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Vocabulary in English

John Mathew D. Agustin 9 – Peace

Word: Accentuate

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /akˈsen(t)SHəˌwāt/

Definition: To emphasize or highlight something.

Sample Sentence: She used makeup to accentuate her eyes for the evening party.

Word: Alliteration

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /əˌlidəˈrāSH(ə)n/

Definition: The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in a sentence.

Sample Sentence: The writer's use of alliteration in the poem created a melodic and rhythmic effect.

Word: Analogy

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /əˈnaləjē/

Definition: A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

Sample Sentence: She explained the concept of DNA using the analogy of a recipe book.

Word: Ellipse

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /əˈlips/

Definition: A shape that resembles a flattened circle or oval.

Sample Sentence: The garden featured a beautiful ellipse of perfectly trimmed hedges.

Word: Aspire

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /əˈspī(ə)r/

Definition: To have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something.

Sample Sentence: He aspired to become a successful entrepreneur.

Word: Bamboozle

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /bamˈbo͞oz(ə)l/

Definition: To deceive or confuse someone.

Sample Sentence: The magician managed to bamboozle the audience with his clever tricks.
Word: Bizarre

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: /bəˈzär/

Definition: Extremely strange, unusual, or unconventional.

Sample Sentence: The artwork in the gallery was filled with bizarre and surreal images.

Word: Boisterous

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: /ˈboist(ə)rəs/

Definition: Noisy, energetic, and rowdy in a cheerful way.

Sample Sentence: The children were so boisterous at the birthday party that they could be heard from down the street.

Word: Boycott

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /ˈboiˌkät/

Definition: To refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a form of protest or as a means of exerting pressure for change.

Sample Sentence: The consumers decided to boycott the company's products in response to unethical practices.

Word: Camouflage

Part of Speech: Noun and Verb

Pronunciation: /ˈkaməˌflä(d)ZH/

Definition (Noun): The use of colors and patterns to blend in with one's surroundings for concealment.

Sample Sentence (Noun): The military wore camouflage uniforms in the forest.

Word: Commemorate

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /kəˈmeməˌrāt/

Definition: To honor or remember an event, person, or achievement by means of a ceremony or action.

Sample Sentence: The city held a parade to commemorate the anniversary of its founding.

Word: Chronology

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /krəˈnäləjē/

Definition: The arrangement of events in the order in which they occurred, typically in a timeline.

Sample Sentence: The historian meticulously studied the chronology of ancient civilizations.

Word: Cower
Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /ˈkouər/

Definition: To crouch or shrink back in fear or apprehension.

Sample Sentence: The dog cowered in the corner during the thunderstorm.

Word: Decorum

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /dəˈkôrəm/

Definition: Appropriate behavior, manners, or etiquette in a particular social setting.

Sample Sentence: The royal gathering was characterized by a strict code of decorum.

Word: Deduction

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /dəˈdəkSH(ə)n/

Definition: The process of drawing a conclusion based on logic, reasoning, or evidence.

Sample Sentence: Sherlock Holmes used deductive reasoning to solve complex mysteries.

Word: Deign

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /dān/

Definition: To do something that one considers beneath their dignity; to condescend.

Sample Sentence: The queen deigned to speak with the commoners during the festival.

Word: Despondent

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: /dəˈspänd(ə)nt/

Definition: Feeling hopeless, discouraged, or in low spirits.

Sample Sentence: After failing the exam, he became despondent and withdrew from social activities.

Word: Dialogue

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /ˈdīəˌlôɡ/

Definition: Conversation or discussion between two or more people.

Sample Sentence: The dialogue between the two diplomats was aimed at resolving the international conflict.

Word: Divulge

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /dəˈvəlj/
Definition: To reveal or disclose information that was previously kept secret.

Sample Sentence: The spy refused to divulge the classified information.

Word: Eclectic

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: /ēˈklektik/

Definition: Composed of a wide variety of elements from different sources, styles, or influences.

Sample Sentence: Her taste in music is eclectic, ranging from classical to hip-hop.

Word: Antibody

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /ˈan(t)əˌbädē/

Definition: A protein produced by the immune system to help fight against infections and diseases.

Sample Sentence: Antibodies play a crucial role in protecting the body from harmful pathogens.

Word: Embargo

Part of Speech: Noun and Verb

Pronunciation: /əmˈbärɡō/

Definition (Noun): A government-imposed restriction on the trade or movement of goods with a particular country or region.

Sample Sentence (Noun): The embargo on imports from that nation hurt the local economy.

Word: Exponent

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: /ˈekspōnənt/

Definition: A person who advocates or represents a particular idea, theory, or philosophy.

Sample Sentence: He was considered an exponent of modernist architecture.

Word: Enthusiastic

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: /inˌTHo͞ozēˈastik/

Definition: Showing a strong and eager interest or excitement about something.

Sample Sentence: The enthusiastic crowd cheered for their favorite sports team.

Word: Exult

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: /iɡˈzəlt/

Definition: To express great joy or happiness, typically as a result of a success or victory.

Sample Sentence: The team exulted in their championship win, celebrating late into the night.

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