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Table of Contents

Unit 1 1
Integers 1
1.1 Revision of Natural and Whole numbers 2
1.2. Introduction to integers 11
1.3 Comparing and ordering Integers 14
1.4 Addition and subtraction of integers 22
1.5 Multiplication and division of integers 32
1.6 Even and odd integers. 40
Unit summary 45
Review exercises on unit 1 49

Unit 2 53
Ratio, proportion and percentage 53
2.1. Ratio and Proportion 55
2.2 Revision on percentage 75
2.3 Application of ratio, proportion and percentage 85
Key terms 106
Unit summary 107
Review exercise 111

Unit 3 118
Linear equations 118
3.1. Algebraic terms and expressions 120
3.2. Solving linear equations 132
3.3 Cartesian coordinate system 149
3.4 Application of linear equations. 158
Key terms 163
Unit summary 164
Review Exercise: 167
Unit 4 169
Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 169
4.1. Revision of triangles 170
4.2 Four Sided Figures 180
4.3. Perimeter and area of four-sided figures 196
Perimeter and area of a triangle 208
4.5 Applications 211
Key terms 213
Summary 213
Review Exercise 216

Unit 5 218
Congruency of plane figures 218
5.1. Congruence of plane figures 219
5.2 Applications of congruent figures. 242
Key terms 250
Unit summary 250
Review exercise 252

Unit 6 255
Data handling 255
6.1 Organization of Data using frequency table 256
6.2. Construction and Interpretation of Line Graphs and Pie
charts. 262
6.3 The Mean, Mode, Median and Range of Data 273
6.4. Applications 285
Key terms 289
Unit Summary 289
Review exercise 292
Gread 7 | Mathematics


Unit Outcomes

After completing this unit , you should be able to:

► Understand the concept of integers
► Represent integers on the number line
► Identify the commutative, associative and dis-
tributive properties of operations on integers
► Perform the operations addition and subtraction
on integers
► Apply integers in real life situation

Main contents of the unit

1.1. Revision of whole and natural numbers
1.2. Introduction to integers
1.3. Comparing and ordering of integers
1.4. Addition and subtraction of integers
1.5. Multiplication and division of integers
1.6. Even and odd integers
Key terms
Unit summary
Review exercises

Unit 1 | Integers 1
Gread 7 | Mathematics

In early grades, you have learnt about Natural umbers, Whole
number, ordering and comparing natural numbers and operations
on whole numbers to perform mathematical calculations.
In this unit, you will learn comparing and ordering integers, repre-
sentation of integers on the number line, basic operations on inte-
gers, and applying it in day-to-day activities.

Opening problem
The situations given below are what we face in our day-to-day ac-
tivities. Write the integer that represents the opposite of each situa-
tion and explain what zero mean in each case.
a. A deposit of 200 birr in a bank.
b. 1000 feet above sea level
c. A 5kg wieght increase

1.1 Revision of Natural and Whole numbers

Activity 1.1
a. What is the difference between natural and whole numbers?
b. Can you mention the smallest Natural number? the smallest
whole number? If your answer is yes, write it in each case.
c. What is the largest natural number?

2 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

From your lower grade mathematics, you can recall that

The set of all numbers are denoted by the symbol N and

described as N = {1,2,3,…}

Other terms, that are used for natural numbers are ‘counting numbers’
or ‘cardinal numbers’.

Note: Natural numbers starts from 1.

The set of Whole numbers are denoted by the symbol W and
described as W = {0,1,2,…}

Whole numbers include all natural numbers and zero.

Whole numbers are positive numbers that do not have any fractions
or decimals. Whole numbers start with zero.
Counting numbers and whole numbers can be visualized on a number
line as follows

The diagram given below shows the relation between natural numbers and
whole numbers.
Whole numbers contains all natural numbers or all natural numbers are
included in whole numbers.

Unit 1 | Integers 3
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Whole numbers
Natural numbers
1 2 3 ...

1.1.1 Classification of natural numbers

Natural numbers can be classified as Even and Odd or Composite and
Even natural numbers and Odd natural numbers.
Even natural numbers are natural numbers that are exactly divisible
by 2.

The set of even numbers {2, 4, 6, …}

Odd natural numbers are numbers, which are not divisible by 2.

The set of odd numbers {1, 3, 5,.…}

Exercise 1.1
1. For each of the following numbers given below, classify as all
even, all odd or collection of both.
{234, 568, 100, 0, 998}
{99, 1, 687, 2345, 277}
{678, 567, 456, 989}

4 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Write all even numbers between 345 and 362.

Composite numbers and Prime numbers
Numbers that have more than two factors are said to be composite
For example {4, 6, 8, 9, …} are composite numbers
Prime number is a number that is divisible by one(1) and itself only.
The numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, … are examples of prime numbers

a. 1 is neither prime nor composite.
b. 2 is the only even prime number.

1.1.2 Place value of a natural number

Activity 1.2
1. What is a place value?
2. Write the place and the place value of 3 in each of the following
numbers. 234, 3564, 1023, 4532

In mathematics, every digit in a number has a place value. Place value

can be defined as the value represented by a digit in a number on the
basis of its position in the number.
For example, in the number 286, the numeral 8 is “in tens” place. So
its place value is 8(10)=80 and 2 is in hundreds place and its place
value is 2(100) =200.

Unit 1 | Integers 5
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Note: Units place, tens place, hundreds place, etc. indicates positions
of a digit in a given number. However, place value indicates the value
of the number in the indicated position.
In the number 2,345,697

Millions Hundred Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens units

place thousands thousands place place place place
place place
2 3 4 5 6 9 7

The number 2,345,679 can be written in expanded form as

2 million 3hundred thousands 4 ten thousands 5 thousands 6 hun-
dreds 7 tens and 9 ones.
2,345,679 = 2(1,000,000) + 3(100,000) + 4(10,000) + 5(1000) +
6(100) + 7(10) + 9(1)
= 2,000,000 + 300,000 + 40,000 + 5000+600 + 70 + 9
1. In the number, 40,382 describe the place values of each digit.
2. Write the following numbers in numeral form
a) Seven thousand six hundred forty eight
b) Eleven thousand sixty four.
c) Two hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred fifty
d) Three million two hundred sixty six thousand seventy
3. Write the following numbers in words

6 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

a) 2,345 b) 479,623 c) 98,235,016

1.1.3 Predecessor and successor of a whole

Activity 1.3
a. Write three natural numbers before and after 5
b. What is the natural number immediately before 5?
c. What is the number immediately after 5 in natural num-
d. What is the number immediately before 1 in whole num-
e. What is the number immediately before 1 in natural num-
f. What is the number before 0 in whole numbers?

Predecessor of a whole number is a number, which is immediate-
ly before a given number.
Successor of a whole number is a whole number, which comes
just after a given number.

In the set of whole numbers, the predecessor of 3 is 2 and its succes-
sor is 4.

Unit 1 | Integers 7
Gread 7 | Mathematics

For a non - zero whole number a its predecessor is a -1 and its suc-
cessor is a +1.
If you consider the number line given below, the numbers are spaced
equally and for each number except 0, there are two numbers one to
the right and the other to the left of the number.
The number, which to the left is the predecessor of the number and
the number, which to the right of it is the successor.
For example, for 1 its predecessor is 0 and its successor is 2, for 2 its
predecessor is 1 and its successor is 3 and so on.
| | | | | |
0 1 2 3 4 5
Find both the predecessor and successor of 97.
The predecessor of 97 is 97-1=96 and its successor is 97+1= 98. Pre-
decessor of 99,999 is 99,998 and its successor is 100,000.

In the set of natural numbers, 1 has no predecessor.
In the set of whole numbers, 0 has no predecessor.

Dear students for each of the rules about predecessor and successor
given above please give your own examples and check the validity
of the rules. Enjoy it
Forward and back ward counting of numbers

8 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

In the set of whole numbers W={0, 1, 2, 3, …} the numbers are ar-

ranged by counting forward by ones starting from 0.
Starting from 10 and counting by 2 forward we get 10, 12, 14, 16,
Starting from 20 back ward counting up to 0 by 5 gives 20,15,10,5, 0.
Activity 1.4
1. List the numbers from 934 to 854 by counting back by 10s.
How may 10s do you get?
2. List the numbers from 450 to 950 by counting forward in 100s.
How many 100s do you get?
3. For each of the following problems write the next number and
describe whether it is counting forward or counting backward.
125, 150, 175, _______,__________,________
359, 339, 319, _______,__________,________

1.1.4 Basic operations on whole numbers

In lower grades, you have learnt about how to add or subtract two or
more whole numbers that have equal number of digits.
Furthermore, you learned how to add or subtract whole numbers of
different number of digits with idea of carrying in addition and with
idea of borrowing in subtraction.
Now you can recall the following rules from your lower grade les-

Unit 1 | Integers 9
Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. The sum of two whole number is a whole number.

b. The difference of two whole numbers is not always a whole
c. The product of two whole numbers is always a whole number.
d. The quotient of two whole numbers is not always a whole num-
See and study the following pattern of first continued odd
numbers. The sum of each set of odd numbers is the number
of odd numbers multiplied by itself. Check the pattern tak-
ing next odd numbers.
Sum Pattern
First odd number 1 1 1×1= 1
First two odd 1, 3 1 + 3 =4 2×2 = 4
First three odd 1, 3, 5 1+3+5 = 9 3×3 = 9
First four odd 1, 3, 5, 7 1+3+5+7 =16 4×4 =16
First five odd 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 1+3+5+7+9=25 5×5 = 25
First six odd 1,3,5,7,9,11 1+3+5+7+9+11=36 6 × 6 =36
… … … …
Exercise 1.3
1. Perform the following operations
a. 14,678 +3,567 c. 14,678 -3,569
b. 14,676 + 43,568 d. 54,678 - 25,567
10 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. The population of a country in 2009 E.C was 110,000,000 and in

two years it is increased by 712,560.What was the total number
of population of the country in 2011?

1.2. Introduction to integers

Group work 1.1

A local bookstore has 30 books, which are most needed when it opens
on Monday morning. On Monday, it sells six books. On Tuesday, it
sells three books. On Wednesday, it receives or adds another 24 books
to the store and sells eight books.
a. How do you represent selling six books?
b. How do you represent selling three books?
c. How do you represent receiving 24 books?
d. How do you represent selling eight books?
e. How many books does the store have at the end of Wednes-
Understand that positive and negative numbers used together to de-
scribe quantities having opposite direction or values. For example,
temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level,
credit /debit, profit/lose use positive or negative numbers to represent
quantities in real-world context explaining the meaning of zero in
each situation. Whole numbers are not enough to express such quan-
tities. They are described using the new numbers called integers.

Unit 1 | Integers 11
Gread 7 | Mathematics

The set of integer is denoted by either Z or I and described as
Z = {….,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 …}

Again, we can show that the set of integers on the number line as
| | | | | | | | |
... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...

The whole numbers, together with the new numbers …., –5, –4, –3,
–2, –1 are called the integers.
The set of integers consist of:
⧪ The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… are called the positive integers.
⧪ The numbers …, –5, –4, –3, –2, –1 are called the negative
⧪ The number 0 is neither positive nor negative.

Negativ Integers Positive Integers

| | | | | | | | |
... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...

12 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ For an integer a and b, -a read as ‘negative of a’ and a-b
read as ‘a minus b’ .
For example -2 read as ‘negative 2’
♦ A number to the left of zero is a negative integer.
♦ A number to the right of zero is a positive integer.
♦ Zero is neither positive nor negative number. It is neutral.
♦ Positive integers are written without the sign (+). That is
+4 and 4 are the same (similar).

The following diagram indicates the relations between N,W and Z

⧪ All natural numbers are contained in the set of whole
⧪ All whole numbers are contained in the set of integers.
Therefore, we can write the relation

Unit 1 | Integers 13
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Group work 1.2

1. Write an integer that represents each of the following concepts

and explain what zero indicates in each case.
a. A credit of 100 birr.
b. A water bill charge of 50 birr on not paying in time.
c. Temperature of fifteen degree centigrade below zero.
d. An altitude of 2000feet below sea level.
2. A hole is drilled into the ground to the depth of 10m and a ball
is dropped into it. What number would you use to represent
the position of the ball compared to the ground level? Does this
number belong to the set of whole numbers? Is it an integer?

1.3 Comparing and ordering Integers

Activity 1.5
1. Order the integers -4,-5,2,6,4,-6,0,5 -1 from smaller to larger
on the number line.
2. Write down the integers that come immediately before and
immediately after the integers given below.
a. 1001 b. 0 c. - 999

14 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

1.3.1 The number line

The set of integers are represented as points on the number line. The
numbers are spaced equally. 0 divides the number line in to two equal
parts. Numbers to the right of 0 are positives and numbers to the left
of zero are negatives.

| | | | | | | | | | | | |
. . . -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6. . .

An integer a is less than another integer b if a lies to the left of b on

the number line.
The symbol “<” is used for ‘less than’.
For example,
–3 < 1,–5 < 2 and –6 < 0.
An integer b is greater than another integer a if b lies to the right of
a on the number line.
The symbol “>” is used for ‘greater than’.
For example: 1 > –5
⧪ Any negative integer is less than any posetive integer.
⧪ 0 is greater than any negative integer.
In general, comparing numbers a and b on the number line below,
a < b or b > a
a b

Unit 1 | Integers 15
Gread 7 | Mathematics


Integer numbers are used in telling the temperature in degree Celsius (0C).

Thus if the temperature is 20 degree Celsius above zero, you can read as
positive twenty degree Celsius (+20 0C) and the temperature is below zero
you can read also negative twenty degree Celsius (-20 0C).

