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 2019 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society


Parametric Characterization of Copper Metal Coatings

Produced by Supercritical Argon Electroplating


1.—Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei

10608, Taiwan. 2.—Graduate Institute of Manufacturing Technology, National Taipei University
of Technology, Taipei 10608, Taiwan. 3.—e-mail:

An electroplating process under supercritical argon applied to a copper sulfate

bath with no additives is presented in this work. Adjusting electroplating
parameters such as temperature, pressure and current density changed the
deposition behavior, thus changing the coating properties. The finest grains
( 20.91 nm) were obtained at 2500 psi and 35C, which were relatively
higher pressure and lower temperature than those found for SC-CO2 pro-
cesses, respectively, 2000 psi and 50C. Mechanical, electrical and corrosion
analyses revealed the coating properties were enhanced compared with those
produced by the conventional process. Finally, the results point to optimal
fabrication parameters of 35C, 5 A/dm2 and 2500 psi, achieving the relatively
best coating properties and highest current efficiency ( 93%).

environmentally friendly and relatively cheap noble

gas. Moreover, many reports in recent years have
Supercritical fluids (SCF) have received extensive focused on the previously unknown reactive prop-
study in recent decades, mostly focused on CO2 as erties of pressurized Ar.20–23 To our knowledge,
the solvent for various applications such as clean- there is little literature on this subject, so we believe
ing, chemical extraction, and electroless- and elec- more work is warranted. Chung and Tsai16 reported
tro-plating.1–6 Advantages of supercritical (SC) successful electroplating under pressurized Ar envi-
electroplating include a substantial reduction of ronment. Chuang et al.18 reported that under the
the surface tension of the electrolyte, grain refine- same experimental parameters, supercritical argon
ment, higher coating hardness, shorter fabrication (SC-Ar) electroplating achieved  3 9 lower inter-
times, better coverage, etc.7–11 Electrolyte mixed nal stress in the coating structure than the SC-CO2
with SCF can easily penetrate into very small holes, method.
which is an important technology for high-aspect- In this work we aim to find the optimal fabrica-
ratio interconnection schemes in the electronics tion parameters for coatings produced by SC-Ar
industry.12–16 In the case of CO2, benefits arise electroplating by adjusting various temperatures,
because of emulsification between the electrolyte pressures and current densities. Cu was chosen
and SCF, enhancing reactions over the substrate because of its popularity in the electronics industry.
surface from effects similar to pulse plating.16 Mechanical, electrical and corrosion analyses were
Although the SC-CO2 method displays many advan- performed to compare the results of each parameter
tages, there is one major issue resulting from its combination.
use, namely, the relatively higher internal stress
developed in the structure because of the extremely EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
refined grain sizes, which has been reported
Materials and Methods
To solve this issue, noble gases are interesting A piece of Cu (99.99% purity) trimmed to
because they are unreactive with electrolyte chem- 30 mm 9 20 mm 9 5 mm served as anode. Circular
istry under normal conditions, resulting in little to pieces of brass (ø: 2 cm, thickness: 0.03 cm) served
no emulsification, while avoiding undesired byprod- as cathode substrate; circular substrates were used
ucts, such as carbonic acid.10 Argon is a common, for most analyses, except for internal stress
Chuang and Sanchez

