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Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170

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Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate in aqueous solution using

electro-deposited Sn catalysts
Chenchen Zhao a, Jianlong Wang a,b,⇑
Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology, INET, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Radioactive Wastes Treatment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Sn catalytic electrodes were prepared

using electro-deposition method.
 Sn catalysts were used for CO2
electrochemical reduction.
 The deposited Sn catalysts exhibited a
crystal pattern of (1 0 1) and (1 1 2)
 The Faradaic efficiency of CO2
conversion was over 91% at 1.4 V vs.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Carbon dioxide as an abundant carbon resource can be used for the production of useful chemicals
Received 6 November 2015 through electrochemical conversion. Catalyst is a key element for CO2 electrochemical reduction, which
Received in revised form 18 February 2016 determines the crucial factors in the process. In this paper, a series of Sn catalytic electrodes were pre-
Accepted 20 February 2016
pared using electro-deposition method with controlled current density at room temperature, and applied
Available online 27 February 2016
to the electrochemical reduction of CO2. The experimental results showed that the deposited Sn catalysts
exhibited a crystal pattern of the (1 0 1) and (1 1 2) faces and the thickness of deposited layer varied with
the deposition current density. The activity of these electrodes was determined in H-type and 3-
Electrochemical reduction
Carbon dioxide
elelctrode system, and the reduction product was quantitatively analyzed by ion chromatography. The
Sn catalyst optimized deposition current density for Sn fabrication was found to be 15 mA cm2, on which the
Formic acid Faradaic efficiency of CO2 conversion was over 91% at 1.4 V vs. SCE.
Electro-deposition Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction which could be further utilized as industrial feedstock [3–7]. How-

ever, the efficiency and selectivity of the catalysts are not satisfac-
The ever-growing global warming caused by greenhouse gas tory. The efficient catalysts are very crucial for the electrochemical
such as CO2 has attracted extensive attention [1]. In the past sev- conversion of CO2, which need further study to improve the cat-
eral decades, various technologies have been developed to address alytic performance [6–9].
this climate change issue [2]. Among them, the electrochemical or Different types of catalysts have been investigated, including
photo-electrochemical method is promising for it can reduce CO2 metal electrodes. Sn-based electrode is attractive because of its
to produce diverse useful chemicals, such as HCOOH, CO, CH4, low over-potential in aqueous medium, non-toxic property and
comparatively high selectivity towards formate or formic acid
⇑ Corresponding author at: Neng Ke Lou, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR which is a good candidate for fuel cells [9–25]. The reactivity of
China. Tel.: +86 10 62784843; fax: +86 10 62771150. Sn catalyst can be affected largely by the property of the electrode
E-mail address: (J. Wang). as well as reaction conditions [26], the Faradaic efficiency varied
1385-8947/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
162 C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170

Scheme 1. Preparation of electrodeposited Sn electrodes prepared at different current density (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d) 20 mA cm2.

2. Experimental

2.1. Catalyst synthesis

The Sn/Cu electrode was prepared through a facile electro-

deposition method. The deposition electrolyte was freshly
prepared from an aqueous solution of 0.1 M SnCl22H2O, using
0.4 M K4P2O73H2O as complexing agent to form more stable metal
complexes and to decrease metallic ion activity [29,30], while
0.05 M tartaric acid, 0.2 g L1 quinol, 0.1 g L1 sodium dodecyl
benzene sulfonate and 0.5 g L1 gelatin were added as additives.
Cu thin film (13 lm, 99.99%, 24 cm2) and a cuboid tin block
were used as the working electrode and sacrifice positive elec-
trode, respectively. Cu film was soaked in sulfuric acid solution,

Scheme 2. Schematic illustration of the electrochemical reduction of CO2 on

electrodeposited Sn electrodes with an H-type 3 electrode cell.

