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ICT601 Business Analytics

Assignment 01

Due Date: 11:59 pm 5th September 2022.

This is an Individual Assignment and is worth 25% of your final mark for the unit. Students
are reminded of their obligations with regard to academic integrity. If you are not clear as to
what this involves, please see the link below.

The Assignment has two parts.

Part A involves you performing a set of analyses on a given dataset in order to answer a
number of questions relevant to that dataset. You will present these analyses in a written
document as well as creating and submitting a Tableau file to demonstrate the analyses.

Part B is a report on a business intelligence and analytics platform.

It is your responsibility to keep a copy of any work handed in for assessment purposes. It is
recommended that you keep both a hard copy (if applicable) and an electronic copy.

Assessments that are not received by the due date will be regarded as late unless an
extension has been granted by the Unit Coordinator. Applications for extensions should be
made as soon as a problem is experienced, and any supporting documentation should be
attached. Any such applications should be emailed the UC.

Late submission will be penalised at a rate of five percent of the total marks available for the
assignment per day (or part thereof). No submission will be accepted more than two
weeks after the due date, as assignment return will have begun.

This unit uses software called Urkund when viewing work that you submit. Urkund is a
pattern-matching system designed to compare work submitted by students with other
sources from the internet, journals/periodicals, and previous submissions. Its primary
purpose is to detect any submitted work that is not original and provides a thorough
comparison between the submitted document and the original sources.

University policies on academic integrity can be accessed here:
Part A: Data Analysis (50%)
AirBnB is a company that facilitates short-term rentals (for more information about the
company, see:
You have been provided with a spreadsheet that lists all of the properties that it lists for
rent through Airbnb in Western Australia. You have also been provided with a listing of all of
the bookings currently recorded for the final three months of 2020. The metadata for these
two sheets is listed below.
You have been asked by the Westralian Tourism Commission to analyse this data in order to
assist them with capacity planning for their various tourism attractions.
More specifically, the Tourism Commission wishes to know the following:
1. Top 10 localities by number of properties listed
2. Overall nights booked between October and the end of 2020 and how they change
from week to week
3. Comparison of Metropolitan and Regional nights booked between October and the
end of 2020 and how it changes from week to week
4. Map showing number of bookings in postal codes where there are at least 100 nights
booked Oct-Dec 2020
5. Total income for properties in Broome (and surrounding areas) – postcode 6725
What you have to do:
1. Analyse the dataset using Tableau and determine the answers to each of the
questions above.
2. You should create at least one visualisation for each question that will help to
illustrate how you arrived at the answer you did.
Asking Questions:
There will undoubtedly be things about this assignment you are not clear about. If that is
the case, then you should ask a question! There will be an Assignment Discussion Forum on
LMS where you can ask questions. If you do not feel comfortable asking a question in this
environment, then please email your question to your lecturer Please try to be as clear as
possible as to what it is you are asking. In that way, we will be more likely to be able to help
What you need to submit:
1. A Word document that includes the answers to the questions above. Each answer
should have a brief explanation as to how you determined the answer and one or
more visualisations (copied and pasted from Tableau) that illustrate the answer.
a. Each visualisation you copy into your Word document must have something
that identifies the visualisation as being your work, for example:
2. A Tableau file that includes the visualisations you created in order to answer the
questions. Please ensure that the Tableau sheets are named in such a way that it is
clear as to which question is being answered. For example:

This part of the assignment is worth 50 marks, and will be marked thus:

Each of the five questions is worth 8 marks each:

- Answer
o Textual explanation
o Visualisation
▪ Appropriateness

▪ Design
- Explanation of process

Tableau file is worth a further 10 marks:

- Correct import of data file
- Correct set up of data file
- Inclusion of visualisations

About the data (metadata)

The datafile is called ICT601 Assignment 01 Data.xlsx. It contains two sheets, one called
Bookings and one called Properties.