calculations where brass strips (purchased as blown dry with N2 gas and weighed; the weighing
10 cm 9 15 cm sheets, cut to shape; thick- step was important for current efficiency (CE)
ness:  0.022 cm) were used for convenience of calculations, detailed in ‘‘Analysis Methods’’ sec-
measurements. The SCF used was argon (99.99% tion. Insulating tape was attached to the substrate
purity), purchased from C.C. Gaseous Corp. (Tai- backside, after which the substrate was fixed to the
wan). The electrolyte used was a copper sulfate holder in the reaction chamber. Next, the anode was
solution, purchased from Blue Giant Inc. (Taiwan). scrapped with an iron-bristled brush to remove
An electrolyte bath was used as is, with no further surface oxidations and then soaked in deionized
refinement; components as described by the sup- water, blown dry with N2 gas and finally fixed to its
plier are listed in Table I. Other commonly encoun- holder inside the reaction chamber. The distance
tered copper electrolytes are the copper nitrate and between electrodes was 10 mm. Then, the elec-
copper chloride solutions; they will be the focus of trolyte and gas were loaded into the reaction
future works. chamber. After appropriate mixing steps, experi-
Yan et al.24 reported that the CO2 concentration ments were performed. Adequate mixing was
in solution should not exceed 50% of the total extremely important to maintain a uniform metal
volume to maintain a stable emulsion. To uphold ion distribution, which in turn affected electroplat-
this requirement, 330 mL of electrolyte was used, ing quality. Other effective mixing methods such as
with a fixed concentration of SCF at 46%. Previous ultrasonic agitation have been reported recently.25
works reported that the optimal electroplating Electroplating is dependent on parameters such
temperature and pressure parameters for SC-CO2 as pressure, temperature and current density. In
are 50C and 15 MPa, respectively.9,12 These this work, parameters were systematically adjusted
parameters were tested in Ref. 18; however, we to yield optimal coating characteristics produced by
cannot confidently claim these parameters were SC-Ar electroplating. Once electroplating was com-
optimal for production under SC-Ar. Moreover, pleted, pressure was released; then, the plated
although it is possible that the optimal concentra- substrate was retrieved from the chamber, soaked
tion for SC-Ar might be different from that of SC- in deionized water and blown dry with N2 gas. The
CO2, the same parameter was used here for sim- insulating tape was carefully peeled off and the
plicity of experiments. Increasing gas concentration substrate weighed again. Finally, substrates were
(thus decreasing electrolyte content) might result in stored until analyses were performed. Electrolyte
insufficient immersion of the substrate in our setup; pH was measured before and after experiments
this requires redesigning of experiments. Thus, with a pH meter (model GBS-EC500, Extech Instru-
adjusting the gas concentration will be the focus of ments, Nashua, NH, USA).
future works. Electroplating parameters considered
in this work are shown in Table I. Analysis Methods
Surface morphology observations were performed
Equipment and Preparation
by SEM (model SIGMA Essential, Zeiss Microscopy,
The electroplating equipment was described in Germany); grain sizes were estimated from SEM
Ref. 18. The reaction chamber was made of 316L images, analyzed with ImageJ software (version
stainless steel with a usable inner volume of 1.50i, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA). Surface roughness
 606 mL. After trimming and before electroplat- was measured by a surface profilometer (model
ing, substrates were cleaned with NaOH (10 wt.%) SEF-3500DK31, Kosaka Instruments, Japan) with
solution for 30 s and activated in HCl (35 wt.%) a scrapping speed of 0.1 mm/s. Microhardness was
solution for 30 s at STP. Substrates were then measured from coating surfaces with a microhard-
ness tester (model HM-113, Mitutoyo, Japan); a load
of 50 g force was applied for 10 s. Grain size and
crystal structure were analyzed by x-ray diffrac-
Table I. Electroplating bath and parameters tometer (model X’Pert Pro, PANalytical, The
applied in this work Netherlands) at STP with a scan speed of 2/min
Parameter Quantity and a Cu-Ka x-ray source. Crystal phases were
identified comparing 2h values and intensities
CuSO4Æ5H2O 200 g/L against a reference Cu pattern (ICDD# 01-085-
H2SO4 50 g/L 1326). Average grain size (D) was calculated by the
Cl 38.5 ppm Scherrer equation:26,27
pH £2
Gas concentration (vol.%) 46 K k
Temperature (C) 35, 45, 55 D¼ ð1Þ
b  cos h
Pressure (psi)a 1100, 1500, 2000, 2500
Current density (A/dm2) 1, 3, 5, 7 where K is the dimensionless shape factor (0.9 for
unknown shapes), k is the incident x-ray wave-
145.04 psi = 1 MPa. length (1.5418 Å), b is the FWHM in radians, and h
Parametric Characterization of Copper Metal Coatings Produced by Supercritical Argon

