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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234 – 241

Characterization of electrochemically deposited gold nanocrystals on

glassy carbon electrodes

Michael O. Finot a, George D. Braybrook b, Mark T. McDermott a,*

Department of Chemistry, Uni6ersity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G-2G2 Canada
Scanning Electron Microscopy Facility, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Uni6ersity of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, T6G-2G2 Canada

Received 15 December 1998; received in revised form 16 March 1999; accepted 23 March 1999


The interfacial properties of gold nanocrystals deposited electrochemically onto glassy carbon substrates are characterized.
Electrochemical interrogations as well as microscopy have been utilized to examine systematically the influences of deposition
solution concentration and overpotential. The results of these studies indicate that the overall surface area of gold as well as
nanocrystal size, density, and surface texture, can be controlled by variation of deposition conditions. From this work, arrays of
gold particles which are suitable sites for future chemical modification can be produced on glassy carbon surfaces. These interfaces
will be utilized for the fabrication of analytical electrodes with segregated sites exhibiting selectivity and facile electron transfer.
© 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gold nanocrystals; Glassy carbon; Upd lead; SEM; Surface area determination

1. Introduction chemisorption of alkanethiols (X(CH2)n SH) guided us

to explore the electrochemical deposition of Au parti-
The electrochemical deposition of metal nanocrystals cles. This initial report concentrates on characteriza-
onto carbon electrodes has been the subject of a large tions of gold particles electrochemically deposited on
number of investigations [1 – 16]. Interest is sparked, in glassy carbon (GC) substrates.
most cases, by the utility of this type of interface in Studies examining the electrochemical deposition of
electrocatalysis and as model systems for electroplating. Au onto various carbon substrates have recently
The focus of many of these studies has been on the emerged [31–35]. These reports suggest that Au elec-
early stages of electrochemical deposition in an effort to trodeposition from a variety of electrolytes occurs via a
elucidate the nucleation and growth mechanism of the nucleation and growth process on carbon and results in
metal phase on the substrate. Our interest in the ratio- 3-dimensional Au deposits. Because of our desire to
nal design of chemically modified carbon electrodes has adsorb specific functional groups spontaneously to sup-
prompted us to consider supported metal nanocrystals ported gold nanocrystallites, the size, structure, and
as sites for future modification steps. The large body of distribution of these structures must be controlled. Ide-
recent literature on the modification of gold (Au) elec- ally, small, well-dispersed gold nanocrystallites are de-
trodes [17–19] and colloids [20 – 30] by the spontaneous sired as a foundation for chemical modification. Our
experiments are aimed at characterizing the overall Au
surface area deposited as well as the microcrystal struc-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-403-4923687; fax: + 1-403- ture, size and spatial density of the resulting particles.
4928231. The results of these experiments provide us with stan-
E-mail address: (M.T. McDermott) dard procedures for preparing Au nanocrystallites of

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M.O. Finot et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234–241 235