Activity 1.6
Give the directed number describing each of the following tempera-
a. Seventy five above zero.
b. Forty below zero.
c. Twenty five below zero.
d. Twenty one above zero.

Group work 1.3

1. Draw a number line. Plot the following numbers on it and com-

pare using <, > or =

16 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. – 3, – 2, – 1, 0, 1, 2, 3
b. – 5, 2, 6, – 6, 1, 4, 0, 5, – 3
c. Write your conclusion depending on a and b.
2. Assume that the table below shows the average temperatures of
the five cities in Ethiopia in September. Compare the tempera-
tures in Addis Ababa and Hawassa and compare the tempera-
tures in Diredawa and Debrebrhan. Answer the questions below.
i. Which city is the coldest?
ii. Which is the hottest?
iii. Write the temperatures in order from highest to lowest.
Cities Temperature in 0c
Addis Ababa 10
Hawassa 19
Diredawa 20
Harar 14
Debrebrehan -2

1.3.2 Predecessor and successor of an integer

Recall that the concept of Predecessor and successor from our discus-
sion in whole numbers
♦ Predecessor of an integer n is the integer that is immediately be-
fore it. That is, if n is an integer then, its predecessor is n - 1
♦ Successor of an integer n is the integer that comes immediately
after it. That is, if n is an integer then, its successor is n + 1

Unit 1 | Integers 17
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 5:
Predecessor of 5 is 4 and its successor is 6.
Predecessor of -5 is -6 and its successor is -4.
Predecessor of 0 in the set of integers is -1 and its successor is 1.
Example 6:
If n = -99, write predecessor of n and successor of n.
Predecessor of n is n -1.
Therefore, predecessor of n = -99 is -99 -1 = -100
Successor of n = -99 is -99 +1 = -98.
For any integer c, we can find its predecessor and successor on the
number line.

From the above number line, the successor of c is a and predecessor

of c is b.
For example, on the number line given below, the predecessor of -1 is
-2 and successor of -1 is 0.
Predecessor of -2 is -3 and successor of -2 is -1
Predecessor of 0 is -1 and successor of 0 is 1 and so on.

| | | | | | | | |
... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...

18 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Predecessor and successor can be calculated only for integer num-

1.3.3 The opposite of an integer

The number –2 is in the opposite side of 2 on the number line, they
are on the same distance from 0, but they lie on the opposite side of 0.
Therefore,-2 is considered as the opposite of 2
♦ We write the opposite of the number a from 0 as –a.
The opposite of 2 is –2 and the opposite of –2 is 2 because they lie on
opposite sides and at equal distance from 0.
If a is a positive number, then –a is a negative number. The negative
of 10 is -10
Example 6
a) -5 is the opposite of 5
b) 12 is the opposite of-12
c) The opposite of -2 is 2.That is -(-2) = 2
♦ If a is a negative number, –a is a positive number.
i.e. – (– a) = a
For example – (–12) = 12
♦ The opposite of 0 is 0 itself.
That is, – 0 = 0.
The negative of a negative number is positive number.

Unit 1 | Integers 19
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Exercise 1.4
1. Mark all integers from -7 to 7 on the number line.
2. Using the number line compare the numbers. Which is the larg-
a. 0 or 5 b. -4 or -10 c. -1000 or 200
3. Insert the correct symbol either > ,<or = between the following
numbers and compare.
a. 234 567 c. 0 -1000
b. -100 -102 d. 1,000 -100,000
4. Which of the following temperatures are colder?
a. 0 0C or 50C
b. -70C or 20C
c. -80C or -50C
d. -370C or 370C
5. Arrange the following numbers from the highest to the lowest
(i.e. in decreasing order)
a. 3,-5,7,-3,9.
b. 8,-6,-2,-3,5.
c. -9,-7,6,-3,-2
d. 4,-21,0,-4,-5.
6. Determine the predecessor and successor of each of the follow-
ing numbers

20 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. 12 b. 0 c. -12 d. -101

Challenge problem

7. Rori and Dansita started saving each by 100Birr. Rori added

250Birr three times and Dansita added 200 Birr four times to
their own savings. If Rori took 175Birr and Dasita took 190Birr
from their savings to buy shoes, then
a. Find the remaining amount of money in Rori’s saving.
b. Find the remaining amount of money in Dansita’s saving.
c. Compare the amounts of money the two women have in
their savings now

1.4 Addition and subtraction of integers

Activity 1.7
1. Fill the following boxes using numbers1 to 9 such that the sum
in each row, column and diagonal is 15.

2. Aster has 4 blocks in one pile and 8 blocks in another pile. If

she combines the piles, how many blocks will she have?

Unit 1 | Integers 21
Gread 7 | Mathematics

1.4.1 Addition of integers

You have learnt how to add, subtract multiply and divide whole num-
bers by whole numbers for denominators different from zero. In this
subsection, you will see how to add two integers using number line.
Example 7:
Find the sum of the following numbers using number line
a. – 3 + 4
To add –3 + 4, start at –3 and move 4 steps to the right, so –3 + 4 = 1

When you add a positive integer, you move to the right along the
number line.
b. 4 + (– 6)
To add 4 + (– 6) is the number you get by moving 6 steps to the left,
beginning at 4.

Adding a negative integer to another integer means that you take a

certain number of steps to the left on the number line.
c. -2 + (-3)
The result of the addition –2 + (– 3) is the number you get by moving
3 steps to the left, beginning at –2.

22 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

–2 + (–3)

1.4.2 Subtraction of integers.

Recall that the “–” sign can indicate the sign of a number if it is in
front of a number and it indicates the operation of subtraction if it is
in between two numbers.
For example –3 is to mean ‘negative 3’ and 9 – 3 is to mean ‘nine
minus three’.
Subtraction of integers can be written as the addition of the opposite
For integers a and b,
a – b = a + (-b) and –a + b = b – a

Similarly, as we did in addition of numbers using number line, we can

perform subtractions, too.
Example 8:
Represent the difference of the following on the number line
a. 2–5
When you subtract a positive integer start at 2 and move 5 steps to
the left.

2 – 5 = -3

Unit 1 | Integers 23
Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. 5 - 2
c. -1 - 4 ( b & c are left as class work)
Therefore, you can represent the difference and the sum of numbers
on the number line using similar way.

Group work 1.4

1. Find the following sums and differences using number line.

a. 7 + 5 b. -11 + 6 c. 5 - 12 d. -5 - 9
2. A man enters a lift at 10th floor. He goes up 5 floors then, down
7 floors. He then leaves the lift. In which floor is he on?

To subtract two integers, add the opposite of the second integer
to the first integer. This can be written symbolically as
a - b = a + (-b).

For example:
(-15) – 75
Rewrite the subtraction operation as the sum of (-15) - 75
Add the first number and the opposite of the second number
(-15) + (-75).
The opposite of 75 is - 75.
-15 -75 = -15+(-75) = -90

24 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 9:
Perform the following operations
a. -25+120 c. -256-298
b. 123-456 d. 134- (-282)
a. -25 + 120 =120-25
= 95 (Remember that -a + b = b - a )
b. Subtracting 456 from 123 is the same as adding -456 and
123-456 = 123 + (-456)
Since 456 is greater than 123 without considering the negative sign of
456, subtract 456 from 123 and make the result negative.
456-123 = 333. Then make the result negative.
Therefore, 123 - 456 = -333
c. -256 - 298 = -256 + (-298) = -554
(add without considering the negative sign and make it the result neg-
d. Recall that – (-a) = a
134 -(-282) = 134 + 282 = 416
Deraro has read 4 chapters out of 6 chapters of grade 7 textbook. How
many chapters does she have left to read?

Unit 1 | Integers 25
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Number of chapters not read = Total number of chapters of the book
– number of chapters she read.
Number of chapters not read = 6 - 4 = 2.
Example 11:
If Durete paid a tax of Birr12,000, 12,590, and 13,780 from her in-
come in three years. How much money she paid in these three years?
The total amount she paid is the sum of all the money 12,000, 12,590
and 13,780.
Total =12,000+12,590 + 13,780 = 38,370 Birr
Therefore, Durete paid a total tax of 38,370 birr
1. Adding Integers
a. 85 + (-96) = g. 6 + (-33) =
b. 80 + 57 = h. 6 + (-47) =
c. 86 + (-38) = i. (-78) + 69 =
d. 22 + (-41) = j. -72 + (-30) + 10 =
e. -18 + (-45) = k. -83 + (-36) + 20 =
f. -32 + 48 =

26 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Subtracting Integers
a. 1 – 3 = f. 3 – (-2) =
b. 2 – (-5) = g. -1 –9 =
c. 6 – (-9) = h. 2 – 9 =
d. -7 – (-1) = i. -8 – (-1) =
e. -7 – 4 =
3. Evaluate -x + y if x=-3 and y = 4
4. If kayamo paid a tax of 1,200, 985, and 1,100 Birr for the govern-
ment from his income in three consecutive years. Calculate the
total tax he paid in the three years.
5. Durete has Birr 1,234 in her account in a bank and she withdraw
Birr 200, Birr150 and Birr 300. How much money remains in her
account assuming no bank interest is calculated?
Properties of addition of integers

Group work 1.5

Copy and complete the following table below

a b c a+b b+a (a+b)+c a+(b+c)
2 3 5
-3 -4 -6
4 5 -7

Unit 1 | Integers 27
Gread 7 | Mathematics

What do you understand from the above table?

The following properties of addition hold true for any integer num-
bers a, b and c
i. Commutative property of addition
a+b = b+a
Example 12:
2+4 = 4+2
ii. Associative property of addition
(a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
Example 13:
(5 + 3) + 4 = 5 + (3 + 4)
iii. Property of zero

Example 14:
iv. Property of opposite
a + (-a) = 0

Example 15:
200 + (-200) = 0
Subtraction of numbers is not commutative and not asso-

28 Unit 1 | Integers
Gread 7 | Mathematics

For integers a, b, and c,

i. Subtraction of numbers is not commutative
For example, 5 –12 ≠ 12– 5
5 –12 = –7 but 12– 5 = 7
–7 ≠7
5 – 12 ≠ 12 – 5
This implies that subtraction is not commutative.
ii. Subtraction of numbers is not associative
a – (b – c) ≠ (a –b ) – c

For example, 4 – (3 – 2) ≠ (4 – 3) – 2
To check this
4 – (3 – 2) = 4 – 1= 3
But (4 – 3) – 2 = 1– 2 = – 1
3 ≠ –1
4 – (3 – 2) ≠ (4 – 3) – 2
Therefore, subtraction of numbers is not associative.
Example 16:
Let temperatures of two places be 3000F and -2500F. What is the dif-
ference between the two temperatures?
Solution: The difference between the temperatures is highest minus
the lowest temperature.

Unit 1 | Integers 29
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That is, 3000F– (–2500F)

= 3000F + 2500F = 5500F
Therefore, the difference between the two temperatures is 5500F.
When adding two integers of the same sign
i. If the numbers are both positive, then the sum is positive.
ii. If the numbers both are negative, then the sum is negative.
iii. The sum of positive and negative integers is either positive,
negative or zero. If the larger is positive, the sum is positive
and if the larger is negative, the sum is negative. If they are
opposite of each other the sum is zero
For example, –25 + 17 = –8, – 17 + 25 = 8 and –12 + 12 = 0

Group work 1.6

1. Take any two numbers with different signs. Find the sum. Is the
sum greater than or less than one of the numbers?
2. Take any two negative numbers. Find the sum. Is the sum greater
than any of the numbers?
Exercise 1.6
1. Simplify the following.
a. (–23+34) + 89
b. –101+((–345) – 345) – 567
c. 99 – 23 – 34 – 67 + 88 – (–23) + 77
30 Unit 1 | Integers
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d. – 18 – (–34)
e. (10 – (–41)) – 28
2. Write pairs of integers whose sum gives
a. A positive integer
b. Zero
c. An integer smaller than both the integers.
d. An integer smaller than only one of the integers.

1.5 Multiplication and division of integers

1.5.1 Multiplication of integers

Activity 1.8
1. Multiply
a. 7 × 8
b. –2 × 0
c. –2(3 + 12)
2. A coach bought 3 soccer balls on sale. They normally sell for
260 Birr each. They were on sale for 70 Birr discount of the
original price. The total tax on the balls was 40 Birr.
a. Write the expression to find the total amount the coach
b. Find the total amount payed.

Unit 1 | Integers 31
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As you learnt in multiplication of whole numbers, multiplication of

integers relate with addition. Multiplication is a repeated addition.
For example 3 × 2 is the same with adding three groups of twos to-
gether or two groups of threes together.
We can use this idea for multiplication of integers also.
When multiplying integers, consider the signs in each case
and follow the rules given below.
i. Positive × Positive = Positive
ii. Positive × Negative = Negative
iii. Negative × Positive = Negative
iv. Negative × Negative = Positive
Find the product of each of the following numbers
a. 4 × –5 b. –3 × 5 c. – 4 × –6
a. 4 ×– 5 = (–5) + (–5) + (–5) + (–5) = –20
b. –3 × 5 = (–3) + (–3) + (–3) + (–3) + (–3) = –15
c. – 4 × – 6 = 4×6 ( negative × negative = positive) = 24.

