followed him a short time later. As I walked through the
door of our bedroom, I glanced over and noticed my twin brother
sitting upright on his bed with his back against the wall. He
his legs pulled up to his chest and was peeking over the top
of his
knees at me.
I realized that a bluish light filled the room, coming from
outside our bedroom window. Still unaware of what was
Ron’s Account 69

ing, I turned to ask my brother about the light and caught sight of
a strange person standing at the foot of his bed staring down at
At first I thought it was the devil. His head was large and he
had no hair. He had large black eyes, and his skin was very pale.
He was also tall and very thin. He was wearing a black cape that
wrapped around his shoulders and hung down to his knees.
For a brief moment I thought my brother and I were on our
way to Hell! When you are raised in a Christian home and see such
a strange-looking being, you wonder what evil thing you have done
to deserve such a visit.
My next reaction was to run or yell for help, but I could
hardly move. I started to turn toward the open door, but another of
the beings was standing in front of me, blocking my path.
At first I was very frightened, but as I looked into those eyes,
I was not afraid any longer. I felt love and compassion in them. I-
became aware of a voice inside my head that was soft and soothing.
It was a female voice. As I stared at her, I began to feel that she was
a part of me, and 1a part of her. She knew my thoughts and I knew
She told me not to be afraid. They were not here to hurt us.
I just stood there staring at her. Her head was shaped somewhat
like an egg. (See Figure 8 on page 70.) Her chin came almost to a
fine point. The mouth was very small and did not move as we com-
municated. There were no ears—not like ours anyway—nor did her
nose protrude outward. Her eyes were shaped like large, black al-
monds. Her neck was long, and her body was quite thin. Her skin
was a pale, grayish color.
She told me that I was special and that I had been “chosen.”
She asked me if I would like to go along with them. My response
was a definite “Yes.”
I cannot recall how she and I got outside, but before I knew
it, we were moving upward. The sensation was extraordinary. It felt
as though we were floating in midair. There was nothing below us
holding us up except a beam of light.
She remained beside me as we moved slowly upward. I
could see, below us, our house and the garage that sat some dis-
tance away from the house. And I could see the two-lane main
highway that ran through the trees and the rolling hills on the way
to town. (See Figure 9 on page 71.)
Suddenly we were inside a ship. There were corridors going
off in different directions. There were others there, but my full at-
tention was only on her.
70 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

She took me by the hand and led me down a hallway to a

small room. As we walked in, I noticed there were no corners to the

Figure 8: “Her head was shaped somewhat like an egg.”

Ron’s Account 71

walls—no corners at all—and the walls seemed to be somewhat



Figure 9: “I could see, below us, our house and the garage.”
Halfway down the hall on the left were some symbols, and
in the middle there was a large window or screen. I could see plan-
ets and solar systems, and I had the sensation that we were moving
past them.
On the right side was a chair that resembled a dentist’s
chair. (See Figure 10 on page 72.) The female escorted me to the
chair and laid me halfway back. As she stood in front of me, anoth-
er being came in and placed a thin device on each side of my head,
just above the temples. After he finished, pictures began flashing in
my mind—pictures of my life and who would be involved in it. Isaw
many wonderful things, but I must say: seeing your future right in
front of your own eyes can be both extraordinary and costly. For
there is a price you have to pay—the price of seeing future tragedies
as well as positive events.
72 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

There are some things I can talk about, but others I am for-
bidden to speak of.

Figure 10: “On the right side was a chair that resembled a
dentist’s chair.”
After they had finished, the female being and I walked to the
middle of the room. As we faced each other, she told me that there
would be a time when I would remember and speak about these
matters. She told me she and the others were here to help human-
ity grow and advance out into the solar system and beyond our gal-
I asked her if they believed in God. She replied that they be-
lieved in a higher spirit. We may call him God, but they refer to him
as the Supreme Being, the Creator of all living things.
I understood from her that humans always battle one an-
other over whose religion is right and whose is wrong. It is not so
important what you call your religion if you do not have the faith to
believe in others. You must love, honor and respect life. For all liv-
ing things, no matter what form they take, should be cherished.
She also revealed to me that the ETs were not gods, nor did
they pretend to be. They also live and die, even though some of
them may live to be more than 700 years old.
She then took me by the hand, and we walked out of that
room and down the hall into another room. There my clothes were
removed and I was placed on a table. I lay on my back gazing up at
a bright light. The female ET stood behind my head, looking down
at me. Another being came toward me with an instrument in his
Ron’s Account 73

hand. The female placed her hands on each side of my head and
told me to keep looking into her eyes, that I would feel no pain.
I could not see the small device the male placed up my nose,
although I could feel some pressure. There was no pain.
After they finished giving me an extensive physical exami-
nation, I was dressed and returned to my own bedroom. As I stood
there facing the female being, I asked her if I could go with them.
She told me that I could not go with them, that it was important
that I stay and that I would understand later on in my life. She also
told me they would check on my progress throughout my life. We
stood there for a brief moment, not communicating at all. Then
suddenly she turned and was gone.
I felt a deep loss when she left me, as though a part of me
was missing. However, even today, I still feel that she is with me.
Later that same week, they returned. This time they took
the rest of my family into the ship, too. After we boarded the craft,
the ETs left me in a room with some other kids. I remember a little
girl who sat next to me as we waited. She seemed to be very timid
and shy.
I could see my mother being taken down the hall with my
little brother beside her. I could not see where they were taking the
others. I just waited in that room, watched over by about four be-
ings who were about three feet tall.
We were returned to our driveway. I remember looking up
at the spacecraft hovering over us. As we walked into the house, my
mother was in the lead, with my little brother beside her. An alien
held my little sister’s arm, guiding her. My big brother walked in
front of me, and my twin brother was next to me. Two aliens walked
next to us and another was behind us. I cannot remember whether
my grandmother was also taken.
I have talked with my brothers and sister since then. Some-
times they open up a little and share their feelings that something
strange has happened to them. Other times they don’t want to talk
about it, and they want to go about their lives with the memories
totally repressed.
At this point I must interrupt my narrative to describe a re-
lated event that occurred in 1992. Dr. Boylan, several other expe-
riencers and I were invited to speak at a symposium in Berkeley
entitled “UFO Contact: the Meaning and the Message.” The sympo-
sium was sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of Civili-
zation, founded by Dr. James Harder. The day before the
symposium, three of us attended a meeting of about 60 people and
gave a “dry run” of our talk.
74 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

While we were there, we met several other experiencers who

were also scheduled to speak at the symposium the next day. All
the experiencers gathered in a downstairs room in Dr. Harder’s
home and sat on the floor in a semicircle. I noticed a woman sitting
to my far right. Although I had never met her before, I had the
strange feeling that I had seen her previously, but could not re-
member where. I had trouble concentrating on the meeting, as I
was haunted by this woman to my right. I kept glancing at her.
Suddenly it struck me that she was the shy little girl who had sat
beside me on the spacecraft so many years before!
When we returned to the large group upstairs, I walked over
to where she sat and knelt down in front of her.
“I know you,” I said.
She looked at me and replied, “I know you too. Where was
your first encounter?”
“In Redding, California, in 1952,” I responded.
She then told me that her encounters had also started in
1952 at Mt. Shasta, California, which is 65 miles from Redding.
She remembered being picked up by a spacecraft and placed in a
room with other children.
The emotion I felt as she told her story was as if I had found
a long lost sister I never knew I had. My eyes began to water a little
as I leaned forward to give her a big hug.
After the meeting, some of the experiencers remained and
talked about why we felt we had come together at this time when
so much being published and shown in the media about alien en-
counters has been so frightening and negative. We all came to the
conclusion that it was time to tell our side of the visitations, which
has been positive.
Many experiencers are afraid to come forward because they
think others will call them crazy. And if you say you have had a
positive experience, people will think you are really crazy. So I urge
anyone who feels they have had an encounter to seek help from a
professional who specializes in CE-IVs to learn how to deal with
your experience and feelings. (See “Special Counseling Resources:
A Partial Listing” on page 187.)
In 1963, when I was 17, my family moved to a ranch outside
Corning, California. The home we lived in was quite large, with
huge weeping willows planted in a straight line on the west side,
blocking the view of the house from the highway. On the south side
were many different kinds of fruit trees, and on the east was a large
barn with a corral. Beyond that stretched 40 acres planted in alfal-
Ron’s Account 75

fa. It might not sound like much to a Texan, but we were quite com-
At times, there were news reports of UFO sightings in the
area. Periodically, my grandfather and I saw a UFO as we were
headed back from the auction yard in nearby Orland.
One night my family was getting ready to watch our favorite
Western on TV when we heard a strange humming sound over the
house. Suddenly a light engulfed the house and a 50-yard circle
around it. It was so bright it seemed like daylight.
We all ran into the kitchen and peered out the screen door.
It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. But no one dared
to go outside to find out what was happening. After only a few min-
utes, the light went out. We returned to the living room to watch
our program. Although no one talked about the light, I know it was
on everyone’s mind.
That night, after I had gone to sleep, I awakened to see a lit-
tle guy beside my bed. (See Figure 11 below.) He was about three
feet tall. His head was quite large, and he had large black eyes. His
skin was grayish in color. The room was filled with the same bluish
light I remembered from 1952. I realized that another alien was
standing silently in the corner, but it did not approach me.

Figure 11: “I awakened to see a little guy beside my bed.”

76 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

As I stared into the little alien’s eyes, I suddenly began to

see pictures flashing in my head. They showed my older brother
driving a tractor, helping out our next-door neighbor by plowing his
field. Suddenly the tractor went over a ten-foot embankment, rolled
over and landed on top of him.
I was very frightened and thought he must be dead. I asked
the alien why he had showed me this vision, rather than showing
my brother. He replied that it was up to me to either stop it or let it
happen. I could not understand what he meant. He said I had been
chosen; it was up to me to warn my brother.
When I awakened the next morning, I told my older brother
what had happened. He just told me I must have had a bad dream.
Since he would not take me seriously, I asked my mother to keep
him home, but she too did not listen. All day long I tried to talk him
out of it, but he just ignored me.
That night there was a report on the news of a UFO landing
in a field only a mile from our ranch. The sheriff had examined the
burnt impression left by the UFO. I knew then that what had hap-
pened that night was not a dream and that they wanted me to save
my brother from the accident.
As I sat down to breakfast the next morning, my mother told
me that, in spite of all my warnings, my brother had already left for
the neighbor’s field. I jumped up from the table and ran across the
field, worrying that I might be too late. Out-of-breath, I spotted the
elderly neighbor standing motionless on a hill, looking downward.
I knew right away something had happened to my brother.
I ran over and saw that the tractor had flipped off the embankment
and come to rest on top of him. He looked up and whispered that
he could hardly breathe, that the tractor was squeezing him to
death. The elderly neighbor was still standing on the embankment
in a daze. I yelled to him to get help, but he did not seem to hear
me. I yelled again and he finally came to his senses and hurried
down the long track back to his house to call for help.
As I looked down at my brother, a million different thoughts
flashed through my head. The aliens must have wanted to spare my
brother’s life. Otherwise, why had they warned me? I started to
blame myself for what had happened to him. If only I had tried a
little harder to convince him, maybe it would not have happened. I
knelt down beside him and tears filled my eyes. “Why didn’t you lis-
ten to me?” I cried.
I realized his left arm was pinned just above the wrist by the
carryall hitched to the back of the tractor. I tried to free his arm,
but the ground was too hard and I had nothing to dig with. I could
Ron’s Account Th

see that his fingers were starting to turn purple, and he told me the
tractor was digging deeper into his back. I knew then there was no
more time to lose.
I stood up, grabbed the tractor and told him to try to crawl
out as soon as he felt it move. I could feel every muscle in my body
strain as I worked to lift the tractor. “Oh God, please help me,” I
“It’s moving,” my brother called out. He freed his arm, then
raised himself on his elbows and crawled out from under the trac-
We made our way up the embankment and collapsed on the
ground. As we sat there hugging each other, my brother said in a
shaky voice, “Next time I will listen to you.”
When the fire fighters eventually arrived, they were aston-
ished that I had been able to lift the heavy tractor off my brother.
I often thank God for sparing my brother’s life that day. But
I also owe the aliens a great deal for showing me what would take
place before it happened. Whenever I hear or read accounts of cru-
elty committed by aliens, I think back on this and other encounters
I have had with them that have been strange, but also positive. I
would not have changed any of my experiences for the world.
When we were 19, my twin brother and I had another close
encounter. It was in the winter of 1965 just before the holidays. We
were working for a power-line company in Storrey, California, due
north of Oroville on highway 70.
Not far from where we were rooming in Storrey were four
power plants spread out along the Feather River. Little did I realize
the importance of these power plants. Not only did they supply
electricity to the surrounding area, but they were also a power
source for UFOs like the one I would confront later that night.
It was very cold when we started to work that day, and the
weather forecast was for a chance of snow later that evening. After
putting in an exhausting eight hours, all Iwanted to do was to head
back to my warm room and get some sleep. The next day would be
Friday, and it would be a long one, because we would be packing
up after work and driving the four hours back to our home.
After we got to our room, several friends stopped by to invite
us to shoot pool at a lodge several miles up the river. We decided
not to go, but the others took off before it started to snow. My broth-
er and I wandered down to the cafeteria to get some dinner and
were surprised to find no one else there. The cook told us that the
whole crew had decided to go up to the lodge and have a few drinks.
Besides the cook, my brother and I were the only ones left in camp.
78 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

When we got back to our room, I hung up my jacket, kicked

off my boots and lay down on the bed as my brother started to tell
me his plans for the weekend. Although I tried to stay awake, I drift-
ed off to sleep.
I felt I had only been asleep for a few seconds when I was
suddenly awakened by a strange feeling that something was “not
right.” I noticed my brother was lying on his left side on his bed
across from mine, just staring at me, still fully dressed. I asked him
if anything was wrong, but he did not answer. For a brief moment
I thought I was having a bad dream, but that was not to be so.
Every time I tried to move I felt a strange force holding me
down, as though an electrical field was surrounding me. I felt a tin-
gling sensation all over my body. Suddenly I realized what was go-
ing on, for I had experienced the same thing before. It may sound
strange, but I was not afraid.
As I lay there, I could see the door eight feet away from my
bed. A blue light filled the room as the door opened, revealing a be-
ing outside the door. (See Figure 12 on page 79.) I asked my broth-
er, “Do you see that?” But he did not answer.
The being just stood there staring at us. I still could not be-
lieve my eyes. He was about five feet seven inches tall. His head was
quite large and his body very thin. He had large black eyes and his
arms were longer than normal for a human.
He did not come into the room but made way for other
smaller beings to approach us. These aliens were about three and
one-half to four feet tall and wore black robes. I could tell they were
“Greys” by the pale skin on their faces and their large black eyes.
One of them went over to my brother and placed his hand
on his shoulder, as if to soothe him. Another stood at the foot of his
bed. I was so excited I asked my brother again, “Don’t you see
them?” Again, he did not answer me.
One of the aliens approached me and I asked him what they
wanted. He told me they wanted us to go with them. I stood up. Two
Greys took my arms and two took my brother’s arms. The tall being
took the lead as we went outside.
It did not take long to get to the ship, as we moved through
the trees, up the hillside by an abandoned mine shaft and
into a
clearing. As we approached the craft, I could see others waiting
help us inside.
The craft was very long and shaped like a half moon. | was
somewhat concerned because it was parked on the railroad tracks.
If a train came along, our lovely evening would be ruined!
Ron’s Account 719,

Figure 12: “A blue light filled the room as the door opened,
revealing a being outside the door.”
When we entered the ship, the aliens took us to a very
bright room and placed us on reclining chairs. The tall ET came
closer, and I could see his face more clearly. His skin was very pale,
with a texture like snake skin or fish scales, but very smooth and
defined. His eyes were black and shaped like large almonds. There
was a small slit for a mouth and a flat surface that did not protrude
outward for a nose. As he placed his hand on my arm, I noticed his
fingers were quite long and had no joints.
Although he did not speak, I could nevertheless understand
everything he was saying to me by “mind transfer.” They wanted to
check us out to see how we were coming along.
I honestly cannot remember whether they removed our
clothes or not. I do recall a large circular object that seemed to scan
over us, as if they were taking an X-ray of some kind. (See Figure
13 on page 80.) After taking samples of skin, which they scraped
80 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

from the inside of my arm, they checked my teeth, looked into my

eyes and examined the tops and palms of my hands. They seemed
to be very pleased with the outcome at the conclusion of the “phys-

Figure 13: “...a large circular object...seemed to scan

over us,
as if they were taking an X-ray of some kind.”
When they were finished, they removed us from the chairs.
I gazed around the room and noticed it was all one color,
an off-
white. My brother was standing beside me. I asked
the tall alien if
he would give us a tour of the ship. He paused and consid
ered this
for a moment, but the others gathered around him,
and I got the
feeling they did not like the idea.
My brother nudged me in the side. He was still a little
vous, but at least he was able to speak to me. “What
do you think
you are doing? Let’s just get this over with and get
the heck out of
here,” he said.
The tall being approached us and invited me to
come with
him. I turned to my brother and asked if he wanted
to come too.
Ron’s Account 81

“Not me. I’m not going,” he replied.

I went off alone with the tall alien at my side. We entered a
small room with a large screen, and he showed me different star
charts in our galaxy and told me where they were from. (See Figure
14 below.) Their home was four light years away from planet Earth.

Figure 14: “He showed me different star charts in our galaxy

and told me where they were from.” |
I asked him to show me how they got from one planet to an-
other. He seemed a little hesitant, but I told him I was no rocket sci-
entist. Besides, who would believe me anyway? At that, he took me
into another room where the walls were covered with unfamiliar
symbols. He began to explain how the craft was able to move from
one planet to another, and how it could move in different atmo-
spheres. I was right. I could not understand a damn thing he was
82 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

saying! I then asked him if he could repeat it in a way that I could

Although I have no training in physics or engineering, I will
try to explain what I learned on that spacecraft. Every planet has
its own gravitational pull, some stronger than others. This can be
compensated for by increasing or decreasing the effect of the grav-
itational pull whenever the craft comes into range of a planet’s
gravity field. For example, when you take off in a jet, you feel the G-
Force pushing you back into your seat as the plane tilts up and ac-
Have you ever wondered why there is no sonic boom when
a UFO passes overhead at enormous speed? Or how they make
sudden, sharp-angle evasive moves? The reason is that the space-
craft is in balance with the planet’s gravitational pull; it works with
gravity rather than against it. The craft lets gravity pull it towards
the planet’s surface, or repel it at an enormous speed back into
space. Attraction is achieved by balancing the UFO’s generated
gravitational waves with the planet’s generated gravitational field
(waves). To achieve attraction, the UFO aligns its gravitational
waves so that its “positive” gravitational field aligns with, for exam-
ple, the earth’s “negative” gravitational field. To achieve repulsion,
the UFO aligns itself so that its “positive” gravitational field aligns
with the earth’s “positive” gravitational field. This is the same prin-
ciple as when you hold two magnets together in such a way that
they repel each other. The gravitational field that surrounds the
planet is also used in a similar way to move the craft in different
directions. The UFO aligns its gravitational waves at an angle
to the
earth’s gravitational field, thus vectoring up or down, depending
the angle, and the overall positive-positive or positive-negative
polarity alignments. The UFO can also hover over a particular
tion, by achieving a stabilizing exact balance between the intensity
of the earth’s gravitational field and the gravitational waves
UFO generates. The craft uses the forces that surround
it; the
stronger the gravitational field, the faster the craft can accelerat
I also learned that the spacecraft can store energy in many
different ways, including collecting it from high-tension
lines. High-
voltage lines lose a great deal of voltage every day into the
sphere. The spacecraft just flies over a high tension-line
and col-
lects the excess voltage released from the power lines.
What I have just described is only a little of what
taught me that night.
Some years after this experience, I asked my twin brothe
why he didn’t answer when I repeatedly asked him
if he could see
Ron’s Account 83

the beings in our room. He said that he was paralyzed and could
not move. In addition, he was too afraid to even try, although he
sensed they were not there to harm us. Also, I was doing all the
talking, and that was fine with him.
As I look back on this visitation and the others I have had,
I feel a sense of serenity deep inside me. I know the ETs are here to
help us to look at each other in a much different way, to find love
and peace within ourselves and with the rest of the world. This is
the best hope for mankind.
I have only described a few of the many encounters I have
had with ETs. In so telling, I hope I can help readers recognize and
begin to deal with any ET experiences they may have had. I truly
feel my experiences have been positive, and I would not have
missed them for the world. If you are still skeptical about all this, I
ask you to keep an open mind. With an open mind, you can learn
many fantastic things. But if your mind is closed, you cannot learn
anything at all.
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Kurt’s Account

I believe my initial contact occurred when I was two years

old. I was sitting on a beach along the Russian River in Guerne-
ville, California. What I recalled under hypnosis was seeing a
green, snakelike thing coming out of the water. At this stage of
remembrance, that’s all I can recall. For about the next 14 years,
I lived a life filled with numerous psychic experiences.
Then around 1971, when I was 16 years old, I climbed
into my cozy bed one summer evening with little on my mind but
the scene of that night’s Oakland A’s game. Little did I know that
this was to be one hell of a night—one that would change my life
At some time between 1:00 and 5:00 A.M., I was awak-
ened by the faraway sound of cats howling. These were not what
I interpreted to be run-of-the-mill cat howls. I arose from bed
and opened the window facing our neighbor to the south. I
hissed out the window to hush the cats, and they quieted down.
This was followed by stone silence, which makes my next move
all the more peculiar. Without hearing a thing (and therefore
with no provocation), Iopened my bedroom door and walked out
into the living room. I was then immediately drawn to the pane
glass door that led to the back yard. There, hovering just outside
the glass, were shimmering, bright, white lights. These lights
86 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

somewhat resembled sparks. As I stood there, awestruck at what I

was seeing, I told myself I must surely be dreaming. “Wake up
Kurt!" I thought, but after looking at the lit windows of our neighbor
to the north, and after pinching myself repeatedly—I realized that
this was no dream.
The next thing my conscious memory recalled was climbing
back into my bed. But just before getting in, I turned the clock by
my bed sideways so as to prove to myself that this incredible expe-
rience really happened! (What “this incredible experience” was I
spent many years not knowing.) What followed next was an incred-
ibly lucid dream. In this, I awoke, went to the front door, and found
a horrible wind storm ensuing. The storm wasn’t the main thing
however. I also had this sickly feeling that I was the only person left
alive on planet Earth. The others were all gone—every last one of
After I came back to my bed following my “incredible expe-
rience,” I felt no fear whatsoever. But upon waking from this dream,
I was very fearful. Nevertheless I did fall back to sleep instantly.
The following evening, at a family gathering, I recounted my
unusual night, only to be told that I must have been dreaming. No,
my dear family, no my dear planet Earth, this was no dream.
And so it was that for many years this was my entire mem-
ory of that night. Try as I might I just couldn’t unlock that seem-
ingly missing piece of the puzzle. I always knew something
happened between seeing the lights and climbing into bed—but
In 1992, at the age of 37, I finally began to learn some de-
tails about that night, other nights, and the hidden life I did not re-
alize I had. Hypnosis proved the key to my awakening. And what an
awakening it has been! With each session of hypnosis, it seems as
though I remember a bit more, open up a bit more, as if I’m finally
being allowed to learn some of this wonderful reality. I saw three
different therapists before I met Dr. Richard Boylan and unleashed
the memory of that night so long ago.
I have a condition quite common among many UFO experi-
encers—a constant ringing in my ears. With the exception of occa-
sional louder “buzzing,” the frequency (pitch) of the ringing is
always the same. But as | sat in front of Dr. Boylan, preparing
be hypnotized, the frequency went up an octave! It remained at this
higher pitch until the end of our session. I can never recall this
happening before.
Through hypnosis, I returned to that night, to the cats
howling, to leaving the room and seeing the shimmering lights.
Kurt’s Account 87

Then on to the long-kept secret. After gazing at the lights for some
time, I began to realize I had seen them earlier in my life, but I
couldn't recall when. I then heard the sound of an explosion, as if
a bomb had gone off in our back yard. Then I began to walk through
the house, toward the lights. I came to the back door and seemed
to go through the door. (In other sessions I had the distinct sensa-
tion of passing through solid mass.) Once outside, at the top of the
stairs, I felt a cold sensation that went right to my soul. I then was
engulfed by the shimmering lights, and felt a tingling all over my
I saw, to my right and a few stairs down, a greenish, glowing
being. The features were almost impossible to make out. The being
seemed almost to be composed of a liquid, pillowy substance, not
solid. I could, however, make out two black dots that appeared to
be the eyes. They looked similar to a Raggedy Ann doll’s eyes. (See
Figure 15 on page 88.)
The being told me to come with him. There were no spoken
words; all communication was telepathic. As I went down the stairs
leading to the backyard, I was shown this tall, thin pyramid-like ob-
ject with what appeared to be something akin to a halo around it.
(I constantly see this while under other hypnosis sessions also.) My
glowing friend then told me to call him “Catfish.” (Throughout prior
regressions, this name kept surfacing over and over, but I couldn’t
figure out why. And why the name Catfish? My hunch is that,
knowing that I am an avid Oakland A’s fan and fan of their star
pitcher, Catfish Hunter, this being grabbed the name out of my
teenage memory and chose a nice familiar, comfortable name.) As
I continued into the yard, parts of my hands went numb.
Catfish then told me I was going to love this. They were go-
ing to implant some wonderful knowledge in me, but that knowl-
edge would not surface for some time.
“No! I’m ready now!” I said. “Why was I selected?”
He replied that I was needed.
I then saw a large planet getting closer and closer. It was a
rusty gray-orange, with one ring. I called it my home. Once again I
asked Catfish, “Why me?” The response was that I had the gift to
bring people together, and that this was the gift needed on earth.
I looked up and saw a ship in the sky. It radiated beautiful
green, yellow and red lights. I could also see billions of stars, unlike
any sky I’ve seen in Oakland before.
I felt an indescribably strong love for this being. I knew he
was my mentor and friend. He told me that we had known each oth-
er for many lifetimes.
88 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
sy re

Figure 15: “The being seemed almost to be composed of a

liquid, pillowy substance, not solid.”
Once again I heard a bomb-like sound, a bit different than
the one I heard earlier. This brought back the memory of dreams
had as a small child of bombs dropping.
“We Are All One, All The One, All That Is,” Catfish told me.
He said we would meet again, when I was ready. I wanted,
than anything, to go with him. I wanted to go home. I couldn’t, “for
you are home,” Catfish said. I then found myself being “put”
front of my bed. (At this point my regression ended.)
Why would something so wonderful be hidden inside of me
for so long? I suppose it was buried until the time was right,
I assume is now. And why would such an event set off years of
terror (which is very common among experiencers)? I feel that,
though the experience was very, very good, the abnormality
of it all
sent shock waves through me. This, coupled with the hidden
ory, was just enough to unsettle my sleeping mind for years.
I must
Kurt’s Account 89

add that, since my regression with Dr. Boylan three months prior
to this writing, I’ve had no night frights.
Within Dr. Boylan’s group, there has been much discussion
of the “goodness” in the messages sent to us. And even though all
experiencers can’t help but go through periods of doubt and confu-
sion, we all believe that we have been chosen for a very special mis-
sion in life—one we should neither take lightly, nor run away from.
And one of the wonderful things about all this is that we are not
alone in our experiences. I feel that one of the main purposes of this
book is to tell our brothers and sisters and everyone else that these
are wonderful experiences we have had—love-filled, wonderful ex-
As my other hypnotic regressions have unfolded, I have in-
deed found that experiences is the right word. Not one isolated en-
counter in the early 1970s but more, quite possibly many more,
throughout my life.
During my first regression, it took almost an hour before I
could begin to unlock the secrets. What came out in this initial re-
gression was being in the hills of Oakland with three beings. They
were about three to four feet tall and had very thin bodies, large
heads and a green glow about them. I cannot recall the faces at all.
I was walking on a trail with these three chaps (ETs). Two of them
were holding my hands, one on each side, and the other seemed to
lead the way. And, we seemed to be floating! At this stage of hypno-
sis work, I am unable to put a date on this experience.
I have read of comparisons between ETs and angels. The
feelings I got from these beings were angelic. They were full of love,
peace and understanding. One footnote to my own angel theory/ex-
perience follows. As a youngster, I was standing alone in our front
room one evening when I heard the sound of angels singing above
me. It was quite distinct and very short. There was not a soul out-
side, and we were playing no music or television inside the house.
I seemed to know that this chorus was for me and me alone. This
incident preceded the Catfish experience.
On subsequent regressions I have recalled “snapshot mem-
ories.” I see events a scene at a time, rather than an entire sequence
of events. One such memory is of lying naked on a metallic table
and seeing a large, black eye looking down upon me. (See Figure 16
on page 90.) I have the sensation of being “felt” from head to toe.
On another occasion, a greenish tube is inserted up my nostril.
This tube has a bright green light on the tip. Whether this has any-
thing to do with a series of violent nosebleeds I experienced at age .
13, Iam not at all sure. I only know that the nosebleeds would start
90 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

for no reason and last about a week, after which I would have to get
my nose cauterized.

