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4, APRIL 2022 1853

Nonlinear Observers Design for Vision-Aided

Inertial Navigation Systems
Miaomiao Wang , Member, IEEE, Soulaimane Berkane , Member, IEEE,
and Abdelhamid Tayebi , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This article deals with the simultaneous es- the camera type, vision-aided INSs can be categorized as monoc-
timation of the attitude, position, and linear velocity for ular vision-aided INS (single camera) or stereo vision-aided INS
vision-aided inertial navigation systems. We propose a non- (two cameras in a stereo setup). Vision-aided INS is widely used
linear observer on SO(3) × R15 relying on body-frame ac-
in robotics, for instance, visual-inertial odometry (VIO) and
celeration, angular velocity, and (stereo or monocular) bear-
ing measurements of some landmarks that are constant simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) [2]–[5]. Unlike
and known in the inertial frame. Unlike the existing local the VIO and SLAM, where the landmarks/features are unknown,
Kalman-type observers, our proposed nonlinear observer the estimation problem at hand, referred to as vision-aided
guarantees almost global asymptotic stability and local ex- INS, assumes known landmarks in the inertial frame. Visual
ponential stability. A detailed uniform observability analysis measurements of these landmarks together with IMU measure-
has been conducted and sufficient conditions are derived. ments are used to simultaneously estimate the attitude, position,
Moreover, a hybrid version of the proposed observer is
provided to handle the intermittent nature of the measure-
and linear velocity. The proposed estimation scheme, endowed
ments in practical applications. Simulation and experimen- with almost global asymptotic stability1 (AGAS) guarantees,
tal results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the is able to handle different types of measurements, including
proposed state observer. monocular-bearing and stereo-bearing measurements.
Index Terms—Bearing measurements, nonlinear
observer, vision-aided inertial navigation system A. Motivation and Prior Literature
(vision-aided INS), uniform observability.
The position and linear velocity of a rigid body can be ob-
tained, for instance, from a Global Positioning System (GPS),
I. INTRODUCTION whereas its attitude can be estimated from a set of body-frame
measurements of some known inertial vectors [6]–[8]. Typically,
HE design of reliable state observers for the simultane-
T ous estimation of the attitude (orientation), position, and
linear velocity for inertial navigation systems (INSs) is crucial
low-cost IMU-based estimation techniques assume that the ac-
celerometer provides body-frame measurements of the gravity
vector, which is not true in applications involving nonnegligible
in many robotics and aerospace applications. Visual sensors, accelerations. One solution to this problem consists in using
which provide a rich information about the environment, are the so-called velocity-aided attitude observers [9]–[11], which
becoming ubiquitous in a wide range of applications from make use of the linear velocity and IMU measurements to
mobile-augmented reality to autonomous vehicles’ navigation. estimate the attitude. Instead of assuming the linear velocity
A vision system together with an inertial measurement unit available (as in the velocity-aided observers), GPS-aided naviga-
(IMU) forms a vision-aided INS (or visual-INS). Depending on tion observers use IMU and GPS information to simultaneously
estimate the attitude, position, and linear velocity; see, for in-
Manuscript received February 9, 2021; accepted May 22, 2021. Date stance, [12] and references therein. These estimation schemes,
of publication June 4, 2021; date of current version March 29, 2022.
This work was supported by the National Sciences and Engineering however, are not suitable for implementations in GPS-denied
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under Grant NSERC-DG RGPIN environments (e.g., indoor applications).
2020-06270 and Grant NSERC-DG RGPIN-2020-04759. This article One alternative approach, which is widely adopted in GPS-
was presented in part at the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and denied environments, is the vision-aided INS. Most of the exist-
Control, Nice, France, December 2019 [1]. Recommended by Associate
Editor S.-J. Chung. (Corresponding author: Miaomiao Wang.) ing estimation schemes for vision-aided INSs in the literature are
Miaomiao Wang is with the Department of Electrical and Com- of Kalman-type such as the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and
puter Engineering, Western University, London, ON N6A 3K7, Canada the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) [2], [3]. Different versions of
Soulaimane Berkane is with the Department of Computer Science
these algorithms have been proposed in the literature depending
and Engineering, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Gatineau, QC J8X on the type of vision-based measurements used. Due to the non-
3X7, Canada (e-mail: linearity of the vision-aided INS kinematics, these Kalman-type
Abdelhamid Tayebi is with the Department of Electrical and Computer filters, relying on local linearizations, do not provide strong
Engineering, Western University, London, ON N6A 3K7, Canada, and
also with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Lakehead University, stability guarantees. Recently, several nonlinear observers using
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1, Canada (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at 1 The equilibrium point is stable and asymptotically attractive from almost all
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2021.3086459 initial conditions except from a set of Lebesgue measure zero.

0018-9286 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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three-dimensional (3-D) landmark position measurements have 3) A detailed uniform observably analysis has been carried
been proposed in the literature [13]–[15]. In contrast with the out for the two types of visual landmark information (i.e.,
standard EKF and its variants, an invariant EKF (IEKF), with stereo-bearing and monocular-bearing measurements).
provable local stability guarantees, has been proposed in [13]. A Sufficient conditions on the number and location of the
local Riccati-based nonlinear observer, inspired from [16], has landmarks as well as the motion of the vehicle have
been proposed in [14]. Motivated by the work in [17] and [18], been derived. The most challenging analysis was the one
hybrid nonlinear observers, with global exponential stability related to the monocular vision system, which required a
guarantees, have been proposed in [15]. tedious proof.
It is clear that vision systems do not directly provide 3-D 4) In practice, the sampling rates of the visual measurements
landmark position measurements. In fact, they can be obtained are much lower than those of the IMU measurements
from the images of a stereo-vision system using additional
(which can be assumed continuous). In this context, we
algorithms [19]. In [1], we developed nonlinear observers for at-
propose a hybrid version of our nonlinear observer to
titude, position, linear velocity, and gravity vector estimation, us-
handle the discrete and intermittent nature of the visual
ing direct stereo-bearing measurements. A local Riccati observer
for attitude, position, linear velocity, and accelerometer-bias measurements, which has been experimentally validated
estimation, with monocular-bearing measurements, has been using the EuRoc dataset [24].
proposed in [20]. On the other hand, in practical applications, The rest of this article is organized as follows. After some
the used sensors may have different sampling rates. For instance, preliminaries in Section II, we formulate our estimation problem
the sampling rates of the vision sensors are much lower than in Section III. Section IV is devoted to the design of a generic
those of the IMU, which is due to the hardware of the vision nonlinear observer for vision-aided INS using different types
sensors and the heavy image-processing computations. In this of vision-based measurements with stability and observability
situation, one should be careful as the stability results derived for analysis. A hybrid version of the proposed observer, taking
continuous-time observers are not preserved when the measure- into account the discrete and intermittent nature of the visual
ments are intermittent. To address this problem, hybrid nonlinear measurements, is presented in Section V. Simulation and experi-
observers have been considered in [21]–[23]. mental results are presented in Sections VI and VII, respectively.


B. Contributions and Organization of This Article
A. Notations and Definitions
In this article, we propose an AGAS nonlinear observer for the
simultaneous estimation of the attitude, position, and linear ve- The sets of real, nonnegative real, natural numbers, and
locity using body-frame accelerometer and gyro measurements nonzero natural numbers are denoted by R, R≥0 , N, and
as well as monocular or stereo-bearing measurements. Note N>0 , respectively. We denote by Rn the n-dimensional Eu-
that, due to the motion space topology, AGAS is the strongest clidean space, and by Sn , the set of unit vectors in Rn+1 .
result one can achieve with smooth time-invariant observers. The Euclidean norm of a vector x ∈ Rn is denoted by x,
We also provide a hybrid version of the proposed observer and the Frobenius
 norm of a matrix X ∈ Rn×m is denoted by

XF = tr(X X). The n-by-n identity and zeros matrices
that takes into account the sampled and intermittent nature of
the visual measurements for practical implementation purposes. are denoted by In and 0n , respectively. For a given matrix
Some highlights of the contributions of this article are as follows. A ∈ Rn×n , we define λ(A) as the set of all eigenvalues of A, and
1) To the best of our knowledge, the work in this article is the E(A) as the set of all unit-eigenvectors of A. The minimum and
first to achieve AGAS results for vision-aided INS with maximum eigenvalues of A are, respectively, denoted by λA min
bearing measurements. Note that the Riccati observers and λA max . By blkdiag(·), we denote the block diagonal matrix.
in [16] and [20] provide only local stability guarantees. Let ei denote the ith basis vector of Rn , which represents the
ith column of the identity matrix In .
The key idea that allowed to achieve this strong stability
The Special Orthogonal group of order three, denoted
result is the introduction of some auxiliary state variables
by SO(3), is defined as SO(3) := {R ∈ R3 , RR = R R =
allowing to appropriately design some output-driven sig-
I3 , det(R) = +1}. The Lie algebra of SO(3) is given by
nals leading to linear time-varying dynamics for the trans- so(3) := {Ω ∈ R3 : Ω = −Ω }. Let × be the vector cross-
lational vector state estimation errors. product on R3 and define the map (·)× : R3 → so(3) such that
2) The proposed observer uses generic vision-based mea- x × y = x× y, for any x, y ∈ R3 . Let vec : so(3) → R3 be the
surements, including stereo-bearing and monocular- inverse isomorphism of the map (·)× , such that vec(ω × ) = ω for
bearing measurements. This is a distinct feature from the all ω ∈ R3 . For a matrix A ∈ R3×3 , we denote by Pa : R3×3 →
existing nonlinear observers, which are tailored to a spe- so(3) the antisymmetric projection of A such that Pa (A) :=
cific type of vision-based measurements [1], [13]–[15], (A − A )/2. Define the composition map ψa := vec ◦ Pa such
[20], [23]. This is achieved by introducing some auxiliary that, for a matrix A = [aij ] ∈ R3×3 , one has ψa (A) = 12 [a32 −
basis vectors in the estimation procedure, allowing to a23 , a13 − a31 , a21 − a12 ] . For any R ∈ SO(3), we define
derive a generic (possibly time-varying) innovation term |R|I ∈ [0, 1] as the normalized Euclidean distance on SO(3)
for the translational state estimation that captures the with respect to the identity I3 , which is given by |R|2I =
different types of vision-based measurements used in this tr(I3 − R)/4. We introduce the following important orthogonal
work. projection operator: π : S2 → R3×3 that will be used throughout