known size and number density supported on GC for 2.4. SEM imaging
the purpose of further chemical modification.
Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the gold
deposits was carried out using a JEOL model 6301FXV
2. Experimental scanning electron microscope at an acceleration voltage
of 15–20 kV and a working distance of 4–5 mm. Image
analysis was performed visually (i.e. manually counting
2.1. Reagents
particles) and with commercial software (Image Tool,
version 2.00, University of Texas Health Science Center
Potassium tetrachloroaurate (III), (KAuCl4, 98%
in San Antonio) for particle counting and diameter
Aldrich), lead oxide, (PbO, Certified, Fisher), sodium
fluoride (NaF, Analytical Grade, BDH), potassium fer-
ricyanide (K3Fe(CN)6, Certified, Caledon), potassium
chloride (KCl, Anachemia), sulfuric acid, (H2SO4,
3. Results and discussion
Fisher), perchloric acid, (HClO4, Caledon) were all used
as received. All solutions were prepared using Nano-
Our efforts here are focused on controlling the size,
pure (18 MV cm) water and purged with prepurified
density and structure of Au nanocrystals electrode-
argon prior to use.
posited on GC in order to perform future steps to
modify these structures chemically. Toward this end, we
2.2. Electrode preparation have studied particles formed from a potential step as a
function of the initial bulk AuCl4− concentration and as
The GC electrodes (Tokai GC-20, Electrosynthesis a function of overpotential (h) at constant concentra-
Company, NY) were prepared by polishing on Micro- tion. Because of our desire to produce arrays of
polish polishing cloth (Buehler) in alumina/water slur- nanometer sized, well-dispersed Au particles, the depo-
ries. Two grades of polishing alumina were employed, sition concentrations used here (10 − 4 to 10 − 5 M) are
1.0 mm alpha alumina, and 0.3 mm alpha alumina significantly lower than those employed in previous
(Buehler). Upon polishing, the electrodes were rinsed, studies [31–35]. Our characterizations are aimed at
sonicated for 10 min, rinsed, sonicated further for 10 elucidating the surface area and crystal structure of the
min, rinsed, and stored in a beaker of water. This electrodeposited Au as well as the size and density of
procedure was repeated after polishing with each size of the nanocrystals. Because both the GC substrate and
alumina. Nanopure water was used throughout the the Au nanocrystals are active electrode materials,
polishing process and the electrodes were used immedi- methodologies which could distinguish the two materi-
ately after being polished. als were employed.

2.3. Electrochemistry 3.1. Au nanocrystal deposition

All electrochemical experiments were performed in Au nanocrystals were deposited on GC from 0.5 M
an inverted three-electrode cell. The cell was connected H2SO4 solutions of KAuCl4 by employing a 5 s poten-
to a Pine Model AFCBP1 bipotentiostat with platinum tial step from 1.1 V to some final potential. An
auxiliary and Ag AgCl KCl(sat.) reference electrodes. overview of the electrochemical behavior of this system
The auxiliary electrode was separated from the bulk is provided in Fig. 1. Fig. 1(A) is a current–potential
solution using a glass frit. All potentials in the text are curve for a cyclic voltammetric experiment at a polished
referred to the Ag AgCl reference electrode unless GC electrode in 2 × 10 − 4 M KAuCl4 in 0.5 M H2SO4.
stated otherwise. The GC electrodes were mounted in This wave exhibits an initial cathodic current at 0.8
the cell between a viton o-ring and a metal plate and V and a sharp peak at 0.5 V corresponding to the
held in place by the use of a metal clip. The geometrical reduction of solution bound Au(III) to Au(0). We
electrode area is defined by the circumference of the attribute the initial wave at 0.8 V to the reduction of
o-ring and forms the bottom of the cell. Chronoamper- adsorbed AuCl4− . Voltammetric evidence for the ad-
ometry in Fe(CN)6− 3/ − 4 yielded a working electrode sorption of Au complexes to carbon electrodes similar
area of 0.31 cm2. to Fig. 1(A) has been observed previously [31,34]. An
The capacitance of polycrystalline gold electrodes anodic current ‘crossover’, signifying metal nucleation
was measured in 0.1 M NaF. Differential capacitance and growth, is not observed at the scan rate employed
was determined using a 63 Hz, 20 mV peak-to-peak in Fig. 1(A) [3,4]. Voltammetry which more closely
triangular wave centered at − 0.6 V. The peak to peak resembles reported current–potential curves for nucle-
current of the output waveform is proportional to the ation and growth is observed at scan rates slower than
capacitance [36]. 5 mV s − 1. Furthermore, no anodic current is observed
236 M.O. Finot et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234–241

