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It is an actuality that the proportion of senior citizens may outstrip that of young ones in various nations

in the future. I am of the opinion that this phenomenon is likely to yield negative outcomes in lieu of
positive ones.

To begin with, the first remarkable hindrance inherent in the advent of this tendency is that it pressures
the national welfare system. For instance, the more exponentially the percentage of elderly individuals
accelerates, the more stressful and heavier the burdens that are put on the shoulders of governmental
healthcare system for the retired as the aged is amidst those who are the most susceptible to ailments. If
the number of people needing hospitalisation, medication and other sorts of treatment witnesses a
drastic growth and nations undergoing this circumstance are not well-prepared, there will be a paucity of
momentous accoutrements and this may become a severe medical crisis.

Additionally, another potential impediment to the presence of this trend is that there will be a scarcity of
labourers. It is unnecessary to say that the old does not have sufficient capabilities of labour by courtesy
of their vulnerabilty to every kind of health-related hurdles, leading to the inadequacy when it comes to
workforce. This setback can act as a catalyst for economic and financial crises, the development of
consumerism as well as the imbalance between supply and demand.

Last but not least, another obvious demerit is that it renders the amount of mandatory money to pay
taxes skyrocket. It is not an overstatement that the dearth of labourers in every field may put a heavy
burden on the young whose income will be dedicated to the govermental tax progamme. In other words,
the more money is demanded to fulfill tax requirements, the more diligently and busily workers have to
labour to sustain their incomes.

In essence, my immutable sentiment is that this development is certainly anathema to the society in
general and individual in particular; it thereby had better been taken into vigilant consideration to
minimise its downside.

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