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Discourse at work task 4

Carlos E Beleret Pérez ,Exchange student.

Discussion task 2: significance of texts at your

chosen workplace / in your future work?

In the next essay we will analyze the job of a teacher and we will answer the questions
proposed in class, making a connection to our choice.
In our case, I have chosen the job of a school. To be more specific in our analysis we
will focus on how teachers respond to the proposed questions. I want to clarify that I
also understand the administrative part of the institution but we focus more on this
vision, since I have observed and experienced it.
Once the workplace has been chosen, we will move on to the context. In this case we
focus on the interaction between teacher and student: the elements they use for this
interaction and how they use them.
Regarding the first question, in this work environment between student and teacher we
find ourselves, almost all the time, with educative text, research and work / activity
cards. Nearly 705 of the texts come from an external source, but there are also texts
created by the teacher. Without forgetting that we can also include the texts produced in
class by the students (dictation writing etc). And the language used of this text depend
of the class and the country but in our case we have Finnish and English
These texts are used for the instruction of the students and to guide them in these tasks.
The verbal and multimodal interaction is very varied. Where the student answers the
questions of said text but establishing a relationship of help with the teacher, since at
any time you can raise your hand to ask for support of it.
The critical questions that come up are varied and very open to debate. As the
powerpoint slide quotes, the textbooks can be a question to debate since each one is
different from the other and can be a help or a delay in the learning process (As we
know, this debate continues in the present day)
n conclusion, in this exercise we have analyzed the job position of a school. As we have
observed the modal aspects of the interaction between students and teacher texts vary
according to each one, but if it is true that it is different, we can see a constant pratón in
the use of said texts, since, remember, the purpose of these These texts are educational
and any reading can be instructive. Whether it is good or bad
Jyväskylän Normaalikoulu Primary
Workplace visit Report

Jyväskylän Yliopisto
Subject: Discourse at Work

Department: Language and Communication Deparment

Lecturer: Arja Piirainen-Marsh

As we have talked before, , in this part of the report we will analyse the Institutional
discourse which means communication in institutional settings (e.g. medical, legal,
educational, organisational and media contexts) and different areas that include: the
structure of the workplace, the analysis of the discourse, the interactions in place of
work, multimodal analysis and digital discourse.

Regarding to the structure In course case we visited the 4 th grade English class,
Jyväskylän Normaalikoulu Primary School. The class was divided with 19 students and
two teachers: the one who teach to the class and the one that is located in the left corner
of the class as the main teacher who controls the rest of the class. Materials in the
workplace:Digital Materials: SmartBoard Two Computers PapersTask Pencils and Pens.
That’s why as flies in the wall we decide to divide this analysis in the following parts:

-The Opening of the class

-First Sequence of interaction

- Articles exercise(Book Activity Listening(class exercise)

- Final Activities (song)

The Opening of the class

To our surprise, the introduction of the class begins, in terms of interaction, with the
greeting of one of the teachers to all the students at the door of the class. Although this
seems normal, the surprise comes when we observe that the teacher and high five
student between them. If we analyze this introduction, we can observe that there are no
authority roles at first sight. Although, as students enter class almost all of them start to
speak English (or at least try). For us it was a fact that changes our perspective of the
behavior of 11-year-old students, which reflects attitudes of bad behaviour, problems of
concnetration and boredom for the simple fact of being children.

First Sequence of interaction

In this sequence we observed the first interactions : the first one comes from the
question that the teacher makes in English in order to introduce the class:

Teacher:Good morning everybody!

with the corresponding response from the students who answer all at once. The teacher,
seeing the great interactive response from the students, asked:

Teacher:How was your weekend? –

And again the massive response from the students raised their hands to just say simple
phrases like: great, it was good , or very good. This introduction gives us to understand
that the teacher will speak English thorough the whole class but also she switch to
Finnish. These language changes are used to explain certain things that are not
understood in class. Even so, it is a friendly and close language with the students.

- Articles exercise(Book Activity Listening(class exercise)

As the class progresses, the main objective of the teacher is to teach the articles: A, An
and The. In terms of Multimodal analysis & digital discourse, the teacher uses the smart
board to introduce the lesson. The use of this board allowed her to create games where
she interacted with her students, making them participate in the lesson.

Once the theory has been introduced, the teacher provides them with a series of tasks in
the form of text that will be complemented with the use of the exercise book. It is very
interesting how the teacher walks through the class helping the students who have
finished the task or those who do not know how to do it. It is important to add that the
main teacher who was located at the corner also rises to give help. So in terms of
interaction we have the friendly and helpful relationship between two teachers and the

Final Activities (song)

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