on the reverse sweep indicating the irreversibility of the Au nuclei is relatively rapid. Because the rising portion
reduction of AuCl4− . In 0.5 M H2SO4, we do not of the peak is experimentally inaccessible under our
observe electrochemical dissolution of deposited Au conditions, an analysis of the nucleation mechanism
within the potential limits employed in our characteri- (i.e. instantaneous vs. progressive) is not possible from
zations (1.5 to − 0.4 V). All overpotentials stated here current transients [3].
are relative to the standard potential for AuCl4− reduc-
tion to Au(0) which is 0.8 V versus Ag AgCl KCl(sat.). 3.2. Au oxide reduction
Note that from Fig. 1(A), Au deposition on GC occurs
at an overpotential of 300 mV. The extent to which we can chemically modify the
The first 50 ms of a representative current response electrode surface will ultimately depend on the surface
to a potential step from 1.1 to 0.0 V in 2 × 10 − 4 M area of exposed Au. Insights into this parameter are
KAuCl4 (0.5 M H2SO4) is shown in Fig. 1(B). The provided by the electrochemical reduction of Au sur-
initial sharp current spike is due to the charging of the face oxides [38–44]. Following the deposition of the Au
double-layer. The curve then exhibits a hump shaped nanocrystals, the surface was oxidized by a potential
response following the charging current spike. The posi- step from 0.0 to 1.4 V in 0.5 M H2SO4 for 5 s.
tion and size of this hump varies with overpotential and Although both the GC surface and Au particles are
thus is likely the tail of a current peak commonly likely to be oxidized at this potential, the oxide film on
observed for the electrochemical nucleation and 3-di- the Au can be selectively reduced by a potential sweep
mensional (3-D) growth of metal crystallites [34]. After [38–44]. In separate experiments, these conditions were
the hump, a current decay is observed which is linear assessed on polycrystalline gold electrodes and shown
with t − 1/2 indicating a planar diffusion regime. This to achieve  1 monolayer of chemisorbed divalent
situation develops due to overlap of growing hemi- oxygen on the Au surface [41–44]. For example, a
charge of 930 mC cm − 2 was measured for the reduction
spherical diffusion layers which initially provide mass
of the oxide layer formed on a 0.10 cm2 polycrystalline
transport for nanocrystal growth [3]. From plots of I
Au electrode. The same electrode exhibited a double
vs. t − 1/2, diffusion coefficients ranging between 1 and
layer charge of 42 mF cm − 2 at − 0.6 V in 0.1 M NaF.
3 × 10 − 5 cm2 s − 1 are determined for the AuCl4− com-
Assuming a capacitance of 22 mF cm − 2 for a metallic
plex which agree with reported diffusion coefficients for
Au electrode with a roughness factor of 1, we estimate
metal complexes [37]. The position of the hump in Fig.
the roughness factor of this electrode to be 1.9.
1(B) within the first 10 ms argues that the growth of the
Thus, a roughness corrected value of 489 mC cm − 2 is
obtained which agrees well with the theoretical value of
482 mC cm − 2 for the reduction of a monolayer of
divalent oxygen from a gold surface [41,42].
Fig. 2 contains the linear sweep voltammograms for
Au oxide reduction on Au nanocrystals as a function of
AuCl4− concentration for h= − 800 mV (Fig. 2(A))
and as a function of deposition overpotential in 1.0×
10 − 4 M AuCl4− (Fig. 2(B)). The sharp wave appearing
at  0.935 V in all the voltammograms is consistent
with the reduction of an oxide film on Au. The observa-
tion of this wave confirms the deposition of metallic Au
onto GC under the conditions employed. The area
under the oxide reduction waves for repeated oxidation
cycles varies by no more than 5% implying that rough-
ening of the Au nanocrystals is negligible [41].
An assessment of the amount of Au deposited by
electrolyses means was made based upon the Au oxide
reduction currents observed at GC electrodes exposed
to AuCl4− in 0.5 M H2SO4 at open circuit. Electroless
deposition of Au was found to constitute no more than
5% of the amount of Au deposited electrochemically. In
addition, poising the GC electrode at 1.1 V prior to and
during its initial exposure to AuCl4− has no effect on
the amount of Au electrochemically deposited. Thus,
Fig. 1. (A) Cyclic voltammetry of 2.0 × 10 − 4 M AuCl4− in 0.5 M
H2SO4 at a polished GC electrode, n =100 mV s − 1. (B) Current the currents observed for the reduction of Au oxides
response to a potential step of 1.1 to 0.0 V for a polished GC reflects the surface area of electrochemically deposited
electrode in 2.0 × 10 − 4 M AuCl4− in 0.5 M H2SO4. Au.
M.O. Finot et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234–241 237