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Figure 16: “One such memory is of lying naked on a metallic

table and seeing a large, black eye looking down upon me.”
In what is possibly my most bizarre memory, I am being led
into a dark, oval room. In the middle of the room are tall, cylindrical
units in a circle. They contain a very rich, red fluid. There are bub-
bles going up the units, and in each one is a baby. I was told that
these were hybrids, a combination of earthlings and otherlings. I
was also told that I have a son, whom I shall meet one day.
I would write this “recall” off as being too bizarre, too movie-
like, if it weren’t for the fact that I got this odd feeling of having a
son about two and a half years ago. Every morning for about a
month, this feeling haunted me as I awoke. This was before I saw
any movie with these scenes, and before I became aware of this part
of my life.
An orange planet seems to play a role throughout my re-
gressions. This planet has a ring around it, and during my last re-
gression, I did indeed call it Saturn. Whenever I see this planet, I
Kurt’s Account 9}

get an incredible longing. Where this longing comes from, I do not

know. Maybe my love for these beings gives me a love for all that
may be connected with them. Or maybe some of us are descen-
dants of other beings. that I know I’ve been contacted, what now? All I
can ask of myself is to listen to my heart, because I know they left
the gift there.
Frances’s Account

It started around the second week of February, 1992. I

would awaken from strange “dreams,” terribly frightened and
crying. Sometimes I would remember part of my dream; other
times I did not remember anything and would wonder why I was
By no means can I remember all my dreams or any one
of them in its entirety, but I do remember parts of some of them.
What follows below are the parts I do remember:
Something or someone was holding a piece of metal on
the left side of my head. It was oblong, about five inches long and
two inches wide, with a round glass or plastic part that could
have been a light. I awoke, crying, ran from my bedroom and did
not go back in there the remainder of that night.
Another metal object I remember was more square with,
again, a round piece of glass or plastic that could have been a
light. I don’t remember this object touching me anywhere. I just
saw it and was crying and wanted it to go away.
I was aware I was lying on my back and there was a
square-looking black box sitting on top of me. It wasn’t doing
anything, but I nearly fell getting out of my bed because I was so
94 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

It seems to me now the most frightening dream was when I

found myself lying on a bed or table in a strange gown. I was just
lying there, unable to move a muscle or say anything. I wanted des-
perately to get up and leave, but I could not move. I will not attempt
to express my fear as I know of no words that could convey my feel-
ings at that time. I saw myself in this same gown in one other
dream. I seemed to be floating above I don’t know where. And that
is all I remember about that.
On yet another night, I awoke holding my right ear and
screaming, “They’re doing something to my ear!” That was another
night spent on the sofa drinking hot coffee.
This was the strangest of all in some ways, because I didn’t
seem to react to it: I felt wires were being put through both nostrils,
and I just lay still until the procedure was finished. Afterwards, I
just lay there trying to figure out what it was all about.
I call them “dreams,” but were they? Sometimes I could see
the face of my clock, the pictures on the wall, curtains on the win-
dow. It was like I was asleep and awake at the same time.
To me, the most important things were the impressions and
feelings I had along with the dreams. I want to stress this to the ex-
treme as I believe it is the most important part. I always felt that
someone or something was in my bedroom, but I could not see or
hear it. How do you express your feelings when you have no words
that are anything like your deepest feelings?
Tom’s Account

My UFO interest began by the age of ten, when, as a child

growing up in a small, Ohio town, I spent my 25¢-per-week al-
lowance on magazines with UFO stories and pictures. Although
fascinating, space travel still seemed to be just “science fiction.”
In 1957, however, space adventure became more plausi-
ble as the Russians entered the space race by placing Sputnik
in orbit. From our backyard in Chesapeake, Ohio, my father and
I watched the small satellite come across the sky on several oc-
casions. One night, what we believed to be Sputnik made an
abrupt 180° reversal of direction—something neither Sputnik
nor any aircraft of the time could do. I never quite forgot that in-
cident, and resolved to keep looking for a logical explanation.
Turning 16 meant learning to drive. It was common for
young men to drive to a nearby orchard to watch the skies with
a special young lady. We spent many nights observing the heav-
enly bodies (pun intended). In those years we learned about
comets, meteors. and the positions of the planets. Watching the
skies became a favorite pastime and, for me, a habit that contin-
ues today.
One night, while observing the skies, a female friend and
I watched what appeared to be a large, luminous central object
with five smaller, luminous objects positioned around it. It could
96 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

easily have been mistaken for a constellation, except that the pe-
ripheral “stars” would randomly move towards and merge with the
center object. After a short period of time, the smaller objects would
move back to their original positions. We watched, contemplating
possible interpretations, perhaps awed by the lack of credible ex-
planations for the phenomenon.
My study of spiritual disciplines and parapsychology had
already begun by the time of my marriage in 1970. In the early
1970s, my wife (at the time) awakened in the middle of the night.
Going outside to the front porch and sitting on the steps, she saw
a beam of light from the sky shining directly on our California
home. The next morning, we discussed her experience. She de-
scribed the light, and I related an intensely vivid, spiritual encoun-
ter dream I had during the night.
By the mid 1970s, the experiences had become more inter-
esting. Occasionally, while I was on the backyard patio, I would
hear an audible voice describing a city and a sighting. It might be
very brief and simple, such as “UFO—Stockton.” My friend Walter
was director of a local science center and interested in the UFO
movement, so I would call him and report my messages. Walter
would confirm, through the media, that a sighting occurred within
24 hours at the location suggested by the message. My last remem-
bered message said, “UFO—Austin, Texas.” Since I was already
planning a trip to Texas, I interpreted the message to be a predic-
tion of a sighting in Sacramento while I was visiting Texas. Nothing
could have been a more inaccurate interpretation.
While two friends from Canada and I were touring the
Project Starlight International (PSI) site in Austin, Texas, our desire
to see a craft became very strong. The technology used at the site
was fascinating to view, but we saw nothing at PSI during that visit.
We were disappointed. We left PSI and decided to have dinner.
Late that night, as we left the restaurant, we looked toward
the sky. Approximately 100 yards from where we stood was a silent,
hovering, silver disc. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter. Open-
ings resembling rectangular windows were visible on the rim.
Above the dome of the disc was a split, steady red light. The light
on the rim of the craft gave a strobe effect. We were unable to de-
termine if the strobe light was rotating about the rim, or if the rim
itself was rotating. We observed the craft for what I would estimate
to be 30 minutes. Finally labelling the phenomenon as a classic
“flying saucer,” we soon tired of the experience and began the re-
turn drive to the university campus.
Tom’s Account 97

Our discussion in the car became one of confusion, and one

of the passengers expressed a desire to see the craft one more time
to resolve our questions. As we parked and exited the garage, the
craft appeared directly overhead. I remember observing the craft for
a short time, but events after the sighting are not yet a part of con-
scious memory. Although we each had cameras in the trunk of the
car, none of us had the inclination to get pictures of either sighting.
My next encounter occurred within a year. It was the Sat-
urday before Easter, and the spiritual energies of the Easter Tides
had always profoundly affected me. That evening I heard a decid-
edly audible voice directing me to go to Wolf Mountain in Grass Val-
ley, California. The voice implied that a spiritual meeting would
take place at a location sacred to the Native American people.
Having no other plans that night, I left the house around
11:00 P.M. for the drive to Grass Valley. I dressed warmly to walk
in the woods, intending to commune with nature on Easter Sun-
day. Disappointed because of the rain beginning to fall in Grass
Valley, I questioned my source guiding me out on this night. I knew
I was not prepared to stand in the rain until sunrise but continued
onto the little road to Wolf Mountain.
I suddenly became aware that I was having trouble seeing.
A heavy fog perhaps—but no, not this heavy. I could no longer see
the road. As I glanced around frantically, the disturbing awareness
penetrated my consciousness that I could not see the trees on the
side of the road. I could no longer distinguish ground from sky. A
feeling of panic came over me as I imagined losing control of the car
and crashing over the hill. A voice said, “You're all right, don’t be
afraid.” I was unable to assess or deal with the reality presented.
My hands loosened and relinquished the steering wheel. My head
went back, and I became disoriented and dizzy.
In what seemed to be the next moment, I was in front of my
neighbor’s house, preparing to make the turn into my driveway. It
was now 5:45 A.M. Easter Sunday. I felt very sleepy and wanted
only to drop into bed. I assumed it was from being up all night, but
it seemed strange that I couldn’t remember what I had done. Before
exiting the car, I checked the trip odometer. Thirty seven miles?
That was the one-way mileage to Grass Valley...but I had been driv-
ing since 11:00 P.M. last night. The last 5 3/4 hours were just
“missing time.” No more analysis—I just wanted sleep.
Fifteen years passed before I felt ready to explore this miss-
ing time issue. My many years of hypnosis training and even my
work with a group of UFO investigators under Professor James
Harder, Ph.D. (of the University of California at Berkeley) were in-
98 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

sufficient motivation to initiate the investigation of my own strange

event. After meeting Dr. Boylan at a 1992 UFO seminar in Sacra-
mento, I decided it was now time to pursue exploration of the Grass
Valley incident.
A week before my initial appointment with Dr. Boylan, my
unconscious memories began to surface. Each night that week be-
came more restless and filled with dreams of running and hiding
(although sometimes playfully) from various spacecraft and their
occupants. Each time I awoke in the night, I felt anxiety about
someone being in the house.
My initial screening appointment before the actual hypnotic
regression was a discussion of the events I have just related and
some psychological symptoms that I felt might be in some way re-
lated. One of those symptoms was a phobic/anxiety attack. While
traveling with a group of dentists on a flight from Charlotte, North
Carolina, to Sacramento, California, I experienced an incapacitat-
ing episode of claustrophobia. It did not seem to be a fear of flying,
since I had been a private pilot for 20 years and the anxiety was
also present when driving the car. Pursuing conventional hypnotic
regressions for related causes from possible childhood experiences
including birth trauma did not provide a complete resolution to the
phobia. Dr. Boylan’s regressions explored new territory for possible
causes of the phobia symptoms.
The Grass Valley incident related earlier was one I con-
sciously remembered as being a calm but confusing event. During
hypnosis the event was far from calm. I vividly recalled taking my
hands from the steering wheel as the voice spoke, assuring me I
was safe. The engine stopped running as the car left the road and
lifted upwards. I could not distinguish ground from sky because
only sky was visible through the car windows. I became terrified
but could think of no way to respond appropriately. Through the
golden, orange glow of the underside of the craft, I saw an opening
appear. The car entered and settled on some sort of ramp. A small,
pasty-white being opened the car door, gently took my arm and
helped me from the car. I noticed how very thin he was and won-
dered how such a thin neck could support such a large head. His
height was less than five feet, and he had very dark, large eyes.(See
Figure 17 on page 99.)
The little being took me into a small elevator-like tube that
reminded me of the transfer chutes at the drive-up stations at the
local credit union. The door opened, and as I stepped out into a cor-
ridor, the door closed behind me, leaving no trace of an opening. I
was in a doughnut-shaped room with no apparent doors or win-
Tom’s Account 29

dows. This was the room I had seen in my dreams. Feeling trapped,
Iran my hands along the wall and desperately looked for a way out.
When I found no openings, I crouched down along the wall in a fetal
position. I was terror-stricken, not because of being mistreated, but
because I lacked skills to deal with such an event.

Figure 17: “His height was less than five feet, and he had very
dark, large eyes.”
A door appeared in the center of the doughnut. I turned my
head to see a different being than the one at the car. I stood up, feel-
ing a sense of trust. The being invited (not ordered) me to enter the
center room, and I did so willingly. I gazed at this taller being. He
was hairless and had wraparound eyes slightly larger than human
eyes. His frontal lobe area was prominent, with an indentation be-
tween the lobes. The occipital area was more protrusive.
The being called me by a name I did not understand at that
time. Although he seemed familiar in a way, I still was not sure
what I should do. He expressed (without words) a concern that I
was not able to remember other encounters and, therefore, re-
100 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

sponded with anxiety. He suggested making some changes using a

piece of medical/scientific equipment. I asked about the nature of
the procedure, and he said it involved an “image-resonance matrix-
ing” procedure. He said earth scientists were beginning to work
with a prototype of this technology.
The machine, as I understood his explanation, imprints
body fluid with a prearranged chemical pattern that is then direct-
ed to a precise body or brain area. It has the physiological effect of
a specific chemical or neurotransmitter without the substance be-
ing physically present. The kind, gentle being asked if I would be
willing to undergo a “treatment” that he explained would “take
some time.” I trustfully agreed and climbed onto the hard surface
of a chair/table. A large headpiece came down across the reclining
chair and covered my head to my nose. Once the equipment was in
place, my only sensations were an initial disorientation and drows-
iness, which, I think, eventually led to sleep. As the treatment was
completed, the figure questioned me on several topics. He seemed
disappointed in my responses but told me the treatment would
take some time to work. He suggested that I would need to sleep
when I got home. I seemed to understand that the word “need” had
a different meaning than just “wanting” to sleep. I was cordially es-
corted back to the car, where a similar (but not the original) pasty-
white humanoid helped me back into the seat. As the car was being
transported, my head went back and I began to feel that same dis-
oriented sensation.
The car was returned to my residential street in front of my
neighbor’s house. The engine was now running, and I drove the few
feet to my driveway—thinking of little else than my need to sleep.
My initial anxieties about this experience were different now. The
hypnosis session provided a pathway beyond the feeling of being
taken or abducted. My feelings were that although the environment
was somewhat unusual, I was treated politely and respectfully dur-
ing my visit—probably with much more understanding and com-
passion than I would later receive from friends or colleagues
hearing about this experience.
Upon reflection, I believe that, from a medical hypno-
analyst’s viewpoint, uncovering the initial sensitizing event and the
symptom producing event should lead to resolution for the phobia/
anxiety. Since the regression of the Grass Valley event, I have ex-
perienced no further symptoms of claustrophobia, nor have the
dreams recurred. Perhaps next I'll work on the anxiety generated
by the “praying mantis”...but that’s another chapter.
Connie’s Account

Where to begin my story? I wonder, when does it begin?

Does it begin when I was five and thought I had an angel in my
room? Maybe it was an angel, or maybe I was one of those chil-
dren with an overactive imagination.
If not when I was five, maybe it was when I was eight and
my five-year-old sister and I shared the same room and often the
same bed, because there seemed to be some strangeness prowl-
ing about the apartment at night. My sister tells me that an ugly,
short, furry fellow looked directly in her eyes. She was so struck
with fear, she couldn’t move. Should I believe her? I don’t seem
to recall this happening, and I was right there. My sister insists
that I saw it too, for we talked about it the next morning. Was
she just having one of those typical kid nightmares, or did my
mind somehow let this memory escape? One memory that didn’t
escape was of being concerned about not being able to remem-
ber. I wonder why I stood for what seemed like hours staring at
the “1963” etched in the sidewalk and telling myself, even pray-
ing, “Do not forget this.” It seems to me I had something else to
remember to go along with that date, but the memory escapes
me. Maybe I just liked to stare at the sidewalk. Kids can think of
the craziest things to do to keep themselves occupied.
102 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

But what about the time we went camping by the river?

What a fun camping trip that was! I think I was 11 at the time. We
played in the water and mud all day, ate food we didn’t normally
get to eat, caught salamanders and slipped one in our parents’
sleeping was great fun. The one memory I always cherished
the most was waking up sometime in the night and watching as a
deer drank water from the river. I soon drifted back to sleep. Until
about May of 1992, it was just a pleasant memory. It seems that
possibly I not only have an escape hole in my memory, I also have
a defective memory. The new picture that has developed in my
thoughts is a silhouette of a short, chunky body with a large head,
standing upright. What happened to the deer? Could it be a screen
memory? What was going on with my mind?
Then there’s my adult angel experience. At least I thought it
was an angel experience at the time. I’m not so sure now. It hap-
pened when I was about 20 years old. I was at work. I remember I
entered a room and a little more than sensed a presence. My reac-
tion to this presence was the most puzzling. I was pleasantly sur-
prised, and felt as if he were a longtime friend and teacher. I reacted
in much the same way I would have if a friend had dropped by to
say hello. I verbally said, “Hi.” I soon felt a sense of loss, because it
seemed as if he had actually come to say good-bye for now. I never
could quite figure out what this experience meant. I often wondered
if I had imagined it, although it seemed very real at the time. Could
this experience be related? I still don’t know, but I wonder.
I never paid much attention to the ET phenomenon until
three years ago. That was when my mother told me about her bi-
zarre dream of being in another place, as a being with penetrating
eyes spoke to her through her thoughts. Her account of this dream
was very vivid and detailed. She also told of other bizarre dreams
and/or experiences from her past. She really had a hard time dis-
tinguishing between which were real and which were dreams. I had
pretty much attributed all this to her spending too much time alone
reading those silly tabloids. She just needed better reading materi-

Then one afternoon, in the library, I saw the cover of Whitley

Strieber’s book, Communion.! That face and those eyes! They were
so similar to what my mother had described. I took the book—and
a few others—home with me.
I discovered much of what my mother had told me scattered
about in these books. And as the next couple of years went by, I no-
ee eeeeeeSsSseees

1. Strieber, Communion.
Connie’s Account 103

ticed other things that caused me to sit up and take notice. One
evening I heard my mother and sister comparing identical scars on
the backs of their hands. Neither of them knew where they came
from. Another time I heard them discussing a “ghost child” that
they had both seen in their dreams. And the real clincher for me
was when my mother told me about a hole she had in her nasal
passage. What truly puzzled me was that whenever I tried to sug-
gest to my mother or my sister that such things might be related to
ET activity, they would stonewall or evade the subject. I eventually
put the whole thing on the back burner of my thoughts, where it
simmered until the spring of 1992.
My awakening to my own involvement in this phenomenon
has been a startling, yet subtle, process. Besides the little morsels
in the simmering pot, I also have had in my possession The Urantia
Book,” which has become my tool for mind and soul exercise. Be-
cause of the nature of this book, my thoughts and beliefs have been
expanded far beyond the confines of this planet. Possibly this was
the initial attraction from the beginning. Anyway, in the early
spring of 1992, parts of The Urantia Book and the morsels in the
simmering pot began to mesh together in my thoughts. Then, with
the airing of Intruders on television, the simmering pot began to
boil. It was as if the heat under the old pot got turned up. All of a
sudden, for the first time, it hit me: this could have happened to
me. My mind began to flood with unusual memories I had never
paid much attention to before. I found it incredible that I had never
noticed these things before. I asked myself, could I possibly have
exposed myself to so much that my mind was making it all up? It
was a constant teeter-tottering between the amazingly bizarre pos-
sibilities and the questioning of my sanity.
The most startling recall of a bizarre nature was when I re-
membered waking up in the wee hours of the morning a couple of
years ago with a sticky, jellylike substance between my legs. It was
not like anything familiar to me. As I groggily stumbled across the
room towards the bathroom, I recalled darting my sleeping hus-
band a dirty look, as if he had played some kind of stupid joke on
me. I then stepped into the shower to wash it all away. The most
puzzling part of this whole incident was that, as I looked at the
shower head, the whole incident just vanished from my memory
(until about six months ago). How could I forget such a thing? Or
did my mind make this up? I read of many bizarre experiences but
nothing of this nature.

2. The Urantia Book. (Chicago: The Urantia Foundation, 1955).

104 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

What can a person do when such thoughts are flooding

their minds? Who to talk to? Where to go to find answers? Thank
God for home computers, modems, and Prodigy. I certainly couldn’t
talk about such things with people I knew. They all thought I was
quite sane. I really didn’t care to shatter this image of normalcy. I
couldn’t even tell my husband. I already knew what he thought be-
cause of his reaction to my mother’s experiences a few years previ-
ously. On the Prodigy computer bulletin board service, I stumbled
across an area which discussed the ET phenomenon. I had no idea
that there were so many others like myself. This became a great
area to share and compare experiences. The topic of hypnosis was
discussed quite frequently as a way to recover lost memories. I
wanted to find out for sure, yet, I didn’t want to know. The way I
looked at it, either I would find out that my suspicions were true,
or I would find out that I was indeed insane. Either way, I would
come out a loser.
Then on June 18th, I discovered a scab in my navel and a
two-inch by six-inch, painless bruise on my leg. This threw my
mind into a tailspin. These things I had read about. It was time for
me to get serious about learning more about what was going on.
Through the Prodigy UFO bulletin board, I found Michael, a local
MUFON investigator, to discuss my problem with. He gave me the
name and phone number of a psychologist in this area who special-
ized in this phenomenon. It took me several months to muster up
the courage to finally make that call to Dr. Boylan.
Mid-December, there I was, sitting in Dr. Boylan’s waiting
room thinking of running back out to my truck and going home be-
fore it was too late. Twice since I had made the appointment the
week before, I thought how ridiculous I was to believe that I really
did have hidden memories of visitor contact. I was nervous about
what might be discovered, yet even more nervous about hypnosis,
which I had never experienced before. Alas, the doctor invited me
in before I changed my mind again.
First we discussed some of my background and why I sus-
pected visitor experiences. It was decided that we would explore the
incident when my sister remembered seeing beings in our room
when we were young. Nothing eventful was uncovered. I was both
relieved and disappointed. Nonetheless, my concerns about being
hypnotically regressed to my past were greatly relieved. It was re-
laxing and seemed quite natural. An appointment was made for the
following week. I was looking forward to it. Possibly I would again
come up with nothing, and I'd be free of all these bizarre thoughts.
Connie’s Account 105

The next session we were to explore the morning I recalled discov-

ering the jellylike substance between my legs.
The beginning of the second regression experience was,
much like the first session—very relaxing. We explored the morning
of discovery, and all was just as I recalled. We then regressed to a
time earlier in that morning. I suddenly, and quite startlingly, felt
my head getting very hot, as if I were standing on my head and
blood was rushing into it. I couldn’t tell if this was because my head
was flopped over the edge of what I was lying on, or if I was actually
tilted in some manner.
Dr. Boylan asked if I could see anything. I could not, except
for a light that seemed to shine through my closed eyelids. I then
felt such great tension in my neck, shoulders and upper arms that
it was painful. I was frightened. My mind was racing, trying to an-
alyze and rationalize all that I was experiencing. I soon noticed a
pressure just above my left arm, as if something or someone’s hand
was wrapped around it. I knew that I was lying down but was not
sure on what. Dr. Boylan then tried to direct my attention to my
lower body. The tension in my shoulders became more painful. I felt
panicked. Several times Dr. Boylan tried to get me to explore below
my waist. I just wouldn’t do it. At this point, I just wanted out of
this situation.
Much to my relief, as soon as I came out of the hypnotic
state, the pain and panic disappeared. By the time I was fully alert
again, I felt fine, except for having to deal with the reality that I did
indeed have a secret life, hidden from my conscious recall. That I
was sure of. I was puzzled, however, about my extremely fearful re-
action to this experience and about my stubborn block to looking
deeper into what was going on below my waist. I had read David Ja-
cobs’s book Secret Life,* so I certainly had a clue as to what to ex-
pect. I thought I had dealt with these possibilities long before |
called Dr. Boylan. I had thought that I was quite OK with it all. The
possibilities of being used for experimental purposes did not bother
me, whatever they might have been.
Another regression session was scheduled for the following
week. During that week I was generally OK, except for having to
take several deep breaths during the course of each day. | attribut-
ed this to not facing up to my fears. So, rather than try to look ata
different possible incident, I thought it would be best to try to get
past that block from the previous week. This we did.

