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Choose The Best Answer!

This text is for questions no.31-34

James Watt was a great Scottish engineer of the 18 th century. He did not actually invent the steam engine. Instead, he
Improved it. A man named Thomas Savery invented the first primitive steam engine in 1698. A man named Newcomen
started making steam engines to pump water from mines in 1712. However, Watt is famous for inventing an improved
version in 1769.
James Watt was born in Greenock on January 19, 1736. Hs father, also called James, was shipbuilder. As a boy Watt
attend the local grammar school where he studied classics and mathematics. The young Watt also liked making models.
Eventually, watt decided to become a maker of mathematical instruments, such as quadrants and compasses. In 1755
he went to London, but only lived there for two years before moving to Glasgow.
In 1964 Watt improved on a model of a Newcomen steam engine. In the Newcomen`s the steam was pushed into a
cylinder, then condensed back into water. A year later Watt realized it would be more efficient to condense the steam in
another chamber separate from the cylinder. However, it was not until 1769 that Watt patented his knew idea, the separate
In 1766 Watt landed a job as a land surveyor marking out land for canals and eight years later, he moved to
Birmingham. In 1775 he went into partnership with Matthew Boulton and began making steam engines which were used for
pumping water out of mines.
By 1780 the Industrial Revolution was beginning to transform life in Britain and Watt adapted his steam engines to
provide a rotary motion so they could be used to power machines in new factories. In 1781 he used the sun and planet gear to
do this and four years later, steam engines were used to power machines in cotton mills for the first time.
Meanwhile, in 1782 Watt invented another major improvement, the double-acting steam engine. In 1788 he invented
the fly ball governor to regulate the speed of steam engines and a pressure gauge in 1790.
In 1785 Watt was elected a fellow of the royal society and he retired from business in 1800.
James Watt died on August 25, 1819 and was buried in Birmingham. Finally, in 1882 a unit of electrical power was
named the watt his honor.

31.What is the text about?

A. James Watt`s experience
B. James watt`s family life
C. James Watt`s jobs and inventions
D. James Watt and his colleagues
E. James Watt`s business

32.The following are correct about James Watt, EXCEPT ...

A. He moved to Birmingham in 1773
B. He had worked as a land surveyor
C. His name is used to name a unit of electrical power
D. He was the third man to improve a steam engine
E. He patented the separate condenser for a steam engine

33.What is the main idea of paragraph 7?

A. Watt`s double- acting steam engine
B. Watt`s inventions to improve steam engines
C. The time watt improved steam engines
D. The use of the fly ball governor in steam engines
E. The equipment to improve the speed of steam engines

34.‘... he retired from business in 1800.’ (Last paragraph). The underlined word has similar meaning to ...
A. Began
B. Caused
C. Joined
D. Closed
E. withdrew

35.Since ... English class. Armand made has many friends. The suitable adverb phrase to complete the sentence is ..
A. Armand attends
B. Attended
C. Attending
D. Armand attending
E. Attending Armand

36.... to ride bicycle, Adi walked to work every morning. The suitable adverb phrase to complete the sentence is ...
A. Because he unable
B. Unable
C. Being unable
D. Unabling
E. Because we were unable
This text is for questions no. 37-40

Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile
swimming in the river. The rabbit asked the boss of crocodile, "How many crocodiles are there in the river?" The boss of
crocodile answered, "We are twenty here." "Where are they?" the rabbit asked for the second time. "What is it for?" the boss
of crocodile asked.

"All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are,""
said the rabbit. Then, the boss of crocodile called all his friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to the
other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another. One…two…three…
four…until twenty, and finally, he thanked all crocodiles because he had crossed the river.

37.The story mainly tells about ….

A. twenty crocodiles
B. the boss of the crocodile.
C. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles.
D. A rabbit and the boss of crocodile
E. The boss of the crocodile and all his friends

38.We know from the first paragraph that the rabbit actually wanted …
A. to cross the river
B. to swim across the river.
C. to meet the boss of crocodile.
D. To know where the crocodile are
E. To know the number of crocodiles there

39.How did the rabbit cross the river?

A. By swimming across the river
B. By diving across the river.
C. By jumping from one crocodile to another..
D. By giving gratitude to all crocodiles.
E. By making a line of crocodiles

40.What did the boss of crocodile call his friends for?

