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Last Dog Assessment

• What is this story’s novum? How did it contribute to the cognitive estrangement? (4)
The story's novum is the bubble and the toxic air. Those things do not exist but might in the future.

• Who/what is the antagonist of the story and why do you think that is the case? (2)
The antagonist was the scientists. I think they are the antagonist because they wouldn't let Brock explore
and also they were doing experiments on his dog.

• Describe the story’s 5 plot elements and briefly outline some of the plot points significant in
each section (ex. Climax) (5)
The introduction was Brock exiting the the dome and him describing what "outside" was like. He
decribed the sun as very bright and how it was still very bright even through his tinted visor. The rising
action was the point where he started hearing the noises and finding the dog. The climax was when
Brock bite his dog so his dog could bite him back. The falling action was when the falling action is when
Brock asks the scientists if he should take the dog back to where he found him. The resulotion is when
Brock lets the dog go.

• What theme(s) (1-2 words) were evident in the story? What thematic statements (1 sentence)
did the author make? (3)
The theme of this story is Futuristic and Science Fiction.
STEAL Characterization Graphic Organizer
There are five different ways that an author can indirectly reveal the personality of the characters
(Speech, Thoughts, Effects on Others, Actions, Looks).
Use the STEAL method to analyze a character from your reading. Be sure to include the evidence, what it
reveals and the page # (10)
SPEECH: Consider what You can tell Brock is a caring person by the way he talks to the dog. It might
the character says, how be the way he treats animals but by the way he speaks, he sounds like a
they speak, and what nice person.
this reveals about them.

THOUGHTS: Consider This doesn't only apply for Brock

what is revealed
through the character’s
private thoughts and

Consider what is
revealed through the
character’s relationship
with others.

ACTIONS: Consider
what the character does
and what this says
about their personality.

LOOKS: Consider the

character’s body
language, expression,
and dress. What does
this reveal?

OVERALL: After you

have examined all 5
elements, how would
you describe the
character’s personality?
Setting Graphic Organizer (6)
Where? When? Mood/Atmosphere?
Where does the story take When does the story take What does the environment feel
place? place? like in the story?
What words and phrases does
the author use to create that

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