from 18% to 95%, depending on the morphology and structure of

There are a variety of methods to prepare Sn electrode. Lee et al.
applied the electro-deposition technology to prepare Sn/carbon-
paper gas diffusion electrode, they found that the Faradaic effi-
ciency was 18% on average [18]. However Sridhar group reported
a value of 80% using similar prepared Sn electrode [11]. The differ-
ence may result from the ingredient of the deposition bath and
experimental conditions in the process of crystal growth, which
lead to different electrode characteristic. Using K4P2O73H2O and
SnCl22H2O as plating solution to electrodeposit Sn onto the Cu
base is a widely used method to prepare a composite material
for Li-ion battery electrode [27]. However this method has seldom
been used for preparing the catalysts for CO2 reduction. By tuning
the deposition current density, we can obtain electrodes with var-
ied surface structure and morphology. In addition, placing a certain
metal catalyst over-layer on a foreign metal substrate can provide
an alternative option for tuning the selectivity [28].
The objective of this work was to investigate the electrochemi-
cal reduction of CO2 using a series of Sn catalysts electrodeposited
onto Cu film with controlled deposition current density. The two-
layer Sn/Cu electrodes were evaluated using different characteriza-
tion techniques to establish the relationship between morphology Fig. 1. XRD pattern of electrodeposited Sn electrodes prepared at different current
or structure and electrochemical catalytic activity. density (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d) 20 mA cm2.
C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170 163

Fig. 2. SEM images of the surfaces and cross-sections of the four electrodes (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d) 20 mA cm2.

then washed with ethanol, deionized water to remove the oil and 2.2. Characterization techniques
then for removing the oxide on the surface. The deposition
experiments were carried out in a rectangular cell connected to a 2.2.1. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
potentiostat (Princeton Parstat 2273) [27]. The non-active surface XRD patterns of the catalysts were acquired on a Bruker D8
of Cu film was covered with insulation tape to make sure that only Advance X-ray diffractometer with filtered Cu-Ka radiation at
one surface was covered with Sn. 40 kV and 40 mA. The crystalline phases were identified by
The electro-deposition current densities were 5, 10, 15 comparing with reference patterns in previous studies.
and 20 mA cm2 and deposition time was fixed at 10 min. The pre-
pared electrodes were washed in deionized water and dried in an 2.2.2. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
oven at 60 °C. The schematic process for preparation is shown in The SEM images of both cross-section and surface of the cata-
Scheme 1. lysts were observed using a HITACHI SU-8010 scanning electron
164 C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170

Table 1
The cathodic peak potential Epc and current density jpc, and current density at the end
of each LSV test jend of electrodeposited Sn electrodes.

Deposition current Atmosphere Epc jpc jend

for Sn synthesis (V vs. RHE) (mA cm2) (mA cm2)
(mA cm2)
5 N2 0.096 0.460 3.189
CO2 0.155 0.285 6.158
10 N2 0.126 0.212 2.383
CO2 0.083 0.111 16.285
15 N2 0.064 0.511 4.875
CO2 0.062 0.188 8.033
20 N2 0.057 1.165 41.297
CO2 0.116 0.892 32.851
Cu film N2 – – 3.745
CO2 – – 4.393