32 Unit 1 | Integers
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Properties of multiplication and division on integers

For any integer numbers a, b and c the following properties of multi-
plication are true
i. Commutative property of multiplication
a×b = b×a

Example 18:
23 × 21 = 21 × 23
–12 × 10 = 10 × –12
ii. Associative property of multiplication

Find the product of the questions below and check the associativity
of multiplication.
a. (25 × 24) × 4 = 25 × (24 × 4)
600 × 4 = 25×96
2400 = 2400
b. (– 2 × 7) × 9 = – 2 × (7 × 9)
–14 × 9 = –2 × 63
–126 = –126

Unit 1 | Integers 33
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iii. Distributive property:

Multiplication is distributive over addition.
a × (b+c) =(a × b) + (a × c) (Left distributive)

(a+b) × c = (a × c) + (b × c) (Right distributive)

a. 3 × (4 + 12) = (3 × 4) + (3 × 12)
3 × (16) = (12) + (36)
48 = 48
b. (23 + 15) × 11 = (23 × 11) + (15 × 11)
38 × 11= 253 + 165
418 = 418
Example 21:
Alemu and Dancho are playing a game. In the game, each player
starts with zero points and the player with the most points at the end
wins. Alemu gains 5 points twice, loses 12 points, and then gains 3
points. Dancho loses 3 points two times, loses 1 point, gains 6 points,
and then gains 7 points.
a. Write and evaluate an expression to find Alemu’s score.
b. Write and evaluate an expression to find Dancho’s score.
c. Who won the game?

34 Unit 1 | Integers
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Alemu Dancho
Gain Lose Gain Lose
2(5) + 3 12 6+7 3+3+1

Alemu gain a total of 13 points and loses 12 points.

Dancho gain a total of 13 points and loses 7 points.
Gain is positive and loss is negative
a. Alemu’s score is 5 + 5 + 3 –12 = 13 – 12 = 1
b. Dancho’s score is 6 + 7 – (3 + 3 + 1) =13 – 7 = 6.
c. Dancho won the game because his net point is 6 but
Alemu’s net point is 1.

Addition is not distributive over multiplication.
F or integers a, b and c we do not write as
a + (b×c)=(a+b)×(a+c)

1.5.2 Division of Integers

If multiplication is totaling of numbers, division is the distribution of
numbers. Dividing integers is the reverse operation of multiplication.
But the rules for division of integers are the same as multiplication
rules. However, it is not necessary that the quotient will always be an

Unit 1 | Integers 35
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When dividing integers, we use the following rules:

i. Positive ÷ Positive = Positive
ii. Negative ÷ Negative = Positive
iii. Positive ÷ Negative = Negative
iv. Negative ÷ Positive = Negative
Example 22:
Find the quotient in each case
a. -12 ÷ 6
–12 = – 2 × 6
This indicates that the quotient is –2.
Therefore, –12 ÷ 6 = –2
OR we can find the quotient performing the oridinary division as
You can use the symbol “ “ to perform division

Example 23:
Find the quotient 521 ÷ 17

36 Unit 1 | Integers
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Dividing in this way until the end, we get the quotient 33.1764704.
564 ÷ 17 = 33.18 in 2 decimal places
564 ÷ 17 = 33.176 in 3 decimal places.
Example 24:
Dararo withdrew 50 Birr each day from her bank account and with-
drew 350 Birr totally. Bolka withdrew 150 Birr at a time from his
bank account and withdrew 900 Birr totally. Who made the greater
number of withdrawals?
Dararo withdrew 50 birr each day. She withdrew a total of 350 Birr.
Total withdrew = number of withdraw × amount of withdrew.

Unit 1 | Integers 37
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Bolka withdrew 150 each time and a total withdrew is 900.

Dararo made seven withdrawals whereas Bolka made six withdrawal.

Therefore, Dararo made more withdrawals.

Group work 1.7

1. Perform the following operations and compare answers in a and

b and c and d
a. 12 ÷ 6 c. 12÷ (6 ÷3)
b. 6 ÷12 d. (12÷6) ÷3
2. Write the quotient of 522 ÷ 17 in
i. 2 decimal places and
ii. 3 decimal places.
3. Argiso found the quotient of two integers and got a positive inte-
ger. He added another integer to the quotient and got a positive
integer. His sister, Kayime says that all the integers Argiso used
to get this result must be positive. Do you agree? Explain.
⧪ Division of integers is not commutative
For example 6 ÷ 3 = 2 but 3 ÷ 6 is 0.5. It gives different results
⧪ Division of integers is not associative.
For example 16 ÷ (4÷2) =16÷2 = 8 but (16÷4) ÷ 2 = 4÷2 = 2

38 Unit 1 | Integers
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1. Simplify each of the following using the properties of multiplica-
a. -5× (3 + 9) b. -4×(-30+(-3)) c. 2×(-13×-25)
2. Multiplying Integers
a. (-4)(-12) = g. -8 x (-8) =
b. (-8)(-10) = h. 5 x 1 =
c. -10 x 11 = i. (-3)(-8) =
d. -2 x 6 = j. 7(-12) =
e. 4 x (-10) = k. (-9)(-6)(2) =
f. -5 x 0 = l. (-10)(-7)(-4) =
3. Dividing Integers
a. -48 ÷ 6 = f. -81 ÷ (-9) =
b. -18 ÷ (-6) = g. 25 ÷ (-5) =
c. -10 ÷ 2 = h. -35 ÷ (-5) =
d. -42 ÷ 6 = i. -70 ÷ (-7) =
e. -16 ÷ (-8) = j. -78 ÷ -78 =
4. Find the quotient in each of the following and write it in
i. 2 decimal place
ii. 3 decimal place
a. 742 ÷ 11 c. 3445 ÷ 21
b. 675 ÷ 12

Unit 1 | Integers 39
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1.6 Even and odd integers.

Activity 1.9

49 24 45 -68 75 60
11 59 0 76 70 17
30 -15 69 80 19 71
22 18 90 79 -23 -89
-33 40 43 -22 89 66
20 74 34 13 -8 99
Using the above table, list
a. Even numbers c. Odd numbers
b. Negative even numbers d. Negative odd numbers.
e. What do you say about zero? Is it even or odd?

Even integer is an integer, which is exactly divisible by 2.
For examples {…,-6 ,-4 ,-2,0,2 ,4 ,6 ,…} is the set of even integers.

If the last digit of a number is either of the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6,or
8, then the number is an even number.

Example 25:
The numbers 20, 234, 15780, 4536, 89042, 26958 are all examples
of even numbers because their last digits 0, 4, 6, 2 and 8 are all even.

40 Unit 1 | Integers
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In general, if k is an integer, then 2k is an even integer.

Odd integer is an integer, which is not divisible by 2.
For example {…,-5 ,-3 ,-1,1,3 ,5 ,…} is the set of odd integers..

If the last digit of a number is either of the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7,or
9, then the number is an odd number.

Example 26:
The numbers 21, 253, 1,235, 359, 21,487 are odd numbers because
their last digits 1, 3, 5, 9, 7 are odd numbers in each case.

⧪ Even integer plus 1 is an odd integer.
⧪ If k is an integer, then 2k+1 is an odd integer

For example, 2 is an even integer but 2+1 = 3 is an odd integer.

10,234 is an even integer but 10,234 + 1 =10,235 is an odd integer.

Basic operation on even and odd integers

i. Addition and subtraction on even numbers.
♦ Sum of two even integers is an even integer

Unit 1 | Integers 41
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Example 27:
a. 12 + 26 = 38
b. -26 + 18 = -8
c. -14 + (-12) = -26
♦ Difference of two even integers is an even integer
Example 28:
a. 26 – 12 = 14
b. 16 – (-8) = 16 + 8 = 24
c. -32–18 = -32 + (-18) = -50
As you can see from the above examples
Even + Even =Even
Even – Even = Even
♦ Sum of two odd integers is always an even integer.
♦ Sum of even and odd numbers is always an odd number.

13 + 25 =38 -23 + 7 = -16 -17 + (-9)= -26

♦ The difference of two odd integers is always an even integer.

31– 9 = 22
17– 45 = -18
-11– (-23) = -11+ 23 = 12

42 Unit 1 | Integers
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In all cases, you can see that

Odd + Odd = Even
Odd-Odd = Even

1.6.1 Multiplication on even and odd integers

⧪ Product of two even numbers is an even number.
Example 30:
a. 4×12 = 48
b. -6×4 = -24
c. -8×-14 = 112
⧪ Product of even and odd is always an even number.
Example 31:
a. 2×5 =10 b. 4×-11 = -44 c. -6×-3 = 18
⧪ Product of two odd numbers is always an odd number.
Example 32:
a. 5 ×3 =15 b. -9 ×11= -99 c. -13× -7= 91
In each case discussed above, you can see that product of even and
odd is an even number.
Even × Even = Even
Even × Odd = Even.
Odd × Odd = Odd

Unit 1 | Integers 43
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Group work 1.8

Why is 0 an even number? Discuss.

1. Describe whether the following statements are true or false. Jus-
tify your answers.
a. The sum of two even integer numbers is an even number
b. The sum of two odd integer numbers is an odd integer.
c. The sum of even and odd numbers is neither even nor odd.
2. Using the formula n = 2k for k is an integer, list five numbers.
What do you say about these numbers? Are all they even?
3. For an integer k, what do you say about 2k, 4k, 6k, … are all
4. Using the formula n = 2k + 1, for k is an integer, list five num-
bers. What do you say about these numbers?
Key terms:
♠ Natural number ♠ Positive and negative in-
♠ Whole number tegers

♠ Even and odd numbers ♠ Opposite

♠ Prime and composite ♠ Predecessor

numbers ♠ Successor
♠ Integer

44 Unit 1 | Integers
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Unit summary
Important points, which are discussed in this unit and you should
♦ The set of natural numbers denoted by the symbol N and given
by N={1, 2, 3, …}
♦ The set of whole numbers denoted by W and given by
W = {0, 1, 2, …}
⧪ The set of whole numbers contains 0 and all natural numbers.
⧪ 0, 2, 4, 6, … are even whole numbers
⧪ 1, 3, 5, … are odd whole numbers.
⧪ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, … are prime numbers
⧪ 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, …are composite numbers
⧪ 1 is neither prime nor composite number
⧪ 2 is the only even prime number.
♦ The set of integers denoted by the symbol Z and given by
Z = {…,-3, -2 ,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}
⧪ …, -3, -2, -1 are negative integers
⧪ 1, 2, 3, … are positive integers
⧪ 0 is neither positive nor negative
⧪ The set of integers contains whole numbers and opposites of
whole numbers.
i.e, N W Z

Unit 1 | Integers 45
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⧪ For every integer a its opposite is –a.

⧪ -a and a lies to the left and right of 0 at equal distance from
zero on the number line.
For example,-5 lies to the left of zero and its opposite 5 lies to the
right of zero on the number line.
♦ For any integers a and b;
⧪ a = b if and only if a - b=0.
⧪ a > b if and only if a-b is positive .
⧪ If a and b represent integer numbers then one of the follow-
ing relation is true
a>b or a=b or a<b

♦ The following are rule of basic operations when working with

Adding Rules:
⧪ Positive + Positive = Positive:
⧪ Negative + Negative = Negative:
⧪ The sum of a negative and a positive number or positive and
negative is either negative, positive or zero.
-2+15= 15-2 =13 (Recall that–a+b=b-a)
Subtraction Rules:
⧪ Negative - Positive = Negative:
(- 5) - 3 = -5 + (-3) = -8
46 Unit 1 | Integers
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⧪ Positive - Negative = Positive + Positive = Positive:

5 - (-3) = 5 + 3 = 8
⧪ Negative - Negative = Negative + Positive
(-5) - (-3) = ( -5) + 3 = -2 (-3) - ( -5) = (-3) + 5 = 2 3
Multiplication Rules:
⧪ Positive x Positive = Positive: 3x2=6
⧪ Negative x Negative = Positive: (-2) x (-8) = 16
⧪ Negative x Positive = Negative: (-3) x 4 = -12
⧪ Positive x Negative = Negative: 3 x (-4) = -12
Dividing Rules:
⧪ Positive ÷ Positive = Positive: 12 ÷ 3 = 4
⧪ Negative ÷ Negative = Positive: (-12) ÷ (-3) = 4
⧪ Negative ÷ Positive = Negative: (-12) ÷ 3 = -4
⧪ Positive ÷ Negative = Negative: 12 ÷ (-3) = -4
♦ Working with integers, the following properties are true
⧪ Integer + integer = integer
⧪ Integer – integer = integer
⧪ Integer × integer = integer
⧪ Even integer + even integer = even integer
⧪ Odd integer + odd integer = even integer
⧪ Even integer – even integer = even integer

Unit 1 | Integers 47
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⧪ Odd integer – odd integer = even integer

⧪ Even number – odd number =odd
⧪ Odd – even = odd
♦ The quotient of two integers is not always an integer
For example 6 ÷ 2 = 3, the quotient 3 is an integer but if you re-
verse and divide the result is not the integer, i.e, 2 ÷6 =1/2 which is
not an integer.
♦ For integers a, b, and c
⧪ a+b = b+a addition of integers is commutative
⧪ a × b = b×a multiplication of integers is commutative.
⧪ a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c addition of integers are associative
⧪ a×(b×c) =(a×b) ×c multiplication is associative
♦ Subtraction and division are not commutative and associative.
♦ Property of zero
⧪ For any integer a, 0+a = a.
♦ Property of an opposite
⧪ For any integer a its opposite is –a and –a+a=0
♦ Negative of a negative is positive
i.e, for an integer a, -(-a) = a

48 Unit 1 | Integers
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Review exercises on unit 1

1. Write an integer to describe each situation.
a. Earned 50 Birr interest.
b. 4 degrees below a normal.
c. 14 degrees below 0
d. Sea level
e. 100 feet above sea level
f. A decrease of 2 members.
g. A withdraw of 400 Birr
h. An increase in height of 3 inches
2. Write the opposite of each integer.
a. A loss of 18
b. A gain of 22
c. 30 feet below the surface of the ocean
d. A rise of 15 feet
e. 25 feet below sea level
f. 80 feet above the ground
g. A profit of ten Birr
h. See level
3. Draw a number line and write all integers between -10 and 10.

