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Report on case study



REG NO: 12219848


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soomesh who is an entrepreneur and the founder of cool cream pvt ltd. He was fond of
ice cream and very attracted to ice creams. And have a innovative idea of having or introducing
an ice cream with the flavor of a ginger.
Now, soomesh wants to introduce a flavour with the tint of ginger, overall the the idea
of the introduction of the ice cream with the ginger flavor was an innovative and brilliant idea
that one creator and an enterprise should do in order to exist in the market and he always have
to come upon with an new and innovative idea.
Soomesh was an MBA graduate he persuaded his masters in foreign universities and
came back to India and started a company called cool cream pvt ltd as he was of ice cream.
And he got recognized as the finest ice cream makers in India.
Now, if we go in depth of the summary to discuss in detail about the problems and the
measures that has to be taken by the company to make the cream company to make the sales
go in the desired way as expected.

Identification of the problems

As we come from the start the company was already a successful in the market and
been termed as the finest ice cream makers in the country. If the company is trying to go in an
innovative way and want to introduce a new product it has go through a certain amount of
difficulties and has to face many problems in order to finally get the product in the market.
Now, we would discuss the basic problems has to be faced by the company in the initial stage
of introduction if the product.

1. Lack of knowledge :-
There is a greater chance that the company would face a problem while
introducing this product to the market it could be the lack of knowledge about the
product. People may not know about the product and the benefits and uses about the
ginger flavour ice cream.

2. Chances of getting copied:-

The product was innovative and good in gathering attention and was very
successful in the market. Then the company has to be aware of the fellow competitors
has been in the market of ice cream manufacturing since the beginning such as quality
walls, Amul, Arun etc.

What we conclude is that the would have a chance to get copied by the other makers
and this could severely be a problem in the coming days and sales for the company.

3. Quality issues:-

The main and the important aspect that the makers has to be very careful of is
the quality of their ice cream. The quality is all that matters in every product because
the customers always go the best if the companies have failed to satisfy or provide the
desired quality that was expected by the customer the company could face a problem.

Q1. Analyze the cause and providing the solution?

To provide a clear cut solution to this problems marketing analysis is the best option. Let
us discuss what is marketing analysis.

What is marketing analysis?

Market analysis can be important for companies because it can inform their future
business decisions and marketing initiatives. For example, a business that wants to introduce a
new product to its current market can use a market analysis to understand what steps they need
to take to ensure its product is successful and appeals to the market's consumers.
Marketing analysis can also be crucial to companies that want to start conducting
business in a new market, as it can show company leaders how well their business might
perform based on data from competitors.

1. Recruiting talent strategy:

A marketing team's combined levels of experience and expertise are often important
factors in creating effective strategies. Because talented marketers are often in high demand,
recruiting and maintaining an accomplished staff can sometimes be a challenge. If you're
experiencing staffing issues, consider applying marketing techniques to the recruitment process
to make your company more attractive to potential employees.
By recruiting a new talents and new fresh ideas by the management workers can be A
game changer it could provide an appropriate and even better ideas to over the competitors in
the market.

2. Maintaining a sufficient budget strategy:

One common challenge marketers may face is a lack of funding or resources. This
can occur if a company is experiencing losses or if marketing campaigns aren't providing a
return on investment. Insufficient funds may prevent marketers from reaching their potential
or slow a company's growth.

To overcome funding issues, it's often important for marketing teams to establish their
value to company leadership. One effective strategy is tracking and reporting on valuable
performance metrics.

3. Penetration and Pricing Strategy:

In this tactic, the product is first priced low to capture market share and draw in
new clients. To entice people to try Ginger flavoured Ice Cream, Soomesh can first set
a cheap price for it.

The ice cream that was created has to be available for all the people who were
living in the community.

Q2. Do you think the idea of introducing ice cream with the ginger
flavor will capture the market and sales will increase? why? or why
According to us this new product will have potential demand in the market because of
its uniqueness. The following statements will explain why
It would be crucial for you as a consultant at this brainstorming session to assess
theprospective demand for the novel product, ginger flavoured Ice Cream, before offering a
pricing recommendation. According to the case study, Soomesh Sharma had a personal
experience when he ate a bowl of ice cream with added ginger juice. This inspired him to
instruct his R&D Centre to create an ice cream with ginger flavor, called ginger flavoured Ice
Cream. The device underwent market testing and was enthusiastically praised, showing
prospective demand.

Presenting the product to the market:-

when the product was introduced to the market at the initial stage there are a few
advantages that follow with a profitable outcome.

There are so many adavatages to the product to capture the market and increase in the sales.
1. As the consumers are familiar with the company and as it was already a successful company
in the manufacturing the ice-creams consumer or customer may have recognition and goodwill
on the company (brand)
2. Although the product ice cream has been in the market for many yearsPeople are very
familiar with many flavors of the ice-cream. The addition of the ginger flavor was a different
attempt ( Analysing the competitors)
3. The price of the product also plays a key role in determining the successof the sales for the
product. Keeping the barrier of the cost and every person on the idea the price should be reached
or has to be accepted by each and every individual of all sectors (pricing)
4. Ginger is well known for its potential health benefits. Ginger can be a natural remedy for
many diseases and problems such as inflammation and aiding digestion. (health)

5. The product can also meet a high amount of sales if the item gets prerequired publicity or
advertising. Many companies uses high-level advertising for newly launched product to gain
the maximum reach with the public or consumers.
6. even the company can make an innovative way and can add or mix the ginger flavour with
some of the traditional flavours of the ice cream to eliminate the ginger essence and the taste
of the ginger and make the customers who hate the ginger flavour and satisfy them like.

And yet there are few dis advatages which the company should have to be very careful of
and they are.

As many companies produce many kinds of flavored ice cream to satisfy the taste of all
customers. The ginger flavor could be a disaster because of its taste. There can be a chance that
most of the customers don’t like the ginger flavor taste. So then it would be a problem. (taste)
2. The company and the makers have to be very careful with the competitors of the ice cream
manufacturing companies as if the ginger-flavored ice cream was not liked by many of the
Then the competitors would plan for a killer tactic move and make a better-flavored ice
cream which could affect the entire then it won’t be able to capture the market and
make increased sales. (competitors)
3. The flavor itself was a natural remedy and everyone knows about ginger and its benefits. So
the company has to use this as an effective marketing technique to publish the item. They have
to create awareness about the product and the benefits of having ginger flavored ice cream. If
this is not done properly then the product would be a disaster in the market. (lack of knowledge)

Finally I conclude that the idea of introducing the ginger flavoured ice cream by soomesh
who was an enterprenuer and was the founder of cool cream pvt ltd is a brilliant attempt and it
was very successful in capturing the market .

Eventhough it has a little drawbacks when compared to the advantages it have to
become successful they cannot prevail .
So, the product would obviously be a great source of income for the company and get
well recognised by the consumers or the customers and have a great future endeavour.

----------------------- THANK YOU------------------------

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