3. Jacobs, Secret Life.

106 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

As we backtracked over what we had already been through

the previous week, all was pretty much the same, except that the
tension, although still present, was not nearly as intense. And
again, I blocked as my attention was directed below my waist. Dr.
Boylan had to ask me at least three times, “Do you want to see?”
before I finally answered, “Yes.” The instant I made this definite de-
cision, I suddenly felt greatly calmed and peacefully relaxed. I still
could not see anything, but I could sense a definite presence, to my
left, which I first described as being like a nurse. He seemed to be
there just to help me get through what they felt was a necessary
procedure. This time, when I was asked to direct my attention to
my lower body, I did not resist. I could feel my feet laid flat upon a
cold, hard surface. I knew that my legs were spread apart about two
feet. I could feel a slight pressure around my legs about six inches
up from my ankles. I sensed other beings prattling about around
my lower body.
As I adjusted to this calm, relaxed state, my surroundings
and these beings seemed familiar. And regardless of the physical
position I was in, I trusted that I was safe and was mentally com-
fortable with the procedure. I sensed a special feeling for the being
to my left but had no real feelings for the others. They simply
seemed to go about their business, which, I recalled, was to insert
a fluid up inside of me, using a spongy syringe about six inches
long and half an inch in diameter. I felt the sensation of being wet
inside, but never felt any pain. In my mind, I was being told by the
being to my left that this was something that would help me. It was
something I would benefit from.
The next thing I remember is sitting up on the table, with
my legs hanging off the side. I seemed to be waiting to go some-
where. It felt as if I were all alone at this time. Dr. Boylan then di-
rected my attention to returning to my bed. My memory seems a bit
foggy on this, but I seem to sense the other beings, the busy ones,
escorting me home. I do not believe they were actually touching me,
but I did somehow feel that I was being held. I then recall crawling
into my bed and, asI pulled the covers up over my shoulder, I could
finally see them. They were standing like little soldiers between the
window and the bed. I wish I could describe them, but my memory
of their appearance is still hazy. It was still dark. I know they were
short—maybe three and a half to four feet tall. I fell asleep looking
at them. At this point, Dr. Boylan proceeded to return me to my
wakeful state.
I found myself in a state of calm acceptance of what I had
just experienced. The anxiety that I had felt from the previous re-
Connie’s Account 107

gression seemed to have melted away. I was filled with awe. During
my drive home from Dr. Boylan’s office, a flood of memories and
thoughts swirled around in my head. Although I did not recall ever
seeing the room I had been in, I began to get a feeling that it was
roomy, not cluttered. I got a sense of everything being white and the
ceiling being domed. There seemed to be windows up towards the
top of the ceiling and some instrument panels along the wall. I also
had a very vague recollection of moving along a wide hallway with
what I felt was the being who was attending my emotional self dur-
ing the medical procedure. He was taller than I, and I got the im-
pression of him possibly being a very pale, almost white, blue-gray
color. We seemed to be telepathically communicating. What that
communication was all about, I have no idea, but I had the feeling
of being a student, trying to understand whatever it was I was being
told. I felt a great respect and, I'd say, even love for this being.
The ET contact experience has affected my family as well.
(See Figure 18 on page 108.) My sister, Cindy, called me one Sat-
urday morning in February to try to tell me about the monster in
Sara’s room (Sara is my three-year-old niece). Sara wanted to tell
me herself. She said that a monster with a really big head and big
black eyes stares at her in her room at night. Then she said, “But
he doesn’t come any more. Now the bunny comes, and I really like
him.” I wonder whether her rabbit image is like my deer image.
She also started to tell me about the time she almost
drowned in the pool. I had a hard time understanding what she was
trying to tell me. Her mother filled me in. Apparently last year, Cin-
dy found Sara floating vertically in the back yard pool. One of the
other kids called 911, while Cindy jumped in after her. What was
unusual was that even though she was unconscious, there was no
water in her lungs. And someone was holding her up in the pool
(according to Sara). Cindy says Sara talks about it all the time. So
the plot thickens.
What a year this has been. Never before in my life have I ex-
perienced such fear, such confusion, such isolation, and such
questioning of the meaning of life. Never before have I reached so
deep within my being or so far out into the universe in search for
answers. Amazingly, the answers have been coming forth at an ac-
celerated rate and from every conceivable direction. A transforma-
tion has been taking place within me. I have never experienced
such raw faith in trusting God’s plan. Nor have I had such a desire
to understand and love the Supreme as well as all fellow brothers
108 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

and sisters, whether they be terrestrial, extraterrestrial, or celes-

tial. Ihave never felt so spiritually connected, so a part of the whole.

Figure 18: Connie’s daughter Cassie’s drawing of an ET and

UFO that she remembers.
So I wonder...where might all this be leading? That remains
to be seen. I feel as if I have been riding on the most perilous and
thrilling galactic roller coaster of all time. As I begin to open my eyes
and throw caution to the wind, the ride becomes such a wondrous-
ly exciting adventure!
Mike’s Account

It could be said that my story began in 1989. That is

when I first encountered hidden memories of extraordinary
events. But, in truth, the past four years have been only the first
step in a journey I have been on for nearly my entire life.
I first recognized that unexplained phenomena had oc-
curred in my life when Whitley Strieber’s book Communion! first
hit the bookstores. I was greatly unnerved by the drawing on the
cover of the book and puzzled by the high level of anxiety I felt
when looking at the drawing. I purchased the book immediately,
hid the book cover in a drawer and began to read.
I have always had an active interest in the UFO phenom-
enon, so the fact I was instantly drawn to the book was no sur-
prise. But, as I read, there emerged a certain familiarity with the
description of the “visitors” and the nature of Strieber’s contacts.
The thoughts nagged at me for such a long, intense time that I
decided to get to its source.
A few months later, I began to see a hypnotist under the
guise of a weight loss program. I didn’t tell her my real interests
in hypnotic regression at first, because I am a well-known pro-
fessional in my town, and discretion was very important. After

1. Strieber, Communion.
110 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

our fifth session I felt comfortable enough that I told the hypnotist
of some disjointed memories of a “dream” I had when I was 11.
Somewhere locked in my subconscious mind were memories of lit-
tle creatures that had the feel of other worlds. She agreed to regress
me, stating emphatically that she was not a believer in alien en-
counters and would be happy to put that notion to rest with me.
The night before I was to be regressed, a thought flashed in
my mind of a praying-mantis-faced being with long arms reaching
out and holding me by the arm. It was only a split-second thought,
but it frightened me to the core. I told my wife (who harbors doubts
on this subject) that I wasn’t sure if I could go through with the re-
gression. I doubted if the truth was worth this amount of fear. (I
wonder how many others have faced this barrier only to back
down? This was a threshold decision for me, and I am a very curi-
ous person.)
The persistence of these thoughts was so strong, however,
that I knew if I didn’t explore them, I would never know peace. I de-
cided to be regressed.
Before we began, I told the hypnotist that my conscious
memories were of an early summer afternoon filled with clouds
from an approaching storm. My mother was scurrying through the
house excitedly attempting to convince me and the rest of the fam-
ily to come out and “see the beautiful clouds.” While my father and
my two brothers sat stone-faced (my perception at the time) in front
of the television set, I eagerly went out to view the sky. That was the
extent of my conscious memory, but I have had vague thoughts
since then that more was there.
It is interesting to note that my mother has full memory of
that day even though our conscious memories tell us nothing re-
markable enough happened to explain why our memory would be
so filled.
I was surprised at the ease with which I was able to be re-
gressed to that day 21 years before. While taking me under, the
hypnotist had given me a pep talk and explained that the events
would be taken a frame at a time and that they happened years ago
and there was no danger. Despite this, I was terribly uneasy. Then
the memory began to come back. As my mother pointed to the sky,
the wind began to swirl. At that point, our elderly German shepherd
began to act erratically and started to run down a hill. My mother
was desperately calling her to come back when we both noticed a
lead-colored cylinder coming out of a cloud. The hypnotist dwelled
on this for a number of questions and I was under the impression
she thought I was describing a tornado—which, of course, would
Mike’s Account Jere

have explained the fear and supported her theories. Upon further
questioning, however, it became clear that the cylinder did not act
like a typical tornado.
While I looked at the cylinder in a curious way, my mother
looked on in dread, almost as if she knew what it was and what it
wanted. She became more desperate to get the dog. All of a sudden,
though, four square-framed beings were quickly and smoothly
floating up a long hill toward us. During the session I referred to
them as “trash cans.” My mother turned to me in an utter state of
fright and screamed for me to run.
After she told me to run, she began to run herself. Not to-
ward me but away from me. The beings were closing in around her.
Her face looked like a stone and she was running under what I can
only describe as instinctual panic. To this moment, it is the expres-
sion on her face during those few seconds that is difficult to shut
out. She looked in real pain.
The beings caught up quickly with her and seemingly float-
ed her off behind our garage. During this time, I remained frozen in
a corner of the front of our house. I looked to my left and saw a
praying mantis figure heading toward me. It had a long head, mod-
erate-size torso and long, skinny limbs. Its fingers were long and
thin and had a gentle appearance. As it came closer, I turned, bur-
ied my head in the corner of the house and wet my pants. I was
frightened beyond description.
Then the being grabbed my arm, and suddenly I was no
longer afraid. I knew my mother was fine and this being would not
hurt me. Still, I knew I couldn’t look directly at him or I would get
frightened again.
The being led me across our yard and down the hill where
the four other beings had come from. About halfway down the hill,
I noticed there was a spaceship which was lead-gray, had no appar-
ent openings and seemed not a lot greater in length than a car.
I got the impression we were going to go into the craft but I
was puzzled how we would get in. Soon, the craft began to rotate
and a completely black square emerged. I knew it was the door, but
I could see nothing inside. I don’t remember how I got there, but
the being and I were soon inside the craft in a room that seemed
too large to fit in the craft I had seen. It had a low, rounded ceiling
that had no seams. Violet light came from somewhere, but I could
not detect its origin.
I was gently placed on a metal table that appeared to be
more like a platform that could be slid in a wall when not in use.
Soon a fifth being appeared. This being was plump and rather se-
112 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

rious. He seemed to be having a general discussion with me and the

larger praying-mantis figure. This conversation—although I have
no memory of what it was about—seemed to place me at ease.
After what seemed to be a quick, general examination, a
long, white metal tube was displayed. The tube was inserted in my
back just below my neck and pushed down through my entire
spine. I have no recollection of pain but I had the idea that the met-
al tube was to keep my back perfectly still.
Once the tube was implanted, a smaller tube with a light at
the end was used to fully examine most of my body. After that, a
large syringe filled with a liquid that looked like antifreeze was in-
jected in the tube that was still in my spine. After the injection was
complete, it seemed as though they were through with their “exam-
ination,” and I was free to get up.
At that moment, one of the walls began to move and re-
vealed a sort of cockpit. Two other beings who were plump and
more humanlike were seated in front of a bunch of controls. I could
see my yard out the “window.” One of the plump beings walked over
to me carrying a black velvet bag. He reached in and took out a
thick, large, black book. The book had four rows of three “Chinese-
type,” bright orange letters. I was told the book was “the Book of
Truth,” and I had known well its contents but had forgotten. A
number of ideas about the book burst into my head that I still have
not been able to entirely decipher, but I believe the contents were
about the balance in the universe, love of all living things, the peril
of earth and coming changes. While I don’t necessarily share these
“New Age” views, I can’t drown out the resonance of these thoughts.
The general ideas ring true despite whatever misgivings I may have
of them.
I was then told I would remember the contents of the book
when I turned 33, which was three years ago. I have to admit, since
I turned 33, I have felt a greater understanding of natural events
and have had what I would consider a heightened spiritual view of
the world. I have also found great success in my business and it
has been much easier to balance my work and fulfill my interests
in things spiritual.
I was told they had come to me because I was sort of like
their “family.” They turned over the book and showed me a bright
orange symbol that looked like the sun, its rays swept by wind, and
said that if I were to ever get lonely, I should remember the symbol.
As I was being led out of the craft I remember wondering
how the craft had managed to travel the expanse of the universe.
Doubters and scientists usually note the vast distances from neigh-
Mike’s Account 113
I ec ee eS A eT ee Dee ee bw eee eee

boring stars as their evidence that no space travel is possible. Ad-

mittedly it has puzzled me for a long time, too. Almost instantly
after asking the unspoken question, I had my answer. I was told
telepathically that they are able to move from planet to planet ina
similar fashion to an out-of-body experience. Through a form of
meditation, they are able to project a split-conscious spirit to any
location in the universe. Once their minds have reached their des-
tination, they are able to alter the vibration of their bodies to phys-
ically move to that destination. Objects such as crafts are unable
to do this, which is the reason for “mother ships” and other ships
which “hang out” in our general stellar neighborhood. Human out-
of-body experiences are really the basic beginnings of our ability to
travel about the universe.
The taller being then walked me out to the first room and
placed a tool on my ear that looked like an ear-piercing device. (See
Figure 19 on page 114.) He squeezed the tool and I lost control of
my balance and felt as if my stomach were going to explode. Just
as quickly, I felt fine and was heading back to our house. However,
it was now approximately 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. and I was entering from
the back of our house and not the front where the craft had been.
I walked in the house, and my entire family, including my mother,
was seated in front of the television set. My mother asked me if I
had “fun playing in the woods?” I said “Yes,” and each of us acted
as though nothing happened.
Three years after the hypnotic regression, I turned 33. I was
curious what would happen when I finally achieved that age. Would
I attain instant spiritual enlightenment? Would I have a sudden
burst of memory of the content of the black book as predicted by
my visitors 22 years earlier?
On my 33rd birthday, nothing happened. I was disappoint-
ed despite the unrealistic expectations. That night, I went to bed
with my curiosity unfulfilled. In the middle of the night, however, I
had one of the most incredible dreams of my life. I dreamed of flying
through space and of “family reunion” style meetings with the
plump aliens that had visited me when I was 11. The recurring
theme of the dream was that I should go to the mountains and
there I would find the answers to my questions. The message was
also clear that I would know exactly where to go.
114 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Figure 19: “The taller being then walked me out to the first
Mike’s Account 115

After waking up in the morning, I have to admit, while the

dream was intriguing, I felt a little silly about the image of driving
around the mountains waiting for something to happen. Later in
the week, I called my older brother who has always had an interest
in paranormal events. I told him of my hypnosis and, in general
terms, about the dream I had earlier in the week. I expected him to
be receptive to what I was telling him, but I was shocked when he
told me he had a similar dream approximately the same night. In
fact, he went on to describe his dream in detail which so closely
paralleled mine as to be nearly exact. We decided the dreams were
more than coincidence and planned a trip for the mountains.
Two weeks later we began to drive toward the foothills of the
Sierra Mountains in northern California. Without maps or any gen-
eral idea where we were driving, we started making turns on a va-
riety of back mountain roads. There was an unspoken agreement
between my brother and me that we had turned on the “correct”
After about an hour’s drive, we came along a ridge with a
beautiful view of the setting sun and a small lake down below. Be-
cause both of our dreams had included such a backdrop, we in-
stinctively knew we had arrived.
We found a clearing and sat down waiting for something to
happen—although neither of us had any idea what we were expect-
ing. For about an hour, my brother meditated while I sat glumly
watching the final sliver of sun set beyond the horizon and begin-
ning to feel a little embarrassed that I had taken this trip.
I had just stood up to talk to my brother about driving back
home when I heard some rustling in the bushes. It was a young
buck deer moving toward us. Looking around, I noticed we were
surrounded by about a dozen deer all looking directly at us. My
brother said, “They’re here,” and I knew he meant extraterrestrials,
not deer.
We walked past the clearing and into the woods where we
encountered even more deer. Even though I don’t consider myself
much of a naturalist, I knew that two dozen deer in the same loca-
tion was very unusual. This, along with the growing darkness, cast
an eerie pall over the evening that made me a little uneasy.
What transpired next is partially in my conscious memory
and partially derived from a later hypnosis session with Dr. Richard
Boylan. After seeing the large number of deer, I remember being
drawn to the center of a clearing beneath several tall pine trees. My
brother followed but stayed off to the side. Suddenly, I began to lift
my arms despite feeling I had no control over doing so.
116 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Under hypnosis, I spoke of my arms lifting and then the rest

of my body. My body was slowly lifted and rested horizontally, hov-
ering about four feet off the ground. I looked over at my brother who
was giggling at me. I asked him what was happening and he told
me, “You are being initiated.”
My brother and I were soon surrounded by several beings of
small stature—less than four feet tall—and dressed in hooded
black robes. Four of the beings put their hands on my body. Instan-
taneously I was elevated to the tops of the trees. I could see the ear-
ly night stars to the east and the dark blue of the post-dusk sky to
the west.
As I looked back to the east, I was suddenly joined by one
of the hooded beings hovering with me above the tree tops. I looked
into his hood but I could make out only general features. The being
told me telepathically that he was called “The One.” He said he was
from the “Golden Planet” which is part of a confederation that over-
sees the spiritual conduct of the universe. He said the earth was in
transition and that it will gradually be brought into the family of
planets and achieve a gradual awareness of the existence of other
beings throughout the universe. Once this transpires, we on earth
will begin to provide the universe with our “unique emotional per-
In one way or another, I asked him, “Why are you telling this
to me?” I was told that my destiny was to act as a facilitator of cre-
ating a world government that will work in concert with all the peo-
ple on earth. This government would act as the moral and ethical
conscience of the earth and would begin to direct the individual
governments of the world to work within universal laws, not just in
their own self-interest.
I was then brought back to the ground. All of the beings
were now gone, but my brother was standing next to me grinning
widely. In my conscious memory, I felt like I was just coming out of
a dream. I was dizzy and had to sit down. I said to my brother, “I
think something happened.” He laughed and said “Yeah, I think
Without saying any more, we walked to my car and began
to drive back home. As I turned the car around, I noticed that the
place we had decided to park was at the end of the road. Driving
down the road, we passed several cars heading toward where we
had just been. Yet, during the entire time we had been sitting in the
woods—about two hours—no cars drove near us.
During the trip back home, my brother and I talked very lit-
tle about the events of the evening. We both knew we had experi-
Rayna’s Account

My first conscious sighting of ETs was in late fall of 1981,

in Denver, Colorado. I was living outside of the city on a hill, sur-
rounded by several acres of open ground. I was in my kitchen
about 10:00 P.M., stirring a pot of beans, when I felt compelled
to go look out of the front window. My large shepherd/collie dog
did the same. As we stood looking out together, I noticed what
at first glance seemed to be four or five children standing at the
edge of the lawn under a street light. Iwas surprised to see them
there at that hour, because, judging by their size, they couldn't
be much more than seven or eight years old. As I watched them,
I realized that there was something terribly “off’ about the scene.
Their heads were oversized and bald, their arms and bodies were
long and spindly looking. (See Figure 20 on page 120.) Their
movements were jerky, irregular and fast, almost insect-like.
Their coloring was a semi-dark shade of brown.
I began to feel very frightened. They weren't children. My
dog dropped her head and tail and slunk out of the room with a
whimper. She hid under the bed until the next day. In the 14
years that I had her this was a first. She had always been
gressively protective, particularly when someone intruded on
came home, he said I looked as
her territory. When my husband
I didn’t tell him what I had seen. I
though I had seen a ghost.
120 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

actually forgot about it until a few years later, when something in

a book triggered the memory.

Figure 20: “Their heads were oversized and bald, their arms
and bodies were long and spindly looking”
In Sedona, Arizona, on August 10, 1989, I was taking a nap
alone in the house at about 3:00 P.M. I woke up to a loud, cracking
sound. | realized that I was paralyzed and felt a strong tingling sen-
sation over my entire body. I became aware that a small being was
standing by the head of my bed. I mentally began to scream, “Go
away! Don’t take me! Go away!” I was extremely scared. The top of
the being’s head was even with the doorknob (about 3- 1/2 feet tall).
It was a whitish-gray color and seemed to be wearing some sort of
form-fitting jumpsuit. It had a large head and large, dark eyes. The
feeling from it was rather impersonal and businesslike. I heard the
being communicating to someone, seemingly over our heads. I
didn’t understand exactly what was being said, but I got an overall
impression of the nature of the communication. It was a strange,
almost digital, musical sound and very short. It seemed to be relay-
ing information about my physical being. I felt irritated that my ex-
treme fear was being totally ignored. After the communication, the
Rayna’s Account 121

being was gone, and so was the paralysis. My muscles were very
sore, and I was nauseated. There was a mark on my neck that
wasn’t there before. It was a series of very small red dots in a “C”
shape. The mark has remained.
Earlier that summer, I was sitting outside at Red Rocks
crossing with a friend, talking and watching the stars. We saw what
appeared to be six or seven ships shoot up into the sky from no-
where. They were a brilliant orange color and traveled a great dis-
tance at seemingly impossible speed. They all shot up together in a
“V” formation and disappeared, except for one that circled back to-
ward the earth and was visible a while longer before it, too, was
gone. It was an incredibly beautiful sight to see.
Another time I was driving up the canyon with a friend. One
minute we were just starting up the canyon, talking, and the next
minute we were at the very top, with approximately 30 minutes of
missing time. Our destination had been near the bottom of the can-
yon. We had absolutely no memory of the trip up. On the way down,
we passed within a few feet of large, noisy equipment where the
road was being repaired. We were quite bewildered that we didn’t
even remember that part of the trip.
I woke up at about 2:30 A.M. one morning in the winter of
1991 to see a bright light shining through my bedroom window. I
propped myself up on my elbows and thought, “I'd better go check
on Ariel” (my oldest daughter, now 3-1/2 years old). Instead of get-
ting up, I lay back down and went to sleep, which was a completely
atypical response for me, particularly under the circumstances.
Sometime later, I heard a low hum that got louder and higher and
faded away. I thought, “There they go,” and I went back to sleep.
The next morning, I asked my husband if he had seen or heard any-
thing unusual that night. He described hearing the exact sound
that I had heard. A neighbor told me she saw a small, bright light
float past her window the same night.
After that night, my daughter began to express undue anx-
iety over light reflections on walls or ceilings—anxiety that she
couldn’t connect to its source. She was extremely jumpy over little
sounds and avoided certain areas of the house. Six months later,
her verbal skills had developed sufficiently to allow her to tell me
about it. One night, she climbed up on my lap and said, “Mommy,
something has really scared me.” She proceeded to describe how
“some little white guys” came into her room through the window
and took her for a ride to “their mommy’s house.” She said this
house was “over the street” in front of our house.
122) Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

She said, “They put a spider up my nose. They put a green

pen up one nose [nostril] and a purple one up the other nose, and
it hurt me really bad.” (See Figure 21 below.) She also said they
pinched her toe. There was a little hole or indentation in it. The skin
peeled around it and healed in a couple of days. She told me that
what they took her for a ride in made no noise.