Unit 1 | Integers 49
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4. The average surface temperatures of Jupiter, Mars, Earth, and

Moon are shown in the table below. Order the temperatures
from least to greatest (in ascending order) and greatest to least(in
descending order)
Name Average surface temperature(0F)
Jupiter -162
Moon -10
Mars -81
Earth 59

5. Use the number line to perform the following operations

a. -2 + 8 b. 11 - 23 c. -5 - 7
6. Simplify each of the following
a. -23+57+(-27)-32 d. (–5)(4)(–1)
b. −14 – 29-(25-13+(-12)) e. (4) (–5)(–1) (-4)
c. −24 −(−19)+29 f. –64 ÷ (–8)
7. Evaluate
a. x+y for x = 9 and y = -15
b. x-y for x = -2 and y = -3
c. x-y-z for x = -12, y =16 and z = 34
d. (x+y-z) ÷(x-y) if x=12,y = 6 and z = 6
8. Which expression results in a negative answer?
a. A negative number divided by a negative number
b. A positive number divided by a negative number

50 Unit 1 | Integers
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c. A negative number multiplied by a negative number

d. A positive number multiplied by a positive number
e. A positive number multiplied by a negative number
9. Heri has a bank account balance of 3,579 Birr and then she write
a check for 1,254 Birr. What is her new balance?
10. The highest ever recorded temperature on earth was 1360F in the
Libyan desert and the lowest was -1260F in Antarctica. What is
the difference of these temperatures recorded on Earth?
11. A scientist is measuring the temperature change in a chemical
compound. The temperature dropped 11°F per hour from the
original temperature. After 4 hours, the temperature was 90°F.
Find the compound’s original temperature.
12. Dukamo and his family go on a trip to visit the Sheger Park. The
bus tickets cost 250 Birr per a person. What is the total cost if
there are 5 members in Dukamos’ family?
13. Masamo is reading a book of 4,029 pages. If Masamo wants
to read the same number of pages every day. How many page
would Masamo have to read each day to finish in 79 days?
14. Three brothers each have their own savings. They borrow birr72
from their parents for concert tickets. Each brother must pay
back an equal share of this amount. In addition, the youngest
brother owes his parents birr15. By how much will the youngest
brother’s savings change after he pays his parents?

Unit 1 | Integers 51
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Unit Outcomes

After completing this unit , you should be able to:

► Understand the notations of ratio and propor-
► Solve problems involving ratio and proportions.
► Describe a percentage.
► Solve problems involving percentages.
► Relate fractions, decimals and percentages to
real life situations.
► Apply the concept of percentage in solving real
life problems.

Main contents of the unit

2.1. Ratio and proportion
2.1.1. Ratio
2.1.2. Proportion.
2.2. Revision on percentages

52 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2.3. Application of Ratio, Proportion and percentage

2.3.1. Calculating Profit and loss as a percentage.
2.3.2. Simple interest
2.3.3. Compound interest
2.3.4. Ethiopian income Tax, Turn Over tax and VAT.
Key terms
Unit summary
Review exercises

Ratio, rate and proportion are three interrelated concepts. They
are used in many problem-solving opportunities. Ratio, propor-
tion and percent are used extensively in shopping, profit or loss
calculations, data analysis, banking, and other aspects of everyday
life. In grade 5, you learnt about comparing two fractions, solving
percentage applications, and so on. In this unit, you will study
proportional relationships such as how to solve proportion, how
to use the two special ratios: rates, which compare quantities with
different units, and percent, which compare a number to 100.

Opening problem
Assume that there are 160 grade seven students in a school
and there are only 80 mathematics textbooks. Does each grade
seven student in a school get a text Book? If no, how do you
determine the share of the books to the students?

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 53

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2.1. Ratio and Proportion

2.1.1 Ratio

Activity 2.1
1. Write each of the following in simplest form

2. Compare
a. Shaded with unshaded
b. Shaded with the total
c. Unshaded with the total

A ratio is a comparison of two or more quantities of the same kind
by means of division.
The ratio of two quantities a to b is the quotient obtained by dividing
a by b.
The ratio of a to b is written in any one of the following forms.
⧪ a:b read as a to b
⧪ b read as a over b (In fraction form)
⧪ a ÷ b read as a divided by b ( It is in quotient form)

54 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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In the ratio a:b;
⧪ The quantities a and b are called terms of the ratio.
⧪ The first term a is called antecedent.
⧪ The second term b is called consequent.
⧪ In ratio, a : b ≠ b : a unless otherwise a = b.

For example, the ratio of 2 to 3 is written as 2:3 (using colon) or (as

a fraction)
While 3 to 2 is written 3:2 (using colon) or (as a fraction)
Note that 2 to 3 and 3 to 2 are different ratios.
The value of a ratio is usually expressed in its simplest form.
1. Write the ratio of the first number to the second number in the
simplest form.
a. 20 to 40
b. 200 t0 50
a. The ratio of 20 to 40 = = 1: 2

b. The ratio of 200 to 50 = = 4:1

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 55

Gread 7 | Mathematics

⧪ To find the ratios of two quantities, both the quantities
must be expressed in the same unit of measure before
their quotient is determined.
⧪ Ratio has no unit
Calculate the following ratios.
a. Four hours to 75 minutes
b. 75 cents to 2 birr
c. 4 weeks to 12 days

Classification of ratio
i. Part-to-part comparison: Comparison of one part to another
ii. Part – to – whole ratio comparison: Comparison of one part
to the whole.
iii. Equivalent ratio
iv. Continued ratio

56 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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In a class, there are 125 students 75 of them are girls and the rest are
boys. Find
a. The ratio of boys to girls
b. Ratio of girls to boys
c. Ratio of boys to total number of students
d. Ratio of girls to total number of the students.
Total number of the students = 125
Number of girls = 75
Number of boys = 125 - 75 = 50
a. Ratio of boys to girls = 50 ÷ 75 =
Hence, the ratio is 2:3
b. Ratio of girls to boys =
Hence ratio of girls to boys = 3:2
c. Ratio of boys to total number of the students is
Therefore, ratio of boys to total = 2:5
d. Ratio of girls to total =
Therefore, ratio of girls to boys is 3:5
In the above example, ratio of boys to girls or girls to boys is a part-
to-part comparison whereas ratio of girls to total number of students
or ratio of boys to total number is a part-to-whole comparison.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 57

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Equivalent ratio
Two ratios are equivalent (equal ratios) if one is obtained from the
other by multiplying or dividing all the terms by the same non-zero

For example, or, multiplying both the numerator

and the denominator by 3 we get 15

9 . Using similar way equiv

alent ratios of 53 are and so on.

Continued ratio
⧪ Continued ratio is a comparison of three or more quan-
tities in a definite order
⧪ The ratio of the numbers a, b, and c (b, c≠0) is a:b:c.
⧪ The ratio a:b:c indicates the ratio a to b and the ratio
b to c.

For example, the length of a rectangular solid is 75 centimeters, the

width is 60 centimeters, and the height is 45 centimeters. The ratio of
a. The length to the width is 75:60
b. The ratio of width to the height is 60:45
c. The continued ratio (ratio of length to width
to height) is 75:60:45

58 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Example 4:
A mixture contains six parts of oil, two parts of insecticide and ten
parts of water by volume. Express the ratio of oil, insecticide,water
in lowest terms.
The ratio of Oil: Insecticide: Water = 6 : 2 : 10
= 3 : 1 : 5 (Dividing all the numbers by 2)
One of the importance of ratio is to divide a whole in to parts in any
required size. Not only this, we can use ratio in scaling purpose also.
Divide 800 in the ratio of 3:5.
The sum of the parts is 3 + 5 = 8
Note that parts are terms of the ratio.
The first part is of 800 = 300. The second part is of 800 = 500
The scale on a map is 1:20,000. (1cm to 20,000 km). What actual
distance does a length of 8cm on the map represent?
1cm on the map represents 20,000 km on the ground
8cm on the map represents km on the ground.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 59

Gread 7 | Mathematics

1cm = 20,000 km
8cm = ?
8cm on the map represents 8 × 20,000 km = 160,000 km on the ground.

Group work 2.1

1. In your class if number of desks to number of students ratio is

1:3.What does this mean. Discuss in groups.
2. What do you say about the ratios ab and ab ? Can they be
equal? Discuss.
3. On a set of architectural design for an office building, the scale is
inch = 3feet. Find the actual length of each room.

Room Drawing Distances

Conference Room 7 inches
Lobby 2 inches
Mail Room 2.3 inches
Library 4.1 inches
Copy Room 2.2 inches
Storage 1.9 inches
Exercise Room inches
Cafeteria 81/4 inches

60 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Activity 2.2
A chemical engineer Dararo made 28 gallons of paint using
white, black, yellow, and green in the ratio of 3:2:1:1 respec-
tively. How many gallons of each material did she use?


Group work 2.2

1. Alemu runs 300 meters in 40 seconds and Gatiso runs 200 me-
ters in 25seconds. Who is the faster runner?
2. Write the following in form.
a. 20km to 6hr
b. 100m to 25 sec
3. Dancho can make 6 glasses of orange juice from three oranges.
At this rate, how many glasses of juice can he make from 8 or-

Rate is a comparison of two quantities that have different units
of measurements.

Rates describe a measure of how one-quantity changes for every unit

of another quantity.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 61

Gread 7 | Mathematics

For example:
⧪ A car moves 50km/hr means that a car travels 50km in one
⧪ Water flows 20 liters/minute means 20 liters of water flows
in one minute.
⧪ Price of goods increases five Birr per kilogram means that
one kilogram of an object costs five Birr.
⧪ It travels 30km/liter means that a vehicle travels 30km on one
liter (of fuel).
Example 7:
Water is flowing into a dam at a constant rate of 600 liters per hour.
a. How much water will flow into the dam in 2 hours?
b. How long will it take for 12, 000 liters of water to flow into
the dam?
a. 600 liters will flow into the dam in 1 hour.
600×2=1200 liters will flow into the dam in 2 hours.
b. In 1 hr = 600×1 liters = 600liters
In 10 hrs = 600×10liters = 6000liters
In 20 hrs = 600×20=12,000liters
Therefore, it takes 20hrs for 12000 liters to flow into the dam.

62 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Example 8:
If a car travels 120 km in 2 hours, its rate of speed is the ratio that
compares the distance traveled in 2 hrs.
Rate = = 60 km/h

The abbreviation km/h read as ‘kilometer per hour’

A rate that has a denominator of 1 is called a unit rate.

Group work 2.3

Write each rate in simplest form and give the unit rate
a. 48 meters in 12 second
b. 46 hours in 8 weeks
c. 30,000 new job created in 6 months
Exercise 2.1
1. Write the following ratios in simplest form
a. 24 to 72 c. 40 to 5 e. 0.2 to 8
b. 8 to 32 d. 5 to 4

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 63

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Write the following in unit rate.

a. 8 to 32 b. 72 to 1.2
3. If the ratio of two numbers is 5:1. Then, the larger number is
how many times the smaller?
4. A student did six of ten problems correctly.
a. What is the ratio of the number of the right to the number of
b. For every two answers that were wrong, how many answers
were right?
5. The perimeter of a rectangular garden is 30m, and the width is
6m. Find the ratio of
a. Length of the rectangle to its width
b. Length to the perimeter
c. Perimeter to width
d. Perimeter to length
6. Two numbers are in the ratio of 3:5 and their sum is 80. Find the
7. Ledamo, Ayele, and Bune are given 250 Birr.They decide to
divide the money in the ratio of their ages, 10:8:7. Calculate the
share of each.
8. Karissa scored 32 points in four tennis games. Express the av-
erage rate of the number of points Karissa scored per game in
lowest term.

64 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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9. If a : b = 3 : 2, then find the value of .

10. The graph below shows the amount of water in a tanker that
flows in a similar rate each time.
a. The rate of flow and
b. The amount of water at time (t) = 10hours

a graph that shows rate of flow of water in to a tank

2.1.2 Proportion

Activity 2.3
1. Determine whether the following fractions are equal.

2. Assume seven people share 28 bananas and 12 people share 84

bananas. Is the share in each group the same? Discuss.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 65

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A proportion is an equation that states the two ratios are equal.


are examples of proportions

i. Two ratios are said to be in proportion if they are equal
i.e., or a:b = c:d
ii. In a proportion, the product of the means equals the prod-
uct of the extremes.
That is, if or a:b = c:d then, a×d = b×c.
This product is called the cross product of a proportion.
a:b = c:d

To check, whether is a true proportion, use cross multiplica-

66 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Is ad = bc ? If yes, then it is a true proportion.


In the proportion, a:b = c:d or ;

⧪ The four numbers a,b,c,and d are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
terms respectively.
⧪ The 1st and 4th terms i.e. a & d are called the extremes
and the 2nd and 3rd , i.e. b & c are called the means of
the proportion.

Example 11:
1. Use the cross products to determine whether each pair of ratios
forms a proportion or not.
b. 4: 9 and 32:72
c. 3 to 7 and 15 to 36
The product of extremes is 3 × 24 = 72
The product of means is 4 × 18 = 72
Since the product of the extremes and the product of the means are
equal, the ratio 34 and 18
24 forms proportion.
b. 4:9 and 32:72

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 67

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The product of extremes is 4 × 72 = 288

The product of means is 9 × 32 = 288
Since the product of the extremes and the product of the means are
equal, the ratio forms proportion.
c. 3 to7 and 15 to 36
The product of extremes is 3×36=108
The product of means is 7×15=105
The product of the extremes and the product of the means are not
Therefore, are not forms a proportion.
The 1st, the 2nd and 4th terms of a proportion are 18,24,and 48 respec-
tively. Find the third term.
Let the 3rd term be k,
Since 18, 24, k and 48 are in proportion, we can write as

18 × 48 = k × 24 by cross product of proportion

864 = 24k
k = 864
24 = 36 is the 3rd term
Given the proportion 3:15 =12:60. Then, find the sum of the means.

