You are on page 1of 115

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump

-- version 2.10.3
-- Servidor: localhost
-- Tiempo de generaci�n: 01-05-2022 a las 14:55:20
-- Versi�n del servidor: 5.0.51
-- Versi�n de PHP: 5.2.6


-- Base de datos: `mysql`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `columns_priv`

CREATE TABLE `columns_priv` (

`Host` char(60) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Db` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`User` char(16) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Table_name` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Column_name` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
`Column_priv` set('Select','Insert','Update','References') character set utf8 NOT
NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`Host`,`Db`,`User`,`Table_name`,`Column_name`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='Column privileges';

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `columns_priv`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `db`


`Host` char(60) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Db` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`User` char(16) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Select_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Insert_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Update_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Delete_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Drop_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Grant_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`References_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Index_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Alter_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_tmp_table_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Lock_tables_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_view_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Show_view_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_routine_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Alter_routine_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Execute_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
PRIMARY KEY (`Host`,`Db`,`User`),
KEY `User` (`User`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `db`

INSERT INTO `db` VALUES (0x25, 0x74657374, '', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N',
'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N');
INSERT INTO `db` VALUES (0x25, 0x746573745c5f25, '', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',
'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `func`


`name` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`ret` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`dl` char(128) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`type` enum('function','aggregate') character set utf8 NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`name`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `func`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `help_category`

CREATE TABLE `help_category` (

`help_category_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name` char(64) NOT NULL,
`parent_category_id` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL,
`url` char(128) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`help_category_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `help_category`
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (1, 'Geographic', 0, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (2, 'Polygon properties', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (3, 'WKT', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (4, 'Numeric Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (5, 'MBR', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (6, 'Control flow functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (7, 'Transactions', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (8, 'Account Management', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (9, 'Point properties', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (10, 'Encryption Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (11, 'LineString properties', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (12, 'Logical operators', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (13, 'Miscellaneous Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (14, 'Functions and Modifiers for Use with GROUP
BY', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (15, 'Information Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (16, 'Storage Engines', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (17, 'Comparison operators', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (18, 'Bit Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (19, 'Table Maintenance', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (20, 'Data Types', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (21, 'Triggers', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (22, 'Geometry constructors', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (23, 'GeometryCollection properties', 1, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (24, 'Administration', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (25, 'Data Manipulation', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (26, 'Geometry relations', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (27, 'Language Structure', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (28, 'Date and Time Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (29, 'WKB', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (30, 'Geographic Features', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (31, 'Contents', 0, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (32, 'Geometry properties', 30, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (33, 'String Functions', 34, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (34, 'Functions', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (35, 'Stored Routines', 31, '');
INSERT INTO `help_category` VALUES (36, 'Data Definition', 31, '');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `help_keyword`

CREATE TABLE `help_keyword` (

`help_keyword_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name` char(64) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`help_keyword_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `help_keyword`

INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (0, 'JOIN');

INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (1, 'REPEAT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (3, 'REPLACE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (4, 'RETURNS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (5, 'MASTER_SSL_CA');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (6, 'NCHAR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (7, 'COLUMNS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (8, 'WORK');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (9, 'DATETIME');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (10, 'MODE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (11, 'OPEN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (12, 'INTEGER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (13, 'ESCAPE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (14, 'VALUE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (16, 'SQL_BIG_RESULT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (17, 'DROP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (18, 'EVENTS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (19, 'MONTH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (20, 'INFO');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (21, 'PROFILES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (22, 'DUPLICATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (23, 'REPLICATION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (24, 'INNODB');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (25, 'YEAR_MONTH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (26, 'SUBJECT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (27, 'PREPARE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (28, 'LOCK');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (29, 'NDB');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (30, 'CHECK');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (31, 'FULL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (32, 'INT4');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (33, 'BY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (34, 'NO');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (35, 'MINUTE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (36, 'DATA');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (37, 'DAY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (38, 'SHARE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (39, 'REAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (40, 'SEPARATOR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (41, 'DELETE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (42, 'ON');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (43, 'CONNECTION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (44, 'CLOSE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (45, 'X509');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (46, 'USE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (47, 'WHERE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (48, 'PRIVILEGES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (49, 'SPATIAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (50, 'SUPER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (52, 'IGNORE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (53, 'QUICK');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (54, 'SIGNED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (55, 'SECURITY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (57, 'NDBCLUSTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (58, 'FALSE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (59, 'LEVEL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (60, 'FORCE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (61, 'BINARY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (62, 'TO');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (63, 'CHANGE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (64, 'HOUR_MINUTE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (65, 'UPDATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (66, 'INTO');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (67, 'FEDERATED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (68, 'VARYING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (69, 'HOUR_SECOND');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (70, 'VARIABLE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (71, 'ROLLBACK');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (72, 'PROCEDURE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (73, 'RTREE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (74, 'TIMESTAMP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (75, 'IMPORT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (76, 'AGAINST');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (77, 'CHECKSUM');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (78, 'COUNT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (79, 'LONGBINARY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (80, 'THEN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (81, 'INSERT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (82, 'ENGINES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (83, 'HANDLER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (84, 'DAY_SECOND');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (85, 'EXISTS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (86, 'MUTEX');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (87, 'RELEASE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (88, 'BOOLEAN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (89, 'MOD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (90, 'DEFAULT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (91, 'TYPE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (93, 'OPTIMIZE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (94, 'RESET');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (95, 'ITERATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (96, 'DO');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (97, 'BIGINT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (98, 'SET');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (99, 'ISSUER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (100, 'DATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (101, 'STATUS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (102, 'FULLTEXT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (103, 'COMMENT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (105, 'INNER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (106, 'STOP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (107, 'MASTER_LOG_FILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (108, 'MRG_MYISAM');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (109, 'PRECISION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (110, 'REQUIRE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (111, 'TRAILING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (112, 'LONG');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (113, 'OPTION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (114, 'ELSE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (115, 'DEALLOCATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (116, 'IO_THREAD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (117, 'CASE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (118, 'CIPHER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (119, 'CONTINUE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (120, 'FROM');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (121, 'READ');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (122, 'LEFT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (123, 'ELSEIF');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (124, 'MINUTE_SECOND');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (125, 'COMPACT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (126, 'RESTORE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (127, 'DEC');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (128, 'FOR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (129, 'WARNINGS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (130, 'MIN_ROWS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (131, 'STRING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (132, 'CONDITION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (133, 'FUNCTION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (134, 'ENCLOSED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (135, 'AGGREGATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (136, 'FIELDS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (137, 'INT3');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (138, 'ARCHIVE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (139, 'ADD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (140, 'AVG_ROW_LENGTH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (141, 'KILL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (142, 'FLOAT4');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (143, 'VIEW');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (144, 'REPEATABLE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (145, 'INFILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (146, 'ORDER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (147, 'USING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (148, 'MIDDLEINT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (149, 'GRANT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (150, 'UNSIGNED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (151, 'DECIMAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (153, 'INDEXES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (154, 'FOREIGN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (155, 'CACHE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (156, 'HOSTS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (157, 'COMMIT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (158, 'SCHEMAS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (159, 'LEADING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (160, 'SNAPSHOT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (161, 'DECLARE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (162, 'LOAD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (163, 'SQL_CACHE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (164, 'CONVERT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (165, 'DYNAMIC');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (167, 'COLLATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (168, 'BYTE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (170, 'GLOBAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (171, 'BERKELEYDB');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (172, 'WHEN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (173, 'HAVING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (174, 'AS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (175, 'STARTING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (176, 'RELOAD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (177, 'AUTOCOMMIT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (178, 'REVOKE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (179, 'GRANTS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (180, 'OUTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (181, 'FLOOR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (182, 'WITH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (183, 'STD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (184, 'AFTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (185, 'CSV');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (186, 'DISABLE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (187, 'OUTFILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (188, 'LOW_PRIORITY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (189, 'FILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (190, 'BDB');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (191, 'SCHEMA');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (192, 'SONAME');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (193, 'POW');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (195, 'INDEX');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (196, 'DUAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (198, 'BACKUP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (200, 'EXTENDED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (201, 'CROSS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (202, 'NATIONAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (203, 'GROUP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (204, 'SHA');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (205, 'UNDO');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (206, 'ZEROFILL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (207, 'CLIENT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (209, 'RELAY_LOG_FILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (210, 'TRUE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (211, 'CHARACTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (212, 'MASTER_USER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (213, 'TABLE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (214, 'ENGINE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (215, 'INSERT_METHOD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (216, 'CASCADE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (217, 'RELAY_LOG_POS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (219, 'UNION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (220, 'MYISAM');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (221, 'LEAVE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (222, 'MODIFY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (223, 'MATCH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (224, 'MASTER_LOG_POS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (225, 'DESC');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (226, 'DISTINCTROW');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (227, 'TIME');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (228, 'NUMERIC');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (229, 'EXPANSION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (230, 'CURSOR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (231, 'CODE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (233, 'CHAIN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (234, 'FLUSH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (235, 'CREATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (236, 'DESCRIBE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (238, 'INT2');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (239, 'PROCESSLIST');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (240, 'LOGS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (241, 'HEAP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (242, 'SOUNDS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (243, 'BETWEEN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (245, 'REPAIR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (246, 'PACK_KEYS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (247, 'CALL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (248, 'FAST');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (249, 'VALUES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (250, 'LOOP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (251, 'VARCHARACTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (252, 'BEFORE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (253, 'TRUNCATE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (254, 'SHOW');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (255, 'REDUNDANT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (256, 'ALL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (257, 'USER_RESOURCES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (258, 'PARTIAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (259, 'BINLOG');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (260, 'END');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (261, 'SECOND');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (262, 'AND');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (263, 'FLOAT8');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (264, 'PREV');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (265, 'HOUR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (266, 'SELECT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (267, 'DATABASES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (268, 'OR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (269, 'IDENTIFIED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (272, 'BOTH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (273, 'BOOL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (274, 'YEAR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (275, 'MASTER_PORT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (276, 'CONCURRENT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (277, 'HELP');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (278, 'UNIQUE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (279, 'TRIGGERS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (280, 'PROCESS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (281, 'CONSISTENT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (282, 'MASTER_SSL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (283, 'DATE_ADD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (285, 'LIKE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (286, 'FETCH');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (287, 'IN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (288, 'COLUMN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (289, 'DUMPFILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (290, 'USAGE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (291, 'EXECUTE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (292, 'MEMORY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (293, 'CEIL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (294, 'QUERY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (295, 'MASTER_HOST');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (296, 'LINES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (297, 'SQL_THREAD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (300, 'MASTER_SSL_CERT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (301, 'DAY_MINUTE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (302, 'TRANSACTION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (303, 'STDDEV');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (304, 'DATE_SUB');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (306, 'INT1');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (307, 'RENAME');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (308, 'ALTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (309, 'MAX_ROWS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (310, 'RIGHT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (311, 'STRAIGHT_JOIN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (312, 'NATURAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (313, 'VARIABLES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (314, 'ESCAPED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (315, 'SHA1');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (316, 'PASSWORD');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (317, 'CHAR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (318, 'OFFSET');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (319, 'NEXT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (320, 'SQL_LOG_BIN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (321, 'ERRORS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (322, 'TEMPORARY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (323, 'COMMITTED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (324, 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (325, 'UPGRADE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (326, 'DELAY_KEY_WRITE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (327, 'BEGIN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (328, 'PROFILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (329, 'MEDIUM');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (330, 'INTERVAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (331, 'SSL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (332, 'DAY_HOUR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (333, 'REFERENCES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (334, 'AES_ENCRYPT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (335, 'STORAGE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (336, 'ISOLATION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (337, 'CEILING');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (338, 'INT8');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (339, 'RESTRICT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (341, 'UNCOMMITTED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (342, 'IS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (343, 'NOT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (344, 'ANALYSE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (345, 'DES_KEY_FILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (346, 'COMPRESSED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (347, 'START');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (348, 'SAVEPOINT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (349, 'IF');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (350, 'PRIMARY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (351, 'PURGE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (352, 'USER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (353, 'INNOBASE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (354, 'LAST');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (355, 'EXIT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (356, 'KEYS');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (357, 'LIMIT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (358, 'KEY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (359, 'MERGE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (360, 'UNTIL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (361, 'SQL_NO_CACHE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (362, 'DELAYED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (363, 'ANALYZE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (364, 'CONSTRAINT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (365, 'SERIAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (366, 'ACTION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (367, 'WRITE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (368, 'SESSION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (369, 'DATABASE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (370, 'NULL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (371, 'POWER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (372, 'USE_FRM');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (373, 'SLAVE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (374, 'TERMINATED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (375, 'NVARCHAR');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (376, 'ASC');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (377, 'ENABLE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (378, 'OPTIONALLY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (379, 'DIRECTORY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (380, 'WHILE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (382, 'DISTINCT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (383, 'AES_DECRYPT');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (384, 'LOCAL');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (385, 'MASTER_SSL_KEY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (386, 'NONE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (387, 'TABLES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (388, '<>');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (389, 'RLIKE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (390, 'TRIGGER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (391, 'COLLATION');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (392, 'SHUTDOWN');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (393, 'HIGH_PRIORITY');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (394, 'BTREE');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (395, 'FIRST');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (396, 'TYPES');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (397, 'MASTER');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (398, 'FIXED');
INSERT INTO `help_keyword` VALUES (400, 'ROW_FORMAT');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `help_relation`

CREATE TABLE `help_relation` (

`help_topic_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`help_keyword_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`help_keyword_id`,`help_topic_id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='keyword-topic relation';

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `help_relation`

INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 0);

INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 0);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (214, 1);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 2);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 3);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 3);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 4);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 5);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (402, 6);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (18, 7);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 7);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 8);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 9);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 10);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 10);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (13, 11);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 11);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (119, 11);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 11);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 12);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (467, 12);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (357, 13);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (224, 14);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (95, 15);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 16);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (26, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (76, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (174, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (219, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (245, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (311, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (382, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (390, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 17);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (109, 18);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 19);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (241, 20);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (71, 21);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 22);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 23);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 24);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (377, 24);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 24);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 25);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 26);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (29, 27);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (219, 27);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 28);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 28);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 29);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (391, 30);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 30);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (18, 31);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (275, 31);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 31);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (424, 31);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 31);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (467, 32);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (66, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (340, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 33);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 34);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 34);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 35);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (104, 36);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 36);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 36);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 37);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 38);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 39);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (294, 39);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (340, 40);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 41);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 41);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 41);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 42);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 42);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (162, 43);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 43);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (45, 44);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 44);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 45);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 46);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 47);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 47);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 47);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (178, 48);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 48);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (230, 48);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (196, 49);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 49);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 50);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 51);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 52);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 52);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 52);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 52);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 52);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 52);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 53);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (391, 53);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 53);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 54);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 55);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (79, 56);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (451, 56);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 57);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (362, 58);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 59);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 60);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (32, 61);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 61);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 62);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (431, 62);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (435, 62);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 63);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 63);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 64);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 65);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 65);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 65);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 65);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 66);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 66);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (284, 66);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 66);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 67);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (238, 68);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 69);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (116, 70);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 71);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (431, 71);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (14, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (171, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (281, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (308, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (390, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (411, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (456, 72);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (196, 73);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (86, 74);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (175, 74);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 75);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 76);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (378, 77);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 77);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (58, 78);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (309, 78);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (405, 78);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (267, 79);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (24, 80);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (49, 80);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (74, 80);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 81);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (179, 81);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (282, 81);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (455, 81);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (263, 82);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 82);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 83);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (293, 83);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 84);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (26, 85);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 85);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (174, 85);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 85);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (264, 86);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 86);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 87);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (431, 87);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (20, 88);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 88);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (99, 89);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (160, 89);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (183, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (224, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 90);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 91);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 91);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (101, 92);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (307, 92);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 92);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (441, 92);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (101, 93);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (31, 94);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (105, 94);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (136, 94);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (246, 94);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (111, 95);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (112, 96);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (463, 96);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (205, 97);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (116, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (124, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (169, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (313, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (447, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (461, 98);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 99);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (118, 100);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 100);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (244, 100);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 100);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (50, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (122, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (199, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (207, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (264, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (308, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (344, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (377, 101);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (196, 102);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 102);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 102);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 103);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 104);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 105);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (46, 106);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 107);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 108);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (294, 109);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 110);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (427, 111);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (267, 112);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 113);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (230, 113);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (49, 114);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (74, 114);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (219, 115);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (46, 116);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (305, 116);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (49, 117);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (74, 117);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 118);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (293, 119);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (104, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (109, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (339, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (427, 120);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 121);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 121);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 121);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 122);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (24, 123);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 124);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 125);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (165, 126);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (193, 127);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (166, 128);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (293, 128);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 128);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 128);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (393, 128);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (309, 129);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 129);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 130);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 131);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (166, 132);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (14, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (281, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (308, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (382, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (390, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (411, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (456, 133);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 134);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 135);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 136);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 136);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (233, 137);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 138);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (52, 139);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 139);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 140);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 140);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (162, 141);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (154, 142);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (26, 143);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (144, 143);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (426, 143);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 144);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 145);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 146);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 146);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 146);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (340, 146);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 146);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 147);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 147);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (75, 147);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (233, 148);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 149);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (230, 149);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (20, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (115, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (154, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (193, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (294, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (467, 150);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (141, 151);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 151);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (387, 152);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 153);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 154);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 154);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 154);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (89, 155);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (136, 155);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (284, 155);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (130, 156);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 156);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 157);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (145, 158);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 158);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (427, 159);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 160);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (166, 161);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (183, 161);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (293, 161);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (393, 161);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (104, 162);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (284, 162);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (339, 162);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 162);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 163);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 164);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (354, 164);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 165);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (371, 166);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 167);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 167);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 167);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (436, 168);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (423, 169);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (116, 170);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (122, 170);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (169, 170);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (328, 170);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 170);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 171);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (49, 172);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (74, 172);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 173);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 174);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 174);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 174);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 175);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 176);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 177);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (230, 178);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (177, 179);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 179);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 180);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (205, 181);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 182);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 182);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (242, 183);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 184);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 185);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 185);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 186);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 187);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 188);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 188);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 188);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 188);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 188);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 188);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 189);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (151, 190);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 190);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 191);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (174, 191);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 191);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (289, 191);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 191);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 192);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (258, 193);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (433, 194);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (52, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (76, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (89, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (196, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (284, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (288, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 195);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (260, 196);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (397, 197);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (336, 198);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (253, 199);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 200);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 201);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (238, 202);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (402, 202);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 203);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (399, 204);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (293, 205);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (20, 206);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (115, 206);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (154, 206);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (193, 206);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (294, 206);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (467, 206);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 207);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 208);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 209);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (362, 210);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (238, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (313, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (402, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 211);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 212);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (52, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (96, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (101, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (165, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (199, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (259, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (301, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (336, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (339, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (378, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (391, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (441, 213);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 214);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (344, 214);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 214);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 214);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 215);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (26, 216);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 216);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 216);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 216);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 217);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 218);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (285, 219);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 220);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (290, 221);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 222);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 223);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 224);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (310, 225);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 225);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (340, 225);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 226);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 227);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (295, 227);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (352, 227);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (193, 228);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 229);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (393, 230);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (456, 231);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (227, 232);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 233);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (136, 234);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (307, 234);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (14, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (17, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (52, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (66, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (194, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (196, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (259, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (281, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (289, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (426, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 235);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (310, 236);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 237);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (215, 238);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 239);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (424, 239);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (32, 240);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (151, 240);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 240);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (344, 240);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (435, 240);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 241);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (355, 242);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (132, 243);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (94, 244);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 245);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 246);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (318, 247);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (391, 248);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 249);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (323, 250);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (238, 251);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (435, 252);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (301, 253);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (14, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (18, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (21, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (32, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (50, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (58, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (71, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (109, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (119, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (122, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (130, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (145, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (151, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (177, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (178, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (199, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (207, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (259, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (263, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (264, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (275, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (288, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (289, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (308, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (309, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (313, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (328, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (344, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (377, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (424, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (456, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (459, 254);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 255);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 256);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (230, 256);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (285, 256);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 256);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (307, 257);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 258);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (109, 259);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (24, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (49, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (74, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (214, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (306, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (323, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (463, 260);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 261);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (132, 262);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (296, 262);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (294, 263);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 264);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 265);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 266);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (237, 266);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (241, 266);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (282, 266);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 266);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (145, 267);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 267);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (126, 268);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (66, 269);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 269);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 270);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (169, 271);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (427, 272);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (20, 273);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (97, 273);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 274);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 275);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 276);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (106, 277);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (367, 277);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 278);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (21, 279);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 280);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 281);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 282);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 283);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 284);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 285);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (355, 285);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (360, 286);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 287);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (109, 287);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 287);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 288);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 289);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 290);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (75, 291);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 291);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 292);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (373, 293);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (77, 294);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (136, 294);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (162, 294);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 295);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 296);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (46, 297);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (305, 297);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 298);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (110, 299);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 300);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 301);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 302);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 302);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (383, 303);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 304);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (129, 305);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (20, 306);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (96, 307);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (206, 307);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 307);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (52, 308);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (144, 308);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 308);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 308);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (411, 308);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 308);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 309);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 310);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 311);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 311);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (1, 312);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 313);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (328, 313);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 314);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (399, 315);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (66, 316);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 316);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (447, 316);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (212, 317);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (436, 317);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 318);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 319);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (461, 320);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (58, 321);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 321);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 322);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 323);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 324);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (391, 325);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 326);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 327);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (306, 327);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (71, 328);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (391, 329);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 330);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 331);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (353, 332);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 333);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 333);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 333);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (415, 334);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (263, 335);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 336);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (420, 337);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (115, 338);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (26, 339);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 339);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 339);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (48, 340);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 341);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (73, 342);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (190, 342);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (347, 342);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (428, 342);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (73, 343);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 343);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (190, 343);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (292, 343);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (171, 344);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (307, 345);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 346);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (131, 347);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (305, 347);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (431, 348);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (24, 349);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (26, 349);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 349);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (174, 349);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (257, 349);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (448, 349);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 350);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (435, 351);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (66, 352);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (206, 352);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (311, 352);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 353);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 354);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (293, 355);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (288, 356);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 356);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 356);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (42, 357);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (72, 357);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 357);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (109, 357);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 357);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (52, 358);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 358);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 358);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 358);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 358);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 359);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (214, 360);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 361);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (37, 362);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 362);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (455, 362);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (441, 363);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 364);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 364);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (224, 365);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 365);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 366);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 366);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 367);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (116, 368);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (122, 368);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (328, 368);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (419, 368);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (140, 369);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (174, 369);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (197, 369);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (289, 369);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 369);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (73, 370);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (347, 370);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (443, 370);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (452, 371);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 372);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (31, 373);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (46, 373);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (130, 373);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (207, 373);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (305, 373);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 374);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (238, 375);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 376);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (340, 376);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 377);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 378);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 379);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (463, 380);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 381);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (0, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (84, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (270, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (285, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (340, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (361, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (405, 382);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (464, 383);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 384);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (101, 384);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (307, 384);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (395, 384);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (437, 384);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (441, 384);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 385);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 386);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (30, 387);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (119, 387);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (275, 387);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 387);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (462, 388);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (23, 389);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (17, 390);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (245, 390);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (459, 391);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (185, 392);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (91, 393);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (334, 393);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (196, 394);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (93, 395);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (434, 395);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 395);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (326, 396);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (32, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (50, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (104, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (173, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (246, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (339, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (435, 397);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (193, 398);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 398);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (184, 399);
INSERT INTO `help_relation` VALUES (439, 400);

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `help_topic`

CREATE TABLE `help_topic` (

`help_topic_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name` char(64) NOT NULL,
`help_category_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
`description` text NOT NULL,
`example` text NOT NULL,
`url` char(128) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`help_topic_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `help_topic`

INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (0, 'MIN', 14, 'Syntax:\nMIN([DISTINCT] expr)\n\