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this article:
π(x) = I3 − xx , x ∈ S2 . (1)
Note that π(x) is an orthogonal projection matrix that geo-
metrically projects any vector in R3 onto the plane orthogonal
to vector x. Moreover, one verifies that π(x) is bounded and
positive semidefinite, π(x)y = 03×1 if x, y are collinear, and
Rπ(x)R = π(Rx) for any R ∈ SO(3), x ∈ S2 . For the sake of
simplicity, the argument of the time-dependent signals is omitted
unless otherwise required for the sake of clarity.
Consider A(t) ∈ Rn×n and C(t) ∈ Rm×n as matrix-valued
functions of time t, and suppose that A(t) and C(t) are contin-
uous and bounded on R≥0 . The following definition formulates Fig. 1. Geometry models of vision systems. (a) Monocular vision sys-
tem. (b) Stereo vision system.
the well-known uniform observability condition in terms of the
observability Gramian matrix.
Definition 1: The pair (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly observable 1) Stereo-bearing measurements: Let the pairs (Rc1 , pc1 )
if there exist constants δ, μ > 0 such that and (Rc2 , pc2 ) denote the homogeneous transformation
 from the body-fixed frame {B} to the right camera frame
1 t+δ  {C1 } and left camera frame {C2 }, respectively. Then, the
Wo (t, t + δ) := Φ (τ, t)C  (τ )C(τ )Φ(τ, t)dτ
δ t model of the stereo-bearing vectors of the ith landmark
≥ μIn ∀t ≥ 0 (2) in frame {Cs }, s ∈ {1, 2} are given as
pCi s 
Rcs (pBi − pcs )
where Φ(τ, t) is the transition matrix associated to A(t) such yis := = , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } (4)
that dt Φ(t, τ ) = A(t)Φ(t, τ ) and Φ(t, t) = In . pCi s  pBi − pcs 

where pCi s = Rcs

(pBi − pcs ) denotes the coordinates of
III. PROBLEM FORMULATION the ith landmark expressed in frame {Cs } for s ∈ {1, 2}.
A. Kinematic Model 2) Monocular-bearing measurements: Let the pair (Rc , pc )
denote the homogeneous transformation from the body-
Let {I} be an inertial frame and {B} be a body-fixed frame
fixed frame {B} to the camera frame {C}. Then, the model
attached to the center of mass of a rigid body. Let the rotation
matrix R ∈ SO(3) be the attitude of the frame {B} with respect of the monocular-bearing vector of the ith landmark
to the frame {I}. Let the vectors p ∈ R3 and v ∈ R3 denote expressed in frame {C} is given as
the position and linear velocity of the rigid body expressed in pCi Rc (pBi − pc )
frame {I}, respectively. The kinematic equations of a rigid body yi := = , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } (5)
pCi  pBi − pc 
navigating in 3-D space are given by
where pCi = Rc (pBi − pc ) denotes the coordinates of the
Ṙ = Rω × (3a) ith landmark expressed in frame {C}.
ṗ = v (3b) Remark 1: The bearing measurements of the ith landmark can
be obtained from the pixel measurements (ui , vi ) in the image
v̇ = g + Ra (3c) plane as yi = K−1 zi /K−1 zi  ∈ S2 with zi = [ui , vi , 1] and
where g ∈ R3 denotes the gravity vector in frame {I}, ω ∈ K denoting the intrinsic matrix of the camera [19]. As we can
R3 denotes the angular velocity of {B} with respect to {I} see in (4) and (5), only partial information of the body-frame
expressed in frame {B}, and a ∈ R3 denotes the “apparent landmark positions is available in the monocular-bearing and
acceleration” capturing all nongravitational forces applied to stereo-bearing measurements.
the rigid body expressed in frame {B}.
Assumption 1: The measurements of the angular velocity C. Objectives
ω(t) and the acceleration a(t) are continuous and bounded. Our main objectives in this work are as follows.
1) Design an almost globally asymptotically stable non-
B. Estimation Problem for Vision-Aided INS linear observer for the simultaneous estimation of the
This article focuses on the problem of attitude, position, and attitude R(t), position p(t), and linear velocity v(t),
linear velocity estimation for INS using the body-frame accel- using the IMU measurements (ω(t), a(t)) and the vi-
eration and angular velocity measurements, as well as vision- sual measurements from either (4) or (5). The observer
based body-frame position information of a family of N ∈ N>0 should be generic in the sense that it does not require
landmarks that are constant and known in the inertial frame. Let any modification when using any of the aforementioned
pi denote the (constant and known) position of the ith landmark measurements.
in frame {I}, and pBi := R (pi − p) denote the position of the 2) Carry out a detailed uniform observability analysis for
ith landmark in frame {B}. In the following, we detail the two the aforementioned visual measurements scenarios and
measurement models considered in this work (see Fig. 1). provide sufficient feasibility conditions depending on the

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R15×15 is given as
⎡ × ⎤
−ω 03 03 03 I3
⎢ 0 −ω × 03 ⎥
⎢ 3 03 03 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
A(t) = ⎢ 03 03 −ω × 03 03 ⎥ . (10)
⎢ ⎥
⎣ 03 03 03 −ω × 03 ⎦
03 g1 I3 g2 I3 g3 I3 −ω ×
Fig. 2. Structure of the proposed nonlinear observer on SO(3) × R15
for vision-aided INSs. The matrix A(t) is obtained from the closed-loop translational
error dynamics as it will be shown in the following section.
In the traditional Kalman filter, matrices V (t) and Q−1 (t) are
number and location of the landmarks, as well as the associated to the covariance matrices of the additive noise on
motion of the vehicle. the system state and output, respectively. The explicit design
3) Provide a version of the observer with continuous IMU of σy = [σy1 , σy2 , . . . , σyN ] ∈ R3N and the matrix C(t) in
the CRE (9) for each type of visual measurement described in
measurements, and sampled and intermittent visual mea-
Section III-B are given as follows.
surements for practical implementation purposes. This
1) Stereo-bearing measurements: From the stereo-bearing
is motivated by the fact that vision systems, in general,
measurements defined in (4), define the vector σyi as
provide measurements at much lower sampling rates com-
pared to the IMU sampling rates. 2

σyi = π(Rcs yis )(R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − pcs ) (11)
3 all i = 1, 2, .
for . . , N , with pi := [pi1 , pi2 , pi3 ] =
A. Nonlinear Observer Design j=1 pij ej , p̂i = j=1 pij êj for all i = 1, 2, . . . , N and
the projection map π defined in (1). The matrix C(t) is
To solve the vision-aided state estimation problem described given by
in Section III-B, we propose the following nonlinear observer ⎡ ⎤
on SO(3) × R15 : Π1 −p11 Π1 −p12 Π1 −p13 Π1 03
⎢ ⎥
⎢ Π2 −p21 Π2 −p22 Π2 −p23 Π2 03 ⎥
R̂ = R̂(ω + R̂ σR )× (6a) ⎢ ⎥
C(t) = ⎢ . .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎢ .. .⎥
p̂˙ = v̂ + ×
σR p̂ + R̂Kp σy (6b) ⎣ . . . ⎦
ΠN −pN 1 ΠN −pN 2 ΠN −pN 3 ΠN 03
v̂˙ = ĝ + R̂a + σR v̂ + R̂Kv σy (6c) (12)
ê˙ i = σR êi + R̂Ki σy z i = 1, 2, 3 (6d) 2
with Πi := s=1 π(Rcs yis ) ∈ R3×3 , i ∈ {1, . . . , N }.
 2) Monocular-bearing measurements: From the monocular-
where ĝ := 3i=1 gi êi with g = [g1 , g2 , g3 ] . The rotation ma-
bearing measurements in (5), vector σyi is designed as
trix R̂ ∈ SO(3) denotes the estimate of the attitude R, and the
vectors p̂ ∈ R3 and v̂ ∈ R3 denote the estimates of the position p σyi = π(Rc yi )(R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − pc ) (13)
and linear velocity v, respectively. The structure of the proposed
observer (6) is shown in Fig. 2. The attitude innovation term σR for all i = 1, 2, . . . , N , with the map π defined in (1). The
is given as follows: matrix C(t) is given by
⎡ ⎤
3 3 Π1 −p11 Π1 −p12 Π1 −p13 Π1 03
kR  kR  × ⎢ ⎥
σR := R̂ ρi (R̂ êi )× (R̂ ei ) = ρi êi ei (7) ⎢ Π2 −p21 Π2 −p22 Π2 −p23 Π2 03 ⎥
2 i=1 2 i=1 ⎢ ⎥
C(t) = ⎢ . .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎢ .. . ⎥
with constant scalars kR , ρi > 0, i = 1, 2, 3. The gain matrices ⎣ . . . ⎦
Kp , Kv , Ki ∈ R3×3 , i = 1, 2, 3 are designed as follows: ΠN −pN 1 ΠN −pN 2 ΠN −pN 3 ΠN 03
K = P C  (t)Q(t) (8)
with Πi := π(Rc yi ) ∈ R3×3 , i ∈ {1, . . . , N }.
with K := [Kp , K1 , K2 , K3 , Kv ] . The matrix C(t) will be Remark 2: Note that the nonstandard innovation term σR
defined later depending on type of visual measurements used. in (7) relies on the inertial frame axes ei , i ∈ {1, 2, 3} and
The matrix P is the solution to the following CRE: the auxiliary dynamical signals êi , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. The motivation
Ṗ = A(t)P + P A (t) − P C  (t)Q(t)C(t)P + V (t) (9) behind this construction is as follows. Typically, the attitude
can be estimated using body-frame measurements of at least
where P (0) ∈ R is a symmetric positive definite matrix, two noncollinear inertial frame vectors [6]. These body-frame
matrices V (t) ∈ R15×15 and Q(t) ∈ R3N ×3N are continuous, vector measurements can be easily constructed from full land-
bounded, and uniformly positive definite, and matrix A(t) ∈ mark position measurements, see for instance [23]. However,

