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Name: Felicen, Heart Chrysna G. Gr. & Sec.

: 12 STEM 2
Teacher: Jhonamay Dela Cruz Date: Aug 30, 2023

Learning Activity Sheet No. 1

1. How diverse are you as a class?

- Diversity recognizes the differences between people and includes different

factors, such as religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, gender identity,
age, race, ethnicity, language, socio-economic status, and family structure.
Everyone has different personalities, likes, dislikes, opinions and that is what
makes us different from each other.

2. Why do we label or group people according to their similarities?

- This is a process that help us make sense of the world around us. It’s a way to
simplify a complex information and make it easier to understand. However, this
practice can sometimes lead to stereotypes, bias, and oversimplification. While it
can be useful for quick decision-making, it’s important to remember that every
individual is unique and may not fully fit the characteristics of a group they’re
placed in.

3. Why is it important to learn about your identity? Other people’s identities?

- Learning about your own identity and the identities of others is important for fostering,
understanding, empathy, and a sense of belonging. It helps you appreciate the diversity
of perspectives and experiences, leading to better communication, reduced stereotypes
and more inclusive society. Self-awareness of your identity can also contribute to
personal growth and a deeper understanding of your values and motivations.

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