nReturns the minimum value of expr. MIN() may take a string argument; in\nsuch
cases, it returns the minimum string value.
nkeyword can be used to find the minimum of the distinct values of expr,\nhowever,
this produces the same result as omitting DISTINCT.\n\nMIN() returns NULL if there
were no matching rows.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT student_name, MIN(test_score), MAX(test_score)\
n -> FROM student\n -> GROUP BY student_name;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (1, 'JOIN', 25, 'MySQL supports the following JOIN
syntaxes for the table_references\npart of SELECT statements and multiple-table
DELETE and UPDATE\nstatements:\n\ntable_references:\n table_reference [,
table_reference] ...\n\ntable_reference:\n table_factor\n | join_table\n\
ntable_factor:\n tbl_name [[AS] alias] [index_hint)]\n | ( table_references )\n
| { OJ table_reference LEFT OUTER JOIN table_reference\n ON conditional_expr
}\n\njoin_table:\n table_reference [INNER | CROSS] JOIN table_factor
[join_condition]\n | table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_factor\n |
table_reference STRAIGHT_JOIN table_factor ON condition\n | table_reference LEFT
[OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition\n | table_reference NATURAL [LEFT
[OUTER]] JOIN table_factor\n | table_reference RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN table_reference
join_condition\n | table_reference NATURAL [RIGHT [OUTER]] JOIN table_factor\n\
njoin_condition:\n ON conditional_expr\n | USING (column_list)\n\nindex_hint:\n
(index_list)\n | FORCE {INDEX|KEY} [FOR JOIN] (index_list)\n\nindex_list:\n
index_name [, index_name] ...\n\nA table reference is also known as a join
expression.\n\nThe syntax of table_factor is extended in comparison with the SQL\
nStandard. The latter accepts only table_reference, not a list of them\ninside a
pair of parentheses.\n\nThis is a conservative extension if we consider each comma
in a list of\ntable_reference items as equivalent to an inner join. For example:\n\
nSELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN (t2, t3, t4)\n ON (t2.a=t1.a AND
t3.b=t1.b AND t4.c=t1.c)\n\nis equivalent to:\n\nSELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN (t2
CROSS JOIN t3 CROSS JOIN t4)\n ON (t2.a=t1.a AND t3.b=t1.b AND
t4.c=t1.c)\n\nIn MySQL, CROSS JOIN is a syntactic equivalent to INNER JOIN (they
can\nreplace each other). In standard SQL, they are not equivalent. INNER\nJOIN is
used with an ON clause, CROSS JOIN is used otherwise.\n\nIn versions of MySQL prior
to 5.0.1, parentheses in table_references\nwere just omitted and all join
operations were grouped to the left. In\ngeneral, parentheses can be ignored in
join expressions containing only\ninner join operations. As of 5.0.1, nested joins
are allowed (see\n\n\
nFurther changes in join processing were made in 5.0.12 to make MySQL\nmore
compliant with standard SQL. These charges are described later in\nthis section.\n\
nIndex hints can be specified to affect how the MySQL optimizer makes\nuse of
indexes. For more information, see\n
hints.html.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'SELECT
left_tbl.*\n FROM left_tbl LEFT JOIN right_tbl ON =\n
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (2, 'HEX', 33, 'Syntax:\nHEX(N_or_S)\n\nIf N_or_S
is a number, returns a string representation of the\nhexadecimal value of N, where
N is a longlong (BIGINT) number. This is\nequivalent to CONV(N,10,16).\n\nIf N_or_S
is a string, returns a hexadecimal string representation of\nN_or_S where each
character in N_or_S is converted to two hexadecimal\ndigits. The inverse of this
operation is performed by the UNHEX()\nfunction.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
HEX(255);\n -> ''FF''\nmysql> SELECT 0x616263;\n -> ''abc''\nmysql>
SELECT HEX(''abc'');\n -> 616263\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (3, 'REPLACE', 33, 'Syntax:\
nREPLACE(str,from_str,to_str)\n\nReturns the string str with all occurrences of the
string from_str\nreplaced by the string to_str. REPLACE() performs a case-
sensitive\nmatch when searching for from_str.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
REPLACE('''', ''w'', ''Ww'');\n -> ''''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (4, 'CONTAINS', 26, 'Contains(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1
or 0 to indicate whether g1 completely contains g2. This\ntests the opposite
relationship as Within().\n\nURL:
that-test-spatial-relationships-between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (5, 'SRID', 32, 'SRID(g)\n\nReturns an integer
indicating the Spatial Reference System ID for the\ngeometry value g.\n\nIn MySQL,
the SRID value is just an integer associated with the\ngeometry value. All
calculations are done assuming Euclidean (planar)\ngeometry.\n\nURL:\n\
n', 'mysql> SELECT SRID(GeomFromText(''LineString(1 1,2 2)'',101));\
SRID(GeomFromText(''LineString(1 1,2 2)'',101)) |\
101 |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (6, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 28, 'Syntax:\
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() are synonyms for NOW().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (7, 'VARIANCE', 14, 'Syntax:\nVARIANCE(expr)\n\
nReturns the population standard variance of expr. This is an extension\nto
standard SQL. As of MySQL 5.0.3, the standard SQL function VAR_POP()\ncan be used
instead.\n\nVARIANCE() returns NULL if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (8, 'VAR_SAMP', 14, 'Syntax:\nVAR_SAMP(expr)\n\
nReturns the sample variance of expr. That is, the denominator is the\nnumber of
rows minus one. This function was added in MySQL 5.0.3.\n\nVAR_SAMP() returns NULL
if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (9, 'CONCAT', 33, 'Syntax:\nCONCAT(str1,str2,...)\
n\nReturns the string that results from concatenating the arguments. May\nhave one
or more arguments. If all arguments are non-binary strings,\nthe result is a non-
binary string. If the arguments include any binary\nstrings, the result is a binary
string. A numeric argument is converted\nto its equivalent binary string form; if
you want to avoid that, you\ncan use an explicit type cast, as in this example:\n\
nSELECT CONCAT(CAST(int_col AS CHAR), char_col);\n\nCONCAT() returns NULL if any
argument is NULL.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT CONCAT(''My'', ''S'', ''QL'');\n ->
''MySQL''\nmysql> SELECT CONCAT(''My'', NULL, ''QL'');\n -> NULL\nmysql>
SELECT CONCAT(14.3);\n -> ''14.3''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (10, 'GEOMETRY HIERARCHY', 30, 'Geometry is the
base class. It is an abstract class. The instantiable\nsubclasses of Geometry are
restricted to zero-, one-, and\ntwo-dimensional geometric objects that exist in
two-dimensional\ncoordinate space. All instantiable geometry classes are defined so
that\nvalid instances of a geometry class are topologically closed (that is,\nall
defined geometries include their boundary).\n\nThe base Geometry class has
subclasses for Point, Curve, Surface, and\nGeometryCollection:\n\no Point
represents zero-dimensional objects.\n\no Curve represents one-dimensional objects,
and has subclass\n LineString, with sub-subclasses Line and LinearRing.\n\no
Surface is designed for two-dimensional objects and has subclass\n Polygon.\n\no
GeometryCollection has specialized zero-, one-, and two-dimensional\n collection
classes named MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and\n MultiPolygon for modeling
geometries corresponding to collections of\n Points, LineStrings, and Polygons,
respectively. MultiCurve and\n MultiSurface are introduced as abstract
superclasses that generalize\n the collection interfaces to handle Curves and
Surfaces.\n\nGeometry, Curve, Surface, MultiCurve, and MultiSurface are defined as\
nnon-instantiable classes. They define a common set of methods for their\
nsubclasses and are included for extensibility.\n\nPoint, LineString, Polygon,
GeometryCollection, MultiPoint,\nMultiLineString, and MultiPolygon are instantiable
hierarchy.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (11, 'CHAR FUNCTION', 33, 'Syntax:\nCHAR(N,...
[USING charset_name])\n\nCHAR() interprets each argument N as an integer and
returns a string\nconsisting of the characters given by the code values of those\
nintegers. NULL values are skipped.\nAs of MySQL 5.0.15, CHAR() arguments larger
than 255 are converted into\nmultiple result bytes. For example, CHAR(256) is
equivalent to\nCHAR(1,0), and CHAR(256*256) is equivalent to CHAR(1,0,0):\n\nmysql>
SELECT HEX(CHAR(1,0)), HEX(CHAR(256));\n+----------------+----------------+\n|
HEX(CHAR(1,0)) | HEX(CHAR(256)) |\n+----------------+----------------+\n| 0100
| 0100 |\n+----------------+----------------+\nmysql> SELECT
HEX(CHAR(1,0,0)), HEX(CHAR(256*256));\n+------------------+--------------------+\n|
HEX(CHAR(1,0,0)) | HEX(CHAR(256*256)) |\n+------------------+--------------------+\
n| 010000 | 010000 |\n+------------------
+--------------------+\n\nBy default, CHAR() returns a binary string. To produce a
string in a\ngiven character set, use the optional USING clause:\n\nmysql> SELECT
CHARSET(CHAR(0x65)), CHARSET(CHAR(0x65 USING utf8));\n+---------------------
+--------------------------------+\n| CHARSET(CHAR(0x65)) | CHARSET(CHAR(0x65 USING
utf8)) |\n+---------------------+--------------------------------+\n| binary
| utf8 |\n+---------------------
+--------------------------------+\n\nIf USING is given and the result string is
illegal for the given\ncharacter set, a warning is issued. Also, if strict SQL mode
is\nenabled, the result from CHAR() becomes NULL.\n\nBefore MySQL 5.0.15, CHAR()
returns a string in the connection\ncharacter set and the USING clause is
unavailable. In addition, each\nargument is interpreted modulo 256, so CHAR(256)
and CHAR(256*256) both\nare equivalent to CHAR(0).\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
CHAR(77,121,83,81,''76'');\n -> ''MySQL''\nmysql> SELECT
CHAR(77,77.3,''77.3'');\n -> ''MMM''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (12, 'DATETIME', 20, 'DATETIME\n\nA date and time
combination. The supported range is ''1000-01-01\n00:00:00'' to ''9999-12-31
23:59:59''. MySQL displays DATETIME values in\n''YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'' format, but
allows assignment of values to\nDATETIME columns using either strings or numbers.\
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (13, 'OPEN', 35, 'Syntax:\nOPEN cursor_name\n\nThis
statement opens a previously declared cursor.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (14, 'SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
CREATE {PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} sp_name\n\nThese statements are MySQL extensions.
Similar to SHOW CREATE TABLE,\nthey return the exact string that can be used to re-
create the named\nroutine. The statements require that you be the owner of the
routine or\nhave SELECT access to the mysql.proc table. If you do not have\
nprivileges for the routine itself, the value displayed for the Create\nProcedure
or Create Function field will be NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SHOW CREATE FUNCTION test.hello\\G\n*************************** 1. row
***************************\n Function: hello\n sql_mode:\nCreate
Function: CREATE FUNCTION `test`.`hello`(s CHAR(20)) RETURNS CHAR(50)\n
RETURN CONCAT(''Hello, '',s,''!'')\n',
[ZEROFILL]\n\nThis type is a synonym for INT.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (16, 'LOWER', 33, 'Syntax:\nLOWER(str)\n\nReturns
the string str with all characters changed to lowercase\naccording to the current
character set mapping. The default is latin1\n(cp1252 West European).\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
LOWER(''QUADRATICALLY'');\n -> ''quadratically''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (17, 'CREATE TRIGGER', 21, 'Syntax:\nCREATE\n
[DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time
trigger_event\n ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_stmt\n\nThis statement creates
a new trigger. A trigger is a named database\nobject that is associated with a
table, and that activates when a\nparticular event occurs for the table. CREATE
TRIGGER was added in\nMySQL 5.0.2. Currently, its use requires the SUPER
privilege.\n\nThe trigger becomes associated with the table named tbl_name, which\
nmust refer to a permanent table. You cannot associate a trigger with a\nTEMPORARY
table or a view.\n\nWhen the trigger is activated, the DEFINER clause determines
the\nprivileges that apply, as described later in this section.\n\ntrigger_time is
the trigger action time. It can be BEFORE or AFTER to\nindicate that the trigger
activates before or after the statement that\nactivated it.\n\ntrigger_event
indicates the kind of statement that activates the\ntrigger. The trigger_event can
be one of the following:\n\no INSERT: The trigger is activated whenever a new row
is inserted into\n the table; for example, through INSERT, LOAD DATA, and REPLACE\
n statements.\n\no UPDATE: The trigger is activated whenever a row is modified;
for\n example, through UPDATE statements.\n\no DELETE: The trigger is activated
whenever a row is deleted from the\n table; for example, through DELETE and
REPLACE statements. However,\n DROP TABLE and TRUNCATE statements on the table do
not activate this\n trigger, because they do not use DELETE. See [HELP TRUNCATE
'', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (18, 'SHOW COLUMNS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [FULL]
COLUMNS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name]\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW
COLUMNS displays information about the columns in a given table.\nIt also works for
views as of MySQL 5.0.1. The LIKE clause, if present,\nindicates which column names
to match. The WHERE clause can be given to\nselect rows using more general
conditions, as discussed in\n
show.html.\n\nIf the data types differ from what you expect them to be based on
your\nCREATE TABLE statement, note that MySQL sometimes changes data types\nwhen
you create or alter a table. The conditions for which this occurs\nare described
in\n\n\nThe FULL
keyword causes the output to include the privileges you have\nas well as any per-
column comments for each column.\n\nYou can use db_name.tbl_name as an alternative
to the tbl_name FROM\ndb_name syntax. In other words, these two statements are
equivalent:\n\nmysql> SHOW COLUMNS FROM mytable FROM mydb;\nmysql> SHOW COLUMNS
FROM mydb.mytable;\n\nSHOW FIELDS is a synonym for SHOW COLUMNS. You can also list
a table''s\ncolumns with the mysqlshow db_name tbl_name command.\n\nThe DESCRIBE
statement provides information similar to SHOW COLUMNS.\nSee [HELP DESCRIBE].\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (19, 'MONTH', 28, 'Syntax:\nMONTH(date)\n\nReturns
the month for date, in the range 1 to 12 for January to\nDecember, or 0 for dates
such as ''0000-00-00'' or ''2008-00-00'' that have\na zero month part.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MONTH(''1998-02-03'');\n -> 2\n',
[ZEROFILL]\n\nA very small integer. The signed range is -128 to 127. The unsigned\
nrange is 0 to 255.\n\nURL:
overview.html\n\n', '', '
[FROM db_name]\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW TRIGGERS lists the
triggers currently defined on the MySQL server.\nThis statement requires the SUPER
privilege. It was implemented in\nMySQL 5.0.10. The LIKE clause, if present,
indicates which trigger\nnames to match. The WHERE clause can be given to select
rows using more\ngeneral conditions, as discussed
in\n\n\nFor the trigger
ins_sum as defined in\n,
the output\nof this statement is as shown here:\n\nmysql> SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE ''acc
%''\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Trigger:
ins_sum\n Event: INSERT\n Table: account\nStatement: SET @sum = @sum +
NEW.amount\n Timing: BEFORE\n Created: NULL\n sql_mode:\n Definer:
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (22, 'MASTER_POS_WAIT', 13, 'Syntax:\
nMASTER_POS_WAIT(log_name,log_pos[,timeout])\n\nThis function is useful for control
of master/slave synchronization. It\nblocks until the slave has read and applied
all updates up to the\nspecified position in the master log. The return value is
the number of\nlog events the slave had to wait for to advance to the specified\
nposition. The function returns NULL if the slave SQL thread is not\nstarted, the
slave''s master information is not initialized, the\narguments are incorrect, or an
error occurs. It returns -1 if the\ntimeout has been exceeded. If the slave SQL
thread stops while\nMASTER_POS_WAIT() is waiting, the function returns NULL. If the
slave\nis past the specified position, the function returns immediately.\n\nIf a
timeout value is specified, MASTER_POS_WAIT() stops waiting when\ntimeout seconds
have elapsed. timeout must be greater than 0; a zero or\nnegative timeout means no
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (23, 'REGEXP', 33, 'Syntax:\nexpr REGEXP pat, expr
RLIKE pat\n\nPerforms a pattern match of a string expression expr against a
pattern\npat. The pattern can be an extended regular expression. The syntax for\
nregular expressions is discussed
in\n Returns 1 if expr\nmatches
pat; otherwise it returns 0. If either expr or pat is NULL, the\nresult is NULL.
RLIKE is a synonym for REGEXP, provided for mSQL\ncompatibility.\n\nThe pattern
need not be a literal string. For example, it can be\nspecified as a string
expression or table column.\n\n*Note*: Because MySQL uses the C escape syntax in
strings (for example,\n"\\n" to represent the newline character), you must double
any "\\" that\nyou use in your REGEXP strings.\n\nREGEXP is not case sensitive,
except when used with binary strings.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SELECT ''Monty!'' REGEXP ''m%y%%'';\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ''Monty!''
REGEXP ''.*'';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT ''new*\\n*line'' REGEXP ''new\\\\*.\\\\
*line'';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT ''a'' REGEXP ''A'', ''a'' REGEXP BINARY
''A'';\n -> 1 0\nmysql> SELECT ''a'' REGEXP ''^[a-d]'';\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (24, 'IF STATEMENT', 35, 'Syntax:\nIF
search_condition THEN statement_list\n [ELSEIF search_condition THEN
statement_list] ...\n [ELSE statement_list]\nEND IF\n\nIF implements a basic
conditional construct. If the search_condition\nevaluates to true, the
corresponding SQL statement list is executed. If\nno search_condition matches, the
statement list in the ELSE clause is\nexecuted. Each statement_list consists of one
or more statements.\n\n*Note*: There is also an IF() function, which differs from
the IF\nstatement described here. See [HELP CASE operator].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (25, '^', 18, 'Syntax:\n^\n\nBitwise XOR:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 ^
1;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 ^ 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 11 ^ 3;\n
-> 8\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (26, 'DROP VIEW', 36, 'Syntax:\nDROP VIEW [IF
EXISTS]\n view_name [, view_name] ...\n [RESTRICT | CASCADE]\n\nDROP VIEW
removes one or more views. You must have the DROP privilege\nfor each view. If any
of the views named in the argument list do not\nexist, MySQL returns an error
indicating by name which non-existing\nviews it was unable to drop, but it also
drops all of the views in the\nlist that do exist.\n\nThe IF EXISTS clause prevents
an error from occurring for views that\ndon''t exist. When this clause is given, a
NOTE is generated for each\nnon-existent view. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS].\n\
nRESTRICT and CASCADE, if given, are parsed and ignored.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (27, 'WITHIN', 26, 'Within(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1 or 0
to indicate whether g1 is spatially within g2. This\ntests the opposite
relationship as Contains().\n\nURL:
between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (28, 'WEEK', 28, 'Syntax:\nWEEK(date[,mode])\n\
nThis function returns the week number for date. The two-argument form\nof WEEK()
allows you to specify whether the week starts on Sunday or\nMonday and whether the
return value should be in the range from 0 to 53\nor from 1 to 53. If the mode
argument is omitted, the value of the\ndefault_week_format system variable is used.
See\n\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT WEEK(''1998-02-20'');\n -> 7\nmysql> SELECT WEEK(''1998-02-20'',0);\n
-> 7\nmysql> SELECT WEEK(''1998-02-20'',1);\n -> 8\nmysql> SELECT
WEEK(''1998-12-31'',1);\n -> 53\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (29, 'PREPARE', 25, 'Syntax:\nPREPARE stmt_name
FROM preparable_stmt\n\nThe PREPARE statement prepares a statement and assigns it a
name,\nstmt_name, by which to refer to the statement later. Statement names\nare
not case sensitive. preparable_stmt is either a string literal or a\nuser variable
that contains the text of the statement. The text must\nrepresent a single SQL
statement, not multiple statements. Within the\nstatement, "?" characters can be
used as parameter markers to indicate\nwhere data values are to be bound to the
query later when you execute\nit. The "?" characters should not be enclosed within
quotes, even if\nyou intend to bind them to string values. Parameter markers can be
used\nonly where data values should appear, not for SQL keywords,\nidentifiers, and
so forth.\n\nIf a prepared statement with the given name already exists, it is\
ndeallocated implicitly before the new statement is prepared. This means\nthat if
the new statement contains an error and cannot be prepared, an\nerror is returned
and no statement with the given name exists.\n\nThe scope of a prepared statement
is the client session within which it\nis created. Other clients cannot see it.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (30, 'LOCK', 7, 'Syntax:\nLOCK TABLES\n tbl_name
[[AS] alias] lock_type\n [, tbl_name [[AS] alias] lock_type] ...\n\nlock_type:\n
table locks for the current thread. It locks base\ntables but not views. To use
LOCK TABLES, you must have the LOCK TABLES\nprivilege, and the SELECT privilege for
each table to be locked.\n\nUNLOCK TABLES explicitly releases any table locks held
by the current\nthread. Another use for UNLOCK TABLES is to release the global
read\nlock acquired with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. (You can lock all\ntables in
all databases with read locks with the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ\nLOCK statement. See
[HELP FLUSH]. This is a very convenient way to get\nbackups if you have a
filesystem such as Veritas that can take\nsnapshots in time.)\n\nThe following
general rules apply to acquisition and release of locks\nby a given thread:\n\no
Table locks are acquired with LOCK TABLES.\n\no If the LOCK TABLES statement must
wait due to locks held by other\n threads on any of the tables, it blocks until
all locks can be\n acquired.\n\no Table locks are released explicitly with UNLOCK
TABLES.\n\no Table locks are released implicitly under these conditions:\n\n o
LOCK TABLES releases any table locks currently held by the thread\n before
acquiring new locks.\n\n o Beginning a transaction (for example, with START
TRANSACTION)\n implicitly performs an UNLOCK TABLES. (Additional information
about\n the interaction between table locking and transactions is given\n
later in the section.)\n\n o If a client connection drops, the server releases
table locks held\n by the client. If the client reconnects, the locks will no
longer\n be in effect. For this reason, clients may wish to disable\n auto-
reconnect. With auto-reconnect in effect, the client is not\n notified if
reconnect occurs but any table locks will have been\n lost. With auto-reconnect
disabled, if the connection drops, an\n error occurs for the next statement
issued. The client can detect\n the error and take appropriate action such as
reacquiring the\n locks. See\n
reconnect.html.\n\no One thread cannot release locks held by another thread.\n\
n*Note*: If you use ALTER TABLE on a locked table, it may become\nunlocked. See\
n\n\nThe main
reasons to use LOCK TABLES are to emulate transactions or to\nget more speed when
updating tables. This is explained in more detail\nlater in this section.\n\nA
table lock protects only against inappropriate reads or writes by\nother clients.
The client holding the lock, even a read lock, can\nperform table-level operations
such as DROP TABLE. Truncate operations\nare not transaction-safe, so an error
occurs if the client attempts one\nduring an active transaction or while holding a
table lock.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (31, 'RESET SLAVE', 25, 'Syntax:\nRESET SLAVE\n\
nRESET SLAVE makes the slave forget its replication position in the\nmaster''s
binary logs. This statement is meant to be used for a clean\nstart: It deletes the and files, all the\nrelay logs, and starts a new relay
log.\n\n*Note*: All relay logs are deleted, even if they have not been\ncompletely
executed by the slave SQL thread. (This is a condition\nlikely to exist on a
replication slave if you have issued a STOP SLAVE\nstatement or if the slave is
highly loaded.)\n\nConnection information stored in the file is
immediately\nreset using any values specified in the corresponding startup
options.\nThis information includes values such as master host, master port,\
nmaster user, and master password. If the slave SQL thread was in the\nmiddle of
replicating temporary tables when it was stopped, and RESET\nSLAVE is issued, these
replicated temporary tables are deleted on the\nslave.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (32, 'SHOW BINARY LOGS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW BINARY
LOGS\nSHOW MASTER LOGS\n\nLists the binary log files on the server. This statement
is used as\npart of the procedure described in [HELP PURGE MASTER LOGS], that
shows\nhow to determine which logs can be purged.\n\nmysql> SHOW BINARY LOGS;\
n+---------------+-----------+\n| Log_name | File_size |\n+---------------
+-----------+\n| binlog.000015 | 724935 |\n| binlog.000016 | 733481 |\
binary-logs.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (33, 'POLYGON', 22, 'Polygon(ls1,ls2,...)\n\
nConstructs a WKB Polygon value from a number of WKB LineString\narguments. If any
argument does not represent the WKB of a LinearRing\n(that is, not a closed and
simple LineString) the return value is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (34, 'MINUTE', 28, 'Syntax:\nMINUTE(time)\n\
nReturns the minute for time, in the range 0 to 59.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MINUTE(''98-02-03 10:05:03'');\n -> 5\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (35, 'DAY', 28, 'Syntax:\nDAY(date)\n\nDAY() is a
synonym for DAYOFMONTH().\n\nURL:
time-functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (36, 'MID', 33, 'Syntax:\nMID(str,pos,len)\n\
nMID(str,pos,len) is a synonym for SUBSTRING(str,pos,len).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (37, 'REPLACE INTO', 25, 'Syntax:\nREPLACE
[LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED]\n [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]\n VALUES ({expr |
DEFAULT},...),(...),...\n\nOr:\n\nREPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED]\n [INTO]
tbl_name\n SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT}, ...\n\nOr:\n\nREPLACE [LOW_PRIORITY |
DELAYED]\n [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]\n SELECT ...\n\nREPLACE works
exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the\ntable has the same value as
a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE\nindex, the old row is deleted before the
new row is inserted. See [HELP\nINSERT].\n\nREPLACE is a MySQL extension to the SQL
standard. It either inserts, or\ndeletes and inserts. For another MySQL extension
to standard SQL ---\nthat either inserts or updates ---
see\n\n\nNote that
unless the table has a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index, using a\nREPLACE statement
makes no sense. It becomes equivalent to INSERT,\nbecause there is no index to be
used to determine whether a new row\nduplicates another.\n\nValues for all columns
are taken from the values specified in the\nREPLACE statement. Any missing columns
are set to their default values,\njust as happens for INSERT. You cannot refer to
values from the current\nrow and use them in the new row. If you use an assignment
such as SET\ncol_name = col_name + 1, the reference to the column name on the
right\nhand side is treated as DEFAULT(col_name), so the assignment is\nequivalent
to SET col_name = DEFAULT(col_name) + 1.\n\nTo use REPLACE, you must have both the
INSERT and DELETE privileges for\nthe table.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (38, 'UUID', 13, 'Syntax:\nUUID()\n\nReturns a
Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) generated according to\n"DCE 1.1: Remote
Procedure Call" (Appendix A) CAE (Common Applications\nEnvironment) Specifications
published by The Open Group in October 1997\n(Document Number
C706,\n\n\nA UUID is
designed as a number that is globally unique in space and\ntime. Two calls to
UUID() are expected to generate two different\nvalues, even if these calls are
performed on two separate computers\nthat are not connected to each other.\n\nA
UUID is a 128-bit number represented by a string of five hexadecimal\nnumbers in
aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee format:\n\no The first three numbers are
generated from a timestamp.\n\no The fourth number preserves temporal uniqueness in
case the timestamp\n value loses monotonicity (for example, due to daylight saving
time).\n\no The fifth number is an IEEE 802 node number that provides spatial\n
uniqueness. A random number is substituted if the latter is not\n available (for
example, because the host computer has no Ethernet\n card, or we do not know how
to find the hardware address of an\n interface on your operating system). In this
case, spatial uniqueness\n cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, a collision should
have very low\n probability.\n\n Currently, the MAC address of an interface is
taken into account only\n on FreeBSD and Linux. On other operating systems, MySQL
uses a\n randomly generated 48-bit number.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT UUID();\n -> ''6ccd780c-baba-1026-9564-0040f4311e29''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (39, 'LINESTRING', 22, 'LineString(pt1,pt2,...)\n\
nConstructs a WKB LineString value from a number of WKB Point arguments.\nIf any
argument is not a WKB Point, the return value is NULL. If the\nnumber of Point
arguments is less than two, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (40, 'SLEEP', 13, 'Syntax:\nSLEEP(duration)\n\
nSleeps (pauses) for the number of seconds given by the duration\nargument, then
returns 0. If SLEEP() is interrupted, it returns 1. The\nduration may have a
fractional part given in microseconds. This\nfunction was added in MySQL 5.0.12.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (41, 'CONNECTION_ID', 15, 'Syntax:\
nCONNECTION_ID()\n\nReturns the connection ID (thread ID) for the connection.
Every\nconnection has an ID that is unique among the set of currently\nconnected
n\n', 'mysql> SELECT CONNECTION_ID();\n -> 23786\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (42, 'DELETE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSingle-table syntax:\
where_condition]\n [ORDER BY ...]\n [LIMIT row_count]\n\nMultiple-table
syntax:\n\nDELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [IGNORE]\n tbl_name[.*] [,
tbl_name[.*]] ...\n FROM table_references\n [WHERE where_condition]\n\nOr:\n\
tbl_name[.*]] ...\n USING table_references\n [WHERE where_condition]\n\nFor
the single-table syntax, the DELETE statement deletes rows from\ntbl_name. The
number of rows deleted is returned by the ROW_COUNT()\nfunction (see [HELP
BENCHMARK]). The WHERE clause, if given, specifies\nthe conditions that identify
which rows to delete. With no WHERE\nclause, all rows are deleted. If the ORDER BY
clause is specified, the\nrows are deleted in the order that is specified. The
LIMIT clause\nplaces a limit on the number of rows that can be deleted.\n\nFor the
multiple-table syntax, DELETE deletes from each tbl_name the\nrows that satisfy the
conditions. In this case, ORDER BY and LIMIT\ncannot be used.\n\nwhere_condition is
an expression that evaluates to true for each row to\nbe deleted. It is specified
as described in [HELP SELECT].\n\nAs stated, a DELETE statement with no WHERE
clause deletes all rows. A\nfaster way to do this, when you do not want to know the
number of\ndeleted rows, is to use TRUNCATE TABLE. See [HELP TRUNCATE TABLE].\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (43, 'ROUND', 4, 'Syntax:\nROUND(X), ROUND(X,D)\n\
nRounds the argument X to D decimal places. The rounding algorithm\ndepends on the
data type of X. D defaults to 0 if not specified. D can\nbe negative to cause D
digits left of the decimal point of the value X\nto become zero.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ROUND(-1.23);\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(-1.58);\n -> -2\
nmysql> SELECT ROUND(1.58);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(1.298, 1);\n
-> 1.3\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(1.298, 0);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(23.298, -
1);\n -> 20\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (44, 'NULLIF', 6, 'Syntax:\nNULLIF(expr1,expr2)\n\
nReturns NULL if expr1 = expr2 is true, otherwise returns expr1. This is\nthe same
as CASE WHEN expr1 = expr2 THEN NULL ELSE expr1 END.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT NULLIF(1,1);\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT NULLIF(1,2);\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (45, 'CLOSE', 35, 'Syntax:\nCLOSE cursor_name\n\
nThis statement closes a previously opened cursor.\n\nIf not closed explicitly, a
cursor is closed at the end of the compound\nstatement in which it was declared.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (46, 'STOP SLAVE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSTOP SLAVE
[thread_type [, thread_type] ... ]\n\nthread_type: IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD\n\nStops
the slave threads. STOP SLAVE requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nLike START SLAVE,
this statement may be used with the IO_THREAD and\nSQL_THREAD options to name the
thread or threads to be stopped.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (47, 'TIMEDIFF', 28, 'Syntax:\
nTIMEDIFF(expr1,expr2)\n\nTIMEDIFF() returns expr1 - expr2 expressed as a time
value. expr1 and\nexpr2 are time or date-and-time expressions, but both must be of
the\nsame type.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT TIMEDIFF(''2000:01:01 00:00:00'',\n ->
''2000:01:01 00:00:00.000001'');\n -> ''-00:00:00.000001''\nmysql> SELECT
TIMEDIFF(''1997-12-31 23:59:59.000001'',\n -> ''1997-12-30
01:01:01.000002'');\n -> ''46:58:57.999999''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (48, 'LINEFROMTEXT', 3, 'LineFromText(wkt[,srid]),
LineStringFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a LINESTRING value using its WKT
representation and SRID.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (49, 'CASE OPERATOR', 6, 'Syntax:\nCASE value WHEN
[compare_value] THEN result [WHEN [compare_value] THEN\nresult ...] [ELSE result]
END\n\nCASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [WHEN [condition] THEN result ...]\n[ELSE
result] END\n\nThe first version returns the result where value=compare_value. The\
nsecond version returns the result for the first condition that is true.\nIf there
was no matching result value, the result after ELSE is\nreturned, or NULL if there
is no ELSE part.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN ''one''\n -> WHEN 2
THEN ''two'' ELSE ''more'' END;\n -> ''one''\nmysql> SELECT CASE WHEN 1>0
THEN ''true'' ELSE ''false'' END;\n -> ''true''\nmysql> SELECT CASE BINARY
''B''\n -> WHEN ''a'' THEN 1 WHEN ''b'' THEN 2 END;\n -> NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (50, 'SHOW MASTER STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
MASTER STATUS\n\nProvides status information about the binary log files of the
master.\nExample:\n\nmysql > SHOW MASTER STATUS;\n+---------------+----------
+--------------+------------------+\n| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB |
Binlog_Ignore_DB |\n+---------------+----------+--------------+------------------+\
n| mysql-bin.003 | 73 | test | manual,mysql |\n+---------------
+----------+--------------+------------------+\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (51, 'ADDTIME', 28, 'Syntax:\nADDTIME(expr1,expr2)\
n\nADDTIME() adds expr2 to expr1 and returns the result. expr1 is a time\nor
datetime expression, and expr2 is a time expression.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ADDTIME(''1997-12-31 23:59:59.999999'',\n -> ''1
1:1:1.000002'');\n -> ''1998-01-02 01:01:01.000001''\nmysql> SELECT
ADDTIME(''01:00:00.999999'', ''02:00:00.999998'');\n -> ''03:00:01.999997''\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (52, 'SPATIAL', 30, 'MySQL can create spatial
indexes using syntax similar to that for\ncreating regular indexes, but extended
with the SPATIAL keyword.\nCurrently, columns in spatial indexes must be declared
NOT NULL. The\nfollowing examples demonstrate how to create spatial indexes:\n\no
INDEX:\n\nCREATE SPATIAL INDEX sp_index ON geom (g);\n\nFor MyISAM tables, SPATIAL
INDEX creates an R-tree index. For storage\nengines that support non-spatial
indexing of spatial columns, the\nengine creates a B-tree index. A B-tree index on
spatial values will be\nuseful for exact-value lookups, but not for range scans.\n\
nFor more information on indexing spatial columns, see [HELP CREATE\nINDEX].\n\nTo
drop spatial indexes, use ALTER TABLE or DROP INDEX:\n\no With ALTER TABLE:\n\
geom;\n\nExample: Suppose that a table geom contains more than 32,000\ngeometries,
which are stored in the column g of type GEOMETRY. The\ntable also has an
AUTO_INCREMENT column fid for storing object ID\nvalues.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (53, 'TIMESTAMPDIFF', 28, 'Syntax:\
nTIMESTAMPDIFF(unit,datetime_expr1,datetime_expr2)\n\nReturns the integer
difference between the date or datetime expressions\ndatetime_expr1 and
datetime_expr2. The unit for the result is given by\nthe unit argument. The legal
values for unit are the same as those\nlisted in the description of the
TIMESTAMPADD() function.\n\nURL:
time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,''2003-02-01'',''2003-
05-01'');\n -> 3\nmysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,''2002-05-01'',''2001-01-
01'');\n -> -1\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (54, 'UPPER', 33, 'Syntax:\nUPPER(str)\n\nReturns
the string str with all characters changed to uppercase\naccording to the current
character set mapping. The default is latin1\n(cp1252 West European).\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
UPPER(''Hej'');\n -> ''HEJ''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (55, 'FROM_UNIXTIME', 28, 'Syntax:\
nFROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp), FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp,format)\n\nReturns a
representation of the unix_timestamp argument as a value in\n''YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS'' or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu format, depending on\nwhether the function is
used in a string or numeric context. The value\nis expressed in the current time
zone. unix_timestamp is an internal\ntimestamp value such as is produced by the
UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function.\n\nIf format is given, the result is formatted according
to the format\nstring, which is used the same way as listed in the entry for the\
nDATE_FORMAT() function.\n\nURL:
time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1196440219);\n ->
''2007-11-30 10:30:19''\nmysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1196440219) + 0;\n ->
20071130103019.000000\nmysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n ->
''%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s %x'');\n -> ''2007 30th November 10:30:59 2007''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (56, 'MEDIUMBLOB', 20, 'MEDIUMBLOB\n\nA BLOB column
with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (224 - 1) bytes. Each\nMEDIUMBLOB value is
stored using a three-byte length prefix that\nindicates the number of bytes in the
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (57, 'IFNULL', 6, 'Syntax:\nIFNULL(expr1,expr2)\n\
nIf expr1 is not NULL, IFNULL() returns expr1; otherwise it returns\nexpr2.
IFNULL() returns a numeric or string value, depending on the\ncontext in which it
is used.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT IFNULL(1,0);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT
IFNULL(NULL,10);\n -> 10\nmysql> SELECT IFNULL(1/0,10);\n -> 10\
nmysql> SELECT IFNULL(1/0,''yes'');\n -> ''yes''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (58, 'SHOW ERRORS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW ERRORS
[LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS\n\nThis statement is similar to
SHOW WARNINGS, except that instead of\ndisplaying errors, warnings, and notes, it
displays only errors.\n\nThe LIMIT clause has the same syntax as for the SELECT
statement. See\n[HELP SELECT].\n\nThe SHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS statement displays the
number of errors. You\ncan also retrieve this number from the error_count
variable:\n\nSHOW COUNT(*) ERRORS;\nSELECT @@error_count;\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (59, 'LEAST', 17, 'Syntax:\
nLEAST(value1,value2,...)\n\nWith two or more arguments, returns the smallest
(minimum-valued)\nargument. The arguments are compared using the following rules:\
n\no If the return value is used in an INTEGER context or all arguments\n are
integer-valued, they are compared as integers.\n\no If the return value is used in
a REAL context or all arguments are\n real-valued, they are compared as reals.\n\
no If any argument is a case-sensitive string, the arguments are\n compared as
case-sensitive strings.\n\no In all other cases, the arguments are compared as
case-insensitive\n strings.\n\nBefore MySQL 5.0.13, LEAST() returns NULL only if
all arguments are\nNULL. As of 5.0.13, it returns NULL if any argument is NULL.\n\
'mysql> SELECT LEAST(2,0);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT LEAST(34.0,3.0,5.0,767.0);\
n -> 3.0\nmysql> SELECT LEAST(''B'',''A'',''C'');\n -> ''A''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (60, '=', 17, '=\n\nEqual:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 1 = 0;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ''0'' = 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT
''0.0'' = 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT ''0.01'' = 0;\n -> 0\nmysql>
SELECT ''.01'' = 0.01;\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (61, 'REVERSE', 33, 'Syntax:\nREVERSE(str)\n\
nReturns the string str with the order of the characters reversed.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
REVERSE(''abc'');\n -> ''cba''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (62, 'ISNULL', 17, 'Syntax:\nISNULL(expr)\n\nIf
expr is NULL, ISNULL() returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ISNULL(1+1);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ISNULL(1/0);\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (63, 'BINARY', 20, 'BINARY(M)\n\nThe BINARY type is
similar to the CHAR type, but stores binary byte\nstrings rather than non-binary
character strings. M represents the\ncolumn length in bytes.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (64, 'BLOB DATA TYPE', 20, 'A BLOB is a binary
large object that can hold a variable amount of\ndata. The four BLOB types are
TINYBLOB, BLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, and LONGBLOB.\nThese differ only in the maximum length
of the values they can hold.\nThe four TEXT types are TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT,
and LONGTEXT. These\ncorrespond to the four BLOB types and have the same maximum
lengths and\nstorage requirements.
See\n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (65, 'BOUNDARY', 32, 'Boundary(g)\n\nReturns a
geometry that is the closure of the combinatorial boundary of\nthe geometry value
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (66, 'CREATE USER', 8, 'Syntax:\nCREATE USER user
''password'']] ...\n\nThe CREATE USER statement was added in MySQL 5.0.2. This
statement\ncreates new MySQL accounts. To use it, you must have the global CREATE\
nUSER privilege or the INSERT privilege for the mysql database. For each\naccount,
CREATE USER creates a new record in the mysql.user table that\nhas no privileges.
An error occurs if the account already exists. Each\naccount is named using the
same format as for the GRANT statement; for\nexample, ''jeffrey''@''localhost''. If
you specify only the username part\nof the account name, a hostname part of ''%''
is used. For additional\ninformation about specifying account names, see [HELP
GRANT].\n\nThe account can be given a password with the optional IDENTIFIED BY\
nclause. The user value and the password are given the same way as for\nthe GRANT
statement. In particular, to specify the password in plain\ntext, omit the PASSWORD
keyword. To specify the password as the hashed\nvalue as returned by the PASSWORD()
function, include the PASSWORD\nkeyword. See [HELP GRANT].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (67, 'POINT', 22, 'Point(x,y)\n\nConstructs a WKB
Point using its coordinates.\n\nURL:
mysql-specific-functions.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (68, 'CURRENT_USER', 15, 'Syntax:\nCURRENT_USER,
CURRENT_USER()\n\nReturns the username and hostname combination for the MySQL
account\nthat the server used to authenticate the current client. This account\
ndetermines your access privileges. As of MySQL 5.0.10, within a stored\nroutine
that is defined with the SQL SECURITY DEFINER characteristic,\nCURRENT_USER()
returns the creator of the routine. The return value is\na string in the utf8
character set.\n\nThe value of CURRENT_USER() can differ from the value of USER().\
'mysql> SELECT USER();\n -> ''davida@localhost''\nmysql> SELECT * FROM
mysql.user;\nERROR 1044: Access denied for user ''''@''localhost'' to\ndatabase
''mysql''\nmysql> SELECT CURRENT_USER();\n -> ''@localhost''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (69, 'LCASE', 33, 'Syntax:\nLCASE(str)\n\nLCASE()
is a synonym for LOWER().\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (70, '<=', 17, 'Syntax:\n<=\n\nLess than or equal:\
'mysql> SELECT 0.1 <= 2;\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (71, 'SHOW PROFILES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW PROFILES\
n\nSHOW PROFILE [type [, type] ... ]\n [FOR QUERY n]\n [LIMIT n [OFFSET n]]\
n\ntype:\n ALL\n | BLOCK IO\n | CONTEXT SWITCHES\n | CPU\n | IPC\n |
PROFILE statements display profiling\ninformation that indicates resource usage for
statements executed\nduring the course of the current session.\n\nProfiling is
controlled by the profiling session variable, which has a\ndefault value of 0
(OFF). Profiling is enabled by setting profiling to\n1 or ON:\n\nmysql> SET
profiling = 1;\n\nSHOW PROFILES displays a list of the most recent statements sent
to the\nmaster. The size of the list is controlled by the\nprofiling_history_size
session variable, which has a default value of\n15. The maximum value is 100.
Setting the value to 0 has the practical\neffect of disabling profiling.\n\nAll
statements are profiled except SHOW PROFILES and SHOW PROFILE, so\nyou will find
neither of those statements in the profile list.\nMalformed statements are
profiled. For example, SHOW PROFILING is an\nillegal statement, and a syntax error
occurs if you try to execute it,\nbut it will show up in the profiling list.\n\
nSHOW PROFILE displays detailed information about a single statement.\nWithout the
FOR QUERY n clause, the output pertains to the most\nrecently executed statement.
If FOR QUERY n is included, SHOW PROFILE\ndisplays information for statement n. The
values of n correspond to the\nQuery_ID values displayed by SHOW PROFILES.\n\nThe
LIMIT n clause may be given to limit the output to n rows. If LIMIT\nis given,
OFFSET n may be added to begin the output n rows into the\nfull set of rows.\n\nBy
default, SHOW PROFILE displays Status and Duration columns. The\nStatus values are
like the State values displayed by SHOW PROCESSLIST,\nalthought there might be some
minor differences in interpretion for the\ntwo statements for some status values
type values may be specified to display specific additional\ntypes of information:\
n\no ALL displays all information\n\no BLOCK IO displays counts for block input and
output operations\n\no CONTEXT SWITCHES displays counts for voluntary and
involuntary\n context switches\n\no CPU displays user and system CPU usage times\
n\no IPC displays counts for messages sent and received\n\no MEMORY is not
currently implemented\n\no PAGE FAULTS displays counts for major and minor page
faults\n\no SOURCE displays the names of functions from the source code, together\n
with the name and line number of the file in which the function\n occurs\n\no
SWAPS displays swap counts\n\nProfiling is enabled per session. When a session
ends, its profiling\ninformation is lost.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
@@profiling;\n+-------------+\n| @@profiling |\n+-------------+\n| 0 |\
n+-------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SET profiling = 1;\nQuery OK, 0
rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1;\nQuery OK, 0 rows
affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CREATE TABLE T1 (id INT);\nQuery OK, 0
rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILES;\n+----------+----------
+--------------------------+\n| Query_ID | Duration | Query |\
n+----------+----------+--------------------------+\n| 0 | 0.000088 | SET
PROFILING = 1 |\n| 1 | 0.000136 | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1 |\n|
2 | 0.011947 | CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT) |\n+----------+----------
+--------------------------+\n3 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILE;\
n+----------------------+----------+\n| Status | Duration |\
n+----------------------+----------+\n| checking permissions | 0.000040 |\n|
creating table | 0.000056 |\n| After create | 0.011363 |\n| query end
| 0.000375 |\n| freeing items | 0.000089 |\n| logging slow query |
0.000019 |\n| cleaning up | 0.000005 |\n+----------------------+----------
+\n7 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY 1;\
n+--------------------+----------+\n| Status | Duration |\
n+--------------------+----------+\n| query end | 0.000107 |\n| freeing
items | 0.000008 |\n| logging slow query | 0.000015 |\n| cleaning up |
0.000006 |\n+--------------------+----------+\n4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql>
SHOW PROFILE CPU FOR QUERY 2;\n+----------------------+----------+----------
+------------+\n| Status | Duration | CPU_user | CPU_system |\
n+----------------------+----------+----------+------------+\n| checking
permissions | 0.000040 | 0.000038 | 0.000002 |\n| creating table | 0.000056
| 0.000028 | 0.000028 |\n| After create | 0.011363 | 0.000217 |
0.001571 |\n| query end | 0.000375 | 0.000013 | 0.000028 |\n| freeing
items | 0.000089 | 0.000010 | 0.000014 |\n| logging slow query |
0.000019 | 0.000009 | 0.000010 |\n| cleaning up | 0.000005 | 0.000003 |