Table 1
Surface area determination of electrochemically deposited gold
nanocrystals on GC via oxide reduction analysis

105[KAuCl4]/M Qobs/mC Au area/cm2 b % Geometric


20.0 15.0 91.6 a 0.031 90.003 10.0 9 1.1

10.0 11.8 9 1.0 0.024 9 0.002 8.1 9 0.7
5.0 8.9 9 1.1 0.018 90.002 6.0 90.7
1.0 2.9 9 0.8 0.006 90.002 2.0 90.5
−400 7.4 9 0.2 c 0.015 90.0004 4.8 9 0.1
−600 9.7 90.7 0.020 9 0.001 6.5 9 0.3
−800 11.8 91.0 0.0249 0.002 8.1 +0.7
−1000 16.6 90.6 0.034 9 0.001 10.9 90.3

Statistics based on six measurements for each concentration.
A value of 489 mC cm−2 was used as the charge required to
reduce a monolayer of divalent oxygen on a polycrystalline Au
Statistics based on three measurements for each overpotential.
Fig. 2. Linear sweep voltammograms for the reduction of gold
surface oxides from electrochemically deposited gold nanocrystallites.
(A) Deposition solution concentration series for h = −800 mV: (a) modified GC substrate [56]. The stripping of upd Pb
2.0× 10 − 4 M; (b) 1.0× 10 − 4 M; (c) 5 0 ×10 − 5 M; (d) 1 0 ×10 − 5 has been used by several authors to characterize the
M, AuCl4− . (B) Overpotential series for [KAuCl4] = 1.0×10 − 4 M; surface of Au substrates [45,53,55] and was employed
(a) − 1000 mV; (b) − 800 mV; (c) − 600 mV; (d) −400 mV. here to assess the microcrystal structure of the elec-
trodeposited Au nanocrystals.
The trend in Fig. 2(A) reveals higher peak currents Lead was deposited onto the GC supported Au
for oxide reduction as the bulk AuCl4− concentration particles by stepping the potential from open circuit to
increases. This result is not unexpected and implies that − 0.4 V for 5 s. Fig. 3 contains Pb stripping voltam-
the surface area of deposited gold tracks solution con- mograms from Au nanocrystals electrodeposited under
centration for a given deposition potential and time. A our varied concentration (Fig. 3(A)) and overpotential
similar trend is observed as a function of overpotential
(Fig. 2(B)) where greater overpotentials achieve higher
Au surface areas. Using the observed charge (Qobs)
obtained by integrating the area under each of the
waves in Fig. 2 and the charge expected for complete
monolayer coverage as described above, quantitative
surface areas can be determined for each deposition
condition. Table 1 contains the quantitative results
from the analysis of the data in Fig. 2. As illustrated in
Table 1, areas corresponding to 2 – 11% of the geometri-
cal area of the GC electrode can be made available for
future modification by varying either the bulk AuCl4−
concentration or the overpotential.

3.3. Stripping of underpotentially deposited lead

A monolayer of lead (Pb) adatoms will form on Au

surfaces at potentials slightly more positive than for
bulk deposition of Pb [45 – 55]. This underpotentially
deposited (upd) Pb monolayer can be subsequently
stripped oxidatively from the Au. Similar to the case of Fig. 3. Linear sweep voltammograms for the stripping of upd lead
from electrochemically deposited gold nanocrystallites. (A) Deposi-
the oxide reduction experiments, our control experi-
tion solution concentration series for h = − 800 mV: (a) 1.0× 10 − 5
ments indicate that Pb deposits underpotentially solely M; (b) 5.0 × 10 − 5 M; (c) 1.0 ×10 − 4 M; (d) 2.0 × 10 − 4 M, AuCl4− .
on the Au nanocrystals. Contrary to a recent report, we (B) Deposition overpotential series for [KAuCl4]= 1.0 ×10 − 4 M; (a)
do not observe Pb stripping currents from the un- − 400 mV; (b) − 600 mV; (c) − 800 mV; (d) −1000 mV.
238 M.O. Finot et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234–241

