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Name: __________________________________________

Direction: Read and analyze the given set if questions and chose the best answer.

1. Promulgation of rules and regulations and administration of Code of conduct for public
employee can be found in what section of the said law?
a. Section 10
b. Section 11
c. Section 12
d. Section 13
2. In a lither penalties, any public official or employee, regardless of whether or not he holds office
or employment in a casual, temporary, holdover, permanent or regular capacity, committing any
violation of this Act shall be punished with a fine not exceeding the equivalent of:
a. 3 months’ salary or suspension not exceeding one (1) year, or removal depending on the
gravity of the offense
b. 6 months’ salary or suspension not exceeding one (1) year, or removal depending on the
gravity of the offense
c. 9 months’ salary or suspension not exceeding one (1) year, or removal depending on the
gravity of the offense
d. None of the above
3. The statement “The designated Committees of both Houses of the Congress shall establish
procedures for the review of statements to determine whether said statements which have
been submitted on time, are complete, and are in proper form.” Can be found under what
section of the law?
a. Section 10
b. Section 11
c. Section 12
d. Section 13
4. Accessibility of requested documents to any public offices/institutions should be made available
for copying or reproduction after how many working days?
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 30
5. Statement of assets, liabilities and net worth or SALN are required to file by every pubic officials
and employees EXEPT,
a. Those serving in honorary capacity
b. Those whose position title is laborer
c. Those who are casual or temporary workers
d. All of the above
6. All public officials and employees during their term shall:
a. Own, control, manage or accept employment as officer, employee, consultant, counsel,
broker, agent, trustee or nominee in any private enterprise regulated, supervised or
licensed by their office unless expressly allowed by law
b. Engage in the private practice of their profession unless authorized by the Constitution
or law, provided, that such practice will not conflict or tend to conflict with their official
c. Recommend any person to any position in a private enterprise which has a regular or
pending official transaction with their office
d. None of the above.
7. All public employees and officials shall ac promptly to all letters and requests within:
a. 15 days from receipt thereof
b. 15 working days from receipt thereof
c. 20 days from receipt thereof
d. 20 working days from receipt thereof
8. All public officials and employees must show support to all political parties by providing service
without unfair discrimination, the statement is:
a. True
b. False
c. Depends on the type of request
d. None of the above
9. Every department, office and agency shall, as soon a practicable and in no case start conducting
value development program for its officials and employees not later than:
a. 30 days
b. 60 days
c. 90 days
d. None of the above
10. The developmental program for every public officials and employees should include:
a. Ethical and moral values
b. Nationalism and patriotism
c. Justice and human rights
d. All of the above
11. In every department office and agency shall conduct continuing studies and analyses of their
work systems and procedure to improve delivery of public service, the aims should:
a. Identify systems and procedure that lead to or contribute to negative bureaucratic
b. Simplify rules and procedures
c. Devise or adopt system and procedure that promote official and employee moral and
d. All of the above
12. Gathering of feedback and suggestions are important to all public offices and agency as well as
public employees and officials, these rule can be found in what section of Rule III?
a. Section 5
b. Section 6
c. Section 7
d. Section 8
13. Continues research and development to each department to ensure continues growth, this is
according to what section of Rule III?
a. Section 5
b. Section 6
c. Section 7
d. Section 8
14. All government officials shall make themselves available to their staff for consultation and
dialogues; this is in accordance to what section of Rule III?
a. Section 5
b. Section 6
c. Section 7
d. Section 8
15. What rule of RA 6713 that says ever department, office or agency shall provide official
information, records or documents?
a. Rule III
b. Rule IV
c. Rule V
d. Rule VI
16. Every department office and agency shall conduct continuing studies and analyses of their work
systems and procedures to improve delivery of public services. This statement can be found in
rule III of what section?
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. Section 4
17. The rationale of this law is to solve Conflicting demands of population growth, urbanization,
industrial expansion, rapid natural resources utilization and increasing technological advances
have resulted in a piece meal approach concept of environmental protection. This law pertains
a. PD 1151
b. PD 1152
c. PD 1153
d. PD 1154
18. PD 1151 policy states that:
a. to create, develop, maintain, and improve conditions under which man and nature can
thrive in productive and enjoyable harmony with each other;
b. to fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations
of Filipino; and
c. to insure the attainment of an environmental quality that is conducive to a life of
dignity and well-being.
d. All of the above
19. PD 1152 is also known as:
a. Philippine Sanitary code
b. Philippine Environment Code
c. Philippine Sewerage code
d. Philippine Fire Code
20. What law that states “The provisions on air quality management have been revised by the
Clean Air Act of 1999”:
a. RA 8739
b. RA 8749
c. RA 8759
d. RA 8769
21. The provisions on water quality management have been revised by the Clean Water Act of 2004
is also known as
a. RA 9275
b. RA 9265
c. RA 9274
d. RA 9273
22. An executive order that states to reorganizing the human settlements regulatory commission
now Housing Land Use Regulatory Board, this order is also known as order:
a. 645
b. 647
c. 648
d. 649
23. What law that pertains to fisheries and aquatic resources?
a. RA 8555
b. RA 8550
c. RA 8551
d. RA 8552
24. What section under PD 1152 that inform us about management policy on soil conversation
a. Chapter III Section 32
b. Chapter III Section 33
c. Chapter III Section 34
d. Chapter III Section 35
25. What section under PD 1152 that inform us about Measures in flood control?
a. Chapter IV Section 32
b. Chapter IV Section 33
c. Chapter IV Section 34
d. Chapter IV Section 35
26. An act creating the department of Energy, rationalizing the organization and its functions of
government agencies related to energy is also know as
a. RA 7638
b. RA 7738
c. RA 8838
d. RA 9938
27. The provisions on waste management are deemed amplified by the Ecological SWM Act of 2001
also known as
a. RA 9001
b. RA 9002
c. RA 9003
d. RA 9004
28. Under what section under miscellaneous provisions can be found the environment education?
a. Section 52
b. Section 53
c. Section 54
d. Section 55
29. Preservation of Historic and Cultural Resources and Heritage can be found under miscellaneous
provisions of what section?
a. Section 59
b. Section 60
c. Section 61
d. Section 62
30. Public Hearings. The NEPC may, whenever it deems necessary, conduct public hearings on issue
of environmental significance, can be found under miscellaneous provisions of what section?
a. Section 59
b. Section 60
c. Section 61
d. Section 62

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