is the diffraction angle studied. Dimensionless function in SigmaPlot software (version 11.0,
microstrain (e) can also be calculated from the Systat Software, San Jose, CA, USA) to obtain
XRD data,28 according to: curvature of the substrate.
Resistivity of coatings was measured by a four-
b  cos h point (4P) setup purchased from KeithLink Tech-
e¼ ð2Þ
4 nology (Taiwan). A geometrical correction factor
Finally, the preferred orientation can also be was applied according to the shape of the 4P array;
determined from the XRD data. Preferred orienta- distance between the electrodes was 1.6 mm
tion of coatings can be influenced by certain fabri- arranged in a single line. From the V/I relationship,
cation parameters and directly affects properties the sheet resistance can be calculated by Eq. 5:
such as hardness, elastic modulus, tribology, chem-  
ical reactivity, etc. The preferred orientation was Rs ¼ Kp  ð5Þ
calculated by the relative texture coefficient I
(RTC),29,30 defined as: where Rs is the calculated sheet resistance, Kp is the
 0 correction factor (4.5324 for linear geometry), I is
Ihkl Ihkl
RTC ¼ P P 0 ð3Þ the input current, and V is the detected voltage.
Ihkl Ihkl From Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, we know that
by measuring the quantity of electricity passing
where Ihkl is the measured peak intensity of the through the system, the amount of chemical change
diffracted x-ray, and Ihkl is the reference peak produced by that system can be calculated; through
intensity obtained from the ICDD reference. The these principles, the CE of the fabrication processes
h, k, l, quantities refer to the Miller indices of the was calculated. Weight of the substrates before and
crystallographic planes. The summations in the after electroplating was measured by a digital scale
denominator are taken for the three peaks visible (model AB204, Mettler Toledo, Switzerland) with a
in the XRD data over the analyzed range (20–80), resolution of 0.1 mg and recorded. The initial
i.e., [111] (at  43.32), [200] (at  50.45) and [220] weight was subtracted from the final weight to find
(at  74.13). If the calculated RTC £ 1, it suggests the actual coating weight, and this value was
preferred growth in that plane and vice versa. It is compared with the theoretical weight calculated
important to note that no impurity analyses such as beforehand.
electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA), secondary Finally, to understand the corrosion behavior of
ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) or energy dispersive metal coatings, potentiodynamic polarization scan-
spectroscopy (EDS) were considered in this work. ning (PPS) was performed. A potentiostat (model
As metal coatings are electroplated over the ECW-5000, Jiehan Technology, Taiwan) was used.
substrate surface, the substrate experiences bend- The produced coating, a piece of graphite and a
ing. For thick substrates this bending can be saturated calomel electrode served as the working
ignored, but for thinner substrates, the bending electrode (WE), counter electrode (CE) and refer-
becomes increasingly evident. The bending can be ence electrode (RE) of the analysis cell, respectively.
measured by optical techniques, which can then be A 1 cm2 exposed area of the WE was submerged into
correlated to the coating’s internal stress (r). A a 3.5% NaCl solution until a steady open circuit
popular method for internal stress calculations in potential (OCP) signal was reached (about 1800 s).
this way is by the Stoney equation,31 as: Scanning speed was set to 1 mV/s. OCP was taken
ESubs  t2Subs as the corrosion potential (Ecorr). After equilibra-
r¼ ð4Þ tion, a range of ± 250 mV for PPS was set according
6Rð1  tSubs ÞtCoat to Ecorr. All experiments were performed at
where ESubs and mSubs are the Young’s modulus and 20 ± 2C. Through PPS, a graph containing both
Poisson’s ratio of the substrate, respectively; R is cathodic and anodic polarization curves was
the substrate’s calculated curvature; tSubs and tCoat obtained. Corrosion current density (Icorr) was cal-
are the thicknesses of the substrate and coating (in culated by Tafel extrapolation through Cview soft-
lm), respectively. For the Stoney equation to apply, ware (version 2.6b, Scribner Associates, Southern
the coating thickness must not exceed 1/10th of the Pines, NC, USA). Finally, from the Icorr we can
substrate thickness; therefore, the thickness was estimate the material corrosion rate.
fixed at  20 lm. The thin-strip substrates were
heat-treated to release any pre-existent stress and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
were then cleaned by the process described in Effects of Temperature
‘‘Equipment and Preparation’’ section. After elec-
troplating, the substrate bending was measured Before experiments, electrolyte pH was measured
with an optical diffractometer; the substrates were at  0.81 (at STP). Electrolyte pH (at atmospheric
placed on a XY table, and a single point was pressure) for 35C, 45C and 55C was 0.83, 0.90
measured at a time. The individual coordinates of and 0.96, respectively. Temperature actively affects
each point were curve-fitted with a circular arc electrolyte pH, viscosity and diffusion layer
Chuang and Sanchez