Fig. 3. Variations in the amount of Sn deposition and thickness of Sn layer with

electro-deposition current density (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d) 20 mA cm2.
density, obvious gas evolution was observed during the deposition
and thus leading to the comparatively rougher and darker surface.
microscope with extra high tension at 10 kV. Sn/Cu samples were Fig. 1 presents the XRD patterns of four prepared electrodes. For
loaded on a copper sample stage without any pretreatment. 5 mA cm2 sample, the diffraction peaks of Cu tissue (the (2 0 0),
(2 2 0) and (1 1 1) peaks of face-centered cubic Cu) were observed
2.3. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 as well as the deposited Sn layer (the (1 0 1), (2 1 1) and (1 1 2) faces
of body-centered tetragonal Sn). With increase of deposition cur-
The electrochemical reduction of CO2 was conducted using an rent density, the amount of deposited Sn increased significantly
H-type, 3-electrode cell, using the as-prepared Sn/Cu tissue as and gradually covered Cu base layer. For 15 and 20 mA cm2 sam-
the working electrode, Saturated Calomel Reference Electrode ples, only a small peak of Cu (2 2 0) could be observed owing to the
(SCE, TianjinAida Co. Ltd) as reference electrode and platinum wire effect of screw dislocations during two dimensional nucleation of
(TianjinAida Co. Ltd) as the counter electrode, respectively. The Sn growth. It was noted that a small peak of (1 0 1) CuSn alloy
three electrodes were immersed in aqueous solution of 0.1 M was observed in 5 and 10 mA cm2 samples, suggesting that Cu
KHCO3 as the electrolytes. To avoid formic acid oxidation by Pt and Sn atoms on the interface migrated towards each other during
counter electrode, a Nafion 211 Proton Exchange Membrane the deposition, thus generating a new phase. For 5 and 10 cm cm2
(DuPont) was adopted to separate cathode and anode area. A lug- samples, the peak intensity of Sn layers was not strong enough to
gin capillary was used to reduce the surface contact potential and cover Cu and CuSn phase, while in 15 and 20 mA cm2 samples the
solution resistance. The electrochemical measurements were good crystallinity of Sn atoms resulted in uniform Sn peaks.
carried out under control of a CHI630E electrochemical worksta- The microstructure and thickness of Sn electrode played impor-
tion (CH Instruments). Either N2 or CO2 was constantly bubbled tant roles in conversion of CO2 [19,31]. Fig. 2 shows the SEM
into the electrolyte to maintain CO2-free or CO2 saturated environ- images of the surfaces and cross-sections of four prepared
ment. The schematic process for the CO2 electrochemical reduction electrodes. The thickness of deposited Sn layer was measured
is shown in Scheme 2. directly on the cross section images. For the sake of accuracy, each
The reduction products were collected at certain intervals. The thickness was measure three times in different region and the
amount of generated HCOOH was determined using an ion average value was adopted as final data. For 5 mA cm2 deposited
chromatography (ICS 2100, DIONEX) equipped with Potassium sample (Fig. 2a), the size of deposited Sn particles was measured to
Hydroxide Eluent Generator Cartridge, IonPac AS19 Analytical be 20–100 nm. However, obvious Sn layer could not be observed
Column (4 * 250 mm) and AG19 Guard Column (4 * 50 mm). on cross section, indicating an incomplete coverage over copper
The relative Faradaic selectivity was determined by calculating backing foil, which was consistent with XRD patterns in Fig. 1.
the charge used for HCOOH formation divided by the total charge For 10 and 15 mA cm2 deposited samples (Fig. 2b and c), the grain
passed through the system, as shown in Eq. (1): size grew to be 0.7–1.1 lm, and the thickness of Sn layer increased
nHCOOH zF with increase of deposition current density. All three samples
f ¼ : ð1Þ exhibited a close packing among Sn particles. However, for
20 mA cm2 sample, Sn particles grew to large columns with diam-
where nHCOOH (mol) is the amount of produced HCOOH; z is the eter of about 3 lm with loose pack, and the thickness of Sn layer
number of electrons needed to form HCOOH from CO2, whose value was measured to be 22.9 lm.
is 2 in this work; F is Faraday’s constant whose value is Differences in morphology and Sn layer thickness among these
96485 C mol1, and Q is total charge during the experiment [22]. samples could be attributed to the synergistic effect between driv-
ing forces of crystal growth and kinetic of crystal nucleating origi-
3. Results and discussion nated from deposition current. During electro-deposition, the
probability of nuclei generation w could be determined by Eq. (2)
3.1. Physicochemical characterization of the electrodes [32]:
As shown in Scheme 1, the surface morphology of the electrodes w ¼ k1 exp  2 ð2Þ
was observed. The results showed that for 5 mA cm2 sample, the
surface exhibited a dark color on the surface; while for 10 and where k1 and k2 are constant values and g is the over-potential of
15 mA cm2 samples they had typical silver-white Sn deposition working electrode. Relationship between the critical radius of gen-
layer; as for 20 mA cm2 electrode, owing to the excessive current erated nuclei rc and over-potential g is reported to be Eq. (3) [32]:
C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170 165

