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When Ayşe was 16 years old, she noticed that her maxillary tooth (yan kesici dişler) were

loose. She
was scared so much that she immediately went to a dentist. But she was in England and she didn’t
know English very well. So she called an interpreter to come with her. İnterpreter said yes she will
come with her but she wants to be paid hourly. Ayşe asked her how much she want for an hour and
she said ‘’ı want 200 pounds for an hour.’’. Ayşe was shocked when she heard that. It was so
expensive for her. She tried to bargain with her and finally, they agreed on 150 pounds for an hour.
Then they finally went to a dentist but dentist said ‘’ firstly, you don’t have 2 tooth, the ones in the
front which we called maxillary teeth. When you lose your teeth, you need to see an orthodontic or if
you want we can get off for you now’’ And interpreter translated ‘’ öncelikle, yan kesici dişler
dediğimiz öndeki iki dişin yok. Dişlerin düştüğünde bir ortodontiste görünmen gerekiyor ya da
istersen hemen şimdi çekebiliriz.’’

Ayşe didn’t want to do it now so she said ‘’Şu anda istemiyorum. Ortodontiste giderim.’’ And
interpreter translated it ‘’ ı don’t want right now. I will go to an orthodontic.’’

And when they felt Ayşe went to an orthotondic.

A: merhaba Rachel Hanım

Ç: Hi. Mrs. Rachel

D: Hi Ayşe. Did you take X-ray?

Ç: merhaba Ayşe. Röntgen çektirdin mi ?

A: çektirdim. İşte burada.

Ç: yes I did. Here it is.

D: let me see. Oh, I see that you don’t have two teeth and also your lower jaw is behind than a
normal jaw. You need to wear braces. Let’s check your teeth. Please lay down here.

Ç: bakıyım. Aa iki tane dişin eksik ve çenen normalden daha geride. Diş teli kullanman gerekiyor.
Dişlerine bir bakalım. Lütfen uzan.

A: tamam

Ç: okay.

D: now, please bite this paper.

Ç: şimdi bu kağıdı ısır bakalım.

D: hmm, a voice coming from your jaw, do you hear it?

Ç: çenenden bir ses geliyor, duyuyor musun?

A: aa evet duyabiliyorum. Bu kötü bir şey mi?

Ç: yes ı can hear it. İs it bad?

D: no, but you need to wear braces for this too. Now let me give you some information about
wearing braces. You need to wear it because you have gaps between your teeth and you have
problems with biting.

Ç: hayır, fakat bunun içinde tel takman lazım. Şimdi sana tel takmayı anlatacağım. Isırma sorunun var
ve dişlerinin arasında boşluklar var bu yüzden tel takman lazım.

D: You need to come here every two months so I can check your braces.

Ç:iki ay da bir gelmen gerekiyor ki tellerini kontrol edeyim.

D:Also you should use a special toothbrush which has softer than normal ones or you can use
toothbrush for babies. And I will give you wax for your braces because it can cut inside your cheek
sometimes. Here, this is a brochure for orthodontic treatment. Now I will

Ç: ayrıca normal diş fırçalarından daha yumuşak olan özel bir diş fırçası kullanman gerekiyor ya da
bebek diş fırçası kullanabilirsin. Ve tellerin için mum vereceğim çünkü bazen teller yanaklarının içini
kesebilir. Buyur, buda ortodontik tedavi hakkında bir broşür. Şimdi telini takacağım.

A: çok teşekkürler doktor Rachel.

Ç: Thank you so much Doctor Rachel.

D: See you on 21 December.

Ç: 21 aralıkta görüşürüz.

A: görüşürüz

Ç: see you.

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