thickness,32 all of which directly affect deposition hand, the density of SC-CO2 was always much
phenomena. Usually, electrolyte surface tension is higher than that of SC-Ar. Gas densities were
expected to decrease with increasing temperature, calculated by ideal gas law and are shown in
lowering viscosity and decreasing overall coating Table S1. The lower densities of SC-Ar allow for
grain size. However, grain sizes actually increased more flow of dissolved species and particularly H+
with increasing temperature in this work. Wu (incoming from hydrolysis of water in aqueous
et al.32 reported similar results; grains in the electrolyte). H+ actively reduces to H2 on contact
produced coatings became larger and coarser as with the cathode surface; all of these phenomena
the electrolyte temperature increased. Figure 1 affect the electrolyte pH. Furthermore, SC-CO2
displays coating surfaces and cross-sections fabri- actively dissolves into electrolyte (resulting in the
cated at 2500 psi, 7 A/dm2 and various electrolyte formation of carbonic acid16), but at the same time
temperatures. Cross-sectional views were analyzed effectively dissolves H2 microbubbles.34 The
by software to estimate grain sizes. The most removal of excess hydrogen in the solution can help
obvious grain refinement was observed from the balance and stabilize the electrolyte pH (usually a
35C process. For the sake of simplicity, subsequent pH of  3).12,16,17 On the other hand, SC-Ar is not
analysis will focus mostly on results of the 35C able to remove excess hydrogen effectively; thus, the
process. pH under SC-Ar was lower than that of the
The coarsening effect was attributed to higher pH electrolyte under SC-CO2.
by increasing electrolyte temperature. Karahan33
reported that grain sizes increase by increasing the Effects of Supercritical Pressure
bath pH; additionally, the microstrain decreases as
Generally, applied pressure is very important to
grain size increases. To verify these assumptions,
all supercritical processes because small changes in
the coatings shown in Fig. 1 were analyzed by
pressure result in large changes in the supercritical
software to estimate grain sizes: coatings produced
solvent density. For supercritical electroplating
by 35C, 45C and 55C processes were on average
processes in particular, pressure can influence
 20.91 nm,  30.54 nm and  55.78 nm, respec-
emulsification, flow of species in the electrolyte,
tively. Grain sizes calculated from XRD data for
deposition phenomena, etc. In this work, adjusting
35C, 45C and 55C were on average 22.28 nm,
the pressure resulted in changes in the plating
25.46 nm and 50.92 nm, respectively. Finally,
characteristics. Furthermore, for convenient com-
accompanying microstrains from XRD data were
parison to previous reports, a pressure range from
also calculated for 35C, 45C and 55C processes
1100–2500 psi was considered. As presented in
and were 8.8159 e2, 8.2963 e2 and 1.7087 e2,
‘‘Effects of Temperature’’ section, the pH changed
according to temperature, but we believe the pH
Gas densities decrease as temperature increases;
also changed by coming into contact with pressur-
moreover, for a fixed given temperature, gas densi-
ized SC-Ar. After each pressurized experiment, the
ties increase with increasing pressure. On the other

Fig. 1. SEM images of coatings produced by SC-Ar electroplating at 2500 psi, 7 A/dm2. Surfaces produced at: (a) 35C, (b) 45C and (c) 55C;
cross sections produced at (d) 35C, (e) 45C and (f) 55C.
Parametric Characterization of Copper Metal Coatings Produced by Supercritical Argon

Fig. 2. SEM images of surface morphologies produced by SC-Ar electroplating at 35C, 5 A/dm2 and (a) 1100 psi, (b) 1500 psi, (c) 2000 psi and
(d) 2500 psi.