68 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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3:15 =12:60………the given proportion
Then, . The means are 12 and 15
Therefore, the sum of the mean of the proportion is 12+15 = 27
The ages of a husband and his wife are in a ratio of 14:12 respectively.
How old is the husband if the wife is 36 years old.
H : W = 14:12, where H = age of husband and W = age of the wife

6H = 7W, but age of the wife is given 36

H= = 7(6) = 42
Therefore, age of the husband is 42 years.

Activity 2.4
1. The ratios are not in proportion. If the same number
from both denominators is subtracted, they become propor-
tional. What is the number?
2. The ratio of two numbers is 4:5. After adding 20 to the smaller
number and subtracting 20 from the greater number, the ratio
becomes 14:13. Find the numbers.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 69

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Direct and inverse proportionality

Direct and inverse proportions are used to show how quantities and
amount are related to each other. They are also described as directly
proportional or inversely proportional.
The symbol used to denote the proportionality is ‘ ’.
Activity 2.5
1. The relation between a and b is given by
a. b = 2a b. b = a4 and c. b = a3

Complete the table in each case and write what you understand
from this.
a 1 2 3 4 5 a 1 2 3 4 5 a 1 2 3 4 5
b b b

a. b = 2a b. b = a4 and c. b = a3

2. The rate of decrease of temperature is 3.6 0F for every 1000ft

increase in altitude. What is the temperature if h = 5,000ft?

Given two variables x and y,
⧪ y is said to be directly proportional to x ( y x) if
there is a non-zero constant k such that y = kx
⧪ y is inversely proportional to x ( 1y x ) (varying in-
versely, in inverse variation, in inverse proportion, in
reciprocal proportion) if there is a non - zero constant
k such that xy = k

70 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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For example in activity 2.5 the relation between a & b in ‘question a’

is a direct proportionality whereas in ‘question c’ is an inverse pro-
⧪ If x and y are directly proportional, then
a. when x increases y also increases
b. when x decreases y also decreases
⧪ If x and y are inversely proportional, then
a. when x increases y decreases and
b. when x decreases y increases

For example, pressure and temperature have direct relationship. When

pressure increases, temperature also increases and when pressure de-
creases, temperature decreases. P T
However, pressure and altitude have inverse relation. When altitude
increases, air pressure decreases and when altitude decreases air pres-
sure increases. P 1h
The rate of decrease of temperature is 6.5 0c for each 1km altitude
change. Or 3.6 0F for every 1000ft increase in altitude.

Exercise 2.2

1. Determine whether each pair of ratios forms a proportion.

2. Find the value of x in the following proportions.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 71

Gread 7 | Mathematics

3. Write the corresponding equation of proportion for each of the

following and solve for x.
a. 8 pencils in 2 boxes
20 Pencils in x boxes
b. x Birr for 5 Quna of wheat
14 Birr for 3 Quna of wheat
c. 6 Books for 10 students
x Books for 20 students
4. Find the sum of the means and product of the extremes in each
of the following proportions.
5 15
a. 2:3 and 4:6 b. 12 = 36
c. , for b and d are non-zero numbers.
5. Find the mean proportion between the numbers
a. 9 and 16 b. 12 and 3
6. In making a cake, for each 2kg flour 14 kg of sugar is required.
How many kilogram of sugar is required for 3kg flour to make
the mixture proportional?
7. A train travelled for 3 hours and covered a total of 180 km. Each
hour it traveled the same distance. How many hours it takes to
cover 840 km?

72 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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8. If water flows from a pipe at a constant rate and it takes 5 min-

utes to fill up a container with capacity of 35liter, then how long
will it take to fill a capacity of 77 liter?
9. The ages of two people add up to 25 and their ratio is 2:3. What
is the age of the younger person?
10. A picture inches long and inches width is to be enlarged
so that its length become inches. What will be the width of
the enlarged picture?
11. A student who is 5 feet tall casts an 8 foot shadow. At the same
time, a tree casts a 40 foot shadow. How long is the tree?
12. If two cardboard boxes occupy 500 cubic centimeters space, then
how much space is required to keep 200 such boxes?
13. In a scout camp, there is food provision for 300 cadets for 42
days. If 50 more persons join the camp, for how many days will
the provision last?

2.2 Revision on percentage

The word percent is abbreviated from Latin word per centum, which
means ‘per hundreds’, or ‘for every hundreds’ or ‘hundredth’.
a. The symbol % used for the term percent.
b. 1percent means
c. People use percent to give a quick comparison on a
scale from 1 to 100.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 73

Gread 7 | Mathematics

d. Percentages are comparisons of a given quantity (or

part) with the whole amount (which we call 100).
e. Percentages are commonly used to describe interest,
sales prices, test results, inflation, and change in profit
or loss
f. Percentages can range from zero to higher than 100.

For example, 12% means 12× 100
12% of a quantity means 12× 100 × total amount.
Here 12% indicates a percent whereas, 12% of a quantity indicates
the percentage.
For example 40 is 20% of 200
The phrase “20% of 200” indicates the percentage but 20% indicates
the percent.
Percentage is more general whereas percent is specific. Most of the
time percentage is expressed in words and percent is by specific num-

Group work 2.4

A number n is 25% of some number m and 35% of another number k.

Describe the relationship between them. Is m < k, m > k, m = k or is
it impossible to determine the relationship? Discuss.

74 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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The concept of percent (%) is widely used in variety of mathematical

applications, such as
a. A price is decreased by 12%
b. VAT in Ethiopia is 15%
c. Number of patients is decreased by 48%
Example 15:
i. 56 percent can be written as 56% and this means the ratio
of 56 to 100 or 56 % =
ii. 120 percent can be written as 120% and this means the
ratio of 120 to 100
i.e. 120 % =
100% = 100
100 = 1.

♦ Hundred percent means the whole. It indicates total of an
object, or total of something.
For example, 100% of 20 Birr means completely 20 Birr.

Hundred percent shaded

♦ 0 % means zero or no value.

For example, 0% 0f 100 Birr means 0

Zero percent shaded or
100% unshaded

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 75

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Example 16:
In the figure to the right,
half of it is shaded.
The whole table is considered as 100%
Half of the table = 12 (the whole)
= 12 (100%)
= 50% of the table is shaded
The percent is 50 and the percentage for this is the expression
“shaded part is 50% of the whole”. The whole is considered as one.
Hence 50% of 1 is 50× 100 × 1 = 12 .
Example 17:
In the figure, of it is shaded.

i.e. 25% is shaded

The place value models below are hundredths flats. You can also use
a percent to tell how much is shaded.

6 hundredths 43 hundredths 100 hundredths

6 out of 100 43 out of 100 100 out of 100
6% is shaded 43% is shaded 100% is shaded

76 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Activity 2.6
1. Count total number of pages of your mathematics exercise
book. How many pages are used? How many pages are free?
Express both in percent.
2. If you covered only two units of your grade 7 mathematics les-
son, express the remaining units in percent.
3. If you have 200 Birr and you give 75 Birr to your brother, what
percent of the money remains with you?
4. What percent of 235 is 141?
5. Shade 25% of a square.

Relation between RATE(R), PERCENTAGE (P) and BASE (B) is

given as follows:

A. Percentage = Percent (Rate) × Base (Whole)

What is 45% percent of 3,245?
Percent (Rate) = 45%
Base = 3,245.
Required: Percentage
Percentage = percent (Rate) × Base (whole)
Percentage = ×3,245=1460.25

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 77

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Example 19:
Deraro spends 5% of her salary for transportation in a month. If her
salary is Birr 6000.What is her percentage expenditure for transport?
Base (B) = 6000Birr
Rate(R) = 5%
Percentage (P) = ?
P = Percent (Rate) × Base (whole)
= 5% × 6000Birr
= × 6000Birr
= 5× 60Birr
= 300Birr
B. Percent (Rate) = Percentage divided by Base

Example 20:
What percent of 125 is 50?
Given: Percentage = 50 and the whole (total) = 125
Required: Percent (Rate)

78 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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In a class there are 45 students, 18 of them come to school by car.
a. What percent of the students come to school by car?
b. How many students come to school on foot?
c. What percent of the total students come to the school on
a. Given: Base = 45, Percentage = 18. Rate = ?

= 2×20% = 40%
b. 40% of the students come to school by car. Number of stu-
dents who come to school on foot = Base – who come to
school by car
= 45 – 18 = 27
c. Percent = x 100%
= × 100%
= 0.6 × 100% = 60%
Alternatively, you can use the following technique.
Total = Number of the students who come to school by car plus Num-
ber of the students who come to school on foot.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 79

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100% = 40% + Number of the students who come to school on foot

100% - 40% = Number of the students who come to school on foot
Therefore, total number of students who come to school on foot =60%
C. Base (B) = Percentage divided by Rate

Example 22:
25% of what is 300 Birr?
Percentage = 300
Rate = 25% = = 0.25
Required: Base =?
B = R
= 0300
= 30000
25 = 1,200 Birr.
If 25% of Mohamed’s salary is 1,500 Birr. What is his salary?
Rate = 25%, Percentage = 1500
Required: Base = ?
Base = Percentage divided by rate
B= = 6000
Therefore, Mohamed’s salary is Birr 6000.

80 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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The main difference between ratio and rate is
⧪ We can represent a ratio as a percent
⧪ We can’t represent a rate as a percent

Writing a percentage in decimal and in fraction form.

Write the following percentage in decimal form and in fraction form.
a. 3% b. 2.3% c. 32% d. 200%
a. 3% = = 0.03 in decimal notation form and

3% = in fraction form.

b. 2.3% = = 0.023 in decimal form

2.3% = = in fraction form

c. 32% = 100 = 0.32 in decimal form
32 8
32% = 100 = 25 in decimal form.
d. 200% = 100 = 2 in fraction form.

Group work 2.5

Copy and complete the table to the right

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 81

Gread 7 | Mathematics

percentage decimal fraction

25 % 0.25


When working with common percent like, 0%, 10%, 40%,
50%, it may be helpful to calculate the fraction form men-

For example to calculate 25% of 300 multiply it by .

i.e. 25% of 300 =300( ) = 75.

Exercise 2.3

1. Express each of the following percent as a fraction in lowest

a. 45% b. 831/3% c. 12.5%
82 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage
Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Express each fraction as a percent

a. b. c. 0. 23
d. 2.66666…(round off to two decimal places)
3. Express each of the following percentage as a decimal.
a. 25% b. 125% c. 0.23
4. Assuming that the regions in each figure are equal, write the
shaded part in percent in each case. Which figure has the great-
est shaded part?

a. b.

c. d.

5. Find
a. Increase of 50Birr by 70%
b. Decrease of 50Birr by 25%
6. Find
a. The percentage increase of 120 Birr to 150 Birr
b. The percentage decrease of 200 Birr to 120 Birr
c. If 15% of Jemal’s salary is Birr 135.75, what is the amount
of his full salary?

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 83

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2.3 Application of ratio, proportion and


2.3.1Calculating profit and loss as a percentage

Activity 2.7
1. What does 100% of something mean? 120% of a quantity
mean? 200% of a quantity mean. Give examples of such possi-
ble cases in real life situations.
2. Abebe had bought a sheep at Birr 2350 and sold it at Birr 2550.
Had he got a profit? His loss? Discuss with friends.

The profit and loss statements is a report aimed at providing informa-

tion on the costs and income of a certain business within respective
period of time, such as a year, a quarter, month or even a day. They
can also be expressed in percent.

Group work 2.6

Suppose a store advertises a sale, in which all merchandises at a 20%

discount. How much you will save if the original price is Birr500.
Definitions, explanations and some examples of important
terms in marketing system.

a. Discount: is the amount by which the regular price of an item is


84 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Note: n% off means that at a discount of n % of the selling price.

b. Cost Price:
The price, at which an article is purchased, is called the cost price,
abbreviated as C.P.
c. Selling Price:
The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, ab-
breviated as S.P.
d. Profit/ Gain:
Profit is made when the selling price is greater than the cost price.
The amount of profit is the difference between the selling price and
the cost price.
Profit/ Gain = Selling price(S.p)- Cost price(C.p)
= S.p-C.p

e. Loss:
Loss is made when the cost price is greater than the selling price. It is
the difference between the cost price and the selling price.
Loss = Cost price(C.p) - Selling price(S.p)
= C.p - S.p

Profit and Loss Based on Selling Price

To find the percent gain or loss, divide the amount gained or lost by
the cost and multiply it by 100.
Percentage of Profit/gain: divide the amount of profit by the cost
price and multiply by100%

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 85

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Percent of loss = divide the amount of loss by the cost price and mul-
tiply by100%

A toy that cost 80 birr is sold at a profit of 20 birr. Find the percent or
rate of profit.
Percentage of profit (% profit) = ×100
= ×100
= 2000
= 25%
Shegena sells his hen for 130 at a profit of 65. What percent of profit
on selling price does this represent?
Percent of profit (% profit) = ×100

86 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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Therefore, percent of profit = 50%

Example 27:
A shop Keeper buys shoes for birr 125 and sold it for birr 160. Find
i. The Profit
ii. Percent of profit
Cost price =125 birr,
Selling price =160 birr
i. Profit/ Gain = Selling price(S.p)- Cost price(C.p)
=160 birr-125 birr
ii. Percent of profit (% profit) = ×100%
= ×100%
Therefore, the percentage of profit is 28%
A bicycle was purchased for birr 6000 and was sold two months later
for birr 4500. Find
i. The loss

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 87

Gread 7 | Mathematics

ii. Loss in percent?