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in the case of body-frame bearing measurements, the problem it will be shown later. In view of (3), (6), and (15), one obtains
is quite challenging since we do not have the corresponding the following closed-loop system:
inertial vectors that will allow the construction of an appropriate
innovation term σR . To overcome this challenge, we consider R̃˙ = R̃(−kR ψa (M R̃) − Γ(t)x̃)× (16a)
the inertial basis vectors ei and their corresponding body-frame
x̃˙ = A(t)x̃ − Kσy (16b)
vectors R ei . Since R ei is unknown, we design the adaptive
auxiliary vectors êi such that R̂ êi tends exponentially to R ei . where A(t) is defined in (10), and K is designed in (8) relying on
This idea is somewhat similar to the idea of the velocity-aided the solution P (t) to the CRE (9). Note that the overall closed-
attitude estimation schemes where we introduce an auxiliary loop system (16) is nonlinear and it can be seen as a cascade
variable to overcome the lack of the acceleration in the inertial interconnection of a linear time-varying (LTV) system on R15
frame [9]–[11]. and a nonlinear system evolving on SO(3). Given continuous
Remark 3: The projection operator π(Rc yi ) projects vectors and bounded matrices A(t), C(t), Q(t), V (t), with Q(t), V (t)
onto the plane orthogonal to the body-frame bearing Rc yi . This being uniformly positive definite and the pair (A(t), C(t)) being
operator allows us to eliminate, from the projected vector, the uniformly observable, it follows that the solution P (t) to the
component that is collinear to Rc yi . For instance, in (13), the CRE (9) is well defined on R≥0 and there exist positive constants
projection of R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − pc onto the plane orthogonal to the 0 < pm ≤ pM < ∞ such that pm I15 ≤ P (t) ≤ pM I15 for all
body-frame unit vector Rc yi will boil down to the projection t ≥ 0 [29], [30].
of R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − pBi , since the component pBi − pc , which is Theorem 1: Consider the nonlinear system (16) with σy =
parallel to Rc yi , will be eliminated. This mechanism, will allow C(t)x̃ and C(t) being continuous and bounded. Let Assumption
us to generate the needed terms to put the error injection vector 1 hold, and suppose that the pair (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly
σy in the sought-after form σy = C(t)x̃ as it will be shown observable. Pick kR > 0 and three distinct scalars ρi > 0, i =
later. The projection idea, however, is not new; it has been used 1, 2, 3. Let K be given in (8) with matrices Q(t) and V (t) in
in different ways in many references, for instance, [25]–[28]. (9) being continuous, bounded, and uniformly positive definite.
Remark 4: In fact, landmark positions can be algebraically Then, the following statements hold.
reconstructed from stereo-bearing measurements. The main mo- i) All solutions of the closed-loop system (16) converge to
tivation for the direct use of the stereo-bearing measurements the set of equilibria given by (I3 , 015×1 ) ∪ ΨM where
in our observer is related to the robustness of the resulting ΨM := {(R̃, x̃) ∈ SO(3) × R15 |R̃ = Rα (π, v)
estimation algorithm. As shown in the experimental results
(see Section VII), the observers relying on landmark position v ∈ E(M ), x̃ = 015×1 }. (17)
measurements may fail in situations where one of the cam- ii) The desired equilibrium (I3 , 015×1 ) is locally exponen-
eras of the stereo-vision system loses sight of the landmarks
tially stable.
for some period of time. However, our observer using direct
iii) All the undesired equilibria in ΨM are unstable, and
stereo-bearing measurements handles this situation very well
the desired equilibrium (I3 , 015×1 ) is almost globally
by switching to a monocular bearing configuration.
asymptotically stable.
Proof: See Appendix A. 
B. Error Dynamics and Stability Analysis Theorem 1 provides AGAS and local exponential stability
Define the geometric attitude estimation error R̃ := RR̂ ∈ results for the proposed nonlinear observer. Among the interest-
SO(3), and the translational vector state estimation error x̃ := ing features of our observer is the fact that x̃ is guaranteed to
[p̃ , ẽ     15   
1 , ẽ2 , ẽ3 , ṽ ] ∈ R with p̃ = R p − R̂ p̂, ṽ = R v −
converge globally exponentially to zero independently from the
R̂ v̂ and ẽi = R ei − R̂ êi , ∀i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. These geometric dynamics of R̃, as long as σy can be written as σy = C(t)x̃ and
estimation errors are motivated from [1], [15], [23], and are the pair (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly observable. Note that A(t)
different from the standard linear errors used in classical EKF- in (10) is continuous and bounded since ω(t) is continuous and
based filters [2], [3]. Thus, the innovation term σR in (7) can be bounded. It is worth pointing out that AGAS for (16) is the
rewritten as strongest result one can aim at with a smooth vector field on
SO(3) × R15 . This is due to the topological obstruction on Lie
σR = kR ψa (M R̃) + Γ(t)x̃ (15) group SO(3), which consists in the fact that no continuous time-
invariant vector field on SO(3) leads to a globally asymptotically
with Γ(t) := k2R [03 , ρ1 e× × ×
1 R̂(t), ρ2 e2 R̂(t), ρ3 e3 R̂(t), 03 ] ∈ stable equilibrium [31].
R , M := i=1 ρi ei ei = diag(ρ1 , ρ2 , ρ3 ) and ψa (M R̃) =

− 12 3i=1 ρi e× 
i R̃ ei . It is not difficult to show that Γ(t) is con- C. Observability Analysis
tinuous and bounded since Γ(t)F ≤ 2 kR 3i=1 ρi := cΓ .
2 In this section, we derive sufficient conditions for the uniform
Moreover, for any distinct non-negative scalars ρi , i = 1, 2, 3, observability of the pair (A(t), C(t)) for the previously men-
the matrix M is positive semidefinite with three distinct tioned two types of vision-based measurements. An important
eigenvalues. From (15), one can notice that σR has two technical result that will be used to carry out our uniform
terms: the first term kR ψa (M R̃) is commonly used for the observability proofs is given in the following lemma.
establishment of the stability proofs of the attitude estimation Lemma 1: Consider a constant matrix A ∈ Rn×n and a (pos-
subsystem; see for instance [6], [17]. The second term depending sibly) time-varying matrix C(t) ∈ Rm×n such that:
on the estimation error x̃ is an asymptotically vanishing term as 1) All eigenvalues of A are real.

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2) C(t) is continuous and bounded. plane is not parallel to the gravity vector. Then, the pair
Let N = A − S be a nilpotent matrix with index s ≤ n, where (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly observable.
S is a diagonalizable matrix. Let O(t) ∈ Rr×n be a matrix com- Proof: See Appendix C. 
posed of (r > 0) row vectors of C(t), C(t)N, . . . , C(t)N s−1 . Remark 5: The sufficient observability conditions in Lemma
Suppose that there exist constant scalars δ, μ > 0 such that 2 using stereo-bearing measurements are mildly stronger than
 t+δ those needed for the local observers in the literature [13], [14],
O (τ )O(τ )dτ > μIn ∀t ≥ 0. (18) [23] using 3-D landmark position measurements. This is mainly
t due to the overparameterization of our observer with the addi-
tional auxiliary signals êi , which is the paid price for the almost
Then, the pair (A, C(t)) is uniformly observable. global asymptotic stability results achieved in Theorem 1.
Proof: See Appendix B.  2) Monocular-Bearing Measurements: From (5), one can
Note that the decomposition A = S + N with a nilpotent rewrite σyi in (13) in terms of the estimation errors as
matrix N and a diagonalizable matrix S is known as the
Jordan–Chevalley decomposition. It is important to mention that σyi = Rc π(yi )Rc (R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − pc − (R (pi − p) − pc ))
matrices N and S are uniquely determined and commute (i.e.,
SN = N S, see [32, Th. 1]). The main advantage of Lemma 1 is = Πi p̃ − pi1 Πi ẽ1 − pi2 Πi ẽ2 − pi3 Πi ẽ3 (21)
to provide a relaxed condition for the uniform observability of
the pair (A, C(t)) when the nilpotent part of A is nonzero (i.e., for all i = 1, . . . , N with Πi = π(Rc yi ). From the definition of
N = 0n ). Condition (18) is equivalent to the Kalman observabil- x̃, one obtains σy = C(t)x̃ with C(t) defined in (14). Note that
ity if A is a nilpotent matrix and C is constant. Moreover, if A is the matrix C(t) in (14) is similar to the one in (12), and the main
a diagonalizable matrix (i.e., N = 0n ), condition (18) reduces difference is that the matrix Πi in (14) is only guaranteed to
to the persistency of excitation (PE) requirement on C(t). Note be positive semidefinite. One can also show that C(t) = Θ(t)C̄
that other uniform observability conditions were proposed in the with C̄ defined in (20) and Θ(t) = blkdiag(Π1 , Π2 , . . . , ΠN )
literature such as [33, Lemma 3.1], which involves high-order being continuous and bounded.
derivatives of C(t), and [27, Lemma 2.7], which is more suitable Lemma 3: Consider the matrices A(t) defined in (10) and
when C(t) is the product of a PE matrix and a constant matrix C(t) defined in (14). Suppose that there exist three nonaligned
guaranteeing Kalman observability. landmarks, indexed by 1 , 2 , 3 , among the N ≥ 3 measurable
1) Stereo-Bearing Measurements: From (4), one can landmarks, whose plane is not parallel to the gravity vector, and
rewrite σyi in (11) in terms of the estimation errors as one of following statements holds.
i) The camera is in motion with bounded velocity and there

exists a constant > 0 such that for any time t∗ ≥ 0 and
σyi = Rcs π(yis )Rcs (R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − R (pi − p)) landmark i ∈ { 1 , 2 , 3 }, there exists some time t > t∗
such that (R(t)Rc yi (t)) × (R(t∗ )Rc yi (t∗ )) ≥ .
= Πi p̃ − pi1 Πi ẽ1 − pi2 Πi ẽ2 − pi3 Πi ẽ3 (19) ii) The camera is motionless and the following matrix has
full rank of 15 + N
2 all i = 1, .s. . , N , where
for 3 we made use of the sfacts Πi = ⎡ ⎤
s=1 π(R y
cs i ), p i = j=1 pij ej and π(Rcs yi )(R (pi − C̄ M
p) − pcs ) = 03×1 . From the definition of x̃, one obtains σy = ⎢ ⎥
O = ⎣N1 03×N ⎦ ∈ R(3N +6)×(15+N ) (22)
C(t)x̃ with C(t) defined in (12). For each i ∈ {1, . . . , N },
the matrix Πi is positive definite if the vectors Rc1 yi1 and N2 03×N
Rc2 yi2 are noncollinear. Note that for stereo vision systems,
Rc1 yi1 and Rc2 yi2 are naturally noncollinear since all the visible where C̄ is defined in (20), N1 := [03 , 03 , 03 , 03 , I3 ,
landmarks are within the limited sensing distance in practice. 03 ], N2 := [03 , g1 I3 , g2 I3 , g3 I3 , 03 ], and M :=
Hence, one obtains that the matrices Πi , i = 1, . . . , N are uni- blkdiag(p1 − p, . . . , pN − p ) with p = p + Rpc de-
formly positive definite. Moreover, the matrix C(t) is continuous noting the position of the camera in the inertial frame.
since Πi (t), ∀i = {1, . . . , N } is continuous. Defining the block Then, the pair (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly observable.
diagonal matrix Θ(t) := blkdiag(Π1 (t), . . . , ΠN (t)), one has Proof: See Appendix D. 
C(t) = Θ(t)C̄ with Remark 6: The proof of this lemma relies on the applica-
⎡ ⎤ tion of the technical Lemma 1. For the condition i), using the
I3 −p11 I3 −p12 I3 −p13 I3 03 fact R(t)Rc yi (t) = (pi − p (t))/pi − p (t), it follows that
⎢ ⎥
⎢I3 −p21 I3 −p22 I3 −p23 I3 03 ⎥ the camera is not indefinitely moving in a straight line passing
C̄ = ⎢⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥.
⎥ (20) through one of landmarks 1 , 2 , 3 . Note that this condition
⎣. . . . ⎦ involves an extra condition on the motion of the camera, with
I3 −pN 1 I3 −pN 2 I3 −pN 3 I3 03 respect to Lemma 2, to generate sufficient information for uni-
form observability. Condition ii) also holds when the camera is
From (20), it is easy to show that the matrix C(t) de- in motion and the minimum number of required landmarks is 5