pH was measured again; on average, electrolyte pH neutral Ar atoms can form van der Waals molecules
treated at 35C, 45C and 55C became  0.71, with one another; a van der Waals radius of Ar is
 0.869 and  0.875, respectively. The combination  180 pm and for CO2 is  151 pm;35 because the
of temperature and pressure lowered the electrolyte Ar molecule size is relatively larger than that of
pH even further compared with temperature alone; CO2, it required higher pressure to approximate CD.
therefore, even smaller grains were achieved.
The critical point of Ar ( 122C,  712 psi) is Effects of Current Density
lower than that of CO2 (31C,  1070 psi). Addi-
To understand the effects of current density on
tionally, notable density changes occur at different
the formation of metal coatings, the temperature
pressures for each solvent. For example, to achieve
and pressure were fixed. As the current density
a density of 150 kg/m3 at 55C, the Ar pressure
increases, more positively charged metal ions were
required is  1490 psi, but only  960 psi for CO2
attracted toward the negatively charged substrate,
(as calculated by ideal gas law); the varying solvent
which then proceeded to reduce over the substrate
densities affect emulsification, achieving different
surface, resulting in more grains forming simulta-
deposition characteristics.
neously. The larger numbers of grains growing
An evident example of changes related to applied
simultaneously will restrict one another, leaving
pressure is presented in Fig. 2. Surface morpholo-
less space to grow freely, compelling grain refine-
gies of coatings produced by SC-Ar electroplating at
ment. Surface SEM images of coatings produced by
35C, 5 A/dm2 and various supercritical pressures
SC-Ar electroplating at 35C, 1100 psi and various
are compared. A high magnification (5000 9) was
current densities are illustrated in Fig. 3. Larger
chosen to clearly show the microstructure changes
nodules gradually smoothed as the current density
induced by pressure.
increased. Additionally, structural microstrains
Chang reported that when the physical size of the
increased with decreasing grain size.
dispersed phase approached the thickness of the
diffusion layer (CD), i.e., the size of supercritical
Analysis of Structural and Mechanical Prop-
microbubbles  CD, the finest morphologies were
achieved; for the SC-CO2 process, it was found at a
pressure of  15 MPa ( 2100 psi).12 However, as Figure 4a shows the measured microhardness
seen from Fig. 2, pressure of 2500 psi (Fig. 3d) values of the produced coatings. Substrates were
actually yields the smoothest morphology for the measured at five different positions to construct
SC-Ar process. At higher pressures, the usually error bars. According to the Hall–Petch relation,
Chuang and Sanchez

Fig. 3. SEM images of surface morphologies produced by SC-Ar electroplating at 35C, 1100 psi and (a) 1 A/dm2, (b) 3 A/dm2, (c) 5 A/dm2 and
(d) 7 A/dm2.

Fig. 4. Average (a) microhardness and (b) Ra of coatings produced at 35C.

microhardness should increase with decreasing results revealed that the combination of 2500 psi,
grain size, and the results comply with the expected 7 A/dm2 produced the lowest surface roughness for
trend. Microhardness increased with increasing each individual process. Additionally, the lowest
pressure and current density for all cases. Grain overall surface roughness ( 0.38 lm) was observed
refinement leads to more grain boundaries in the at the 35C process.
structure, acting as dislocation barriers; this is Crystalline structures of the produced coatings as
known as grain boundary strengthening.10 Addi- measured by XRD are shown in Fig. 5a. The effects
tionally, the metal coatings plated under SC-Ar at of instrumentation broadening, twins, stacking
35C displayed relatively higher hardnesses com- faults, etc., were not considered in this work;
pared with the other electroplating process. measurements were considered as an observational
Measured surface roughness of coatings is shown tool rather than for precise numbers. A slight peak
in Fig. 4b. Substrates were measured at four differ- broadening was observed by decreasing the elec-
ent positions to construct error bars. Comparing trolyte temperature, suggesting grain refinement by
Parametric Characterization of Copper Metal Coatings Produced by Supercritical Argon

Fig. 5. (a) XRD spectra, (b) grain sizes, (c) microstrains and (d) internal stresses obtained from all coatings fabricated at 35C. Spectra in each
figure are listed as: (A) 1100 psi, 1 A/dm2; (B) 1100 psi, 3 A/dm2; (C) 1100 psi, 5 A/dm2; (D) 1100 psi, 7 A/dm2; (E) 1500 psi, 1 A/dm2; (F)
1500 psi, 3 A/dm2; (G) 1500 psi, 5 A/dm2; (H) 1500 psi, 7 A/dm2; (I) 2000 psi, 1 A/dm2; (J) 2000 psi, 3 A/dm2; (K) 2000 psi, 5 A/dm2; (L)
2000 psi, 7 A/dm2; (M) 2500 psi, 1 A/dm2; (N) 2500 psi, 3 A/dm2; (O) 2500 psi, 5 A/dm2; (P) 2500 psi, 7 A/dm2.