Cost price = 6000Birr,
Selling price = 4500Birr
i. Loss = Cost price(C.p)-Selling price(S.p)
= C.p - S.p
=6000 birr - 4500 birr
=1500 birr
ii. Loss in percent (%loss) = ×100%
= ×100%
= 25%
Therefore, percent of loss is 25%
A toy is sold for 6 birr at a profit 25%. Find the profit and cost price.
Given: Percentage of profit = 25%,
Selling price = 6 birr
i. S.P = C.p + 25% C.P
6 = C.P + 0.25 CP
6 = 1.25C.P
C.P = 1.625 = 4.8Birr

88 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

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ii. profit= selling price- cost price

= 6 birr-4.8 birr = 1.2 birr
A 2000Birr bicycle is on sale with a 30% discount. How much is the
sale price?
Percentage of discount (loss) =30%,
Cost price = 2000Birr
i. Loss = cost price × % discount( loss )
= 2000×30%
= = 600 birr.
ii. Selling price = cost price - Discount (loss)
= 2000 birr-600 birr = 1400 birr

Exercise 2.4

1. A laptop is bought and then sold one year later for 8500 Birr,
15% less than what was originally paid for it. How much was
paid for the computer originally?
2. Three friends started a part-time business. They plan, each
month, to share the profits in the ratio of the number of hours
that each worked. During the first month, Duguna worked18
hours, Rori worked 30 hours, and Durete worked 12 hours.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 89

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. Express, in lowest terms, the ratio of the time Duguna: Rori:

Durete that they worked during the first month.
b. Find the amount each of them should receive if the profit for
this first month was 540 birr.
c. Find the amount each should receive if the profit for this first
month was 1270 birr.
3. A student scores (18 marks out of 24 marks)in firs test and
(24 marks out of 48 marks) in a second test. Express each score
as a percentage and hence state the better score.

2.3.2 Simple interest

Group work 2.7

There are 520,000 people in a country, if only one percent of this

number increases each year, what will be total number of population
of the country after 5 years?
When money is deposited in a bank or building society account, it
commonly attracts interest; in a similar way, a borrower must nor-
mally pay interest on money borrowed. The rate of interest is usually
(but not always) quoted as a rate percent per year. Up-to-date rates
of interests are available from finance institute. There are two basic
ways of calculating the amount of interest paid on money deposited.
These are simple interest and compound interest.

90 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Simple interest
Simple interest is a type of fee that is charged (or paid) only on the
amount borrowed (or invested), and not on past interest.
Terms related to interests:
The principal amount (P)
The original amount of money borrowed or invested.
Interest (I)
The amount of money added to a loan or to a deposit based on an ini-
tial loan or investment and an interest rate.
Time (T)
This is the period at which money is borrowed or deposited. Time is
normally expressed in months or years. It is denoted by a capital letter
Amount (A):
The amount is the sum of the total interest and the principal over a
given period.
Simple interest (I) = principal × rate × time

I=P × r × t = Prt ,

where I = simple interest

P = principal
r = interest rate (expressed percentage)
t = time duration (in years)

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 91

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Total amount (A) = Principal (P) + Interest (I)

= P + Prt
= P(1+rt)
A = P(1+ r t )
Example 31:
A woman deposited 5000 birr in a bank which charged simple interest
of 5 percent per year. Calculate the interest and the amount she earned
after 2 years.
Principal (P) = 5000birr
Interest rate = 5%
Time duration = 2 years
Interest(I) = P×r×t
=5000 birr× ×2
=500 birr is the interest of 5000 birr after 2 years.
Total amount (A) = Principal (P) + Interest (I)
= 5000birr + 500 birr
= 5500 birr is the total amount

The time must in years to apply the simple interest formu-
la. If you are given months, convert it to years.

92 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Find the total amount due on a loan of 600 birr at 16% interest at the
end of 15 months.
Principal (p) = 600 birr
Interest rate = 16%
Time duration = 15 months = = 1.25 year
Interest (I)=P×r×t
= 600 birr× ×1.25
= 120 birr is the interest of 600 birr after 1.25 years.
Total amount (A) = Principal (P) + Interest (I)
= 600birr+120 birr = 720 birr
Dukamo deposited 140 birr in a commercial bank of Ethiopia. At the
end of the first year, he received 9.8Birr interest. What is the rate of
Principal (p)=140 birr
Interest =9.8
Time duration = 1 years
Interest(I) = P×R×T
9.8 birr=140 birr× ×1year

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 93

Gread 7 | Mathematics

After 1 year, the amount of interest is given by

Interest rate(r) = =7
The interest rate (r) is 7 %
A boy borrowed 5000 birr from Sidama micro finance institution and
paid back 5700 Birr a year later. What is the annual rate of interest?
Principal (p)=5000birr
Duration = 1 year
Total amount (A) = 5700 birr
Interest =Total amount – principal amount
= 5700 birr-5000 birr = 700 birr

700 birr = 5000 birr × × 1 year

Interest rate (r)= =14

The interest rate is 14%

Exercise 2.5

1. Calculate (i) the interest payable and (ii) the total amount on the
following deposits at simple interest.
a. Birr 300 borrowed for 2 years at 3% per year.

94 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. Birr1000 invested for 4 years at 12% per year.

c. Birr 3600 invested for 6 months at 7.5 % per year.
2. Duguna added 400 birr into his saving account which attracting
a simple interest at the rate of 5% per year. What interest will he
receive if he leaves the money in the account for 8 years. What is
the total amount?
3. For how long would 500 birr have to be left in an account paying
4% simple interest per year to give a balance of 600 birr?
4. Find the interest on a boat loan of 5,400 Birr at 16% annually at
simple interest for four months.
5. How much must Dancho deposit in a simple interest at a rate of
6% annually, if he wants to gain an interest of 120 Birr after two
6. A total of 1,200 birr is invested at annual simple interest rate of
7% for 18 months. How much interest is earned on this invest-

2.3.3 Compound Interest

Group work 2.8

1. What does an interest of the interest mean? Discuss in groups.

2. Assume that there are wild goats in a jungle, some of them are
males and the others are females. If each female give a birth at
the age of 2 years and the jungle is suitable for their life, what do
you think about increment of their number after 5 years?

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 95

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Simple interest, which you studied in the previous lessons, is paid

only on the initial principal of a saving account or loan. Compound
interest is paid on the initial principal and on the interest earned in the
Unlike simple interest, compound interest on an amount accumulates
at a faster rate than simple interest. The basic idea is that after the
first interest period, the amount of interest is added to the principal
amount and then the interest is computed on this higher principal. The
latest computed interest is then added to the increased principal and
then interest is calculated again. This process is completed over a cer-
tain number of compounding periods. We earn not only interest, but
interest on the interest already paid. This is called compound interest.
In general, calculating compound interest depends on several factors.
These factors include the amount of money deposited (p), the annual
interest rate (r), the number of times the money is compounded per
year(n), and the number of years the money is left in the bank(t).
These factors lead to the formula
Total amount where;
P = principal or amount of money deposited
r = annual interest rate (in decimal form)
n = number of times compounded per year
t = time in years.
For example, the following chart shows how institutions such as
banks calculate the interest and amount in each interest period. Let
the initial (Principal) amount be 1000 and interest rate 0.03 as indi-
cated in B column.

96 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

If Birr20,000 is deposited in a bank with interest rate of 12% which
compounded annually, what will be the total amount of money at the
end 3rd year.

P =20,000 T =3

R = 12%, n=1
Required: A =?
Total amount
=20,000 Birr
=20,000(1+0.12)3 Birr
=20,000 (1.12)3 Birr
=28,098.56 Birr

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 97

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 36:
If you deposit 6000 birr into an account paying 6% annual interest
compounded quarterly, how much money will be in the account after
2 years?
Principal =6000 birr,
Interest rate = 6% = 6/100 = 0.06
Number of times compounded per year (n)=4 times (since quarterly)
Time duration =2 years.
Total amount
= 6000
=6000(1+0.015)8 = 6000(1.015)8 Birr

Exercise 2.6

1. A principal of 10,000 birr is deposited in a bank at the follow-

ing interest rates. Then calculate the interest in each case after 2
a. 2.75% interest, compounded annually.
b. at 2.7% interest, compounded semi-annually
c. at 2.65% interest, compounded quarterly

98 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. If you deposit 6500 birr into an account paying 7% interest com-

pounded semiannually in a bank. How much money will be in
your account after 7 years?

2.3.4 Ethiopian income Tax, Turn over Tax, VAT

Activity 2.8
1. Define the following terms in your own words
a. Tax
b. VAT
c. TOT
2. Who is VAT payer? Seller or buyer?
Business Income tax
Every year a great number of foreign and domestic companies join
the various attractive and productive industries of Ethiopia. In addi-
tion to creating jobs, generating exports, and/or substituting imports.
These companies broaden the tax base and contribute to generating
income for the country. In addition, if you have a business company
or intending to open a new business here in Ethiopia, here is the list of
taxes imposed on business companies operating in Ethiopia.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 99

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Table 2.1 Business income tax rates for unincorporated or individual businesses
Taxable business Business Deduction Tax computation
income(I) per income tax
year ( ETB) rate (BIT)
0-7200 0 0 Exempted
7201-19800 10% 720 BIT=(I×10%)-720
19,801–38,400 15% 1,710 BIT=(I×15%)-1,710
38,401–63,000 20% 3,630 BIT=(I×20%)-3,630
63,001–93,600 25% 6,780 BIT=(I×25%)-6,780
93,601–130,800 30% 11,460 BIT=(I×30%)-11,460
Over 130,800 35% 18,000 BIT=(I×35%)-18,000
(Source: Federal Income Tax Proclamation (No. 979/2016))

BIT = Business Income Tax

Assume, yearly income of a shop owner is 115,000 birr. What is the
tax she should pay for the government?
Business income (I) per year = 115,000 birr
Income tax rate(R) = 30%
Deduction (D) = 11,460 birr
Business income tax (BIT) = IR – D
= (I×30%)-11,460
= (115,000 birr×30%)-11,460 birr
= 34500 birr -11,460 birr = 23040 birr

100 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Employment income tax

Employment income tax (EIT) is leveled each calendar month on the
employment income that a resident employees receive during each
month. An employee’s income tax liability is calculated according to
the marginal tax rate schedule shown in Table below.
Table 2.2 Employment income tax (EIT) rate of Ethiopia
Employment Employment Deduction Tax computation
income per income tax
month (I)(ETB) rate (EIT)
0-600 0% 0 Exempted
601-1650 10% 60.00 EIT=(I×10%)-60
1651-3200 15% 142.50 EIT=(I×15%)-143.50
3201-5250 20% 302.50 EIT=(I×20%)-302.50
5251-7800 25% 565.00 EIT=(I×25%)-565.00
7801-10900 30% 955.00 EIT=(I×30%)-955.00
More than
35% 1500.00 EIT=(I×35%)-1500.00
(Source: Federal Income Tax Proclamation (No. 979/2016))

If the monthly Salary of Dukamo is 15,500Birr, what is the total tax
he pay in one year?
Dukamo’s salary per month = 15,500
Income tax rate = 35%
Deduction = 1500 birr

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 101

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Salary income tax per month (EIT) = (I×35%)-1500.00

= (15500×35%) - 1500.00
= 5425 birr - 1500 birr
=3925 birr
Dukamo pays 3925 Birr each month.
Therefore 3925 birr×12 month=47,100 birr
The total tax he pay is 47,100 Birr in a year.
Turn over Tax (TOT)
Turn over tax is payable on goods and services supplied by a person
who are not registered for VAT. Turn over tax proclamation states that
ToT is at a rate of 2% on the supply of goods and services.
The price of 1 kg Coffee is 120 birr including Turn over tax (TOT).
How much is the turn over tax (TOT) on the coffee.
Turn over Tax (TOT)=120 birr ×
= 2.4 birr
The Value Added Tax (VAT)
Value added tax (VAT) is a tax imposed by the government on sales
of goods and services other than those VAT exempted items.

102 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

VAT rate is 15% of the value added on to the original cost of every
taxable transaction by a registered person.
In a shop, the selling price of a Television including VAT is 15,000
a. What is the mount of VAT (Value added Tax) on the TV?
b. What price must the TV be sold for?
Selling price of TV =15000 birr
VAT rate=15%
VAT = Selling price×VAT rate
=15000 birr ×
=150 birr×15
=2250 birr
The VAT is 2250 birr.
Price of TV excluding VAT = total cost - VAT
=15000 birr - 2250birr
=12750 birr
If the sales tax on a purchase of Birr800 is Birr12. What will be the
sales tax on the purchase of Birr3000?

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 103

Gread 7 | Mathematics


800n = 36,000
n= = 45Birr

Exercise 2.7

1. Find the tax, a merchant should pay if her total income per year
is 72,500 Birr.
2. Calculate the total tax an employee whose salary is Birr 8800
should pay?
( Refer table 2.1 and 2.2 for question number 1 and 2)
3. If you purchased goods for Birr2400, what is the total VAT you
should pay?

Key terms
Ratio Tax
Proportion Income tax
Percentage Turn over tax (TOT)
Interest Value added tax(VAT)
Simple interest
Compound interest

104 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Unit summary
♦ A ratio is a comparison of two quantities of the same kind by
means of division. Ratio has no unit. The ratio of a to b is written
as any one of the following terms.
⧪ a : b read as a to b
⧪ read as a over b (In fraction form)
⧪ a÷b read as a divided by b ( It is in quotient form)
The diagram below illustrate the relation between rate and ratio.

