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English exam 1 and 2 grade

1. Where are you from?

a) Perú
b) Calca
c) América
d) Av. Vilcanota

2. How old are you?

a) 12
b) 13 o 14
c) I am …….. years old
d) N.A
3. How do you say “Yo soy” in english? (form contraction):

a) You are
b) I am
c) I´m
d) They´re

4. Mark the correct option:

 Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, ………….., Saturday, …………….

a) Friday and Sunday

b) Monday and Friday
c) Sunday and October
d) N.A

5. What time is it? 8:36

a) Is eight , thirty-six
b) Twenty-four to nine
c) It´s thirty-six past eight
d) Eight O´clock






5. C

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