fined in (12) is bounded since Θ(t)F ≤ N i=1 Πi (t)F and for the matrix O to have a full rank of N + 15.
Πi (t)F , i = 1, . . . , N are bounded for all t ≥ 0. Proposition 1: Consider the case where the camera is motion-
Lemma 2: Consider the matrices A(t) defined in (10) and less with N ≥ 5 measurable nonaligned landmarks. Suppose
C(t) defined in (12). Suppose that there exist three nonaligned that none of the following scenarios hold.
landmarks among the N ≥ 3 measurable landmarks, whose a) All the landmarks are located in the same plane.
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from (6) as
˙ R̂+
R̂ = R̂(ω + R̂ σR )× = R̂
˙p̂ = σR×
p̂ + v̂ p̂+ = p̂ + R̂Kp σy
v̂˙ = σR×
v̂ + ĝ + R̂a v̂ + = v̂ + R̂Kv σy
ê˙ i = σR×
êi , i ∈ 1, 2, 3 ê+
i = êi + R̂Ki σy
Fig. 3. Four possible cases of Proposition 1 where the matrix O in t∈[tk−1 ,tk ],k∈N>0 t∈{tk },k∈N>0
(22) does not have full rank. The locations of N ≥ 5 nonaligned land-
marks are depicted by purple dots, and the location of the motionless 
monocular camera is depicted by a black dot. where kR > 0, ĝ := 3i=1 gi êi , σR is given in (7), and the
vector σy is given in (11) for stereo-bearing measurements
and in (13) for monocular-bearing measurements. Let K :=
b) There exist three nonaligned landmarks and the rest of
[Kp , K1 , K2 , K3 , Kv ] , which is designed as
landmarks are located in the plane parallel to the gravity
vector and contains two of these three landmarks.
K = P C  (t)(C(t)P C  (t) + Q−1 (t))−1 (24)
c) There exist three nonaligned landmarks and the rest of the
landmarks are aligned with one of these three landmarks where P is the solution to the following continuous-discrete
and the position of the camera. Riccati equations (CDRE)
d) There exist three nonaligned landmarks and the rest of the
landmarks are either located in the plane parallel to the Ṗ = A(t)P + P A(t) + V (t), t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ] (25a)
gravity vector and contains two of these three landmarks,
P + = (I − KC(t))P, t ∈ {tk } (25b)
or aligned with the third of these three landmarks and the
position of the camera. where A(t) is given by (10), P (0) is symmetric positive definite,
Then, the matrix O defined in (22) has full rank. and Q(t) ∈ R3N ×3N , V (t) ∈ R15×15 are continuous, bounded,
Proof: See Appendix E.  and uniformly positive definite. Then, as per [13], [37], and [23,
All the four cases stated in Proposition 1 are summarized Lemma 7], the solution P to (25) exists, and there exist constants
in Fig 3. Note that the cases (a) and (b) are independent from 0 < pm ≤ pM < ∞ such that pm I15 ≤ P ≤ pM I15 for all t ≥
the location of the camera. According to the Lemma 3, if the 0 if there exist positive constants μ ∈ R and δ ∈ N>0 such
matrix O has full rank, one can conclude that the pair (A(t), C)   
that Woh (tj , tj+δ ) = j+δi=j Φ (ti , tj )C (ti )C(ti )Φ(ti , tj ) >
is uniformly observable. Note that the state estimation in this
static case is also known as the static Perspective-n-Point (PnP) μI15 , ∀j ∈ N>0 , where Φ(t, τ ) denotes the state transition ma-
problem [16], [34]. In this scenario, one aims at determining the trix associated to A(t). Note that Woh is the discrete version of
pose (position and orientation) of a camera given its intrinsic Wo in (2). Hence, the same conditions as in Lemma 2 and 3 can
parameters and a set of N correspondences between 3-D points be derived for the existence of the positive constants μ ∈ R and
and their 2-D projections. δ ∈ N>0 such that Woh (tj , tj+δ ) > μI15 for all j ∈ N>0 .
In view of (3), (7), and (23), one obtains the following hybrid
closed-loop system:
R̃ = R̃(−kR ψa (M R̃) − Γ(t)x̃) ×
In practical applications, the IMU measurements can be ob- t ∈ [tk , tk+1 ] (26a)
x̃˙ = A(t)x̃
tained at a high rate, whereas the vision-based measurements 
are often obtained at a much lower rate due to the hardware R̃+ = R̃
t ∈ {tk } (26b)
design of the vision sensors and the heavy image processing x̃+ = (I15 − KC(t))x̃
computations. Hence, the IMU measurements can be assumed
as continuous and the measurements from the vision systems where the AGAS proof for the equilibrium (I3 , 015×1 ) of hybrid
are sampled intermittently. This motivates us to redesign the system (26) can be easily conducted by combing the proof of
proposed continuous nonlinear observer in terms of continuous Theorem 1 and [23, Th. 9], and is, therefore, omitted here. The
IMU and intermittent vision-based measurements. proposed hybrid nonlinear observer for vision-aided INSs has
Assumption 2: We assume that the vision-based mea- been summarized in Algorithm 1.
surements are available at strictly increasing time instants Remark 7: Note that our proposed observer (23) is determin-
{tk }k∈N>0 , and there exist constants 0 < Tm ≤ TM < ∞ such istic and the gain matrix K is designed based on the CDRE
that t1 < TM and Tm ≤ tk+1 − tk ≤ TM for all k ∈ N>0 . (25) with any uniformly positive-definite matrices V (t) and
This assumption implies that the time difference between two Q(t). However, it is possible to relate (locally) the matrices
consecutive vision-based measurements are lower and upper V (t) and Q(t) to the measurements noise properties leading
bounded. The positive lower bound Tm is required to avoid Zeno to a local suboptimal design of the observer gains in the spirit
behaviors. Note that, if Tm = TM , the vision-based measure- of the Kalman filter. As in [23], let ω and a be the noisy
ments are sampled periodically. measurements and replace ω by ω + nω and a by a + na in (3)
Motivated by the work in [23] and making use of the frame- with nω and na denoting the noise signals associated to ω and a,
work of hybrid dynamical systems presented in [35] and [36], respectively. In view of (3), (23), and (26b), the time derivative
we propose the following hybrid nonlinear observer modified of x̃ can be approximated around x̃ = 0 by x̃˙ ≈ A(t)x̃ + Gt nx

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Algorithm 1: Nonlinear Observer for Vision-Aided INSs.

Input: Continuous IMU measurements, and intermittent
visual measurements at the time instants {tk }k∈N>0 .
Output: R̂(t), p̂(t) and v̂(t) for all t ≥ 0
1: for k ≥ 1 do
2: while t ∈ [tk−1 , tk ] do
3: R̂ = R̂(ω + R̂ σR )× /* σR defined in (7) */
4: p̂˙ = σR p̂ + v̂

5: v̂˙ = σR ×
v̂ + 3i=1 gi êi + R̂a
6: ê˙ i = σR êi /* for all i = 1, 2, 3 */
7: Ṗ = A(t)P + P A (t) + V (t) /* A defined in
(10) and V (t) being uniformly positive definite */
8: end while
9: Obtain the vector σy and matrix C(t) from the visual
measurements at time tk /*Using (11) and (12) for
stereo-bearing measurements, or (13) and (14) for
monocular-bearing measurements */
10: K = P C  (tk )(C(tk )P C  (tk ) + Q−1 (tk ))−1 Fig. 4. Simulation results of the nonlinear observer (6) using 3-D land-
mark position, stereo-bearing and monocular-bearing measurements.
/* Q(t) being uniformly positive definite */
11: Compute matrices Kp , K1 , K2 , K3 and Kv from K
/*using K = [Kp , K1 , K2 , K3 , Kv ] */ the inertial frame, and assume that there are N = 5 landmarks
12: R̂+ = R̂ randomly selected. Different types of continuous vision-based
13: p̂+ = p̂ + R̂Kp σy measurements are generated using (4) and (5). For comparison
purposes, 3-D landmark position measurements yi = R (pi −
14: v̂ + = v̂ + R̂Kv σy
p), i = 1, 2, . . . , N are considered. In this case, the vector σy =
15: ê+
i = êi + R̂Ki σy /* for all i = 1, 2, 3 */ 
, σy2  
, . . . , σyN ] ∈ R3N used in (6) is designed as
16: P + = (I15 − KC)P
17: end for σyi = R̂ (p̂i − p̂) − yi , i = 1, 2, . . . , N (28)
with p̂i = j=1 pij êj . It follows that σy = C x̃ with a constant
with nx = [n  
ω , na ] , A(t) defined in (10) and matrix C = C̄ and C̄ defined in (20)2 .
  The same initial conditions are considered for each case
(R̂ p̂)× (R̂ ê1 )× (R̂ ê2 )× (R̂ ê3 )× (R̂ v̂)× as: R̂(0) = exp(0.5πu× ) with u ∈ S2 , v̂(0) = p̂(0) = 03×1 ,
Gt = − .
03 03 03 03 −I3 êi (0) = ei , i = 1, 2, 3, and P (0) = I15 . The gain parameters
for each case are chosen as ρ1 = 0.5, ρ2 = 0.3, ρ3 = 0.2, and
Moreover, replacing yi in (5) by yi + nyi for each bearing kR = 1 for σR in (7), and Q = 103 I3N , V = 10−4 I15 for the
measurement with nyi denoting the noise signals. From (13), CRE (9). Simulation results are shown in Fig. 4. As one can

σyi can be rewritten in the form of σyi = Πi p̃ − 3j=1 Πi ẽj + see, the estimated states from all the cases converge, after a few
p − pi Πi nyi , and σy can be approximated around x̃ = 0 seconds, to the vicinity of the real states. Roughly speaking, with
by σy ≈ C(t)x̃ + Mt ny with ny = [n  
y1 , . . . , nyN ] and Mt =
the same tuning parameters, the performances of the proposed
blkdiag(p̂ − p̂1 Π1 , . . . , p̂ − p̂N ΠN ). Then, matrices V (t) continuous observer with three types of vision-based measure-
and Q(t) can be related to the covariance matrices of the mea- ments are quite similar.
surements noise as follows:
V (t) = Gt Cov (nx ) G
t (27a)
To further validate the performance of the proposed observer,
Q−1 (t) = Mt Cov(ny )Mt . (27b) two sets of experiments have been presented using the data from
the EuRoc dataset [24], where the trajectories are generated
In practice, a small positive-definite matrix can be added
by a real flight of a quadrotor. This dataset includes stereo
to V (t) and Q−1 (t) to guarantee that V (t) and Q−1 (t) are
images, IMU measurements, and ground truth obtained from
uniformly positive definite.
Vicon motion capture system. More details about the EuRoC
dataset can be found in [24]. Since the sampling rate of the stereo
VI. SIMULATION RESULTS camera (20 Hz) is much lower than that of the IMU (200 Hz),
In this simulation, we consider an autonomous vehicle the proposed hybrid observer (23) was implemented.
moving on the “8”-shape trajectory described by p(t) =
2[sin(t), sin(t) cos(t), 1] (m) with the initial attitude R(0) = 2 In practice, 3-D landmark positions can be obtained, for instance, using
I3 and angular velocity ω(t) = [− cos(2t), 1, sin(2t)] (rad/s). stereo cameras, and the sufficient condition for uniform observability of the pair
Let g = [0, 0, −9.81] (m/s2 ) be the gravity vector expressed in (A(t), C) with A(t) in (10) is the same as the one in Lemma 2.