(Fig. 3(B)) conditions. The sloping background current larger terraces. For higher overpotentials, although the
in all the voltammograms of Fig. 3 is due mainly to the total stripping current increases, the wave at − 0.17 V
GC substrate. Two oxidative stripping waves are ob- becomes less prominent, indicating smaller (111) planes.
served; a sharp wave at −0.2 V which is diagnostic of These observations taken together suggest that at low
Pb stripping from the Au(111) crystal plane and a overpotentials, a small number of Au particles nucleate
broader wave at 0.025 V corresponding to stripping and grow to significant sizes during deposition. In this
from the Au(110)/Au(100) crystal planes [46 – 52,54]. case, the applied overpotential provides enough driving
Closer examination of the Au(111) wave for some of force to activate only certain nucleation sites and three
the voltammograms (i.e. Fig. 3(A), curves c and d; Fig. dimensional Au particle growth is favored. Higher
3(B), curves a, b, c) reveals the presence of a shoulder overpotentials access more nucleation sites and a larger
at slightly more positive potentials (− 0.17 V). This density of smaller particles results. This model is con-
feature has been attributed to Pb stripping from firmed in the SEM analysis in the next section.
Au(111) terraces of extended lengths, greater than 11
Au atoms [51,52,54,55]. Close observation of all the 3.4. SEM analysis
voltammograms in Fig. 3 suggests that the Au
nanocrystals deposited on GC under the present condi- Oxide reduction and lead stripping indicate that the
tions are polycrystalline with a combination of (111); amount of Au deposited onto GC tracks both the bulk
(110) and (100) sites. Additionally, in some cases, parti- AuCl4− concentration and the deposition overpotential.
cles are composed of Au(111) terraces of extended Although these analyses yield a quantitative perspec-
length. tive, they do not provide insights into the manner in
Two trends are apparent in Fig. 3(A) as the bulk which the change in the gold surface area is manifested
concentration of AuCl4− increases (a – d). First, the in terms of the interfacial architecture. That is, oxide
observed current for each Pb stripping wave tracks reduction and lead stripping results cannot resolve
deposition solution concentration. This observation whether the variation in surface area is due to changes
mirrors the oxide reduction in Fig. 2(A) and confirms in particle size, particle density, or a combination of
the increase in overall Au surface area resulting from these two scenarios. Stripping of upd Pb provides some
depositions from higher concentration solutions. There insights, particularly for variations in overpotential. To
is good agreement between the surface area of the Au build upon these insights a visual representation of the
nanocrystals derived from oxide stripping and that Au nanocrystals was obtained with SEM. Fig. 4 con-
derived from lead upd. However, the Au surface area tains representative images depicting the effect of bulk
determination by Pb stripping is unreliable due to the AuCl4− concentration (parts A and B) and overpoten-
uncertainty associated with the integration and summa- tial (parts C and D).
tion of several waves and the variation in the values of The Au nanocrystals in the SEM images of Fig. 4
charge associated with the desorption of a monolayer appear as circular bright spots surrounded by a tex-
of adsorbed lead atoms reported in the literature (225– tured background of darker GC substrate. As shown in
362 mC cm − 2) [45,47,49,54]. Secondly, the microstruc- Fig. 4(A), deposition at low concentration (1.0×10 − 5
ture of the deposited nanocrystals evolves with bulk M) yields a low number of small nanocrystals. Fig. 4(B)
concentration as gauged by the shoulder on the illustrates that at higher concentrations (2.0× 10 − 4 M),
Au(111) peak at − 0.17 V. This wave becomes more a high density of relatively monodisperse particles is
pronounced on nanocrystals deposited from 1.0× 10 − 4 deposited. Quantitative results from SEM image analy-
and 2.0 ×10 − 4 M solutions indicating the formation of sis for nanocrystal number density, which reflects the
larger Au(111) terraces. From rough integration of the number of nucleation sites on the GC electrode, and
waves, the percentage of the Au(111) crystal face area nanocrystal diameter, which represents particle growth,
for the 2.0×10 − 4 M solution (28%) is similar to that are listed in Table 2.
of polycrystalline Au [45]. The results in Table 2 show that both the number
The dependence of overpotential on the microstruc- density and diameter of Au nanocrystals electrode-
ture of electrodeposited Au nanocrystals is deduced posited on GC electrodes increase with bulk AuCl4−
from Fig. 3(B). Lead stripping currents increase as the concentration. These trends are responsible for the
deposition overpotential increases (a – d) reflecting the increase in electrodeposited Au surface area indicated
increase in Au surface area shown in Table 1. However, by Au oxide reduction (Fig. 2 and Table 1). If the Au
the stripping signature for particles deposited at low nanocrystals are modeled as hemispheres, a value for
overpotential (e.g. curve a in Fig. 3(B)) includes a the Au surface area can be estimated using the diame-
significant shoulder on the Au(111) wave arguing that, ters and number densities in Table 2. Comparison of
although a relatively small amount of Au is deposited surface area values calculated from SEM data with
at low overpotential (Table 1), the resulting particles those determined by oxide reduction yields a range of
exhibit a significant (111) texture which is comprised of correlation from 10% agreement to a difference by a
M.O. Finot et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234–241 239