0.000002 |\n+----------------------+----------+----------+------------+\n7 rows in
set (0.00 sec)\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (72, 'UPDATE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSingle-table syntax:\
n\nUPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] tbl_name\n SET col_name1=expr1 [,
col_name2=expr2 ...]\n [WHERE where_condition]\n [ORDER BY ...]\n [LIMIT
row_count]\n\nMultiple-table syntax:\n\nUPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]
table_references\n SET col_name1=expr1 [, col_name2=expr2 ...]\n [WHERE
where_condition]\n\nFor the single-table syntax, the UPDATE statement updates
columns of\nexisting rows in tbl_name with new values. The SET clause indicates\
nwhich columns to modify and the values they should be given. The WHERE\nclause, if
given, specifies the conditions that identify which rows to\nupdate. With no WHERE
clause, all rows are updated. If the ORDER BY\nclause is specified, the rows are
updated in the order that is\nspecified. The LIMIT clause places a limit on the
number of rows that\ncan be updated.\n\nFor the multiple-table syntax, UPDATE
updates rows in each table named\nin table_references that satisfy the conditions.
In this case, ORDER BY\nand LIMIT cannot be used.\n\nwhere_condition is an
expression that evaluates to true for each row to\nbe updated. It is specified as
described in [HELP SELECT].\n\nThe UPDATE statement supports the following
modifiers:\n\no If you use the LOW_PRIORITY keyword, execution of the UPDATE is\n
delayed until no other clients are reading from the table. This\n affects only
storage engines that use only table-level locking\n (MyISAM, MEMORY, MERGE).\n\no
If you use the IGNORE keyword, the update statement does not abort\n even if
errors occur during the update. Rows for which duplicate-key\n conflicts occur are
not updated. Rows for which columns are updated\n to values that would cause data
conversion errors are updated to the\n closest valid values instead.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (73, 'IS NOT NULL', 17, 'Syntax:\nIS NOT NULL\n\
nTests whether a value is not NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (74, 'CASE STATEMENT', 35, 'Syntax:\nCASE
case_value\n WHEN when_value THEN statement_list\n [WHEN when_value THEN
statement_list] ...\n [ELSE statement_list]\nEND CASE\n\nOr:\n\nCASE\n WHEN
search_condition THEN statement_list\n [WHEN search_condition THEN
statement_list] ...\n [ELSE statement_list]\nEND CASE\n\nThe CASE statement for
stored routines implements a complex conditional\nconstruct. If a search_condition
evaluates to true, the corresponding\nSQL statement list is executed. If no search
condition matches, the\nstatement list in the ELSE clause is executed. Each
statement_list\nconsists of one or more statements.\n\n*Note*: The syntax of the
CASE statement shown here for use inside\nstored routines differs slightly from
that of the SQL CASE expression\ndescribed in [HELP CASE operator]. The CASE
statement cannot have an\nELSE NULL clause, and it is terminated with END CASE
instead of END.\n\nURL:\
n\n', '', '');
stmt_name [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...]\n\nAfter preparing a statement, you
execute it with an EXECUTE statement\nthat refers to the prepared statement name.
If the prepared statement\ncontains any parameter markers, you must supply a USING
clause that\nlists user variables containing the values to be bound to the\
nparameters. Parameter values can be supplied only by user variables,\nand the
USING clause must name exactly as many variables as the number\nof parameter
markers in the statement.\n\nYou can execute a given prepared statement multiple
times, passing\ndifferent variables to it or setting the variables to different
values\nbefore each execution.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (76, 'DROP INDEX', 36, 'Syntax:\nDROP INDEX
index_name ON tbl_name\n\nDROP INDEX drops the index named index_name from the
table tbl_name.\nThis statement is mapped to an ALTER TABLE statement to drop the
index.\nSee [HELP ALTER TABLE].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (77, 'MATCH AGAINST', 33, 'Syntax:\nMATCH
(col1,col2,...) AGAINST (expr [search_modifier])\n\nMySQL has support for full-text
indexing and searching:\n\no A full-text index in MySQL is an index of type
FULLTEXT.\n\no Full-text indexes can be used only with MyISAM tables, and can be\n
created only for CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT columns.\n\no A FULLTEXT index definition
can be given in the CREATE TABLE\n statement when a table is created, or added
later using ALTER TABLE\n or CREATE INDEX.\n\no For large data sets, it is much
faster to load your data into a table\n that has no FULLTEXT index and then create
the index after that, than\n to load data into a table that has an existing
FULLTEXT index.\n\nFull-text searching is performed using MATCH() ... AGAINST
syntax.\nMATCH() takes a comma-separated list that names the columns to be\
nsearched. AGAINST takes a string to search for, and an optional\nmodifier that
indicates what type of search to perform. The search\nstring must be a literal
string, not a variable or a column name. There\nare three types of full-text
searches:\n\no A boolean search interprets the search string using the rules of a\n
special query language. The string contains the words to search for.\n It can also
contain operators that specify requirements such that a\n word must be present or
absent in matching rows, or that it should be\n weighted higher or lower than
usual. Common words such as "some" or\n "then" are stopwords and do not match if
present in the search\n string. The IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier specifies a boolean
search. For\n more information, see\n\n\no A natural
language search interprets the search string as a phrase in\n natural human
language (a phrase in free text). There are no special\n operators. The stopword
list applies. In addition, words that are\n present in 50% or more of the rows are
considered common and do not\n match. Full-text searches are natural language
searches if no\n modifier is given.\n\no A query expansion search is a
modification of a natural language\n search. The search string is used to perform
a natural language\n search. Then words from the most relevant rows returned by
the search\n are added to the search string and the search is done again. The\n
query returns the rows from the second search. The WITH QUERY\n EXPANSION modifier
specifies a query expansion search. For more\n information, see\n\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
id, body, MATCH (title,body) AGAINST\n -> (''Security implications of running
MySQL as root'') AS score\n -> FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST\n
-> (''Security implications of running MySQL as root'');\n+----
+-------------------------------------+-----------------+\n| id | body
| score |\n+----+-------------------------------------+-----------------
+\n| 4 | 1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ... | 1.5219271183014 |\n| 6 | When
configured properly, MySQL ... | 1.3114095926285 |\n+----
+-------------------------------------+-----------------+\n2 rows in set (0.00
sec)\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (78, 'ABS', 4, 'Syntax:\nABS(X)\n\nReturns the
absolute value of X.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT ABS(2);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT ABS(-32);\
n -> 32\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (79, 'POLYFROMWKB', 29, 'PolyFromWKB(wkb[,srid]),
PolygonFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a POLYGON value using its WKB
representation and SRID.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (80, 'NOT LIKE', 33, 'Syntax:\nexpr NOT LIKE pat
[ESCAPE ''escape_char'']\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr LIKE pat [ESCAPE
comparison-functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (81, 'SPACE', 33, 'Syntax:\nSPACE(N)\n\nReturns a
string consisting of N space characters.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
SPACE(6);\n -> '' ''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (82, 'MBR DEFINITION', 5, 'Its MBR (Minimum
Bounding Rectangle), or Envelope. This is the bounding\ngeometry, formed by the
minimum and maximum (X,Y) coordinates:\n\nURL:\n\n', '((MINX MINY,
'GeometryCollection(g1,g2,...)\n\nConstructs a WKB GeometryCollection. If any
argument is not a\nwell-formed WKB representation of a geometry, the return value
is NULL.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (84, 'MAX', 14, 'Syntax:\nMAX([DISTINCT] expr)\n\
nReturns the maximum value of expr. MAX() may take a string argument; in\nsuch
cases, it returns the maximum string value.
nkeyword can be used to find the maximum of the distinct values of expr,\nhowever,
this produces the same result as omitting DISTINCT.\n\nMAX() returns NULL if there
were no matching rows.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT student_name, MIN(test_score), MAX(test_score)\
n -> FROM student\n -> GROUP BY student_name;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (85, '*', 4, 'Syntax:\n*\n\nMultiplication:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 3*5;\n -> 15\nmysql> SELECT 18014398509481984*18014398509481984.0;\n
-> 324518553658426726783156020576256.0\nmysql> SELECT
18014398509481984*18014398509481984;\n -> 0\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (86, 'TIMESTAMP', 20, 'TIMESTAMP\n\nA timestamp.
The range is ''1970-01-01 00:00:01'' UTC to partway through\nthe year 2038.
TIMESTAMP values are stored as the number of seconds\nsince the epoch (''1970-01-01
00:00:00'' UTC). A TIMESTAMP cannot\nrepresent the value ''1970-01-01 00:00:00''
because that is equivalent to\n0 seconds from the epoch and the value 0 is reserved
for representing\n''0000-00-00 00:00:00'', the "zero" TIMESTAMP value.\n\nA
TIMESTAMP column is useful for recording the date and time of an\nINSERT or UPDATE
operation. By default, the first TIMESTAMP column in a\ntable is automatically set
to the date and time of the most recent\noperation if you do not assign it a value
yourself. You can also set\nany TIMESTAMP column to the current date and time by
assigning it a\nNULL value. Variations on automatic initialization and update\
nproperties are described
in\n\n\nA TIMESTAMP value is
returned as a string in the format ''YYYY-MM-DD\nHH:MM:SS'' with a display width
fixed at 19 characters. To obtain the\nvalue as a number, you should add +0 to the
timestamp column.\n\n*Note*: The TIMESTAMP format that was used prior to MySQL 4.1
is not\nsupported in MySQL 5.0; see MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual for\
ninformation regarding the old format.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (87, 'DES_DECRYPT', 10, 'Syntax:\
nDES_DECRYPT(crypt_str[,key_str])\n\nDecrypts a string encrypted with
DES_ENCRYPT(). If an error occurs,\nthis function returns NULL.\n\nThis function
works only if MySQL has been configured with SSL support.\nSee\n\nIf no key_str
argument is given, DES_DECRYPT() examines the first byte\nof the encrypted string
to determine the DES key number that was used\nto encrypt the original string, and
then reads the key from the DES key\nfile to decrypt the message. For this to work,
the user must have the\nSUPER privilege. The key file can be specified with the --
des-key-file\nserver option.\n\nIf you pass this function a key_str argument, that
string is used as\nthe key for decrypting the message.\n\nIf the crypt_str argument
does not appear to be an encrypted string,\nMySQL returns the given crypt_str.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (88, 'ENDPOINT', 11, 'EndPoint(ls)\n\nReturns the
Point that is the endpoint of the LineString value ls.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SET @ls = ''LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)'';\nmysql> SELECT
AsText(EndPoint(GeomFromText(@ls))) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n|
POINT(3 3) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (89, 'CACHE INDEX', 25, 'Syntax:\nCACHE INDEX\n
tbl_index_list [, tbl_index_list] ...\n IN key_cache_name\n\ntbl_index_list:\n
tbl_name [[INDEX|KEY] (index_name[, index_name] ...)]\n\nThe CACHE INDEX statement
assigns table indexes to a specific key\ncache. It is used only for MyISAM tables.\
n\nThe following statement assigns indexes from the tables t1, t2, and t3\nto the
key cache named hot_cache:\n\nmysql> CACHE INDEX t1, t2, t3 IN hot_cache;\
n+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+\n| Table | Op
| Msg_type | Msg_text |\n+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+\n|
test.t1 | assign_to_keycache | status | OK |\n| test.t2 |
assign_to_keycache | status | OK |\n| test.t3 | assign_to_keycache | status
| OK |\n+---------+--------------------+----------+----------+\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (90, 'COMPRESS', 10, 'Syntax:\
nCOMPRESS(string_to_compress)\n\nCompresses a string and returns the result as a
binary string. This\nfunction requires MySQL to have been compiled with a
compression\nlibrary such as zlib. Otherwise, the return value is always NULL. The\
ncompressed string can be uncompressed with UNCOMPRESS().\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(''a'',1000)));\n -> 21\nmysql> SELECT
LENGTH(COMPRESS(''''));\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(''a''));\n
-> 13\nmysql> SELECT LENGTH(COMPRESS(REPEAT(''a'',16)));\n -> 15\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (91, 'INSERT', 25, 'Syntax:\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY |
DELAYED | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]\n VALUES
({expr | DEFAULT},...),(...),...\n [ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
col_name=expr, ... ]\n\nOr:\n\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED | HIGH_PRIORITY]
[IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name\n SET col_name={expr | DEFAULT}, ...\n [ ON
DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expr, ... ]\n\nOr:\n\nINSERT [LOW_PRIORITY |
HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]\n SELECT ...\n
[ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expr, ... ]\n\nINSERT inserts new rows into an
existing table. The INSERT ... VALUES\nand INSERT ... SET forms of the statement
insert rows based on\nexplicitly specified values. The INSERT ... SELECT form
inserts rows\nselected from another table or tables. INSERT ... SELECT is
discussed\nfurther in [HELP INSERT SELECT].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (92, 'COUNT', 14, 'Syntax:\nCOUNT(expr)\n\nReturns
a count of the number of non-NULL values of expr in the rows\nretrieved by a SELECT
statement. The result is a BIGINT value.\n\nCOUNT() returns 0 if there were no
matching rows.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT student.student_name,COUNT(*)\n ->
FROM student,course\n -> WHERE student.student_id=course.student_id\n
-> GROUP BY student_name;\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (93, 'HANDLER', 25, 'Syntax:\nHANDLER tbl_name OPEN
[ [AS] alias]\nHANDLER tbl_name READ index_name { = | >= | <= | < }
(value1,value2,...)\n [ WHERE where_condition ] [LIMIT ... ]\nHANDLER tbl_name
READ index_name { FIRST | NEXT | PREV | LAST }\n [ WHERE where_condition ]
[LIMIT ... ]\nHANDLER tbl_name READ { FIRST | NEXT }\n [ WHERE where_condition ]
[LIMIT ... ]\nHANDLER tbl_name CLOSE\n\nThe HANDLER statement provides direct
access to table storage engine\ninterfaces. It is available for MyISAM and InnoDB
tables.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
'MLineFromText(wkt[,srid]), MultiLineStringFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
MULTILINESTRING value using its WKT representation and\nSRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
'GeomCollFromWKB(wkb[,srid]), GeometryCollectionFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION value using its WKB representation and\nSRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (96, 'RENAME TABLE', 36, 'Syntax:\nRENAME TABLE
tbl_name TO new_tbl_name\n [, tbl_name2 TO new_tbl_name2] ...\n\nThis statement
renames one or more tables.\n\nThe rename operation is done atomically, which means
that no other\nthread can access any of the tables while the rename is running.
For\nexample, if you have an existing table old_table, you can create\nanother
table new_table that has the same structure but is empty, and\nthen replace the
existing table with the empty one as follows (assuming\nthat backup_table does not
already exist):\n\nURL:\n\
n', 'CREATE TABLE new_table (...);\nRENAME TABLE old_table TO backup_table,
new_table TO old_table;\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (97, 'BOOLEAN', 20, 'BOOL, BOOLEAN\n\nThese types
are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered\nfalse. Non-zero values
are considered true:\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(0, ''true'', ''false'');\
n+------------------------+\n| IF(0, ''true'', ''false'') |\
n+------------------------+\n| false |\n+------------------------
+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(1, ''true'', ''false'');\n+------------------------+\n| IF(1,
''true'', ''false'') |\n+------------------------+\n| true |\
n+------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(2, ''true'', ''false'');\
n+------------------------+\n| IF(2, ''true'', ''false'') |\
n+------------------------+\n| true |\n+------------------------
+\n\nHowever, the values TRUE and FALSE are merely aliases for 1 and 0,\
nrespectively, as shown here:\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(0 = FALSE, ''true'', ''false'');\
n+--------------------------------+\n| IF(0 = FALSE, ''true'', ''false'') |\
n+--------------------------------+\n| true |\
n+--------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(1 = TRUE, ''true'',
''false'');\n+-------------------------------+\n| IF(1 = TRUE, ''true'', ''false'')
|\n+-------------------------------+\n| true |\
n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(2 = TRUE, ''true'',
''false'');\n+-------------------------------+\n| IF(2 = TRUE, ''true'', ''false'')
|\n+-------------------------------+\n| false |\
n+-------------------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT IF(2 = FALSE, ''true'',
''false'');\n+--------------------------------+\n| IF(2 = FALSE, ''true'',
''false'') |\n+--------------------------------+\n| false
|\n+--------------------------------+\n\nThe last two statements display the
results shown because 2 is equal to\nneither 1 nor 0.\n\nWe intend to implement
full boolean type handling, in accordance with\nstandard SQL, in a future MySQL
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (98, 'DEFAULT', 13, 'Syntax:\nDEFAULT(col_name)\n\
nReturns the default value for a table column. Starting with MySQL\n5.0.2, an error
results if the column has no default value.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
UPDATE t SET i = DEFAULT(i)+1 WHERE id < 100;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (99, 'MOD', 4, 'Syntax:\nMOD(N,M), N % M, N MOD M\
n\nModulo operation. Returns the remainder of N divided by M.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MOD(234, 10);\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT 253 % 7;\n -> 1\nmysql>
SELECT MOD(29,9);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT 29 MOD 9;\n -> 2\n',
charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of
255 (28 - 1) characters. The\neffective maximum length is less if the value
contains multi-byte\ncharacters. Each TINYTEXT value is stored using a one-byte
length\nprefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (101, 'OPTIMIZE TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nOPTIMIZE
[LOCAL | NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG] TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE
should be used if you have deleted a large part of a\ntable or if you have made
many changes to a table with variable-length\nrows (tables that have VARCHAR,
VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT columns).\nDeleted rows are maintained in a linked list
and subsequent INSERT\noperations reuse old row positions. You can use OPTIMIZE
TABLE to\nreclaim the unused space and to defragment the data file.\n\nThis
statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (102, 'DECODE', 10, 'Syntax:\
nDECODE(crypt_str,pass_str)\n\nDecrypts the encrypted string crypt_str using
pass_str as the password.\ncrypt_str should be a string returned from ENCODE().\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (103, '<=>', 17, 'Syntax:\n<=>\n\nNULL-safe equal.
This operator performs an equality comparison like the\n= operator, but returns 1
rather than NULL if both operands are NULL,\nand 0 rather than NULL if one operand
is NULL.\n\nURL:\
n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 <=> 1, NULL <=> NULL, 1 <=> NULL;\n -> 1, 1, 0\
nmysql> SELECT 1 = 1, NULL = NULL, 1 = NULL;\n -> 1, NULL, NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (104, 'LOAD DATA FROM MASTER', 25, 'Syntax:\nLOAD
DATA FROM MASTER\n\nThis feature is deprecated. We recommend not using it anymore.
It is\nsubject to removal in a future version of MySQL.\n\nSince the current
implementation of LOAD DATA FROM MASTER and LOAD\nTABLE FROM MASTER is very
limited, these statements are deprecated in\nversions 4.1 of MySQL and above. We
will introduce a more advanced\ntechnique (called "online backup") in a future
version. That technique\nwill have the additional advantage of working with more
storage\nengines.\n\nFor MySQL 5.1 and earlier, the recommended alternative
solution to\nusing LOAD DATA FROM MASTER or LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER is using\
nmysqldump or mysqlhotcopy. The latter requires Perl and two Perl\nmodules (DBI and
DBD:mysql) and works for MyISAM and ARCHIVE tables\nonly. With mysqldump, you can
create SQL dumps on the master and pipe\n(or copy) these to a mysql client on the
slave. This has the advantage\nof working for all storage engines, but can be quite
slow, since it\nworks using SELECT.\n\nThis statement takes a snapshot of the
master and copies it to the\nslave. It updates the values of MASTER_LOG_FILE and
MASTER_LOG_POS so\nthat the slave starts replicating from the correct position. Any
table\nand database exclusion rules specified with the --replicate-*-do-* and\n--
replicate-*-ignore-* options are honored. --replicate-rewrite-db is\nnot taken into
account because a user could use this option to set up a\nnon-unique mapping such
as --replicate-rewrite-db="db1->db3" and\n--replicate-rewrite-db="db2->db3", which
would confuse the slave when\nloading tables from the master.\n\nUse of this
statement is subject to the following conditions:\n\no It works only for MyISAM
tables. Attempting to load a non-MyISAM\n table results in the following error:\n\
nERROR 1189 (08S01): Net error reading from master\n\no It acquires a global read
lock on the master while taking the\n snapshot, which prevents updates on the
master during the load\n operation.\n\nIf you are loading large tables, you might
have to increase the values\nof net_read_timeout and net_write_timeout on both the
master and slave\nservers. See\n
system-variables.html.\n\nNote that LOAD DATA FROM MASTER does not copy any tables
from the mysql\ndatabase. This makes it easy to have different users and privileges
on\nthe master and the slave.\n\nTo use LOAD DATA FROM MASTER, the replication
account that is used to\nconnect to the master must have the RELOAD and SUPER
privileges on the\nmaster and the SELECT privilege for all master tables you want
to load.\nAll master tables for which the user does not have the SELECT privilege\
nare ignored by LOAD DATA FROM MASTER. This is because the master hides\nthem from
the user: LOAD DATA FROM MASTER calls SHOW DATABASES to know\nthe master databases
to load, but SHOW DATABASES returns only databases\nfor which the user has some
privilege. See [HELP SHOW DATABASES]. On\nthe slave side, the user that issues LOAD
DATA FROM MASTER must have\nprivileges for dropping and creating the databases and
tables that are\ncopied.\n\nURL:
from-master.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (105, 'RESET', 25, 'Syntax:\nRESET reset_option [,
reset_option] ...\n\nThe RESET statement is used to clear the state of various
server\noperations. You must have the RELOAD privilege to execute RESET.\n\nRESET
acts as a stronger version of the FLUSH statement. See [HELP\nFLUSH].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (106, 'HELP STATEMENT', 24, 'Syntax:\nHELP
''search_string''\n\nThe HELP statement returns online information from the MySQL
Reference\nmanual. Its proper operation requires that the help tables in the mysql\
ndatabase be initialized with help topic information
HELP statement searches the help tables for the given search string\nand displays
the result of the search. The search string is not case\nsensitive.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (107, 'GET_LOCK', 13, 'Syntax:\
nGET_LOCK(str,timeout)\n\nTries to obtain a lock with a name given by the string
str, using a\ntimeout of timeout seconds. Returns 1 if the lock was obtained\
nsuccessfully, 0 if the attempt timed out (for example, because another\nclient has
previously locked the name), or NULL if an error occurred\n(such as running out of
memory or the thread was killed with mysqladmin\nkill). If you have a lock obtained
with GET_LOCK(), it is released when\nyou execute RELEASE_LOCK(), execute a new
GET_LOCK(), or your\nconnection terminates (either normally or abnormally). Locks
obtained\nwith GET_LOCK() do not interact with transactions. That is, committing\na
transaction does not release any such locks obtained during the\ntransaction.\n\
nThis function can be used to implement application locks or to simulate\nrecord
locks. Names are locked on a server-wide basis. If a name has\nbeen locked by one
client, GET_LOCK() blocks any request by another\nclient for a lock with the same
name. This allows clients that agree on\na given lock name to use the name to
perform cooperative advisory\nlocking. But be aware that it also allows a client
that is not among\nthe set of cooperating clients to lock a name, either
inadvertently or\ndeliberately, and thus prevent any of the cooperating clients
from\nlocking that name. One way to reduce the likelihood of this is to use\nlock
names that are database-specific or application-specific. For\nexample, use lock
names of the form db_name.str or app_name.str.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT GET_LOCK(''lock1'',10);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT
IS_FREE_LOCK(''lock2'');\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT GET_LOCK(''lock2'',10);\n
-> 1\nmysql> SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(''lock2'');\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT
RELEASE_LOCK(''lock1'');\n -> NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (108, 'UCASE', 33, 'Syntax:\nUCASE(str)\n\nUCASE()
is a synonym for UPPER().\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (109, 'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
BINLOG EVENTS\n [IN ''log_name''] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\n\nShows
the events in the binary log. If you do not specify ''log_name'',\nthe first binary
log is displayed.\n\nURL:
events.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (110, 'MPOLYFROMWKB', 29,
'MPolyFromWKB(wkb[,srid]), MultiPolygonFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
MULTIPOLYGON value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (111, 'ITERATE', 35, 'Syntax:\nITERATE label\n\
nITERATE can appear only within LOOP, REPEAT, and WHILE statements.\nITERATE means
"do the loop again."\n\nURL:
statement.html\n\n', 'CREATE PROCEDURE doiterate(p1 INT)\nBEGIN\n label1: LOOP\n
SET p1 = p1 + 1;\n IF p1 < 10 THEN ITERATE label1; END IF;\n LEAVE label1;\n
END LOOP label1;\n SET @x = p1;\nEND\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (112, 'DO', 25, 'Syntax:\nDO expr [, expr] ...\n\
nDO executes the expressions but does not return any results. In most\nrespects, DO
is shorthand for SELECT expr, ..., but has the advantage\nthat it is slightly
faster when you do not care about the result.\n\nDO is useful primarily with
functions that have side effects, such as\nRELEASE_LOCK().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (113, 'CURTIME', 28, 'Syntax:\nCURTIME()\n\nReturns
the current time as a value in ''HH:MM:SS'' or HHMMSS.uuuuuu\nformat, depending on
whether the function is used in a string or\nnumeric context. The value is
expressed in the current time zone.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT CURTIME();\n -> ''23:50:26''\nmysql> SELECT CURTIME() + 0;\n -
> 235026.000000\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (114, 'CHAR_LENGTH', 33, 'Syntax:\
nCHAR_LENGTH(str)\n\nReturns the length of the string str, measured in characters.
A\nmulti-byte character counts as a single character. This means that for\na string
containing five two-byte characters, LENGTH() returns 10,\nwhereas CHAR_LENGTH()
returns 5.\n\nURL:\n\
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (115, 'BIGINT', 20, 'BIGINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED]
[ZEROFILL]\n\nA large integer. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to\
n9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615.\n\nSERIAL is
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (116, 'SET', 25, 'Syntax:\nSET variable_assignment
[, variable_assignment] ...\n\nvariable_assignment:\n user_var_name = expr\n
| [GLOBAL | SESSION] system_var_name = expr\n | [@@global. | @@session. |
@@]system_var_name = expr\n\nThe SET statement assigns values to different types of
variables that\naffect the operation of the server or your client. Older versions
of\nMySQL employed SET OPTION, but this syntax is deprecated in favor of\nSET
without OPTION.\n\nURL:\n\
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (117, 'CONV', 4, 'Syntax:\
nCONV(N,from_base,to_base)\n\nConverts numbers between different number bases.
Returns a string\nrepresentation of the number N, converted from base from_base to
base\nto_base. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. The argument N is\ninterpreted
as an integer, but may be specified as an integer or a\nstring. The minimum base is
2 and the maximum base is 36. If to_base is\na negative number, N is regarded as a
signed number. Otherwise, N is\ntreated as unsigned. CONV() works with 64-bit
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT CONV(''a'',16,2);\n -> ''1010''\nmysql>
SELECT CONV(''6E'',18,8);\n -> ''172''\nmysql> SELECT CONV(-17,10,-18);\n
-> ''-H''\nmysql> SELECT CONV(10+''10''+''10''+0xa,10,10);\n -> ''40''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (118, 'DATE', 20, 'DATE\n\nA date. The supported
range is ''1000-01-01'' to ''9999-12-31''. MySQL\ndisplays DATE values in ''YYYY-
MM-DD'' format, but allows assignment of\nvalues to DATE columns using either
strings or numbers.\n\nURL:
type-overview.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (119, 'SHOW OPEN TABLES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW OPEN
TABLES [FROM db_name]\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW OPEN TABLES
lists the non-TEMPORARY tables that are currently open\nin the table cache. See\
n The LIKE\nclause, if
present, indicates which table names to match. The WHERE\nclause can be given to
select rows using more general conditions, as\ndiscussed in\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (120, 'EXTRACT', 28, 'Syntax:\nEXTRACT(unit FROM
date)\n\nThe EXTRACT() function uses the same kinds of unit specifiers as\
nDATE_ADD() or DATE_SUB(), but extracts parts from the date rather than\nperforming
date arithmetic.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ''1999-07-02'');\n ->
1999\nmysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM ''1999-07-02 01:02:03'');\n ->
199907\nmysql> SELECT EXTRACT(DAY_MINUTE FROM ''1999-07-02 01:02:03'');\n ->
20102\nmysql> SELECT EXTRACT(MICROSECOND\n -> FROM ''2003-01-02
10:30:00.000123'');\n -> 123\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (121, 'ENCRYPT', 10, 'Syntax:\nENCRYPT(str[,salt])\
n\nEncrypts str using the Unix crypt() system call and returns a binary\nstring.
The salt argument should be a string with at least two\ncharacters. If no salt
argument is given, a random value is used.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ENCRYPT(''hello'');\n -> ''VxuFAJXVARROc''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (122, 'SHOW STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [GLOBAL |
SESSION] STATUS\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW STATUS provides server
status information. This information also\ncan be obtained using the mysqladmin
extended-status command. The LIKE\nclause, if present, indicates which variable
names to match. The WHERE\nclause can be given to select rows using more general
conditions, as\ndiscussed in
show.html.\nWith a LIKE clause, the statement displays only rows for those\
nvariables with names that match the pattern:\n\nmysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE ''Key%'';\
n+--------------------+----------+\n| Variable_name | Value |\
n+--------------------+----------+\n| Key_blocks_used | 14955 |\n|
Key_read_requests | 96854827 |\n| Key_reads | 162040 |\n|
Key_write_requests | 7589728 |\n| Key_writes | 3813196 |\
n+--------------------+----------+\n\nThe GLOBAL and SESSION options are new in
MySQL 5.0.2. With the GLOBAL\nmodifier, SHOW STATUS displays the status values for
all connections to\nMySQL. With SESSION, it displays the status values for the
current\nconnection. If no modifier is present, the default is SESSION. LOCAL is\na
synonym for SESSION.\n\nSome status variables have only a global value. For these,
you get the\nsame value for both GLOBAL and SESSION. The scope for each status\
nvariable is listed at\n
variables.html.\n\n*Note*: Before MySQL 5.0.2, SHOW STATUS returned global status
values.\nBecause the default as of 5.0.2 is to return session values, this is\
nincompatible with previous versions. To issue a SHOW STATUS statement\nthat will
retrieve global status values for all versions of MySQL,\nwrite it like this:\n\
nSHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS;\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (123, 'OLD_PASSWORD', 10, 'Syntax:\
nOLD_PASSWORD(str)\n\nOLD_PASSWORD() was added to MySQL when the implementation of
PASSWORD()\nwas changed to improve security. OLD_PASSWORD() returns the value of\
nthe old (pre-4.1) implementation of PASSWORD() as a binary string, and\nis
intended to permit you to reset passwords for any pre-4.1 clients\nthat need to
connect to your version 5.0 MySQL server without locking\nthem out.
See\n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (124, 'SET VARIABLE', 35, 'Syntax:\nSET var_name =
expr [, var_name = expr] ...\n\nThe SET statement in stored routines is an extended
version of the\ngeneral SET statement. Referenced variables may be ones declared
inside\na routine, or global system variables.\n\nThe SET statement in stored
routines is implemented as part of the\npre-existing SET syntax. This allows an
extended syntax of SET a=x,\nb=y, ... where different variable types (locally
declared variables and\nglobal and session server variables) can be mixed. This
also allows\ncombinations of local variables and some options that make sense only\
nfor system variables; in that case, the options are recognized but\nignored.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (125, 'FORMAT', 33, 'Syntax:\nFORMAT(X,D)\n\
nFormats the number X to a format like ''#,###,###.##'', rounded to D\ndecimal
places, and returns the result as a string. If D is 0, the\nresult has no decimal
point or fractional part.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.123456, 4);\n ->
''12,332.1235''\nmysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.1,4);\n -> ''12,332.1000''\
nmysql> SELECT FORMAT(12332.2,0);\n -> ''12,332''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (126, '||', 12, 'Syntax:\nOR, ||\n\nLogical OR.
When both operands are non-NULL, the result is 1 if any\noperand is non-zero, and 0
otherwise. With a NULL operand, the result\nis 1 if the other operand is non-zero,
and NULL otherwise. If both\noperands are NULL, the result is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
1 || 1;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 1 || 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 0 || 0;\n
-> 0\nmysql> SELECT 0 || NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT 1 || NULL;\n
-> 1\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (127, 'BIT_LENGTH', 33, 'Syntax:\nBIT_LENGTH(str)\
n\nReturns the length of the string str in bits.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
BIT_LENGTH(''text'');\n -> 32\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (128, 'EXTERIORRING', 2, 'ExteriorRing(poly)\n\
nReturns the exterior ring of the Polygon value poly as a LineString.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SET @poly =\n -> ''Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1
1))'';\nmysql> SELECT AsText(ExteriorRing(GeomFromText(@poly)));\
AsText(ExteriorRing(GeomFromText(@poly))) |\
n+-------------------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0)
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (129, 'GEOMFROMWKB', 29, 'GeomFromWKB(wkb[,srid]),
GeometryFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a geometry value of any type using its
WKB representation\nand SRID.\n\nURL:
wkb-functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (130, 'SHOW SLAVE HOSTS', 25, 'Syntax:\n
SHOW SLAVE HOSTS\n\nDisplays a list of replication slaves currently registered with
the\nmaster. Only slaves started with the --report-host=slave_name option\nare
visible in this list.\n\nThe list is displayed on any server (not just the master
server). The\noutput looks like this: mysql> SHOW SLAVE HOSTS;\n+------------
+-----------+------+-----------+ | Server_id | Host | Port\n| Master_id |
+------------+-----------+------+-----------+ | 192168010\n| iconnect2 | 3306 |
192168011 | | 1921680101 | athena | 3306 |\n192168011 | +------------+-----------
+------+-----------+ Server_id:\nThe unique server ID of the slave server, as
configured in the server''s\noption file, or on the command line with --server-
id=value . Host: The\nhost name of the slave server, as configured in the server''s
option\nfile, or on the command line with --report-host=value. Note that this\ncan
differ from the machine name as configured in the operating system.\nPort: The port
the slave server is listening on. Master_id: The unique\nserver ID of the master
server that the slave server is replicating\nfrom. Some MySQL versions report
another variable, Rpl_recovery_rank.\nThis variable was never used, and was
eventually removed.\n\nURL:
hosts.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (131, 'START TRANSACTION', 7, 'Syntax:\nSTART
AUTOCOMMIT = {0 | 1}\n\nThe START TRANSACTION and BEGIN statement begin a new
transaction.\nCOMMIT commits the current transaction, making its changes
permanent.\nROLLBACK rolls back the current transaction, canceling its changes.
The\nSET AUTOCOMMIT statement disables or enables the default autocommit\nmode for
the current connection.\n\nBeginning with MySQL 5.0.3, the optional WORK keyword is
supported for\nCOMMIT and ROLLBACK, as are the CHAIN and RELEASE clauses. CHAIN
and\nRELEASE can be used for additional control over transaction completion.\nThe
value of the completion_type system variable determines the default\ncompletion
behavior. See\n
variables.html.\n\nThe AND CHAIN clause causes a new transaction to begin as soon
as the\ncurrent one ends, and the new transaction has the same isolation level\nas
the just-terminated transaction. The RELEASE clause causes the\nserver to
disconnect the current client connection after terminating\nthe current
transaction. Including the NO keyword suppresses CHAIN or\nRELEASE completion,
which can be useful if the completion_type system\nvariable is set to cause
chaining or release completion by default.\n\nBy default, MySQL runs with
autocommit mode enabled. This means that as\nsoon as you execute a statement that
updates (modifies) a table, MySQL\nstores the update on disk.\n\nIf you are using a
transaction-safe storage engine (such as InnoDB,\nBDB, or NDB Cluster), you can
disable autocommit mode with the\nfollowing statement:\n\nSET AUTOCOMMIT=0;\n\
nAfter disabling autocommit mode by setting the AUTOCOMMIT variable to\nzero, you
must use COMMIT to store your changes to disk or ROLLBACK if\nyou want to ignore
the changes you have made since the beginning of\nyour transaction.\n\nTo disable
autocommit mode for a single series of statements, use the\nSTART TRANSACTION
statement:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'START
TRANSACTION;\nSELECT @A:=SUM(salary) FROM table1 WHERE type=1;\nUPDATE table2 SET
summary=@A WHERE type=1;\nCOMMIT;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (132, 'BETWEEN AND', 17, 'Syntax:\nexpr BETWEEN min
AND max\n\nIf expr is greater than or equal to min and expr is less than or equal\
nto max, BETWEEN returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. This is equivalent\nto the
expression (min <= expr AND expr <= max) if all the arguments\nare of the same
type. Otherwise type conversion takes place according\nto the rules described in\
n, but\napplied to all
the three arguments.\n\nURL:
operators.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 BETWEEN 2 AND 3;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT
''b'' BETWEEN ''a'' AND ''c'';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 2 BETWEEN 2 AND ''3'';\
n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 2 BETWEEN 2 AND ''x-3'';\n -> 0\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (133, 'MULTIPOLYGON', 22,
'MultiPolygon(poly1,poly2,...)\n\nConstructs a WKB MultiPolygon value from a set of
WKB Polygon\narguments. If any argument is not a WKB Polygon, the return value is\
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (134, 'TIME_FORMAT', 28, 'Syntax:\
nTIME_FORMAT(time,format)\n\nThis is used like the DATE_FORMAT() function, but the
format string may\ncontain format specifiers only for hours, minutes, and seconds.
Other\nspecifiers produce a NULL value or 0.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT TIME_FORMAT(''100:00:00'', ''%H %k %h %I %l'');\n -> ''100 100 04 04
4''\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (135, 'LEFT', 33, 'Syntax:\nLEFT(str,len)\n\
nReturns the leftmost len characters from the string str, or NULL if any\nargument
is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SELECT LEFT(''foobarbar'', 5);\n -> ''fooba''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (136, 'FLUSH QUERY CACHE', 24, 'You can defragment
the query cache to better utilize its memory with\nthe FLUSH QUERY CACHE statement.
The statement does not remove any\nqueries from the cache.\n\nThe RESET QUERY CACHE
statement removes all query results from the\nquery cache. The FLUSH TABLES
statement also does this.\n\nURL:
cache-status-and-maintenance.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (137, 'SET DATA TYPE', 20,
'SET(''value1'',''value2'',...) [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\
ncollation_name]\n\nA set. A string object that can have zero or more values, each
of which\nmust be chosen from the list of values ''value1'', ''value2'', ... A SET\
ncolumn can have a maximum of 64 members. SET values are represented\ninternally as
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (138, 'RAND', 4, 'Syntax:\nRAND(), RAND(N)\n\
nReturns a random floating-point value v in the range 0 <= v < 1.0. If a\nconstant
integer argument N is specified, it is used as the seed value,\nwhich produces a
repeatable sequence of column values.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT RAND();\n -> 0.9233482386203\nmysql> SELECT RAND(20);\n ->
0.15888261251047\nmysql> SELECT RAND(20);\n -> 0.15888261251047\nmysql>
SELECT RAND();\n -> 0.63553050033332\nmysql> SELECT RAND();\n ->
0.70100469486881\nmysql> SELECT RAND(20);\n -> 0.15888261251047\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (139, 'RPAD', 33, 'Syntax:\nRPAD(str,len,padstr)\n\
nReturns the string str, right-padded with the string padstr to a length\nof len
characters. If str is longer than len, the return value is\nshortened to len
n', 'mysql> SELECT RPAD(''hi'',5,''?'');\n -> ''hi???''\nmysql> SELECT
RPAD(''hi'',1,''?'');\n -> ''h''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (140, 'CREATE DATABASE', 36, 'Syntax:\nCREATE
{DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF NOT EXISTS] db_name\n [create_specification ...]\n\
ncreate_specification:\n [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name\n | [DEFAULT]
COLLATE collation_name\n\nCREATE DATABASE creates a database with the given name.
To use this\nstatement, you need the CREATE privilege for the database. CREATE\
nSCHEMA is a synonym for CREATE DATABASE as of MySQL 5.0.2.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (141, 'DEC', 20, 'DEC[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED]
[ZEROFILL]\n\nThese types are synonyms for DECIMAL. The FIXED synonym is available\
nfor compatibility with other database systems.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (142, 'VAR_POP', 14, 'Syntax:\nVAR_POP(expr)\n\
nReturns the population standard variance of expr. It considers rows as\nthe whole
population, not as a sample, so it has the number of rows as\nthe denominator. This
function was added in MySQL 5.0.3. Before 5.0.3,\nyou can use VARIANCE(), which is
equivalent but is not standard SQL.\n\nVAR_POP() returns NULL if there were no
matching rows.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (143, 'ELT', 33, 'Syntax:\
nELT(N,str1,str2,str3,...)\n\nReturns str1 if N = 1, str2 if N = 2, and so on.
Returns NULL if N is\nless than 1 or greater than the number of arguments. ELT() is
the\ncomplement of FIELD().\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT ELT(1, ''ej'', ''Heja'', ''hej'', ''foo'');\n
-> ''ej''\nmysql> SELECT ELT(4, ''ej'', ''Heja'', ''hej'', ''foo'');\n ->
''foo''\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (144, 'ALTER VIEW', 36, 'Syntax:\nALTER\n
}]\n [SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }]\n VIEW view_name [(column_list)]\n
AS select_statement\n [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK OPTION]\n\nThis statement
changes the definition of a view, which must exist. The\nsyntax is similar to that
for CREATE VIEW and the effect is the same as\nfor CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW. See
[HELP CREATE VIEW]. This statement\nrequires the CREATE VIEW and DROP privileges
for the view, and some\nprivilege for each column referred to in the SELECT
statement. As of\nMySQL 5.0.52, ALTER VIEW is allowed only to the original definer
or\nusers with the SUPER privilege.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (145, 'SHOW DATABASES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
{DATABASES | SCHEMAS}\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW DATABASES lists
the databases on the MySQL server host. SHOW\nSCHEMAS is a synonym for SHOW
DATABASES as of MySQL 5.0.2. The LIKE\nclause, if present, indicates which database
names to match. The WHERE\nclause can be given to select rows using more general
conditions, as\ndiscussed in
show.html.\n\nYou see only those databases for which you have some kind of
privilege,\nunless you have the global SHOW DATABASES privilege. You can also get\
nthis list using the mysqlshow command.\n\nIf the server was started with the --
skip-show-database option, you\ncannot use this statement at all unless you have
the SHOW DATABASES\nprivilege.\n\nURL:
databases.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (146, '~', 18, 'Syntax:\n~\n\nInvert all bits.\n\
nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 5 & ~1;\n -> 4\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (147, 'TEXT', 20, 'TEXT[(M)] [CHARACTER SET
charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of
65,535 (216 - 1) characters. The\neffective maximum length is less if the value
contains multi-byte\ncharacters. Each TEXT value is stored using a two-byte length
prefix\nthat indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nAn optional length M
can be given for this type. If this is done, MySQL\ncreates the column as the
smallest TEXT type large enough to hold\nvalues M characters long.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (148, 'CONCAT_WS', 33, 'Syntax:\
nCONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...)\n\nCONCAT_WS() stands for Concatenate With
Separator and is a special form\nof CONCAT(). The first argument is the separator
for the rest of the\narguments. The separator is added between the strings to be\
nconcatenated. The separator can be a string, as can the rest of the\narguments. If
the separator is NULL, the result is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
CONCAT_WS('','',''First name'',''Second name'',''Last Name'');\n -> ''First
name,Second name,Last Name''\nmysql> SELECT CONCAT_WS('','',''First
name'',NULL,''Last Name'');\n -> ''First name,Last Name''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (149, 'ROW_COUNT', 15, 'Syntax:\nROW_COUNT()\n\
nROW_COUNT() returns the number of rows updated, inserted, or deleted by\nthe
preceding statement. This is the same as the row count that the\nmysql client
displays and the value from the mysql_affected_rows() C\nAPI function.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
INSERT INTO t VALUES(1),(2),(3);\nQuery OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)\nRecords: 3
Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0\n\nmysql> SELECT ROW_COUNT();\n+-------------+\n|
ROW_COUNT() |\n+-------------+\n| 3 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set
(0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> DELETE FROM t WHERE i IN(1,2);\nQuery OK, 2 rows affected
(0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT ROW_COUNT();\n+-------------+\n| ROW_COUNT() |\
n+-------------+\n| 2 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (150, 'ASIN', 4, 'Syntax:\nASIN(X)\n\nReturns the
arc sine of X, that is, the value whose sine is X. Returns\nNULL if X is not in the
range -1 to 1.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT ASIN(0.2);\n -> 0.20135792079033\nmysql>
SELECT ASIN(''foo'');\n\n+-------------+\n| ASIN(''foo'') |\n+-------------+\n|
0 |\n+-------------+\n1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW WARNINGS;\
n+---------+------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Level | Code |
Message |\n+---------+------
+-----------------------------------------+\n| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect
DOUBLE value: ''foo'' |\n+---------+------
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (151, 'SHOW LOGS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [BDB] LOGS\n\
nIn MySQL 5.0, this is a deprecated synonym for SHOW ENGINE BDB LOGS.\nSee [HELP
SHOW ENGINE].\n\nURL:\n\n',
'', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (152, 'SIGN', 4, 'Syntax:\nSIGN(X)\n\nReturns the
sign of the argument as -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether X\nis negative, zero, or
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT SIGN(-32);\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT
SIGN(0);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT SIGN(234);\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (153, 'SEC_TO_TIME', 28, 'Syntax:\
nSEC_TO_TIME(seconds)\n\nReturns the seconds argument, converted to hours, minutes,