A. To show how good they are
B. To show that the boss of crocodiles has a lot of friends.
C. To make a line in order from one side to the other side of the river.

D. To jump from one side to the other side of the river

E. To count them to be feed.

This text is for questions no. 41- 44

The King’s Disease

Many years ago there was a king who was very bad tempered. Everyone was afraid of him. The king was bad
tempered because he was often ill. He was often ill because he ate and drank too much.
“I am always ill”, the king told his doctor. “Why can’t you cure me?” the doctor did not want to tell the king the
reason. He knew this would make the king very angry. “I give you the best medicine, your majesty” he said “I do my best.”
“your medicine make me worse’, the king said. “You must cure me before the end of the month or I shall put you in prison.
You are trying to poison me.”
‘Perhaps your food is making you ill”, the doctor said. This was a polite way of saying, “You eat too much.”
“Nonsense”, the king shouted. “My cook is the best cook in the world. No, I am ill because you are a fool. You do not know
how to cure me. I pay you to make me well, but what happens? I have stomachache and headache everyday. Now go and
study your books. Fine a cure for my disease or…….”
“Yes, yes, yes Majesty.” The doctor said and went to his room. He made a lot of new medicine but it did no cure the
At last, a few days before the end of the months, the doctor went into the forest. He wanted to see a wise old monk
and ask for his advice.

41.Why were people afraid of the king?

A. Because he was bad tempered
B. Because he ate and drank too much
C. Because he did not like doctors
D. Because no one could cure him
E. Because he was often ill

42.Why did the doctor not want to tell the king the truth about his illness?
A. He could not cure the king
B. The king would die
C. The king would become very angry
D. The would drink poison
E. The king would be insensible

43.What was making the king ill?

A. Poison
B. Too much eat and drink
C. Bad medicine
D. Too much medicine
E. Too lessmedicine

44.How much food did the doctor think the king ate?
A. Too much
B. Enough
C. Not Enough
D. Not at all
E. At all

This song is for questions for no.45-46


There`s a hero if you look inside your heart

You don`t have to be afraid of what you are
There`s an answer if you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know will melt away

And then a hero comes along

With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fear aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And then you will finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It`s a long road when you face the world alone

No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
You can find love if you search within your self
And the emptiness you felt will disappear

Lord knows dreams are hard to follow

But don`t let anyone tear them away
Hold on, there will be tomorrow
In time you will find the way

45.What message can we learn from the song ?

A. allow anyone tear our dreams
B. don`t be afraid of what we are since everyone is a hero
C. we never find the solution of our problems
D. the sorrow changes to sadness
E. people face the world alone

46.“With the strength to carry on” What the opposite of underlined word ?
A. power
B. sorrow
C. dream
D. weakness
E. truth

47.Rena said to me, “Do you close the window at night?” The indirect form is: Rena asked me…to night
A. if I closed the window
B. that I closed the window
C. when I close the window
D. that you closed the window
E. whether you closed the window

48.He said to me, “Don’t spend too much money!”The indirect speech is: …too much money
A. He asked me whether I spent
B. He asked me that I spent
C. He ordered me that to spend
D. He said to me that to spend
E. He told me not to spend

49.The teacher asked Toni,” why do you come late ?”. The indirect speech is ...
A. The teacher asked Toni why did you come late
B. The teacher asked Toni why he came late
C. The teacher asked Toni why he comes late
D. The teacher asked Toni why he has come late
E. The teacher asked Toni why he is coming late

50.Arrange the following jumbled sentences into the correct order.

1. She did not know what she should do to save the baby since it was circled by a ring of fire
2. The fire made her afraid, even she never cooked her meals using fire since then
3. Since then , she was never afraid of fire
4. The woman approached the sound and was very surprised seeing a baby cry loudly
5. Her husband and daughter had died several years before due to a fire
6. She entered the ring of fire and saved the baby
7. Once upon time , there was a woman living alone in her house
8. One day, she heard a baby crying on the top of a hill near her house
9. However, her pity was greater than her fear of fire

A. 7-5-2-8-1-6-9-4-3
B. 7-5-2-8-3-9-4-6-1
C. 7-5-2-8-4-3-1-9-6
D. 7-5-2-8-4-1-9-6-3
E. 7-5-2-8-6-3-9-1-4

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