Nem EITTEL V Ta Twee oe

Bee EP
pee ,. f

Figure 21: A probe with a light in the end, used by the ETs in
their procedures.
I felt so powerless when she asked if I would go with her the
next time; I knew I had no control over the situation. I could only
tell her that I hoped it would happen that way, and that I knew
about the little white guys. We decided that we could figure it all
out together. She went to bed feeling much better.
I went to the other room and fell apart. I was face-to-face
with my own doubt, fears and feelings of such isolation with it all.
Not knowing what was real and what wasn’t in these experiences
left me feeling wary of trusting my perceptions about anything in
my life.
That night was the beginning of my conscious exploration
of my own and others’ contacts with ETs. Until then, I had chosen
to ignore the many strange things I had seen and experienced over
the last 20 years or so. All the while, I knew in my gut that some-
thing real was going on. What prompted me to pursue conscious
knowledge and understanding was my young daughter's apparent
involvement. It was her expression of fear and confusion that fueled
my courage to pick up the phone and dial Dr. Boylan. He had
placed a small article in the paper asking anyone with suspected
Rayna’s Account 123

ET contact to call him. Doing that was like opening Pandora’s box.
I was fortunate to have chosen such a competent, caring and in-
formed person to assist me in sorting it all out and to deal with the
events of the summer of 1992. There was a definite acceleration of
intensity and number of events connected to the ETs—so much at
times that I thought, if I wasn’t already crazy, I soon would be. .
After ruling out a mental disorder, the most important
things Dr. Boylan did for me were to inject some humor into the sit-
uation and to connect me to a contactee support group comprised
of people who were having the same types of experiences I was. The
sense of validation and bonding I have gotten from this group has
been paramount in helping me see the much brighter picture that
exists beyond my initial fear and distrust.
Another turning point happened in July of that summer. I
was getting a bottle for my infant daughter, Aja, at about 3:00 A.M.
As I walked up the hall with the bottle, I heard a strange sound and
whipped around to try to catch sight of what made it. It sounded
like a cross between a gerbil and a fast-forward recording of some-
one talking in a musical tone. I didn’t see anything. I was so tired
from the many sleepless nights of anxiety over these events and the
rigors of caring for my baby that I didn’t even care, at that point,
and I went to bed.
Two days later, while dusting, I came across a couple of very
strange-looking handprints on the stereo speaker. I immediately
ran to the bathroom to spread baby powder on the counter to at-
tempt to duplicate them. I couldn’t. No one in the house could.
There were two very long fingers on each hand, with large bulblike
shaping in the tips. They were placed directly in front of a small
sculpture of a dinosaur. The eyes on the sculpture are large, dark,
almond shapes like the eyes on the ETs. | left the prints there for
several weeks and looked at them over and over. When I looked at
them, I felt, for the first time since the rash of activity that summer,
a sense of longing instead of fear. I had always had an odd sense of
longing for something or some other place, but the recent close-up
encounters had replaced those feelings with fear for a while. I pho-
tographed and videotaped the ET fingerprints to show the CE-IV
group. No one thought I was delusional.
On August 17, 1992, Iwas coming home from a get-together
with two other women at about 10:00 P.M. We drove the other
out in the country , about five miles
an to her home, a few miles
from my home.
Something had caught my attention as we drove up the
road toward the house. The other women went up to the front
124 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

to pick up some vegetables from the garden. I went across the road
to see if I could figure out what it was that had gotten my attention
Approximately 20 stories high and two miles away, just as
bright and obvious as it could be, was a huge ship hovering in the
sky, just above the tree tops. I stood there with my mouth hanging
open, staring in utter disbelief. It was about the size of four or five
houses with a row of large blinking lights across the bottom. The
top part was strangely dark, like a shadow. The “shadow” had a def-
inite outline that was similar to an inverted pie tin.
I suddenly realized that I was separated from the others and
hurried back across the road to the yard. They were taking forever
with their zucchini transaction and I wanted a reality check with
someone else, but I hesitated to say anything. I didn’t know these
other women very well.
I went back to see if I really saw what I thought I did. It was
still there—silent, blinking lights, drifting weightlessly to the left,
very slowly. I returned to the car once again. The driver was finally
ready to go. When we got into the car, I started babbling inanely
about seeing something weird in the sky. We backed out of the
driveway and there was absolutely nothing there. Of course I felt
like a crazy idiot.
One night at a CE-IV meeting, Dr. Boylan asked if anyone
in the group would be willing to do some public speaking. The pur-
pose was to educate other health professionals about the phenom-
enon so they could assist anyone coming to them with ET contact.
Other events were designed to encourage people to speak out freely
about their own experiences. I thought at the time “No way, a pub-
lic speaker I’m not!” and declined.
That was on Thursday night. On Saturday morning some-
one shook my shoulder hard enough to jolt me out of my sleep. I
sat up in the dark and heard very clearly in my head, “Rayna, get
up, wake up, you've got to hurry up and call Dr. Boylan and tell him
you'll speak!” I left a message on his answering service, that I was
willing to consider speaking publicly. I did it before I was fully
awake because I knew that, if I had a chance to think about it for
long, I’d never do it.
A few days later, I was driving in the country and having a
panic attack over committing myself to speaking. I asked half-jok-
ingly in my head, what was it the ETs wanted me to speak about.
Obviously it was all their fault that I was in this mess, I thought.
To my absolute surprise and delight, the answer came. It came the
way it was asked—telepathically. The answer was in complete form
Rayna’s Account 125

and I knew it was the truth. I used it when I did speak, and it was
perfectly appropriate for the occasion.
There are two main forms of communication that I and oth-
ers in the group have experienced with the ETs. One is similar
the way we communicate to each other, in that the thought pat-
terns seem to flow in a more linear pattern. The difference is
l voice isn’t utilized. It’s telepath ic. Other informa tion
the physica
has come more like a computer disk being dropped in my head
it is just pictures .
complete form, like a mind transfer. Sometimes
of transfo rmation as it
Both ways have required a certain type
This is difficult for me to
doesn’t always present itself in English.
nt to
explain (as well as believe) sometimes. But I feel it is importa
that others are dealing with the same
mention it, because I know
This has been—and continues to be—an ongoing proces
ul for that.
for me. The ET contact has changed me, and I am thankf
I have only touched on a few of my experiences and impres
of help to you. If you have infor-
sions. I hope they will somehow be
e of what you
mation or feel a push to reach out to others becaus
I would like you to take action on it. Doing
have read in this book,
freein g and healin g for me. The feedback
so has been immensely I've
from people
and affirmation I’ve received from the group and and
in their depth
spoken to publicly have been overwhelming
beyond our
At some point it will be time for all of us to move
nce and the appea rance of their
initial fascination with their prese eir be-
reaso n for—a nd the meani ng of—th
ships to discovering the has be-
our joy. It
ing here. This challenge is our gift, and, I hope, ey.
on this journ
come quite clear to me that we are not alone

Brian’s Account

The question most asked and most difficult to answer is,

“What did you see?” It’s not as simple as an object landing and
a person walking up to you and saying, “Hello.” It’s much broad-
er and subtler than that. This is less a physical, external thing.
It involves visions, memories, dreams and feelings. The whole
experience is like a puzzle spread out over the years. You do go
through a “Was this real?” thing more than once! Then you have
doubts, and just when you think it’s over...the phenomenon
comes back. I go through this critical cycle every few years.
There is a lot that is unsaid—and unknown to the gener-
al public—about the deeper meaning behind it all. There are lay-
ers of acceptance of the various aspects of the experience (even
among UFO researchers). First it was the sightings, then the
idea of landings and creatures, then the slow acceptance of con-
tact. We have now gotten to the point of actually looking into—
not guessing at—the purpose. I think there is even more beyond
this. A lot of time and energy is wasted in questioning the valid-
ity of just the basic idea of contact, let alone the content and its
Part of the problem in relating this comes from the limi-
tations in the way our language works and from not having a
128 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

common frame of reference for something that seems extradimen-

The first “typical” UFO experience that I had happened
sometime around 1966. I went to a friend’s house along the way to
kindergarten, as I had done many times before. His mother an-
swered the door and said he was sick. I left, and just as I got to the
curb, I looked up. I saw a silver cone with small wedges around
It had no wings, no windows, lettering or numbers, and it made no
sound. It was about 15 feet long and was just a little higher than
the telephone poles. It flew very fast down the street, with a slight
rolling motion. I don’t remember what I said or did after that.
Certain areas in my neighborhood—that same street and
my elementary school, for instance—have strange feelings and
sociations connected with them. My friend’s family had a saucer
sighting at that same area. These areas are often referred to
in my
dreams. It’s difficult to explain these things that are tied
They are related, yet separated in time and in the fragme
nted mem-
ories of a child’s point of view. Let me relate an example of
how in-
terrelated these things are:
*One dream I had involved an object exploding over my
friend’s back yard fence. A gray sphere with a “dent/
eye” was burning and crashed into the nearby levee
field. I tried to put out the fire.
*There was an incident when I was about eight years old,
during which I tried to stomp outa ring of fire in that
same field, in the same spot.
*At about the same time as my dream—and a
away—my friend and fellow experiencer had a
dream about a burning sphere that landed in his
back yard and exploded, revealing a message.
*A fellow classmate told me that, around 1970, he sawa
“black sphere with multicolored sparks” flying
the house of this same friend.
*From the time I was five years old until I was eight,
I drew
beings I called the “Eyeball People.” They had
and wore robes, and each one had an eye for a
They landed at that same spot. (See Figure 22
page 129.)
*This particular area is now paved over. The pavem
stops abruptly at the end of the “event zone.”
One fall evening in 1973, I was outside trying
to use the
averted vision technique to spot the Andromed
a galaxy so I could
Brian’s Account 129

look at it through my telescope. I had just checked the kitchen

clock from the back porch, and I noted that it was 9:00 P.M. As I
focused my attention on the galaxy, which was almost at the Ze-
nith, I saw a dark triangle with dark, circular areas near each apex
moving silently overhead. At first Iwas awed by it. Then there was
a kind of blackout point. I assumed that this was from having my
head tilted back too long. But then I noticed that I was not standing
by the edge of the porch any longer. I was in the middle of the yard.

ee es

Figure 22: “The ‘Eyeball People’...had claws and wore robes,

and each one had an eye for a head.”
I watched the object pass overhead at about a 60-degree an-
gle. It made a hissing sound, then it turned from a northerly direc-
130 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

tion to the north-northwest. I saw what appeared to be a row of

“vents” along its top, back end. There were two dull, red, glowing
areas on the back.
Then I felt elation—a very deep and powerful, yet almost
calm, “knowing.” I knew what this was and who they were, and I
felt very much a part of them. This was so impressed in me that I
didn’t even finish watching it disappear from view. I knew without
a doubt—more certainly than anything I've ever felt or known be-
fore—that I would see them again. I went into the house, excited.
My brother teased me about it. He was not even interested
in what I had seen. I said no more about it. I drew a picture of it,
but strangely I did not make note of the date.
My “knowing” had come from being taken aboard their
craft. The beings were about seven feet tall. They had domed heads,
no necks, no mouths and long, tapered eyes that wrapped around
their heads. Their skin was pale gray, and it looked rubbery, like a
wet suit.
I remember lying down in the craft. One of the ETs was to
the left of me, holding a silvery, cylindrical tool. At one point, I was
sitting near a console, and a set of tubelike wires were put to the
base of my skull. I recall that a square, brightly lit chamber was
used to “beam” me in and out. The chamber also had something to
do with a cleansing process.
In the years following this event, my drawing skills im-
proved dramatically. When I was 12 years old I drew very detailed,
technical things like perspective topographical maps of other plan-
ets, functionally detailed craft, controls, three-dimensional memo-
Ty systems, mind-link computers and circuits. My mind’s “visions”
of these things were always instant and consistent—like a memory.
At about midnight on March 1, 1985, my wife and I were
asleep in our second-floor bedroom in a building, which was on a
dead-end street. Suddenly we woke up and got out of bed. Through
our back window we could see a light approaching. It went over the
roof of the apartment. I felt anxious. A bluish-white beam of light
came through the ceiling. I told my wife to be quiet, because “they”
can see and hear with the light. This wasn’t a mental/ conceptual
concern. It was the kind of gut fear you have when your mind and
soul are laid bare.
We tried to hide up against the wall next to the closet. By
that time the light had come around to the front door. It was like
bright search light was in the entry way. Light was coming
through the cracks in the door, and even through the peep
hole. I
Brian’s Account lot

made sure that the door was locked. The whole. door glowed a
bright yellow-white. Then, there was no door.
I stepped up to the threshold, and I could see, landed in the
street below, a craft best described as an angular, wedge-shaped
“helicopter.” Five figures took positions in the road and fanned out
in front of the craft as if to guard it or to intercept anyone coming
up or down the street. I looked up to my right, and I saw one figure
at the first landing on the stairs. Another was standing about two
feet from me, around the corner of the entry. The beings were seven
feet tall, wearing blue coveralls and what looked like helmets. (See
Figure 23 on page 132.) They had domed heads, silver faces, no
necks, and long slit-like indentations for eyes. I could not sense
that they were “alive”’—at least not like the ones before.
I was “told” to come with them. Resisting seemed pointless,
after what had already happened, so I went with them. At this point
I couldn’t look up to see their faces. It was as if it didn’t occur to me
to lift my head up farther. I was now in back of my apartment, ina
grassy area near a fence and creek. But it was bright—almost like
day, or a spotlight from above. One of the entities stayed next to my
right side the entire time. The other one stayed a few feet away.
They examined me for “contamination.” I was upset that they
wouldn’t directly answer me and that they might risk my health
with whatever they were doing. I think they were programmed, to a
degree. I did detect a presence of mind, but not a biological “per-
Afterward, I could look down and see through my roof. I
floated down into my apartment, where I “blended” into a mundane
For me, a common symptom of a close encounter has been
paralysis, usually preceding a bluish-white shaft of light. When the
light goes, so does the paralysis. Another symptom has been an il-
logical fear of someone or something trying to get in the door or win-
dow, even a second-story window with no ledge.
These beings seem to have been away awhile. But since the
1980s I have had experiences with robotic or synthetic life-forms
that look similar, i.e., tall, with domed or tubular heads. It has been
common for them to come in pairs. I have also seen spheres of light,
one of which spoke my full name in a metallic voice, and “spy
globes,” grayish spheres with a lens/eye, floating outside my win-
I am under the impression that the “Eyeball People” from
my childhood experiences of the 1960s are not the same intelli-
gences as the ones from the 1970s. I keep a lot of things to myself.
L332 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

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Figure 23: “The beings were seven feet tall, wearing blue
coveralls and what looked like helmets.”
Brian’s Account 133

There are levels of acceptance to this UFO thing. People

have had difficulty believing sightings, then landings, then abduc-
tions. I was a bit reluctant myself to accept multi-race contacts, de-
spite what I “knew,” and I am still reluctant to discuss what I
believe my relationship is with them. Very recently I have discov-
ered that I am not the only person with these deep, but controver-
sial or “way-out” feelings. It is because of these feelings that a good
support group is important. The UFO experience has less to do with
external things in the sky than it has to do with one’s internal life,
state of mind and soul. How does one relate to someone or some-
thing that is extradimensional? We are not quite adapted to it. I
think our physical sense limitations are only letting us see half of
the picture. The sometimes dreamlike quality of these events gives
clues as to the brain waves that entities use to communicate with
us. That they may be dreamlike is no reason for the experiences to
be quickly dismissed.
I cannot say from my own experience that the ETs are here
for our own salvation or that they are overly concerned in our af-
fairs. They do not seem to understand humans’ emotional
irrationality, which seems to be the root of a lot of the earth’s prob-
lems. They prefer that we solve our own problems, and they do not
like others to interfere with human development. They are relative-
ly new to this galaxy, and they have done a few experiments with
DNA and with passing memory/intelligence through soul migra-
tion, as weird as that may sound.
Although I have occasionally been examined physically, this
phenomenon has always been of a mental and psychological inter-
est. I have had no threats, sperm samples, sex, etc. I have never
been harmed or felt that anything “evil” happened. Some things
that I was shown were uncomfortable, in a revelatory way. But it
has always been society and the government that have caused the
most discomfort for me.
The UFO experience is definitely meant to shake us out of
our perceptions of the world. It brings our minds out of our mun-
dane, material, and trivial society and changes our complacent at-
titudes of where and who we are. It dispels our blind beliefs in our
myths and challenges our collective denial of the greater reality—
the Universe. When I look back, I find that most fear develops from
the suddenness of the process, the out-of-control, paralysis part. I
am not afraid of them. I tell myself “Let ’em come. I'd like to meet
eye to eye.” But there is something unsettling about having some-
thing that knows you better than you know yourself look right
through you. What I have learned and experienced is priceless, and
134 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

in no way do I regret it. We must try to accept and truly understand

this, and most importantly, to be honest with ourselves, and face
ourselves the way they face us—when our souls are naked. Then
we will meet.
Dr. Rich’s Account

How does a psychologist begin to talk about contact by

ETs? As I write this in February, 1993, I am still strongly influ-
enced by the popular culture’s carefully sculpted attitude of
scoffing at ET contact. And, of course, I have my professional po-
sition to think about. Then, too, the disclosure work I have done
on covert weapons and operations of the “Black Budget” side of
government has earned me scores of warnings from ex-military
and ex-intelligence types. Given the focus of the CIA and De-
fense Intelligence on psychological warfare, psychotronics and
mind control, am I not giving them further keys to my mind by
making open the intimate details of my close encounter experi-
ences? However, I am driven by a sense of mission to tell this
truth and damn the consequences. It has become increasingly
clear to me that this sense of mission comes from my ET con-
tacts. But, lest I sound like a galactic version of The Manchurian
Candidate, let me affirm that I probably would have done it any-
way. Telling the truth in the face of the Big Lie has always been
important to me. So, here goes.
Several incidents that happened earlier in my life may or
may not have involved CE-IVs. Examples include:
eAn unseen, silent mystery “helicopter”(?) that shone an
intense beam of white light down on our car, as my girlfriend
136 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

and I were driving on Highway 49 between Mokelumne Hill and San

Andreas, California, one summer night in 1984.
eAn intense light that lit up the Eastern California desert
and awakened me around 4:30 A.M. in 1952, as I and other 12-
year-old Boy Scouts camped out near the Nevada border. (I as-
sumed it was the light from an atomic bomb test scheduled for that
morning at the Nevada Test Site, so I groggily went back to sleep.
About an hour later I was once again awakened, this time by the
flashbulb-bright light burst of the actual atom bomb, complete with
a faint delayed rumble from the East. I remember being puzzled
about “two” test shots so close together, when normally they were
spaced weeks apart.)
My first definite CE-IV took place from about 11:20 P.M.,
April 12, until 12:20 A.M., April 13, 1992, on a lonely stretch ofU.S.
Highway 180 in southern New Mexico. The second CE-IV occurred
along an equally lonely stretch of Nevada State Highway 375 about
100 miles north of Las Vegas on the night of November 30, 1992.
Both encounters took place during covert reconnoitering of areas
having classified UFO/Star Wars bases.
To put my first Close Encounter into perspective, the reader
should know that this CE-IV took place on the fifth day of an inten-
sive reconnaissance tour I made of secret UFO bases, Star Wars
weapons labs, and Black Budget test ranges of the U.S. South-
west.! I made this grand tour after four months of intense study of
the latest information on these topics. My compulsion to do so
came from some source outside of my usual curiosity. Thus, it was
in the context of this eye-opening and dangerous reconnoiter, un-
covering secrets of the Southwest’s most exotic, classified and
heavily guarded UFO and Star Wars bases, that I was intercepted
halfway through by ETs.
The ETs seem to have a vital interest in this governmental
technological and weapons-oriented buildup response to the secret
the government has suppressed for 45 years—that ET contact is a
fact. The ETs’ vital interest may be that these Star Wars weapons
have been prepared against and are being targeted on them.
Before I began my grand tour I had shifted from my previ-
ously neutral-to-favorable stance on ETs to a rather fearful
wary stance, due to having just read David Jacobs’s book,
Life.? In this book Jacobs seems to present alien abduction

1. Richard Boylan, Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Response

CA: self-published, 1992); Richard Boylan, “Touring Nevada’s (Sacramento,
‘Outer Limits,”
UFO Magazine 7:6, (1992); Richard Boylan, “Secret ‘Saucer’
Sites”, MUFON
Journal, 292, (1992).
2. Jacobs, Secret Life.
Dr. Rich’s Account 137

portraying aliens as uniformly cruel, predatory, rapacious, unfeel-

ing, intrusive kidnappers and rapists, who continually prowl about
invading the minds and body cavities of their human victims, ter-
rorizing them, and looking for ovum and sperm samples so they
can breed hybrid creatures. Later on I concluded that Jacobs’s
book presented a one-sided view of the facts.
After my close encounter the night of April 12, I noticed the
very next morning a dramatic change in the way I felt about ETs. I
felt more peaceful and composed about them as I completed the
rest of my mind-blowing reconnoiter of what “our” government is
up to. I felt, “So what if people from another star system come here
to visit?”
Let me now relate to you what happened in New Mexico, as
I had my first close ET encounter. Part of what took place is blocked
from complete recall. This sometimes happens to CE-IV experienc-
ers, due to either the extraordinary context in which such encoun-
ters occur, or due to the posthypnotic suggestion instilled by the
ETs that the person will not recall all the details until a later, better
time. Thus I will present all I could retrieve, which seems to be
much of what happened.
On April 12, 1992, after leaving Alamogordo I proceeded
west on Interstate 10 towards Deming, New Mexico, in my Chevy
Blazer. I had my CB radio on, listening to and talking with truckers
along the way. At Deming I turned off onto U.S. 180, heading north-
west towards my destination for the night, a campground in Gila
National Forest. U.S. 180 is a two-lane blacktop road that goes in
an almost straight line for 53 miles between Deming and Silver
City, through absolutely empty and featureless Sonoran scrub
desert. It’s mostly flat, with an occasional gentle rise, and this night
had maybe three cars on it besides mine the entire length.
When I left Interstate 10 at Deming it was just after 11 P.M.,
on a cloudless and starry night in the pitch-black desert. As I
pulled away from the Interstate, the CB audio traffic died out due
to distance. I was weary but alert enough to safely complete my
drive to the campground. I estimated I would arrive by 12:30 A.M.
As I settled in to this final leg of a long day’s drive, Iwas aware that
the road rose gently after about 15 miles. It was at about 11:20 P.M.
I vaguely noticed a patch of whiteness shining in the moonlight on
a rise over to the left, about 200 yards off the road. I remember
vaguely considering it as a patch of snow. (Later I realized that
there could not be snow at this lowest part of the southernmost re-
gion of the New Mexico desert; I had not seen snow on the ground
since traveling in the mountains west of Taos, some 400 miles
138 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

north.) About this time I heard a loud voice I presumed came from
my CB, saying in an Arkansas twang, “Watch out for the smoke!”
(or “Smokey,” i.e., state trooper; I’m not sure which word was used).
The voice seemed to come from behind my left ear. (Later, reflecting
that my CB speaker was mounted below my dash in front of me
slightly to the right, I realized it wasn’t the CB talking.) At first I fig-
ured that some trucker ahead of me was warning anyone about a
State Trooper he had spotted. So I got on the CB and asked, “Where
is the Smokey?” I was surprised when I got no answer. This is the
only time in my experience that a CB operator failed to provide lo-
cation information to follow up on his State Trooper warning.
The strangeness had only begun. Almost at once I saw what
looked like a huge luminous cloud of smoke stretched across the
highway from the leftmost part of the rise to the rightmost part and
up to the sky, a solid curtain across the highway. I presumed that
it was my bad luck to be running across a forest fire. So Iwent back
on the CB to ask anyone out there, “Where’s the fire? Does anyone
know about the fire on 180?” Again, it was spooky. No answer from
Arkansas Twang or anyone else. I started to broadcast again, then
gave up lamely, since I was just about upon the presumed smoke
cloud. I cursed my luck, and in a second calculated what a long de-
tour I would have to drive if this fire blocked the highway, versus
the risk of plowing through the smoke blind, hoping it was just a
hundred feet thick or so and I could break through to the other side
and complete my journey. I drove into the smoke, taking my foot off
the gas to slow down in case I didn’t pop through the other side
quickly. I didn’t. Not for an hour.
The smoke seemed to be coming off the hillside to the left of
me. I couldn’t see the road, the center line or anything. So I came
to a stop. (Later, in hypnotic recall, I noted that there were no trees
or brush burning, no blackened or charred chaparral, and no odor
to the “smoke!” Nor was this fog—not in the spring in bone-dry So-
noran desert. I sat in my car, defeated, stopped in the middle of no-
The grayish-white vapor did not dissipate. So I got out of the
car and, disoriented in the vapor, walked across the road to the left
shoulder, towards where the ground rose slightly. I got the impres-
sion of low scrub pinon pines spaced apart. I stepped across a little
ditch at the edge of the road and walked towards them, then
stopped, unable to see. (I presumed there were pinon pines there,
but a friend who drove that road later told me there were none on
that stretch.) Then I went into a state of paralysis. I could not move
my body. I sensed the approach of two persons, who got on either
Dr. Rich’s Account 139

side of me and each placed a firm grip on my forearms. I cannot re-

call viewing them. Their fingers were long and didn’t feel like-hu-
man fingers. They did not have articulated bones, but felt like a
continuous cartilage inside with a padded, fleshy exterior. The grip
consisted of two fingers on top of my forearm and one finger under-
neath. The fingers were not much wider than human ones, and
quite long. And their grip was like a vise. It was clear I was going
with them. I had no better idea, anyway.
I was led forward and to the left, in the general direction of
what I had presumed was the “snow patch” gleaming in the moon-
light. Soon we arrived at a metallic vehicle. I stopped about five feet
in front of the midpoint of its long side. It was shaped like a flat-
tened arch with rounded ends. The bottom seemed more flat, but
that may be because it was partially sunk into the sand. It looked
metallic, about the color of Airstream trailers, only not so bright.
The length I would estimate at 35-50 feet and the height at mid-
point at 10-12 feet. (A resource person with remote viewing capa-
bility whom I consult determined that the craft had been in distress
and had made a hard landing, and that one of the three crewmen
was hurt.)
A rectangular opening appeared in the side of the craft. The
next thing I remember is sitting back in a chair in a room inside the
craft, feeling spacey and numb, and gradually realizing that I was
alone; they had left. The lighting there was subdued. The air inside
was of a neutral temperature, not sharply cold like the desert night
air. It smelled stale, like the recycled air you encounter in an airlin-
er during a transcontinental flight.
After a while they came back. The one on my right, who had
the stronger grip when we encountered, felt like a male. As he came
back in, I had a quick glimpse of his face. He had a roundish, oval
face with two large, horizontally ovoid black eyes that did not slant
or wrap around the side. His eyes were black all the way across,
with no irises or pupils. (See Figure 24 on page 140.) I did not no-
tice a nose, and got more of an impression than a view of a mouth.
I did not clearly see, but got the impression of, a thin torso and
limbs. I would estimate his height at five feet. He seemed placid,
matter-of-fact. He was definitely not human, but was unmistakably
intelligent life. The other ET had used a gentler yet firm grip on my
left forearm when we encountered. The feeling was of a lighter, gen-
tler persona, possibly a female.
140 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Figure 24: “His eyes were black all the way across, with no —
irises or pupils.”
I was escorted into another room, which was also dimly lit,
and placed in a reclining position, as if I were in a dentist’s or as-
tronaut’s chair. I felt a buzzing, stimulating, resonating sensation
in the triangular area defined by the tops of my eyebrows and the
bridge of my nose, and focused about a quarter of an inch inward
from the skin surface. (This is a sensation I would become quite fa-
miliar with in the days and months ahead. It has heralded and ac-
companied subsequent ET contact and anomalous occurrences
that I presume to be ET handiwork.) I experienced a sense of pres-
sure in my nose, as if a small object was being introduced into my
nasal passages or even a little higher. (Afterward, for four or five
days, I had a sense of excessive pressure there, along with a feeling
of buzzy resonance and pressure in my head that was almost, but
not quite, like a headache.)
Next I had a sensation of the release of restraints around my
ankles—not physical restraints, but more of an immaterial, force-
Dr. Rich’s Account 141