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Fig. 6. Experimental results using Vicon Room 1 01 of the EuRoc

dataset [24]. The measurements of the left camera are not available
after 120 s.

after 10s ( i.e., at steady state) are as follows: 3.26 cm for the
proposed observer with 3-D position measurements, 3.29 cm
for the proposed observer with stereo-bearing measurements,
10.99 cm for the proposed observer with monocular-bearing
measurements and 2.89 cm for the IEKF with 3-D position
Fig. 5. Experimental results using Vicon Room 1 01 of the EuRoc
dataset [24]. measurements. The proposed observer using monocular-bearing
measurements comes with the largest position estimation error,
which is mainly due to the fact that it takes less measurement
The accelerometer and gyro measurements are compensated information and requires stronger conditions (on the motion
using the biases provided in the dataset. The features are tracked of the camera and the location of the landmarks) for uniform
via the Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi (KLT) tracker [38], with the observability than the other settings.
RANSAC outliers removal algorithm. Due to the lack of physical In the second experiment, we consider the scenario where the
landmarks in this dataset, a set of “virtual” landmarks (in the measurements of the left camera are not available after 120 s. In
inertial frame) are generated as [23]. The IMU measurements this situation, after 120 s, the 3-D landmark positions cannot be
are not continuous although obtained at a high rate. The same constructed from a single camera, whereas the stereo-bearing
numerical integration methods in [23] for the estimated states are measurements become the monocular-bearing measurements.
considered. The monocular-bearing measurements are obtained The results of the second experiment are shown in Fig. 6. As
from the right camera. one can see, the estimates, provided by the proposed observer
For comparison purposes, the IEKF developed in [13] us- using 3-D landmark position measurements and IEKF, diverge
ing 3-D landmark position measurements has been considered. after 120 s; whereas the estimates, provided by the proposed
All the observers are concurrently executed using the same observer using stereo-bearing measurements, stay in the vicinity
set of landmarks and visual measurements. The initial condi- of the ground truth.
tions for the estimated states are given as R̂(0) = exp(0.1πu× )
with u ∈ S2 , p̂(0) = v̂(0) = 03×1 and êi (0) = ei , i ∈ {1, 2, 3}
and P (0) = I15 . The scalar gain parameters are chosen as VIII. CONCLUSION
kR = 20, ρ1 = 0.5, ρ2 = 0.3, and ρ3 = 0.2. For the CDRE We addressed the problem of simultaneous estimation of the
(25), matrices V (t) and Q(t) are tuned using (27) (with attitude, position, and linear velocity for vision-aided INSs. An
an additional small identity matrix 0.002I) with Cov(nx ) = AGAS nonlinear observer on SO(3) × R15 has been proposed
blkdiag(0.0024I3 , 0.028I3 ), Cov(ny ) = 0.0005I3N for bear- using body-frame acceleration and angular velocity measure-
ing measurements and Cov(ny ) = 0.06I3N for 3-D position ments, as well as body-frame stereo (or monocular) bearing
measurements. For the IEKF, the gain matrices are tuned as measurements of some known landmarks in the inertial frame.
per [13, Sec. V.B] using the same aforementioned covariance A detailed uniform observability analysis has been carried out
of the measurements noise. The results of the first experiment for the monocular and stereo-bearing measurements cases. In
are shown in Fig. 5. The estimates, provided by the proposed the stereo-bearing measurements case, uniform observability is
observer and the IEKF converge, after a few seconds, to the guaranteed as long as there exist three nonaligned landmarks
vicinity of the ground truth with a nice performance in terms whose plane is not parallel to the gravity vector. In the monocular
of noise attenuation. The averaged position estimation errors bearing case, on top of the condition of the stereo-bearing case,
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it is required that none of the body-frame bearings (of the three vm

≤− x̃2 ≤ −λLP (32)
nonaligned landmarks whose plane is not orthogonal to the p2M
gravity vector) maintains the same direction indefinitely. In the V (t)
case of a monocular bearing, with a motionless camera, which is with λ := vm pm /p2M , vm := inf t≥0 λmin , where we made use
known as the static PnP problem, our observer provides a viable of the facts C  QC ≥ 0 and Ṗ −1 = −P −1 Ṗ P −1 = −P −1 A −
 −1  −1 −1
solution as long as we have five landmarks that are not in one of  P + C QCλ− P V P . Hence, one has x̃(t) ≤
the four configurations shown in Fig. 3. pM /pm exp(− 2 t)x̃(0), which implies that x̃ converges to
For practical implementation purposes, we proposed a hy- zero exponentially, and x̃, x̃˙ are bounded. Note that the conver-
brid version of our nonlinear observer to handle the case gence of x̃ is independent from the dynamics of the rotation.
where the IMU measurements are continuous and the bearing From (16), the equilibrium points of the system are given as
measurements are intermittently sampled. This observer has (R∗ , 015×1 ) with ψa (M R∗ ) = 0. Using the facts ψa (M R) =
been validated using the EuRoc dataset experimental data of vec ◦ Pa (M R) and Pa (M R) = (M R − R M )/2, it follows
a real quadrotor flight. To illustrate the benefit of using bear- that ψa (M R̃) = 0 implies, as shown in [6], that R̃ ∈ {R ∈
ing measurements over landmark position measurements, we SO(3) : R = Rα (π, v), v ∈ E(M )}.
implemented the bearing-based and landmark-position-based On the other hand, consider the following real-valued function
observers in a scenario where one of the cameras loses sight on SO(3):
of the landmarks after some time, and the results are shown in
Fig. 6. As a future work, we intend to enhance our proposed LM (R̃) = tr((I − R̃)M ) (33)
observer with the estimation of the accelerometer and angular
velocity biases while preserving the AGAS property for the whose time-derivative is given by
overall closed-loop system. L̇M = tr(−M R̃(−kR ψa (M R̃) − Γ(t)x̃)× )

APPENDIX A ≤ −2kR ψR 2 + 2cΓ x̃ψR  (34)

PROOF OF THEOREM 1 where ψR := ψa (M R̃), and we made use of the facts

tr(−Au× ) = A, u×  = 2u ψa (A) for any A ∈ R3×3 , u ∈
Before proceeding with the proof of Theorem 1, some useful
R3 , and Γ(t) ≤ cΓ for all t ≥ 0.
properties on SO(3) are given in the following lemma, whose
Consider the following Lyapunov function candidate:
proof can be found in [17] and [39].
Lemma 4: Consider the trajectory Ṙ = Rω × with R(0) ∈ L(R̃, x̃) = LM (R̃) + κLP (x̃) (35)
SO(3) and ω ∈ R3 . Let LM (R) = tr((I3 − R)M ) be the po-
tential function on SO(3) with M = M  a positive semidefinite with some constant scalar κ > 0. Let ζ := [ψR , x̃] . From
matrix. Then, for all x, y ∈ R3 , the following properties hold: (32) and (34), the time-derivative of L is given by
2 2
min |R|I ≤ LM (R) ≤ 4λmax |R|I
4λM̄ M̄
(29a) L̇ ≤ −2kR ψR 2 + 2cΓ x̃ψR  − κ 2 x̃2
ψa (M R) = α(M, R)tr((I3 − R)M ) (29b)  
2kR −cΓ
= −ζ  Hζ, H := . (36)
ψ̇a (M R) = E(M R)ω (29c) −cΓ κv p2

E(M R)F ≤ M̄ F (29d) Choosing κ > c2Γ p2M /(2kR vm ) such that matrix H
is positive
M̄ := 1 2
− M ), M := tr(M̄ )I3 − 2M̄ , 2 definite, it follows that L̇ ≤ 0 and then L is nonincreasing.
where 2 (tr(M )I3 Then, making use of the facts L(R̃(t), x̃(t)) − L(R̃(0), x̃(0)) =
E(M R) = 12 (tr(M R)I3 − R M ), and the map α(M, R) := t t
0 L̇(R̃(τ ), x̃(τ ))dτ ≤ − 0 ζ  (τ )Hζ(τ )dτ , one verifies that
(1 − |R|2I cos (u, M̄ u)) with u ∈ S2 denoting the axis of the t
rotation R and (·, ·) denoting the angle between two vectors. limt→∞ 0 ζ  (τ )Hζ(τ )dτ exists and is finite. Since x̃ is
Consider the following real-valued function on R15 : bounded and matrices A(t), C(t), Q(t), and P (t) are bounded,
it is clear that x̃˙ is bounded. From (29a) and (29b) in Lemma
LP (x̃) = x̃ P −1 x̃ (30) 4, one obtains that ψR is bounded. Moreover, in view of (16)
and (29c)–(29d), one can easily verify that ψ̇R is bounded.
where P (t) is the solution to the CRE (9). Note that A(t) in Thus, it follows that the time derivative of ζ  Hζ is bounded,
(10) is continuous and bounded since ω(t) is continuous and which implies the uniform continuity of ζ  Hζ. Therefore, by
bounded. Since the pair (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly observable, it virtue of Barbalat’s lemma, one has limt→∞ ζ  (t)Hζ(t) = 0,
follows from [29] and [30] that pm I15 ≤ P (t) ≤ pM I15 , ∀t ≥ 0 i.e., (ψR , x̃) → (0, 0) as t → ∞. This implies that, for
with some constants 0 < pm ≤ pM < ∞. Hence
any initial condition (R̃(0), x̃(0)) ∈ SO(3) × R15 , the solution
1 1 (R̃, x̃) to (16) converges to the set (I3 , 015×1 ) ∪ ΨM , which
x̃2 ≤ LP (x̃) ≤ x̃2 . (31) proves item i).
pM pm
Next, let us prove the local exponential stability of the equi-
From (9) and (16b), the time derivative of LP is given by librium (I3 , 015×1 ) in item ii). Let 0 < εR < 4λM̄min and define
the set UεR = {(R, x) ∈ SO(3) × R15 : L(R, x) ≤ εR }. From
L̇P = x̃ (P −1 A + A P −1 − 2C  QC + Ṗ −1 )x̃
(35)–(36) with κ > c2Γ p2M /(2kR vm ), for any initial condition
= −x̃ P −1 V P −1 x̃ − x̃ C  QC x̃ (R̃(0), x̃(0)) ∈ UεR , one has LM (R̃(t)) ≤ L(R̃(t), x̃(t)) ≤
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L(R̃(0), x̃(0)) ≤ εR for all t ≥ 0. It follows from (29a)–(29b) of Lebesgue measure zero. Hence, one concludes that the
that equilibrium (I3 , 015×1 ) of the overall system (16) is almost
globally asymptotically stable.
|R̃|2I ≤ εR /4λM̄
min < 1 (37)
|R̃|2I ≤ ψR 2 ≤ 4λW 2
max |R̃|I (38) APPENDIX B
with matrix W := 12 (tr(M )I3 − M ) = M̄ 2 and  :=
The proof of this Lemma is motivated from [33, Lemma
min(R,x)∈UεR 4α(M, R)λW min ≥ 4(1 − εR /4λmin )λmin .
M̄ W
Let 3.1] and [27, Lemma 2.7]. In order to show that the pair

