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Act 3: Identification of Signature

Identify Characteristics Questioned

Movement There are evident uneven strokes due to the

intense pressure and quick execution.

Line Quality Poor quality line due to uneven line and

transition that is not smooth due to abrupt
changes in curvature

Slant The angle of the writing is leaning to the right

or leaning forward

Alignment Either linear alignment or baseline-following

alignment is used.

Size, proportion and ratio The category was low because the loop's
length was shorter than the short letter's

Stroke Structure Similarities in the Stroke Structure

1. Knob
2. Spur
3. Hump
4. Oblong or Elliptical
5. Hook
6. Hump
7. Central part of the body
8. Space filler or Terminal stroke
9. Buckle knot
10. Blunt terminal stroke


My careful study found that the movement was swift and powerful. Poor line quality is
caused by uneven lines, abrupt changes in direction due to curvature, and uneven transitions.
The writing appears to slant both forward and right. Linear alignment or baseline following
alignment is used.

The questioned document was written by the same person. Because of the varied
signatures, the execution is comparable.

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