Fig. 4. LSVs of Sn electrodes in 0.1 M KCHO3 (v = 10 mV s1). Black curves: N2-saturated solution. Red curves: CO2-saturated solution. (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d)
20 mA cm2; (e) Cu film as blank sample. (f) Comparison of the five LSVs. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

ph3 E ln i ¼ A  Bg1 ð4Þ

rc ¼ ð3Þ
6Zeg Both A and B are constant values [32,33].
In this equation, E is the interfacial energy; Z is the number of From Eqs. (2) to (4), we can conclude that the increase in depo-
electrons carried by discharge ions; e refers to the electron charge; sition current density could result in an increase in over-potential
while h is the height of atoms on the electrode surface. of electrode, thus creating smaller and more compact deposits on
When nuclei are formed on the surface, the current density i the electrode. However, tin is a metal of good ductility [34],
and over-potential g correlates as Eq. (4): tending to form large clusters under high current density. For
166 C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170

Fig. 5. CO2 reduction electrolysis at constant potential for 1 h on different electrodes (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d) 20 mA cm2.

5 mA cm2 sample, the deposition current density was too low to could influence electrode potentials for H2 and CO2 reduction, the
achieve enough Sn grains to cover the Cu base film completely, LSV data should be replotted to RHE as reference scale using E
while the coarse Sn grains were formed under low current, both (RHE) = E(vs. SCE) + 0.242 V + 0.0591 V⁄pH [22]. Both type of LSV
resulting in the observed dark surface. For 10 and 15 mA cm2, curves were depicted in Fig. 4. The cathodic peak Epc, cathodic
they were appropriate for the deposition, creating fine and tightly current density jpc, as well as current density at the end of each
compacted structure. However, 20 mA cm2 was so high that LSV test jend are summarized in Table 1.
hydrogen evolution reaction took place, resulting in loose surface Generally, in N2-saturated electrolyte only reduction of HCO 3
structure and long tin columns, as well as deep color appearance and H2O occurs, while under CO2 saturated environment both
of electrode. HCO 3 and CO2 take part in reduction of CO2, and hydrogen
The deposited amount of Sn was determined by weighing the evolution reaction (HER) takes place as a competing process at
electrode before and after electro-deposition. An approximate metal electrode [35,36]. As reported previously [37], Sn electrode
linear relationship between the amount of Sn and the electro- had a thin native oxide layer on surface. A cathode peak from
deposition current density was discovered (Fig. 3). The thickness 0.02 V to 0.1 V vs. RHE was attributed to the reduction of tin
did not increase linearly with current density. oxide during electrolysis [38], which could be observed in all
deposited Sn electrodes (Fig. 4a–d), but did not appear in Cu blank
3.2. Electrochemical measurements sample (Fig. 4e). After replotting, this peak almost overlapped in
both N2 and CO2 saturated electrolyte at 15 mA cm2 electrode
To examine the reduction of dissolved carbon dioxide in the [38], while a difference of about 40–60 mV was observed for the
electrolyte solution, linear scanning voltammogram (LSV) technol- other 3 samples. In most cases, the current density exhibited a
ogy was employed in a typical 3-electrode system. To exclude the comparatively faster increase in current value after 0.05 V vs.
formic acid oxidation on the commercial Pt wire counter electrode, RHE. Fig. 4f compared five electrolysis curves of CO2 reduction. In
H type cell was adopted. All electrodes, including pure Cu film as general, current value increased with increase of Sn amount,
blank sample, were investigated. The scanning direction was from except 15 mA cm2 deposited sample.
0.5 V to 1.8 V vs. SCE with sweeping rate of 10 mV s1, and The chronoamperometry experiments were applied to examine
0.1 M KHCO3 solution was saturated with N2 and CO2, respectively. the stability of the electrodes in 3600 s. Moreover, HCOOH pro-
The pH value of N2 and CO2 saturated 0.1 M KHCO3 was mea- duced in solution was collected and analyzed. Given E0 = 0.67 V
sured to be 8.8 and 6.8, respectively. As pH value of the electrolyte vs. SCE for CO2/HCOO couple [21,39], electrolysis was performed
C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170 167