ζ̄ := [|R̃|I , x̃] . In view of (29a), (31), and (33), one obtains (A, C(t)) is uniformly observable, we are going to verify the
αζ̄2 ≤ L ≤ ᾱζ̄2 existence of constants δ, μ > 0 such that z  Wo (t, t + δ)z =
1 t+δ
δ t C(τ )Φ(τ, t)z2 dτ ≥ μ for all t ≥ 0 and z ∈ Sn−1 . Let
where α := min{4λM̄ κ
min , pM } and ᾱ := max , pm }.
max{4λM̄ κ
us proceed by contradiction and assume that the pair (A, C(t))
Substituting (38) into (36), one has is not uniformly observable, i.e.,
L̇ ≤ −2kR |R̃|2I + 4 λW max cΓ x̃|R|I − x̃2 1 t+δ̄
p2M ∀δ̄, μ̄ > 0, ∃t ≥ 0, min C(τ )Φ(τ, t)z2 dτ < μ̄.
z∈Sn−1 δ̄ t
2kR  −2 λW cΓ (42)

≤ −ζ̄ H̄ ζ̄, H̄ :=  max
. (40)
−2 λW max cΓ
p2 Consider a sequence {μq }q∈N of positive numbers con-

2 2
verging to zero, and an arbitrary positive scalar δ̄. Then,
Choosing κ > 2λW max cΓ pM /(kR vm ), one can show that both there must exist a sequence of time instants {tq }q∈N and
matrices H and H̄ are positive definite since  ≤ 4λW min ≤ a sequence of vectors {zq }q∈N with zq ∈ Sn−1 such that
4λ W
 max . In view of (39) and (40), one concludes  ζ̄(t) ≤ 
1 tq +δ̄
C(τ )Φ(τ, tq )zq 2 dτ < μ̄q for any q ∈ N. Since the
ᾱ/α exp(− 12 λH̄
min t)ζ̄(0) for all t ≥ 0, which implies that δ̄ tq

(R̃, x̃) converges to (I3 , 015×1 ) exponentially for any initial set Sn−1 is compact, there exists a subsequence of {zq }q∈N ,
which converges to a limit z̄ ∈ Sn−1 . Moreover, since C(t) is
condition (R̃(0), x̃(0)) ∈ UεR . This completes the proof of item
bounded and the interval of integration in (42) is fixed, it follows
from (42) that
Now, we need to show that the undesired equilibria of (16)
defined by the set ΨM are unstable. From (32), one shows  δ̄
that x̃ converges to zero exponentially, and is independent lim C(tq + τ )Φ(tq + τ, tq )z̄2 dτ = 0 (43)
q→∞ 0
from the dynamics of R̃. Then, we focus on the dynamics
of (16) at x̃ = 0. For each v ∈ E(M ), let us define Rv∗ = by a change of integration variable. Using the facts
Rα (π, v) and the open set Uvδ := {(R, x) ∈ SO(3) × R15 : A = S + N and SN = N S, the state transition matrix
R = Rv∗ exp( × ),   ≤ δ, x = 0} with δ sufficiently small. Φ(tq + τ, tq ) can be explicitly expressed as Φ(tq + τ, tq ) =
For any (R̃, x̃) ∈ Uvδ , pick a sufficiently small such that exp(Aτ ) = exp(Sτ ) exp(N τ ). Then, (43) is equivalent to
(Rv∗ ) R̃ := exp( × ) ≈ I3 + × . Consequently, from (16a) one limq→∞ 0 C(tq + τ ) exp(Sτ ) exp(N τ )z̄2 dτ = 0, which
obtains the linearized dynamics of around Rv∗ as follows: implies
˙ = −kR Wv (41)  δ̄
lim C(tq + τ ) exp(Sτ ) exp(N τ )z̄2 dτ = 0 (44)
where ψa (kR M Rv∗ (I3 + × )) = kR Wv with Wv = Wv := q→∞ δ̄−δ
1 ∗ ∗  1 
2 (tr(M Rv )I3 − (M Rv ) ) = 2 (2v M v − tr(M ))I3 − with some 0 < δ < δ̄. Consider now the following technical
2 (2λv vv − M ), and we made use of the facts M v = λv v,
∗ ∗ × ∗ ×
results whose proofs are given after this proof.
ψa (M Rv ) = 0, ψa (M Rv ) = vec ◦ Pa (M Rv ) and Lemma 5: From (44) with δ̄ large enough, one has
Pa (M Rv∗ × ) = 12 (M Rv∗ × + × (M Rv∗ ) ) = (Wv )× .  δ̄
Since Wv = Wv and M is positive semi-definite with
lim C(tq + τ ) exp(N τ )z̄ dτ = 0. (45)
three distinct eigenvalues, one verifies that −2v  Wv v = q→∞ δ̄−δ
−v  M v + tr(M ) > 0, which implies that −Wv , ∀v ∈ E(M )
has at least one positive eigenvalue. Then, one can conclude Lemma 6: From (45) with δ̄ large enough, one has
that all the equilibrium points in ΨM are unstable.  δ̄
Consider the subsystem R̃˙ = R̃(−kR ψa (M R̃))× and its lim C(tq + τ )N k z̄2 dτ = 0 (46)
q→∞ δ̄−δ
linearized dynamics around the undesired equilibrium points
Rv∗ = Rα (π, v), v ∈ E(M ) in (41). For each undesired for all k = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1.
equilibrium point Rv∗ , there exist (local) stable and unstable Using the fact that the matrix O(t) is composed of row

manifolds, and the union of the stable manifolds and the vectors of C(t), C(t)N, . . . , C(t)N s−1 , one has s−1
k=0 C(tq +
undesired equilibria has dimension less than three [32, The τ )N k z̄2 ≥ O(tq + τ )z̄2 for every q ∈ N>0 . It follows from
Stable Manifold Theorem]. Then, the set of the union of the (45) and (46) that
stable manifolds and the undesired equilibria has Lebesgue  tq +δ̄  δ̄
measure zero. It follows that the solution R̃(t) converges lim O(τ )z̄2 dτ = lim O(tq + τ )z̄2 dτ
to I3 starting from all initial conditions except from a set q→∞ tq +δ̄−δ q→∞ δ̄−δ

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s−1 δ̄  
≤ lim C(tq + τ )N k z̄2 dτ = 0. (47) ≥ C(tq + τ )P exp(−λj τ )νj (τ ) dτ
q→∞ δ̄−δ k=0 δ̄−δ
On the other hand, in view of (18), one can show that ≥ C(tq + τ )P (z̄j (τ ) + η  (τ )) dτ
 tq +δ̄  t +δ̄
t +δ̄−δ
O(τ )z̄2 dτ = z̄  ( t q+δ̄−δ O (τ )O(τ )dτ )z̄ > μ for δ̄−δ
q q
each z̄ ∈ S n−1
, which contradicts (47). It implies that (46) is δ̄   δ̄
≥ C(tq + τ )P z̄j (τ ) dτ − γ  η  (τ ) dτ.
not true for all k = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1, and in turns (43) and (44) δ̄−δ δ̄−δ
are not true when δ̄ is large enough. Therefore, one can always
find δ̄ large enough, such that (42) does not hold. Consequently, Choosing δ̄ large enough such that supτ ∈[δ̄−δ,δ̄] η  (τ ) ≤
one concludes that the pair (A, C(t)) is uniformly observable. 
2δγ  , it follows that limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq + τ )P νj (τ )dτ ≥
It remains to prove Lemmas 5 and 6. 
2exp(−|λj |δ̄) > 0, which contradicts (49). It means that
the subsequence satisfying (48) does not exist, i.e., the
A. Proof of Lemma 5 assumption according to (48) does not hold. Therefore,
We are going to show that (44) implies (45) provided one obtains limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq + τ )P z̄i (τ )dτ = 0 for all
that δ̄ is large enough. From [32, Th. 1] there exist an 
i = 1, 2, . . . , d. Using the fact exp(N τ )z̄ = P di=1 z̄i (τ ),
invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that  δ̄
D = diag(λ1 , . . . , λn ) = P −1 SP with λ1 , . . . , λn denoting the one can show that limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq + τ ) exp(N τ )z̄ ≤
d  δ̄ 
i=1 limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq + τ )P z̄i (τ ) = 0, which gives (45).
eigenvalues of A repeated according to their multiplicity.
Then, one obtains exp(Sτ ) = P exp(Dτ )P −1 . Let z̄  (τ ) =
P −1 exp(N τ )z̄ and rewrite the eigenvalues of D as λ1 < · · · < B. Proof of Lemma 6
λd with d ≤ n denoting the number of distinct eigenvalues.
It follows that exp(Dτ )P −1 exp(N τ )z̄ = exp(Dτ )z̄  (τ ) = We are going to show (46) for all k = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1 from
d (45) with some δ̄ large enough. Let us proceed by contradiction
exp(λi τ )z̄i (τ ) with z̄i (τ ) ∈ R15 for all i = 1, . . . , d and
d   and assume that (46) does not hold for any 0 ≤ k ≤ s − 1, i.e.,
i=1 z̄i (τ ) = z̄ (τ ). We assume that there exist a constant there exist a constant > 0 and a subsequence of {k}0≤k≤s−1 ⊂

> 0 and a subsequence of {i}1≤i≤d ⊂ N>0 such that
N such that
 δ̄  δ̄
lim C(tq + τ )P z̄i (τ )dτ >  . (48) lim C(tq + τ )N k z̄dτ > . (50)
q→∞ δ̄−δ q→∞ δ̄−δ

Then, one can always pick the largest j from the One can always pick the largest k̄ such that (50) holds.
subsequence. For the sake of simplicity, let us define νj (τ ) =
j Since N is a nilpotent matrix of order s ≤ n, one has
i=1 exp(λi τ )z̄i (τ ). Using the facts C(tq + τ )P νj (τ ) ≤ exp(N τ ) = s−1 τk k
 k k=0 k! N . For the sake of simplicity, define
C(tq + τ )P νd (τ ) + di=j+1 exp(λi τ )C(tq + τ )P z̄i (τ ), i
Σk (τ ) = i=0 τi! N i with k ∈ N. Using the fact C(tq +
P νd (τ ) = P exp(Dτ )P −1 exp(N τ )z̄ = exp(Sτ ) exp(N τ )z̄  τi
 δ̄ τ )Σk̄ (τ )z̄ ≤ C(tq + τ ) exp(N τ )z̄ + s−1
i=k̄+1 i! C(tq +
and limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq + τ )P z̄i (τ ) = 0 for all j + 1 ≤ i ≤  δ̄
τ )N i z̄ and limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq + τ )N i z̄dτ = 0 for all k̄ +
d, from (44) one can show that
1 ≤ i ≤ s − 1, from (45) one can show that
 δ̄  δ̄
lim C(tq + τ )P νj (τ ) dτ lim C(tq + τ )Σk̄ (τ )z̄dτ
q→∞ δ̄−δ q→∞ δ̄−δ

d  δ̄  δ̄
≤ exp(|λi |δ̄) lim C(tq + τ )P z̄i (τ )dτ ≤ lim C(tq + τ ) exp(N τ )z̄ dτ
q→∞ δ̄−δ q→∞
i=j+1 δ̄−δ
δ̄ δ̄ i δ̄
+ lim C(tq + τ ) exp(Sτ ) exp(N τ )z̄dτ = 0. (49) + lim C(tq + τ )N i z̄dτ = 0. (51)
q→∞ δ̄−δ
q→∞ i! δ̄−δ

