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1) Where would you like to live in the future? Why?

In the future, I would like to live in Warsaw. There are a lot of people, so I could have many friends.
Warsaw is the most beautiful city in Poland.

2) Do you like going shopping? Why?

I don ‘t like going shopping, because things are expensive. Shops are very crowded. The shopping
centre is far away and I don ‘t like carrying bags.

3) Do you have any pets? Why?

Yes, I have a cat. It name is Misia and It is from the British Shorthair breed. I have always been
fascinated by the life of these four-legged friends, which is why my parents decided to give it to me as
a gift.

4) Which is your favorite season of the year? Why?

Autumn is definitely my favorite season.I like that it is magical and colorful. It gives a nice atmosphere.

5) What sports do you like? Why?

I love volleyball, it has been my love since childhood. When I was very young, my dad showed me a
match of the Polish team for the first time and I became fascinated. One time I won tickets in
a competition so I could see the Polish team playing in the world championship, and by the way, I got
the team captain's autograph.

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