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9. To find where the ball lands, we need to know its speed as it leaves the track (using
conservation of energy). Its initial kinetic energy is Ki = 0 and its initial potential energy
is Ui = M gH. Its final kinetic energy (as it leaves the track) is given by Eq. 11-5:

K f = 12 Mv 2 + 21 Iw 2

and its final potential energy is M gh. Here we use v to denote the speed of its center of
mass and w is its angular speed — at the moment it leaves the track. Since (up to that
moment) the ball rolls without sliding we can set w = v/R. Using I = 25 MR 2 (Table 10-
2(f)), conservation of energy leads to
1 1 1 2
MgH = Mv 2 + Iw 2 + Mgh = Mv 2 + Mv 2 + Mgh
2 2 2 10
= Mv 2 + Mgh.

The mass M cancels from the equation, and we obtain

g H -h =g10
d ib g
9.8 m s2 6.0 m - 2.0 m = 7.48 m s .

Now this becomes a projectile motion of the type examined in Chapter 4. We put the
origin at the position of the center of mass when the ball leaves the track (the “initial”
position for this part of the problem) and take +x rightward and +y downward. Then
(since the initial velocity is purely horizontal) the projectile motion equations become

x = vt , y = - gt 2 .
Solving for x at the time when y = h, the second equation gives t = 2 h g . Then,
substituting this into the first equation, we find
2h 2 ( 2.0 m )
x=v = ( 7.48 m/s ) = 4.8 m.
g 9.8 m/s 2
112 CHAPTER 11

16. Using energy conservation with Eq. 11-5 and solving for the rotational inertia (about
the center of mass), we find

Icom = 2MhR2/r – MR2 = MR2[2g(H – h)/v2 – 1] .

Thus, using the b notation suggested in the problem, we find

b = 2g(H – h)/v2 – 1.

To proceed further, we need to find the center of mass speed v, which we do using the
projectile motion equations of Chapter 4. With voy = 0, Eq. 4-22 gives the time-of-flight
as t = 2h/g . Then Eq. 4-21 (squared, and using d for the horizontal displacement) gives
v2 = gd2/2h. Plugging this into our expression for b gives

2g(H – h)/v2 – 1 = 4h(H – h)/d2 – 1.

Therefore, with the values given in the problem, we find b = 0.25.


r r
26. We note that the component of v perpendicular
r to r has magnitude v sin q2 where
q2= 30°. A similar observation applies to F .

(a) Eq. 11-20 leads to

l = rmv^ = ( 5.0 m )( 2.0 kg )( 4.0 m/s ) sin 30° = 20 kg × m 2 s.

r r
(b) Using the right-hand rule for vector products, we find r ´ p points out of the page, or
along the +z axis, perpendicular to the plane of the figure.

(c) Similarly, Eq. 10-38 leads to

t = rF sin q 2 = (5.0 m)(2.0 N) sin(30) = 5.0 N × m

r r
(d) Using the right-hand rule for vector products, we find r ´ F is also out of the page, or
along the +z axis, perpendicular to the plane of the figure.

44. So that we don’t get confused about ± signs, we write the angular speed to the lazy
Susan as w and reserve the w symbol for the angular velocity (which, using a common
convention, is negative-valued when the rotation is clockwise). When the roach “stops”
we recognize that it comes to rest relative to the lazy Susan (not relative to the ground).

(a) Angular momentum conservation leads to

which we can write (recalling our discussion about angular speed versus angular
velocity) as

We solve for the final angular speed of the system:

mvR - I | w0 | (0.20 kg)(2.0 m/s)(0.18 m) - (5.0 ´10-3 kg × m 2 )(2.8 rad/s)

|w f |= =
mR 2 + I (5.0 ´10 -3 kg × m 2 ) + (0.20 kg)(0.18 m) 2
= 5.1 rad/s.

(b) No, K f ¹ Ki and — if desired — we can solve for the difference:

mI v + w 0 R + 2 Rv w 0
2 2 2
Ki - K f =
2 mR 2 + I

which is clearly positive. Thus, some of the initial kinetic energy is “lost” — that is,
transferred to another form. And the culprit is the roach, who must find it difficult to
stop (and “internalize” that energy).

54. We denote the cat with subscript 1 and the ring with subscript 2. The cat has a mass
m1 = M/4, while the mass of the ring is m2 = M = 6.00 kg. The moment of inertia of the
ring is I 2 = m2 ( R12 + R22 ) / 2 (Table 10-2), and I1 = m1r2 for the cat, where r is the
perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation.

Initially the angular momentum of the system consisting of the cat (at r = R2) and the ring
1 é 1 m2 æ R12 ö ù
Li = m1v1i r1i + I 2w 2 i = m1w 0 R22 + m2 ( R12 + R22 )w 0 = m1 R22 w 0 ê1 + ç 2 + 1÷ ú .
2 ë 2 m1 è R2 ø û

After the cat has crawled to the inner edge at r = R1 the final angular momentum of the
system is
1 é 1 m2 æ R22 ö ù
L f = m1w f R1 + m2 ( R1 + R2 )w f = m1 R1 w f ê1 +
2 2 2 2
ç1 + 2 ÷ ú .
2 ë 2 m1 è R1 ø û
Then from Lf = Li we obtain
1 m2 æ R12 ö
2 1+ ç + 1÷
w f æ R2 ö 2 m1 è R22 ø 1 + 2(0.25 + 1)
=ç ÷ = (2.0) 2 = 1.273 .
w0 è R1 ø 1 m2 æ R2 ö 2
1 + 2(1 + 4)
1+ ç1+ ÷
2 m1 è R12 ø

Thus, w f = 1.273w 0 . Using w0 =8.00 rad/s, we have wf =10.2 rad/s. By substituting I =

L/w into K = I w 2 / 2 , we obtain K = Lw / 2 . Since Li = Lf, the kinetic energy ratio
K f Lf w f / 2 w f
= = = 1.2727 » 1.273.
Ki Liwi / 2 w0

which implies DK = K f - K i = 0.273K i . The cat does positive work while walking toward
the center of the ring, increasing the total kinetic energy of the system.

Since the initial kinetic energy is given by

1é 1 2 ù 2 1 é 1 m2 æ R12 ö ù
K i = ê m1 R2 + m2 ( R1 + R2 ) ú w0 = m1 R2 w0 ê1 +
2 2 2 2
ç 2 + 1÷ ú
2ë 2 û 2 ë 2 m1 è R2 øû
é 1 ù
= (1.50 kg)(0.800 m)2 (8.00 rad/s)2 ê1 + (4) ( (0.50)2 + 1) ú
2 ë 2 û
= 107.52 J,

the increase in kinetic energy is

152 CHAPTER 11

DK = (0.273)(107.5 J) = 29.3 J.
158 CHAPTER 11

60. (a) With r = 0.75 m, we obtain I = 0.060 + (0.601)r2 = 0.40 kg ∙ m2.

(b) Invoking angular momentum conservation, with SI units understood,

l 0 = L f Þ mv0 r = I w Þ ( 0.001) v0 ( 0.75) = ( 0.40 )( 4.5 )

which leads to v0 = 2.4 ´ 103 m/s.

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