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Statistics about water:

1. "Did you know that less than 1% of the Earth's water is readily accessible for
human use? Explore the challenges of water scarcity and conservation in our
upcoming research paper."
2. "Every day, approximately 2 million tons of sewage and pollutants are
discharged into the world's water bodies. Discover the impact of water
pollution and potential solutions in our upcoming publication."
3. "According to the World Health Organization, over 2 billion people worldwide
lack access to clean drinking water. Stay tuned for our research paper, where
we delve into the global water crisis and discuss strategies for ensuring water
4. "A staggering 80% of wastewater produced globally is discharged untreated
back into the environment. Learn about the consequences of untreated
wastewater and innovative approaches to wastewater management in our
forthcoming paper."
5. "Water-related diseases claim the lives of more than 3.4 million people each
year. Uncover the connection between water quality and public health in our
upcoming research, as we explore ways to mitigate waterborne illnesses."
6. "It takes around 700 gallons of water to produce a single cotton t-shirt.
Discover the water footprint of various industries and the importance of
sustainable water management in our soon-to-be-published paper."
7. "By 2050, it is estimated that two-thirds of the global population could be
living in water-stressed areas. Stay tuned for our research, which addresses
the looming water crisis and proposes innovative solutions for water

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