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You rock, Clam before the storm, Under the weather, When it rains, it pours: Rain or shine: Every

cloud has a silver lining: Go with the

flow: Down to earth: Tip of the iceberg: Nip in the bud:

Dentist: Hello, I’m Dr. Rock. You must be the new patient.
Patient: Yes, I’m here for a check-up. I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather lately.
Dentist: Well, let’s take a look at your teeth. Open wide, please.
Patient: Aaahhh…
Dentist: Oh dear, this is not good. You have several cavities and a lot of plaque. This is just the tip of
the iceberg. You need some serious dental work.
Patient: What? How did this happen? I brush my teeth every day!
Dentist: Do you floss?
Patient: Um…no.
Dentist: Do you eat a lot of sweets?
Patient: Well…yes.
Dentist: Do you drink soda?
Patient: All the time.
Dentist: Well, there you go. You’ve been neglecting your oral hygiene and now when it rains, it
pours. You need to change your habits nip in the bud or you’ll lose your teeth.
Patient: Oh no, this is terrible! What can you do for me?
Dentist: Don’t worry, I can help you. But it won’t be easy or cheap. You’ll need several fillings, a root
canal, and maybe even a crown. It will take several visits and a lot of money.
Patient: Oh no, I can’t afford that! And I hate going to the dentist!
Dentist: Well, you have no choice. It’s either that or dentures. Rain or shine, you have to come back
here and let me fix your teeth.
Patient: But I’m scared!
Dentist: Don’t be scared. I’m a professional and I’ll make sure you’re comfortable and pain-free.
Trust me, every cloud has a silver lining. Once I’m done with you, you’ll have a beautiful smile and
healthy teeth.
Patient: Really?
Dentist: Really. And then you’ll be able to say you rock to yourself in the mirror.
Patient: Well…OK then. I guess I’ll go with the flow and let you do your magic.
Dentist: That’s the spirit! You’re very brave and down to earth. Now let’s get started. This is
the calm before the storm. Open wide again, please. Patient: Aaahhh…

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