♦ Ratios are classified as part-to-part comparison or part-to-whole

⧪ Part-to-part comparison: Comparison of one part to another
part of the whole.
⧪ Part – to – whole ratio comparison: Comparison of one part
to the whole.
♦ Equivalent ratio
⧪ Two ratios are equivalent (equal ratios) if one is obtained
from the other by multiplying or dividing all of the quantities
by the same non-zero number.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 105

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Equivalent ratios behave like equivalent fractions.

1: 3 = 2 : 6 = 3 : 9 = 4 : 12 and so on.
♦ Continued ratio: is a comparison of three or more quantities in
a definite order.
For example, the ratio a:b:c indicates the ratio a to b and the ratio b
to c.
A rate is a comparison of two different units, such as miles per hour,
or two different things measured with the same unit, such as cups of
concentrate per cups of water.
♦ Rates are called unit rates when they are expressed denominators
in terms of 1 unit.
Examples of unit rates; 60 miles per hour, 12 words per second etc.
⧪ A proportion is the equality of two ratios.
⧪ Two ratios are said to be in proportion if they are equal i.e.,
or a:b = c:d
♦ x and y are directly proportional if x increase y also increase or x
decrease y also decrease.
♦ x and y are inversely proportional if x increase y decrease or x
decrease y increase.
♦ To write a percent as decimal, divide it by 100 and remove the
percent symbol.
♦ To write a decimal as a percent, multiply by 100 and add the per-
cent symbol.

106 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ Percentage (%) means per hundred or hundredths.

Percentage = Percent(Rate) × Base (whole)

Base = Percentage/rate
⧪ The relation among Percent(P), base(B) and amount(A) can
be summarized as follow:

⧪ Cost price: how much the item costs the seller

⧪ Selling price: how much the item is resold for
⧪ Profit: the money made from the resale
⧪ Loss: the money lost from the resale
⧪ Profit/ Gain = Selling price(S.p)- Cost price(C.p)
⧪ Loss = Cost price(C.p)-Selling price(S.p)
⧪ Percentage of profit/gain =proft/(cost price)×100%
⧪ Percentage of loss =loss/(cost price)×100%
⧪ Simple interest: is an interest paid on the original principal
only overall interest periods.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 107

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♦ The formula for Simple interest(I) is given by:

I = principal × rate × time P = principal

I = Prt , where ; r = interest rate (per annum)

I = simple interest t = time duration (in years

Total amount (A) = Principal (P) + Interest (I)
= P + Prt = P(1+rt)
⧪ In compound interest, the formula for the total amount of
money(S) after’ n’ years is given by:
Total amount , where;
P = principal or amount of money deposited
r = annual interest rate
n = number of times compounded per year
t = time in years.
⧪ Interest rate: the percent that is being given for an investment
or for a loan. It depends on the amount of time the money is
invested or borrowed.
⧪ Turn over tax (TOT) is payable on goods and services sup-
plied by a person who are not registered for VAT.
⧪ To apply TOT, you add 2% extra on the original cost.
⧪ Value added tax (VAT) is a tax imposed by the government on
sales of goods and services in Ethiopia.
⧪ To apply VAT, you add 15% extra on the original cost.

108 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Review exercise
1. Express each ratio in simplest form
a. 12 to 8 e. 80meter to 16meter
b. 1.2 to 2.4 f. 75gm to 500gm
c. 6 to 0.5 g. 75min. to 3hrs
d. h. 2km to 150meter
2. Which of the following are equal ratios?
a. 3:5 and 6:15 c. 3:4.5 and 5:7.5
b. 2:4 and 6:12 d. 2:3 and 4:5
3. Complete the following spaces using appropriate word.
a. If x = 5y, then x and y vary ______ with each other.
b. If xy = 10, then x and y vary ______ with each other.
c. Both x and y are said to vary ______ with each other if for
positive number k, xy = k
d. Two quantities are said to vary ______ with each other if
they increase
(decrease) together in such a manner that the ratio of their
corresponding values remains constant.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 109

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4. 100 persons had food provision for 24 days. If 20 persons left the
place, the provision will last for
a. 30 days c. days
b. 120 days d. 40 days
5. Express each percentage as a fraction in simplest form
a. 50% c. 75% e. 66% g. %
b. 85% d. 18% f. 345% h. 0.23%
6. Express each percentage as a decimal
a. 2% b. 77% c. % d. 1.25%
7. Arrange each set in ascending order

8. Express the first quantity as a percent of the second quantity

a. 38cm, 40cm c. 3Birr , 75cents
b. 42cm, 1.2meter d. 2years, 76weeks
9. Calculate the following
a. Increase Birr 360 by 35%
b. Decrease Birr 200 by 12%

110 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

10. Solve each of the following problems using the percent equation
a. 9 is what percent of 25?
b. 48 is 64% of what number?
c. 38 is what percent of 40?
d. What is 43.6% of 20?
e. 17.6 is 133 % of what number?
11. Find 35% of a quantity if 20% of the quantity is 110meter.
12. Use the graph below to write a ratio showing the relationship
between number of hours Chule spend on work and the money
he earned.

13. If A:B = 3:6 and B:C = 6:7, then find A:C

14. In each of the following tables below, describe whether one vari-
able varies directly or inversely as another. If it does, express the
relation between the variables by means of a formula.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 111

Gread 7 | Mathematics

15. In each case below, one variable varies directly as the other.
Write the formula that relates the variables and find the missing

16. State whether the relation between the variables in each question
below is a direct proportion. Justify your answer.
a. R + T = 20 c. =3
b. 15T = D d. bh = 12
17. The variable x varies directly as t. when x = 20, t = 5, find t when
x = 48.
18. Find two numbers whose sum is 160 and have the ratio 5 to 3.
19. A number n is 25% of some number x and 35% of another num-
ber y. describe the relationship between x and y. Is x>y, x<y, x=y
or is it not possible to determine the relationship?
20. On a field trip, there are 5 teachers, 117 students, and 16 parents.
What does the ratio 21:138 represent?
112 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage
Gread 7 | Mathematics

21. The ages of Heri and Dancho are in the ratio 5:7. If age of Dan-
cho is 28, what is age of Heri?
22. A football team played 36 games and won 24 games.
a. What is the ratio of number of games won to number of
games played?
b. For every 3 games played how many games were won?
23. Dararo scored 81% for a test. If her actual score was 12.15. What
was the maximum possible mark for the test?
24. The original price of a TV Birr 8500 increased by 30%. Calculate
the selling price.
25. A television purchased for Birr10,000 and later it was sold for
Birr 6450.
a. Calculate the loss
b. Express the loss as a percentage of C.P.
26. A company’s quality control department found an average of 5
defective models for every 1000 models that were checked. If the
company produced 70,000models in a year, how many of them
would be expected to be defective?
27. The weight of a 20 meter copper wire is 0.9 kg. Find the weight
of 170meter of the same wire.
28. There are 80 calories in a slice of cake that weighs 200gm. How
many calories are there if the slice is 600 gm ?

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 113

Gread 7 | Mathematics

29. An alloy of gold and silver contains 2 parts of gold to 5 parts of

silver by mass.
a. What fraction of the alloy is gold?
b. What fraction of the alloy is silver?
c. How much of each metal does 700g of the alloy contain?
30. If a family consumes p litters of milk in k days, represent the
amount of milk consumed in m days.
31. If 30% of the 60 eggs that Gatiso found were broken. About how
many of the eggs were broken?
32. Milla borrowed Birr3,700 at a simple interest rate of 6.9% to buy
a used laptop. If the loan is for 2 years, how much money must
she repay?
33. Merry deposits Birr1,200 in a bank account and does not add to
it or make any withdrawals. After 3 years her amount increased
to Birr1,430.40. What percent simple interest did the bank gave?
Show your work.
34. Muna deposits Birr500 in a simple interest account offering 5.9%
semiannually. After 6 months, she deposits another 350Birr.
How much interest she will earn at the end of first year?
35. Which is the better option for a customer, to have 25% discount
of each item purchased, or to have 25% discount of the total
cost? Explain.

114 Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage

Gread 7 | Mathematics

36. Every Student in a school choose one out of three sports options:
Tennis(T), basketball(B) or swimming(S). Given that the pupils
choose the options in the ratio T:B:S = 4 : 2 : 3 and 120 students
choose tennis, find:
a. the number of pupils in the school
b. the number of students who choose swimming
37. A water tank casts a shadow of 21 m long. A tree of height 9.5
m casts a shadow 8 m long at the same time. The lengths of the
shadows are
directly proportional to their heights. Find the height of the tank.

Unit 2 | Ratio, proportion and percentage 115

Gread 7 | Mathematics


Unit Outcomes

After completing this unit , you should be able to:

► Identify terms and variables in algebraic expressions.
► Simplify algebraic expressions.
► Convert word problems in to mathematical expres-
► Develop skills on rearranging and solving linear equa-
► Apply the rules of transformation of linear equations
for solving problems.
► Describe the Cartesian coordinate system
► Draw a line through the origin whose equation is giv-
► Apply real life situations in solving linear equations.

Main contents of the unit

3.1. Algebraic terms and expressions
3.1.1. Use of variables in formula
3.1.2. Variables, terms and expressions

116 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

3.2. Solving linear equations.

3.2.1.Linear equations involving brackets
3.2.2.Linear equations involving fractions
3.3 Cartesian coordinate
3.3.1. The four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane
3.3.2. Coordinates and straight lines
3.4 Applications
Key terms
Unit summary
Review exercises

In your grade 5 and 6 lessons you have learned about algebraic
terms and expressions such as variables, algebraic terms and val-
ues of simple algebraic expressions, solving linear equations by
substitution and also solving one step linear equations such as x+3
=7, then subtracting 3 from both sides which gives x = 4. Some
real-world application problems were also discussed. In this unit
you will learn how to identify terms and variables in a given alge-
braic expression, how to rearrange and solve linear equations in
one variable, apply rules of transformation of linear equations for
solving problems in real-life situations, how to represent numbers
on coordinate plane and also sketch simple linear equation graphs.

Unit 3 | Linear equations 117

Gread 7 | Mathematics

3.1. Algebraic terms and expressions

3.1.1. Use of variables in formula

As you can recall from your lower grade lessons, variable is a sym-
bol, which represents some specific number or a particular object,
whereas a formula is a rule that states a relationship between given
quantities and unknowns.
For example, the formula that relates the area (A), base (b) and height
(h) of a rectangle is:
A = bh

When the length of base and height of the rectangle varies, area of the
rectangle also varies.
Example 1
Find area of the rectangle using the formula A = bh given that
a. height (h) = 6cm and its base (b) =10cm.
b. height(h) = 8cm and its base (b) =15cm.
a. A = bh, b=10cm and h = 6cm
A = 10cm× 6cm = 60cm2, cm2 read as “square centimeter or
centimeter square”
b. A = bh, b=8cm and h = 15cm
A = 8cm× 15cm = 90cm2

118 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Group work 3.1

1. Find the area of the triangle in each case. Use the formula
A = bh, where b is the base and h is the height of the triangle.
a. b =3cm, h = 8cm b. b =12cm, h = 5cm
2. Using the formula P = 2(b+h). Calculate the perimeter of the
rectangle whose sides are 6cm and 9cm.

3.1.2. Variables, terms and expressions

Variable is a letter or a symbol that represents unknown value.
For example in the mathematical expression 3x+1; the variable
is x.
In the expression 2xy-3z +5, the variables are x, y, and z.

Activity 3.1
Explain the concepts of
a. Algebraic expressions.
b. Terms
c. Like terms, unlike terms and Constant term.

Unit 3 | Linear equations 119

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Any expressions involving variables with mathematical opera-
tion is called an algebraic expression.

For example are some examples

of algebraic expressions.

In mathematical expression ax + b, x is the variable, a is coef-
ficient of x and b is the constant term.

Example 2
In each of the following algebraic expressions, determine the numer-
ical coefficient and the constant terms.
a. -2x+4 c. -x3
b. -12
a. The numerical coefficient of -2x is -2 and the constant term
is 4.
b. The numerical coefficient of is and the constant term
is -12
c. The numerical coefficient of -x3 is -1 and the constant term
is 0

120 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Term is a constant number, a variable or product of a number and
For example 2, 3x, 4xy, 2x2, etc are examples of terms.

Like terms are terms, whose variables are the same and whose
exponents of the variables are equal.
Terms, which are not like terms, are called unlike (not like)

For example, 2xy and -4xy, x2y and 5x2y, abc and 6abc, 2xy3z and
5xy3z etc are examples of like terms but 2xy and 4xyz, x2y and xy,
abc and a2bc, etc are not like terms.
Example 3
Identify whether the following algebraic expressions are like terms or
unlike terms.
a. 3x and 20x
b. 12x2 and 12x
c. xy , -5xy and yx
d. ab and xy
a. 3x and 20x are like terms. Because they have the same vari-
ables with equal exponents.