Fig. 6. Variations in the faradaic efficiency, concentration of generated HCOOH and total charge passed through tin electrode with electrolysis potential. (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15;
and (d) 20 mA cm2.

potentiostatically at potentials between 0.6 V and 1.8 V vs. SCE ilar trend was observed on 20 mA cm2 sample. For 15 mA cm2
at 0.2 V intervals. CO2 was bubbled throughout the reaction pro- deposited sample, the curve for Faradaic efficiency exhibited a
cess to ensure adequate supply of feedstock. The resultant reduc- mountain-like shape and the highest value was obtained at
tion current profiles were shown in Fig. 5. The current density 1.4 V (91.7%), which was also the highest Faradaic efficiency
during electrolysis remained steady and no obvious degradation observed during whole work.
was observed for all four samples. It has been reported previously that possible pathway for CO2
reduction on Sn-based catalyst was mainly related to a chemical
4. Productivity of HCOOH rate-determining step, as illustrated in Eqs. (5)–(9) [10,21].
CO2 ðsolutionÞ ! CO2 ðadsÞ ð5Þ
As mentioned above, electrochemical conversion of CO2 was
performed in H-cell from 0.6 V to 1.8 V vs. SCE at 0.2 V inter- CO2 ðadsÞ þ e ! CO
2 ðadsÞ ð6Þ
vals. In this work, no HCOOH was detected within the tested
potential range on Cu substrate, because formic acid only forms CO    2
2 ðadsÞ þ HCO3 þ e ! HCO2 ðadsÞ þ CO3 ð7Þ
at high over-potential [40,41]. Moreover, no formic acid was
detected at 0.6 V for all electrodes due to low applied potential. HCO2 ðadsÞ ! HCO2 ðsolutionÞ ð8Þ
In Fig. 6 we summarized the Faradaic efficiency, generated amount
of HCOOH and total charge per unit area during electrolysis at dif- 
3 þ CO2 þ H2 O ! 2HCO3 ð9Þ
ferent potential of each Sn electrode.
For all electrodes, the generated amount of HCOOH displayed a To investigate the possible mechanical pathways of CO2 reduc-
strong but not linear dependence on the applied potential. It can be tion with Sn deposited electrodes, Tafel plot of over-potential vs.
seen that as cathode potential decreased from 0.8 V to 1.8 V, log of partial current density for HCOOH formation was depicted
more formic acid was produced, while total charge passing through using the data described above (Fig. 7). As shown in Fig. 7, for 5,
electrode increased too, and reached maximum at 1.8 V. As illus- 10, 15, 20 mA cm2 deposited electrodes, the slope was 169, 145,
trated in Eq. (1), the Faradaic efficiency was proportional to the 131 and 171 mV dec1 at low over-potential region, respectively.
amount of HCOOH and inversely proportional to charge, resulting The slope for 10 and 15 mA cm2 samples were close to values that
in different dependence to applied potential. The 5 mA cm2 were previously reported (120 mV dec1 for Sn catalysts) [42], sug-
deposited sample was only one that the efficiency increased with gesting that rate-determining step (RDS) was initial electron trans-
increase of over-potential, rising from 8.6% (at 0.8 V) to 64.8% fer to CO2 to form a surface-adsorbed CO 2 intermediate [38]. It
(at 1.8 V). For 10 mA cm2 sample, the Faradaic efficiency was speculated that the larger slope of 5 and 20 mA cm2 elec-
increased with potential until 1.2 V but dropped after that, and trodes was due to the exposed Cu substrate and loose packing
then rose again while going to more cathodic potentials. The sim- among large Sn columns, respectively.
168 C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170