and seconds,\nas a TIME value. The range of the result is constrained to that of
the\nTIME data type. A warning occurs if the argument corresponds to a value\
noutside that range.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(2378);\n -> ''00:39:38''\
nmysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(2378) + 0;\n -> 3938\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (154, 'FLOAT', 20, 'FLOAT[(M,D)] [UNSIGNED]
[ZEROFILL]\n\nA small (single-precision) floating-point number. Allowable values
are\n-3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to\
n3.402823466E+38. These are the theoretical limits, based on the IEEE\nstandard.
The actual range might be slightly smaller depending on your\nhardware or operating
system.\n\nM is the total number of digits and D is the number of digits following\
nthe decimal point. If M and D are omitted, values are stored to the\nlimits
allowed by the hardware. A single-precision floating-point\nnumber is accurate to
approximately 7 decimal places.\n\nUNSIGNED, if specified, disallows negative
values.\n\nUsing FLOAT might give you some unexpected problems because all\
ncalculations in MySQL are done with double precision.
See\n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (155, 'LOCATE', 33, 'Syntax:\nLOCATE(substr,str),
LOCATE(substr,str,pos)\n\nThe first syntax returns the position of the first
occurrence of\nsubstring substr in string str. The second syntax returns the
position\nof the first occurrence of substring substr in string str, starting at\
nposition pos. Returns 0 if substr is not in str.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
LOCATE(''bar'', ''foobarbar'');\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT LOCATE(''xbar'',
''foobar'');\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT LOCATE(''bar'', ''foobarbar'', 5);\n
-> 7\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (156, 'CHARSET', 15, 'Syntax:\nCHARSET(str)\n\
nReturns the character set of the string argument.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT CHARSET(''abc'');\n -> ''latin1''\nmysql> SELECT
CHARSET(CONVERT(''abc'' USING utf8));\n -> ''utf8''\nmysql> SELECT
CHARSET(USER());\n -> ''utf8''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (157, 'SUBDATE', 28, 'Syntax:\
nSUBDATE(date,INTERVAL expr unit), SUBDATE(expr,days)\n\nWhen invoked with the
INTERVAL form of the second argument, SUBDATE()\nis a synonym for DATE_SUB(). For
information on the INTERVAL unit\nargument, see the discussion for DATE_ADD().\n\
nmysql> SELECT DATE_SUB(''1998-01-02'', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> ''1997-12-
02''\nmysql> SELECT SUBDATE(''1998-01-02'', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> ''1997-
12-02''\n\nThe second form allows the use of an integer value for days. In such\
ncases, it is interpreted as the number of days to be subtracted from\nthe date or
datetime expression expr.\n\nmysql> SELECT SUBDATE(''1998-01-02 12:00:00'', 31);\n
-> ''1997-12-02 12:00:00''\n\nURL:
time-functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (158, 'DAYOFYEAR', 28, 'Syntax:\nDAYOFYEAR(date)\n\
nReturns the day of the year for date, in the range 1 to 366.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT DAYOFYEAR(''1998-02-03'');\n -> 34\n',
charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of
4,294,967,295 or 4GB (232 - 1)\ncharacters. The effective maximum length is less if
the value contains\nmulti-byte characters. The effective maximum length of LONGTEXT
columns\nalso depends on the configured maximum packet size in the client/server\
nprotocol and available memory. Each LONGTEXT value is stored using a\nfour-byte
length prefix that indicates the number of bytes in the\nvalue.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (160, '%', 4, 'Syntax:\nN % M\n\nModulo operation.
Returns the remainder of N divided by M. For more\ninformation, see the description
for the MOD() function in [HELP ABS].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (161, 'DISJOINT', 26, 'Disjoint(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1
or 0 to indicate whether g1 is spatially disjoint from (does\nnot intersect) g2.\n\
relationships-between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (162, 'KILL', 25, 'Syntax:\nKILL [CONNECTION |
QUERY] thread_id\n\nEach connection to mysqld runs in a separate thread. You can
see which\nthreads are running with the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement and kill a\
nthread with the KILL thread_id statement.\n\nIn MySQL 5.0.0, KILL allows the
optional CONNECTION or QUERY modifier:\n\no KILL CONNECTION is the same as KILL
with no modifier: It terminates\n the connection associated with the given
thread_id.\n\no KILL QUERY terminates the statement that the connection is
currently\n executing, but leaves the connection itself intact.\n\nIf you have the
PROCESS privilege, you can see all threads. If you have\nthe SUPER privilege, you
can kill all threads and statements.\nOtherwise, you can see and kill only your own
threads and statements.\n\nYou can also use the mysqladmin processlist and
mysqladmin kill\ncommands to examine and kill threads.\n\n*Note*: You cannot use
KILL with the Embedded MySQL Server library,\nbecause the embedded server merely
runs inside the threads of the host\napplication. It does not create any connection
threads of its own.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (163, 'ASTEXT', 3, 'AsText(g)\n\nConverts a value
in internal geometry format to its WKT representation\nand returns the string
geometries-between-formats.html\n\n', 'mysql> SET @g = ''LineString(1 1,2 2,3
3)'';\nmysql> SELECT AsText(GeomFromText(@g));\n+--------------------------+\n|
AsText(GeomFromText(@g)) |\n+--------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(1 1,2 2,3 3)
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (164, 'LPAD', 33, 'Syntax:\nLPAD(str,len,padstr)\n\
nReturns the string str, left-padded with the string padstr to a length\nof len
characters. If str is longer than len, the return value is\nshortened to len
n\n', 'mysql> SELECT LPAD(''hi'',4,''??'');\n -> ''??hi''\nmysql> SELECT
LPAD(''hi'',1,''??'');\n -> ''h''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (165, 'RESTORE TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nRESTORE TABLE
tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... FROM ''/path/to/backup/directory''\n\nRESTORE TABLE
restores the table or tables from a backup that was made\nwith BACKUP TABLE. The
directory should be specified as a full\npathname.\n\nExisting tables are not
overwritten; if you try to restore over an\nexisting table, an error occurs. Just
as for BACKUP TABLE, RESTORE\nTABLE currently works only for MyISAM tables.
Restored tables are not\nreplicated from master to slave.\n\nThe backup for each
table consists of its .frm format file and .MYD\ndata file. The restore operation
restores those files, and then uses\nthem to rebuild the .MYI index file. Restoring
takes longer than\nbacking up due to the need to rebuild the indexes. The more
indexes the\ntable has, the longer it takes.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (166, 'DECLARE CONDITION', 35, 'Syntax:\nDECLARE
condition_name CONDITION FOR condition_value\n\ncondition_value:\n SQLSTATE
[VALUE] sqlstate_value\n | mysql_error_code\n\nThis statement specifies conditions
that need specific handling. It\nassociates a name with a specified error
condition. The name can\nsubsequently be used in a DECLARE HANDLER statement. See
[HELP DECLARE\nHANDLER].\n\nA condition_value can be an SQLSTATE value or a MySQL
error code.\n\nURL:\
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (167, 'OVERLAPS', 26, 'Overlaps(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1
or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially overlaps g2. The term\nspatially overlaps is
used if two geometries intersect and their\nintersection results in a geometry of
the same dimension but not equal\nto either of the given geometries.\n\nURL:
between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (168, 'NUMGEOMETRIES', 23, 'NumGeometries(gc)\n\
nReturns the number of geometries in the GeometryCollection value gc.\n\nURL:\
n\n', 'mysql> SET @gc = ''GeometryCollection(Point(1 1),LineString(2 2, 3 3))'';\
nmysql> SELECT NumGeometries(GeomFromText(@gc));\
n+----------------------------------+\n| NumGeometries(GeomFromText(@gc)) |\
n+----------------------------------+\n| 2 |\
'Syntax:\nSET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = N\n\nThis statement skips the next N
events from the master. This is useful\nfor recovering from replication stops
caused by a statement.\n\nThis statement is valid only when the slave thread is not
running.\nOtherwise, it produces an error.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (170, 'MONTHNAME', 28, 'Syntax:\nMONTHNAME(date)\n\
nReturns the full name of the month for date. As of MySQL 5.0.25, the\nlanguage
used for the name is controlled by the value of the\nlc_time_names system variable\
n(\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MONTHNAME(''1998-02-05'');\n -> ''February''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (171, 'PROCEDURE ANALYSE', 34, 'Syntax:\
nanalyse([max_elements[,max_memory]])\n\nThis procedure is defined in the
sql/ file. It examines\nthe result from a query and returns an
analysis of the results that\nsuggests optimal data types for each column. To
obtain this analysis,\nappend PROCEDURE ANALYSE to the end of a SELECT statement:\
n\nSELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... PROCEDURE ANALYSE([max_elements,[max_memory]])\n\
nFor example:\n\nSELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 PROCEDURE ANALYSE(10, 2000);\n\nThe
results show some statistics for the values returned by the query,\nand propose an
optimal data type for the columns. This can be helpful\nfor checking your existing
tables, or after importing new data. You may\nneed to try different settings for
the arguments so that PROCEDURE\nANALYSE() does not suggest the ENUM data type when
it is not\nappropriate.\n\nThe arguments are optional and are used as follows:\n\no
max_elements (default 256) is the maximum number of distinct values\n that analyse
notices per column. This is used by analyse to check\n whether the optimal data
type should be of type ENUM.\n\no max_memory (default 8192) is the maximum amount
of memory that\n analyse should allocate per column while trying to find all
distinct\n values.\n\nURL:
analyse.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (172, 'MBREQUAL', 5, 'MBREqual(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1
or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of\nthe two geometries g1
and g2 are the same.\n\nURL:
geometry-mbr.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (173, 'CHANGE MASTER TO', 25, 'Syntax:\nCHANGE
MASTER TO master_def [, master_def] ...\n\nmaster_def:\n MASTER_HOST =
''host_name''\n | MASTER_USER = ''user_name''\n | MASTER_PASSWORD = ''password''\
= ''master_log_name''\n | MASTER_LOG_POS = master_log_pos\n | RELAY_LOG_FILE =
''relay_log_name''\n | RELAY_LOG_POS = relay_log_pos\n | MASTER_SSL = {0|1}\n |
MASTER_SSL_CA = ''ca_file_name''\n | MASTER_SSL_CAPATH = ''ca_directory_name''\n
| MASTER_SSL_CERT = ''cert_file_name''\n | MASTER_SSL_KEY = ''key_file_name''\n |
MASTER_SSL_CIPHER = ''cipher_list''\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO changes the parameters that
the slave server uses for\nconnecting to and communicating with the master server.
It also updates\nthe contents of the and files.\n\
MASTER_SSL_CERT, MASTER_SSL_KEY, and\nMASTER_SSL_CIPHER provide information to the
slave about how to connect\nto its master.\n\nThe SSL options (MASTER_SSL,
MASTER_SSL_CIPHER) can be changed\neven on slaves that are compiled without SSL
support. They are saved to\nthe file, but are ignored unless you use a
server that has\nSSL support enabled.\n\nIf you don''t specify a given parameter,
it keeps its old value, except\nas indicated in the following discussion. For
example, if the password\nto connect to your MySQL master has changed, you just
need to issue\nthese statements to tell the slave about the new password:\n\nSTOP
SLAVE; -- if replication was running\nCHANGE MASTER TO
MASTER_PASSWORD=''new3cret'';\nSTART SLAVE; -- if you want to restart replication\
n\nThere is no need to specify the parameters that do not change (host,\nport,
user, and so forth).\n\nMASTER_HOST and MASTER_PORT are the hostname (or IP
address) of the\nmaster host and its TCP/IP port. Note that if MASTER_HOST is equal
to\nlocalhost, then, like in other parts of MySQL, the port number might be\
nignored.\n\n*Note*: Replication cannot use Unix socket files. You must be able to\
nconnect to the master MySQL server using TCP/IP.\n\nIf you specify MASTER_HOST or
MASTER_PORT, the slave assumes that the\nmaster server is different from before
(even if you specify a host or\nport value that is the same as the current value.)
In this case, the\nold values for the master binary log name and position are
considered\nno longer applicable, so if you do not specify MASTER_LOG_FILE and\
nMASTER_LOG_POS in the statement, MASTER_LOG_FILE='''' and\nMASTER_LOG_POS=4 are
silently appended to it.\n\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS are the coordinates
at which the\nslave I/O thread should begin reading from the master the next time
the\nthread starts. If you specify either of them, you cannot specify\
are specified, the slave uses the last coordinates of\nthe slave SQL thread before
CHANGE MASTER was issued. This ensures that\nthere is no discontinuity in
replication, even if the slave SQL thread\nwas late compared to the slave I/O
thread, when you merely want to\nchange, say, the password to use.\n\nCHANGE MASTER
deletes all relay log files and starts a new one, unless\nyou specify
RELAY_LOG_FILE or RELAY_LOG_POS. In that case, relay logs\nare kept; the
relay_log_purge global variable is set silently to 0.\n\nCHANGE MASTER is useful
for setting up a slave when you have the\nsnapshot of the master and have recorded
the log and the offset\ncorresponding to it. After loading the snapshot into the
slave, you can\nrun CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE=''log_name_on_master'',\
nMASTER_LOG_POS=log_offset_on_master on the slave.\n\nThe following example changes
the master and master''s binary log\ncoordinates. This is used when you want to set
up the slave to\nreplicate the master:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n
MASTER_HOST='''',\n MASTER_USER=''replication'',\n
MASTER_PASSWORD=''bigs3cret'',\n MASTER_PORT=3306,\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=''master2-
bin.001'',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4,\n MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=10;\n\nThe next example
shows an operation that is less frequently employed.\nIt is used when the slave has
relay logs that you want it to execute\nagain for some reason. To do this, the
master need not be reachable.\nYou need only use CHANGE MASTER TO and start the SQL
relay-bin.006'',\n RELAY_LOG_POS=4025;\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (174, 'DROP DATABASE', 36, 'Syntax:\nDROP {DATABASE
| SCHEMA} [IF EXISTS] db_name\n\nDROP DATABASE drops all tables in the database and
deletes the\ndatabase. Be very careful with this statement! To use DROP DATABASE,\
nyou need the DROP privilege on the database. DROP SCHEMA is a synonym\nfor DROP
DATABASE as of MySQL 5.0.2.\n\n*Important*: When a database is dropped, user
privileges on the\ndatabase are not automatically dropped. See [HELP GRANT].\n\nIF
EXISTS is used to prevent an error from occurring if the database\ndoes not exist.\
n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (175, 'TIMESTAMP FUNCTION', 28, 'Syntax:\
nTIMESTAMP(expr), TIMESTAMP(expr1,expr2)\n\nWith a single argument, this function
returns the date or datetime\nexpression expr as a datetime value. With two
arguments, it adds the\ntime expression expr2 to the date or datetime expression
expr1 and\nreturns the result as a datetime value.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT TIMESTAMP(''2003-12-31'');\n -> ''2003-12-31 00:00:00''\nmysql>
SELECT TIMESTAMP(''2003-12-31 12:00:00'',''12:00:00'');\n -> ''2004-01-01
00:00:00''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (176, 'CHARACTER_LENGTH', 33, 'Syntax:\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (177, 'SHOW GRANTS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW GRANTS [FOR
user]\n\nThis statement lists the GRANT statement or statements that must be\
nissued to duplicate the privileges that are granted to a MySQL user\naccount. The
account is named using the same format as for the GRANT\nstatement; for example,
''jeffrey''@''localhost''. If you specify only the\nusername part of the account
name, a hostname part of ''%'' is used. For\nadditional information about
specifying account names, see [HELP\nGRANT].\n\nmysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR
n+---------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Grants
for root@localhost |\
n+---------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| GRANT
ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ''root''@''localhost'' WITH GRANT OPTION |\
n+---------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nTo list
the privileges granted to the account that you are using to\nconnect to the server,
you can use any of the following statements:\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\nSHOW GRANTS FOR
GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER (or any of the\nequivalent syntaxes) is used in DEFINER
context, such as within a\nstored procedure that is defined with SQL SECURITY
DEFINER), the grants\ndisplayed are those of the definer and not the invoker.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (178, 'SHOW PRIVILEGES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
PRIVILEGES\n\nSHOW PRIVILEGES shows the list of system privileges that the MySQL\
nserver supports. The exact list of privileges depends on the version of\nyour
'', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (179, 'INSERT FUNCTION', 33, 'Syntax:\
nINSERT(str,pos,len,newstr)\n\nReturns the string str, with the substring beginning
at position pos\nand len characters long replaced by the string newstr. Returns
the\noriginal string if pos is not within the length of the string. Replaces\nthe
rest of the string from position pos if len is not within the\nlength of the rest
of the string. Returns NULL if any argument is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
INSERT(''Quadratic'', 3, 4, ''What'');\n -> ''QuWhattic''\nmysql> SELECT
INSERT(''Quadratic'', -1, 4, ''What'');\n -> ''Quadratic''\nmysql> SELECT
INSERT(''Quadratic'', 3, 100, ''What'');\n -> ''QuWhat''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (180, 'CRC32', 4, 'Syntax:\nCRC32(expr)\n\nComputes
a cyclic redundancy check value and returns a 32-bit unsigned\nvalue. The result is
NULL if the argument is NULL. The argument is\nexpected to be a string and (if
possible) is treated as one if it is\nnot.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT CRC32(''MySQL'');\n -> 3259397556\nmysql> SELECT CRC32(''mysql'');\n
-> 2501908538\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (181, 'XOR', 12, 'Syntax:\nXOR\n\nLogical XOR.
Returns NULL if either operand is NULL. For non-NULL\noperands, evaluates to 1 if
an odd number of operands is non-zero,\notherwise 0 is returned.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
1 XOR 1;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 XOR 0;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 1 XOR
NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT 1 XOR 1 XOR 1;\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (182, 'STARTPOINT', 11, 'StartPoint(ls)\n\nReturns
the Point that is the start point of the LineString value ls.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SET @ls = ''LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)'';\nmysql> SELECT
n| AsText(StartPoint(GeomFromText(@ls))) |\
n+---------------------------------------+\n| POINT(1 1)
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (183, 'DECLARE VARIABLE', 35, 'Syntax:\nDECLARE
var_name[,...] type [DEFAULT value]\n\nThis statement is used to declare local
variables. To provide a default\nvalue for the variable, include a DEFAULT clause.
The value can be\nspecified as an expression; it need not be a constant. If the
DEFAULT\nclause is missing, the initial value is NULL.\n\nLocal variables are
treated like routine parameters with respect to\ndata type and overflow checking.
See [HELP CREATE PROCEDURE].\n\nThe scope of a local variable is within the
BEGIN ... END block where\nit is declared. The variable can be referred to in
blocks nested within\nthe declaring block, except those blocks that declare a
variable with\nthe same name.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
'MPolyFromText(wkt[,srid]), MultiPolygonFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
MULTIPOLYGON value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (185, 'GRANT', 8, 'Syntax:\nGRANT priv_type
[(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n ON [object_type] {tbl_name |
* | *.* | db_name.*}\n TO user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] ''password'']\n
[, user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] ''password'']] ...\n [REQUIRE\n NONE |\
n [{SSL| X509}]\n [CIPHER ''cipher'' [AND]]\n [ISSUER
''issuer'' [AND]]\n [SUBJECT ''subject'']]\n [WITH with_option
[with_option] ...]\n\nobject_type =\n TABLE\n | FUNCTION\n | PROCEDURE\n\
nwith_option =\n GRANT OPTION\n | MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR count\n |
MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS count\n\nThe GRANT statement enables system administrators to
create MySQL user\naccounts and to grant rights to from accounts. To use GRANT, you
must\nhave the GRANT OPTION privilege, and you must have the privileges that\nyou
are granting. The REVOKE statement is related and enables\nadministrators to remove
account privileges. See [HELP REVOKE].\n\nMySQL account information is stored in
the tables of the mysql\ndatabase. This database and the access control system are
discussed\nextensively in\n
administration.html,\nwhich you should consult for additional details.\n\
n*Important*: Some releases of MySQL introduce changes to the structure\nof the
grant tables to add new privileges or features. Whenever you\nupdate to a new
version of MySQL, you should update your grant tables\nto make sure that they have
the current structure so that you can take\nadvantage of any new capabilities. See\
n\n\nIf the grant tables
hold privilege rows that contain mixed-case\ndatabase or table names and the
lower_case_table_names system variable\nis set to a non-zero value, REVOKE cannot
be used to revoke these\nprivileges. It will be necessary to manipulate the grant
tables\ndirectly. (GRANT will not create such rows when lower_case_table_names\nis
set, but such rows might have been created prior to setting the\nvariable.)\n\
nPrivileges can be granted at several levels. The examples shown here\ninclude no
IDENTIFIED BY ''password'' clause for brevity, but you should\ninclude one if the
account does not already exist to avoid creating an\naccount with no password.\n\no
Global level\n\n Global privileges apply to all databases on a given server.
These\n privileges are stored in the mysql.user table. GRANT ALL ON *.* and\n
REVOKE ALL ON *.* grant and revoke only global privileges.\n\nGRANT ALL ON *.* TO
''someuser''@''somehost'';\nGRANT SELECT, INSERT ON *.* TO
''someuser''@''somehost'';\n\no Database level\n\n Database privileges apply to
all objects in a given database. These\n privileges are stored in the mysql.db and tables. GRANT\n ALL ON db_name.* and REVOKE ALL ON db_name.* grant and
revoke only\n database privileges.\n\nGRANT ALL ON mydb.* TO
''someuser''@''somehost'';\nGRANT SELECT, INSERT ON mydb.* TO
''someuser''@''somehost'';\n\no Table level\n\n Table privileges apply to all
columns in a given table. These\n privileges are stored in the mysql.tables_priv
table. GRANT ALL ON\n db_name.tbl_name and REVOKE ALL ON db_name.tbl_name grant
and revoke\n only table privileges.\n\nGRANT ALL ON mydb.mytbl TO
''someuser''@''somehost'';\nGRANT SELECT, INSERT ON mydb.mytbl TO
''someuser''@''somehost'';\n\no Column level\n\n Column privileges apply to single
columns in a given table. These\n privileges are stored in the mysql.columns_priv
table. When using\n REVOKE, you must specify the same columns that were granted.
The\n column or columns for which the privileges are to be granted must be\n
enclosed within parentheses.\n\nGRANT SELECT (col1), INSERT (col1,col2) ON
mydb.mytbl TO ''someuser''@''somehost'';\n\no Routine level\n\n The CREATE
ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, EXECUTE, and GRANT privileges\n apply to stored routines
(functions and procedures). They can be\n granted at the global and database
levels. Also, except for CREATE\n ROUTINE, these privileges can be granted at the
routine level for\n individual routines and are stored in the mysql.procs_priv
table.\n\nGRANT CREATE ROUTINE ON mydb.* TO ''someuser''@''somehost'';\nGRANT
EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mydb.myproc TO ''someuser''@''somehost'';\n\nThe object_type
clause was added in MySQL 5.0.6. It should be specified\nas TABLE, FUNCTION, or
PROCEDURE when the following object is a table,\na stored function, or a stored
procedure.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (186, 'MBRINTERSECTS', 5, 'MBRIntersects(g1,g2)\n\
nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of\nthe two
geometries g1 and g2 intersect.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (187, 'BIT_OR', 14, 'Syntax:\nBIT_OR(expr)\n\
nReturns the bitwise OR of all bits in expr. The calculation is\nperformed with 64-
bit (BIGINT) precision.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (188, 'YEARWEEK', 28, 'Syntax:\nYEARWEEK(date),
YEARWEEK(date,mode)\n\nReturns year and week for a date. The mode argument works
exactly like\nthe mode argument to WEEK(). The year in the result may be different\
nfrom the year in the date argument for the first and the last week of\nthe year.\
'mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK(''1987-01-01'');\n -> 198653\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (189, 'NOT BETWEEN', 17, 'Syntax:\nexpr NOT BETWEEN
min AND max\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr BETWEEN min AND max).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (190, 'IS NOT', 17, 'Syntax:\nIS NOT boolean_value\
n\nTests a value against a boolean value, where boolean_value can be TRUE,\nFALSE,
operators.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 IS NOT UNKNOWN, 0 IS NOT UNKNOWN, NULL IS NOT
UNKNOWN;\n -> 1, 1, 0\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (191, 'LOG10', 4, 'Syntax:\nLOG10(X)\n\nReturns the
base-10 logarithm of X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT LOG10(2);\n -> 0.30102999566398\nmysql> SELECT LOG10(100);\n -
> 2\nmysql> SELECT LOG10(-100);\n -> NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (192, 'SQRT', 4, 'Syntax:\nSQRT(X)\n\nReturns the
square root of a non-negative number X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT SQRT(4);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT SQRT(20);\n -> 4.4721359549996\
nmysql> SELECT SQRT(-16);\n -> NULL \n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (193, 'DECIMAL', 20, 'DECIMAL[(M[,D])] [UNSIGNED]
[ZEROFILL]\n\nFor MySQL 5.0.3 and above:\n\nA packed "exact" fixed-point number. M
is the total number of digits\n(the precision) and D is the number of digits after
the decimal point\n(the scale). The decimal point and (for negative numbers) the
"-" sign\nare not counted in M. If D is 0, values have no decimal point or\
nfractional part. The maximum number of digits (M) for DECIMAL is 65 (64\nfrom
5.0.3 to 5.0.5). The maximum number of supported decimals (D) is\n30. If D is
omitted, the default is 0. If M is omitted, the default is\n10.\n\nUNSIGNED, if
specified, disallows negative values.\n\nAll basic calculations (+, -, *, /) with
DECIMAL columns are done with\na precision of 65 digits.\n\nBefore MySQL 5.0.3:\n\
nAn unpacked fixed-point number. Behaves like a CHAR column; "unpacked"\nmeans the
number is stored as a string, using one character for each\ndigit of the value. M
is the total number of digits and D is the number\nof digits after the decimal
point. The decimal point and (for negative\nnumbers) the "-" sign are not counted
in M, although space for them is\nreserved. If D is 0, values have no decimal point
or fractional part.\nThe maximum range of DECIMAL values is the same as for DOUBLE,
but the\nactual range for a given DECIMAL column may be constrained by the\nchoice
of M and D. If D is omitted, the default is 0. If M is omitted,\nthe default is
10.\n\nUNSIGNED, if specified, disallows negative values.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (194, 'CREATE FUNCTION', 34, 'Syntax:\nCREATE
SONAME shared_library_name\n\nA user-defined function (UDF) is a way to extend
MySQL with a new\nfunction that works like a native (built-in) MySQL function such
as\nABS() or CONCAT().\n\nfunction_name is the name that should be used in SQL
statements to\ninvoke the function. The RETURNS clause indicates the type of the\
nfunction''s return value. As of MySQL 5.0.3, DECIMAL is a legal value\nafter
RETURNS, but currently DECIMAL functions return string values and\nshould be
written like STRING functions.\n\nshared_library_name is the basename of the shared
object file that\ncontains the code that implements the function. The file must be\
nlocated in a directory that is searched by your system''s dynamic\nlinker.\n\nTo
create a function, you must have the INSERT and privilege for the\nmysql database.
This is necessary because CREATE FUNCTION adds a row to\nthe mysql.func system
table that records the function''s name, type, and\nshared library name. If you do
not have this table, you should run the\nmysql_upgrade command to create it. See\
n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (195, 'GEOMETRYN', 23, 'GeometryN(gc,N)\n\nReturns
the N-th geometry in the GeometryCollection value gc.\nGeometries are numbered
beginning with 1.\n\nURL:\
n\n', 'mysql> SET @gc = ''GeometryCollection(Point(1 1),LineString(2 2, 3 3))'';\
nmysql> SELECT AsText(GeometryN(GeomFromText(@gc),1));\
AsText(GeometryN(GeomFromText(@gc),1)) |\n+----------------------------------------
+\n| POINT(1 1) |\
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (196, 'CREATE INDEX', 36, 'Syntax:\nCREATE [UNIQUE|
FULLTEXT|SPATIAL] INDEX index_name\n [index_type]\n ON tbl_name
(index_col_name,...)\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\
nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH}\n\nCREATE INDEX is mapped to an ALTER TABLE
statement to create indexes.\nSee [HELP ALTER TABLE]. CREATE INDEX cannot be used
to create a PRIMARY\nKEY; use ALTER TABLE instead. For more information about
indexes, see\n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (197, 'ALTER DATABASE', 36, 'Syntax:\nALTER
{DATABASE | SCHEMA} [db_name]\n alter_specification ...\n\nalter_specification:\
n [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE collation_name\n\
nALTER DATABASE enables you to change the overall characteristics of a\ndatabase.
These characteristics are stored in the db.opt file in the\ndatabase directory. To
use ALTER DATABASE, you need the ALTER privilege\non the database. ALTER SCHEMA is
a synonym for ALTER DATABASE as of\nMySQL 5.0.2.\n\nThe CHARACTER SET clause
changes the default database character set.\nThe COLLATE clause changes the default
database collation.\n,
discusses\ncharacter set and collation names.\n\nThe database name can be omitted,
in which case the statement applies\nto the default database.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (198, '<<', 18, 'Syntax:\n<<\n\nShifts a longlong
(BIGINT) number to the left.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 << 2;\n -> 4\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (199, 'SHOW TABLE STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW TABLE
STATUS [FROM db_name]\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW TABLE STATUS
works likes SHOW TABLES, but provides a lot of\ninformation about each table. You
can also get this list using the\nmysqlshow --status db_name command. The LIKE
clause, if present,\nindicates which table names to match. The WHERE clause can be
given to\nselect rows using more general conditions, as discussed
in\n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (200, 'MD5', 10, 'Syntax:\nMD5(str)\n\nCalculates
an MD5 128-bit checksum for the string. The value is\nreturned as a binary string
of 32 hex digits, or NULL if the argument\nwas NULL. The return value can, for
example, be used as a hash key.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MD5(''testing'');\n -> ''ae2b1fca515949e5d54fb22b8ed95575''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (201, '<', 17, 'Syntax:\n<\n\nLess than:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 2 < 2;\n -> 0\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (202, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 28, 'Syntax:\
nUNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)\n\nIf called with no argument, returns a
Unix timestamp (seconds since\n''1970-01-01 00:00:00'' UTC) as an unsigned integer.
If UNIX_TIMESTAMP()\nis called with a date argument, it returns the value of the
argument as\nseconds since ''1970-01-01 00:00:00'' UTC. date may be a DATE string,
a\nDATETIME string, a TIMESTAMP, or a number in the format YYMMDD or\nYYYYMMDD. The
server interprets date as a value in the current time\nzone and converts it to an
internal value in UTC. Clients can set their\ntime zone as described
in\n\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP();\n -> 1196440210\nmysql> SELECT
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(''2007-11-30 10:30:19'');\n -> 1196440219\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (203, 'DAYOFMONTH', 28, 'Syntax:\nDAYOFMONTH(date)\
n\nReturns the day of the month for date, in the range 1 to 31, or 0 for\ndates
such as ''0000-00-00'' or ''2008-00-00'' that have a zero day part.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT DAYOFMONTH(''1998-02-03'');\n -> 3\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (204, 'ASCII', 33, 'Syntax:\nASCII(str)\n\nReturns
the numeric value of the leftmost character of the string str.\nReturns 0 if str is
the empty string. Returns NULL if str is NULL.\nASCII() works for 8-bit
n', 'mysql> SELECT ASCII(''2'');\n -> 50\nmysql> SELECT ASCII(2);\n -
> 50\nmysql> SELECT ASCII(''dx'');\n -> 100\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (205, 'DIV', 4, 'Syntax:\nDIV\n\nInteger division.
Similar to FLOOR(), but is safe with BIGINT values.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 5 DIV 2;\n -> 2\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (206, 'RENAME USER', 8, 'Syntax:\nRENAME USER
old_user TO new_user\n [, old_user TO new_user] ...\n\nThe RENAME USER statement
renames existing MySQL accounts. To use it,\nyou must have the global CREATE USER
privilege or the UPDATE privilege\nfor the mysql database. An error occurs if any
old account does not\nexist or any new account exists. Each account is named using
the same\nformat as for the GRANT statement; for example,
''jeffrey''@''localhost''.\nIf you specify only the username part of the account
name, a hostname\npart of ''%'' is used. For additional information about
specifying\naccount names, see [HELP GRANT].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (207, 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW SLAVE
STATUS\n\nThis statement provides status information on essential parameters of\
nthe slave threads. If you issue this statement using the mysql client,\nyou can
use a \\G statement terminator rather than a semicolon to obtain\na more readable
vertical layout:\n\nmysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\\G\n*************************** 1. row
***************************\n Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send
event\n Master_Host: localhost\n Master_User: root\n
Master_Port: 3306\n Connect_Retry: 3\n Master_Log_File: gbichot-
bin.005\n Read_Master_Log_Pos: 79\n Relay_Log_File: gbichot-relay-bin.005\n
Relay_Log_Pos: 548\nRelay_Master_Log_File: gbichot-bin.005\n Slave_IO_Running:
Yes\n Slave_SQL_Running: Yes\n Replicate_Do_DB:\n Replicate_Ignore_DB:\n
Last_Errno: 0\n Last_Error:\n Skip_Counter: 0\n
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 79\n Relay_Log_Space: 552\n Until_Condition: None\n
Until_Log_File:\n Until_Log_Pos: 0\n Master_SSL_Allowed: No\n
Master_SSL_CA_File:\n Master_SSL_CA_Path:\n Master_SSL_Cert:\n
Master_SSL_Cipher:\n Master_SSL_Key:\nSeconds_Behind_Master: 8\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (208, 'GEOMETRY', 30, 'MySQL provides a standard
way of creating spatial columns for geometry\ntypes, for example, with CREATE TABLE
or ALTER TABLE. Currently,\nspatial columns are supported for MyISAM, InnoDB, NDB,
BDB, and ARCHIVE\ntables. (Support for storage engines other than MyISAM was added
in\nMySQL 5.0.16.) See also the annotations about spatial indexes under\n[HELP
columns.html\n\n', 'CREATE TABLE geom (g GEOMETRY);\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (209, 'NUMPOINTS', 11, 'NumPoints(ls)\n\nReturns
the number of Point objects in the LineString value ls.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SET @ls = ''LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)'';\nmysql> SELECT
NumPoints(GeomFromText(@ls)) |\n+------------------------------+\n|
3 |\n+------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (210, '&', 18, 'Syntax:\n&\n\nBitwise AND:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 29 &
15;\n -> 13\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (211, 'LOCALTIMESTAMP', 28, 'Syntax:\
synonyms for NOW().\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (212, 'CONVERT', 33, 'Syntax:\nCONVERT(expr,type),
CONVERT(expr USING transcoding_name)\n\nThe CONVERT() and CAST() functions take a
value of one type and produce\na value of another type.\n\nThe type can be one of
the following values:\n\no BINARY[(N)]\n\no CHAR[(N)]\n\no DATE\n\no DATETIME\n\no
a string with the BINARY data type.
See\n for a\
ndescription of how this affects comparisons. If the optional length N\nis given,
BINARY(N) causes the cast to use no more than N bytes of the\nargument. As of MySQL
5.0.17, values shorter than N bytes are padded\nwith 0x00 bytes to a length of N.\
n\nCHAR(N) causes the cast to use no more than N characters of the\nargument.\n\
nThe DECIMAL type is available as of MySQL 5.0.8.\n\nCAST() and CONVERT(...
USING ...) are standard SQL syntax. The\nnon-USING form of CONVERT() is ODBC
syntax.\n\nCONVERT() with USING is used to convert data between different\
ncharacter sets. In MySQL, transcoding names are the same as the\ncorresponding
character set names. For example, this statement converts\nthe string ''abc'' in
the default character set to the corresponding\nstring in the utf8 character set:\
n\nSELECT CONVERT(''abc'' USING utf8);\n\nURL:\n\n', 'SELECT enum_col
FROM tbl_name ORDER BY CAST(enum_col AS CHAR);\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (213, 'ADDDATE', 28, 'Syntax:\
nADDDATE(date,INTERVAL expr unit), ADDDATE(expr,days)\n\nWhen invoked with the
INTERVAL form of the second argument, ADDDATE()\nis a synonym for DATE_ADD(). The
related function SUBDATE() is a\nsynonym for DATE_SUB(). For information on the
INTERVAL unit argument,\nsee the discussion for DATE_ADD().\n\nmysql> SELECT
DATE_ADD(''1998-01-02'', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> ''1998-02-02''\nmysql>
SELECT ADDDATE(''1998-01-02'', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> ''1998-02-02''\n\nWhen
invoked with the days form of the second argument, MySQL treats it\nas an integer
number of days to be added to expr.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ADDDATE(''1998-01-02'', 31);\n -> ''1998-02-02''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (214, 'REPEAT LOOP', 35, 'Syntax:\n[begin_label:]
REPEAT\n statement_list\nUNTIL search_condition\nEND REPEAT [end_label]\n\nThe
statement list within a REPEAT statement is repeated until the\nsearch_condition is
true. Thus, a REPEAT always enters the loop at\nleast once. statement_list consists
of one or more statements.\n\nA REPEAT statement can be labeled. end_label cannot
be given unless\nbegin_label also is present. If both are present, they must be
n', 'mysql> delimiter //\n\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE dorepeat(p1 INT)\n -> BEGIN\
n -> SET @x = 0;\n -> REPEAT SET @x = @x + 1; UNTIL @x > p1 END REPEAT;\n
-> END\n -> //\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CALL
dorepeat(1000)//\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @x//\
n+------+\n| @x |\n+------+\n| 1001 |\n+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n',
[ZEROFILL]\n\nA small integer. The signed range is -32768 to 32767. The unsigned\
nrange is 0 to 65535.\n\nURL:
overview.html\n\n', '', '
types are synonyms for DOUBLE. Exception: If the REAL_AS_FLOAT\nSQL mode is
enabled, REAL is a synonym for FLOAT rather than DOUBLE.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (217, 'ORD', 33, 'Syntax:\nORD(str)\n\nIf the
leftmost character of the string str is a multi-byte character,\nreturns the code
for that character, calculated from the numeric values\nof its constituent bytes
using this formula:\n\n (1st byte code)\n+ (2nd byte code x 256)\n+ (3rd byte code
x 2562) ...\n\nIf the leftmost character is not a multi-byte character, ORD()
returns\nthe same value as the ASCII() function.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
ORD(''2'');\n -> 50\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (218, 'ENVELOPE', 32, 'Envelope(g)\n\nReturns the
Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) for the geometry value g.\nThe result is returned
as a Polygon value.\n\nThe polygon is defined by the corner points of the bounding
n', 'mysql> SELECT AsText(Envelope(GeomFromText(''LineString(1 1,2 2)'')));\
AsText(Envelope(GeomFromText(''LineString(1 1,2 2)''))) |\
n+-------------------------------------------------------+\n| POLYGON((1 1,2 1,2
2,1 2,1 1)) |\
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (219, 'DEALLOCATE PREPARE', 25, 'Syntax:\
n{DEALLOCATE | DROP} PREPARE stmt_name\n\nTo deallocate a prepared statement, use
the DEALLOCATE PREPARE\nstatement. Attempting to execute a prepared statement
after\ndeallocating it results in an error.\n\nIf you terminate a client session
without deallocating a previously\nprepared statement, the server deallocates it
automatically.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (220, 'IS_FREE_LOCK', 13, 'Syntax:\
nIS_FREE_LOCK(str)\n\nChecks whether the lock named str is free to use (that is,
not locked).\nReturns 1 if the lock is free (no one is using the lock), 0 if the
lock\nis in use, and NULL if an error occurs (such as an incorrect argument).\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (221, 'TOUCHES', 26, 'Touches(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1
or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially touches g2. Two\ngeometries spatially touch
if the interiors of the geometries do not\nintersect, but the boundary of one of
the geometries intersects either\nthe boundary or the interior of the other.\n\
relationships-between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (222, 'INET_ATON', 13, 'Syntax:\nINET_ATON(expr)\n\
nGiven the dotted-quad representation of a network address as a string,\nreturns an
integer that represents the numeric value of the address.\nAddresses may be 4- or
8-byte addresses.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT INET_ATON('''');\n ->
3520061480\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (223, 'UNCOMPRESS', 10, 'Syntax:\
nUNCOMPRESS(string_to_uncompress)\n\nUncompresses a string compressed by the
COMPRESS() function. If the\nargument is not a compressed value, the result is
NULL. This function\nrequires MySQL to have been compiled with a compression
library such as\nzlib. Otherwise, the return value is always NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT UNCOMPRESS(COMPRESS(''any string''));\n -> ''any string''\nmysql>
SELECT UNCOMPRESS(''any string'');\n -> NULL\n',
attribute can be used to generate a unique identity\nfor new rows:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'CREATE
NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (id)\n );\n\nINSERT INTO animals (name) VALUES \n
(''dog''),(''cat''),(''penguin''),\n (''lax''),(''whale''),(''ostrich'');\n\
nSELECT * FROM animals;\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (225, 'ISSIMPLE', 32, 'IsSimple(g)\n\nCurrently,
this function is a placeholder and should not be used. If\nimplemented, its
behavior will be as described in the next paragraph.\n\nReturns 1 if the geometry
value g has no anomalous geometric points,\nsuch as self-intersection or self-
tangency. IsSimple() returns 0 if the\nargument is not simple, and -1 if it is
NULL.\n\nThe description of each instantiable geometric class given earlier in\nthe
chapter includes the specific conditions that cause an instance of\nthat class to
be classified as not simple. (See [HELP Geometry\nhierarchy].)\n\nURL:\n\
n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (226, '- BINARY', 4, 'Syntax:\n-\n\nSubtraction:\n\
'mysql> SELECT 3-5;\n -> -2\n',
'GeomCollFromText(wkt[,srid]), GeometryCollectionFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs
a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION value using its WKT representation and\nSRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (228, 'WKT DEFINITION', 3, 'The Well-Known Text
(WKT) representation of Geometry is designed to\nexchange geometry data in ASCII
form.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (229, 'CURRENT_TIME', 28, 'Syntax:\nCURRENT_TIME,
CURRENT_TIME()\n\nCURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIME() are synonyms for CURTIME().\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (230, 'REVOKE', 8, 'Syntax:\nREVOKE priv_type
[(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n ON [object_type] {tbl_name |
* | *.* | db_name.*}\n FROM user [, user] ...\n\nREVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT
OPTION FROM user [, user] ...\n\nThe REVOKE statement enables system administrators
to revoke privileges\nfrom MySQL accounts. To use REVOKE, you must have the GRANT
OPTION\nprivilege, and you must have the privileges that you are revoking.\n\nEach
account is named using the same format as for the GRANT statement;\nfor example,
''jeffrey''@''localhost''. If you specify only the username\npart of the account
name, a hostname part of ''%'' is used. For\nadditional information about
specifying account names, see [HELP\nGRANT].\n\nFor details on the levels at which
privileges exist, the allowable\npriv_type values, and the syntax for specifying
users and passwords,\nsee [HELP GRANT]\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (231, 'LAST_INSERT_ID', 15, 'Syntax:\
nLAST_INSERT_ID(), LAST_INSERT_ID(expr)\n\nLAST_INSERT_ID() (with no argument)
returns the first automatically\ngenerated value that was set for an AUTO_INCREMENT
column by the most\nrecently executed INSERT statement to affect such a column.
For\nexample, after inserting a row that generates an AUTO_INCREMENT value,\nyou
can get the value like this:\n\nmysql> SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();\n -> 195\n\
nThe currently executing statement does not affect the value of\nLAST_INSERT_ID().
Suppose that you generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value\nwith one statement, and then
refer to LAST_INSERT_ID() in a\nmultiple-row INSERT statement that inserts rows
into a table with its\nown AUTO_INCREMENT column. The value of LAST_INSERT_ID()
will remain\nstable in the second statement; its value for the second and later
rows\nis not affected by the earlier row insertions. (However, if you mix\
nreferences to LAST_INSERT_ID() and LAST_INSERT_ID(expr), the effect is\
nundefined.)\n\nIf the previous statement returned an error, the value of\
nLAST_INSERT_ID() is undefined. For transactional tables, if the\nstatement is
rolled back due to an error, the value of LAST_INSERT_ID()\nis left undefined. For
manual ROLLBACK, the value of LAST_INSERT_ID()\nis not restored to that before the
transaction; it remains as it was at\nthe point of the ROLLBACK.\n\nWithin the body
of a stored routine (procedure or function) or a\ntrigger, the value of
LAST_INSERT_ID() changes the same way as for\nstatements executed outside the body
of these kinds of objects. The\neffect of a stored routine or trigger upon the
value of\nLAST_INSERT_ID() that is seen by following statements depends on the\
nkind of routine:\n\no If a stored procedure executes statements that change the
value of\n LAST_INSERT_ID(), the changed value will be seen by statements that\n
follow the procedure call.\n\no For stored functions and triggers that change the
value, the value is\n restored when the function or trigger ends, so following
statements\n will not see a changed value.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (232, 'LAST_DAY', 28, 'Syntax:\nLAST_DAY(date)\n\
nTakes a date or datetime value and returns the corresponding value for\nthe last
day of the month. Returns NULL if the argument is invalid.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT LAST_DAY(''2003-02-05'');\n -> ''2003-02-28''\nmysql> SELECT
LAST_DAY(''2004-02-05'');\n -> ''2004-02-29''\nmysql> SELECT
LAST_DAY(''2004-01-01 01:01:01'');\n -> ''2004-01-31''\nmysql> SELECT
LAST_DAY(''2003-03-32'');\n -> NULL\n',
[ZEROFILL]\n\nA medium-sized integer. The signed range is -8388608 to 8388607. The\
nunsigned range is 0 to 16777215.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (234, 'FLOOR', 4, 'Syntax:\nFLOOR(X)\n\nReturns the
largest integer value not greater than X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT FLOOR(1.23);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT FLOOR(-1.23);\n -> -2\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (235, 'RTRIM', 33, 'Syntax:\nRTRIM(str)\n\nReturns
the string str with trailing space characters removed.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
RTRIM(''barbar '');\n -> ''barbar''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (236, 'DEGREES', 4, 'Syntax:\nDEGREES(X)\n\nReturns
the argument X, converted from radians to degrees.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT DEGREES(PI());\n -> 180\nmysql> SELECT DEGREES(PI() / 2);\n ->
90\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (237, 'EXPLAIN', 25, 'Syntax:\nEXPLAIN tbl_name\n\
nOr:\n\nEXPLAIN [EXTENDED] SELECT select_options\n\nThe EXPLAIN statement can be
used either as a synonym for DESCRIBE or\nas a way to obtain information about how
MySQL executes a SELECT\nstatement:\n\no EXPLAIN tbl_name is synonymous with
DESCRIBE tbl_name or SHOW COLUMNS\n FROM tbl_name.\n\no When you precede a SELECT
statement with the keyword EXPLAIN, MySQL\n displays information from the
optimizer about the query execution\n plan. That is, MySQL explains how it would
process the SELECT,\n including information about how tables are joined and in
which order.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
[CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nA variable-length string.
M represents the maximum column length in\ncharacters. In MySQL 5.0, the range of M
is 0 to 255 before MySQL\n5.0.3, and 0 to 65,535 in MySQL 5.0.3 and later. The
effective maximum\nlength of a VARCHAR in MySQL 5.0.3 and later is subject to the