Fig. 4. SEM images of electrochemically deposited gold nanocrystallites on glassy carbon. Deposition solution concentration series; (A) 1.0 × 10 − 5
M and (B) 2.0 ×10 − 4 M, AuCl4− (h= − 800 mV). Deposition overpotential series; (C) − 400 mV, and (D) − 1000 mV, ([KAuCl4]= 1.0× 10 − 4

factor of 2. However, the use of a hemisphere as a lishment of new nucleation sites as indicated by the
model for the shape of the nanocrystals may not be a large size of the particles apparent in Fig. 4(C). This
valid assumption. In addition, we note that our SEM mechanism is also consistent with the Pb stripping
images probably do not reveal Au nanocrystals of very results which indicate a relatively low Au surface area
small diametersB 5 nm. comprised of larger Au(111) terraces. Taken together,
Parts C and D of Fig. 4 illustrate the effect of the data in Table 2 imply that the size, density, and
overpotential on Au nanocrystal distribution and size. structure of Au nanocrystals on GC electrodes can be
At low overpotentials, Fig. 4(C), a number of large systematically controlled via variations in deposition
(50 – 80 nm) particles are observed coexisting with solution concentration and overpotential. This control
smaller nanocrystals. Higher overpotentials (Fig. 4(D)) will be exploited in our future work aimed at modifying
yield an array of evenly distributed, relatively these nanocrystals.
monodisperse particles. Table 2 lists quantitatively the The magnitude of the number density values ob-
values for Au nanocrystal number density and diameter served here (109 –1010 cm − 2) are larger than those
as a function of overpotential. The increase in number reported for Au nucleation on polished GC from con-
density with overpotential implies that the number of centrated LiCl solutions [34] and agree well with the
active sites on GC for Au nanocrystal nucleation in- number density of other metals electrodeposited on GC
creases with overpotential, consistent with a recent [57]. However, a direct comparison with particle num-
report [34]. For lower overpotentials, the growth of a ber densities from previous reports is clouded because
small number of initial nuclei is favored over the estab- of inconsistencies in electrode handling and preparation
240 M.O. Finot et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 466 (1999) 234–241

Table 2 (NSERC) and the Department of Chemistry, Univer-

Results from SEM image analysis for electrochemically deposited
sity of Alberta. We thank Don Resultay, Department
gold nanocrystals on GC
of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, for use of the thin
105[KAuCl4]/M a Particle density/mm−2 Diameter/nm sections preparation laboratory.

1.0 15 9 3 c 109 3 d
5.0 68 9 7 13 9 3
10.0 8997 189 4
20.0 1359 16 20 9 5 References
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