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◦ Select and reduce content on your slides for the ‘old’ part (sections 1-5): keep the key
words and keep the visuals (at least the necessary ones, such as to illustrate solutions)
but ‘fill in the blanks’ mainly through your speech
◦ You should make any necessary changes from your proposal parts to this final one,
based on your feedback/grade justification, both in the presentation and the written rep.
◦ Aim for max 5 minutes for the old parts, and 10m for the new parts 6 and 7
◦ New part 6: it might be a good idea to give the overview (the final table with results,
calculations, rankings etc of all 3 solutions according to all 3 criteria) of your analysis
first, and then go one by one through the solutions and your analysis of how they
(partially) meet the criteria
◦ in doing this (the above), show which ones are more ‘obvious’ and logical, and don’t
spend too much time on those; then you can focus more on the ‘difficult’ ones due to e.g.
lack of research data, or difficulty of calculations/measurements, or similarity of results
(for 2 or more solutions – when it’s harder to pick a ‘better’ one)
◦ (last 2 points above) so do not just explain each and every step but show and tell the
audience where the crucial points are, and why, in your analysis – this will help the
audience to understand better how you came to your conclusions/recomm.
◦ Part 7: do not project a complete paragraph (as you saw on some of the past samples) but
concisely summarize (using bullet points or whatever) the conclusions and
recommendations, finishing with a timeline of next concrete steps necessary to
implement your best solution(s)


◦ Make sure you revise your own work for concision and visual layout, like I showed
you last week with the shopping cart retrieval and the Konya Plain examples. You may
lose some white space to a better visual layout, but you’ll also gain from more economy
and precision of words/expression – in the end it should be a net gain!
◦ Cover page, abstract, index pages: make sure you get the order and the page
numbering right (Roman numerals!). See the Main Input Material on Moodle for
detailed guidelines, in addition to the task prompt and criteria.
◦ The total max page limit is 10, for all 7 main sections together. Anything else (the
above mentioned, references, appendices) do not count since they won’t be inside any of
the main sections.
◦ You may not need to shorten (like in the presentation) the ‘old’ sections 1 to 5, since
your page limit is double (10) of what your proposal page limit was, in fact some of you
may need to add missing info/parts/clarifications there
◦ References: you may add or drop references from your proposal (as you may do with
other parts of the report)
◦ Put any visual material (graphs, photos, tables, diagrams) specifically referred to in
your report (e.g. ‘As can be seen from Table 1, the problem occurs much more often
in/during….. than ….’) into your report main sections; put other (optional to look at)
extra materials into appendices (e.g. ‘see Appendix B for more...’)
◦ Upload the final report max 5 days (or 120 hours) after your presentation date
(including weekends), and bring me a print copy by the first Tuesday (3rd) of January

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