Column Name Description
property_id Unique identifier for a property
night_booked The date of the booking. There is one entry for each night a
property is booked.
price The price charged for that night’s booking

Column Name Description
property_id Unique identifier for a property
postCode Postcode of the property being made available for booking
locality Locality of the property
latitude Latitude of property
longitude Longitude of property
loom_type Type of room available
price Normal (base price): NB this may differ from the price being
charged for a booking due to peak seasons and demand
Metro/Regional Whether the property is located in the Metropolitan area
Part B: Analytics Platform Report (50%)
Select one Analytics and Business Intelligence Platform (not Tableau) from the list at:

Prepare a report on its capabilities. You should use sources external to the vendor as much
as possible (and, of course, include the references for all sources to which you refer).

The report should be 1000 words in length (not including references) and should, at a
minimum, include detail about what platform you investigated, what you found out about it,
scenarios in which the platform is seen to perform well, and those where it might not be an
appropriate choice.

The marking schema for the report is shown on the following page.

To better understand how to write with references and sources of information you should
go to and be sure to look at the resources
available to you here at Murdoch via

You might also find the following resources from Monash University helpful:

Referencing style: the preferred style for this report is APA. Please see If you would prefer to use a different style, please
discuss it with the unit coordinator.
Marking Schema:

Content (45%) Report Report Report Report Report
demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates no
deep understanding good understanding reasonable understanding of the understanding of the
of the chosen of the chosen understanding of the chosen platform. chosen platform, or
platform, including platform, including chosen platform. There is some includes irrelevant
where the platform where the platform There is some support information. There is
is seen to perform is seen to perform support demonstrated by no support from any
well or not so well, well or not so well. demonstrated by sources. sources.
supported by a There is some independent
range of support sources.
independent demonstrated by
sources. independent
Organisation (20%) Report has a clear Report has a clear Report has a good Report has The report is
and appropriate and appropriate introductory section, acceptable unclear, paragraphs
introductory section, introductory section development and introductory section, are incoherent or
development and development and conclusion. The development and under developed;
conclusion. The conclusion. The organisation is conclusion. seems disorganised,
organisation is organisation is logical, however Organisation is and there is almost
logical and the logical, and there is some areas need generally clear, but no cohesion
content cohesive. cohesion throughout further lacks cohesion which between different
the report development. There makes the ideas sections. Repetition
is some repetition difficult to follow. of ideas may also be
between sections. Some unnecessary frequent.
duplication of ideas
or information may
be present
Word choice, Writing is error free There is only the There may be some The number of Report has serious
punctuation, occasional error in errors in word errors in word and persistent errors
grammar and word choice, choice, grammar, choice, grammar, in word choice,
spelling (10%) grammar, spelling spelling and spelling and grammar, spelling
and punctuation punctuation, but punctuation make it and punctuation
these mostly do not difficult at times to which significantly
interfere with understand the interferes with
meaning. ideas, and/or effect meaning
cohesion of the text
Presentation (10%) Professional physical Well-designed Clear layout with Acceptable physical Physical layout
layout and attention physical layout and work neatly layout, but not detracts from the
to detail attention to detail. presented. Maybe consistently applied content of the
Only the occasional occasional to each part of the report. May be
formatting error formatting errors. report. Some errors. inconsistent design,
or inappropriate
design. Significant
number of
formatting errors.
Reference (15%) Sources are clearly Sources are clearly Sources are used to Source material may Source material may
integrated in the related to the substantiate the be used uncritically, be misquoted,
report through use content of the ideas in the report. may lack variety, or poorly paraphrased,
of summary, report and there is The chosen is mostly limited to used uncritically, or
paraphrase and an appropriate use referencing style has quotation. The has an unclear
quotation. The of paraphrase or been used, however chosen referencing relationship to the
report consistently quotation. There is there are some style has been used, content of the
uses a chosen accurate use of the errors present. but not always report. Inaccurate
referencing style. chosen referencing accurately or use of the
Source material fits style. Source consistently. referencing style, or
smoothly into the material fits an absence of
writer’s own text. smoothly into the referencing.
writer’s own text.
Adapted from “Example Rubrics”
(accessed 7th September, 2015)

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