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With the implementation of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in Lean construction, the

role of construction managers undergoes significant changes. Here are some key role
changes associated with IPD for Lean construction managers:

1. Collaborative Leadership:
 Lean construction managers in IPD take on a more collaborative leadership role.
 They facilitate open communication and teamwork among all project participants,
including owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers.
2. Early Involvement in Design:
 Lean construction managers are involved in the project right from the design phase.
 They contribute their expertise to optimize constructability, value engineering, and lean
principles during the design process.
3. Emphasis on Continuous Improvement:
 Lean construction managers drive a culture of continuous improvement within the
project team.
 They encourage the use of Lean tools and techniques, such as Last Planner System and
Kaizen, to identify waste, streamline processes, and improve project outcomes.
4. Integrated Project Team Management:
 Lean construction managers focus on fostering collaboration and integration among all
project team members.
 They facilitate regular meetings, coordination, and problem-solving sessions to ensure
smooth project execution.
5. Lean Process Implementation:
 Lean construction managers oversee the implementation of Lean processes and
methodologies throughout the project lifecycle.
 They ensure the adoption of Lean principles, such as pull planning, visual management,
and standardized work, to enhance productivity and eliminate waste.
6. Relationship Building and Trust:
 Lean construction managers emphasize the importance of building strong relationships
and trust among project stakeholders.
 They encourage a cooperative environment where everyone is aligned with project
goals and objectives.
7. Value Optimization:
 Lean construction managers work towards optimizing project value by maximizing
efficiency, reducing costs, and improving overall project outcomes.
 They collaborate with the project team to identify value-added activities and eliminate
non-value-added activities.
8. Risk Management:
 Lean construction managers play a role in identifying and managing project risks.
 They facilitate discussions on risk mitigation strategies and ensure that the entire team is
aware of potential risks and their impact.

In summary, the role of Lean construction managers with IPD involves a shift towards
collaborative leadership, early involvement in the project, continuous improvement, and
the implementation of Lean principles. They are responsible for driving efficiency,
fostering teamwork, and optimizing project value throughout the construction process.

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