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____________chronicler of magellans voyage

____________means brother
____________magellan landed in Philippines
____________reason why pigafettas account was not publish
____________presumed to be Antonio Lombardo mentioned in the list of magellans servants
____________pigafetta went to spain in 1519 with this roman ambassador in an unknown
____________did an excellent service to Philippine scholars when he translated into engoish
the original Italian text 9n bibliotica ambrosiona, milan Italy
____________where Magellan and his men landed and had their first encounter with the
____________king of Butuan
____________where the alleged first catholic mass was officiated
____________king of calagan
____________god of the natives
____________native ruler of mactan who killed Magellan with his men
____________was the name given to the king of zubu
____________name given to the queen
____________the largest and the one with the most trade port
____________give the queen an image of the child jesus
____________the first filipino freedom fighter
____________portuguese mariner soldier who sailed under spain
____________one of the chieftains of the island mactan who sent his sons to present two goats
to the captain general
____________near cebu ruled by lapu-lapu
____________magellans troops entered zubu, passing villages
____________battle of mactan happened
____________the allege first Christian mass was held in the island of mazua
____________magellans first encounter with the native where exchange of goods happened
____________magellan and his men brought the banner ashore and mass baptism occur
____________known for moving on foot visiting areas where the natives lives
____________famous work of fr plasencia
____________made a laborious study of the natives language
____________founded numerous towns not only in laguna and tayabas but also in Bulacan and
____________the gov. and captain general of the Philippines and president of the royal
audiencia during plasencias time
____________1st civil code of the Philippines
____________smallest unit of the government ruled by a datu, composed of 30 families or
____________where the mass baptism of the native occurred including the baptism of their
kind and queen
____________preserve the present generation the formerly unwritten customs, traditions and
beliefs of the natives; give natives the opportunity and indispensable tool to protect and defend
themselves in legal cases
____________they do not pay their taxes to the datu; accompany the datu in war at their own
____________are married and serve their master; could marry without masters consent; could
not be made slaves
____________can be sold; they could not be taken from their village
____________if they have children with their slaves, mother and children will become free
____________could not inherit their father’s property
____________was bound to free their mother and give him something
____________do not inherit equally with the legitimate children but only 1/3 of the part of
____________cannot own a property land or dowry for the result of all their labor would go to
their parents

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