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Activity No.

1: Introduction to Local Government and Regional Administration

1. What role does local government play in shaping the daily lives and well-being of
citizens, and what is its significance in the broader context of governance and public
2. How has the historical evolution of local governance systems varied across different
regions of the world, and what are the global perspectives on the significance and
impact of these diverse approaches to local government?
3. What are the general powers and attributes typically granted to local government units,
and how do these powers contribute to their ability to serve their communities
4. What are the key advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized
governance systems, and how does a comparative analysis of these two approaches
shed light on their respective impacts on government effectiveness and citizen
5. How does decentralization contribute to community development, and what are some
examples or case studies that highlight the positive or negative effects of
decentralization on local communities' social, economic, and infrastructure
6. What is the fundamental concept and rationale behind decentralization in governance,
and how does the delegation of authority and resources from central to local levels of
government aim to address specific societal and administrative needs?
7. How does decentralization impact community empowerment, and what evidence or
case studies illustrate the ways in which decentralized governance structures influence
local communities' ability to participate in decision-making, self-governance, and the
improvement of their own well-being?
8. Present, at least three (3), case studies on successful decentralized development

 Include citations.
 Submit answers on or before September 15, 2023.
 Send to my email:

Rating of Activities:
1.00 = 96-100 = Excellent
1.25 = 91-95 = Very Good
1.50 = 86-90 = Good
1.75 = 81-85 = Competent
2.00 = 75-80 = Adequate

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