Define η  (τ ) := j−1   
i=1 exp((λi − λj )τ )z̄i (τ ) such that one Let η(τ ) = τk̄!k̄ Σk̄−1 (τ )z̄ such that τk̄!k̄ Σk̄ (τ )z̄ = N k̄ z̄ +
has exp(−λj τ )νj (τ ) = z̄j (τ ) + η (τ ). Then, using the facts
d   −1
 η(τ ). It is easy to show that η(τ ) is bounded and limt→∞ η(τ ) =
i=1 z̄i (τ ) = z̄ (t) = P exp(N τ )z̄ = P −1 s−1 k
k=0 N z̄ and 0. Since C(t) is bounded by assumption, there exist a positive

limt→∞ exp(−at)t = 0 for any a, b > 0, one obtains η (τ ) →
constant γ such that γ = supt≥0 C(t). Then, one obtains
0 as τ → ∞. Since C(t) is continuous and bounded by as-

sumption, there exists a positive constant γ  given as γ  = k̄! δ̄

supt≥0 C(t)P . Thus, from (48), one can show that C(tq + τ )Σk̄ (τ )z̄dτ
(δ̄ − δ)k δ̄−δ
exp(|λj |δ̄) C(tq + τ )P νj (τ ) dτ ≥ C(tq + τ ) k̄! Σk̄ (τ )z̄  dτ
 τ k̄ 
δ̄−δ δ̄−δ

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 δ̄ three rows of matrices C̄ Ā and C̄ Ā2 , respectively. One can show

= C(tq + τ )(N k̄ z̄ + η(τ ))dτ that rank(O) = rank(Ō) with
δ̄ δ̄
Ō := C̄  , N1 , N2 . (56)
≥ C(tq + τ )N k̄ z̄dτ − γ η(τ )dτ.
δ̄−δ δ̄−δ
Since there exist at least three nonaligned landmarks, for the
Choosing δ̄ large enough such that supτ ∈[δ̄−δ,δ̄] η(τ ) ≤ sake of simplicity, we assume that the first three landmarks are
 δ̄ not aligned. Define ui = [ui1 , ui2 , ui3 ] := p1 − pi+1 for i =
2δγ , from (50) one can show that limq→∞ δ̄−δ C(tq +

1, 2. One can easily show that vectors u1 , u2 , and g are linearly
τ )Σk̄ (τ )z̄dτ ≥ (δ̄ − δ)k̄ /(2k̄!) > 0, which contradicts (51), independent, since the plane of these three landmarks is not
which means that the subsequence satisfying (50) does not parallel to the gravity vector. Let N0 be the first nine rows of
exist, i.e., assumption (50) does not hold. Thus, one can show C̄. Applying the matrix row and column operations on matrix

that limq→∞ 0 C(tq + δ̄ − δ + τ )N k z̄dτ = 0 for all k = [N0 , N1 , N2 ] , we obtain the following matrix:
0, 1, . . . , s − 1. Therefore, one can conclude that (46) holds for ⎡ ⎤
all k = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1 with some δ̄ large enough. I3 −p11 I3 −p12 I3 −p13 I3 03
⎢0 u13 I3 03 ⎥
⎢ 3 u11 I3 u12 I3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
APPENDIX C Ō = ⎢03 u21 I3 u22 I3 u23 I3 03 ⎥ . (57)
⎢ ⎥
PROOF OF LEMMA 2 ⎣03 03 03 03 I3 ⎦
From the definition of A(t) in (10), one can rewrite A(t) = 03 g1 I3 g2 I3 g3 I3 03
Ā + S(t) with a block diagonal skew symmetric matrix S(t) =
blkdiag(−ω × , −ω × , . . . , −ω × ) ∈ R15×15 and a constant ma- One can show that Ō has full rank of 15 since u1 , u2 and
trix Ā such that ĀS(t) = S(t)Ā. Let us introduce the following g are linearly independent. Then, it is straightforward to verify
block diagonal matrix: that rank(O) = rank(Ō) ≥ rank(Ō ) = 15, which implies that
the pair (Ā, C̄) is uniformly observable, and there exist con-
T (t) = blkdiag(R , R , . . . , R ) ∈ R15×15 (52) stants δ, μ > 0 such that Wo (t, t + δ) ≥ μ I15 for all t ≥ 0.
Choosing 0 < μ < ¯μ , from (55), it follows that Wo (t, t +
whose dynamics are given as Ṫ (t) = S(t)T (t). One can ver- δ) ≥ T (t)Wo (t, t + δ  )T −1 (t) ≥ ¯μ T (t)T −1 (t) ≥ μI15 , i.e.,
ify that T (t)T  (t) = I15 and T (t)Ā = ĀT (t). Let Φ̄(t, τ ) = the pair (A(t), C(t)) is uniformly observable.
exp(Ā(t − τ )) be the state transition matrix associated to Ā.
Using similar steps as in the proof of [15, Lemma 3], the state APPENDIX D
transition matrix associated to A(t) can be written as PROOF OF LEMMA 3
Φ(t, τ ) = T (t)Φ̄(t, τ )T −1 (τ ) (53) Following similar steps as in the proof of Lemma 2, from (2)
and (52)–(54), one can show that
with the properties: dt Φ(t, τ ) = A(t)Φ(t, τ ), Φ(t, t) = I, 
Φ (t, τ ) = Φ(τ, t) for all t, τ ≥ 0, and Φ(t3 , t2 )Φ(t2 , t1 ) = 1 t+δ
Wo (t, t + δ) = Φ(τ, t) C  (τ )C(τ )Φ(τ, t)dτ
Φ(t3 , t1 ) for every t1 , t2 , t3 ≥ 0. Moreover, one can rewrite C(t) δ t
as C(t) = Θ(t)C̄ with Θ(t) = blkdiag(Π1 (t), . . . , ΠN (t)) ∈
= T (t)Wo (t, t + δ)T  (t) (58)
R3N ×3N and C̄ defined in (20). Define a new block matrix
T̄ (t) = blkdiag(R , R , . . . , R ) ∈ R3N ×3N . (54) where Wo (t, t + δ) = 1δ t Φ̄ (τ, t)C̄  Θ̄ (τ )Θ̄(τ )C̄ Φ̄
(τ, t)dτ with Θ̄(t) = T̄  (t)Θ(t)T̄ (t) = blkdiag(Π̄1 , . . . , Π̄N )
One can show that C̄T (t) = T̄ (t)C̄ and T̄  (t)T̄ (t) = I3N . and Π̄i = RΠi R = I3 − ppii −p

−p  with p = p + Rpc for each
From (2) and (52)–(54), one can show that
i = 1, 2, . . . , N .

1 t+δ  Next, we are going to show that the pair (Ā, Θ̄(t)C̄) is
Wo (t, t + δ) = Φ (τ, t)C̄  Θ (τ )Θ(τ )C̄Φ(τ, t)dτ uniformly observable. Since Ā is nilpotent with Ā3 = 0, from
δ t
Lemma 1, the pair (Ā, Θ̄(t)C̄) is uniformly observable if there
≥ T (t)Wo (t, t + δ)T −1 (t) (55) exist scalars δ, μ > 0 such that inequality (18) holds with O(t) =
 [(Θ̄(t)C̄) , (Θ̄(t)C̄ Ā) , (Θ̄(t)C̄ Ā2 ) ] . To verify the previous
Wo (t, t + δ) = 1δ t Φ̄ (τ, t)C̄  Θ̄ (τ )Θ̄(τ )C̄ Φ̄
where condition, we proceed by contradiction. Assume that