field kind. I understood that the ETs were finished and I was free to
go. I got up. The next segment I remember is being outside the craft
in the night, floating horizontally towards my vehicle. After that, I
became aware of being behind the wheel, driving below the speed
limit, seeing the “vapor” dissipate, breaking out of the “smoke
cloud” and resuming my drive up U.S. 180 toward the Gila National
Forest campground, where I camped.
When I woke the next morning, I had no memory of my close
encounter. But I did notice four odd things. I had a strange fullness
and pressure feeling in my upper nasal passage area and a dull al-
most-headache—symptoms I had never had before. I wrote it off to
fatigue. As I put on my socks, I also noted that there were two tiny
scoop marks side-by-side on top of my right great toe, each like a
shallow crater that you could rest a BB in. I was startled, because
I was no stranger to the literature of ET encounters, which often de-
tailed scoop marks from tissue sampling. But denial set in, and I
said to myself, “Nah, that can’t be that!” Then I reflected that I had
arrived at the campground at least an hour after my estimated
time; and on the open roads of New Mexico, where a minute can
equal a mile, I had become quite precise at calculating traveling
Finally, I noticed, with curiosity, that my attitude towards
ETs had literally changed overnight. Gone was the gripping fear
that I had carried since reading Secret Life. Instead, I noticed that
a gentle live-and-let-live attitude had settled in. And I began feeling
sorry for the ETs, as I considered the monumental Star Wars weap-
ons crash program aimed at them that I had seen. I also reflected
on my own research. After overcoming their initial fright, the people
I had interviewed usually found the ETs to be caring, gentle while
firm, and concerned for such values as ecology, social justice,
childhood education, consciousness advancement, and a spiritu-
al/metaphysical focus. I noted that the CE-IV experiencers stated
that, while some gynecological/urological procedures did seem ori-
ented toward retrieving reproductive material, in many other in-
stances, such procedures were oriented toward cures of diseases,
genetic manipulation of ovaries or in-place fetus to create en-
hanced capabilities in the fetus or future offspring of the experienc-
er, or the returning of an enhanced conceptus to the mother for
completion of childbearing and child rearing. It seemed to me that
David Jacobs’s and Budd Hopkins’s “Grey Menace” tales were ex-
aggerated and distorted. Instead, I thought like an anthropologist:
“What we have here is a contact between civilizations.” I also felt
dedicated to the goal that this contact not end up like in the movie
142 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Cool Hand Luke, where the Cracker drawls: “What we have here is
a failure to communicate.”
So, a little suspicion began to curl inside my head, but I dis-
counted it, saying to myself that the dramatic discoveries I had
seen and the things I was yet scheduled to view were causing me to
overdramatize these anomalies.
It was only after I returned home from the entire trip, and
had nasal pressure, quasi-headaches and uncharacteristic moodi-
ness and grouchiness persist for five days, that I reviewed every-
thing and realized that these, too, were common psychological
aftermath signs of a CE-IV repressed from conscious memory. At
that point I made room for the possibility that I had experienced a
CE-IV. I consulted a hypnotist-psychologist and a psychic remote
viewer to explore that possibility. All that emerged from sessions
with them is what I have presented. When the hypnotist had me
smell the “smoke” and I noticed no odor, that was the final straw
that crumbled my denial.
Since this first close encounter, my life has gone differently.
Like many other experiencers, I have experienced an acquisition of
certain psychic abilities—or perhaps an enhancement of latent
abilities. For instance, when my telephone rings, I often know who
is calling. When I approach on automatic teller machine, I often
know whether or not another car is in line ahead of me even before
I am able to see into the carport. I often have a sense of whether or
not there are any messages on my answering machine before I even
enter the room. And I sometimes have accurate premonitions of
when the ETs will come or will be up to something.
A few times I have awakened with little blood spots in my
nose (signs of nasal-entry procedures), even though I never experi-
enced bloody noses before my encounter. I sometimes awaken with
straight marks that weren’t there the night before—marks that re-
semble healed laser cuts. This is coupled with a sense that I had
been visited the night before. Occasionally I am exhausted by the
pressures of juggling my family, marriage, counseling psychologist
profession, presidency of the local society of professional psycholo-
gists, and research and publication work on the ET presence phe-
nomenon. At such times I often go to bed, have a sense of an ET
intervention, and wake up brimming with energy and ready to take
on some more.
During the last half of 1992, a stationary, intensely glowing
object appeared for hours at a time in the night sky over Sacramen-
to several times a week. I called it “The Twinkler.” Frequently, but
not always, it flashed red, teal, yellow, and bluish-white lights at a
Dr. Rich’s Account 143

rate of about six cycles per second. Over the months it took a picket
position at the different cardinal points of the compass, sometimes
moving slightly. It usually shone from an hour after sunset until
midnight, but this pattern varied. Other family members and expe-
riencers have seen the same object, although it was never reported
in the newspaper.
I have had a couple of subtle “micro-encounters” as well.
One night, on impulse, I went out my front door. I heard and saw
a rustling and rapid movement in the hedges to my right, by the
front door. Whatever it was then “jumped” across in front of me and
started clambering atop the hedges to my left, all along the side of
the house. It was as though something heavy and large, like an in-
visible chimpanzee, raced across in front of me and along the six-
foot-high hedges. I know the ETs can either cloak themselves in in-
visibility, or create in the mind of the viewer a substitute visualiza-
tion for themselves. (And I know we don’t keep any invisible
chimpanzees as pets.)
On another occasion I was standing in the doorway of the
bathroom in my bedroom. I glanced over toward the doorway to the
hall and got a quick glimpse of the back half of a figure in white as
it turned around and exited our bedroom doorway and went down
the hall. Thinking it was Lee, my wife, I called out her name. There
was no answer. I walked over to the hallway and looked. I saw no
one. I walked down to the kitchen and still saw no one. Finally I
found Lee in the laundry room at the other end of the house. I
asked her if she had just been in the bedroom, but she had not. All
the outside doors were locked. No one else was home that night—
at least no human was.
I sometimes wake up with information or “advanced” aware-
nesses or intuitions that I didn’t have before. Such information may
have to do with “knowing” future events or scientific principles I
have never studied or what the government's next strategy is going
to be vis-a-vis the cover-up of ET contact. Eerily, one or two of the
experiencers I am in contact with sometimes get the same informa-
tion around the same day or week. To use a computer phrase, it is
as if someone had dumped a disc full of data onto my hard drive
while I slept. But daytime intuitions come, too. And I have definitely
had a successive series of strong “mission” feelings. For example, I
have had two strong urges. One was to overcome, and to encourage
other experiencers to overcome, the shame factor in coming out of
the closet about having ET contact. The other was to go public with
the secret government's murderous Star Wars agenda against ETs.
144 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Since I began my research into ET encounters, I have expe-

rienced a gradual enhancement of my preexisting attraction to sha-
manism and Native American spirituality. It appears that the
connection is the emphasis that both Native American medicine
persons and the ETs place on revering the earth as a precious or-
ganism that is inextricably interwoven with our own life process
and that of all our living relations, i.e., animals, fishes, birds,
plants, microbes, etc.
My second major close encounter experience took place on
the night of November 30, 1992, while some other experiencers and
I were attending the Las Vegas International UFO Congress as in-
vited speakers. Before I went to the Congress, I had a strong urge
once again to visit the Nevada Test Site-Nellis AFB Gunnery Range-
Tonopah Test Range-Areas 51 and S-4/Coyote Alpha complex. This
off-limits federal complex lies from 30 to 100 miles northwest of Las
Vegas. Between speaking Monday afternoon on my research on ET
encounters and my talk Tuesday morning about my April tour of
secret UFO and Star Wars bases, the pull to go visit became irre-
sistible, despite the risk. I had published exposés of Area 51’s ac-
tivity, and had experienced a pattern of mail interception,
telephone monitoring and dirty tricks by Intelligence operatives. So
it seemed clear that any movement I made toward Area 51 would
be under surveillance by some of the intelligence operatives attend-
ing the Congress. I also “got” the message that there would be an
unfriendly “welcoming” committee waiting at Area 51 if I tried to re-
peat my near penetration of the reservation boundary, as I had in
My intention was to take the shortest route to Area 51, via
I-15 and U.S. 93. However, as I came to a junction on I-15, I took
the exit for U.S. 95, although I would swear I read “U.S. 93." (This
kind of “accidental” rerouting has been noted by many experienc-
ers. It seems to be employed when the ETs want someone to follow
a different route for a specific reason.) Thus, I took the west-side
route, that led me all the way around the federal restricted com-
plex. I drove, my binoculars handy, and watched for anomalies.
As I proceeded north of Scotty’s Junction on U.S. 95, I noted
that the Department of Energy’s SDI Tonopah Test Range was to
the right (although the official entrance was on U.S. 6 up ahead).
Soon, an odd light rose up from above the ridge line there, descend-
ed near the base of the Cactus Range, and proceeded along a mile
or two to my right, parallel with my car. After five minutes, the light
could no longer be seen. At Tonopah, I turned east onto U.S. 6 and
proceeded along the northern boundary of the Nevada Test Site
Dr. Rich’s Account 145

(NTS). After passing by the entrance to the Tonopah Test Range, I

noticed that road traffic became extremely sparse, almost nonexist-
ent. It was about then that I noticed a car about a mile behind
mine. It neither caught up with mine, nor dropped behind. This
was unusual, because I was traveling at a good clip in the essen-
tially state trooper-free stretches around the NTS. And in my broad
experience in open-spaces driving, any car going fast enough from
behind to catch up within sight was usually going fast enough to
pass me before long. Unless they belong to the Highway Patrol, cars
don’t slow down from their previous rate and straggle behind at an
exact pacing speed. This turned out to be no state trooper. I
watched the pacing for about half an hour to be sure I had the sit-
uation correctly sized up, before deciding I was being followed. At
the time, I suspected it might be some military/intelligence surveil-
lance unit. I lost sight of the car as I came to the Warm Springs
Junction, and I turned onto Nevada 375.
My plan was to stop at the Little A’Le’Inn in Rachel, 62 miles
ahead, then proceed another 22 miles to the Area 51 entrance road.
On this stretch, I began to notice that the “car” behind me was do-
ing strange things. As it drew closer and kept pace about half a mile
behind me, its “headlights” looked like a single round light, as big
and bright as a tight cluster of five halogen headlights on high
beam would be. At times, when the road curved, it would proceed
in a straight line across the desert at sagebrush-height level and re-
join the road after the curve. At other times a second, small, pur-
plish, glowing orb would accompany it, traveling parallel about 150
yards to the south, also at sagebrush level. The second orb would
disappear after a while, then reappear. I would look in the rearview
mirror and occasionally quickly turn my head around to verify
these “impossible” things. I knew then that it wasn’t the CIA. I felt
that the ETs were giving me an escort.
I had expected the Little A’Le’Inn to be open, but it was
dark. As a result, I raced past it unawares. Suddenly a giant, pure
white jackrabbit the size of a collie loped across the highway just in
front of my car, at an almost cartoonish gait. I slammed on the
brakes and swerved to the right to avoid hitting it. As I did, my gaze
went to the right and I noticed the darkened Little A’Le’Inn, which
otherwise I would have gone past and missed in the dark desert
without landmarks.
I pulled in to this bar and café, which serves the lower-ech-
elon Air Force employees at Area 51 and is a veritable museum of
Area 51 USAF lore, insignia patches and pictures of UFOs and ETs.
The Inn was closed, so I peered through its windows at the displays
146 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

inside. Suddenly a German shepherd appeared from behind the

cafe. I feared it was an aggressive watchdog, which are common in
remote Nevada establishments, although I had not previously seen
a dog at the Little A’Le’Inn. To my surprise, this dog was unusually
friendly. It greeted me like an old friend, putting its head against
me, nuzzling me, begging for a pet. I walked out to the highway and
saw the “escort” vehicle stopped about a quarter of a mile behind
where I had parked. By the light coming from the Rachel hamlet, I
could see what was there. There was no car frame behind a set of
headlights, only an extremely bright orb, as big and bright as if the
front of a semi-trailer were one huge, intense headlight. It was a
UFO. I wondered whether the improbable rabbit that had saved me
from missing the Little A’Le’Inn and the over-friendly guard dog
might be shape-shifting ETs.
I continued towards Area 51, turning in at the famous
Groom Lake dirt road entrance way, which no longer had the infa-
mous black mailbox as a landmark. My sense of danger increased,
as I drove a few hundred feet down the road. I “felt” that the trigger:
happy Wackenhut security guards I had run afoul of in April? were
there just waiting for another crack at me. I extinguished my head-
lights and stopped.
Right after I parked, the escort “car” or light came down the
highway and pulled into Groom Lake Road to about three hundred
feet behind me. It now displayed two conventional headlights. After
a momentary pause, it backed up at an extraordinary speed for re-
verse gear in the pitch black night, turned around and drove west
on 375 back the way it had come. It thus could give the guards from
a distance the impression that the “intruder” car (me) had changed
its mind about trying to go down the Area 51 road and had backed
up and returned from where it had come. I subsequently reflected
that this deception may well have been the ETs’ purpose in their
otherwise inexplicable maneuver, and it might explain why I was
not harassed, despite the extreme security around the Area 51 pe-
I got out and determined that no American-made flying sau-
cers were doing practice flights that night. Then I did a Native
American prayer ceremony, asking Tunkashila, Maka Unce, and
the Four Directions for protection, and asking them to cancel the
weapons karma emanating from Areas 51 and S-4. I was nervous
about tarrying any longer because of the guards. As I started the
car to leave, the escort light shone at my car from a new position,

3. Boylan, Extraterrestrial Contact, “Touring Nevada's ‘Outer Limits,” and “Secret

“Saucer’ Sites.”
Dr. Rich’s Account 147

two miles ahead and half a mile to the right of the Area 51 road. I
felt it had been there as a protector, and became lit to show its
agreement that I depart.
I then proceeded east on 375 towards U.S. 93, to complete
the loop back into Las Vegas. No longer was the escort light behind
me. But soon it started to appear about a mile ahead of me. I was
going through winding road and canyons and would lose sight of it.
Then a vehicle would approach from the general area where the
light was last seen and drive past. I assumed that I had been mis-
taken about the bright light way up ahead being my UFO escort,
because soon a vehicle would come from where I had seen the light.
I tried to avoid making anything special out of that light. Then more
anomalies started happening. I thought I saw a passing vehicle as
being a panel truck. Then I noticed a tanker truck go by. Gradually
it dawned on me how much traffic was developing on this deserted
stretch of highway all of a sudden. I then realized the ETs could be
imposing mental visualizations on me to disguise what their craft
really looked like, only they did not bother to impose the identical
visualization every time. I also realized that this meant they could
be “driving” by me so closely that I could reach my arm out (if I
wanted to lose it) and touch the vehicle (disguised UFO).
I then came to a straight stretch of highway. Here I could
see the bright light a mile ahead get closer, go out, and reappear as
two headlights (and, when closer, as a complete vehicle). At first, I
attributed the single light going out to a dip in the road, but when
I got to a flat stretch with no dips, it became evident that the single
light extinguished itself, and reilluminated as two headlights.
Once, it manifested as two tandem sets of headlights, one right on
the tail of the other, but by the time the pair got near me, only one
vehicle with one set of headlights came by. Also, after each vehicle
went by, its “taillights” only stayed on for a quarter of a mile, then
disappeared, long before a curve or dip in the road could explain
their disappearance. On this stretch, there were no side roads or
places to exit the highway. I smiled, realizing that the ETs were
playing with me.
Then the light/UFO disappeared from in front of me, but
soon reappeared behind me, no longer at road level, but at about
150 feet altitude, and closing fast on me. I was, at this point, about
adjacent to the supersecret Coyote Alpha Range, northeast of Area
51. I “felt” intensely the UFO’s intent to make contact, and asked
myself, “Are you ready for an ET encounter?” I felt afraid at first—
just a little nervous, but excited. After a minute I said, “Sure, why
148 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

I lost sight of the light/UFO in my rearview mirror. I contin-

ued driving, and soon turned down U.S. 93 towards I-15 and Las
Vegas. Driving south on U.S. 93, I had a rest from the light’s cat-
and-mouse game for awhile. As I drew near to the junction with I-
15, my ET friends had one more surprise for me. The big bright
light appeared a mile in front of me, about 1,000 feet above the
desert and about 1,000 feet to the left of U.S. 93. I was coming
down a grade, and had a long, sweeping, unbroken view of the en-
tire desert for miles. The light descended vertically to the level of the
sagebrush tops, moved horizontally right until it lined up with the
oncoming lane of U.S. 93, began moving towards me as a large sin-
gle light at surface level on the highway, changed in an instant to
two conventional headlight beams, then drove past me, 20 seconds
later, as a late-model passenger car! The ETs had shown me exactly
how they disguise a UFO as an earth object.
I completed the return leg on I-15 to Las Vegas. The bright
light soon reappeared about a mile behind my car in my lane, asa
single bright light. Other traffic was behind it, and passed it and
didn’t seem to notice anything about it. The light followed me on I-
15 all the way through Las Vegas, until I took the off ramp near my
hotel on the far side of town.
That night, I saw a swarm of “fireflies” in my bedroom and
had the very strong sense of ET presence. The next morning I had
some little bloody spots in my nose.
That morning, I told the other experiencers what had hap-
pened. Each had their own story of signs of ET visitation the night
before. We just looked at each other, smiling and shaking our
These contacts have done something I thought I had no
more capacity left for. They have caused a quantum leap in my
sense of wonder.
The Different ET Races
and Missions
This discussion will be limited to data I obtained during
the course of five years of research. I am aware of—and have
read a fair amount of—the general material written about ETs.
Many thoughtful ufologists generally agree that the subject of
ETs contains a lot of unreliable reports, fiction, “information”
derived from anthropocentric “channelings,” intelligence disin-
formation, rumor, and just plain balderdash. To avoid adding to
that heaping mound, the information presented here is based on
multiple reports from witnesses who have been screened for
sound psychological orientation and whose presentations and
characters are professionally judged to be truthful.
Statements about ETs are limited by cultural bias, hu-
man perspective , the paucity of available information, and the
unwillingness of the ETs to reveal some things about them-
selves. (I should note that, mutatis mutandis, the same could be
said for the information from any Western anthropologist who is
studying a very culturally distinct people elsewhere on earth.)
Thus, statements made here (and elsewhere) should be evaluat-
ed in the light of the limitations under which any serious re-
searcher must operate.
To some degree, we may be dealing with interspecies dif-
ferences depending on how great an evolutionary difference is
150 _ Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

judged to exist between earth humans and the several ET races.

There is some partial evidence for physiological and mental devel-
opment differences. In biology generally, cranial size is used as a
rough measurement for brain development and intelligence. Since
many of the ET races are reported to have significantly larger cra-
niums and certain researchers have reported more complex lobe
structures within the ET brain, it may well be that we are dealing
with one or more species having higher intellectual capacity.
Some signs of that high mental capacity are the ETs' profi-
ciency with telepathic communication (including sending telepath-
ic messages from apparently a great distance) and their operating.
in a shared mental network (the ET mind field) because of the
boundaryless nature of telepathic thought.
Because no published information about human-ET com-
parative studies is available, we do not have enough information to
determine whether the difference between human intelligence and
that of various ET races is equivalent to the difference between, for
example, a whale and a human, homo habilis and homo sapiens, or
two persons with IQs of 75 and 200, respectively.
I will, however, offer a personal professional estimate, based
on working with more than 104 experiencers (and vicariously with
probably at least that many ETs), that the mental capacity differ-
ence between humans and some large-headed ETs is great enough
to constitute at least a variant within species. And, given the more
complex brain lobe structures reported during autopsies of ETs, it
is my regretful scientific task to report to my fellow humans that
the difference is probably sufficient to conclude that at least some
of the ET races constitute a separate (and higher) species. I will fur-
ther estimate that, compared to the average human IQ of about
100, the average medium-tall “Grey” would be operating at 300 IQ.
This estimate has to be viewed with caution, because brain
structural differences can cause differences in the way information
is processed. This is true even among humans, for example, be-
tween the sexes. Furthermore, mental capacity differences between
humans and ETs would be only poorly approximated by using I.Q.
points, which were designed specifically for use among humans.
And, of course, I did not administer any human intelligence test to
ETs to obtain data in making my estimate. That estimate is based
on the behavioral, cognitive and functional attributes of ETs report-
ed by the experiencers who have dealt with them.
In addition to the physiological and mental ability differ-
ences between humans and ETs, there are the cultural differences.
Because of the brevity of most ET encounters, and because my re-
The Different ET Races and Missions 151

search has not uncovered any reliable reports of humans being

physically taken to an ET’s home planet to walk around and absorb
their culture, we have only fragmentary impressions of the culture
of the various ET races. Nevertheless, this fragmentary information
is enough to suggest certain cultural differences, as well as certain
cultural similarities.
A number of ET races appear to place a very high priority
on mental development of higher consciousness. This includes at- .
tuning to what we call extrasensory perception abilities—precogni- °
tion, clairvoyance, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation and mental
cloaking to change one’s appearance or become invisible. It also in-
cludes frequently spending time in a state of higher consciousness
by meditating, or by operating in a persistent state of attunement
to the transcendent spiritual reality imbedded in the natural world
around, and in the flow of events, etc.
ETs seem to place a low value on the fervent acquisition of
material goods and a high value on reverencing life in the many
forms in which life manifests itself. This reverence appears to un-
derlie the motive for a number of ET races to visit earth and com-
municate with humans. Because the ETs generally venerate life,
they respect the ecosystem of our planet, and they are distressed
by what we are doing by degrading the planet, and thus our own
habitat, health and future. And because they reverence life, they
reverence the life spark for which our bodies are containers. They
wish to see our optimal human development unfold.
Humans and ETs share some cultural characteristics. A
number of experiencers have reported that ETs have expressed the
importance of caring for the (human) children, and are distressed
by the degraded conditions in which many human children must
grow up. Certain ETs have expressed a persistent and strong con-
cern for how certain offspring of experiencers are developing. They
have visited time and again over the years to check up on how the
child is doing. In so doing, the ET may be exercising some propri-
etary pride, particularly in those children in whom they have engi-
neered a subtle genetic advancement. Another example of apparent
similar cultural values is the willingness of certain ETs to “make a
deal” (for example, to cooperate with covert elements of the military
and government scientists to share technology, apparently in ex-
change for the government’s cooperation in gradually preparing the
populace for the reality of the ET presence among us).
When anyone begins to talk about ETs, certain assump-
tions must be made. Since the ETs have a strong grip, pilot high-
tech craft through space and pick up and hold their tools and our
152 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

household objects, we accept that we are dealing with solid, three-

dimensional, physical persons—not with spirits, ethereal shades,
mental evocations, interdimensional projections or holograms. Be-
cause these beings walk upright, communicate, sometimes show
emotion, operate with a plan and claim kinship with us, we assume
that we are dealing with sentient, intelligent life forms who have
reasoning, feelings, and decision-making powers, and therefore
qualify to belong on at least the same evolutionary niche as we do:
intelligent living persons. Whether ETs can properly be called “hu-
man” depends on how we decide to use that term, now that we are
learning that there is more than one species alive which has those
But clearly we are not dealing with inferior life forms. Nor
should we be captured by the semantics of the misused word,
“alien.” It is wrong to assume that, because these beings come from
another star system, they are inhuman and not deserving of the ba-
sic human rights we accord all humankind. It can give us pause to
reflect on the history of how humans have treated “out-groups’—
those of different skin colors, facial features, religions, nationali-
ties, languages, value systems or civilization levels. It would be a
terrible thing if we were to begin a new and dark chapter in our his-
tory and, in place of the “Yellow Peril” or the “Red Menace,” define
a new ET “Grey Menace.”
At this point in our discussion of ETs, let us somewhat ar-
bitrarily use the term “race” to distinguish various ETs of decidedly
different appearances. Further research into exobiology (the sci-
ence of ET life’s physical structure and processes) will help us un-
derstand better whether we are dealing with various races of an
intelligent species or with several intelligent species. So would the
declassifying of the government’s covert research on ET biology,
such as is probably going on at NASA’s Ames Research Center and
the Los Alamos National Laboratories. For convenience, I shall use
the term “race” to distinguish ETs of significantly different anatom-
ical features.
The most common ET race encountered has a number of
variants. The variations in size and details of appearance may rep-
resent origins on different planets. This race is popularly, and rath-
er imprecisely, called the “Greys”. The “Greys” are stereotyped by
uninformed or careless writers as follows: They are short, upright,
two-legged beings, 3 1/2 feet tall, with grayish-white skin. They
have large, hairless, fetal-shaped heads with huge, all-black, slop-
ing, almond-shaped eyes without pupils or eyelids that wrap
around partially towards the temple-area sides of the head. Their
The Different ET Races and Missions 153