maximum\nrow size (65,535 bytes, which is shared among all columns) and the\
ncharacter set used. For example, utf8 characters can require up to\nthree bytes
per character, so a VARCHAR column that uses the utf8\ncharacter set can be
declared to be a maximum of 21,844 characters.\n\nMySQL stores VARCHAR values as a
one-byte or two-byte length prefix\nplus data. The length prefix indicates the
number of bytes in the\nvalue. A VARCHAR column uses one length byte if values
require no more\nthan 255 bytes, two length bytes if values may require more than
255\nbytes.\n\n*Note*: Before 5.0.3, trailing spaces were removed when VARCHAR
values\nwere stored, which differs from the standard SQL specification.\n\nPrior to
MySQL 5.0.3, a VARCHAR column with a length specification\ngreater than 255 is
converted to the smallest TEXT type that can hold\nvalues of the given length. For
example, VARCHAR(500) is converted to\nTEXT, and VARCHAR(200000) is converted to
MEDIUMTEXT. However, this\nconversion affects trailing-space removal.\n\nVARCHAR is
shorthand for CHARACTER VARYING. NATIONAL VARCHAR is the\nstandard SQL way to
define that a VARCHAR column should use some\npredefined character set. MySQL 4.1
and up uses utf8 as this predefined\ncharacter
set.\n NVARCHAR\nis
shorthand for NATIONAL VARCHAR.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (239, 'UNHEX', 33, 'Syntax:\n\nUNHEX(str)\n\
nPerforms the inverse operation of HEX(str). That is, it interprets each\npair of
hexadecimal digits in the argument as a number and converts it\nto the character
represented by the number. The resulting characters\nare returned as a binary
'mysql> SELECT UNHEX(''4D7953514C'');\n -> ''MySQL''\nmysql> SELECT
0x4D7953514C;\n -> ''MySQL''\nmysql> SELECT UNHEX(HEX(''string''));\n
-> ''string''\nmysql> SELECT HEX(UNHEX(''1267''));\n -> ''1267''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (240, '- UNARY', 4, 'Syntax:\n-\n\nUnary minus.
This operator changes the sign of the argument.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT - 2;\n -> -2\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (241, 'SELECT INTO', 35, 'Syntax:\nSELECT
col_name[,...] INTO var_name[,...] table_expr\n\nThis SELECT syntax stores selected
columns directly into variables.\nTherefore, only a single row may be retrieved.\n\
'SELECT id,data INTO x,y FROM test.t1 LIMIT 1;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (242, 'STD', 14, 'Syntax:\nSTD(expr)\n\nReturns the
population standard deviation of expr. This is an extension\nto standard SQL. As of
MySQL 5.0.3, the standard SQL function\nSTDDEV_POP() can be used instead.\n\nThis
function returns NULL if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (243, 'COS', 4, 'Syntax:\nCOS(X)\n\nReturns the
cosine of X, where X is given in radians.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT COS(PI());\n -> -1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (244, 'DATE FUNCTION', 28, 'Syntax:\nDATE(expr)\n\
nExtracts the date part of the date or datetime expression expr.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT DATE(''2003-12-31 01:02:03'');\n -> ''2003-12-31''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (245, 'DROP TRIGGER', 21, 'Syntax:\nDROP TRIGGER
[IF EXISTS] [schema_name.]trigger_name\n\nThis statement drops a trigger. The
schema (database) name is optional.\nIf the schema is omitted, the trigger is
dropped from the default\nschema. DROP TRIGGER was added in MySQL 5.0.2. Its use
requires the\nSUPER privilege.\n\nUse IF EXISTS to prevent an error from occurring
for a trigger that\ndoes not exist. A NOTE is generated for a non-existent trigger
when\nusing IF EXISTS. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS]. The IF EXISTS clause was\nadded in
MySQL 5.0.32.\n\nTriggers for a table are also dropped if you drop the table.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (246, 'RESET MASTER', 25, 'Syntax:\nRESET MASTER\n\
nDeletes all binary logs listed in the index file, resets the binary log\nindex
file to be empty, and creates a new binary log file.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (247, 'TAN', 4, 'Syntax:\nTAN(X)\n\nReturns the
tangent of X, where X is given in radians.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT TAN(PI());\n -> -1.2246063538224e-16\nmysql> SELECT TAN(PI()+1);\n
-> 1.5574077246549\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (248, 'PI', 4, 'Syntax:\nPI()\n\nReturns the value
of p (pi). The default number of decimal places\ndisplayed is seven, but MySQL uses
the full double-precision value\ninternally.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT PI();\n -> 3.141593\nmysql> SELECT PI()+0.000000000000000000;\n
-> 3.141592653589793116\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (249, 'WEEKOFYEAR', 28, 'Syntax:\nWEEKOFYEAR(date)\
n\nReturns the calendar week of the date as a number in the range from 1\nto 53.
WEEKOFYEAR() is a compatibility function that is equivalent to\nWEEK(date,3).\n\
'mysql> SELECT WEEKOFYEAR(''1998-02-20'');\n -> 8\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (250, '/', 4, 'Syntax:\n/\n\nDivision:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 3/5;\n -> 0.60\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (251, 'STDDEV_SAMP', 14, 'Syntax:\
nSTDDEV_SAMP(expr)\n\nReturns the sample standard deviation of expr (the square
root of\nVAR_SAMP(). This function was added in MySQL 5.0.3.\n\nSTDDEV_SAMP()
returns NULL if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (252, 'SCHEMA', 15, 'Syntax:\nSCHEMA()\n\nThis
function is a synonym for DATABASE(). It was added in MySQL 5.0.2.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (253, 'MLINEFROMWKB', 29,
'MLineFromWKB(wkb[,srid]), MultiLineStringFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
MULTILINESTRING value using its WKB representation and\nSRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (254, 'LOG2', 4, 'Syntax:\nLOG2(X)\n\nReturns the
base-2 logarithm of X.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT LOG2(65536);\n -> 16\nmysql> SELECT
LOG2(-100);\n -> NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (255, 'SUBTIME', 28, 'Syntax:\
nSUBTIME(expr1,expr2)\n\nSUBTIME() returns expr1 - expr2 expressed as a value in
the same format\nas expr1. expr1 is a time or datetime expression, and expr2 is a
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT SUBTIME(''1997-12-31 23:59:59.999999'',''1
1:1:1.000002'');\n -> ''1997-12-30 22:58:58.999997''\nmysql> SELECT
SUBTIME(''01:00:00.999999'', ''02:00:00.999998'');\n -> ''-
00:59:59.999999''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (256, 'UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH', 10, 'Syntax:\
nUNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(compressed_string)\n\nReturns the length that the compressed
string had before being\ncompressed.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (257, 'DROP TABLE', 36, 'Syntax:\nDROP [TEMPORARY]
TABLE [IF EXISTS]\n tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n [RESTRICT | CASCADE]\n\nDROP
TABLE removes one or more tables. You must have the DROP privilege\nfor each table.
All table data and the table definition are removed, so\nbe careful with this
statement! If any of the tables named in the\nargument list do not exist, MySQL
returns an error indicating by name\nwhich non-existing tables it was unable to
drop, but it also drops all\nof the tables in the list that do exist.\n\
n*Important*: When a table is dropped, user privileges on the table are\nnot
automatically dropped. See [HELP GRANT].\n\nUse IF EXISTS to prevent an error from
occurring for tables that do not\nexist. A NOTE is generated for each non-existent
table when using IF\nEXISTS. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS].\n\nRESTRICT and CASCADE are
allowed to make porting easier. In MySQL 5.0,\nthey do nothing.\n\n*Note*: DROP
TABLE automatically commits the current active\ntransaction, unless you use the
TEMPORARY keyword.\n\nURL:\
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (258, 'POW', 4, 'Syntax:\nPOW(X,Y)\n\nReturns the
value of X raised to the power of Y.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT POW(2,2);\n -> 4\nmysql> SELECT POW(2,-2);\n -> 0.25\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (259, 'SHOW CREATE TABLE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
CREATE TABLE tbl_name\n\nShows the CREATE TABLE statement that creates the given
table. As of\nMySQL 5.0.1, this statement also works with views.\nSHOW CREATE TABLE
quotes table and column names according to the value\nof the SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE
option. See [HELP SET].\n\nURL:
table.html\n\n', 'mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE t\\G\n*************************** 1. row
***************************\n Table: t\nCreate Table: CREATE TABLE t (\n id
INT(11) default NULL auto_increment,\n s char(60) default NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY
(id)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (260, 'DUAL', 25, 'You are allowed to specify DUAL
as a dummy table name in situations\nwhere no tables are referenced:\n\nmysql>
SELECT 1 + 1 FROM DUAL;\n -> 2\n\nDUAL is purely for the convenience of
people who require that all\nSELECT statements should have FROM and possibly other
clauses. MySQL\nmay ignore the clauses. MySQL does not require FROM DUAL if no
tables\nare referenced.\n\nURL:\
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (261, 'INSTR', 33, 'Syntax:\nINSTR(str,substr)\n\
nReturns the position of the first occurrence of substring substr in\nstring str.
This is the same as the two-argument form of LOCATE(),\nexcept that the order of
the arguments is reversed.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT INSTR(''foobarbar'', ''bar'');\n -> 4\
nmysql> SELECT INSTR(''xbar'', ''foobar'');\n -> 0\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (262, 'NOW', 28, 'Syntax:\nNOW()\n\nReturns the
current date and time as a value in ''YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''\nor
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu format, depending on whether the function is\nused in a
string or numeric context. The value is expressed in the\ncurrent time zone.\n\
'mysql> SELECT NOW();\n -> ''2007-12-15 23:50:26''\nmysql> SELECT NOW() +
0;\n -> 20071215235026.000000\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (263, 'SHOW ENGINES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [STORAGE]
ENGINES\n\nSHOW ENGINES displays status information about the server''s storage\
nengines. This is particularly useful for checking whether a storage\nengine is
supported, or to see what the default engine is. SHOW TABLE\nTYPES is a deprecated
synonym.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (264, 'SHOW MUTEX STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW MUTEX
STATUS\n\nSHOW MUTEX STATUS displays InnoDB mutex statistics. From MySQL 5.0.3 to\
n5.0.32, the statement displays the following output fields:\n\no Mutex\n\n The
mutex name. The name indicates the mutex purpose. For example,\n the log_sys mutex
is used by the InnoDB logging subsystem and\n indicates how intensive logging
activity is. The buf_pool mutex\n protects the InnoDB buffer pool.\n\no Module\n\n
The source file where the mutex is implemented.\n\no Count indicates how many times
the mutex was requested.\n\no Spin_waits indicates how many times the spinlock had
to run.\n\no Spin_rounds indicates the number of spinlock rounds. (spin_rounds\n
divided by spin_waits provides the average round count.)\n\no OS_waits indicates
the number of operating system waits. This occurs\n when the spinlock did not work
(the mutex was not locked during the\n spinlock and it was necessary to yield to
the operating system and\n wait).\n\no OS_yields indicates the number of times
that a thread trying to lock\n a mutex gave up its timeslice and yielded to the
operating system (on\n the presumption that allowing other threads to run will
free the\n mutex so that it can be locked).\n\no OS_waits_time indicates the
amount of time (in ms) spent in operating\n system waits, if the timed_mutexes
system variable is 1 (ON). If\n timed_mutexes is 0 (OFF), timing is disabled, so
OS_waits_time is 0.\n timed_mutexes is off by default.\n\nFrom MySQL 5.0.33 on,
the statement uses the same output format as that\njust described, but only if
UNIV_DEBUG was defined at MySQL compilation\ntime (for example, in include/univ.h
in the InnoDB part of the MySQL\nsource tree). If UNIV_DEBUG was not defined, the
statement displays the\nfollowing fields. In the latter case (without UNIV_DEBUG),
the\ninformation on which the statement output is based is insufficient to\
ndistinguish regular mutexes and mutexes that protect rw-locks (which\nallow
multiple readers or a single writer). Consequently, the output\nmay appear to
contain multiple rows for the same mutex.\n\no File\n\n The source file where the
mutex is implemented.\n\no Line\n\n The line number in the source file where the
mutex is created. This\n may change depending on your version of MySQL.\n\no
OS_waits\n\n Same as OS_waits_time.\n\nInformation from this statement can be used
to diagnose system\nproblems. For example, large values of spin_waits and
spin_rounds may\nindicate scalability problems.\n\nSHOW MUTEX STATUS was added in
MUTEX. The latter statement\ndisplays similar information but in a somewhat
different output format.\n\nURL:
status.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (265, '>=', 17, 'Syntax:\n>=\n\nGreater than or
n', 'mysql> SELECT 2 >= 2;\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (266, 'EXP', 4, 'Syntax:\nEXP(X)\n\nReturns the
value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the\npower of X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT EXP(2);\n -> 7.3890560989307\nmysql> SELECT EXP(-2);\n ->
0.13533528323661\nmysql> SELECT EXP(0);\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (267, 'LONGBLOB', 20, 'LONGBLOB\n\nA BLOB column
with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB (232 - 1)\nbytes. The effective
maximum length of LONGBLOB columns depends on the\nconfigured maximum packet size
in the client/server protocol and\navailable memory. Each LONGBLOB value is stored
using a four-byte\nlength prefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.\
n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (268, 'POINTN', 11, 'PointN(ls,N)\n\nReturns the N-
th Point in the Linestring value ls. Points are numbered\nbeginning with 1.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SET @ls = ''LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)'';\nmysql> SELECT
AsText(PointN(GeomFromText(@ls),2)) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n|
POINT(2 2) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (269, 'YEAR DATA TYPE', 20, 'YEAR[(2|4)]\n\nA year
in two-digit or four-digit format. The default is four-digit\nformat. In four-digit
format, the allowable values are 1901 to 2155,\nand 0000. In two-digit format, the
allowable values are 70 to 69,\nrepresenting years from 1970 to 2069. MySQL
displays YEAR values in\nYYYY format, but allows you to assign values to YEAR
columns using\neither strings or numbers.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (270, 'SUM', 14, 'Syntax:\nSUM([DISTINCT] expr)\n\
nReturns the sum of expr. If the return set has no rows, SUM() returns\nNULL. The
DISTINCT keyword can be used in MySQL 5.0 to sum only the\ndistinct values of
expr.\n\nSUM() returns NULL if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (271, 'OCT', 33, 'Syntax:\nOCT(N)\n\nReturns a
string representation of the octal value of N, where N is a\nlonglong (BIGINT)
number. This is equivalent to CONV(N,10,8). Returns\nNULL if N is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
OCT(12);\n -> ''14''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (272, 'SYSDATE', 28, 'Syntax:\nSYSDATE()\n\nReturns
the current date and time as a value in ''YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''\nor
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu format, depending on whether the function is\nused in a
string or numeric context.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.0.13, SYSDATE() returns the time at
which it executes.\nThis differs from the behavior for NOW(), which returns a
constant time\nthat indicates the time at which the statement began to execute.\
n(Within a stored routine or trigger, NOW() returns the time at which\nthe routine
or triggering statement began to execute.)\n\nmysql> SELECT NOW(), SLEEP(2),
NOW();\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n| NOW()
| SLEEP(2) | NOW() |\n+---------------------+----------
+---------------------+\n| 2006-04-12 13:47:36 | 0 | 2006-04-12 13:47:36 |\
n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n\nmysql> SELECT
SYSDATE(), SLEEP(2), SYSDATE();\n+---------------------+----------
+---------------------+\n| SYSDATE() | SLEEP(2) | SYSDATE() |\
n+---------------------+----------+---------------------+\n| 2006-04-12 13:47:44 |
0 | 2006-04-12 13:47:46 |\n+---------------------+----------+---------------------
+\n\nIn addition, the SET TIMESTAMP statement affects the value returned by\nNOW()
but not by SYSDATE(). This means that timestamp settings in the\nbinary log have no
effect on invocations of SYSDATE().\n\nBecause SYSDATE() can return different
values even within the same\nstatement, and is not affected by SET TIMESTAMP, it
is\nnon-deterministic and therefore unsafe for replication. If that is a\nproblem,
you can start the server with the --sysdate-is-now option to\ncause SYSDATE() to be
an alias for NOW(). The non-deterministic nature\nof SYSDATE() also means that
indexes cannot be used for evaluating\nexpressions that refer to it.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (273, 'ASBINARY', 29, 'AsBinary(g)\n\nConverts a
value in internal geometry format to its WKB representation\nand returns the binary
geometries-between-formats.html\n\n', 'SELECT AsBinary(g) FROM geom;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (274, 'REPEAT FUNCTION', 33, 'Syntax:\
nREPEAT(str,count)\n\nReturns a string consisting of the string str repeated count
times. If\ncount is less than 1, returns an empty string. Returns NULL if str or\
ncount are NULL.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT REPEAT(''MySQL'', 3);\n ->
''MySQLMySQLMySQL''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (275, 'SHOW TABLES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [FULL]
TABLES [FROM db_name]\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW TABLES lists the
non-TEMPORARY tables in a given database. You can\nalso get this list using the
mysqlshow db_name command. The LIKE\nclause, if present, indicates which table
names to match. The WHERE\nclause can be given to select rows using more general
conditions, as\ndiscussed in
show.html.\n\nBefore MySQL 5.0.1, the output from SHOW TABLES contains a single\
ncolumn of table names. Beginning with MySQL 5.0.1, this statement also\nlists any
views in the database. As of MySQL 5.0.2, the FULL modifier\nis supported such that
SHOW FULL TABLES displays a second output\ncolumn. Values for the second column are
BASE TABLE for a table and\nVIEW for a view.\n\n*Note*: If you have no privileges
for a table, the table does not show\nup in the output from SHOW TABLES or
mysqlshow db_name.\n\nURL:\
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (276, 'MAKEDATE', 28, 'Syntax:\
nMAKEDATE(year,dayofyear)\n\nReturns a date, given year and day-of-year values.
dayofyear must be\ngreater than 0 or the result is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MAKEDATE(2001,31), MAKEDATE(2001,32);\n -> ''2001-01-31'', ''2001-02-
01''\nmysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2001,365), MAKEDATE(2004,365);\n -> ''2001-12-
31'', ''2004-12-30''\nmysql> SELECT MAKEDATE(2001,0);\n -> NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (277, 'BINARY OPERATOR', 33, 'Syntax:\nBINARY\n\
nThe BINARY operator casts the string following it to a binary string.\nThis is an
easy way to force a column comparison to be done byte by\nbyte rather than
character by character. This causes the comparison to\nbe case sensitive even if
the column isn''t defined as BINARY or BLOB.\nBINARY also causes trailing spaces to
be significant.\n\nURL:\
n\n', 'mysql> SELECT ''a'' = ''A'';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT BINARY ''a'' =
''A'';\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT ''a'' = ''a '';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT
BINARY ''a'' = ''a '';\n -> 0\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (278, 'MBROVERLAPS', 5, 'MBROverlaps(g1,g2)\n\
nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of\nthe two
geometries g1 and g2 overlap. The term spatially overlaps is\nused if two
geometries intersect and their intersection results in a\ngeometry of the same
dimension but not equal to either of the given\ngeometries.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (279, 'SOUNDEX', 33, 'Syntax:\nSOUNDEX(str)\n\
nReturns a soundex string from str. Two strings that sound almost the\nsame should
have identical soundex strings. A standard soundex string\nis four characters long,
but the SOUNDEX() function returns an\narbitrarily long string. You can use
SUBSTRING() on the result to get a\nstandard soundex string. All non-alphabetic
characters in str are\nignored. All international alphabetic characters outside the
A-Z range\nare treated as vowels.\n\n*Important*: When using SOUNDEX(), you should
be aware of the following\nlimitations:\n\no This function, as currently
implemented, is intended to work well\n with strings that are in the English
language only. Strings in other\n languages may not produce reliable results.\n\no
This function is not guaranteed to provide consistent results with\n strings that
use multi-byte character sets, including utf-8.\n\n We hope to remove these
limitations in a future release. See\n Bug#22638 ( for
more information.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT SOUNDEX(''Hello'');\n -> ''H400''\
nmysql> SELECT SOUNDEX(''Quadratically'');\n -> ''Q36324''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (280, 'MBRTOUCHES', 5, 'MBRTouches(g1,g2)\n\
nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of\nthe two
geometries g1 and g2 touch. Two geometries spatially touch if\nthe interiors of the
geometries do not intersect, but the boundary of\none of the geometries intersects
either the boundary or the interior of\nthe other.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (281, 'CREATE PROCEDURE', 35, 'Syntax:\nCREATE\n
[DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n PROCEDURE sp_name
([proc_parameter[,...]])\n [characteristic ...] routine_body\n\nCREATE\n
[DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n FUNCTION sp_name ([func_parameter[,...]])\
n RETURNS type\n [characteristic ...] routine_body\n \nproc_parameter:\n
[ IN | OUT | INOUT ] param_name type\n \nfunc_parameter:\n param_name type\n\
ntype:\n Any valid MySQL data type\n\ncharacteristic:\n LANGUAGE SQL\n |
nroutine_body:\n Valid SQL procedure statement\n\nThese statements create stored
routines. As of MySQL 5.0.3, to execute\nthese statements, it is necessary to have
the CREATE ROUTINE privilege.\nIf binary logging is enabled, these statements might
also require the\nSUPER privilege, as described
automatically grants the ALTER ROUTINE and EXECUTE privileges to\nthe routine
creator.\n\nBy default, the routine is associated with the default database. To\
nassociate the routine explicitly with a given database, specify the\nname as
db_name.sp_name when you create it.\n\nIf the routine name is the same as the name
of a built-in SQL function,\nyou must use a space between the name and the
following parenthesis\nwhen defining the routine, or a syntax error occurs. This is
also true\nwhen you invoke the routine later. For this reason, we suggest that it\
nis better to avoid re-using the names of existing SQL functions for\nyour own
stored routines.\n\nThe IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode applies to built-in functions, not to
stored\nroutines. It is always allowable to have spaces after a routine name,\
nregardless of whether IGNORE_SPACE is enabled.\n\nThe parameter list enclosed
within parentheses must always be present.\nIf there are no parameters, an empty
parameter list of () should be\nused.\n\nEach parameter can be declared to use any
valid data type, except that\nthe COLLATE attribute cannot be used.\n\nEach
parameter is an IN parameter by default. To specify otherwise for\na parameter, use
the keyword OUT or INOUT before the parameter name.\n\n*Note*: Specifying a
parameter as IN, OUT, or INOUT is valid only for a\nPROCEDURE. (FUNCTION parameters
are always regarded as IN parameters.)\n\nAn IN parameter passes a value into a
procedure. The procedure might\nmodify the value, but the modification is not
visible to the caller\nwhen the procedure returns. An OUT parameter passes a value
from the\nprocedure back to the caller. Its initial value is NULL within the\
nprocedure, and its value is visible to the caller when the procedure\nreturns. An
INOUT parameter is initialized by the caller, can be\nmodified by the procedure,
and any change made by the procedure is\nvisible to the caller when the procedure
returns.\n\nFor each OUT or INOUT parameter, pass a user-defined variable so that\
nyou can obtain its value when the procedure returns. (For an example,\nsee [HELP
CALL].) If you are calling the procedure from within another\nstored procedure or
function, you can also pass a routine parameter or\nlocal routine variable as an IN
or INOUT parameter.\n\nThe RETURNS clause may be specified only for a FUNCTION, for
which it\nis mandatory. It indicates the return type of the function, and the\
nfunction body must contain a RETURN value statement. If the RETURN\nstatement
returns a value of a different type, the value is coerced to\nthe proper type. For
example, if a function specifies an ENUM or SET\nvalue in the RETURNS clause, but
the RETURN statement returns an\ninteger, the value returned from the function is
the string for the\ncorresponding ENUM member of set of SET members.\n\nThe
routine_body consists of a valid SQL procedure statement. This can\nbe a simple
statement such as SELECT or INSERT, or it can be a compound\nstatement written
using BEGIN and END. Compound statement syntax is\ndescribed in [HELP BEGIN END].
Compound statements can contain\ndeclarations, loops, and other control structure
statements. The syntax\nfor these statements is described later in this chapter.
See, for\nexample,, and [HELP\
nIF statement]. Some statements are not allowed in stored routines;
stores the sql_mode system variable setting that is in effect at\nthe time a
routine is created, and always executes the routine with\nthis setting in force,
regardless of the current server SQL mode.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
delimiter //\n\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE simpleproc (OUT param1 INT)\n -> BEGIN\n
-> SELECT COUNT(*) INTO param1 FROM t;\n -> END;\n -> //\nQuery OK, 0 rows
affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> delimiter ;\n\nmysql> CALL simpleproc(@a);\nQuery OK,
0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @a;\n+------+\n| @a |\n+------+\n| 3
|\n+------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (282, 'INSERT SELECT', 25, 'Syntax:\nINSERT
[LOW_PRIORITY | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE]\n [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]\n
SELECT ...\n [ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expr, ... ]\n\nWith INSERT ...
SELECT, you can quickly insert many rows into a table\nfrom one or many tables. For
example:\n\nINSERT INTO tbl_temp2 (fld_id)\n SELECT tbl_temp1.fld_order_id\n FROM
tbl_temp1 WHERE tbl_temp1.fld_order_id > 100;\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (283, 'VARBINARY', 20, 'VARBINARY(M)\n\nThe
VARBINARY type is similar to the VARCHAR type, but stores binary\nbyte strings
rather than non-binary character strings. M represents the\nmaximum column length
in bytes.\n\nURL:\
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (284, 'LOAD INDEX', 25, 'Syntax:\nLOAD INDEX INTO
CACHE\n tbl_index_list [, tbl_index_list] ...\n\ntbl_index_list:\n tbl_name\n
[[INDEX|KEY] (index_name[, index_name] ...)]\n [IGNORE LEAVES]\n\nThe LOAD INDEX
INTO CACHE statement preloads a table index into the key\ncache to which it has
been assigned by an explicit CACHE INDEX\nstatement, or into the default key cache
otherwise. LOAD INDEX INTO\nCACHE is used only for MyISAM tables.\n\nThe IGNORE
LEAVES modifier causes only blocks for the non-leaf nodes of\nthe index to be
preloaded.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (285, 'UNION', 25, 'Syntax:\nSELECT ...\nUNION [ALL
combine the result from multiple SELECT statements\ninto a single result set.\n\
nThe column names from the first SELECT statement are used as the column\nnames for
the results returned. Selected columns listed in\ncorresponding positions of each
SELECT statement should have the same\ndata type. (For example, the first column
selected by the first\nstatement should have the same type as the first column
selected by the\nother statements.)\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (286, 'TO_DAYS', 28, 'Syntax:\nTO_DAYS(date)\n\
nGiven a date date, returns a day number (the number of days since year\n0).\n\
'mysql> SELECT TO_DAYS(950501);\n -> 728779\nmysql> SELECT TO_DAYS(''1997-
10-07'');\n -> 729669\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (287, 'NOT REGEXP', 33, 'Syntax:\nexpr NOT REGEXP
pat, expr NOT RLIKE pat\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr REGEXP pat).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (288, 'SHOW INDEX', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW INDEX FROM
tbl_name [FROM db_name]\n\nSHOW INDEX returns table index information. The format
resembles that\nof the SQLStatistics call in ODBC.\nThe LIKE clause, if present,
indicates which event names to match. The\nWHERE clause can be given to select rows
using more general conditions,\nas discussed
in\n\n\nYou can use
db_name.tbl_name as an alternative to the tbl_name FROM\ndb_name syntax. These two
statements are equivalent:\n\nSHOW INDEX FROM mytable FROM mydb;\nSHOW INDEX FROM
mydb.mytable;\n\nSHOW KEYS is a synonym for SHOW INDEX. You can also list a
table''s\nindexes with the mysqlshow -k db_name tbl_name command.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (289, 'SHOW CREATE DATABASE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
CREATE {DATABASE | SCHEMA} db_name\n\nShows the CREATE DATABASE statement that
creates the given database.\nSHOW CREATE SCHEMA is a synonym for SHOW CREATE
DATABASE as of MySQL\n5.0.2.\n\nURL:
create-database.html\n\n', 'mysql> SHOW CREATE DATABASE test\\G\
n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Database:
test\nCreate Database: CREATE DATABASE `test`\n /*!40100 DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET latin1 */\n\nmysql> SHOW CREATE SCHEMA test\\G\
n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n Database:
test\nCreate Database: CREATE DATABASE `test`\n /*!40100 DEFAULT
CHARACTER SET latin1 */\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (290, 'LEAVE', 35, 'Syntax:\nLEAVE label\n\nThis
statement is used to exit any labeled flow control construct. It\ncan be used
within BEGIN ... END or loop constructs (LOOP, REPEAT,\nWHILE).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (291, 'NOT IN', 17, 'Syntax:\nexpr NOT IN
(value,...)\n\nThis is the same as NOT (expr IN (value,...)).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (292, '!', 12, 'Syntax:\nNOT, !\n\nLogical NOT.
Evaluates to 1 if the operand is 0, to 0 if the operand is\nnon-zero, and NOT NULL
returns NULL.\n\nURL:
operators.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT NOT 10;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT NOT 0;\n
-> 1\nmysql> SELECT NOT NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT ! (1+1);\n ->
0\nmysql> SELECT ! 1+1;\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (293, 'DECLARE HANDLER', 35, 'Syntax:\nDECLARE
handler_type HANDLER FOR condition_value[,...] statement\n\nhandler_type:\n
CONTINUE\n | EXIT\n | UNDO\n\ncondition_value:\n SQLSTATE [VALUE]
sqlstate_value\n | condition_name\n | SQLWARNING\n | NOT FOUND\n |
SQLEXCEPTION\n | mysql_error_code\n\nThe DECLARE ... HANDLER statement specifies
handlers that each may deal\nwith one or more conditions. If one of these
conditions occurs, the\nspecified statement is executed. statement can be a simple
statement\n(for example, SET var_name = value), or it can be a compound statement\
nwritten using BEGIN and END (see [HELP BEGIN END]).\n\nFor a CONTINUE handler,
execution of the current routine continues\nafter execution of the handler
statement. For an EXIT handler,\nexecution terminates for the BEGIN ... END
compound statement in which\nthe handler is declared. (This is true even if the
condition occurs in\nan inner block.) The UNDO handler type statement is not yet
supported.\n\nIf a condition occurs for which no handler has been declared, the\
ndefault action is EXIT.\n\nA condition_value can be any of the following values:\
n\no An SQLSTATE value or a MySQL error code.\n\no A condition name previously
specified with DECLARE ... CONDITION. See\n [HELP DECLARE CONDITION].\n\no
SQLWARNING is shorthand for all SQLSTATE codes that begin with 01.\n\no NOT FOUND
is shorthand for all SQLSTATE codes that begin with 02.\n This is relevant only
within the context of cursors and is used to\n control what happens when a cursor
reaches the end of a data set.\n\no SQLEXCEPTION is shorthand for all SQLSTATE
codes not caught by\n SQLWARNING or NOT FOUND.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> CREATE
TABLE test.t (s1 int,primary key (s1));\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\
nmysql> delimiter //\n\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE handlerdemo ()\n -> BEGIN\n -
1;\n -> INSERT INTO test.t VALUES (1);\n -> SET @x = 2;\n -> INSERT
INTO test.t VALUES (1);\n -> SET @x = 3;\n -> END;\n -> //\nQuery OK, 0
rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> CALL handlerdemo()//\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected
(0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT @x//\n +------+\n | @x |\n +------+\n | 3
|\n +------+\n 1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (294, 'DOUBLE', 20, 'DOUBLE[(M,D)] [UNSIGNED]
[ZEROFILL]\n\nA normal-size (double-precision) floating-point number. Allowable\
nvalues are -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and\
n2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308. These are the\ntheoretical
limits, based on the IEEE standard. The actual range might\nbe slightly smaller
depending on your hardware or operating system.\n\nM is the total number of digits
and D is the number of digits following\nthe decimal point. If M and D are omitted,
values are stored to the\nlimits allowed by the hardware. A double-precision
floating-point\nnumber is accurate to approximately 15 decimal places.\n\nUNSIGNED,
if specified, disallows negative values.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (295, 'TIME', 20, 'TIME\n\nA time. The range is ''-
838:59:59'' to ''838:59:59''. MySQL displays TIME\nvalues in ''HH:MM:SS'' format,
but allows assignment of values to TIME\ncolumns using either strings or numbers.\
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (296, '&&', 12, 'Syntax:\nAND, &&\n\nLogical AND.
Evaluates to 1 if all operands are non-zero and not NULL,\nto 0 if one or more
operands are 0, otherwise NULL is returned.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
1 && 1;\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT 1 && 0;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT 1 &&
NULL;\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT 0 && NULL;\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT NULL
&& 0;\n -> 0\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (297, 'X', 9, 'X(p)\n\nReturns the X-coordinate
value for the point p as a double-precision\nnumber.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SET @pt = ''Point(56.7 53.34)'';\nmysql> SELECT X(GeomFromText(@pt));\
n+----------------------+\n| X(GeomFromText(@pt)) |\n+----------------------+\n|
56.7 |\n+----------------------+\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (298, 'FOUND_ROWS', 15, 'Syntax:\nFOUND_ROWS()\n\nA
SELECT statement may include a LIMIT clause to restrict the number of\nrows the
server returns to the client. In some cases, it is desirable\nto know how many rows
the statement would have returned without the\nLIMIT, but without running the
statement again. To obtain this row\ncount, include a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option in
the SELECT statement,\nand then invoke FOUND_ROWS() afterward:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM tbl_name\n -> WHERE id > 100 LIMIT 10;\nmysql>
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (299, 'SYSTEM_USER', 15, 'Syntax:\nSYSTEM_USER()\n\
nSYSTEM_USER() is a synonym for USER().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (300, 'CROSSES', 26, 'Crosses(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1
if g1 spatially crosses g2. Returns NULL if g1 is a Polygon\nor a MultiPolygon, or
if g2 is a Point or a MultiPoint. Otherwise,\nreturns 0.\n\nThe term spatially
crosses denotes a spatial relation between two given\ngeometries that has the
following properties:\n\no The two geometries intersect\n\no Their intersection
results in a geometry that has a dimension that is\n one less than the maximum
dimension of the two given geometries\n\no Their intersection is not equal to
either of the two given geometries\n\nURL:
between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (301, 'TRUNCATE TABLE', 25, 'Syntax:\nTRUNCATE
[TABLE] tbl_name\n\nTRUNCATE TABLE empties a table completely. Logically, this is\
nequivalent to a DELETE statement that deletes all rows, but there are\npractical
differences under some circumstances.\n\nFor InnoDB before version 5.0.3, TRUNCATE
TABLE is mapped to DELETE, so\nthere is no difference. Starting with MySQL 5.0.3,
fast TRUNCATE TABLE\nis available. However, the operation is still mapped to DELETE
if there\nare foreign key constraints that reference the table. (When fast\
ntruncate is used, it resets any AUTO_INCREMENT counter. From MySQL\n5.0.13 on, the
AUTO_INCREMENT counter is reset by TRUNCATE TABLE,\nregardless of whether there is
a foreign key constraint.)\n\nFor other storage engines, TRUNCATE TABLE differs
from DELETE in the\nfollowing ways in MySQL 5.0:\n\no Truncate operations drop and
re-create the table, which is much\n faster than deleting rows one by one.\n\no
Truncate operations are not transaction-safe; an error occurs when\n attempting
one in the course of an active transaction or active table\n lock.\n\no The number
of deleted rows is not returned.\n\no As long as the table format file tbl_name.frm
is valid, the table can\n be re-created as an empty table with TRUNCATE TABLE,
even if the data\n or index files have become corrupted.\n\no The table handler
does not remember the last used AUTO_INCREMENT\n value, but starts counting from
the beginning. This is true even for\n MyISAM and InnoDB, which normally do not
reuse sequence values.\n\no Since truncation of a table does not make any use of
DELETE, the\n TRUNCATE statement does not invoke ON DELETE triggers.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (302, 'BIT_XOR', 14, 'Syntax:\nBIT_XOR(expr)\n\
nReturns the bitwise XOR of all bits in expr. The calculation is\nperformed with
64-bit (BIGINT) precision.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (303, 'CURRENT_DATE', 28, 'Syntax:\nCURRENT_DATE,
CURRENT_DATE()\n\nCURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_DATE() are synonyms for CURDATE().\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (304, 'AREA', 2, 'Area(poly)\n\nReturns as a
double-precision number the area of the Polygon value\npoly, as measured in its
spatial reference system.\n\nURL:
property-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SET @poly = ''Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 0,0 0),(1
1,1 2,2 1,1 1))'';\nmysql> SELECT Area(GeomFromText(@poly));\
n+---------------------------+\n| Area(GeomFromText(@poly)) |\
n+---------------------------+\n| 4 |\
n+---------------------------+\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (305, 'START SLAVE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSTART SLAVE
[thread_type [, thread_type] ... ]\nSTART SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL\n
UNTIL\n RELAY_LOG_FILE = ''log_name'', RELAY_LOG_POS = log_pos\n\nthread_type:
IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD\n\nSTART SLAVE with no thread_type options starts both of
the slave\nthreads. The I/O thread reads queries from the master server and stores\
nthem in the relay log. The SQL thread reads the relay log and executes\nthe
queries. START SLAVE requires the SUPER privilege.\n\nIf START SLAVE succeeds in
starting the slave threads, it returns\nwithout any error. However, even in that
case, it might be that the\nslave threads start and then later stop (for example,
because they do\nnot manage to connect to the master or read its binary logs, or
some\nother problem). START SLAVE does not warn you about this. You must\ncheck the
slave''s error log for error messages generated by the slave\nthreads, or check
that they are running satisfactorily with SHOW SLAVE\nSTATUS.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (306, 'BEGIN END', 35, 'Syntax:\n[begin_label:]
BEGIN\n [statement_list]\nEND [end_label]\n\nBEGIN ... END syntax is used for
writing compound statements, which can\nappear within stored routines and triggers.
A compound statement can\ncontain multiple statements, enclosed by the BEGIN and
END keywords.\nstatement_list represents a list of one or more statements. Each\
nstatement within statement_list must be terminated by a semicolon (;)\nstatement
delimiter. Note that statement_list is optional, which means\nthat the empty
compound statement (BEGIN END) is legal.\n\nUse of multiple statements requires
that a client is able to send\nstatement strings containing the ; statement
delimiter. This is handled\nin the mysql command-line client with the delimiter
command. Changing\nthe ; end-of-statement delimiter (for example, to //) allows ;
to be\nused in a routine body. For an example, see [HELP CREATE PROCEDURE].\n\nA
compound statement can be labeled. end_label cannot be given unless\nbegin_label
also is present. If both are present, they must be the\nsame.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (307, 'FLUSH', 25, 'Syntax:\nFLUSH [LOCAL |
NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG]\n flush_option [, flush_option] ...\n\nThe FLUSH statement
clears or reloads various internal caches used by\nMySQL. To execute FLUSH, you
must have the RELOAD privilege.\n\nThe RESET statement is similar to FLUSH. See
[HELP RESET].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (308, 'SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
{PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} STATUS\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nThese
statements are MySQL extensions. They return characteristics of\nroutines, such as
the database, name, type, creator, and creation and\nmodification dates. The LIKE
clause, if present, indicates which\nprocedure or function names to match. The
WHERE clause can be given to\nselect rows using more general conditions, as
discussed in\n\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SHOW FUNCTION STATUS LIKE ''hello''\\G\n*************************** 1. row
***************************\n Db: test\n Name: hello\n
Type: FUNCTION\n Definer: testuser@localhost\n Modified: 2004-08-03
15:29:37\n Created: 2004-08-03 15:29:37\nSecurity_type: DEFINER\n
Comment:\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (309, 'SHOW WARNINGS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW WARNINGS
[LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\nSHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS\n\nSHOW WARNINGS shows the
error, warning, and note messages that resulted\nfrom the last statement that
generated messages, or nothing if the last\nstatement that used a table generated
no messages. A related statement,\nSHOW ERRORS, shows only the errors. See [HELP
SHOW ERRORS].\n\nThe list of messages is reset for each new statement that uses a
table.\n\nThe SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS statement displays the total number of\
nerrors, warnings, and notes. You can also retrieve this number from the\
nwarning_count variable:\n\nSHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS;\nSELECT @@warning_count;\n\nThe
value of warning_count might be greater than the number of messages\ndisplayed by
SHOW WARNINGS if the max_error_count system variable is\nset so low that not all
messages are stored. An example shown later in\nthis section demonstrates how this
can happen.\n\nThe LIMIT clause has the same syntax as for the SELECT statement.
warnings.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (310, 'DESCRIBE', 24, 'Syntax:\n{DESCRIBE | DESC}
tbl_name [col_name | wild]\n\nDESCRIBE provides information about the columns in a
table. It is a\nshortcut for SHOW COLUMNS FROM. As of MySQL 5.0.1, these
statements\nalso display information for views. (See [HELP SHOW COLUMNS].)\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (311, 'DROP USER', 8, 'Syntax:\nDROP USER user [,
user] ...\n\nThe DROP USER statement removes one or more MySQL accounts. To use
it,\nyou must have the global CREATE USER privilege or the DELETE privilege\nfor
the mysql database. Each account is named using the same format as\nfor the GRANT
statement; for example, ''jeffrey''@''localhost''. If you\nspecify only the
username part of the account name, a hostname part of\n''%'' is used. For
additional information about specifying account names,\nsee [HELP GRANT].\n\nDROP
USER as present in MySQL 5.0.0 removes only accounts that have no\nprivileges. In
MySQL 5.0.2, it was modified to remove account\nprivileges as well. This means that
the procedure for removing an\naccount depends on your version of MySQL.\n\nAs of
MySQL 5.0.2, you can remove an account and its privileges as\nfollows:\n\nDROP USER
user;\n\nThe statement removes privilege rows for the account from all grant\
ntables.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (312, 'STDDEV_POP', 14, 'Syntax:\nSTDDEV_POP(expr)\
n\nReturns the population standard deviation of expr (the square root of\
nVAR_POP()). This function was added in MySQL 5.0.3. Before 5.0.3, you\ncan use
STD() or STDDEV(), which are equivalent but not standard SQL.\n\nSTDDEV_POP()
returns NULL if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (313, 'SHOW CHARACTER SET', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
statement shows all available character sets.\nThe LIKE clause, if present,
indicates which character set names to\nmatch. The WHERE clause can be given to
select rows using more general\nconditions, as discussed
in\n For example:\n\
nmysql> SHOW CHARACTER SET LIKE ''latin%'';\n+---------
+-----------------------------+-------------------+--------+\n| Charset |
Description | Default collation | Maxlen |\n+---------
+-----------------------------+-------------------+--------+\n| latin1 | cp1252
West European | latin1_swedish_ci | 1 |\n| latin2 | ISO 8859-2 Central
European | latin2_general_ci | 1 |\n| latin5 | ISO 8859-9 Turkish |
latin5_turkish_ci | 1 |\n| latin7 | ISO 8859-13 Baltic |
latin7_general_ci | 1 |\n+---------+-----------------------------
character-set.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (314, 'SUBSTRING', 33, 'Syntax:\
nSUBSTRING(str,pos), SUBSTRING(str FROM pos), SUBSTRING(str,pos,len),\
nSUBSTRING(str FROM pos FOR len)\n\nThe forms without a len argument return a
substring from string str\nstarting at position pos. The forms with a len argument
return a\nsubstring len characters long from string str, starting at position\npos.
The forms that use FROM are standard SQL syntax. It is also\npossible to use a
negative value for pos. In this case, the beginning\nof the substring is pos
characters from the end of the string, rather\nthan the beginning. A negative value
may be used for pos in any of the\nforms of this function.\n\nFor all forms of
SUBSTRING(), the position of the first character in\nthe string from which the
substring is to be extracted is reckoned as\n1.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
SUBSTRING(''Quadratically'',5);\n -> ''ratically''\nmysql> SELECT
SUBSTRING(''foobarbar'' FROM 4);\n -> ''barbar''\nmysql> SELECT
SUBSTRING(''Quadratically'',5,6);\n -> ''ratica'' \nmysql> SELECT
SUBSTRING(''Sakila'', -3);\n -> ''ila'' \nmysql> SELECT
SUBSTRING(''Sakila'', -5, 3);\n -> ''aki''\nmysql> SELECT
SUBSTRING(''Sakila'' FROM -4 FOR 2);\n -> ''ki''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (315, 'ISEMPTY', 32, 'IsEmpty(g)\n\nReturns 1 if
the geometry value g is the empty geometry, 0 if it is not\nempty, and -1 if the
argument is NULL. If the geometry is empty, it\nrepresents the empty point set.\n\
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (316, 'LTRIM', 33, 'Syntax:\nLTRIM(str)\n\nReturns
the string str with leading space characters removed.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
LTRIM('' barbar'');\n -> ''barbar''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (317, 'INTERSECTS', 26, 'Intersects(g1,g2)\n\
nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether g1 spatially intersects g2.\n\nURL:
between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (318, 'CALL', 35, 'Syntax:\nCALL
sp_name([parameter[,...]])\nCALL sp_name[()]\n\nThe CALL statement invokes a
procedure that was defined previously with\nCREATE PROCEDURE.\n\nCALL can pass back
values to its caller using parameters that are\ndeclared as OUT or INOUT
parameters. It also "returns" the number of\nrows affected, which a client program
can obtain at the SQL level by\ncalling the ROW_COUNT() function and from C by
calling the\nmysql_affected_rows() C API function.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.1.13, stored
procedures that take no arguments now can be\ninvoked without parentheses. That is,
CALL p() and CALL p are\nequivalent.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (319, 'MBRDISJOINT', 5, 'MBRDisjoint(g1,g2)\n\
nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangles of\nthe two
geometries g1 and g2 are disjoint (do not intersect).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (320, 'VALUES', 13, 'Syntax:\nVALUES(col_name)\n\
nIn an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement, you can use the\
nVALUES(col_name) function in the UPDATE clause to refer to column\nvalues from the
INSERT portion of the statement. In other words,\nVALUES(col_name) in the UPDATE
clause refers to the value of col_name\nthat would be inserted, had no duplicate-
key conflict occurred. This\nfunction is especially useful in multiple-row inserts.
The VALUES()\nfunction is meaningful only in INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\
nstatements and returns NULL
'mysql> INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6)\n -> ON DUPLICATE KEY
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (321, 'SUBSTRING_INDEX', 33, 'Syntax:\
nSUBSTRING_INDEX(str,delim,count)\n\nReturns the substring from string str before
count occurrences of the\ndelimiter delim. If count is positive, everything to the
left of the\nfinal delimiter (counting from the left) is returned. If count is\
nnegative, everything to the right of the final delimiter (counting from\nthe
