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Early marriage reduces attainment of other outcomes such as education, but early marriage also might

increase the likelihood of early saving and home ownership. Fertility behavior is an important part of the
causal processes linking religion, education, and family processes with inequality.

Early pregnancy is one of the most dangerous causes and consequences of this harmful practice. Girls
married early are more likely to experience violence, abuse and forced sexual relations due to unequal
power relations. They are more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (including HIV).

Advantages of Early Marriage

Have time before planning kids. When couples marry young, they need not rush into things which
includes having a baby. ...

Cool Young Parents. ...

Financial stability. ...

Being Considerate and Having Patience. ...

Being responsible individuals. ...

Less to No Baggage in life. ...

Sexual life. ...

Religious Reasons.
Child marriage is widely considered as a violation of human rights and a form of violence against girls.

Child marriage continues to be a reality for many of the world's girls because of a variety of factors.
These include poverty, lack of education and job opportunities, insecurity in the face of war and conflict,
and the force of custom and tradition.

This policy brief highlights five evidence-based strategies identified by ICRW to delay or prevent child
marriage: 1) Empower girls with information, skills and support networks; 2) Provide economic support
and incentives to girls and their families; 3) Educate and rally parents and community members; 4)
Enhance girls’ access to a high-quality education; and 5) Encourage supportive laws and policies. In order
for the next generation of development programs to make ending child marriage a priority,
policymakers must pay attention to these strategies while continuing to test innovative approaches and
evaluation techniques.

Is early marriage a good thing?

An early marriage gives you much more chance to not only work on the relationship but also walk out of
it and start afresh in case it fails. It may not be the most pleasant thing to hear but all said and done,
there is nothing in the world that can ensure the success of a marriage.

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