narrow jaws taper to almost a “V” and they have small nostril holes
but no nose and a small, thin, lipless, horizontal slit for a mouth.
They have thin torsos with no ribs and no genitals evident, long,
spindly, but surprisingly strong arms reaching to the knees and
similarly long, very thin legs. Their hands have three, long, nonta-
pering, jointless fingers that end in claws instead of fingernails, and
they have no thumbs.
To be sure, there is such a race of beings—or, at least, a
race of which this is one variant. However, there are also five-foot-
tall “Greys,” seven-foot-tall “Greys,” “Greys” with mushroom-white,
brown or black skin, “Greys” whose large eyes have a thin nictitat-
ing membrane which can extend across the eye, “Greys” with mid-
night-blue eyes, “Greys” with small amounts of wispy, fine hair on
their heads, “Greys” with four fingers or “Greys” with three or four
fingers and another finger positioned where the human thumb
would be and “Greys” whose fingers end with suction-cup-like tips.
Some ETs have been reported to have a large process of folds along
the back of the head, a series of deep creases or crevices along the
top of the head sloping down towards the front, or a strongly pro-
nounced brow ridge above the eyes.
Are these twelve different races? Are they variants based on
evolving in different climatic zones on one planet? Does this repre-
sent racial variation within inhabited planets in one star system?
Or are these variations that occur within one cluster of star sys-
tems? Or does the “Grey” genotype tend to appear in many different
star systems, along with other races? The truth is, we do not know.
Or at least that information has not been released to the public.
Thus, we are still at the stage of gathering information on the vari-
ous different types of intelligent life forms visiting our planet.
Another source of variation even within what is apparently
one race is clothing. Many experiencers report that their “Grey” vis-
itors wore no clothes. Others have seen them wearing long robes
and hoods over their heads or close-fitting jumpsuits. Yet the
“Greys” are not the only ones who wear robes.
Another race of ETs stands 4 to 5 1/2 feet tall. The head is
larger than the human head but smaller than the “Grey” head.
smaller than
eyes are dark, oval, larger than human eyes and
“Grey” eyes. The frame and limbs are spindly. The hands have
are shaped rather like
long, cartilaginous, boneless fingers, which
‘human fingers, but do not taper toward the tip.
A more distinctive kind of ET is the “praying mantis”
narrow face, with long, narrow , large
This type of being has a long,
d and outwar d in a narrow “V” that give
eyes, sharply slanted upwar
154 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

it an almost insectoid appearance. This comparison is heightened

by an extremely thin, long torso; long, extremely thin arms that are
usually crooked into a sharp bend at the mid-joint, with the hand
and fingers/mitten sloping almost vertically downward from the
“wrist,” and legs also bent almost at a right angle at the mid-joint,
creating a crouched pose. The overall effect is to give this race the
characteristic “praying mantis” look. It should be noted that nei-
ther I, nor any of the experiencers I deal with, feel that this type is
actually an insect or insectoid; we are clear this is an intelligent,
gentle-spirited (but somewhat “hyper” and jerky-moving) human-
like life form with male and female genders.
Another race is the so called “reptilians” or “reptoids.” (I
should hasten to note again that there is no implication in these de-
scriptors of anything other than intelligent, communicative per-
sons.) The skin of these beings has small, fine scales. The eyes are
larger than human eyes, are often oval and are yellowish-green
with a starburst-shaped pupil. The face has an almost snoutlike
blunt process in the area of the nose and mouth, giving this type
an almost dragon-like humanoid appearance.
Then there is a somewhat mysterious group of ETs that, for
convenience, I call the “Jawas” (because of their resemblance to the
creatures in the film, Star Wars). This group is distinguished by
their clothing. They are generally short (3 to 4 1/2 feet tall) and
wear robes with hoods that throw shadows and conceal their faces.
Sometimes a much taller hooded and robed one stands to the left
of the examining table aboard a UFO as an experiencer is lying on
it. This tall one appears to direct the procedures, and often is the
one who telepathically communicates with the experiencer. A few
experiencers have noted glowing eyes under the “Jawas’” hoods.
Other experiencers have reported that when they got a glimpse of
the being whose face was shadowed by the hood, it was a type of
“Grey.” Still others never could distinguish the features in the
shadows of the hoods.
There are often mixed race crews on the UFOs. In such cas-
es there could be “Jawas,” or “praying’‘mantis” types, or “reptoids”
or “Greys” joining in a coordinated effort in carrying out the scien-
tific or medical examination procedures.
A few experiencers have noted robot-like figures, whose
movements and “vibes” (or rather lack thereof) strongly suggest
that these are robots sent remotely by the ETs to observe, recon-
noiter, and possibly retrieve objects. I have not encountered any re-
ports of robots actually interfacing with humans to accomplish
communication or to remove the human to their craft for scientific
The Different ET Races and Missions 155

examination. The robot-like figures appear to be relegated to the

more impersonal tasks of information gathering and stealthy sur-
veillance, without the risk to the ETs that they would otherwise run
of possibly encountering hostile human responses.
For the record, it should be noted that my research has
come up with hardly any reports of the so called “humanoids,”
“blondes” or “Nordics,” who are essentially indistinguishable from
humans. As has been noted elsewhere in this book, I have encoun-
tered reports in which the experiencer believed a particular ET ap-
peared to be a human. However, in every case, this turned out to
be an ET-imposed mental visualization in the mind of the experi-
encer, a so called “screen memory”. Upon closer examination, the
experiencer was able to see the actual nonhuman face of the ET be-
hind the mentally imposed “human” mask. One experiencer be-
lieved she was encountering a human “spaceman.” Because of
certain details of the account, I believed the “human” appearance
was not the way the being actually looked. I invited the experiencer
to look closely and carefully at the face of the “human” spaceman.
When she did so, she suddenly was startled. “Oh, my!” she said,
“It’s not a human after all. It’s one of those Greys.” Other details
made me suspect we were still not to the bottom of the matter. |
suggested she study closely the face of her “Grey” visitor. Again she
soon startled. Now she could see that it was a “reptoid” who had
previously cloaked himself mentally as a “Grey.”
Another ET racial type described is the short, chubby
“dwarf” with a round, pudgy face. This type seems to be relegated
to doing menial chores during encounters.
Undoubtedly, many more races could be named and de-
scribed. But because of the criteria set out at the beginning of this
section, I will confine my report on ET typology to the groupings
enumerated above. I recommend to the interested reader other re-
ports by serious investigators, who describe additional types. As al-
ways, the reader is advised to examine and evaluate such reports
and their sources judiciously.
A final word is in order on the wondrous variations in the
evolution of intelligent life in the universe. We as humans are chal-
lenged by intelligent life that looks so different from us. This chal-
lenge can be disturbing. But it can also remind us that the Source
of all is myriad in its expression of life forms, including intelligent
life forms, across the vast universe. Only the hopelessly anthropo-
centric would be offended by the Supreme Source’s creation of in-
telligence in other anatomical packages. And, indeed, if the ET
156 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

messages are accurate, we may be the special variant of intelligent

life—part intelligent ET life form and part primate.
At any rate, we may need to expand our idea of the United
Nations as the body which includes all races. Obviously, there are
at least a dozen (ET) races not represented there.
More appropriately, we now need to expand our idea about
a universal representative body, to go beyond the United Nations,
which we host, and to look to the stars. There is an interstellar fed-
eration of advanced intelligent beings to which we could potentially
belong. Will we qualify for membership? What would be expected of
us in order to be worthy members? We can get a hint about ETs’
expectations from statements they have made to experiencers
about their mission in coming here.
They are remarkably uniform. This suggests a concerted ef-
fort, or coordinated organization, at the galactic level. The mission
to earth is to communicate to humans the concerns the ETs
share—concerns about our violence toward each other and our
government’s violence toward them; about the ecological destruc-
tion and degradation we are visiting upon our earth; about our fail-
ure to properly care for and educate each child; about our
possession of, and intended use of, nuclear weapons as a way to
resolve disputes; and about our becoming more conscious of our
heritage and our destiny (which both involve the ETs).
Will we heed their messages? Will we allow our conscious-
nesses to be influenced by ET contact? The ETs indicate that they
will not force us to wake up. Out of respect for fellow intelligent life,
they feel they must use communication and persuasion to try to
help us to change, and for us to operate in a more conscious way.
As for their efforts to accelerate our development by genetic
engineering, that mission is the other important work they have
come to continue. The development of more capacity for conscious-
ness in our bodies obviously complements the efforts to coax more
consciousness out of us by contact, communication and persua-
sion. If our response to this is indignation or violent resistance, are
we acting as truly intelligent life?
We have begun a new epoch. As never before, the future is
in our hands. And that future is unfolding now at an accelerated
pace. The time to act is now.
The Meaning and the
Message of ET Contact
Various experiencers of close ET encounters were
viewed in August, 1992, about what the ETs wanted to
below. Becaus e extrate rrestri al
nicate. Their responses follow
invari ably telepat hic, each of these
communication is almost
ation of the
statements represents a human experiencer’s transl
into words.
ETs’ nonverbal, telepathic idea-communications
and images into
These translations involve casting raw thoughts
langua ge and into
the words and structures of the English of
Thus, such sharin g
American cultural norms and idioms. i-
inesca pably must be approx
communications from the ETs
of numerous
mate. Yet the parallel and convergent statements
they “heard ” from the ETs suggests
experiencers about what
that the experiencers have received fairly similar
from these telepathic communications.
the ETs have
This is not a comprehensive report on what
of the comm unications
to say. It represents a summary of some
ved durin g some of the en-
that some of the experiencers recei , these
to my resea rch exper ience
counters. However, according
tive cross section of the
statements are a reasonably representa
principal ET concerns and ideas.
158 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

“I got a feeling of wanting to be bonded with the ETs. I

find myself missing them. When I was with them, I had
a sense of peace, love. You become a part of the
[principal] ET individual dealing with you. He [she]
becomes your counterpart.”
This communication segment deals with the intensely per-
sonal feeling and process of dialogue and relationship formation
that happens almost instantaneously when a lead ET engages a
human contactee in mind-to-mind communication. Often a feeling
of love is experienced from the principal ET. A bond—often a life-
long one—is forged between the ET and the selected human visited.

“The ETs back my faith in a Supreme Being.”

This message summary is from an experiencer who tersely
reports the topic most on his mind, which is whether the ETs also
believe in God. Several experiencers have received similar informa
tion indicating that the ETs acknowledge a Supreme Being
Source. Furthermore, they acknowledge a common link, based
the common Source.

“The ETs are telling us not to send our rockets and junk
out into space. If we do, the ETs will put a halt to it
pronto, because that would screw up the balance
elsewhere in the universe.”
This message deals with the ETs’ concern about our emer-
gence into the space age and about the increasing prolife
ration of
orbiting debris from rocket launches and decaying satellit
es. This
particular message brings out a theme that has been
repeated in
communications to other experiencers: The universe is actuall
y put
together out of a delicate web of interlocking forces. Relativ
ely small
disturbances can have far-reaching adverse effects and
are to be

“The ETs don’t understand our constant quarreling

This message has to do with the ETs’ abhorrence of
the dis-
harmony, hyperindividualism, uncooperativeness, and
often phys-
ically violent ways in which many humans conduct
Such friction is in high contrast to the highly cooper
ative ways in
which the ETs operate, both within groups and
between races (for
the most part).
The Meaning and the Message of ET Contact 159

“The ETs are here to help us.”

This message is one experiencer’s pithy overall impression
of the agenda of the ETs. In her processing of ET encounters, she
had moved from initial anxiety to a respectful appreciation of their
role at this stage of human history.

“The ETs are here to be helpful. They are friendly. They

are more intelligent. They are not here to take anything
away from us.”
This message provides a summary statement of the person-
ality and motivation of the ETs. The experiencer was impressed
with their non-menacing nature—in contrast to the horror stories
and fearful images that abound in some recent books and movies.

“As a result of my ET contact, I find myself moving

away from materialism. I see better that the spiritual
and material realms penetrate each other.”
In this message, an experiencer reports her sense of having
been subtly but profoundly affected in the way she allows spiritual
aspects to have a place in her life. For her, ET contact resulted ina
spiritual awakening, or deepening. Furthermore, she gained in-
sight into the place of a practical spirituality in the course of daily
How the ETs’ visit awakened her spirituality is not laid out
here. However, exposure to these wise, sensitive, deeply caring be-
ings has caused other experiencers to move into more philosophi-
cal and spiritual life directions and to cultivate an enhanced
awareness of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

“There will be profound changes in the next 10 years.

Even limited nuclear war is possible. But I feel no panic.
I get the feeling it will evolve into peace and harmony.
The ETs are here teaching me. I must be more trusting,
be open, be ready to let go.”
This message touches on some of the more disturbing
to say to human s. One messag e theme is
tent of what the ETs have
s: geophy sical calamit ies, enviro nmenta l
upcoming Earth change
crises and societal clashes on a grand scale. But these
us to under-
messages are not just tidings of doom. The ETs wish
part, likely future
stand that these cataclysms are, for the most
scenarios, unless we change our bad habits.
of the
In the short term, we may not be able to stop some
But here the messa ge is that the
upcoming geophysical events. of
and tuned organ ism. Any disrup tion
earth is a finely balanced
160 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

the ecosystem can have great and cumulative effects. Likewise, ac-
tion to help restore the balance will be met by the self-corrective
and rebalancing forces inherent in complex ecosystem organiza-
For example, pollution of the oceans can cause a diminu-
tion of the microscopic life that underpins the food chains of the
oceans, and it can affect the temperature of the seas. This in turn
can affect climate, which in turn can affect habitat by drowning
low-lying seacoast communities or by turning grazing lands into
The greenhouse-effect buildup of carbon dioxide in the at-
mosphere, and the ozone depletion in the upper circumpolar atmo-
spheres, create global warming, which can create a pattern of more
frequent, more intense hurricanes and other weather events.
The serious imbalances in the distribution of food, natural
resources and manufactured goods among the various peoples of
the Earth create cataclysmic economic and social pressures, which
in turn lead to severe political crises and actions. A person in the
Middle East or in Somalia who has watched his child grow sickly
and weak for lack of proper nutrition or medical care may become
desperate enough to back a violent political act. The same can be
said for an economically powerless person within one of the disad-
vantaged communities within America or other materially devel-
oped countries.
The ETs warn us that one or more sociopolitical powder
kegs may soon explode, just as the overstressed environment may
soon “explode” in dramatic ways (and has already begun to do so).
Will we hear these messages?

“There will soon be geophysical calamities,

earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, weather changes. And
there will be a period of great civil unrest, particularly
in the big cities. The recent L.A. riots will be small-time
compared to the unrests ahead. But it is only
temporary. A new era is being prepared for.”
The theme of coming trials for humankind is reflected by
more than one experiencer. One such message forms the commu-
nication noted here.

“There are coming cataclysms for California, and for the

earth, but these are birth pains, transformation.”
The above message has similar themes and content to the
preceding one, yet they are reflected through a separate communi-
cation and a different experiencer. Note, however, that these tribu-
The Meaning and the Message of ET Contact 161

lations are not just misfortunes to be endured, but are parts of a

preparatory and alerting process for us humans.

“I got that peace is to be worked on -- it’s important!”

_ This message speaks to yet another central principle of the
ETs’ philosophy, that violence and warfare are to be avoided. The
ETs are quite concerned with our proclivity for war. They are
alarmed that we possess the weapons for mass destruction (nucle-
ar bombs, fuel-air explosives, biological agents and nerve gas aero-
sols) that could cause loss of life on a truly apocalyptic scale.
Because life is sacred, this is, to the ETs, unthinkably and morally

“We shouldn't fight people [argue with nonbelievers in

CE-IV]. There are many willing listeners. Take the
message to the willing listeners.”
This message provides an interesting insight into the ETs’
approach to spreading the word about their presence among us.
Clearly, they are using human contacts to help spread the mes-
sage. (The ETs themselves, of course, are also publicizing their
presence gradually, by more frequent and more open UFO sight-
ings and in-person appearances to selected humans.) But the ET
style of spreading the word is to influence those who are receptive,
not to force truth into the minds of those who are not ready to re-
ceive it.

“ET contact has made me aware of a non-hierarchical

understanding of Nature and life-forms. ‘Lower’
creatures are not here just for our domination, just as
the ETs are not patronizing of us and do not condemn
This ET communication has to do with their “philosophy,”
or way of understanding the universe. A central tenet of ET meta-
physics is that all life is sacred because all life springs from the
common Source of life. In a certain way, there are no superior and
inferior life-forms. We are all brothers and sisters in the gift of life.
ET visitations and ET efforts to help us reach a higher conscious-
ness and evolutionary level might give us pause to reflect on how to
treat a life-form that we might be tempted to consider inferior to
ourselves, such as an owl. The understanding that the ETs have of
the “family of life-forms” is reminiscent of the Lakota religious say-
ing, “Mitakuye oyasin,” which translates roughly into, “All my rela-
tives!” or “I acknowledge all living things as my family.”
162 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

“My close encounter has caused me to adopt a

vegetarian ethic, not to eat animals.”
This message deals with a derivative attitude that comes
from a deep awareness of the fact that all living creatures are, in
some sense, family. A number of experiencers have expressed the
notion that this experiencer put into words and translated into a
life-style change.

“Since my CE-IV, I get a violent reaction to alcohol.”

The close ET encounter permanently affects the human in-
volved. One of the more common effects, in those experiencers who
have had competent debriefing and counseling, is a “cleaning up of
one’s act” in respect to practices that are at variance with higher
consciousness. Just as some experiencers feel drawn toward a veg-
etarian life-style, other experiencers feel an imperative to quit hab-
its that interfere with their full awareness and consciousness, such
as the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, coffee and other con-
sciousness-changing substances.

“I’ve gotten the message that I am to be in tune with

nature—to eat less, no alcohol, no nicotine, no meat.”
This message reflects another experiencer’s intuitive learn-
ing from the ETs that she must develop a pure, unadulterated life-
style, nonexploitative and in harmony with nature.

“I got a warning about the environmental damage.”

This message is brief, but again speaks sweepingly of an-
other central concern of the ETs—that we are seriously damaging
the earth, all over the earth.

“The ETs warned me that there should not be any

mining operations around Bodie [California] because
there are underground ET bases there.”
Sometimes the ET message is specific, either about a par-
ticular person or place, or about a specific activity that should or
should not happen.

“I got a sense of a personal mission I’m supposed to do,

but it’s vague, not clear yet.”
This communication reflects an awareness that has capti-
vated a number of experiencers—a sense of mission. Sometimes
the sense of mission is quite specific, as when Rayna “got” that she
is supposed to get ready to do a lot of public speaking. Other times
the mission sense is vague; the experiencers know that they ought
The Meaning and the Message of ET Contact 163

to be doing something related to the ETs’ presence among us, but

cannot yet get a clear sense of what that task is. Still other times
the sense of mission is unconscious. The experiencers feel uneasy,
restless, that something is not right, yet they cannot put a finger on
what exactly it is that they should be doing (or doing differently).

“They communicated that it’s important to steer the

children in the right direction.”
Concern for the proper rearing of the children is another im-
portant principle of ET philosophy, whether those children are hu-
man or ET. The ETs are well aware that the next generation is
already forming. Perhaps as part of that awareness, they often be-
gin their campaign of contacts with individuals early in their lives—
sometimes during their preschool years, or even when they are still

“I feel an urge to send a message to the ETs. They told

me, ‘We won't leave you in this state.’”
The bonding experiences between human experiencers and
their primary ET contact persons lead to feelings and behaviors
that sustain the relationships. The attention to these relationships,
and the nourishing of them by both sides—ET and human—are
touching aspects of the ET contact phenomenon.

“I get a sense of close bonding to the ETs, a friendship

across the ether, telepathically.”
This message deals with another aspect of the bonding and
continuing relationship that is often established between experi-
encers and their primary ETs. Ongoing and often frequent commu-
nication sometimes continues long after encounters.
This communication is frequently from a distance, telepath-
ically projected into the minds of experiencers. This communica-
tion can take several forms: messages given during sleep, during
what appear to be “dreams”; insights or intuitions that subjects
wake up with, but did not have when they went to sleep; sudden
thoughts during the day that are so out of character with subjects’
usual thinking as to draw attention and suggest an external origin.

“I feel that I am being used as a conduit and as a

speaker for, and of, Light. I feel that Iam helping usher
in the Golden Age. They tell me, ‘It’ll be all right.’”
This communication is once more a personal one. This mes-
sage reflects a personally felt and understood sense of mission.
Furthermore, this experiencer understands how her particular
164 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

mission fits into the larger scheme of things, as the joint ET-human
coevolution proceeds at this time in history.

“My contact was a purification, a rearrangement of my

nervous system. Sometimes I get a buzzing in my head.
I feel the need to be grounded, to tune my system to
build for the energy being handled, to be ready,
mentally, physically and emotionally.”
This message concerns the experiencer’s personal aware-
ness of how the close ET encounter affected him. Like other expe-
riencers, he noted profound effects on his body energy fields, a
radical and apparently permanent change.
Quite a few experiencers have noted similar changes in
body energy, affecting such things as: body and skin temperature
(lowered by as much as two degrees Fahrenheit), metabolic rate
(lowered), resistance to infection (increased), need for sleep (re-
duced), Kirlian, or bioelectric, energy field (increased), ability to af-
fect nearby electrical appliances or fields (increased), and
attunement to the energies of adjacent persons or environments

“I’m feeling that CE-IV consciousness is the real work.

It’s hard to pay attention to my day job. My real work is
to write, to speak, to spread awareness of the ET
presence and message.”
This message has to do with the sense of mission, even a
sense of being driven to focus one’s life on the implications of the
fact that ET races from elsewhere in the universe have come to visit
Earth. The sense of mission to share this important truth with oth-
ers is so intense that it can cause experiencers to completely reor-
der their lives.

“I have a sense of being protected, of being watched

over [by the ETs].”
The relationship bond that develops between a human, and
the primary ET who has contacted the human, is not just a com-
munication link. It is also a bond of friendship and mutual con-
cern, as is true in any other serious friendship.
The Meaning and the Message of ET Contact 165

“Iam directed by the ETs to get answers about the

source of spirituality, religion, government, civic
power. I feel a sense of telepathy being felt and
experienced in the back of my head. Yet I struggle with
episodic self-doubt.”
Much of what takes place during ET contacts with humans
is education. The ETs often show the contactee scenes and infor-
mation that is important to know. There is also a process whereby
the experiencer acquires information in an effortless and often un-
conscious process due, presumably, to one or more ETs telepathi-
cally inserting information into the experiencer’s conscious and
subconscious mind. This process frequently (but not always) oc-
curs during sleep. It also takes place when the experiencer is on
board the ET craft, when the ETs use a device like a helmet to fa-
cilitate the transfer of data into the human’s mind. The theme of
this message is of learning about the ultimate, philosophical bases
for the basic institutions of life. Yet, amid these riches, the experi-
encer still has to wrestle with the bizarre “unreality” of the experi-

“There is a vast amount of knowledge being withheld

that needs to be revealed for the good of all the people:
spiritual knowledge, morality, how to live, who we
really are.”
This communication has to do with the fact that the ETs
have shared a good deal of information with governmental leaders
about themselves, what they see going on with the earth currently
and in the near future, and what their agenda is for coming here.
But the governmental elite who have this information are bottling
it up, not sharing it with the people. Thus, this important informa-
tion is not out where it can do the most good. I believe that the gov-
ernmental elite have withheld this information out of fear and
greed. They fear that the information would destabilize society and
topple the prevailing social order, upsetting the current class sys-
tem. (Shades of Lenin!) Their greed is clear when you observe the
superwealthy elite behind the government getting rich from pur-
loined alien technology, and remaining privileged and. powerful by
preventing the egalitarian, ecological and spiritual cultural infor-
mation of the ETs from “contaminating” society and upsetting their
apple cart.
166 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

“The ETs show and emphasize a spiritual and

intellectual understanding of the universe and our place
in it. The feeling I get is joy.”
This message carries on the theme of spiritual and true in-
tellectual knowledge that stands ready to enrich the lives of all the
people of Earth. This is truly glad tidings, if only the word can get
out. It has been revealed that the ETs have given up on the coward-
ly, self-serving governmental elite to get the word out. Instead, the
ETs have now decided to go directly to the people, en masse, and
deliver the message.
The style by which they are delivering the message is to dis-
tribute a portion of the whole information to various individuals.
This way, when courageous experiencers come forward with por-
tions of the truth, and share them with others, gradually the whole
body of information is assembled together. Thus, the ETs are also
reminding us of our (and their) interdependence on one another.

“The message I get is that life is abundant in the

universe. Intelligent life evolves in ways we can
recognize as intelligent. Superior intelligences [the ETs]
want us to reach our own best potential. And that is the
definition of a friend.”
This communication deals with the basis for the presum-
ably superior ETs bothering to visit our planet and share their cul-
ture, evolutionary advancement, and_ spiritual/metaphysical
values. It also deals with the issue of how rare or common is life
elsewhere in the galaxy.

“It’s real. We are privileged to be alive at the time that

the contact is coming to a head—globally.”
This ET communication has to do with the imminent timing
of the open manifestation of the ET presence among us. This expe-
riencer has a sense that he is particularly fortunate to be living at
the time when the ETs openly announce their presence.