right) is returned. SUBSTRING_INDEX() performs a case-sensitive\nmatch when
searching for delim.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('''', ''.'', 2);\n
-> ''www.mysql''\nmysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('''', ''.'', -2);\n
-> ''''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (322, 'ENCODE', 10, 'Syntax:\nENCODE(str,pass_str)\
n\nEncrypt str using pass_str as the password. To decrypt the result, use\
nDECODE().\n\nThe result is a binary string of the same length as str.\n\nThe
strength of the encryption is based on how good the random\ngenerator is. It should
suffice for short strings.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (323, 'LOOP', 35, 'Syntax:\n[begin_label:] LOOP\n
statement_list\nEND LOOP [end_label]\n\nLOOP implements a simple loop construct,
enabling repeated execution of\nthe statement list, which consists of one or more
statements. The\nstatements within the loop are repeated until the loop is exited;\
nusually this is accomplished with a LEAVE statement.\n\nA LOOP statement can be
labeled. end_label cannot be given unless\nbegin_label also is present. If both are
present, they must be the\nsame.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (324, 'TRUNCATE', 4, 'Syntax:\nTRUNCATE(X,D)\n\
nReturns the number X, truncated to D decimal places. If D is 0, the\nresult has no
decimal point or fractional part. D can be negative to\ncause D digits left of the
decimal point of the value X to become zero.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT TRUNCATE(1.223,1);\n -> 1.2\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,1);\n
-> 1.9\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,0);\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(-
1.999,1);\n -> -1.9\nmysql> SELECT TRUNCATE(122,-2);\n -> 100\nmysql>
SELECT TRUNCATE(10.28*100,0);\n -> 1028\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (325, 'TIMESTAMPADD', 28, 'Syntax:\
nTIMESTAMPADD(unit,interval,datetime_expr)\n\nAdds the integer expression interval
to the date or datetime expression\ndatetime_expr. The unit for interval is given
by the unit argument,\nwhich should be one of the following values: FRAC_SECOND\
n(microseconds), SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or\nYEAR.\n\nThe
unit value may be specified using one of keywords as shown, or with\na prefix of
SQL_TSI_. For example, DAY and SQL_TSI_DAY both are legal.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT TIMESTAMPADD(MINUTE,1,''2003-01-02'');\n -> ''2003-01-02 00:01:00''\
nmysql> SELECT TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK,1,''2003-01-02'');\n -> ''2003-01-09''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (326, 'SHOW', 25, 'SHOW has many forms that provide
information about databases, tables,\ncolumns, or status information about the
server. This section describes\nthose following:\n\nSHOW [FULL] COLUMNS FROM
tbl_name [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW CREATE DATABASE db_name\nSHOW CREATE
DATABASES [like_or_where]\nSHOW ENGINE engine_name {LOGS | STATUS }\nSHOW [STORAGE]
STATUS [like_or_where]\nSHOW TABLE STATUS [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW
TABLES [FROM db_name] [like_or_where]\nSHOW TRIGGERS [FROM db_name]
[like_or_where]\nSHOW [GLOBAL | SESSION] VARIABLES [like_or_where]\nSHOW WARNINGS
[LIMIT [offset,] row_count]\n\nlike_or_where:\n LIKE ''pattern''\n | WHERE
expr\n\nThe SHOW statement also has forms that provide information about\
nreplication master and slave servers and are described in [HELP PURGE\nMASTER
HOSTS\nSHOW SLAVE STATUS\n\nIf the syntax for a given SHOW statement includes a
LIKE ''pattern''\npart, ''pattern'' is a string that can contain the SQL "%" and
"_"\nwildcard characters. The pattern is useful for restricting statement\noutput
to matching values.\n\nSeveral SHOW statements also accept a WHERE clause that
provides more\nflexibility in specifying which rows to display.
See\n\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (327, 'GREATEST', 17, 'Syntax:\
nGREATEST(value1,value2,...)\n\nWith two or more arguments, returns the largest
(maximum-valued)\nargument. The arguments are compared using the same rules as for\
n\n', 'mysql> SELECT GREATEST(2,0);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT
GREATEST(34.0,3.0,5.0,767.0);\n -> 767.0\nmysql> SELECT
GREATEST(''B'',''A'',''C'');\n -> ''C''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (328, 'SHOW VARIABLES', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [GLOBAL
| SESSION] VARIABLES\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nSHOW VARIABLES shows
the values of MySQL system variables. This\ninformation also can be obtained using
the mysqladmin variables\ncommand. The LIKE clause, if present, indicates which
variable names to\nmatch. The WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more
general\nconditions, as discussed
in\n\n\nWith the GLOBAL
modifier, SHOW VARIABLES displays the values that are\nused for new connections to
MySQL. With SESSION, it displays the values\nthat are in effect for the current
connection. If no modifier is\npresent, the default is SESSION. LOCAL is a synonym
for SESSION.\nWith a LIKE clause, the statement displays only rows for those\
nvariables with names that match the pattern. To obtain the row for a\nspecific
variable, use a LIKE clause as shown:\n\nSHOW VARIABLES LIKE ''max_join_size'';\
nSHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE ''max_join_size'';\n\nTo get a list of variables whose
name match a pattern, use the "%"\nwildcard character in a LIKE clause:\n\nSHOW
VARIABLES LIKE ''%size%'';\nSHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE ''%size%'';\n\nWildcard
characters can be used in any position within the pattern to\nbe matched. Strictly
speaking, because "_" is a wildcard that matches\nany single character, you should
escape it as "\\_" to match it\nliterally. In practice, this is rarely necessary.\
n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (329, 'BIT_AND', 14, 'Syntax:\nBIT_AND(expr)\n\
nReturns the bitwise AND of all bits in expr. The calculation is\nperformed with
64-bit (BIGINT) precision.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (330, 'SECOND', 28, 'Syntax:\nSECOND(time)\n\
nReturns the second for time, in the range 0 to 59.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT SECOND(''10:05:03'');\n -> 3\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (331, 'ATAN2', 4, 'Syntax:\nATAN(Y,X), ATAN2(Y,X)\
n\nReturns the arc tangent of the two variables X and Y. It is similar to\
ncalculating the arc tangent of Y / X, except that the signs of both\narguments are
used to determine the quadrant of the result.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ATAN(-2,2);\n -> -0.78539816339745\nmysql> SELECT ATAN2(PI(),0);\n
-> 1.5707963267949\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (332, 'MBRCONTAINS', 5, 'MBRContains(g1,g2)\n\
nReturns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangle of g1\ncontains
the Minimum Bounding Rectangle of g2. This tests the opposite\nrelationship as
mbr.html\n\n', 'mysql> SET @g1 = GeomFromText(''Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0))'');\
nmysql> SET @g2 = GeomFromText(''Point(1 1)'');\nmysql> SELECT
MBRContains(@g1,@g2), MBRContains(@g2,@g1);\n----------------------
+----------------------+\n| MBRContains(@g1,@g2) | MBRContains(@g2,@g1) |\
n+----------------------+----------------------+\n| 1 |
0 |\n+----------------------+----------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (333, 'HOUR', 28, 'Syntax:\nHOUR(time)\n\nReturns
the hour for time. The range of the return value is 0 to 23 for\ntime-of-day
values. However, the range of TIME values actually is much\nlarger, so HOUR can
return values greater than 23.\n\nURL:
and-time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT HOUR(''10:05:03'');\n -> 10\
nmysql> SELECT HOUR(''272:59:59'');\n -> 272\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (334, 'SELECT', 25, 'Syntax:\nSELECT\n [ALL |
SQL_NO_CACHE] [SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS]\n select_expr, ...\n [FROM
table_references\n [WHERE where_condition]\n [GROUP BY {col_name | expr |
position}\n [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]]\n [HAVING where_condition]\n
[ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}\n [ASC | DESC], ...]\n [LIMIT
{[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]\n [PROCEDURE
procedure_name(argument_list)]\n [INTO OUTFILE ''file_name'' export_options\n
| INTO DUMPFILE ''file_name''\n | INTO var_name [, var_name]]\n [FOR UPDATE
| LOCK IN SHARE MODE]]\n\nSELECT is used to retrieve rows selected from one or more
tables, and\ncan include UNION statements and subqueries. See [HELP UNION], and\
n\n\nThe most commonly used
clauses of SELECT statements are these:\n\no Each select_expr indicates a column
that you want to retrieve. There\n must be at least one select_expr.\n\no
table_references indicates the table or tables from which to retrieve\n rows. Its
syntax is described in [HELP JOIN].\n\no The WHERE clause, if given, indicates the
condition or conditions\n that rows must satisfy to be selected. where_condition
is an\n expression that evaluates to true for each row to be selected. The\n
statement selects all rows if there is no WHERE clause.\n\n In the WHERE clause,
you can use any of the functions and operators\n that MySQL supports, except for
aggregate (summary) functions. See\n [HELP =].\n\nSELECT can also be used to
retrieve rows computed without reference to\nany table.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (335, 'COT', 4, 'Syntax:\nCOT(X)\n\nReturns the
cotangent of X.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT COT(12);\n -> -1.5726734063977\nmysql>
SELECT COT(0);\n -> NULL\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (336, 'BACKUP TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nBACKUP TABLE
tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... TO ''/path/to/backup/directory''\n\n*Note*: This
statement is deprecated. We are working on a better\nreplacement for it that will
provide online backup capabilities. In the\nmeantime, the mysqlhotcopy script can
be used instead.\n\nBACKUP TABLE copies to the backup directory the minimum number
of table\nfiles needed to restore the table, after flushing any buffered changes\
nto disk. The statement works only for MyISAM tables. It copies the .frm\
ndefinition and .MYD data files. The .MYI index file can be rebuilt from\nthose two
files. The directory should be specified as a full pathname.\nTo restore the table,
table.html\n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (337, 'LOAD_FILE', 33, 'Syntax:\
nLOAD_FILE(file_name)\n\nReads the file and returns the file contents as a string.
To use this\nfunction, the file must be located on the server host, you must
specify\nthe full pathname to the file, and you must have the FILE privilege.\nThe
file must be readable by all and its size less than\nmax_allowed_packet bytes.\n\
nIf the file does not exist or cannot be read because one of the\npreceding
conditions is not satisfied, the function returns NULL.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.0.19, the
character_set_filesystem system variable\ncontrols interpretation of filenames that
are given as literal strings.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> UPDATE
t\n SET blob_col=LOAD_FILE(''/tmp/picture'')\n WHERE id=1;\
n', '');
'PointFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a POINT value using its WKT representation
and SRID.\n\nURL:\n\
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (339, 'LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER', 25, 'Syntax:\nLOAD
TABLE tbl_name FROM MASTER\n\nThis feature is deprecated. We recommend not using it
anymore. It is\nsubject to removal in a future version of MySQL.\n\nSince the
current implementation of LOAD DATA FROM MASTER and LOAD\nTABLE FROM MASTER is very
limited, these statements are deprecated in\nversions 4.1 of MySQL and above. We
will introduce a more advanced\ntechnique (called "online backup") in a future
version. That technique\nwill have the additional advantage of working with more
storage\nengines.\n\nFor MySQL 5.1 and earlier, the recommended alternative
solution to\nusing LOAD DATA FROM MASTER or LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER is using\
nmysqldump or mysqlhotcopy. The latter requires Perl and two Perl\nmodules (DBI and
DBD:mysql) and works for MyISAM and ARCHIVE tables\nonly. With mysqldump, you can
create SQL dumps on the master and pipe\n(or copy) these to a mysql client on the
slave. This has the advantage\nof working for all storage engines, but can be quite
slow, since it\nworks using SELECT.\n\nTransfers a copy of the table from the
master to the slave. This\nstatement is implemented mainly debugging LOAD DATA FROM
MASTER\noperations. To use LOAD TABLE, the account used for connecting to the\
nmaster server must have the RELOAD and SUPER privileges on the master\nand the
SELECT privilege for the master table to load. On the slave\nside, the user that
issues LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER must have privileges\nfor dropping and creating the
table.\n\nThe conditions for LOAD DATA FROM MASTER apply here as well. For\
nexample, LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER works only for MyISAM tables. The\ntimeout notes
for LOAD DATA FROM MASTER apply as well.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (340, 'GROUP_CONCAT', 14, 'Syntax:\
nGROUP_CONCAT(expr)\n\nThis function returns a string result with the concatenated
non-NULL\nvalues from a group. It returns NULL if there are no non-NULL values.\
nThe full syntax is as follows:\n\nGROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...]\n
[ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name | expr}\n [ASC | DESC]
[,col_name ...]]\n [SEPARATOR str_val])\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
student_name,\n -> GROUP_CONCAT(test_score)\n -> FROM student\n ->
GROUP BY student_name;\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (341, 'DATE_FORMAT', 28, 'Syntax:\
nDATE_FORMAT(date,format)\n\nFormats the date value according to the format
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(''1997-10-04 22:23:00'', ''%W %M
%Y'');\n -> ''Saturday October 1997''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(''1997-10-
04 22:23:00'', ''%H:%i:%s'');\n -> ''22:23:00''\nmysql> SELECT
DATE_FORMAT(''1997-10-04 22:23:00'',\n ''%D %y %a %d %m %b
%j'');\n -> ''4th 97 Sat 04 10 Oct 277''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(''1997-
10-04 22:23:00'',\n ''%H %k %I %r %T %S %w'');\n ->
''22 22 10 10:23:00 PM 22:23:00 00 6''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(''1999-01-01'',
''%X %V'');\n -> ''1998 52''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(''2006-06-00'',
''%d'');\n -> ''00''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (342, 'BENCHMARK', 15, 'Syntax:\
nBENCHMARK(count,expr)\n\nThe BENCHMARK() function executes the expression expr
repeatedly count\ntimes. It may be used to time how quickly MySQL processes the\
nexpression. The result value is always 0. The intended use is from\nwithin the
mysql client, which reports query execution times:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,ENCODE(''hello'',''goodbye''));\
BENCHMARK(1000000,ENCODE(''hello'',''goodbye'')) |\
0 |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (4.74 sec)\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (343, 'YEAR', 28, 'Syntax:\nYEAR(date)\n\nReturns
the year for date, in the range 1000 to 9999, or 0 for the\n"zero" date.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT YEAR(''98-02-03'');\n -> 1998\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (344, 'SHOW ENGINE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW ENGINE
engine_name {LOGS | STATUS }\n\nSHOW ENGINE displays log or status information
about a storage engine.\nThe following statements currently are supported:\n\nSHOW
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (345, 'NAME_CONST', 13, 'Syntax:\
nNAME_CONST(name,value)\n\nReturns the given value. When used to produce a result
set column,\nNAME_CONST() causes the column to have the given name. The arguments\
nshould be constants.\n\nmysql> SELECT NAME_CONST(''myname'', 14);\n+--------+\n|
myname |\n+--------+\n| 14 |\n+--------+\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (346, 'RELEASE_LOCK', 13, 'Syntax:\
nRELEASE_LOCK(str)\n\nReleases the lock named by the string str that was obtained
with\nGET_LOCK(). Returns 1 if the lock was released, 0 if the lock was not\
nestablished by this thread (in which case the lock is not released),\nand NULL if
the named lock did not exist. The lock does not exist if it\nwas never obtained by
a call to GET_LOCK() or if it has previously been\nreleased.\n\nThe DO statement is
convenient to use with RELEASE_LOCK(). See [HELP\nDO].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (347, 'IS NULL', 17, 'Syntax:\nIS NULL\n\nTests
whether a value is NULL.\n\nURL:
operators.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 IS NULL, 0 IS NULL, NULL IS NULL;\n ->
0, 0, 1\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (348, 'CONVERT_TZ', 28, 'Syntax:\
nCONVERT_TZ(dt,from_tz,to_tz)\n\nCONVERT_TZ() converts a datetime value dt from the
time zone given by\nfrom_tz to the time zone given by to_tz and returns the
resulting\nvalue. Time zones are specified as described
in\n This\nfunction
returns NULL if the arguments are invalid.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT CONVERT_TZ(''2004-01-01 12:00:00'',''GMT'',''MET'');\n -> ''2004-01-
01 13:00:00''\nmysql> SELECT CONVERT_TZ(''2004-01-01
12:00:00'',''+00:00'',''+10:00'');\n -> ''2004-01-01 22:00:00''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (349, 'TIME_TO_SEC', 28, 'Syntax:\
nTIME_TO_SEC(time)\n\nReturns the time argument, converted to seconds.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(''22:23:00'');\n -> 80580\nmysql> SELECT
TIME_TO_SEC(''00:39:38'');\n -> 2378\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (350, 'WEEKDAY', 28, 'Syntax:\nWEEKDAY(date)\n\
nReturns the weekday index for date (0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, ... 6 =\nSunday).\n\
'mysql> SELECT WEEKDAY(''1998-02-03 22:23:00'');\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT
WEEKDAY(''1997-11-05'');\n -> 2\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (351, 'EXPORT_SET', 33, 'Syntax:\
nEXPORT_SET(bits,on,off[,separator[,number_of_bits]])\n\nReturns a string such that
for every bit set in the value bits, you get\nan on string and for every bit not
set in the value, you get an off\nstring. Bits in bits are examined from right to
left (from low-order to\nhigh-order bits). Strings are added to the result from
left to right,\nseparated by the separator string (the default being the comma\
ncharacter ","). The number of bits examined is given by number_of_bits\n(defaults
to 64).\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SELECT EXPORT_SET(5,''Y'',''N'','','',4);\n -> ''Y,N,Y,N''\nmysql>
SELECT EXPORT_SET(6,''1'',''0'','','',10);\n -> ''0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (352, 'TIME FUNCTION', 28, 'Syntax:\nTIME(expr)\n\
nExtracts the time part of the time or datetime expression expr and\nreturns it as
a string.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT TIME(''2003-12-31 01:02:03'');\n ->
''01:02:03''\nmysql> SELECT TIME(''2003-12-31 01:02:03.000123'');\n ->
''01:02:03.000123''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (353, 'DATE_ADD', 28, 'Syntax:\
nDATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr unit), DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr unit)\n\nThese
functions perform date arithmetic. date is a DATETIME or DATE\nvalue specifying the
starting date. expr is an expression specifying\nthe interval value to be added or
subtracted from the starting date.\nexpr is a string; it may start with a "-" for
negative intervals. unit\nis a keyword indicating the units in which the expression
should be\ninterpreted.\n\nURL:
time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT ''1997-12-31 23:59:59'' + INTERVAL 1
SECOND;\n -> ''1998-01-01 00:00:00''\nmysql> SELECT INTERVAL 1 DAY + ''1997-
12-31'';\n -> ''1998-01-01''\nmysql> SELECT ''1998-01-01'' - INTERVAL 1
SECOND;\n -> ''1997-12-31 23:59:59''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(''1997-12-31
23:59:59'',\n -> INTERVAL 1 SECOND);\n -> ''1998-01-01
00:00:00''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(''1997-12-31 23:59:59'',\n ->
INTERVAL 1 DAY);\n -> ''1998-01-01 23:59:59''\nmysql> SELECT
DATE_ADD(''1997-12-31 23:59:59'',\n -> INTERVAL ''1:1''
MINUTE_SECOND);\n -> ''1998-01-01 00:01:00''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_SUB(''1998-
01-01 00:00:00'',\n -> INTERVAL ''1 1:1:1'' DAY_SECOND);\n
-> ''1997-12-30 22:58:59''\nmysql> SELECT DATE_ADD(''1998-01-01 00:00:00'',\n ->
INTERVAL ''-1 10'' DAY_HOUR);\n -> ''1997-12-30 14:00:00''\nmysql> SELECT
DATE_SUB(''1998-01-02'', INTERVAL 31 DAY);\n -> ''1997-12-02''\nmysql>
SELECT DATE_ADD(''1992-12-31 23:59:59.000002'',\n -> INTERVAL
''1.999999'' SECOND_MICROSECOND);\n -> ''1993-01-01 00:00:01.000001''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (354, 'CAST', 33, 'Syntax:\nCAST(expr AS type)\n\
nThe CAST() function takes a value of one type and produce a value of\nanother
type, similar to CONVERT(). See the description of CONVERT()\nfor more
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (355, 'SOUNDS LIKE', 33, 'Syntax:\nexpr1 SOUNDS
LIKE expr2\n\nThis is the same as SOUNDEX(expr1) = SOUNDEX(expr2).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (356, 'PERIOD_DIFF', 28, 'Syntax:\
nPERIOD_DIFF(P1,P2)\n\nReturns the number of months between periods P1 and P2. P1
and P2\nshould be in the format YYMM or YYYYMM. Note that the period arguments\nP1
and P2 are not date values.\n\nURL:
and-time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(9802,199703);\n ->
11\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (357, 'LIKE', 33, 'Syntax:\nexpr LIKE pat [ESCAPE
''escape_char'']\n\nPattern matching using SQL simple regular expression
comparison.\nReturns 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). If either expr or pat is NULL, the\
nresult is NULL.\n\nThe pattern need not be a literal string. For example, it can
be\nspecified as a string expression or table column.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SELECT ''David!'' LIKE ''David_'';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT ''David!''
LIKE ''%D%v%'';\n -> 1\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (358, 'MULTIPOINT', 22, 'MultiPoint(pt1,pt2,...)\n\
nConstructs a WKB MultiPoint value using WKB Point arguments. If any\nargument is
not a WKB Point, the return value is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (359, '>>', 18, 'Syntax:\n>>\n\nShifts a longlong
(BIGINT) number to the right.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 4 >> 2;\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (360, 'FETCH', 35, 'Syntax:\nFETCH cursor_name INTO
var_name [, var_name] ...\n\nThis statement fetches the next row (if a row exists)
using the\nspecified open cursor, and advances the cursor pointer.\n\nIf no more
rows are available, a No Data condition occurs with SQLSTATE\nvalue 02000. To
detect this condition, you can set up a handler for it\n(or for a NOT FOUND
condition). An example is shown in [HELP DECLARE\nCURSOR].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (361, 'AVG', 14, 'Syntax:\nAVG([DISTINCT] expr)\n\
nReturns the average value of expr. The DISTINCT option can be used as\nof MySQL
5.0.3 to return the average of the distinct values of expr.\n\nAVG() returns NULL
if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
student_name, AVG(test_score)\n -> FROM student\n -> GROUP BY
student_name;\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (362, 'TRUE FALSE', 27, 'The constants TRUE and
FALSE evaluate to 1 and 0, respectively. The\nconstant names can be written in any
lettercase.\n\nmysql> SELECT TRUE, true, FALSE, false;\n -> 1, 1, 0, 0\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (363, 'MBRWITHIN', 5, 'MBRWithin(g1,g2)\n\nReturns
1 or 0 to indicate whether the Minimum Bounding Rectangle of g1\nis within the
Minimum Bounding Rectangle of g2. This tests the opposite\nrelationship as
geometry-mbr.html\n\n', 'mysql> SET @g1 = GeomFromText(''Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0
0))'');\nmysql> SET @g2 = GeomFromText(''Polygon((0 0,0 5,5 5,5 0,0 0))'');\nmysql>
SELECT MBRWithin(@g1,@g2), MBRWithin(@g2,@g1);\n+--------------------
+--------------------+\n| MBRWithin(@g1,@g2) | MBRWithin(@g2,@g1) |\
n+--------------------+--------------------+\n| 1 |
0 |\n+--------------------+--------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (364, 'IN', 17, 'Syntax:\nexpr IN (value,...)\n\
nReturns 1 if expr is equal to any of the values in the IN list, else\nreturns 0.
If all values are constants, they are evaluated according to\nthe type of expr and
sorted. The search for the item then is done using\na binary search. This means IN
is very quick if the IN value list\nconsists entirely of constants. Otherwise, type
conversion takes place\naccording to the rules described
in\n, but\napplied to
all the arguments.\n\nURL:
operators.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 2 IN (0,3,5,7);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT
''wefwf'' IN (''wee'',''wefwf'',''weg'');\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (365, 'QUOTE', 33, 'Syntax:\nQUOTE(str)\n\nQuotes a
string to produce a result that can be used as a properly\nescaped data value in an
SQL statement. The string is returned enclosed\nby single quotes and with each
instance of single quote ("''"),\nbackslash ("\\"), ASCII NUL, and Control-Z
preceded by a backslash. If\nthe argument is NULL, the return value is the word
"NULL" without\nenclosing single quotes.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
QUOTE(''Don\\''t!'');\n -> ''Don\\''t!''\nmysql> SELECT QUOTE(NULL);\n
-> NULL\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (366, 'SESSION_USER', 15, 'Syntax:\nSESSION_USER()\
n\nSESSION_USER() is a synonym for USER().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (367, 'HELP COMMAND', 24, 'Syntax:\nmysql> help
search_string\n\nIf you provide an argument to the help command, mysql uses it as
a\nsearch string to access server-side help from the contents of the MySQL\
nReference Manual. The proper operation of this command requires that\nthe help
tables in the mysql database be initialized with help topic\ninformation (see\
n\n\nIf there
is no match for the search string, the search fails:\n\nmysql> help me\n\nNothing
found\nPlease try to run ''help contents'' for a list of all accessible topics\n\
nUse help contents to see a list of the help categories:\n\nmysql> help contents\
nYou asked for help about help category: "Contents"\nFor more information, type
''help <item>'', where <item> is one of the\nfollowing categories:\n Account
Management\n Administration\n Data Definition\n Data Manipulation\n Data
Types\n Functions\n Functions and Modifiers for Use with GROUP BY\n
Geographic Features\n Language Structure\n Storage Engines\n Stored Routines\
n Table Maintenance\n Transactions\n Triggers\n\nIf the search string matches
multiple items, mysql shows a list of\nmatching topics:\n\nmysql> help logs\nMany
help items for your request exist.\nTo make a more specific request, please type
''help <item>'',\nwhere <item> is one of the following topics:\n SHOW\n SHOW
BINARY LOGS\n SHOW ENGINE\n SHOW LOGS\n\nUse a topic as the search string to
see the help entry for that topic:\n\nmysql> help show binary logs\nName: ''SHOW
the binary log files on the server. This statement is used as\npart of the
procedure described in [purge-master-logs], that shows how\nto determine which logs
can be purged.\n\nmysql> SHOW BINARY LOGS;\n+---------------+-----------+\n|
Log_name | File_size |\n+---------------+-----------+\n| binlog.000015 |
724935 |\n| binlog.000016 | 733481 |\n+---------------+-----------+\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (368, 'QUARTER', 28, 'Syntax:\nQUARTER(date)\n\
nReturns the quarter of the year for date, in the range 1 to 4.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT QUARTER(''98-04-01'');\n -> 2\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (369, 'POSITION', 33, 'Syntax:\nPOSITION(substr IN
str)\n\nPOSITION(substr IN str) is a synonym for LOCATE(substr,str).\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (370, 'IS_USED_LOCK', 13, 'Syntax:\
nIS_USED_LOCK(str)\n\nChecks whether the lock named str is in use (that is,
locked). If so,\nit returns the connection identifier of the client that holds the
lock.\nOtherwise, it returns NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (371, 'POLYFROMTEXT', 3, 'PolyFromText(wkt[,srid]),
PolygonFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a POLYGON value using its WKT
representation and SRID.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (372, 'DES_ENCRYPT', 10, 'Syntax:\
nDES_ENCRYPT(str[,{key_num|key_str}])\n\nEncrypts the string with the given key
using the Triple-DES algorithm.\n\nThis function works only if MySQL has been
configured with SSL support.\nSee
functions.html\n\n', 'key_num des_key_str\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (373, 'CEIL', 4, 'Syntax:\nCEIL(X)\n\nCEIL() is a
synonym for CEILING().\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (374, 'LENGTH', 33, 'Syntax:\nLENGTH(str)\n\
nReturns the length of the string str, measured in bytes. A multi-byte\ncharacter
counts as multiple bytes. This means that for a string\ncontaining five two-byte
characters, LENGTH() returns 10, whereas\nCHAR_LENGTH() returns 5.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
LENGTH(''text'');\n -> 4\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (375, 'STR_TO_DATE', 28, 'Syntax:\
nSTR_TO_DATE(str,format)\n\nThis is the inverse of the DATE_FORMAT() function. It
takes a string\nstr and a format string format. STR_TO_DATE() returns a DATETIME
value\nif the format string contains both date and time parts, or a DATE or\nTIME
value if the string contains only date or time parts.\n\nThe date, time, or
datetime values contained in str should be given in\nthe format indicated by
format. For the specifiers that can be used in\nformat, see the DATE_FORMAT()
function description. If str contains an\nillegal date, time, or datetime value,
STR_TO_DATE() returns NULL.\nStarting from MySQL 5.0.3, an illegal value also
produces a warning.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (376, 'Y', 9, 'Y(p)\n\nReturns the Y-coordinate
value for the point p as a double-precision\nnumber.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SET @pt = ''Point(56.7 53.34)'';\nmysql> SELECT Y(GeomFromText(@pt));\
n+----------------------+\n| Y(GeomFromText(@pt)) |\n+----------------------+\n|
53.34 |\n+----------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (377, 'SHOW INNODB STATUS', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
INNODB STATUS\n\nIn MySQL 5.0, this is a deprecated synonym for SHOW ENGINE INNODB\
nSTATUS. See [HELP SHOW ENGINE].\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (378, 'CHECKSUM TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nCHECKSUM
TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [ QUICK | EXTENDED ]\n\nCHECKSUM TABLE reports a
table checksum.\n\nWith QUICK, the live table checksum is reported if it is
available, or\nNULL otherwise. This is very fast. A live checksum is enabled by\
nspecifying the CHECKSUM=1 table option when you create the table;\ncurrently, this
is supported only for MyISAM tables. See [HELP CREATE\nTABLE].\n\nWith EXTENDED,
the entire table is read row by row and the checksum is\ncalculated. This can be
very slow for large tables.\n\nIf neither QUICK nor EXTENDED is specified, MySQL
returns a live\nchecksum if the table storage engine supports it and scans the
table\notherwise.\n\nFor a non-existent table, CHECKSUM TABLE returns NULL and, as
of MySQL\n5.0.3, generates a warning.\n\nThe checksum value depends on the table
row format. If the row format\nchanges, the checksum will change. For example, the
storage format for\nVARCHAR changed between MySQL 4.1 and 5.0, so if a 4.1 table
is\nupgraded to MySQL 5.0, the checksum value may change.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
'NumInteriorRings(poly)\n\nReturns the number of interior rings in the Polygon
value poly.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SET @poly =\n -> ''Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1
1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1 1))'';\nmysql> SELECT NumInteriorRings(GeomFromText(@poly));\
n+---------------------------------------+\n| NumInteriorRings(GeomFromText(@poly))
1 |\n+---------------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (380, 'INTERIORRINGN', 2, 'InteriorRingN(poly,N)\n\
nReturns the N-th interior ring for the Polygon value poly as a\nLineString. Rings
are numbered beginning with 1.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SET @poly =\n -> ''Polygon((0 0,0 3,3 3,3 0,0 0),(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1
1))'';\nmysql> SELECT AsText(InteriorRingN(GeomFromText(@poly),1));\
AsText(InteriorRingN(GeomFromText(@poly),1)) |\
n+----------------------------------------------+\n| LINESTRING(1 1,1 2,2 2,2 1,1
1) |\n+----------------------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (381, 'UTC_TIME', 28, 'Syntax:\nUTC_TIME,
UTC_TIME()\n\nReturns the current UTC time as a value in ''HH:MM:SS'' or
HHMMSS.uuuuuu\nformat, depending on whether the function is used in a string or\
nnumeric context.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT UTC_TIME(), UTC_TIME() + 0;\n ->
''18:07:53'', 180753.000000\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (382, 'DROP FUNCTION', 34, 'Syntax:\nDROP FUNCTION
function_name\n\nThis statement drops the user-defined function (UDF) named\
nfunction_name.\n\nTo drop a function, you must have the DELETE privilege for the
mysql\ndatabase. This is because DROP FUNCTION removes a row from the\nmysql.func
system table that records the function''s name, type, and\nshared library name.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (383, 'STDDEV', 14, 'Syntax:\nSTDDEV(expr)\n\
nReturns the population standard deviation of expr. This function is\nprovided for
compatibility with Oracle. As of MySQL 5.0.3, the standard\nSQL function
STDDEV_POP() can be used instead.\n\nThis function returns NULL if there were no
matching rows.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (384, 'DATE_SUB', 28, 'Syntax:\
nDATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr unit)\n\nSee the description for DATE_ADD().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (385, 'PERIOD_ADD', 28, 'Syntax:\nPERIOD_ADD(P,N)\
n\nAdds N months to period P (in the format YYMM or YYYYMM). Returns a\nvalue in
the format YYYYMM. Note that the period argument P is not a\ndate value.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT PERIOD_ADD(9801,2);\n -> 199803\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (386, '|', 18, 'Syntax:\n|\n\nBitwise OR:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 29 |
15;\n -> 31\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (387, 'GEOMFROMTEXT', 3, 'GeomFromText(wkt[,srid]),
GeometryFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a geometry value of any type using its
WKT representation\nand SRID.\n\nURL:
wkt-functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (388, 'RIGHT', 33, 'Syntax:\nRIGHT(str,len)\n\
nReturns the rightmost len characters from the string str, or NULL if\nany argument
is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n',
'mysql> SELECT RIGHT(''foobarbar'', 4);\n -> ''rbar''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (389, 'DATEDIFF', 28, 'Syntax:\
nDATEDIFF(expr1,expr2)\n\nDATEDIFF() returns expr1 - expr2 expressed as a value in
days from one\ndate to the other. expr1 and expr2 are date or date-and-time\
nexpressions. Only the date parts of the values are used in the\ncalculation.\n\
'mysql> SELECT DATEDIFF(''1997-12-31 23:59:59'',''1997-12-30'');\n -> 1\
nmysql> SELECT DATEDIFF(''1997-11-30 23:59:59'',''1997-12-31'');\n -> -31\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (390, 'DROP PROCEDURE', 35, 'Syntax:\nDROP
{PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} [IF EXISTS] sp_name\n\nThis statement is used to drop a
stored procedure or function. That is,\nthe specified routine is removed from the
server. As of MySQL 5.0.3,\nyou must have the ALTER ROUTINE privilege for the
routine. (That\nprivilege is granted automatically to the routine creator.)\n\nThe
IF EXISTS clause is a MySQL extension. It prevents an error from\noccurring if the
procedure or function does not exist. A warning is\nproduced that can be viewed
procedure.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (391, 'CHECK TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nCHECK TABLE
tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [option] ...\n\noption = {FOR UPGRADE | QUICK | FAST |
MEDIUM | EXTENDED | CHANGED}\n\nCHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors.
CHECK TABLE works for\nMyISAM, InnoDB, and (as of MySQL 5.0.16) ARCHIVE tables. For
MyISAM\ntables, the key statistics are updated as well.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.0.2, CHECK
TABLE can also check views for problems, such\nas tables that are referenced in the
view definition that no longer\nexist.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (392, 'BIN', 33, 'Syntax:\nBIN(N)\n\nReturns a
string representation of the binary value of N, where N is a\nlonglong (BIGINT)
number. This is equivalent to CONV(N,10,2). Returns\nNULL if N is NULL.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
BIN(12);\n -> ''1100''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (393, 'DECLARE CURSOR', 35, 'Syntax:\nDECLARE
cursor_name CURSOR FOR select_statement\n\nThis statement declares a cursor.
Multiple cursors may be declared in a\nroutine, but each cursor in a given block
must have a unique name.\n\nThe SELECT statement cannot have an INTO clause.\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
'MultiLineString(ls1,ls2,...)\n\nConstructs a WKB MultiLineString value using WKB
LineString arguments.\nIf any argument is not a WKB LineString, the return value is
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (395, 'LOAD DATA', 25, 'Syntax:\nLOAD DATA
INTO TABLE tbl_name\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name]\n [FIELDS\n
[TERMINATED BY ''string'']\n [[OPTIONALLY] ENCLOSED BY ''char'']\n
[ESCAPED BY ''char'']\n ]\n [LINES\n [STARTING BY ''string'']\n
[TERMINATED BY ''string'']\n ]\n [IGNORE number LINES]\n
[(col_name_or_user_var,...)]\n [SET col_name = expr,...]\n\nThe LOAD DATA INFILE
statement reads rows from a text file into a table\nat a very high speed. The
filename must be given as a literal string.\n\nLOAD DATA INFILE is the complement
of SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE. (See\n[HELP SELECT].) To write data from a table to a
file, use SELECT ...\nINTO OUTFILE. To read the file back into a table, use LOAD
DATA INFILE.\nThe syntax of the FIELDS and LINES clauses is the same for both\
nstatements. Both clauses are optional, but FIELDS must precede LINES if\nboth are
specified.\n\nFor more information about the efficiency of INSERT versus LOAD DATA\
nINFILE and speeding up LOAD DATA INFILE,
see\n\n\nThe character set
indicated by the character_set_database system\nvariable is used to interpret the
information in the file. SET NAMES\nand the setting of character_set_client do not
affect interpretation of\ninput. Beginning with MySQL 5.0.38, if the contents of
the input file\nuse a character set that differs from the default, it is possible
(and\nusually preferable) to use the CHARACTER SET clause to specify the\ncharacter
set of the file.\n\nLOAD DATA INFILE interprets all fields in the file as having
the same\ncharacter set, regardless of the data types of the columns into which\
nfield values are loaded. For proper interpretation of file contents,\nyou must
ensure that it was written with the correct character set. For\nexample, if you
write a data file with mysqldump -T or by issuing a\nSELECT ... INTO OUTFILE
statement in mysql, be sure to use a\n--default-character-set option with mysqldump
or mysql so that output\nis written in the character set to be used when the file
is loaded with\nLOAD DATA INFILE.\n\nNote that it is currently not possible to load
data files that use the\nucs2 character set.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.0.19, the
character_set_filesystem system variable\ncontrols the interpretation of the
filename.\n\nYou can also load data files by using the mysqlimport utility; it\
noperates by sending a LOAD DATA INFILE statement to the server. The\n--local
option causes mysqlimport to read data files from the client\nhost. You can specify
the --compress option to get better performance\nover slow networks if the client
and server support the compressed\nprotocol. See\n\nIf you use
LOW_PRIORITY, execution of the LOAD DATA statement is\ndelayed until no other
clients are reading from the table. This affects\nonly storage engines that use
only table-level locking (MyISAM, MEMORY,\nMERGE).\n\nIf you specify CONCURRENT
with a MyISAM table that satisfies the\ncondition for concurrent inserts (that is,
it contains no free blocks\nin the middle), other threads can retrieve data from
the table while\nLOAD DATA is executing. Using this option affects the performance
of\nLOAD DATA a bit, even if no other thread is using the table at the same\ntime.\
n\nThe LOCAL keyword, if specified, is interpreted with respect to the\nclient end
of the connection:\n\no If LOCAL is specified, the file is read by the client
program on the\n client host and sent to the server. The file can be given as a
full\n pathname to specify its exact location. If given as a relative\n pathname,
the name is interpreted relative to the directory in which\n the client program
was started.\n\no If LOCAL is not specified, the file must be located on the
server\n host and is read directly by the server. The server uses the\n following
rules to locate the file:\n\n o If the filename is an absolute pathname, the
server uses it as\n given.\n\n o If the filename is a relative pathname with
one or more leading\n components, the server searches for the file relative to
the\n server''s data directory.\n\n o If a filename with no leading components
is given, the server looks\n for the file in the database directory of the
default database.\n\nNote that, in the non-LOCAL case, these rules mean that a file
named as\n./myfile.txt is read from the server''s data directory, whereas the file\
nnamed as myfile.txt is read from the database directory of the default\ndatabase.
For example, if db1 is the default database, the following\nLOAD DATA statement
reads the file data.txt from the database directory\nfor db1, even though the
statement explicitly loads the file into a\ntable in the db2 database:\n\nLOAD DATA
INFILE ''data.txt'' INTO TABLE db2.my_table;\n\nWindows pathnames are specified
using forward slashes rather than\nbackslashes. If you do use backslashes, you must
double them.\n\nFor security reasons, when reading text files located on the
server,\nthe files must either reside in the database directory or be readable\nby
all. Also, to use LOAD DATA INFILE on server files, you must have\nthe FILE
privilege. See\n\n\
nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (396, 'LOCALTIME', 28, 'Syntax:\nLOCALTIME,
LOCALTIME()\n\nLOCALTIME and LOCALTIME() are synonyms for NOW().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
'MPointFromText(wkt[,srid]), MultiPointFromText(wkt[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
MULTIPOINT value using its WKT representation and SRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (398, 'BLOB', 20, 'BLOB[(M)]\n\nA BLOB column with
a maximum length of 65,535 (216 - 1) bytes. Each\nBLOB value is stored using a two-
byte length prefix that indicates the\nnumber of bytes in the value.\n\nAn optional
length M can be given for this type. If this is done, MySQL\ncreates the column as
the smallest BLOB type large enough to hold\nvalues M bytes long.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (399, 'SHA1', 10, 'Syntax:\nSHA1(str), SHA(str)\n\
nCalculates an SHA-1 160-bit checksum for the string, as described in\nRFC 3174
(Secure Hash Algorithm). The value is returned as a binary\nstring of 40 hex
digits, or NULL if the argument was NULL. One of the\npossible uses for this
function is as a hash key. You can also use it\nas a cryptographic function for
storing passwords. SHA() is synonymous\nwith SHA1().\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT SHA1(''abc'');\n -> ''a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (400, 'SUBSTR', 33, 'Syntax:\nSUBSTR(str,pos),
SUBSTR(str FROM pos), SUBSTR(str,pos,len), SUBSTR(str\nFROM pos FOR len)\n\
nSUBSTR() is a synonym for SUBSTRING().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (401, 'PASSWORD', 10, 'Syntax:\nPASSWORD(str)\n\
nCalculates and returns a password string from the plaintext password\nstr and
returns a binary string, or NULL if the argument was NULL. This\nis the function
that is used for encrypting MySQL passwords for storage\nin the Password column of
the user grant table.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT PASSWORD(''badpwd'');\n ->
SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nA fixed-length string that is always
right-padded with spaces to the\nspecified length when stored. M represents the
column length in\ncharacters. The range of M is 0 to 255. If M is omitted, the
length is\n1.\n\n*Note*: Trailing spaces are removed when CHAR values are
retrieved.\n\nBefore MySQL 5.0.3, a CHAR column with a length specification
greater\nthan 255 is converted to the smallest TEXT type that can hold values of\
nthe given length. For example, CHAR(500) is converted to TEXT, and\nCHAR(200000)
is converted to MEDIUMTEXT. However, this conversion\ncauses the column to become a
variable-length column, and also affects\ntrailing-space removal.\n\nIn MySQL 5.0.3
and later, a CHAR length greater than 255 is illegal and\nfails with an error:\n\
nmysql> CREATE TABLE c1 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(500));\nERROR 1074 (42000): Column
length too big for column ''col'' (max = 255);\nuse BLOB or TEXT instead\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (403, 'UTC_DATE', 28, 'Syntax:\nUTC_DATE,
UTC_DATE()\n\nReturns the current UTC date as a value in ''YYYY-MM-DD'' or
YYYYMMDD\nformat, depending on whether the function is used in a string or\nnumeric
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT UTC_DATE(), UTC_DATE() + 0;\n -> ''2003-
08-14'', 20030814\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (404, 'DIMENSION', 32, 'Dimension(g)\n\nReturns the
inherent dimension of the geometry value g. The result can\nbe -1, 0, 1, or 2. The
meaning of these values is given in [HELP MBR\ndefinition].\n\nURL:\n\
n', 'mysql> SELECT Dimension(GeomFromText(''LineString(1 1,2 2)''));\
Dimension(GeomFromText(''LineString(1 1,2 2)'')) |\
1 |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (405, 'COUNT DISTINCT', 14, 'Syntax:\
nCOUNT(DISTINCT expr,[expr...])\n\nReturns a count of the number of different non-
NULL values.\n\nCOUNT(DISTINCT) returns 0 if there were no matching rows.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
COUNT(DISTINCT results) FROM student;\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (406, 'BIT', 20, 'BIT[(M)]\n\nA bit-field type. M
indicates the number of bits per value, from 1 to\n64. The default is 1 if M is
omitted.\n\nThis data type was added in MySQL 5.0.3 for MyISAM, and extended in\
n5.0.5 to MEMORY, InnoDB, and BDB. Before 5.0.3, BIT is a synonym for\nTINYINT(1).\
n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (407, 'EQUALS', 26, 'Equals(g1,g2)\n\nReturns 1 or
0 to indicate whether g1 is spatially equal to g2.\n\nURL:
between-geometries.html\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (408, 'SHOW CREATE VIEW', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW CREATE
VIEW view_name\n\nThis statement shows a CREATE VIEW statement that creates the
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (409, 'INTERVAL', 17, 'Syntax:\
nINTERVAL(N,N1,N2,N3,...)\n\nReturns 0 if N < N1, 1 if N < N2 and so on or -1 if N
is NULL. All\narguments are treated as integers. It is required that N1 < N2 < N3
<\n... < Nn for this function to work correctly. This is because a binary\nsearch
is used (very fast).\n\nURL:
operators.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT INTERVAL(23, 1, 15, 17, 30, 44, 200);\n
-> 3\nmysql> SELECT INTERVAL(10, 1, 10, 100, 1000);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT
INTERVAL(22, 23, 30, 44, 200);\n -> 0\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (410, 'FROM_DAYS', 28, 'Syntax:\nFROM_DAYS(N)\n\
nGiven a day number N, returns a DATE value.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT FROM_DAYS(729669);\n -> ''1997-10-07''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (411, 'ALTER PROCEDURE', 35, 'Syntax:\nALTER
{PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} sp_name [characteristic ...]\n\ncharacteristic:\n
{ DEFINER | INVOKER }\n | COMMENT ''string''\n\nThis statement can be used to
change the characteristics of a stored\nprocedure or function. As of MySQL 5.0.3,
you must have the ALTER\nROUTINE privilege for the routine. (That privilege is
granted\nautomatically to the routine creator.) If binary logging is enabled,\nthis
statement might also require the SUPER privilege, as described
than one change may be specified in an ALTER PROCEDURE or ALTER\nFUNCTION
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (412, 'BIT_COUNT', 18, 'Syntax:\nBIT_COUNT(N)\n\
nReturns the number of bits that are set in the argument N.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
BIT_COUNT(29), BIT_COUNT(b''101010'');\n -> 4, 3\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (413, 'OCTET_LENGTH', 33, 'Syntax:\
nOCTET_LENGTH(str)\n\nOCTET_LENGTH() is a synonym for LENGTH().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (414, 'UTC_TIMESTAMP', 28, 'Syntax:\nUTC_TIMESTAMP,
UTC_TIMESTAMP()\n\nReturns the current UTC date and time as a value in ''YYYY-MM-
DD\nHH:MM:SS'' or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu format, depending on whether the\nfunction
is used in a string or numeric context.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP() + 0;\n -> ''2003-08-14 18:08:04'',
20030814180804.000000\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (415, 'AES_ENCRYPT', 10, 'Syntax:\
nAES_ENCRYPT(str,key_str)\n\nAES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() allow encryption and
decryption of data\nusing the official AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
algorithm,\npreviously known as "Rijndael." Encoding with a 128-bit key length is\
nused, but you can extend it up to 256 bits by modifying the source. We\nchose 128
bits because it is much faster and it is secure enough for\nmost purposes.\n\
nAES_ENCRYPT() encrypts a string and returns a binary string.\nAES_DECRYPT()
decrypts the encrypted string and returns the original\nstring. The input arguments
may be any length. If either argument is\nNULL, the result of this function is also
NULL.\n\nBecause AES is a block-level algorithm, padding is used to encode\nuneven
length strings and so the result string length may be calculated\nusing this
formula:\n\n16 x (trunc(string_length / 16) + 1)\n\nIf AES_DECRYPT() detects
