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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Plantel Conalep Tuxtla Chico 068


Student: Dulce Concepción Gómez Cardona

Teacher: Roberto Lopez Alvarado

Group: 4102

Date: June 14th, 2023


Addictions are a very controversial topic with which we can generate criticism,
influence and impression in some cases, due to the consequences of these,
we must understand that talking about addictions is not only talking about
alcohol or other substances, for this we must understand the definition of

Addiction is the persistent and compulsive dependence on a substance or


Addiction is characterized by denial, by uncontrolled use or behavior, by

relapse in use or behavior despite knowing the negative consequences
involved, and by distortions of thought regarding the addiction in periodic or
continuous episodes.

Addictions are genetic, psychosocial or environmental in nature, and directly

affect development in a progressive manner, becoming fatal in severe cases
or where there has been no access to adequate treatment.

These addictions are classified by their two types, in this case we will delve
into the addictions of substance ingestion, their processes in our country, how
this psychosocial factor manifests itself in adolescents today and some ways
to raise awareness about the damage they cause.

1.- James Griffith Edwars, 2000, says “It is unthinkable that the consumption
of addictive drugs is due to a single isolated cause”.

I agree with what the author James Griffith has just mentioned, since he
refers to the fact that the consumption of these substances is not due to a
single cause, but depends on each individual, which of course does not mean
that we should fall into the addictions.

2.- Miller and Gold 1993; Volkow, 1998, says ”Addictive drug substances
appear to be included in the same instinctual system that motivates animals
to seek food, water and sex”

The autor Miller and Gold tells us that addictive drugs are equally motivated
as the needs as a human being. I do not agree since we are talking about two
very different things, but they can be thought of and interpreted in different
ways, it does not mean that what the author says is wrong, but rather that we
have different opinions.

3.- Didia, 2015, says” To an activity that in principle can be pleasant or useful
for a person's life, but then it becomes something harmful for the individual.
Even aware of this quality, he cannot abandon it and thus loses the ability to
choose and control his behavior. This gives rise to an obsession that takes
the place of a constant, inevitable desire that occupies most of the subject's
interests or activities, leaving the rest aside”.

The author Didia mentions the concept of addictions to us, I agree with his
opinion since it gives us to understand too well about what an addiction is. In
one part of the text it says "it gives rise to an obsession that takes place from
a constant and inevitable desire" what better way to talk about addictions
broken down from that point of view.


Lung diseases caused by addictions

Currently there are many cases of young people suffering from lug diseases
such as interstitial pneumonitis, fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, alveolar
hemorrhage, exacerbation of asthma, barotrauma, thermal injury to the
respiratory tract, hilar adenopathies, and bullous emphysema as a result of


As a solution to this problem, we must ensure that adolescents learn to make

decisions in relation to drugs and their high availability in our society,
choosing between abstinence or their consumption, and they must be
informed about the consequences and effects of their consumption in a life
stage as critical as adolescence.


Some of the proposals that we can adapt to avoid the consumption of illicit
substances in adolescents are:

- Having good communication with the person, from when they are small until
their development, constant communication between parents and children is
essential. Extremely authoritarian or demanding parents can create tension in
the relationship that leads their child to seek support or advice from others,
which is not always convenient. Since that is where the consumption of
substances by third parties can begin.

- Promote entertainment activities both between parents and children and

between siblings and friends, it is important to create entertainment habits
that encourage sports and the practice of various activities. This will keep
them busy and acquire stable and healthy routines.

- Make campaigns and talks about the prevention of addictions, explaining

everything that the consumption of these substances entails. Prevention
helps adolescents who have doubts about drugs or alcohol not to go and
consume them, in order to experiment and know what it feels like, these
campaigns help promote and clarify them for people who have doubts without
consuming those substances.


 What are addictions?

 What are the types of addictions?
 Which audience does it affect the most?
 What consequences can the consumption of illicit substances have?
 Mention any drug most consumed by adolescents.

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