(τ, t)dτ with Θ̄(t) = T̄ (t)Θ(t)T̄ (t) = blkdiag(Π̄1 , . . . , Π̄N ) 
and Π̄i = RΠi R for each i = 1, 2, . . . , N . 1 t+δ̄
∀δ̄, μ̄ > 0, ∃t ≥ 0, min O(τ )z2 dτ < μ̄. (59)
Next, we are going to show that the pair (Ā, Θ̄(t)C̄) z∈Sn−1 δ̄ t
is uniformly observable. Since Ā is nilpotent with Ā3 = 0, Similar to the arguments in the proof of Lemma (1), consider
from Lemma 1, the pair (Ā, Θ̄(t)C̄) is uniformly observ- a sequence {μq }q∈N of positive numbers converging to zero,
able if there exist scalars δ, μ > 0 such that condition (18) and an arbitrary positive scalar δ̄. Then, there must exist a
holds with O(t) = [(Θ̄(t)C̄) , (Θ̄(t)C̄ Ā) , (Θ̄(t)C̄ Ā2 ) ] . sequence of time instants {tq }q∈N and a sequence of vectors
Since matrix Πi is uniformly positive definite for each i = {zq }q∈N with zq ∈ Sn−1 such that for any q ∈ N one has
1, 2, . . . , N , one can show that Π̄i , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N } and Θ̄(t)  tq +δ̄
are uniformly positive definite. Then, one has rank(O) = tq O(τ )zq 2 dτ < μ̄q . Since Sn−1 is compact, there exists
rank([C̄  , (C̄ Ā) , (C̄ Ā2 ) ] ). Let N1 , N2 ∈ R3×15 be the first a subsequence of {zq }q∈N , which converges to a limit z̄ ∈ Sn−1 .
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Therefore, since Θ(t) is bounded, one has nonzero since z̄ is nonzero. Hence, identity (61) can be
 δ̄ rewritten as
lim O(tq + τ )z̄2 dτ = 0 (60) 2
lim O z   = 0 (64)
q→∞ 0 q→∞
by a change of integration variable. Consider the following
with O defined in (22), which contradicts item ii) of the
technical result whose proof is given at the end of this proof.
Lemma 7: Let Ō(t) = [(Θ̄(t)C̄) , N1 , N2 ] . From (60), Lemma that O has full rank of 15 + N , i.e., O z  2 >
one has 0, ∀t ≥ 0.
Therefore, the assumption (59) does not hold. Hence, for both
lim Ō(tq + s)z̄2 = 0, ∀s ∈ [0, δ̄]. (61) cases, the pair (Ā, C(t)) is uniformly observable. It follows from
(58) that the pair (A(t), C(t)) is also uniformly observable.
Next, we consider the following cases. It remains to prove Lemma 7. Since the velocity of the
i) Camera in motion: Let C̄i = [I3 , pi1 I3 , pi2 I3 , pi3 I3 , 03 ] camera v  = dt d 
p (t) is bounded, the derivative of O(tp +
associated to ith landmark. Note that 1 , 2 , 3 are not- τ )z̄ is bounded for all q ∈ N, τ ∈ [0, δ̄], and then, it fol-
aligned and their plane is not parallel to the gravity vector. lows that O(tp + τ )z̄2 is uniformly continuous. Since ev-
Inequality C̄ z̄ = 03N ×1 implies that there exists at least ery uniformly continuous function is also Cauchy-continuous,
one of C̄i z̄, i = 1 , 2 , 3 , which is different from zero. it implies that O(tp + τ )z̄2 is a Cauchy sequence of con-
Without loss of generality, let z̄  := C̄i z̄ = 0 with i ∈ tinuous functions and limq→∞ O(tp + τ )z̄2 exists. Apply-
{ 1 , 2 , 3 }. From (61), one obtains  δ̄
ing Lebesgue theorem, one has limq→∞ 0 O(tq + τ )z̄2 =
lim Π̄i (tq + s)C̄i z̄2 = 0, s ∈ [0, δ̄]. (62) 2
0 limq→∞ O(tq + τ )z̄ = 0. Again, making use of the fact
that limq→∞ O(tq + τ )z̄2 is uniformly continuous and non-
For the sake of simplicity, let u(t) := R(t)Rc yi (t) ∈ S2 . negative, one can show that
Using the facts Π̄i = π(u) and π(u)y2 = y  π(u)y =
−y  (u× )2 y = x × y2 , for any u ∈ S2 , y ∈ R3 , it lim O(tq + s)z̄2 = 0 ∀s ∈ [0, δ̄]. (65)
follows from (62) that limq→∞ u(tq + s) × z̄  2 =
0, ∀s ∈ [0, δ̄]. This implies that for any μ̄ , there exists From the definition of matrix O(t) and the identity (65), it fol-
2 2
i=0 limq→∞ Θ̄(tq + s)C̄ Ā z̄ = 0, ∀s ∈ [0, δ̄].
q ∗ such that for all q ≥ q ∗ lows that
Next, we are going to show that C̄ Ā z̄ = C̄ Āz̄ = 03N ×1 .
u(tq + s) × z̄  2 < μ̄, ∀s ∈ [0, δ̄]. (63) Let z̄ = [z̄1 , z̄2 , . . . , z̄5 ] ∈ R15 with z̄i ∈ R3 for all
i = 1, . . . , 5. Making use of the fact Θ̄(t)C̄ Ā2 z̄ =
Motivated by the proof of [28, Lemma 4], let  
u1 = u(tq ) and u2 = u(tq + δ̄), and choose Θ̄(t) (g1 z̄2 + g2 z̄3 + g3 z̄4 ) , . . . , (g1 z̄2 + g2 z̄3 + g3 z̄4 ) ,
μ̄ = ( z̄  )2 /(4 + 2 2 ) such that u1 × z̄  2 + one can show that, if g1 z̄2 + g2 z̄3 + g3 z̄4 = 0, the only
u2 × z̄  2 < ( z̄  )2 /(2 + 2 ). The case where solution of limq→∞ Θ̄(tq + s)C̄ Ā2 z̄ = 0 is when the
u1 × u2  = 0 is trivial. Let u1 × u2  = 0 and constant vector g1 z̄2 + g2 z̄3 + g3 z̄4 is collinear with
z̄  = α1 u1 + α2 u2 + α3 u1 × u2 with constants αi ∈ pi − p (tq + s) for all i = 1, . . . , N . This does not hold
R, i = 1, 2, 3. Then, one has u1 × z̄  2 + |u2 × z̄  2 = since there are at least three nonaligned landmarks by
(α12 + α22 + 2α32 )u1 × u2 2 , where we made use of assumption. Hence, identity limq→∞ Θ̄(tq + s)C̄ Ā2 z̄2 = 0
the fact ui × z̄  2 = αi2 u1 × u2  + α32 u1 × u2 2 implies C̄ Ā2 z̄ = 03N ×1 . Moreover, making use of the fact
for i = 1, 2. One can also show z̄  2 ≤ 2α12 + 2α22 + Θ̄(t)C̄ Āz = [(Π̄1 z̄5 ) , . . . , (Π̄N z̄5 ) ] , one can show that, if
α32 u1 × u2 2 ≤ (2 + u1 × u2 2 )(α12 + α22 + α32 ). z̄5 = 03 , the only solution of limq→∞ Θ̄(tq + s)C̄ Āz̄ = 0 is
Hence, one obtains when the constant vector z̄5 is collinear with pi − p (tq + s)
for all i = 1, . . . , N . This does not hold since there
u1 × u2 2 u1 × z̄  2 + |u2 × z̄  2 2
≤ < . are at least three nonaligned landmarks by assumption.
2 + u1 × u2 2 z̄  2 2+ 2
These identities are not satisfied since there are at
Since the function f (x) = x2 /(2 + x2 ) is monotonically least three nonaligned landmarks by assumption. Hence,
increasing (i.e., ∂f /∂x > 0) for all x > 0, one obtains limq→∞ Θ̄(tq + s)C̄ Āz̄2 = 0 implies C̄ Āz̄ = 03N ×1 .
u(tq ) × u(tq + δ̄) = u1 × u2  < . From the defi- From (56) and the facts C̄ Ā2 z̄ = C̄ Āz̄ = 03N ×1 , one has
nition of u(t) and the fact that δ̄ can be arbitrary large, C̄ z̄ = 03N ×1 . Then, from the definition of Ō, identity (65) can
be reduced to (61).
this contradicts item i) of the Lemma that for any t∗ ≥ 0,
there exists t > t∗ such that u(t) × u(t∗ ) > .
ii) Motionless Camera: In this case, the matrix Ō APPENDIX E
in (61) is constant. For any u ∈ R3 , one shows PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1
Π̄i u = u + (pi − p )z̄i with pi − p  = 0 and z̄i = Consider the matrix O defined in (22) with N ≥ 5. Since
−(pi − p ) u/pi − p 2 ∈ R for all i = 1, 2, . . . , N . all the landmarks are not aligned, for the sake of simplic-
Note that identity p = pi implies that the camera location ity, we assume that the first three landmarks are not aligned.
coincides with the ith landmark, which does not hold Let ui = [ui1 , ui2 , ui3 ] := p1 − pi+1 for i = 1, 2. Hence, for
since all the landmarks are measurable by assumption. each landmark pi , there exist scalars αij , j = 1, 2, 3 such that

Let z̄  = [z̄1 , . . . , z̄N
] and z  := [z̄  , (z̄  ) ] , which is pi − p1 = 2j=1 αij uj + αi3 g. Note that if all the landmarks
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are located in the same plane, one has αi3 = 0 for all i = If αi1 = 0 for all i = 4, . . . , N , one has p̆i1 =
4, . . . , N . Otherwise, one can always find three nonaligned −αi2 (p3 − p1 ) + αi3 g. It follows that all the land-
landmarks, denoted by p1 , p2 , and p3 , whose plane is not parallel marks are located in the plane that contains p1 , p3
to the gravity vector, i.e., u1 , u2 , and g are linearly independent. and is parallel to the gravity vector.
Applying similar column and row operations as in (57) on the If αi2 = 0 for all i = 4, . . . , N , one has p̆i1 =
matrix O , one obtains O in (66) as shown at the bottom of this −αi1 (p2 − p1 ) + αi3 g. It follows that all the land-
page (i.e., rank(O ) = rank(O )), which can be rewritten in the marks are located in the plane that contains p1 , p2
form of a block upper triangular matrix as and is parallel to the gravity vector.

  If αi3 = 0 (i.e., αi1 + αi2 = −1) for all i =
 Ō Δ 4, . . . , N , one has p̆i1 = −αi1 (p2 − p1 ) − αi2 (p3 −
O =
0(3N −9)×15 M p1 ) + αi3 g, which can be rewritten as p̆i3 =
−αi1 (p2 − p3 ) + αi3 g. It follows that all the land-
marks are located in the plane that contains p2 , p3
where Ō ∈ R15×15 is equivalent to the one defined in (57). It is
and is parallel to the gravity vector.
obvious to show that matrix O does not have full rank if all the
landmarks are located in the plane parallel to the gravity vector Hence, the rank of M  is less than N if landmarks
(i.e., rank(O ) < 15). p4 , . . . , pN are located in the same plane that contains
Now, we assume that all the landmarks are not located in two of landmarks p1 , p2 , p3 and is parallel to the gravity
the same plane, and there exist three nonaligned landmarks, vector.
denoted by p1 , p2 , and p3 , whose plane is not parallel to the c) Consider the case where landmarks p4 , . . . , pN are
gravity. It follows that matrix O has full rank and is invertible. aligned with one of the landmarks p1 , p2 , p3 and the
Then, one can show that any nonzero column of Δ is linearly camera position p . Without loss of generality, let
dependent on the columns of Ō . Hence, O has full rank of p1 , p4 , . . . , pN and p be aligned. Then, one can show that
15 + N if the matrix M  has rank of N . Since all the land- the first column of the matrix M  is linearly dependent
marks are measurable by assumption, one has p − pi = 0 for on its last N − 3 columns, which implies that the rank of
all i = 1, 2, . . . , N and the last N − 3 columns of M  are linearly M  is less than N .
independent. Applying the column and row operations, one can d) Consider the case where there exists an index 4 < < N
show that matrix M  has the same rank as matrix M  defined such that landmarks p4 , . . . , p are located in the same
as follows: plane that contains two of the landmarks p1 , p2 , p3 (for
⎡  ⎤ example, p1 and p2 ) and is parallel to the gravity vector,
α43 p̆14 α41 p̆24 α42 p̆34 p4 − p . . . 03×1 and landmarks p +1 , . . . , pN are aligned with the third
⎢ .. .. .. .. .. ⎥
M  = ⎣ . . . .
. . ⎦ landmark (i.e., p3 ) and the camera position p . It follows

αN . . . pN − p  that αi2 = 0 for all i = 4, . . . , , p3 − pi and pi − p are
3 p̆1N αN 1 p̆2N αN 3 p̆3N 03×1
(67) collinear for all i = + 1, . . . , N , which implies that the
rank of M  is less than N .
If none of these cases hold, one can conclude that matrix O
where p̆ij := pi − pj , ∀i, j = 1, . . . , N , and we made use of the
 in (22) has full rank.
facts αi3 g − αi1 p̆2i − αi2 p̆3i = 2j=1 αij uj + αi3 g − (αi1 +
αi2 )p̆1i = αi3 p̆1i with αi3 = −(1 + αi1 + αi2 ) for all i =
4, . . . , N .
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I3 −p11 I3 −p12 I3 −p13 I3 03 p1 − p 03×1 03×1 03×1 ... 03×1
⎢ 03 u11 I3 u12 I3 u13 I3 03 −u1 p2 − p 03×1 03×1 ... 03×1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
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⎢ 22 3 ⎥
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