invalid data or incorrect padding, it returns\nNULL. However, it is possible for
AES_DECRYPT() to return a non-NULL\nvalue (possibly garbage) if the input data or
the key is invalid.\n\nYou can use the AES functions to store data in an encrypted
form by\nmodifying your queries:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'INSERT INTO
t VALUES (1,AES_ENCRYPT(''text'',''password''));\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (416, '+', 4, 'Syntax:\n+\n\nAddition:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 3+5;\n -> 8\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (417, 'INET_NTOA', 13, 'Syntax:\nINET_NTOA(expr)\n\
nGiven a numeric network address (4 or 8 byte), returns the dotted-quad\
nrepresentation of the address as a string.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT INET_NTOA(3520061480);\n -> ''''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (418, 'ACOS', 4, 'Syntax:\nACOS(X)\n\nReturns the
arc cosine of X, that is, the value whose cosine is X.\nReturns NULL if X is not in
the range -1 to 1.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT ACOS(1);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT
ACOS(1.0001);\n -> NULL\nmysql> SELECT ACOS(0);\n -> 1.5707963267949\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (419, 'ISOLATION', 7, 'Syntax:\nSET [GLOBAL |
REPEATABLE READ | SERIALIZABLE }\n\nThis statement sets the transaction isolation
level for the next\ntransaction, globally, or for the current session.\n\nThe
default behavior of SET TRANSACTION is to set the isolation level\nfor the next
(not yet started) transaction. If you use the GLOBAL\nkeyword, the statement sets
the default transaction level globally for\nall new connections created from that
point on. Existing connections\nare unaffected. You need the SUPER privilege to do
this. Using the\nSESSION keyword sets the default transaction level for all future\
ntransactions performed on the current connection.\n\nFor descriptions of each
InnoDB transaction isolation level,
InnoDB supports each of these levels in MySQL 5.0. The default level\nis REPEATABLE
READ.\n\nTo set the initial default global isolation level for mysqld, use the\n--
transaction-isolation option. See\n
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (420, 'CEILING', 4, 'Syntax:\nCEILING(X)\n\nReturns
the smallest integer value not less than X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT CEILING(1.23);\n -> 2\nmysql> SELECT CEILING(-1.23);\n -> -1\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (421, 'SIN', 4, 'Syntax:\nSIN(X)\n\nReturns the
sine of X, where X is given in radians.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT SIN(PI());\n -> 1.2246063538224e-16\nmysql> SELECT ROUND(SIN(PI()));\
n -> 0\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (422, 'DAYOFWEEK', 28, 'Syntax:\nDAYOFWEEK(date)\n\
nReturns the weekday index for date (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 7 =\nSaturday).
These index values correspond to the ODBC standard.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT DAYOFWEEK(''1998-02-03'');\n -> 3\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (423, 'LINEFROMWKB', 29, 'LineFromWKB(wkb[,srid]),
LineStringFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a LINESTRING value using its WKB
representation and SRID.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (424, 'SHOW PROCESSLIST', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW [FULL]
PROCESSLIST\n\nSHOW PROCESSLIST shows you which threads are running. You can also
get\nthis information using the mysqladmin processlist command. If you have\nthe
PROCESS privilege, you can see all threads. Otherwise, you can see\nonly your own
threads (that is, threads associated with the MySQL\naccount that you are using).
If you do not use the FULL keyword, only\nthe first 100 characters of each
statement are shown in the Info field.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (425, 'GEOMETRYTYPE', 32, 'GeometryType(g)\n\
nReturns as a string the name of the geometry type of which the geometry\ninstance
g is a member. The name corresponds to one of the instantiable\nGeometry
property-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT GeometryType(GeomFromText(''POINT(1
GeometryType(GeomFromText(''POINT(1 1)'')) |\
n+------------------------------------------+\n| POINT
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (426, 'CREATE VIEW', 36, 'Syntax:\nCREATE\n [OR
[(column_list)]\n AS select_statement\n [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK
OPTION]\n\nThe CREATE VIEW statement creates a new view, or replaces an existing\
none if the OR REPLACE clause is given. This statement was added in\nMySQL 5.0.1.
If the view does not exist, CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is the\nsame as CREATE VIEW. If
the view does exist, CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is\nthe same as ALTER VIEW.\n\nThe
select_statement is a SELECT statement that provides the definition\nof the view.
(When you select from the view, you select in effect using\nthe SELECT statement.)
select_statement can select from base tables or\nother views.\n\nThe view
definition is "frozen" at creation time, so changes to the\nunderlying tables
afterward do not affect the view definition. For\nexample, if a view is defined as
SELECT * on a table, new columns added\nto the table later do not become part of
the view.\n\nThe ALGORITHM clause affects how MySQL processes the view. The
DEFINER\nand SQL SECURITY clauses specify the security context to be used when\
nchecking access privileges at view invocation time. The WITH CHECK\nOPTION clause
can be given to constrain inserts or updates to rows in\ntables referenced by the
view. These clauses are described later in\nthis section.\n\nThe CREATE VIEW
statement requires the CREATE VIEW privilege for the\nview, and some privilege for
each column selected by the SELECT\nstatement. For columns used elsewhere in the
SELECT statement you must\nhave the SELECT privilege. If the OR REPLACE clause is
present, you\nmust also have the DROP privilege for the view.\n\nA view belongs to
a database. By default, a new view is created in the\ndefault database. To create
the view explicitly in a given database,\nspecify the name as db_name.view_name
when you create it.\n\nmysql> CREATE VIEW test.v AS SELECT * FROM t;\n\nBase tables
and views share the same namespace within a database, so a\ndatabase cannot contain
a base table and a view that have the same\nname.\n\nViews must have unique column
names with no duplicates, just like base\ntables. By default, the names of the
columns retrieved by the SELECT\nstatement are used for the view column names. To
define explicit names\nfor the view columns, the optional column_list clause can be
given as a\nlist of comma-separated identifiers. The number of names in
column_list\nmust be the same as the number of columns retrieved by the SELECT\
nstatement.\n\nWhen you modify an existing view, the current view definition is
backed\nup and saved. It is stored in that table''s database directory, in a\nsub-
folder named arc. The backup file will be named\nview_name.frm-00001. If you alter
the view again, the next backup will\nbe named view_name.frm-00002. The three
latest view backup definitions\nwill be stored.\n\n*Note*: Backed up view
definitions will not be preserved by mysqldump,\nor any other such programs, but
you could retain it from a file copy.\nHowever, they are not needed for anything,
but to provide you with a\nbackup of your previous view definition.\n\nAlso note
that while it is safe to remove these, it is not safe to do\nso while mysqld is
running. If you delete this folder (or sub-files)\nwhile mysqld is running, you
will receive an error the next time you\ntry to alter that view:\n\nmysql> ALTER
VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t;\nERROR 6 (HY000): Error on delete of
''.\\test\\arc/v.frm-0004'' (Errcode:\n2)\n\nColumns retrieved by the SELECT
statement can be simple references to\ntable columns. They can also be expressions
that use functions,\nconstant values, operators, and so forth.\n\nUnqualified table
or view names in the SELECT statement are interpreted\nwith respect to the default
database. A view can refer to tables or\nviews in other databases by qualifying the
table or view name with the\nproper database name.\n\nA view can be created from
many kinds of SELECT statements. It can\nrefer to base tables or other views. It
can use joins, UNION, and\nsubqueries. The SELECT need not even refer to any
tables. The following\nexample defines a view that selects two columns from another
table, as\nwell as an expression calculated from those columns:\n\nmysql> CREATE
TABLE t (qty INT, price INT);\nmysql> INSERT INTO t VALUES(3, 50);\nmysql> CREATE
VIEW v AS SELECT qty, price, qty*price AS value FROM t;\nmysql> SELECT * FROM v;\
n+------+-------+-------+\n| qty | price | value |\n+------+-------+-------+\n|
3 | 50 | 150 |\n+------+-------+-------+\n\nA view definition is subject to
the following restrictions:\n\no The SELECT statement cannot contain a subquery in
the FROM clause.\n\no The SELECT statement cannot refer to system or user
variables.\n\no The SELECT statement cannot refer to prepared statement
parameters.\n\no Within a stored routine, the definition cannot refer to routine\n
parameters or local variables.\n\no Any table or view referred to in the definition
must exist. However,\n after a view has been created, it is possible to drop a
table or view\n that the definition refers to. In this case, use of the view
results\n in an error. To check a view definition for problems of this kind,\n
use the CHECK TABLE statement.\n\no The definition cannot refer to a TEMPORARY
table, and you cannot\n create a TEMPORARY view.\n\no The tables named in the view
definition must already exist.\n\no You cannot associate a trigger with a view.\n\
nORDER BY is allowed in a view definition, but it is ignored if you\nselect from a
view using a statement that has its own ORDER BY.\n\nFor other options or clauses
in the definition, they are added to the\noptions or clauses of the statement that
references the view, but the\neffect is undefined. For example, if a view
definition includes a LIMIT\nclause, and you select from the view using a statement
that has its own\nLIMIT clause, it is undefined which limit applies. This same
principle\napplies to options such as ALL, DISTINCT, or SQL_SMALL_RESULT that\
nfollow the SELECT keyword, and to clauses such as INTO, FOR UPDATE,\nLOCK IN SHARE
MODE, and PROCEDURE.\n\nIf you create a view and then change the query processing
environment\nby changing system variables, that may affect the results that you
get\nfrom the view:\n\nmysql> CREATE VIEW v (mycol) AS SELECT ''abc'';\nQuery OK, 0
rows affected (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SET sql_mode = '''';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected
(0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT "mycol" FROM v;\n+-------+\n| mycol |\n+-------+\n|
mycol | \n+-------+\n1 row in set (0.01 sec)\n\nmysql> SET sql_mode =
''ANSI_QUOTES'';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SELECT "mycol"
FROM v;\n+-------+\n| mycol |\n+-------+\n| abc | \n+-------+\n1 row in set (0.00
sec)\n\nThe DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses specify the security context to be\
nused when checking access privileges at view invocation time. They were\naddded in
MySQL 5.0.13, but have no effect until MySQL 5.0.16.\n\nThe default DEFINER value
is the user who executes the CREATE VIEW\nstatement. This is the same as specifying
DEFINER = CURRENT_USER\nexplicitly. CURRENT_USER also can be given as
CURRENT_USER(). If a user\nvalue is given, it should be a MySQL account in
''user_name''@''host_name''\nformat (the same format used in the GRANT statement).
The user_name and\nhost_name values both are required.\n\nIf you specify the
DEFINER clause, you cannot set the value to any user\nbut your own unless you have
the SUPER privilege. These rules determine\nthe legal DEFINER user values:\n\no If
you do not have the SUPER privilege, the only legal user value is\n your own
account, either specified literally or by using\n CURRENT_USER. You cannot set the
definer to some other account.\n\no If you have the SUPER privilege, you can
specify any syntactically\n legal account name. If the account does not actually
exist, a warning\n is generated.\n\nWithin a stored routine that is defined with
the SQL SECURITY DEFINER\ncharacteristic, CURRENT_USER returns the routine creator.
This also\naffects a view defined within such a routine, if the view definition\
ncontains a DEFINER value of CURRENT_USER.\n\nThe SQL SECURITY characteristic
determines which MySQL account to use\nwhen checking access privileges for the view
when a statement is\nexecuted that references the view. The legal characteristic
values are\nDEFINER and INVOKER. These indicate that the required privileges must\
nbe held by the user who defined or invoked the view, respectively. The\ndefault
SQL SECURITY value is DEFINER. If the value is DEFINER but the\ndefiner account
does not exist when the view is referenced, an error\noccurs.\n\nAs of MySQL 5.0.16
(when the DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses were\nimplemented), view privileges are
checked like this:\n\no At view definition time, the view creator must have the
privileges\n needed to use the top-level objects accessed by the view. For\n
example, if the view definition refers to table columns, the creator\n must have
privileges for the columns, as described previously. If the\n definition refers to
a stored function, only the privileges needed to\n invoke the function can be
checked. The privileges required when the\n function runs can be checked only as
it executes: For different\n invocations of the function, different execution
paths within the\n function might be taken.\n\no When a view is referenced,
privileges for objects accessed by the\n view are checked against the privileges
held by the view creator or\n invoker, depending on whether the SQL SECURITY
characteristic is\n DEFINER or INVOKER, respectively.\n\no If reference to a view
causes execution of a stored function,\n privilege checking for statements
executed within the function depend\n on whether the function is defined with a
SQL SECURITY characteristic\n of DEFINER or INVOKER. If the security
characteristic is DEFINER, the\n function runs with the privileges of its creator.
If the\n characteristic is INVOKER, the function runs with the privileges\n
determined by the view''s SQL SECURITY characteristic.\n\nPrior to MySQL 5.0.16
(before the DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses were\nimplemented), privileges
required for objects used in a view are\nchecked at view creation time.\n\nExample:
A view might depend on a stored function, and that function\nmight invoke other
stored routines. For example, the following view\ninvokes a stored function f():\n\
nCREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE = f(;\n\nSuppose that f()
contains a statement such as this:\n\nIF name IS NULL then\n CALL p1();\nELSE\n
CALL p2();\nEND IF;\n\nThe privileges required for executing statements within f()
need to be\nchecked when f() executes. This might mean that privileges are needed\
nfor p1() or p2(), depending on the execution path within f(). Those\nprivileges
must be checked at runtime, and the user who must possess\nthe privileges is
determined by the SQL SECURITY values of the view v\nand the function f().\n\nThe
DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses for views are extensions to\nstandard SQL. In
standard SQL, views are handled using the rules for\nSQL SECURITY INVOKER.\n\nIf
you invoke a view that was created before MySQL 5.0.13, it is\ntreated as though it
was created with a SQL SECURITY DEFINER clause and\nwith a DEFINER value that is
the same as your account. However, because\nthe actual definer is unknown, MySQL
issues a warning. To make the\nwarning go away, it is sufficient to re-create the
view so that the\nview definition includes a DEFINER clause.\n\nThe optional
ALGORITHM clause is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. It\naffects how MySQL
processes the view. ALGORITHM takes three values:\nMERGE, TEMPTABLE, or UNDEFINED.
The default algorithm is UNDEFINED if\nno ALGORITHM clause is present.\n\nFor
MERGE, the text of a statement that refers to the view and the view\ndefinition are
merged such that parts of the view definition replace\ncorresponding parts of the
statement.\n\nFor TEMPTABLE, the results from the view are retrieved into a
temporary\ntable, which then is used to execute the statement.\n\nFor UNDEFINED,
MySQL chooses which algorithm to use. It prefers MERGE\nover TEMPTABLE if possible,
because MERGE is usually more efficient and\nbecause a view cannot be updatable if
a temporary table is used.\n\nA reason to choose TEMPTABLE explicitly is that locks
can be released\non underlying tables after the temporary table has been created
and\nbefore it is used to finish processing the statement. This might result\nin
quicker lock release than the MERGE algorithm so that other clients\nthat use the
view are not blocked as long.\n\nA view algorithm can be UNDEFINED for three
reasons:\n\no No ALGORITHM clause is present in the CREATE VIEW statement.\n\no The
CREATE VIEW statement has an explicit ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED\n clause.\n\no
ALGORITHM = MERGE is specified for a view that can be processed only\n with a
temporary table. In this case, MySQL generates a warning and\n sets the algorithm
to UNDEFINED.\n\nAs mentioned earlier, MERGE is handled by merging corresponding
parts\nof a view definition into the statement that refers to the view. The\
nfollowing examples briefly illustrate how the MERGE algorithm works.\nThe examples
assume that there is a view v_merge that has this\ndefinition:\n\nCREATE ALGORITHM
= MERGE VIEW v_merge (vc1, vc2) AS\nSELECT c1, c2 FROM t WHERE c3 > 100;\n\nExample
1: Suppose that we issue this statement:\n\nSELECT * FROM v_merge;\n\nMySQL handles
the statement as follows:\n\no v_merge becomes t\n\no * becomes vc1, vc2, which
corresponds to c1, c2\n\no The view WHERE clause is added\n\nThe resulting
statement to be executed becomes:\n\nSELECT c1, c2 FROM t WHERE c3 > 100;\n\
nExample 2: Suppose that we issue this statement:\n\nSELECT * FROM v_merge WHERE
vc1 < 100;\n\nThis statement is handled similarly to the previous one, except that\
nvc1 < 100 becomes c1 < 100 and the view WHERE clause is added to the\nstatement
WHERE clause using an AND connective (and parentheses are\nadded to make sure the
parts of the clause are executed with correct\nprecedence). The resulting statement
to be executed becomes:\n\nSELECT c1, c2 FROM t WHERE (c3 > 100) AND (c1 < 100);\n\
nEffectively, the statement to be executed has a WHERE clause of this\nform:\n\
nWHERE (select WHERE) AND (view WHERE)\n\nThe MERGE algorithm requires a one-to-one
relationship between the rows\nin the view and the rows in the underlying table. If
this relationship\ndoes not hold, a temporary table must be used instead. Lack of
a\none-to-one relationship occurs if the view contains any of a number of\
nconstructs:\n\no Aggregate functions (SUM(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), and so forth)\
n\no DISTINCT\n\no GROUP BY\n\no HAVING\n\no UNION or UNION ALL\n\no Subquery in
the select list\n\no Refers only to literal values (in this case, there is no
underlying\n table)\n\nSome views are updatable. That is, you can use them in
statements such\nas UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT to update the contents of the
underlying\ntable. For a view to be updatable, there must be a one-to-one\
nrelationship between the rows in the view and the rows in the\nunderlying table.
There are also certain other constructs that make a\nview non-updatable. To be more
specific, a view is not updatable if it\ncontains any of the following:\n\no
Aggregate functions (SUM(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), and so forth)\n\no DISTINCT\n\no
GROUP BY\n\no HAVING\n\no UNION or UNION ALL\n\no Subquery in the select list\n\no
Certain joins (see additional join discussion later in this section)\n\no Non-
updatable view in the FROM clause\n\no A subquery in the WHERE clause that refers
to a table in the FROM\n clause\n\no Refers only to literal values (in this case,
there is no underlying\n table to update)\n\no ALGORITHM = TEMPTABLE (use of a
temporary table always makes a view\n non-updatable)\n\nWith respect to
insertability (being updatable with INSERT statements),\nan updatable view is
insertable if it also satisfies these additional\nrequirements for the view
columns:\n\no There must be no duplicate view column names.\n\no The view must
contain all columns in the base table that do not have\n a default value.\n\no The
view columns must be simple column references and not derived\n columns. A derived
column is one that is not a simple column\n reference but is derived from an
expression. These are examples of\n derived columns:\n\n3.14159\ncol1 + 3\
nUPPER(col2)\ncol3 / col4\n(subquery)\n\nA view that has a mix of simple column
references and derived columns\nis not insertable, but it can be updatable if you
update only those\ncolumns that are not derived. Consider this view:\n\nCREATE VIEW
v AS SELECT col1, 1 AS col2 FROM t;\n\nThis view is not insertable because col2 is
derived from an expression.\nBut it is updatable if the update does not try to
update col2. This\nupdate is allowable:\n\nUPDATE v SET col1 = 0;\n\nThis update is
not allowable because it attempts to update a derived\ncolumn:\n\nUPDATE v SET col2
= 0;\n\nIt is sometimes possible for a multiple-table view to be updatable,\
nassuming that it can be processed with the MERGE algorithm. For this to\nwork, the
view must use an inner join (not an outer join or a UNION).\nAlso, only a single
table in the view definition can be updated, so the\nSET clause must name only
columns from one of the tables in the view.\nViews that use UNION ALL are
disallowed even though they might be\ntheoretically updatable, because the
implementation uses temporary\ntables to process them.\n\nFor a multiple-table
updatable view, INSERT can work if it inserts into\na single table. DELETE is not
supported.\n\nINSERT DELAYED is not supported for views.\n\nIf a table contains an
AUTO_INCREMENT column, inserting into an\ninsertable view on the table that does
not include the AUTO_INCREMENT\ncolumn does not change the value of
LAST_INSERT_ID(), because the side\neffects of inserting default values into
columns not part of the view\nshould not be visible.\n\nThe WITH CHECK OPTION
clause can be given for an updatable view to\nprevent inserts or updates to rows
except those for which the WHERE\nclause in the select_statement is true. The WITH
CHECK OPTION clause\nwas implemented in MySQL 5.0.2.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (427, 'TRIM', 33, 'Syntax:\nTRIM([{BOTH | LEADING |
TRAILING} [remstr] FROM] str), TRIM([remstr\nFROM] str)\n\nReturns the string str
with all remstr prefixes or suffixes removed. If\nnone of the specifiers BOTH,
LEADING, or TRAILING is given, BOTH is\nassumed. remstr is optional and, if not
specified, spaces are removed.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
TRIM('' bar '');\n -> ''bar''\nmysql> SELECT TRIM(LEADING ''x'' FROM
''xxxbarxxx'');\n -> ''barxxx''\nmysql> SELECT TRIM(BOTH ''x'' FROM
''xxxbarxxx'');\n -> ''bar''\nmysql> SELECT TRIM(TRAILING ''xyz'' FROM
''barxxyz'');\n -> ''barx''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (428, 'IS', 17, 'Syntax:\nIS boolean_value\n\nTests
a value against a boolean value, where boolean_value can be TRUE,\nFALSE, or
n\n', 'mysql> SELECT 1 IS TRUE, 0 IS FALSE, NULL IS UNKNOWN;\n -> 1, 1, 1\n
-> 1, 1, 0\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (429, 'GET_FORMAT', 28, 'Syntax:\nGET_FORMAT(DATE|
TIME|DATETIME, ''EUR''|''USA''|''JIS''|''ISO''|''INTERNAL'')\n\nReturns a format
string. This function is useful in combination with\nthe DATE_FORMAT() and the
STR_TO_DATE() functions.\n\nURL:
time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(''2003-10-
03'',GET_FORMAT(DATE,''EUR''));\n -> ''03.10.2003''\nmysql> SELECT
STR_TO_DATE(''10.31.2003'',GET_FORMAT(DATE,''USA''));\n -> ''2003-10-31''\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (430, 'TINYBLOB', 20, 'TINYBLOB\n\nA BLOB column
with a maximum length of 255 (28 - 1) bytes. Each\nTINYBLOB value is stored using a
one-byte length prefix that indicates\nthe number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (431, 'SAVEPOINT', 7, 'Syntax:\nSAVEPOINT
identifier\nROLLBACK [WORK] TO SAVEPOINT identifier\nRELEASE SAVEPOINT identifier\
n\nInnoDB supports the SQL statements SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT.\
nStarting from MySQL 5.0.3, RELEASE SAVEPOINT and the optional WORK\nkeyword for
ROLLBACK are supported as well.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (432, 'USER', 15, 'Syntax:\nUSER()\n\nReturns the
current MySQL username and hostname as a string in the utf8\ncharacter set.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT USER();\n -> ''davida@localhost''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (433, 'MPOINTFROMWKB', 29,
'MPointFromWKB(wkb[,srid]), MultiPointFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a
MULTIPOINT value using its WKB representation and SRID.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (434, 'ALTER TABLE', 36, 'Syntax:\nALTER [IGNORE]
TABLE tbl_name\n alter_specification [, alter_specification] ...\n\
nalter_specification:\n table_option ...\n | ADD [COLUMN] col_name
column_definition [FIRST | AFTER col_name ]\n | ADD [COLUMN] (col_name
column_definition,...)\n | ADD {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type]
(index_col_name,...)\n | ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]]\n PRIMARY KEY
[index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n | ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]]\n UNIQUE
[INDEX|KEY] [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n | ADD [FULLTEXT|
SPATIAL] [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n | ADD [CONSTRAINT
[symbol]]\n FOREIGN KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n
reference_definition\n | ALTER [COLUMN] col_name {SET DEFAULT literal | DROP
DEFAULT}\n | CHANGE [COLUMN] old_col_name new_col_name column_definition\n
[FIRST|AFTER col_name]\n | MODIFY [COLUMN] col_name column_definition [FIRST |
AFTER col_name]\n | DROP [COLUMN] col_name\n | DROP PRIMARY KEY\n | DROP {INDEX|
KEY} index_name\n | DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_symbol\n | DISABLE KEYS\n | ENABLE KEYS\
n | RENAME [TO] new_tbl_name\n | ORDER BY col_name [, col_name] ...\n | CONVERT
TO CHARACTER SET charset_name [COLLATE collation_name]\n | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET
charset_name [COLLATE collation_name]\n | DISCARD TABLESPACE\n | IMPORT
TABLESPACE\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_type:\
n USING {BTREE | HASH | RTREE}\n\nALTER TABLE enables you to change the
structure of an existing table.\nFor example, you can add or delete columns, create
or destroy indexes,\nchange the type of existing columns, or rename columns or the
table\nitself. You can also change the comment for the table and type of the\
ntable.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (435, 'PURGE MASTER LOGS', 25, 'Syntax:\nPURGE
''date''\n\nDeletes all the binary logs listed in the log index prior to the\
nspecified log or date. The logs also are removed from the list recorded\nin the
log index file, so that the given log becomes the first.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'PURGE MASTER
LOGS TO ''mysql-bin.010'';\nPURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE ''2003-04-02 22:46:26'';\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (436, 'CHAR BYTE', 20, 'The CHAR BYTE data type is
an alias for the BINARY data type. This is a\ncompatibility feature.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (437, 'REPAIR TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nREPAIR [LOCAL |
NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG] TABLE\n tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [QUICK] [EXTENDED]
[USE_FRM]\n\nREPAIR TABLE repairs a possibly corrupted table. By default, it has
the\nsame effect as myisamchk --recover tbl_name. REPAIR TABLE works for\nMyISAM
and for ARCHIVE tables. See\n
engine.html, and\n
engine.html.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the
table.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (438, 'MERGE', 36, 'The MERGE storage engine, also
known as the MRG_MyISAM engine, is a\ncollection of identical MyISAM tables that
can be used as one.\n"Identical" means that all tables have identical column and
index\ninformation. You cannot merge MyISAM tables in which the columns are\nlisted
in a different order, do not have exactly the same columns, or\nhave the indexes in
different order. However, any or all of the MyISAM\ntables can be compressed with
myisampack. See\n
Differences in\ntable options such as AVG_ROW_LENGTH, MAX_ROWS, or PACK_KEYS do
engine.html\n\n', 'mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (\n -> a INT NOT NULL
message CHAR(20)) ENGINE=MyISAM;\nmysql> INSERT INTO t1 (message) VALUES
(''Testing''),(''table''),(''t1'');\nmysql> INSERT INTO t2 (message) VALUES
(''Testing''),(''table''),(''t2'');\nmysql> CREATE TABLE total (\n -> a INT
NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n -> message CHAR(20), INDEX(a))\n ->
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (439, 'CREATE TABLE', 36, 'Syntax:\nCREATE
[TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n (create_definition,...)\n
[table_option ...]\n\nOr:\n\nCREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n
[(create_definition,...)]\n [table_option ...]\n select_statement\n\nOr:\n\
nCREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n { LIKE old_tbl_name | (LIKE
old_tbl_name) }\n\ncreate_definition:\n col_name column_definition\n |
[CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n | {INDEX|
KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n | [CONSTRAINT [symbol]]
UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY]\n [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n |
{FULLTEXT|SPATIAL} [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n | [CONSTRAINT
[symbol]] FOREIGN KEY\n [index_name] (index_col_name,...)
reference_definition\n | CHECK (expr)\n\ncolumn_definition:\n data_type [NOT
[PRIMARY] KEY]\n [COMMENT ''string''] [reference_definition]\n\ndata_type:\n
BIT[(length)]\n | TINYINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | SMALLINT[(length)]
| BIGINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | REAL[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED]
[ZEROFILL]\n | DOUBLE[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n |
FLOAT[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n | DECIMAL(length,decimals)
DATE\n | TIME\n | TIMESTAMP\n | DATETIME\n | YEAR\n | CHAR(length)\n
[CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | VARCHAR(length)\n
[CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | BINARY(length)\n |
TINYTEXT [BINARY]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n |
TEXT [BINARY]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n |
MEDIUMTEXT [BINARY]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n
| LONGTEXT [BINARY]\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n
| ENUM(value1,value2,value3,...)\n [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE
collation_name]\n | SET(value1,value2,value3,...)\n [CHARACTER SET
charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n | spatial_type\n\nindex_col_name:\n
col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH | RTREE}\
n\nreference_definition:\n REFERENCES tbl_name [(index_col_name,...)]\n
[ON UPDATE reference_option]\n\nreference_option:\n RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET
NULL | NO ACTION\n\ntable_option:\n {ENGINE|TYPE} [=] engine_name\n |
charset_name\n | CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | COLLATE collation_name\n | COMMENT [=]
''string''\n | CONNECTION [=] ''connect_string''\n | DATA DIRECTORY [=]
''absolute path to directory''\n | DELAY_KEY_WRITE [=] {0 | 1}\n | INDEX
DIRECTORY [=] ''absolute path to directory''\n | INSERT_METHOD [=] { NO | FIRST |
LAST }\n | MAX_ROWS [=] value\n | MIN_ROWS [=] value\n | PACK_KEYS [=] {0 | 1 |
COMPRESSED|REDUNDANT|COMPACT}\n | UNION [=] (tbl_name[,tbl_name]...)\n\
nselect_statement:\n [IGNORE | REPLACE] [AS] SELECT ... (Some legal select
statement)\n\nCREATE TABLE creates a table with the given name. You must have the\
nCREATE privilege for the table.\n\nRules for allowable table names are given in\
n By default,\nthe table is
created in the default database. An error occurs if the\ntable exists, if there is
no default database, or if the database does\nnot exist.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (440, '>', 17, 'Syntax:\n>\n\nGreater than:\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT 2 > 2;\n -> 0\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (441, 'ANALYZE TABLE', 19, 'Syntax:\nANALYZE [LOCAL
| NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG] TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n\nANALYZE TABLE analyzes and
stores the key distribution for a table.\nDuring the analysis, the table is locked
with a read lock for MyISAM\nand BDB. For InnoDB the table is locked with a write
lock. This\nstatement works with MyISAM, BDB, and InnoDB tables. For MyISAM
tables,\nthis statement is equivalent to using myisamchk --analyze.\n\nFor more
information on how the analysis works withinInnoDB,
see\n\n\nMySQL uses
the stored key distribution to decide the order in which\ntables should be joined
when you perform a join on something other than\na constant. In addition, key
distributions can be used when deciding\nwhich indexes to use for a specific table
within a query.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the
table.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (442, 'MICROSECOND', 28, 'Syntax:\
nMICROSECOND(expr)\n\nReturns the microseconds from the time or datetime expression
expr as a\nnumber in the range from 0 to 999999.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT MICROSECOND(''12:00:00.123456'');\n -> 123456\nmysql> SELECT
MICROSECOND(''1997-12-31 23:59:59.000010'');\n -> 10\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (443, 'CONSTRAINT', 36, 'InnoDB also supports
foreign key constraints. The syntax for a foreign\nkey constraint definition in
InnoDB looks like this:\n\n[CONSTRAINT symbol] FOREIGN KEY [id]
(index_col_name, ...)\n REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name, ...)\n [ON
'CREATE TABLE product (category INT NOT NULL, id INT NOT NULL,\n
price DECIMAL,\n PRIMARY KEY(category, id)) ENGINE=INNODB;\
product_category INT NOT NULL,\n product_id INT NOT
NULL,\n customer_id INT NOT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY(no),\n INDEX (product_category,
product_id),\n FOREIGN KEY (product_category,
product_id)\n REFERENCES product(category, id)\n
(customer_id),\n FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)\n
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (444, 'FIELD', 33, 'Syntax:\
nFIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...)\n\nReturns the index (position) of str in the str1,
str2, str3, ... list.\nReturns 0 if str is not found.\n\nIf all arguments to
FIELD() are strings, all arguments are compared as\nstrings. If all arguments are
numbers, they are compared as numbers.\nOtherwise, the arguments are compared as
double.\n\nIf str is NULL, the return value is 0 because NULL fails equality\
ncomparison with any value. FIELD() is the complement of ELT().\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
FIELD(''ej'', ''Hej'', ''ej'', ''Heja'', ''hej'', ''foo'');\n -> 2\nmysql>
SELECT FIELD(''fo'', ''Hej'', ''ej'', ''Heja'', ''hej'', ''foo'');\n -> 0\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (445, 'MAKETIME', 28, 'Syntax:\
nMAKETIME(hour,minute,second)\n\nReturns a time value calculated from the hour,
minute, and second\narguments.\n\nURL:
and-time-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT MAKETIME(12,15,30);\n ->
''12:15:30''\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (446, 'CURDATE', 28, 'Syntax:\nCURDATE()\n\nReturns
the current date as a value in ''YYYY-MM-DD'' or YYYYMMDD format,\ndepending on
whether the function is used in a string or numeric\ncontext.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT CURDATE();\n -> ''1997-12-15''\nmysql> SELECT CURDATE() + 0;\n
-> 19971215\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (447, 'SET PASSWORD', 8, 'Syntax:\nSET PASSWORD
[FOR user] = PASSWORD(''some password'')\n\nThe SET PASSWORD statement assigns a
password to an existing MySQL user\naccount.\n\nWith no FOR clause, this statement
sets the password for the current\nuser. Any client that has connected to the
server using a non-anonymous\naccount can change the password for that account.\n\
nWith a FOR clause, this statement sets the password for a specific\naccount on the
current server host. Only clients that have the UPDATE\nprivilege for the mysql
database can do this. The user value should be\ngiven in user_name@host_name
format, where user_name and host_name are\nexactly as they are listed in the User
and Host columns of the\nmysql.user table entry. For example, if you had an entry
with User and\nHost column values of ''bob'' and '''', you would write
the\nstatement like this:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR ''bob''@'''' =
password.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (448, 'IF FUNCTION', 6, 'Syntax:\
nIF(expr1,expr2,expr3)\n\nIf expr1 is TRUE (expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) then IF()
returns\nexpr2; otherwise it returns expr3. IF() returns a numeric or string\
nvalue, depending on the context in which it is used.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT IF(1>2,2,3);\n -> 3\nmysql> SELECT IF(1<2,''yes'',''no'');\n -
> ''yes''\nmysql> SELECT IF(STRCMP(''test'',''test1''),''no'',''yes'');\n ->
''no''\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (449, 'ENUM', 20, 'ENUM(''value1'',''value2'',...)
[CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE\ncollation_name]\n\nAn enumeration. A string
object that can have only one value, chosen\nfrom the list of values ''value1'',
''value2'', ..., NULL or the special ''''\nerror value. An ENUM column can have a
maximum of 65,535 distinct\nvalues. ENUM values are represented internally as
n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (450, 'DATABASE', 15, 'Syntax:\nDATABASE()\n\
nReturns the default (current) database name as a string in the utf8\ncharacter
set. If there is no default database, DATABASE() returns\nNULL. Within a stored
routine, the default database is the database\nthat the routine is associated with,
which is not necessarily the same\nas the database that is the default in the
calling context.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT DATABASE();\n -> ''test''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (451, 'POINTFROMWKB', 29,
'PointFromWKB(wkb[,srid])\n\nConstructs a POINT value using its WKB representation
and SRID.\n\nURL:\n\
n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (452, 'POWER', 4, 'Syntax:\nPOWER(X,Y)\n\nThis is a
synonym for POW().\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', '', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (453, 'ATAN', 4, 'Syntax:\nATAN(X)\n\nReturns the
arc tangent of X, that is, the value whose tangent is X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT ATAN(2);\n -> 1.1071487177941\nmysql> SELECT ATAN(-2);\n -> -
1.1071487177941\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (454, 'STRCMP', 33, 'Syntax:\nSTRCMP(expr1,expr2)\
n\nSTRCMP() returns 0 if the strings are the same, -1 if the first\nargument is
smaller than the second according to the current sort\norder, and 1 otherwise.\n\
'mysql> SELECT STRCMP(''text'', ''text2'');\n -> -1\nmysql> SELECT
STRCMP(''text2'', ''text'');\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT STRCMP(''text'',
''text'');\n -> 0\n', '
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (455, 'INSERT DELAYED', 25, 'Syntax:\nINSERT
DELAYED ...\n\nThe DELAYED option for the INSERT statement is a MySQL extension to\
nstandard SQL that is very useful if you have clients that cannot or\nneed not wait
for the INSERT to complete. This is a common situation\nwhen you use MySQL for
logging and you also periodically run SELECT and\nUPDATE statements that take a
long time to complete.\n\nWhen a client uses INSERT DELAYED, it gets an okay from
the server at\nonce, and the row is queued to be inserted when the table is not in
use\nby any other thread.\n\nAnother major benefit of using INSERT DELAYED is that
inserts from many\nclients are bundled together and written in one block. This is
much\nfaster than performing many separate inserts.\n\nNote that INSERT DELAYED is
slower than a normal INSERT if the table is\nnot otherwise in use. There is also
the additional overhead for the\nserver to handle a separate thread for each table
for which there are\ndelayed rows. This means that you should use INSERT DELAYED
only when\nyou are really sure that you need it.\n\nThe queued rows are held only
in memory until they are inserted into\nthe table. This means that if you terminate
mysqld forcibly (for\nexample, with kill -9) or if mysqld dies unexpectedly, any
queued rows\nthat have not been written to disk are lost.\n\nThere are some
constraints on the use of DELAYED:\n\no INSERT DELAYED works only with MyISAM,
MEMORY, and ARCHIVE tables.\n See\n,\n,\n and\n\n\no For MyISAM
tables, if there are no free blocks in the middle of the\n data file, concurrent
SELECT and INSERT statements are supported.\n Under these circumstances, you very
seldom need to use INSERT DELAYED\n with MyISAM.\n\no INSERT DELAYED should be
used only for INSERT statements that specify\n value lists. The server ignores
n\no Because the INSERT DELAYED statement returns immediately, before the\n rows
are inserted, you cannot use LAST_INSERT_ID() to get the\n AUTO_INCREMENT value
that the statement might generate.\n\no DELAYED rows are not visible to SELECT
statements until they actually\n have been inserted.\n\no DELAYED is ignored on
slave replication servers because it could\n cause the slave to have different
data than the master.\n\no Pending INSERT DELAYED statements are lost if a table is
write locked\n and ALTER TABLE is used to modify the table structure.\n\no INSERT
DELAYED is not supported for views.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (456, 'SHOW PROCEDURE CODE', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
{PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} CODE sp_name\n\nThese statements are MySQL extensions that
are available only for\nservers that have been built with debugging support. They
display a\nrepresentation of the internal implementation of the named routine. The\
nstatements require that you be the owner of the routine or have SELECT\naccess to
the mysql.proc table.\n\nIf the named routine is available, each statement produces
a result\nset. Each row in the result set corresponds to one "instruction" in the\
nroutine. The first column is Pos, which is an ordinal number beginning\nwith 0.
The second column is Instruction, which contains an SQL\nstatement (usually changed
from the original source), or a directive\nwhich has meaning only to the stored-
routine handler.\n\nURL:
code.html\n\n', 'mysql> DELIMITER //\nmysql> CREATE PROCEDURE p1 ()\n -> BEGIN\n
-> DECLARE fanta INT DEFAULT 55;\n -> DROP TABLE t2;\n -> LOOP\n ->
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (fanta);\n -> END LOOP;\n -> END//\nQuery OK, 0
rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nmysql> SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1//\n+-----
+----------------------------------------+\n| Pos | Instruction
|\n+-----+----------------------------------------+\n| 0 | set fanta@0 55
|\n| 1 | stmt 9 "DROP TABLE t2" |\n| 2 | stmt 5 "INSERT INTO t3
VALUES (fanta)" |\n| 3 | jump 2 |\n+-----
+----------------------------------------+\n4 rows in set (0.00 sec)\n',
charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]\n\nA TEXT column with a maximum length of
16,777,215 (224 - 1) characters.\nThe effective maximum length is less if the value
contains multi-byte\ncharacters. Each MEDIUMTEXT value is stored using a three-byte
length\nprefix that indicates the number of bytes in the value.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (458, 'LN', 4, 'Syntax:\nLN(X)\n\nReturns the
natural logarithm of X; that is, the base-e logarithm of X.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT LN(2);\n -> 0.69314718055995\nmysql> SELECT LN(-2);\n -> NULL\
n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (459, 'SHOW COLLATION', 25, 'Syntax:\nSHOW
COLLATION\n [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]\n\nThe output from SHOW COLLATION
includes all available character sets.\nThe LIKE clause, if present, indicates
which collation names to match.\nThe WHERE clause can be given to select rows using
more general\nconditions, as discussed
in\n For example:\n\
nmysql> SHOW COLLATION LIKE ''latin1%'';\n+-------------------+---------+----
+---------+----------+---------+\n| Collation | Charset | Id | Default |
Compiled | Sortlen |\n+-------------------+---------+----+---------+----------
+---------+\n| latin1_german1_ci | latin1 | 5 | | | 0 |\n|
latin1_swedish_ci | latin1 | 8 | Yes | Yes | 0 |\n|
latin1_danish_ci | latin1 | 15 | | | 0 |\n|
latin1_german2_ci | latin1 | 31 | | Yes | 2 |\n| latin1_bin
| latin1 | 47 | | Yes | 0 |\n| latin1_general_ci | latin1 | 48
| | | 0 |\n| latin1_general_cs | latin1 | 49 | |
| 0 |\n| latin1_spanish_ci | latin1 | 94 | | | 0 |\
n+-------------------+---------+----+---------+----------+---------+\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (460, 'LOG', 4, 'Syntax:\nLOG(X), LOG(B,X)\n\nIf
called with one parameter, this function returns the natural\nlogarithm of X.\n\
'mysql> SELECT LOG(2);\n -> 0.69314718055995\nmysql> SELECT LOG(-2);\n
-> NULL\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (461, 'SET SQL_LOG_BIN', 25, 'Syntax:\nSET
SQL_LOG_BIN = {0|1}\n\nDisables or enables binary logging for the current
connection\n(SQL_LOG_BIN is a session variable) if the client has the SUPER\
nprivilege. The statement is refused with an error if the client does\nnot have
that privilege.\n\nURL:
bin.html\n\n', '', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (462, '!=', 17, 'Syntax:\n<>, !=\n\nNot equal:\n\
'mysql> SELECT ''.01'' <> ''0.01'';\n -> 1\nmysql> SELECT .01 <> ''0.01'';\n
-> 0\nmysql> SELECT ''zapp'' <> ''zappp'';\n -> 1\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (463, 'WHILE', 35, 'Syntax:\n[begin_label:] WHILE
search_condition DO\n statement_list\nEND WHILE [end_label]\n\nThe statement
list within a WHILE statement is repeated as long as the\nsearch_condition is true.
statement_list consists of one or more\nstatements.\n\nA WHILE statement can be
labeled. end_label cannot be given unless\nbegin_label also is present. If both are
present, they must be the\nsame.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'CREATE PROCEDURE
dowhile()\nBEGIN\n DECLARE v1 INT DEFAULT 5;\n\n WHILE v1 > 0 DO\n ...\n
SET v1 = v1 - 1;\n END WHILE;\nEND\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (464, 'AES_DECRYPT', 10, 'Syntax:\
nAES_DECRYPT(crypt_str,key_str)\n\nThis function allows decryption of data using
the official AES\n(Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. For more information,
see the\ndescription of AES_ENCRYPT().\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (465, 'DAYNAME', 28, 'Syntax:\nDAYNAME(date)\n\
nReturns the name of the weekday for date. As of MySQL 5.0.25, the\nlanguage used
for the name is controlled by the value of the\nlc_time_names system variable\
n(\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT DAYNAME(''1998-02-05'');\n -> ''Thursday''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (466, 'COERCIBILITY', 15, 'Syntax:\
nCOERCIBILITY(str)\n\nReturns the collation coercibility value of the string
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(''abc'' COLLATE
latin1_swedish_ci);\n -> 0\nmysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(USER());\n ->
3\nmysql> SELECT COERCIBILITY(''abc'');\n -> 4\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (467, 'INT', 20, 'INT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL]\n\
nA normal-size integer. The signed range is -2147483648 to 2147483647.\nThe
unsigned range is 0 to 4294967295.\n\nURL:\n\n', '',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (468, 'GLENGTH', 11, 'GLength(ls)\n\nReturns as a
double-precision number the length of the LineString value\nls in its associated
spatial reference.\n\nURL:
property-functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SET @ls = ''LineString(1 1,2 2,3 3)'';\
nmysql> SELECT GLength(GeomFromText(@ls));\n+----------------------------+\n|
GLength(GeomFromText(@ls)) |\n+----------------------------+\n|
2.8284271247462 |\n+----------------------------+\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (469, 'RADIANS', 4, 'Syntax:\nRADIANS(X)\n\nReturns
the argument X, converted from degrees to radians. (Note that\np radians equals 180
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT RADIANS(90);\n -> 1.5707963267949\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (470, 'COLLATION', 15, 'Syntax:\nCOLLATION(str)\n\
nReturns the collation of the string argument.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
SELECT COLLATION(''abc'');\n -> ''latin1_swedish_ci''\nmysql> SELECT
COLLATION(_utf8''abc'');\n -> ''utf8_general_ci''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (471, 'COALESCE', 17, 'Syntax:\
nCOALESCE(value,...)\n\nReturns the first non-NULL value in the list, or NULL if
there are no\nnon-NULL values.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql>
-> NULL\n', '');
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (472, 'VERSION', 15, 'Syntax:\nVERSION()\n\nReturns
a string that indicates the MySQL server version. The string\nuses the utf8
character set.\n\nURL:
functions.html\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT VERSION();\n -> ''5.0.56-standard''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (473, 'MAKE_SET', 33, 'Syntax:\
nMAKE_SET(bits,str1,str2,...)\n\nReturns a set value (a string containing
substrings separated by ","\ncharacters) consisting of the strings that have the
corresponding bit\nin bits set. str1 corresponds to bit 0, str2 to bit 1, and so
on. NULL\nvalues in str1, str2, ... are not appended to the result.\n\nURL:\n\n', 'mysql> SELECT
MAKE_SET(1,''a'',''b'',''c'');\n -> ''a''\nmysql> SELECT MAKE_SET(1 |
4,''hello'',''nice'',''world'');\n -> ''hello,world''\nmysql> SELECT
MAKE_SET(1 | 4,''hello'',''nice'',NULL,''world'');\n -> ''hello''\nmysql>
SELECT MAKE_SET(0,''a'',''b'',''c'');\n -> ''''\n',
INSERT INTO `help_topic` VALUES (474, 'FIND_IN_SET', 33, 'Syntax:\
nFIND_IN_SET(str,strlist)\n\nReturns a value in the range of 1 to N if the string
str is in the\nstring list strlist consisting of N substrings. A string list is a\
nstring composed of substrings separated by "," characters. If the first\nargument
is a constant string and the second is a column of type SET,\nthe FIND_IN_SET()
function is optimized to use bit arithmetic. Returns\n0 if str is not in strlist or
if strlist is the empty string. Returns\nNULL if either argument is NULL. This
function does not work properly\nif the first argument contains a comma (",")
n', 'mysql> SELECT FIND_IN_SET(''b'',''a,b,c,d'');\n -> 2\n',