decreasing temperature. Coatings displayed poly- calculated from XRD data are shown in Fig. 5c;
crystalline structure, with a preference for Cu[111], microstain is expected to increase with decreasing
because of its significant intensities (verified by grain size. The results comply with our
RTC calculations). RTC values are listed in expectations.
Table S2. Moreover, Cu[200] and Cu[220] intensi- Calculated internal stresses of coatings produced
ties decreased or even disappeared completely as on the rectangular substrates are shown in Fig. 5d.
the current density increased under similar pres- Internal stress should increase according to
sures. Grain growth usually starts at the plane with decreasing grain sizes. Chuang et al.18 reported
lowest surface energy barrier;36–38 moreover, the that the internal stress developed in coatings pro-
plane with the lowest surface energy in FCC metals duced under SC-CO2 were  3 9 higher than those
such as Cu is found toward the [111] orientation. produced by SC-Ar. Additionally, higher deposition
Because the Cu[111] phase is a very stable form of rates do not allow enough time for internal stress to
Cu,39 structural change could be attributed to faster release effectively, so internal stresses are expect to
preferential crystallization, which does not allow increase according to increasing current density and
the other phases to form as efficiently when adjust- pressure. Internal stress and grain size have an
ing current density. Furthermore, as the pressure inverse relationship, and experimental results
increased the overall intensities decreased; pressure showed that the 35C process produced the smallest
is known to affect the crystallization dynamics of grains sizes; therefore, decreasing grain size sug-
metal deposits,12,16,40 and we believe similar prin- gested increased internal stresses.
ciples apply to this work.
Grain sizes calculated from XRD data are shown Electrical Properties and Current Efficiency
in Fig. 5b. Increasing pressure and current density
Resistivities of coatings measured by the 4P
were expected to decrease the grain sizes regardless
method are shown in Fig. 6a. The influence of grain
of the applied temperature, as discussed in ‘‘Effects
size over resistivity was reported in Refs. 41 and 42;
of Supercritical Pressure’’ and ‘‘Effects of Current
defects, grain boundaries, dislocations, etc., all
Density’’ sections, which also verified the SEM
affect the passing of electricity through the
results obtained. Accompanying microstrains
Chuang and Sanchez

Fig. 6. (a) Resistivities and (b) current efficiencies calculated in this work at 35C.