Fig. 7. HCOOH partial current density Tafel plots for different electrodes. (a) 5; (b) 10; (c) 15; and (d) 20 mA cm2.

Table 2
Faradaic efficiency and Tafel slopes of HCOOH formation by CO2 reduction on
electrodeposited Sn electrodes.

Faradaic efficiency (%)

Deposition current for Sn 5 10 15 20
synthesis (mA cm2)
Potential (V vs. SCE) 0.8 8.6 6.7 4.4 6.7
1.0 9.3 36.4 13.5 9.3
1.2 18.0 68.7 24.3 71.1
1.4 34.3 51.9 91.7 4.9
1.6 59.6 43.6 77.3 26.0
1.8 64.8 58.3 57.6 43.7
Tafel slope (mV dec1) 169 145 131 171

The complete date of Faradaic efficiency and the Tafel slope

were summarized in Table 2.
From the point of practical application, sustainable stability is
important as well as a high catalytic activity. Based on the results Fig. 8. Stability of the 15 mA cm2 deposited electrode at 1.4 V vs. SCE in a
in Figs. 6 and 7, the stability of 15 mA cm2 Sn deposited electrode CO2-bubbled 0.1 M KHCO3 electrolyte.
was tested. The electrolysis was conducted at 1.4 V vs. SCE
through sequentially programmed short- and long-term
operations: six reactions for 5 min, followed by four reactions for second hour, the reaction current exhibited a slow but continuous
30 min, and continuous 3 h electrolysis. The results were shown decrease, and Faradaic efficiency dropped to about 81.6%. Both
in Fig. 8. current density and Faradaic efficiency continued to decrease as
During the electrolysis, current density was about electrolysis went on. When experiments finished, current density
0.9–1.4 mA cm2 for first 5 min reaction, and Faradaic efficiency decreased to 0.7 mA cm2 and the efficiency was 69.6%. The possi-
was 91.0%. The other 5 short-term reactions exhibited the similar ble reason for the degradation of tin electrode may be the formation
trend, and the highest efficiency (96.6%) appeared at second of alkali metal intermetallic during long period electrolysis [43].
5 min reaction. Both current density and Faradaic efficiency The studies on electrochemical conversion of CO2 to formic acid
remained stable during first hour. However, when it came to on Sn-based catalyst were summarized and compared in Table 3.
C. Zhao, J. Wang / Chemical Engineering Journal 293 (2016) 161–170 169

Table 3
Comparison of CO2 electrochemical conversion to formate/formic acid with Sn-based catalyst.

Electrode Experiment parameters (electrolyte, conditions) Maximum faradaic efficiency Refs.

Mixture of purchased SnO2 and Sn nanopowder CO2 dissolved NaOH solutions at different pH level >80%, 0.6 V vs. RHE [36]
Commercial Sn 0.1 M KHCO3 >91%, 1.8 V vs. Ag/AgCl [22]
5 nm tin-oxide nanoparticles 0.1 M NaHCO3 >93%, 1.8 V vs. SCE [21]
Purchased pure Sn rod 2 M KCl 60%, 1.8 V vs. SCE [43]
1–2 lm commercial Sn sprayed onto a purchased GDL 0.5 M KHCO3 72%, 1.6 V vs. SCE [19]
Sn powder bonded with Nafion ionomer to a purchased GDL 0.5 M NaHCO3 70%, 1.6 V vs. NHE [15]
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