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `host`


`Host` char(60) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Db` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Select_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Insert_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Update_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Delete_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Drop_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Grant_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`References_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Index_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Alter_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_tmp_table_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Lock_tables_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_view_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Show_view_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_routine_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Alter_routine_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Execute_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
PRIMARY KEY (`Host`,`Db`)
Merged with database privileges';

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `host`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `proc`


`db` char(64) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`name` char(64) NOT NULL default '',
`specific_name` char(64) NOT NULL default '',
`language` enum('SQL') NOT NULL default 'SQL',
`is_deterministic` enum('YES','NO') NOT NULL default 'NO',
`security_type` enum('INVOKER','DEFINER') NOT NULL default 'DEFINER',
`param_list` blob NOT NULL,
`returns` char(64) NOT NULL default '',
`body` longblob NOT NULL,
`definer` char(77) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
`modified` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
NOT NULL default '',
`comment` char(64) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`db`,`name`,`type`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `proc`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `procs_priv`

CREATE TABLE `procs_priv` (

`Host` char(60) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Db` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`User` char(16) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Routine_name` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Routine_type` enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') collate utf8_bin NOT NULL,
`Grantor` char(77) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Proc_priv` set('Execute','Alter Routine','Grant') character set utf8 NOT NULL
default '',
`Timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
PRIMARY KEY (`Host`,`Db`,`User`,`Routine_name`,`Routine_type`),
KEY `Grantor` (`Grantor`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `procs_priv`
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `tables_priv`

CREATE TABLE `tables_priv` (

`Host` char(60) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Db` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`User` char(16) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Table_name` char(64) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Grantor` char(77) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update
','Alter','Create View','Show view') character set utf8 NOT NULL default '',
`Column_priv` set('Select','Insert','Update','References') character set utf8 NOT
NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`Host`,`Db`,`User`,`Table_name`),
KEY `Grantor` (`Grantor`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='Table privileges';

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `tables_priv`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `time_zone`

CREATE TABLE `time_zone` (

`Time_zone_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`Use_leap_seconds` enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'N',
PRIMARY KEY (`Time_zone_id`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `time_zone`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `time_zone_leap_second`

CREATE TABLE `time_zone_leap_second` (

`Transition_time` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`Correction` int(11) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`Transition_time`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Leap seconds information for time
-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `time_zone_leap_second`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `time_zone_name`

CREATE TABLE `time_zone_name` (

`Name` char(64) NOT NULL,
`Time_zone_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `time_zone_name`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `time_zone_transition`

CREATE TABLE `time_zone_transition` (

`Time_zone_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`Transition_time` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`Transition_type_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`Time_zone_id`,`Transition_time`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Time zone transitions';

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `time_zone_transition`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `time_zone_transition_type`

CREATE TABLE `time_zone_transition_type` (

`Time_zone_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`Transition_type_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`Offset` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`Is_DST` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`Abbreviation` char(8) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`Time_zone_id`,`Transition_type_id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Time zone transition types';

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `time_zone_transition_type`
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Estructura de tabla para la tabla `user`


`Host` char(60) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`User` char(16) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Password` char(41) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
`Select_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Insert_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Update_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Delete_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Drop_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Reload_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Shutdown_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Process_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`File_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Grant_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`References_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Index_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Alter_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Show_db_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Super_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_tmp_table_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Lock_tables_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Execute_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Repl_slave_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Repl_client_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_view_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Show_view_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_routine_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Alter_routine_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`Create_user_priv` enum('N','Y') character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'N',
`ssl_type` enum('','ANY','X509','SPECIFIED') character set utf8 NOT NULL default
`ssl_cipher` blob NOT NULL,
`x509_issuer` blob NOT NULL,
`x509_subject` blob NOT NULL,
`max_questions` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`max_updates` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`max_connections` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`max_user_connections` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`Host`,`User`)

-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `user`

INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (0x6c6f63616c686f7374, 0x726f6f74,

4, 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',
'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (0x70726f64756374696f6e2e6d7973716c2e636f6d, 0x726f6f74,
'', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',
'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (0x3132372e302e302e31, 0x726f6f74, '', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',
'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',
'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (0x6c6f63616c686f7374, '', '', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N',
'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N',
'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (0x70726f64756374696f6e2e6d7973716c2e636f6d, '', '', 'N',
'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N',
'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);

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