“The ETs are many races and cultures at different

evolutionary levels. Most are serene, metaphysical, like
super-advanced Buddhist monks, altruistic. A few are
less evolved, adolescent, patronizing, practicing
extractive and self-serving science rather than the gift-
giving and metaphysical contact that the highly-
evolved ones practice.
This message reflects the information this experiencer has
been shown about the different natures of the several ET races that
The Meaning and the Message of ET Contact 167

are visiting us. As one might expect in a large and varied universe,
all peoples are not alike. The range of ET cultures is at least as wide
as the range of human cultures on Earth.
This variation in cultures and behavioral styles also belies
those misinformed or disinforming writers who want to stereotype
all ETs as short “grays” or as lurking, menacing, kidnapper-rapists.
(Here we see the old human tendency to project our bigotry onto the
newest and most exotic immigrants to arrive on our shores—it is as
if we are saying, “Them foreigners all look alike to me.”)
The message here surely must be that we should deal with
each ET group and individual as unique and deserving to be under-
stood based on their behavior, and not on blind prejudice. Based
on the fact that ETs have been here for at least 45 years, and per-
haps for thousands of times longer, but have not tried to dominate
or conquer the Earth, we should accord each ET group the benefit
of the doubt and extend the same courtesy and hospitality we
would show to any visitor who has come a long way.

“The ETs will manifest themselves soon. They will let

themselves be seen openly after we stop shooting at
This message represents one of a number of independent
communications, all to the effect that the ETs will manifest them-
selves significantly in the very near future. The manner in which
this will happen appears to be that, at first, the ETs will conduct a
series of moderately obvious manifestations of their presence, such
as low/slow flyovers of populated areas or areas designed to attract
media coverage, such as national monuments. Those who are al-
ready interested in UFOs will be most likely to take notice of this
series of events.
The second phase of the manifestation may consist of a sig-
nal event—one which cannot fail to attract the attention of even
those people who normally are not interested in, or who do not even
believe in, UFOs and ETs. This suggests that the special event will
get wide media coverage as “straight” news.
An example of such a signal event could be the landing of a
UFO on the ground in front of the Statue of Liberty in the early
morning of July 4 and the emergence of ET crew members from the
UFO, just as media crews are setting up their cameras in prepara-
tion for other Independence Day ceremonies later that morning.
Not only CE-IV experiencers, but also human psychics who
ordinarily do not specialize in UFO topics and specialized remote
viewers (both from the civilian and the military intelligence commu-
168 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

nities) seem to be converging on the approximate general scenario

outlined above.
The final part of the message refers to repeated documented
and verbal reports that elements of the United States military have
fired on (nonhostile) UFOs using microwave and Star Wars weap-
ons, and have succeeded in causing several to crash into the
ground. These saucers were promptly scooped up by supersecret
Special Forces troops and taken away for analysis of their propul-
sion, flight, and energy-field systems at above-top-secret govern-
ment science labs. The implication of this part of the message is
that one major factor that has held back the ETs from more openly
appearing among us previously has been their justifiable fear that
they would be attacked and taken prisoner or killed.

“The coming out will occur very soon. Those who are
mentally prepared will fare well in the changes coming
up soon—a real transformation.”
The timing and effect of the open manifestation of the ETs’
presence is the content of this message. It is not just the news event
of the millennium, but it will also create a huge change in the way
humans perceive and live their lives. Because the manifestation
will be gradual—it is already escalating in its obviousness to any-
one who pays attention to UFO and ET contact news—people have
time and forewarning to prepare themselves.
How can we best prepare ourselves for the open presence of
the ETs among us? Not by watching reruns of Alien Nation (which
is too patronizing and simplistic). Not by stockpiling weapons.
(Let’s try something original when we meet this newest group seek-
ing to enter our midst; besides, weapons are futile and terribly
Instead, let us draw upon the best inspiration and leader-
ship that our wisest philosophers, our most revered religious lead-
ers and the global political leadership of the United Nations can
provide us. Guided thus, we can construct an appropriate response
to the ET presence. We can assure that we will not squander this
opportunity to gain from a truly fresh perspective on our most vex-
ing problems, from people whose civilizations are far older than
ours, and who have probably already solved crises that challenge
The messages listed here give us a look at a representative
cross-section of what the ETs are conveying to the people of Earth.
Ask yourself: how do I feel after hearing these messages? Does what
they have to say tell me anything about the people who brought
them? Do I find it easy to agree with the point of view of these mes-
The Meaning and the Message of ET Contact 169

sages, or are they foreign and opposed to the way I see life and the
Indeed, the point of many close encounters has been to im-
part these messages and to charge experiencers with the mission
of sharing them with the other people on Earth, each in their own
Notice the gentle approach of the ETs. Instead of getting on
a cosmic bullhorn and telling the peoples of Earth, “Now hear
this...,” the ETs send their suggestions through the minds, hearts
and mouths of our fellow humans, so that we may gradually, and
with less shock, come to hear what they have to say.
Thus, our sharing of these messages with you is part of this
“mission accomplished.” Of course, the choice is yours, to listen or
to refuse to heed. And, as with all decisions, the consequences nat-
urally follow. All we can do is present what we have been shown,
what we believe to be true.
We are not robots or stooges. We carry these messages be-
cause we choose to do so, and because we believe in them.
A characteristic of any substantive message is that its
truthfulness can be discerned by its degree of inner resonance with
what we already know to be true. Do these messages resonate with-
in you as true? As noble? As worthy of respectful consideration? Or
do they sound harsh, deceitful, self-serving or imperious?
We feel that it’s best that you judge for yourself. Our evalu-
ation is obvious from what we have written here.
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Special Counseling For
This section is intended primarily for professional psy-
chotherapists who have a special interest in, and have training
or special supervision in, working with persons reporting close
ET contact. It may also be of particular interest to experiencers
who want to know what to look for in, or expect from, a profes-
sional counseling program or session focused on ET encounter
I am a clinical psychologist who also engages in consult-
ing and research. I am licensed as such by the State of California
(#PSY 10047). Over the course of my clinical career, I have also
earned the licenses of Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Mar-
riage, Family & Child Counselor. For 23 years I have been en-
gaged in the practice of professional psychotherapy. For eight
years I served as Director of the Mental Health Department for a
rural California county. I have taught psychology at Sierra Col-
lege, California State University at Sacramento, and the Univer-
sity of California, Davis. I served as Preceptor at the latter
institution’s Medical School. I have been accepted as an expert
witness in psychology in numerous court cases. Since 1989 I
have engaged in research focused on persons reporting close ET
172 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

The evidence emerging from my own research and treat-

ment experience and from similar work done by other professionals
whom I respect very highly, strongly suggests that the vast majority
of experiencers have an acute, mild-to-severe transient reaction to
their close ET encounter, but do not develop chronic symptoms.
These are the experiencers who have had an uncomplicated CE-IV.
They exhibit the temporary symptoms of close extraterrestrial en-
counter syndrome (CEES). A brief intervention model of cognitive-
behavioral and ventilative psychotherapy, along with educative
counseling about CE-IVs, generally suffices for the vast majority of
close encounter experiencers with an uncomplicated CE-IV.
CEES is an adjustment disorder-level reaction to a close ET
encounter (CE-IV), remembered or repressed into the unconscious,
which substantially alters patterns of daily living or social relation-
ships in a destabilizing way and includes four or more of the 20 tar-
get symptoms described in detail in Chapter 2.
These symptoms are:
1) repeated anxiety/unexplained restlessness after an
anomalous event
2) phobic reaction to phenomena associated with a CE-IV,
whether remembered or repressed into the uncon-
3) repeated sleep disturbance or nightmares with UFO/ET/
Encounter themes
4) obsessional “dreams” or daytime thinking about UFOs,
ETs or CE-IVs
5) compulsive behavior (e.g., reading) concerning the UFO
6) unexplained moodiness/irritability after an anomalous
7) body symptoms/marks associated with a CE-IV
8) experiencing an unexplainable substantial period of
“missing time” following an anomalous incident
9) the sudden, unexplained onset of feelings of social nonor-
10) cosmic awareness (thinking about the earth as a living
whole, instead of confining one’s perspective to
neighborhood or town or country)
11) suddenly feeling an affinity for CE-IV experiencers one
reads about or hears interviewed on television, or
feeling a strong attraction to ETs
Special Counseling For Experiencers 173

12) a sense of receiving telepathic messages or repeated gift-

ed intuitions, presumably from an ET source
13) a sense of one’s mind space being episodically entered
into and shared with an ET being
14) the onset of, or marked increase in, psychic/ESP ability
15) an attraction for a spirituality or religious practice
based on the in-dwelling of the Supreme Source in
all nature
16) a sense of longing for the primary-contact ET one has
dealt with during one or more encounters
17) an obsessive sense of having a mission (clear, vague or
unconscious) derived from the CE-IV
18) a sense of strong “pull” to travel to a specific area, either
with an intuition of an impending close encounter
there, or for an unknown reason
19) having an ET perspective to the earth’s situation, or
feeling a genetic heritage which is partially derived
from ET sources
20) sense of one’s destiny as off-planet, or feeling a “pull” to
go “home” to an ET planet one was shown by the
For most close ET encounter experiencers, a course of brief
therapy is adequate and, indeed, all that most experiencers want.
In these cases I have found that four to twelve sessions of therapy
and education generally is sufficient. After this brief counseling is
completed, the experiencers typically are ready to move on to a con-
sciousness-sharing group for further exploration of what ET con-
tact means.
Note that I avoid the term “support group.” For those expe-
riencers who are not also carrying the burden of an additional hu-
man-caused trauma, there is no need for emotional support for
abuse, because usually no abuse happened. There is, of course, a
useful place for emotional support to help in bearing the reactions
offellow humans to tales of ET encounter. Such reactions include:
stigmatizing experiencers as “odd” or crazy, disbelief in the ac-
counts of CE-IV, ostracism by family members or friends, and com-
ments that experiencers are “no longer the same” as they were
before their encounters. Even the therapist of a close encounter ex-
periencer may suffer similar unfriendly reactions. One such thera-
pist’s landlord evicted him from his therapy suites under pressure
from other therapists in the building who were afraid their profes-
174 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

sional reputations would be tarnished by working in the same

building as a psychologist who counsels persons with close ET en-
counter experience.
There is a place in such CE-IV groups for initial emotional
support for new experiencers concerning the strangeness of their
experiences, their lingering doubts that they have “gone crazy” and
imagined the experiences, their difficulties in getting used to visi-
tors who look so distinctly different than we humans do, and the
fear and spooky reactions they may suffer from after unexpected
nighttime encounters.
There is also need for support from fellow experiencers. This
can take the form of reassurance that other people have also expe-
rienced subtle body marks, similar recurrent “dream” patterns,
changes in basic body temperature or metabolism, subtle intuition-
like telepathic messages from their ET contact, and a reordering of
life priorities around the awareness of the presence of ETs. Learn-
ing which races of ETs other people have dealt with, and how those
encounters went, can be very helpful to experiencers.
What seems to dominate the CE-IV group discussions I
have witnessed is consciousness sharing. This includes an ex-
change of ideas about: what is going on in this continuing process
of ET contacts with humans; what the ET messages mean for us;
how the experiencers are feeling the tug to change their lives in re-
sponse to the ET contacts; and the patterns of continuing contacts,
some in-person, and others by telepathic communication by the
ETs from a distance. Some amazing learning goes on in well run
consciousness-sharing groups. All of the information in Chapter 15
was derived from a single CE-IV group session. The members sat in
a circle and each, in turn, described what he or she had gleaned
from the ETs’ communications.
During every meeting, someone seems to bring out a new
aspect of the phenomenon, enriching the understanding of the oth-
ers as to what it all means. As group facilitator and comember, I
have more than once said that the ETs’ messages are like the pieces
of a jigsaw puzzle. Each experiencer has one piece. When all the
pieces are put together, then a larger and more coherent whole
emerges. The overall ET communication becomes understandable.
Of course, the government’s continuing sinister (and some-
times comical) cover-up activities also get discussed, as does the
intelligence harassment some experiencers receive as a result of
talking about their encounters. For those experiencers who have
been unquestioning in their belief that the government is here to
protect them, such harassment by their own government is mind-
Special Counseling For Experiencers 175

boggling and unsettling. But they soon learn that they can get by
with a little help from their friends. The helpful friends often turn
out to be not only fellow members of the CE-IV group, but also their
ET-contact friends.
I recommend that professional psychotherapists consider
including the following elements when treating experiencers who
are not dealing with an unresolved earlier human-caused trauma,
and for whom brief treatment is therefore appropriate:
1) Prompt intervention is important—as close to the time of
the close encounter incident(s) as possible—using
the crisis intervention and brief therapy models
where appropriate. Or, in some cases, even a single
debriefing/education session may be appropriate
and effective with untroubled experiencers merely
seeking validation of their sanity and/or the reality
of their close encounters.
2) As always, a rapid review of the psychological and social
history of the experiencer is in order. Particular at-
tention should be given to remembered and possibly
repressed CE-IV episodes and anomalous events
that may represent close encounters repressed from
memory. Simultaneously, this history taking per-
mits a rapid assessment of the character strengths
and deficits and psychosocial resiliency of the client.
3) The next step is listening with appropriate acceptance
and empathy and without unwarranted skepticism,
initially erring, if necessary, on the side of accep-
tance of ET encounter narratives. Inconsistencies,
versions of events that contradict the well docu-
mented patterns of ET contacts, overly self-ab-
sorbed or grandiose tales that have too many
indications of human origin, etc., will soon enough
ferret out the untruthful and self-deluding. We are
still learning about the varieties of CE-IV experi-
ences, so initial acceptance seems an appropriate
therapeutic stance to work from.
4) It may well be appropriate that the therapist consider the
use of hypnosis, after a therapeutic alliance has
been established, as indicated, (using formal trance
with age regression, or ideomotor-signaling dia-
logue) to recover repressed CE-IV memories, and/or
to determine the reality of vague, ambiguous inci-
176 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

dents or “dreams” that appear to contain character-

istics suggestive of a possible close encounter. This
will help establish the “data base” from which the
clinical issues to be pursued can be extracted.
5) The next step is the working through of the reality-chal-
lenging happenings of a close encounter, with op-
portunity for the client to ventilate emotions, regain
a sense of sanity and wholeness, and develop skills
to cope with an altered view of the world and with
possible future close encounters.
6) Concurrently, the therapist should consider integrating
the repressed memories of ET contacts with remem-
bered events and providing appropriate exploration
of what this means to the experiencer. The therapist
can also provide objective interpretation of these
events in the light of known scientific knowledge
about the ETs and the society-wide denial syn-
7) Another feature of a complete debriefing/counseling pro-
cess is the providing of information about the ETs’
behavior patterns, messages, and apparent inten-
tions. This can be derived from other experiencers’
accounts and from authoritative books and semi-
nars on these topics.
8) A traditional—and never more timely—feature of psycho-
therapy is that the therapist provides reassurance,
support and clarification, while modeling hopeful-
ness. (Therapists soon realize that the very act of
taking on the work of helping experiencers sort out
their contacts causes them to become a part of the
CE-IV experience.) If the therapist cannot model
hopefulness about the ET presence phenomenon, it
would be perhaps wiser to refer the client to a ther-
apist who can bring this resource to the process.
9) Another useful feature of a complete program of counsel-
ing for CEES is to help the experiencers realize that
they are not isolated cases by providing context-re-
storing information about the government’s knowl-
edge of, and cover-up of, the ETs’ presence.
10) Because true close-encounter experiencers tend to be
bright people, even if not highly educated, it is par-
ticularly appropriate to include bibliotherapy in the
Special Counseling For Experiencers LET

program of therapy. This can be done by recom-

mending appropriate readings and self-help books
on the phenomena of UFOs and close ET encoun-
ters, by encouraging the use of spiritual growth re-
sources that feel authentic for the client, and by
suggesting readings on topics such as humanitarian
and cosmic perspective (e.g., the Gaia hypothesis),
ecology, global politics, new physics and social jus-
tice. These steps help to empower the experiencers
to take active roles in their own healing and growth.
The therapist will find that experiencers have a new-
found interest or deepened intensity in these topics
as a result of ET communications emphasizing cer-
tain values during close encounters.
11) An element of the counseling process that I consider “in-
dispensable” is connecting the experiencer with a
CE-IV support/consciousness-sharing peer group,
consisting of other actual experiencers, and facili-
tated by a knowledgeable, skilled and empathetic
professional. The therapist may strongly suggest
that the experiencer avoid highly dubious New-Age
“contactee wannabees” and self-absorbed “ET chan-
neler” groups, whose histrionics and hyperbole can
confuse the experiencer about what is real in their
Other experiencers are suffering from a complicated CE-IV.
They are still dealing with earlier, severe, human-caused traumas,
for which they have not yet completed successful courses of psy-
chotherapy. For them the ET visitations cause an abreactive exac-
erbation of previous, human-caused Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, Borderline Personality Syndrome
or other Personality Disorder. For such dually challenged persons,
the therapist will need to consider long-term psychotherapy. Such
therapy will need to deal with both the human-caused traumatic is-
sues and the emotional exacerbation and turmoil resulting from ET
visitations. Special care will be necessary to keep boundaries be-
tween issues stemming from the human-caused trauma and those
stemming from the ET contact itself. Experiencers cannot be ex-
pected to be able to keep the two events separate. In fact, it has
been my research experience that such experiencers almost always
confuse the feelings coming from their ET encounter with the resid-
ual feelings from their human trauma.
178 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

And this is to be expected. The reason such confounding of

feelings occurs is because the human trauma is invariably ex-
tremely intense, catastrophically unexpected, out-of-the-norm and
extremely intimate. The unresolved human traumata most likely to
cause flashback emotions after a close encounter are: being severe-
ly physically abused; being kidnapped; being sexually molested as
a child; being raped as a child or adult; or being subjected to child-
hood ritual (Satanic) cultic abuse (usually involving sexual moles-
tation and torture). Such human traumata leave the victim with
deep feelings of being entered intimately by an unwanted other per-
son, feelings of being overpowered in a frightening way, feelings of
loss of the usual protective boundaries between what is personal
and what is socially shared, and feelings of loss of boundary be-
tween where self ends and where another person begins (intimate
Because ET encounters often involve the sudden appear-
ance of one or more ETs without warning in an unexpected location
(such as one’s bedroom at night), they can feel, at first, like an in-
vasion. The ETs’ use of mental telepathy, and their facility for read-
ing one’s thoughts and the contents of one’s mind, can feel to the
previously traumatized person like an old, familiar and unwelcome
intrusion into one’s private space. Because ET encounters fre-
quently involve the imposition of immobility on the experiencer’s
body, they may cause traumatic flashback to an earlier human ep-
isode of being overpowered and taken advantage of. When ETs
mentally enter the minds of experiencers who have suffered previ-
ous human-caused trauma, the experiencers can feel like they are
having additional episodes of loss of boundaries between where self
ends and where the other begins. They may also feel a loss of
boundaries between what is private and what is socially shared.
Here we have the clash of two cultures. They are both
healthy, but they are diametrically opposed in their assumptions.
In human culture (at least in Western modern industrial culture),
the assumption is that one’s thoughts are private. Individualism is
prized. In ET cultures, it appears that thoughts are inevitably
shared because of the automatic, two-way nature of the mutual
telepathic ability of all members of their society. They live in a com-
monly shared “mind field” of the totally accessible thoughts of each
and all members, much as the pre-industrial English pastoralists
grazed their sheep on the grassy “commons” of the village. So, from
the cultural perspective of the ETs, they are not being unduly in-
trusive or “forward” by entering the minds of human contactees
and engaging intimately in mental dialogue.
Special Counseling For Experiencers ree

Other aspects of some close encounters may also cause

traumatic flashbacks. Sometimes an ET will cloak himself or her-
self by imposing on the mind of the experiencer the borrowed ap-
pearance of a familiar family figure. These experiencers believe (and
remember) that it was Dad, Uncle Henry, or Grandma who was ac-
tually in the bedroom the night they woke up with a presence in the
room. If that close encounter also includes a scientific/medical
exam during which the experiencer is on her back, paralyzed or
held in place by force-field ankle or wrist restraints, and if palpa-
tion of the pelvic or buttocks areas or a gynecological exam is part
of the procedures and the experiencer has only sketchy recall of the
encounter, their memory may construct a pseudo-memory that
Dad, Uncle Henry, or Grandma “pinned me down in my bedroom
and molested me.”
This memory confounding occurs! I have discovered at least
five instances of such pseudo-incest memories in the 104-case
sample of my research thus far. While further research on this as-
pect of the phenomenon needs to take place, these numbers sug-
gest that perhaps 5% of experiencers may be dealing with the false
belief that they are also victims of a human incest trauma. Of
course, I have also found at least one instance of an experiencer
having a false-incest pseudo-memory of what actually was a close
ET encounter and a memory of having truly been the victim of a hu-
man sexual molestation (on another occasion).
Let me hasten to emphasize that the above scenario, while
occurring often enough to deserve clinical mention and a precau-
tionary statement, does not suggest that all incest or childhood sex-
ual molestation memories are merely the confused memories of
close encounters. My 23 years of clinical experience suggest that
the vast majority of childhood molestation and incest episodes are
real, and involve real human agents, not ETs.
Those experiencers who have had previous exposure as
children to cultic (Satanic) ritual (sexual) abuse are also suscepti-
ble to traumatic flashback after a close ET encounter. In these cas-
es, other memory cues come into play in addition to those cited
above. During some encounters, ETs are garbed in long robes with
hoods over their heads, which often mask their faces in shadow.
They may stand in a semicircle around the bed of the experiencer,
whom they awaken and take away in the night. These elements are
eerily reminiscent of cultic ritual and Satanism. They could under-
standably flash experiencers back to childhood abuse. The oddness
of the encounter and the fear accompanying such contact may
cause the previously ritually abused experiencer to dissociate out-
180 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

of-body or at least become psychically numb and experience the

events with an impersonal detached consciousness. This is the
same defensive state that ritually abused children often go into to
lessen their psychological exposure to the intense emotional hor-
rors of torture, rape, mutilation and murder.
Because experiencers find themselves having the same feel-
ings and using the same dissociative psychological defenses they
used during childhood cultic ritual abuse victimization, they may
conclude that they have been through similar cultic ritual abuse
episodes with torture and sexual abuse with the aliens. Disentan-
gling these events will require of the psychotherapist unusual skill,
complete knowledge of both ritual abuse and typical ET contact
scenarios and the patience to work with frightened, vulnerable per-
sons as they sort out the two. Uncovering and interpreting the dual
traumata and their interactional effects and treating both (interac-
tively and simultaneously) are important elements of therapy.
If incest and ritual abuse survivors who are also close en-
counter experiencers can be called dually challenged, then those
experiencers who are the victims of psychological warfare exercises
in staged pseudo-alien abductions must be considered triply trau-
matized. These productions may feature rape, torture, psychologi-
cal and physical abuse, threats, exotic unfamiliar “alien” settings
with bizarre creatures standing around, the unnerving presence of
uniformed officers behaving in ways at variance with the Uniform
Code of Military Justice, warnings of future stalkings and surveil-
lance, or “finales” involving cloaked human cult figures engaging in
gang rape.
If we have observed that treating the dually challenged ex-
periencer requires an unusual combination of knowledge and clin-
ical skills, what must be said for treating these “triple victims,” who
may be pseudo-experiencers? (I have encountered triple victims of
pseudo-alien PSYWAR-abduction exercises who, on separate occa-
sions, were also the subjects of genuine ET encounters.) Treating
such persons requires that the therapist not become more con-
fused than the client. Proper preparation and special clinical con-
sultation will help ensure that deft and appropriate counseling,
clarification and education take place.
The true nature of each of these traumatic earlier events in
a Client’s life is often revealed by using clinical hypnosis to break
through the hypnotic block and allow the reexperiencing of the
events with the feelings. Without prompting the client in any direc-
tion, the clinician/hypnotist asks him or her to revisit the suspect-
ed incident time and place and notice just exactly what events do
Special Counseling For Experiencers 181

unfold. The clinician is also available, of course, to deal with the

processing and emotional ventilation that may occur, as these emo-
tionally charged events are intensely relived.
Once the facts are known, the person usually is better able
to cope with the events, no matter how odd or unwelcome they may
be. The chance of the above complexities being present only points
out more the need for experiencers to be counseled by clinical pro-
fessionals instead of by well meaning nonprofessionals. Separating
human from ET issues, sorting out pseudo-memories from real
ones and knowing what to do with each requires an advanced level
of professional experience in dealing with persons psychologically.
A good body of professional knowledge concerning tech-
niques for the psychotherapy of victims of incest, molestation, rape
and cultic ritual abuse already exists. It will therefore not be appro-
priate to duplicate that work here. Once a CE-IV case turns out to
contain such elements in the experiencer’s earlier human history,
the experiencer should be treated by a therapist with a specialized
background in these traumata. Because in the real world there are
not sufficient numbers of therapists with skills both in CE-IV coun-
seling and in treating victims of abuse, it may be necessary to have
the dually challenged experiencer treated by one specialist in close
ET encounters and by a second therapist skilled in dealing with
childhood molestation, rape and/or cultic ritual abuse trauma.
Special attention must be given to counseling victims of
staged pseudo-ET abductions. Besides the complex issues of real
human trauma of abuse, threats, torture and rape, and the confus-
ing element of the involvement of “pseudo-aliens” and mysterious
military officers, these triple victims are at significant risk of fur-
ther kidnappings, threats to life and family and ruination of career.
They must be assisted to locate trustworthy legal and logistical
help to try to minimize the possibility of further kidnappings and
other risks. Further, they need to be helped to find supportive re-
sources that will allow them to fight back and regain control over
their lives. Their naive trust in a benevolent government may be ir-
retrievably shattered. The therapeutic challenge is to find hope in a
harsh world.
When pseudo-experiencers suffering from delusional disor-
ders are involved, the therapist’s task is to indicate that the infor-
mation and context provided leads to the conclusions that a
delusion is present and that there is no basis to validate their re-
ported experiences. Thus, it would be inappropriate to explore fur-
ther that material, but more productive therapeutic effort should
be directed elsewhere.
182 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