conductive coatings. The main contribution to mate- those reported in Refs. 11 and 19. This topic will be
rial resistivity was the increased quantity of grain the focus of future studies.
boundaries due to grain refinement; the results Finally, inclusion of surfactants could be consid-
obtained appear in agreement. The 35C process ered in order to effectively emulsify the SC-Ar and
produced the smallest grains in this work, so the electrolyte. Although argon chemistry under high
measured resistivities were the highest overall. pressure is still not well understood, surfactants
However, overall differences in resistivity for all previously used for SC-CO2 processes could be
processes were actually very small (a few lX cm), considered since both solvents are non-polar. To
which might be negligible in real-world applications better understand the chemical effects and associ-
and indicate that all processes have potential for ated properties, calorimetry analysis43 could be
industrial use. considered. This will be the focus of future studies.
The calculated CEs are shown in Fig. 6b. When
secondary reactions such as hydrolysis of the aque- Corrosion Behavior Analyses
ous electrolyte occurred, pH was affected, in turn
Corrosion behavior of the coatings produced were
directly influencing CE. When inspecting each
analyzed by PPS and Tafel extrapolation; represen-
individual process, 5 A/dm2 appeared optimal,
tative polarization curves are shown in Fig. 7. The
because it steadily yields the highest CE. While
inset in each figure is meant to show Ecorr variations
the 7 A/dm2 resulted in more evident grain refine-
more clearly. Each figure also includes a Tafel plot
ment, the higher current density could also incite
of the Cu coating produced by conventional electro-
faster hydrolysis of water, resulting in more H2 in
plating for reference; Ecorr and Icorr of conventional
the solution, which became too detrimental to the
coatings were about  0.366 V and 2.5 lA/cm2,
process, thus lowering CE; 5 A/dm2 might be a
respectively. The Ecorr and Icorr derived for each
‘‘sweet spot’’ for the balance between grain forma-
coating produced by SC-Ar electroplating are listed
tion and hydrolysis. The best ‘‘quasi-emulsion’’
in Table S3.
effect was encountered at 35C, achieving the
Results suggest that the corrosion resistance of
relatively highest CE of all processes studied (as
coatings produced by SC-Ar was superior to that of
well as the enhanced mechanical properties pre-
coatings produced by conventional electroplating
sented). Lower temperatures seem to change Ar
regardless of the parameters used. Figure 7a com-
chemistry more effectively to produce consistent Ar
pares the relation between polarization curves of
compounds;20,21,23 although the temperatures in
films produced at 35C and 1100 psi; Fig. 7b shows
those reports were much lower than those used in
the relation between 35C and 1500 psi; Fig. 7c
this work, we suspect a similar effect applies.
shows the relation between 35C and 2000 psi;
Moreover, Li et al.21 reported that application of
Fig. 7d shows the relation between 35C and
high-pressure environments can reduce atomic dis-
2500 psi. Previous reports10,44–46 suggest that
tances and emphasize the repulsive part of the
decreasing grain sizes should increase the corrosion
atomic interaction potentials, which can change the
resistance of the material. However, if grain refine-
bonding characteristics of elements and lead to
ment is too intense, the coatings actually become
novel chemical phenomena, inducing Ar to become
prone to intergranular corrosion.47 Fortunately, this
an electron acceptor. It is possible that even without
was not observed here. The corrosion resistance of
surfactants, there are small inclusions of SC-Ar into
coatings produced under a higher current density
the electrolyte (but to a lesser extent than in the SC-
parameter appeared better, hinted at by the rela-
CO2 process). If confirmed, this could be developed
tively higher Ecorr measured and the relatively
into a post-SC electroplating process, similar to
higher Icorr fitted.
Parametric Characterization of Copper Metal Coatings Produced by Supercritical Argon

Fig. 7. Tafel plots measured at 35C and (a) 1100 psi, (b) 1500 psi, (c) 2000 psi and (d) 2500 psi.

Increasing current density should decrease the 1. Regardless of the parameters applied, charac-
grain sizes of the coating, which resulted in a steady teristics of coatings produced by the SC-Ar
increase of the measured Ecorr values for all cases. process were significantly better than those
Pressure also affected grain sizes; thus, more produced by the conventional process. Although
defined passivation regions were observed as the less prominent grain refinement was observed
pressure increased. compared with other supercritical processes
Additionally, passivation regions became notice- reported in the literature, SC-Ar is still advan-
able in the Tafel plots as current density increased; tageous because it yields lower structural inter-
moreover, when comparing each group of curves as nal stress while keeping the enhanced coating
a whole, passivation regions were more apparent in properties.
Tafel plots produced at higher pressures. The 2. Although increasing temperature usually re-
passivation region usually hints at the formation sulted in grain refinement, this was not the case
of barrier layers over the coating, which lowers the here; we infer this behavior was due to changes
corrosion rate; breakdown of these layers occurred in electrolyte pH caused by interactions between
until a sufficiently high Ecorr was achieved. Wasekar argon (which becomes slightly reactive when
et al.48 reported that passivation layers forming pressurized) and the electrolyte.
over coatings with smaller grains were relatively 3. Results suggest the best coating characteristics
more protective. under consistent current efficiency were pro-
duced by the SC-Ar process at 35C, 2500 psi
CONCLUSION and 5 A/dm2.
Deposition of copper metal coatings by supercrit-
ical argon under various electrolyte temperatures, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
supercritical pressures and applied current densi- The authors express their gratitude to Prof. C.Y.
ties was successfully demonstrated in this work. Lee and his research group at the Department of
Surface morphology, roughness, hardness, crystal- Mechanical Engineering, National Taipei Univer-
lographic structure, state of internal stresses, resis- sity of Technology, for providing invaluable insight
tivity and corrosion behavior of the produced into and discussions on the fabrication processes.
coatings were investigated. From the results, the Also, the authors gratefully acknowledge the Min-
following conclusions were drawn: istry of Science and Technology of Taiwan for sup-
Chuang and Sanchez

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