A final word to the specialist-therapist is in order. This is

demanding and confusing work. It will be a good idea, where pos-
sible, to meet and confer with other colleagues in this special area,
to learn more, keep perspective and receive support for doing some
of the most daring psychotherapy today.
Does this work bring special blessings for therapists who
devote their practitioner skills to working with ET encounter expe-
riencers? I will only speak for myself. Yes, it does. It has stretched
me beyond where I thought I could be stretched. It has taught me
how varied, rich and generally good the universe is. And it has
shown me a new basis for hope for the future. The smiles of relief
in the eyes of the experiencers who have finally found an under-
standing and guiding hand to help lead them through their maze
makes the challenges, ridicule and smallness of some onlookers
Would I do it again, if I could start all over? Yes. In a heart-

This has been a shared journey into the strange, the bi-
zarre, the cosmic and the exhilarating. No one who faces these
facts will ever be the same again. In the style of our ET visitors,
my fellow experiencers and I invite you to consider the implica-
tions of what has been presented here. You can be reasonably
sure that it is fact. But so much of what the ETs have come to
communicate is about the as-yet-unformed and possible future.
It is a future that they refuse to impose upon us but for whose
goodness or badness they urgently tell us we are responsible.
We urge everyone to stop to consider just how the sure
knowledge that ET beings are visiting us and communicating
with us on a vast scale will affect your personal lives, your chil-
dren’s futures, government, society, religion and the earth itself.
How are we all affected by the knowledge we now have
that many other races of intelligent beings inhabit multitudes of
planets in other star systems, that they operate in a concerted
effort in communication with each other, and that they are mo-
tivated by the gift of life and intelligence to go forth and spread
and nurture the development of that intelligence and conscious-
ness in other ecological zones on other planets, including our
184 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

The implications of ET contact for my personal future are

several. My consciousness has been profoundly charged with a re-
freshing new perspective on the cosmos. We on earth are definitely
not alone. There is an immense brotherhood and sisterhood of in-
telligent life out there. Furthermore, such life is, like us, curious
and adventurous. It has compassion for fellow intelligent beings. As
a result, intelligent beings elsewhere have explored and come upon
planet Earth. They are more advanced technologically and in men-
tal development, but they welcome us into the federation of inters-
tellar societies—if we but lay down our guns and nuclear weapons,
take better care of earth’s children and the earth itself, and work
harder at mental and spiritual development. Such a challenge is ef-
fortless for me to accept. Further, I feel energized to work on my fel-
low humans to rise up to this challenge.
My professional career in psychological counseling and con-
sulting has developed an exotic specialization: counseling persons
reporting close ET encounters. It scares some professional col-
leagues, amuses others and earns the grudging respect of still oth-
ers who are more open-minded. It has provided impetus for me to
get back into research with heart and enthusiasm.
My married life is changed. My wonderful wife and coeditor,
Lee, has been challenged by her husband’s “obsession with these
damned aliens” to learn more about the extraterrestrials. As she
did so, she came to see them in action as powerful, decent, even
playful friends. Her traditional faith in the government has been
shattered by the bullying and harassment visited on us and our
home. Her journey has helped us grow, as has mine. While the pro-
cess has strained and challenged our relationship at times, it has
also taken us to new heights.
My children’s lives are not the same. How many American
dinner-table conversations are frequently laced with the latest ac-
counts of appearances of ETs or UFOs? The kids have seen me on
TV and in the press and heard me on the radio as a sort-of CE-IV
celebrity—the kind they are secretly proud of, but hate to talk too
much to their friends about, because they know this subject is
“weird.” We laugh, get scared and move the CE-IV topic aside as
needed to get on with the mundane but essential other tasks of dai-
ly life.
My hope for humankind has taken a decided upturn. With
politically correct, large-minded neighbors like the ETs vowing to
step in if necessary to make sure we don’t blow up each other and
our planet, the odds for our doing the right thing have just gotten
a whole lot better.
Conclusion 185

My children’s futures will be unlike any previous genera-

tion’s. They will not know a time in their adult lives when they were
not perfectly aware of the ET presence among us. They will un-
doubtedly be the generation to openly colonize the moon, Mars, and
perhaps beyond. As the frontier of the solar system is opened up,
we will not go out there alone. The ETs will be around to provide
guidance and help. They will also exert an uplifting influence on
human culture. I look forward to the world being a better place for
my children to live—better, even, than it has been for me.
I believe that having the ETs openly around is going to in-
fluence our conventional government to become less nationalistic
and colonialist in perspective and to become more oriented to work-
ing with a redesigned United Nations on truly collegial solutions to
world problems.
As for the shadow government—the iron hand in the velvet
glove of the superrich elite who manipulate behind the scenes—
that structure will fall. As the ETs manifest themselves, there will
be a collapse of black budget programs. The revolution in human
consciousness will make us finally walk away from the 48 years of
Cold War mentality.
I believe our society will become less centralized and will re-
cluster into more regional cooperatives. As people begin to value
the things of the earth, low-impact technology, ecologically sensi-
tive food and fibre production, and cultivation of the things of the
mind and the spirit—rather than bigger and better Nintendo car-
tridges and overpowered cars—society will reorganize to accommo-
date to these new priorities. Will the multinational corporations
allow this to happen? Will Northrop and Uniroyal and I.G. Farber
and Royal Dutch Shell just roll over? They will, if we stop throwing
our money their way. (As the Operation Phoenix Special Forces
used to say in Viet Nam, “If you’ve got them by the balls, their
hearts and minds will follow.”)
I was going to say that my value system has, for many
years, been evolving in the direction that the ETs espouse. Thus, it
is not difficult to embrace the changes that contact is bringing. But
I am now more inclined to think that the ETs have been gently and
subtly shaping the formation of my values (and those of many oth-
ers) over many years, by mental telepathic influence and by making
their presence known enough to cause us to raise our horizons.
The open presence of ETs on earth will mean that we will
have the benefit of some of the wisest minds from some of the older
and more enduring civilizations in the galaxy available to help us
design a civilization that really works for all.
186 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Will I have to change my religious beliefs because of the

open manifestation of the ETs among us? Not a bit. My belief has
evolved from childhood Catholicism to a blend of philosophical Tao-
ism and heart-place Native American earth spirituality and cere-
mony. As far as I can decipher the ETs’ theology, that is
approximately how their religiophilosophical tenets would trans-
late into earth terms. So, a perfect fit.
How am I affected by these nosey, do-gooder, sober, serious,
merry pranksters from space who are trying to share the planet
with us as unobtrusively as they can manage and trying to uplift
us in the process? I am affected by being energized to respond. I
say, “Welcome aboard!”
Again, we urge you to consider how the coming of the ETs
will affect you and your world.
If you are perplexed, seek out others—particularly knowl-
edgeable persons, especially (fellow) experiencers—so that, togeth-
er, you can develop good, thoughtful answers.
After all, the human response to these questions is our fu-
Appendix A
Special Counseling
A Partial Listing

Each of the psychotherapists and related professionals

listed below is a professional knowledgeable in working with ex-
periencers of close ET encounters. Inclusion in this list does not
in any way constitute endorsement by the authors or publisher.
As always, prospective clients must use their own individual
judgment about the suitability of any particular therapist.


Northern California
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.; 2826 O Street, Suite 2; Sacra-
mento, CA 95816; (916) 455-0120.
Ron Mann, Ph.D.; 718 Alhambra Avenue; Sacramento,
CA 95816; (916) 441-1925.
Suzanne Metzger, CHT; 15976 Fern Way; Guerneville,
CA 95446; (707) 869-0033.
Douglas Pryor, Ph.D.; 650 Howe Avenue, Suite 560; Sac-
ramento, CA 95825; (916) 649-2858.
188 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

San Francisco Bay Area

Christine Babinski, CHT; 1470-H Detroit Avenue; Concord,
CA 94520; (510) 671-2488.
Karen Barton, MFCC Intern; 935 Lootens Place; San Rafael,
CA 94901; (415) 258-9065.
Betsy Belote, Ph.D.; LCSW, 55 Buena Vista; Mill Valley, CA
94941; (415) 381-0763.
Virginia Bennett, M.A.; CHT, 2588 Milvia; Berkeley, CA
94704; (510) 845-5788.
Helen Billings, CCHT; Post Office Box 3896; San Rafael, CA
94912; (415) 453-6624.
Eileen Bray, M.S., M.A.; Post Office Box 7824; San Jose, CA
95150; (408) 248-3623.
Jan Carlson, M.A., MFCC Intern; 3101 Telegraph Avenue;
Berkeley, CA 94705; (510) 649-9818.
Ray Effertz, LCSW; 1220 University Drive, Suite 103; Menlo
Park, CA 94025; (415) 329-9818.
Edith Fiore, Ph.D.; 20688 Fourth Street; Saratoga, CA
95070; (408) 867-1100.
Megan Freeman, MFCC; 135 Greenfield Avenue; San Ansel-
mo, CA 94960; (415) 457-4404.
David Goldberg, Ph.D.; 143 Fiesta Circle; Orinda, CA
94563; (510) 376-8146.
Frances Hailman, CHT; 2609 Grant Street; Berkeley, CA
94703; (510) 843-6591.
Michelle Heart, CHT; 1481-C Pico Court; Walnut Creek, CA
94596; (510) 256-9510.
Linda Kerth, Ph.D.; P.O. Box 5064; Pittsburg, CA 94565;
(510) 458-4634.
Barbara Levy, Ph.D.; 1801 Bush Street, Suite 131-B; San
Francisco, CA 94109; (415) 566-6659.
Barbara Lewis, MFCC Intern; 493 Haight Street, Suite 25;
San Francisco, CA 94117; (415) 431-8733.
Glen Perry, Ph.D.; 360 Quietwood Dr.; San Rafael, CA
94903; (415) 382-0304.
Tessa Peterson, MFCC; 3101 Telegraph Avenue; Berkeley,
CA 94705; (510) 649-9818.
Special Counseling Resources: A Partial Listing 189

Robert Rosenthal, M.D.; 80 Lincoln Drive, Suite 3-E; Sau-

salito, CA 94965; (415) 721-4460.
Charles Sweet, Ph.D.; 2136 Walnut Blvd.; Walnut Creek
94596; (510) 937-4760.
Peter Thompson, MFCC Intern; 463 Molimo Dr.; San Fran-
cisco, CA 94127; (415) 585-6871.

Southern California
William Cone, Ph.D.; 17100 Norwalk Boulevard, Suite 116;
Cerritos, CA 90701; (310) 804-4428.
Maralyn Teare, M.S., MFCC; 323 E. Matilija, Suite 112-170;
Ojai, CA 93023; (805) 646-2537.
John Mack, M.D.; Cambridge Hospital; 1493 Cambridge
Street; Cambridge, MA 02139; (617) 498-1540.
John Carpenter, LCSW; c/o Saint John’s Hospital, Medical
Social Work Dept.; Springfield, MO 65807; (417)
Rima Laibow, M.D.; P.O. Box 728; Ardsley, NY 10502; (914)
Aphrodite Clamar, Ph.D.; 30 E. 60th Street; New York, NY
10022; (212) 758-6969.
John R. Salter, Jr.; 307 N. 49th Street; Grand Forks, ND
58203; (701) 775-4146.
Alvin L. Ackerman, Ph.D.; 3319 NE Schuyler; Portland, OR
97212; (503) 284-5858.
Paul Brown, Ph.D.; 2134 NW Aspen Avenue; Portland, OR
97210; (503) 227-2136.
David Ritchey, Ph.D.; 200 Jacksonville Stage; Brattleboro,
VT 05301; (802) 254-2150.
June Parnell, Ph.D.; 2219 Raingow Avenue; Laramie, WY
82070; (307) 742-3394.
190 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D.; 406 1/2 S. 21st Street; Laramie, WY

82070; (307) 721-5125.

David Gotlib, M.D.; 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Suite 607; Tor-
onto, Ontario, Canada M4V 1L5; (416) 963-8700.
Howard M. Schachter, Ph.D.; 7 Palisades Street; Nepean
(Ottawa), Ontario, Canada K2G 5M4; (613) 226-

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, M.D.; Bogstadveiem 72-A-
22; Oslo, Norway 0366; (011-47) 22-605-411.

Support Groups
Many support groups exist for the purpose of helping expe-
riencers deal with the issues of close extraterrestrial en-
counters. Since the groups form, change and disband
frequently, no attempt will be made here to list them. In-
stead it is recommended that interested persons subscribe
to Contact Forum, an interactive bimonthly newsletter for
experiencers and the professionals that work with them.
Annual subscriptions to the newsletter are $16.50 in the
U.S. and $21.00 in Canada, in U.S. currency.
Write to:
Contact Forum
c/o Wild Flower Press
POB 230893
Tigard, OR 97281-0893.
(800) 538-0264.
Appendix B
With AMA’s
Diagnostic Manual
Committee About
Close Encounter
Correspondence with AMA 193


Licensed Psychologist #PSY10047
3009 O Street, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 455-0120

March 08, 1993

Dr. Allen Frances, M.D., Chair, DSM-IV Task Force

American Psychiatric Association
1400 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005

Dear Dr. Frances:

Enclosed please find my DSM-IV Options Book Comments Form.

In it I detail an important area not mentioned in DSM-III-R, nor
in the DSM-IV Options Book. I refer to an "epidemic condition"
estimated to affect 575,000 Americans. This condition is the
psychological and emotiona] sequelae of the experience of being
contacted by (and temporarily taken away by) extraterrestrials.
This condition, which | named "Close Extraterrestraial Encounter
Syndrome" (CEES) at the M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference last
June in a paper | presented there, is described in the
attachment. This attachment was my presentation at M.I.T.
The M.I.T. Conference was co-chaired by psychiatrist John
Mack, M.D., of Harvard Medical School Hospital. He may be
consulted as to the validity and aptness of the condition
described herein. Psychiatrist James Gordon, M.D. also wrote
about this syndrome in his article in Atlantic Monthly, “The UFO
Experience", (August, 1991).
I have written the description of the syndrome in a format
compatible with the DSM-IV, i.e., with a number of descriptors,
the presence of any four of which would find for the presence of
the syndrome.
The syndrome is conceptualized as a variant of 309.90,
Adjustment Disorder NOS, (Close Extraterrestrial Encounter
Syndrome). It deserves explicit mention in DSM-IV because of the
prevelance of this syndrome, and to facilitate more mental] health
professionals recognizing this syndrome, and studying and
treating it. I would be pleased to discuss this syndrome with the
relevant committee, in person, if requested.
Despite the copyright on the enclosed paper, I am quite
willing to waive rights to this syndrome and its description to
the AMA/APA, in the interest of seeing this syndrome more broadly
recognized and treated.
Please direct this submittal to your relevant Committee.
Thank you.
ate vel lan, -D.
Correspondence with AMA 195

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years of Ss
caring =

/ a

1400 K Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20005
Telephone: 202.682.6000 March 23, 1993
Fax; 202.682.6114

Boaro or Trustees Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

doxeph T. Eaghsh, M.D.
Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. & Associates
Prevideut 3009 O Street, Suite 3
John S. MeIngyre, M.D. Sacramento, CA 95816
Leah J. Dickstein, M.D.
Vive President
Lewis 1. Judd, M.D. Dear Dr. Boylan:
Vice President
Steven S. Sharfatein, M.D.
Secretary Thank you for your recent letter regarding “Close Extraterrestrial Encounter
Mary sane England, M.D. Syndrome” (CEES). We are forwarding your letter and attached article to the
Lawrence tlarrmann, M.D.
appropriate DSM-IV Work Group for their consideration.
Elissa P. Benedek, M.L.
Herbert Pardes, M.D,
Pat Presidents For your information, the DSM-IV Task Force is setting a very high threshold for
Herbert S. Sacks, M.D. incorporating any new diagnostic entities, requiring that they have extensive
Harvey Bluestone. M.D.
Abram M. Hostetter, M.D. empirical support. While clinical impressions are taken into account when
Robert J. McDevitt, M1). reviewing proposed diagnoses, the most important criteria for inclusion of any new
Harvey R. St. Clair, M.D.
Daniel G. Borenstein, M.D. category will be its empirical foundation.
Merlin H. Johnson, M.D.
Rodrigo A. Munoz, M.D.
Jerry M. Wiener, M.D. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your research with the DSM-IV Task
Benjamin Liptzin, M.D.
Andrea S. Moskowitz, M.D. Force.
Marian 1], Butterfield, M.D,

AssemBcy 1992-1993,
Ronald A. Shellow, M.D.
Richard M. Hridburg. M.D.
Speaker. blest
Norman A. Clemens, M.D, Allen Lon Fah cifpy
Recorder Chair, DSM-IV Task Force
John C. Nemish, M.D., Fattor
Anerican Journal ofPoycbiatry
John A. Talbott, M.D, £éitar
Hospital ¢*Community Paychisiry
RobertJ.Campbell, 111, M.D., Ratar Harold Alan Pincus, M.D.
Paycbiatric News
Deputy Medical Director
Melvin Sabshin. M.D, Director, Office of Research
Medical Director
Carolyn B. Robinowitz, M.D.
Deputy Mecteul Director
John Blamphin
Director, Publu Affairs
Jay B, Cutler, J.D.
Special Coane! and
Divectoe, Government Relations
Ronald E. McMillen
Vicectwe, Publications andMarketing
Harold Alan Pincus, M.D,
Deputy Medical Director
Jack W. White, D.B.A.
Deputy Director.
Bintinoss Adrninitontion

12 10+ 12]. 93 O%
Appendix C

198 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

The readings below are a partial listing from the voluminous

available literature. These listings represent serious treatments of
difficult topics, by authors who are recognized as qualified com-
mentators. However, being listed here should not be construed as
endorsement of everything in every writing. Nor should the reader
suppose that this writer agrees with the interpretations or points of
view of all of the authors. As with all writings on these topics, the
reader should evaluate these articles and books thoughtfully and
with independent judgment.

A. Background on UFO and CE-IV Phenomena

Black Elk, Wallace, and William S. Lyon. Black Elk: The Sa-
cred Ways of the Lakota. San Francisco: Harper,
1991. This book presents a basic overview of Native
American spirituality from the perspective of a Lako-
ta (Sioux) medicine person. It includes several nar-
ratives of extraordinary events, including the
visitation of Black Elk by ETs during a vision-quest
isolation ritual.
Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. “Secret ‘Saucer’ Sites,” MUFON
Journal, August, 1992. Eye-opening accounts of
U.S. saucer bases.
---, “Touring Nevada’s “Outer Limits,” UFO Magazine, 7:6,
November-December, 1992. Another account of
staking out U.S. saucer bases.
---. Extraterrestrial Contact and Human Responses. Sacra-
mento, CA: Self-published, 1992. A forthright and
searching examination of human responses to ET
contact, including personal, clinical and emotional
responses, as well as the responses of the govern-
mental and intelligence communities, which have
variously included cover-up, denial and apparently
active interface with selected ET contact persons.
Cooper, Vicki. “New Light on Abduction Syndrome,” UFO
Magazine, 8:1, January-February, 1993. A quick
overview of the various approaches and theories of
what effect experiencers get from contact.
Recommended Readings 199

Dames, Major Edward, USA (ret.) Remote Viewing and

UFOs: TREAT Monograph I. Ardsley, NY: The Center
for the Treatment and Research of Experienced
Anomalous Trauma, 1992. A remarkable report on
a briefing and interview given by a major from the
Army’s Intelligence and Security Command at an
April, 1992, conference in Santa Fe, NM. Major
Dames publicly shares information on the ET races’
activities and motives, obtained by use of parapsy-
chology techniques honed while working within the
Army’s psychological warfare weapons group.
Fawcett, Lawrence and Barry Greenwood. The UFO Cover-
up, New York: Prentice-Hall, 1984. A very good sam-
pling of the better cases showing that UFOs exist
and interact with us.
Fiore, Edith, Ph.D. Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case
Studies of Abductions by Extraterrestrials. New York:
Ballantine, 1990. An interesting series of accounts
of experiencers debriefed by a psychologist. (Cau-
tion suggested, since evaluations of subjects are not
Fowler, Raymond E. The Allagash Abductions: Undeniable
Evidence of Alien Intervention. Tigard, OR: Wild
Flower Press, 1993. Very strong documentation of
the reality of extraterrestrial intervention in human
affairs. Four artists regain identical memories of ab-
duction years after a curious missing time episode.
Fuller, John. The Interrupted Journey. New York: Dial Press,
1966. A good treatment of one of the earliest publi-
cized ET-contact cases. It tells of a professional cou-
ple who were removed from their car on a New
England highway, placed into a nearby UFO and ex-
amined by ETs. It reports how this event was re-
pressed from memory until a later hypnotic
regression by a psychiatrist.
Good, Timothy. Above Top Secret. New York: William Mor-
row, 1983. Probably the best single documentation
sourcebook on the UFO phenomenon, utilizing gov-
ernment and police documents.
200 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Gordon, James, M.D. “The UFO Experience,” Atlantic

Monthly, August, 1991. A fair-minded authoritative
account of ET encounter experiencers who met at
the Laramie, Wyoming, UFO Conference.
Hamilton, William F., III. Cosmic Top Secret: America’s Se-
cret UFO Program. New Brunswick, Nu: Inner Light
Publications, 1991. A fascinating compilation of
data, reports and research pointing to a secret U.S.
program of constructing aerospace craft based upon
a study of alien artifacts and hardware. The book
also presents reports about sightings and other evi-
dence of ET presence. Since the level of documenta-
tion varies, discriminating analysis is advised for
certain sections.
Hopkins, Budd. Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Cop-
ley Woods. New York: Random House, 1987. An ar-
resting and detailed report of the accounts of a
family who related multiple contacts by ETs. A wide-
ly read book that has done much to bring ET con-
tacts to the popular consciousness.
Jacobs, David, Ph.D., Secret Life. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1992. Full of details on Jacobs’s “stan-
dard” extraterrestrial scenario, but a lack of varia-
tion in subject data raises questions about sampling
technique and interpretation.
Laibow, Rima, M.D. “Dual Victims: the Abused and the Ab-
ducted,” International UFO Reporter, May/June,
1989. A pioneering article on CE-IV Experiencers
who are also victims of human sexual trauma. (Cau-
tion suggested, because interactional effects are not
fully explored.)
Randles, Jenny. From Out of the Blue. New Brunswick, NJ:
Global Communications, 1991. A striking account
of the UFO touchdown near a joint USAF-R.A.F. air-
base, with documentation.
Recommended Readings 201

Sagan, Carl and I.S. Shklovskii. Intelligent Life in the Uni-

verse. San Francisco: Holden-Day, 1966. A thought-
provoking book well ahead of its time, this work by
a Russian astrophysicist and a famous American
astronomer presents the scientific case for the over-
whelming statistical likelihood that there is ad-
vanced intelligent life in the universe capable of
contacting neighboring worlds.
Strieber, Whitley. Communion: A True Story. New York: Wil-
liam Morrow, 1987. This is a blockbuster best-seller
that presents the experiences of a famous horror
novelist who finds himself and his family caught up
in a series of actual ET contacts more fantastic than
anything in his novels. It gives an interesting view
into the mind of an articulate, sensitive and spiritu-
al man struggling to process that which is beyond
The Urantia Book. Chicago: The Urantia Foundation, 1955.
This is an example of a New Age text presenting in-
formation from “higher sources” on the nature of the
universe. Not to be considered a book of actual facts,
it could be used by discriminating readers as a tool
for the imagination.
B. CE-IV Therapy Resources
Boylan, Richard J., Ph.D. “Research on Close Extraterres-
trial Exposure with Positive Mental Health Out-
comes Prompts Revision of Attitude and Diagnostic
Category,” Andrea Pritchard, Pam Kasey, Claudia
Yapp, David E. Pritchard, and John E. Mack, eds.
Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction
Studies Conference at M.I.T. June 13-17, 1992 (ten-
tative title) Cambridge, MA: self-published, 1994.
Write to Andrea Pritchard, 88 Washington Ave.,
Cambridge, MA 02140 (617) 492-4872. A thorough
monograph on all aspects of treating CE-IV experi-
encers. Also published in Bulletin of Anomalous Ex-
perience, 3:5, (October, 1992).
Bryant, Alice and Linda Seebach, MSW. Healing Shattered
Reality: Understanding Contactee Trauma. Tigard,
OR: Wild Flower Press, 1991. The first and one of the
best books on therapy with CE-IV experiencers.
202 Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
a ee

Sprinkle, R. Leo, Ph.D. “Psychotherapeutic Services for Per-

sons Who Claim UFO Experiences,” Psychotherapy
in Private Practice, 6:3, (1988). A nice overview of the
basic counseling issues with experiencers.
C. The Secret “Government” and its Cover-up Tendencies
Good, Timothy, Alien Liaison: The Ultimate Secret. London:
Century Publishing, 1991. Another fine work in
which Good gathers the best stories of encounters
and subsequent cover-ups.
Lindemann, Michael, ed. UFOs and the Alien Presence: Six
Viewpoints. Santa Barbara, CA: The 2020 Group,
1991. A readable, medium-level review of different
experts’ opinions on the UFO/ET phenomenon.
Prouty, L. Fletcher, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to
Assassinate John F. Kennedy. New York: Birch Lane
Press/Carol Publishing Group, 1992. Perhaps the
most hard-hitting analysis of who pulls the strings
behind the facade of government.
The following books offered by Wild Flower Press have been
written by experiencers for experiencers and will help you deal with
UFO contacts, especially CE-IVs, or help you to help others:


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Extraterrestrials are routinely interacting with human beings.
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