Unit 3 | Linear equations 121

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. 12x2and 12x are unlike terms. Because they have the same
variables but unequal exponents.
c. xy , -5xy and yx are like terms. Because they have the
same variables with equal exponents.
d. ab and xy are unlike terms. Because they have different vari-

An algebraic expression containing;
a. Only one term is called monomial.( ‘mono’ means one)
b. Two terms is called binomial.(‘bi’ means two)
c. Three terms is called trinomial ( ‘tri’ means three)
d. More than three terms is called maltimonial

Example 4
Classify each of the following expressions as monomial, binomial or
a. 3x-4xy +6 c. 3x-2
b. 5 d. 5xyz
Expression Terms Number of terms Its classification
3x-4xy +6 3x, -4xy, 6 3 trinomial
5 5 1 monomial
3x-2 3x,-2 2 binomial
5xyz 5xyz 1 monomial

122 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Group work:

Using internet explain the concepts of variable, algebraic expression,

like terms, and unlike terms.
Computing values of an algebraic expression
Computing an expression means that replacing or substituting the
variable by specific value and simplifying it.
Example 5
Evaluate each of the following expressions below using the values
x = 2 and y = 3
a. 3x-2y +3xy
b. 4xy +2(x-y) -6
c. + 4x-5y + 5
a. 3x-2y +3xy = 3(2)-2(3) +3(2)(3) =6-6+18 =18
b. 4xy +2(x-y) - 6 = 4(2)(3) +2(2-3) - 6 =24 +2(-1) – 6
= 24 -2-6 = 24 - 8 = 16
c. +4x-5y +5 = + 4(2) -5(3) +5

= + 8-15 +5

= -7 +5

= 3(-7) -2
= -21 -2 = -23

Unit 3 | Linear equations 123

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Operations on an algebraic expression:

♦ Adding or subtracting an algebraic expression can be performed
only between two or more like terms.
♦ Multiplying and dividing an algebraic expression can be per-
formed between like and unlike terms.
During performing addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions;
♦ Add or subtract like terms.
♦ While adding or subtracting like terms, only the numerical coef-
ficients are added or subtracted.
♦ Unlike terms cannot be simplified further. It will remain the same.
For example, 2x and 3x are like terms. So that 2x +3x =5x, adding the
coefficients and taking one of the variables. But, 2x and 3x2 are not
like terms. Therefore, we cannot add or subtract one from the other.
Simplification of algebraic expressions.
To simplify algebraic expressions we follow some rules. Such as
i. Remove the bracket if any
ii. Collect like terms
iii. Perform any of the operation
iv. Write in simplest form
Example 6
Simplify the given expressions by collecting like terms
a. 2y+3x–10y+8x c. 3a-(2b+3)+4(b+2a)+7
b. 4a+4b+6-12a+9b-8+21a

124 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. First collect like terms
3x and 8x are like terms , 2y and 10y are like terms.
So , 3x+8x+2y – 10y = 3x+8x+2y – 10y
= (3+8)x+(2 – 10)y
= 11x+(– 8y) = 11x – 8y
b. 4a+4b+6 – 12a+9b – 8 + 21a
= (4a – 12a+21a)+(4b + 9b) + (6 – 8)------- collect like terms
= (4 – 12+21)a+(4+9)b+(– 2)
= 13a+13b – 2
c. 3a – (2b+3)+4(b+2a)+7
= 3a – 2b – 3+ 4b+ 8a +7…………… First, remove the brackets
=3a+8a + 4b – 2b – 3+7 ………Collecting like terms together
= 11a+2b+4……………Performing the required operations.

Group work 3.2

Simplify each of the following expressions and write them in sim-

plest form
a. 12x +3(y -12x)+3y + 5
b. 3x(2 – 3y+4) – 2y(x+5) +11xy +4
c. 6xy+12y – 6x(y+2) +12x

Unit 3 | Linear equations 125

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Transforming word problems to variable (mathematical)

Variables are very important in solving word problems. In this sub-
topic, you will learn how to translate between variable expressions
and verbal expressions.

Words or phrases that are used to express problems in
words and their meaning:
Addition: Sum, add to, more than, increased by, total
Subtraction: Difference of, minus, subtracted from, less
than, decreased by, less
Multiplication: Product, times, multiplies
Division: Quotient, divide in to, ratio

Example 7
Transform each of the following in to mathematical expression/sym-
bolic expression.
a. A number increased by four
b. Four plus a number
c. Four more than a number
d. A number plus four
All a,b,c, and d have the same meaning and can be expressed as x+4,
assuming that the unknown number is x.

126 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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Example 8
The following are the corresponding mathematical expressions of the
given word statements.
a. Five fewer than a number. x-5
b. A number decreased by 10 x-10
c. Five times a number is increased by 3 5x+3
d. Two divided by a number
e. Half a number is decreased by eight x -8
f. The quotient of x by y
Example 9
Ledamo is 3 years older than twice of age of his younger brother
Kuma. Write the statement in mathematical expression.
Let age of Ledamo be L and age of Kuma be k, then L = 2k + 3

Group work 3.3

1. Change the following problem into mathematical expressions.

a. The cost of coffee is increased by 5
b. The difference of a number and 10
c. 2 times the sum of a number and 5
d. Five times a number decreased by 21

Unit 3 | Linear equations 127

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2. Write each of the following statements as an equation:

a. 5 times a number equals 40.
b. A number increased by 8 equals 15.
c. 25 exceed a number by 7.
d. A number exceeds 5 by 3.
e. 5 subtracted from three times a number is 16.
f. If 12 is subtracted from a number, the result is 24.
g. Twice a number subtracted from 19 is 11.
h. A number divided by 8 gives 7.
i. 3 less than 4 times a number is 17.
j. 6 times a number is 5 more than the number.

Exercise 3.1

1. Determine the terms and their numerical coefficients in each of

the following algebraic expressions.
a. +5 c. -2 y2
b. 0.5x+5y+1 d. -0.23x2+2 - x + y
2. Classify each algebraic expression in question one above as mo-
nomial, binomial or trinomial
3. Which of the following algebraic expressions are like terms and
which are unlike terms.
a. 2xy and xyz b. x2 and x

128 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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c. x and 1
e. a9 c10 and a10 c9
d. x2y2z2 and 0.5(z2x2y2)
4. Compute each expression when x = 1 and y = 2
a. 3y(4 -2xy +6x) +5
b. + xy - 11
5. Write the following in mathematical expression
a. Product of three times a number and half of another number
b. Girma’s age is 5 more than six times his son’s age.
c. Five less than four times a number.
d. The sum of a number and five times another number.
6. Write a statement for each of the equations, given below:
a. x − 7 = 14 d. 2x − 3 = 13
b. 2y = 18 e. 12y − 30 = 6
c. 11 + 3x = 17 f. =8
7. If base of a rectangle is twice its height. Write the formula which
a. Perimeter of the rectangle
b. Area of the rectangle
8. There are 5 ten Birr notes, 7 two hundred birr notes and 6 fifty
birr notes in Abebe’s pocket. What is the total amount of money
in his pocket?

Unit 3 | Linear equations 129

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3.2. Solving linear equations

3.2.1 Linear equations involving brackets

Activity 3.2
1. What is the difference between an algebraic expression and an
2. Fertilizer is applied at the rate of 2 kg per square meters. Find
the area which 50 Kg of fertilizer can cover?
3. The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 30. Find the

Equation is an algebraic expression in which the left and right
hand sides are joined by the ‘equal to’ sign.

For example, -4 = 0, x+5 = 3-10x, x = 1, x2-25 = 0 , etc are ex-

amples of equations.
The expression on the left of the equality sign is the Left Hand Side
(LHS) and
The expression on the right of the equality sign is the Right Hand
Side (RHS).

130 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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The value of the variable that makes the left and right hand
side expressions equal is said to be solution of the equation or
truth-value or root of the equation.
For example, the equation x+4=5 is true for x=1,
i.e. for x=1, x+4 = 5
1+ 4 = 5
5 = 5
LHS RHS (LHS is equal to RHS)
Therefore x=1 is the truth-value of the equation
Properties of Equation
For a,b and c are numbers:
a. Addition property of equation:
If a=b, then a+c=b+c
b. Subtraction property of equation
If a=b, then a-c=b-c
c. Multiplication property of equality
If a=b, then ac=bc
d. Division property of equation
If a = b, then provided that c≠0

Unit 3 | Linear equations 131

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If a,b and c are numbers then;
i. a+(b+c) = a+b+c
ii. a-(b+c) = a-b-c
iii. a×(b+c) = (a×b)+(a×c)

Methods of solving an equation

There are two methods by which an equation can be solved.
i. Balancing Method
This is true if two quantities are increased or decreased by the same
amount, then the resulting quantities will also be equal. See figures

Amount in both sides are equal

The same amount is add to both sides. Still both side are equal.

132 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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If we add the same amount to both sides or subtract the same amount
from both sides, the equal sign remains the same.
In this method, both the LHS and RHS of the equation should be bal-
Find the solution of the following equations.
a. x - 5 = 10
To balance both sides, first we add 5 on both sides of the equation.
That is, x-5+5 = 10+5 (add 5 to both sides)
We get, x = 15, this is the solution of the equation.
To check this, substitute the value of the variable obtained in to the
original equation. If LHS equals to the RHS then, the value obtained
is the solution.
From the above example, we obtained x = 15
Now, let us substitute this value into the original equation
x - 5 = 10.
15 – 5 = 10
10 = 10
Here, we observe that LHS = RHS, thus the solution obtained is cor-
b. 3x + 2 = 14

Unit 3 | Linear equations 133

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To balance both sides, first we subtract 2 from both sides of the equa-
We have, 3x + 2 - 2 = 14 - 2
3x = 12
Further, to balance the equation we divide both the sides by 3

Solving this we get x = 4..

Now, substituting x = 4 into the equation 3x+2=14 , we get 3×4+2=14
So, the LHS =14 and the RHS = 14
Here, we observe that LHS = RHS, thus the solution obtained is cor-
Therefore, x = 4 is the solution of the equation.
iii. Transposing Method
In this method, constants or variables are transposed from one side of
the equation to other until the solution is obtained. In other words, it
means collecting like terms to one side by adding or subtracting the
same expression on both sides.
Solve the following equations.
d. x-1 = 4

134 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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First, we transpose the integer -1 from LHS to RHS, thus we get

x = 4+1
x = 5. Therefore, x = 5 is the solution of the equation.
e. 6x+10=22
Firs, transpose the integer 10 from LHS to RHS, thus the equation
6x = 22-10
6x = 12
x= =2
Therefore, x = 2 is the truth-value of the equation.

An equation of the form ax + b = 0 where, a and b are any num-
bers and a≠0 is called a linear equation with one variable.

For examples, 3x+4 = 2 , 10x-8 = 0.5 , 14 -7x = 2 , x = 1 , etc are

linear equations in one variable, because the power of the variable in
all cases is 1.

The highest power of the variable in a linear equation is 1.

Unit 3 | Linear equations 135

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Examples of some non-linear equations are:

2x2 + 1= 0, x2 -1 = 4, x + x2 = 8, x2 = 4, etc. In these equations,
the exponent of a variable is greater than one. Therefore, they are
non-linear equations.
For linear equation ax + b = 0 where a, b are real numbers and a≠0
ax+b-b=0-b (Adding -b on both sides)
ax=-b (Dividing both sides by a for a≠0)
; x=
Therefore, the truth-value or the solution of linear equation
ax + b = 0 is x = .
Find the truth-value of the following linear equations.
a. 3x-8 = 10
b. 9x-(2x-3) = 17
c. -2(5x-4) = 1-x+12
d. x-2 = -8(x+4)-9
a. 3x-8=10
3x-8+8=10+8 (Adding 8 on both sides)
(Dividing both sides by 3)

136 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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Check: When x=6

3x - 8 = 10
3×6 - 8 = 10
18 - 8 = 10
10 = 10 (Checked !!)
Therefore, x = 6 is the truth value of the equation.
b. 9x - (2x - 3) = 17
9x-2x+3=17 (Removing bracket)
7x+3-3=17-3 (Subtract 3 from both sides)
(dividing both sides by 7)
Check: When x=2
9x-(2x-3) = 17
( 9×2) - (2×2)+3 = 17
18 - 4+3 = 17
17 = 17
17 = 17 is true. (Checked !!)
Therefore, x=2 is the truth value.
c. -2(5x-4)=1-x+12
-2(5x)-2(-4) = 1-x+12

Unit 3 | Linear equations 137

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-10x+8=1-x+12 (Removing brackets)

-10x+8-8=-x+13-8 (Subtract 8 from both sides)
-10x=-x+5 (Combine like terms)
-10x+x=-x+x+5 (Add x to both sides)
-9x=5 (Combine like terms)
(Dividing both sides by -9)
Check: When x=

Therefore, x= is the truth-value of the equation.

d. x-2=-8(x+4)-9
x-2 = -8x-32-9 ….. ………….. (Removing brackets)
x-2+2 = -8x-41+2 ……………(Add 2 to both sides)
x = -8x-39 …………………….. (Performing operation)
x+8x=-8x+8x-39 ……….. (Add 8x to both sides)

138 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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9x=-39 ……………………… (Performing operation)

(Dividing both sides by 9)

Check: When

Therefore, x= is the truth-value of the equation.

Exercise 3.2

1. Verify by substitution that

a. the root of 3x − 5 = 7 is x = 4
b. the root of 3 + 2x = 9 is x = 3
c. the root of 5x − 8 = 2x − 2 is x = 2

Unit 3 | Linear equations 139

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d. the root of 8 − 7y = 1 is y = 1
e. the root of =8 is z = 56
2. Solve each of the following equations by the trial-and-error
a. y + 9 = 13
b. x − 7 = 10
c. 4x = 28
3. Solve the following linear equations and verify the answer.
a. 7x − 12 = 9
b. 5(10 − 4x) = 8-x+4
c. 6x − 2(4x-9) = 2(3+5x)
d. 1−2(x −1) = 4(3 − x)+2x
e. 19x + 8 − 1(x+4) = 4x+12 − 2(4 − 7x)
f. 6(1 − 4x) + 7(2 + 5x) = 53
g. 16(3x − 5) − 10(4x − 8) = 40
4. Find the value of x if both LHS and RHS are balanced.

140 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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5. The Sum of two numbers is 49. One of the numbers is 11 more

than the other. What are the numbers?
6. A carpenter cuts a 12-meter wood so that one piece is two times
bigger than the other. What are the lengths of the two pieces?

3.2.2 Linear equations involving fractions

Group work 3.4

1. If a man buys 12 bananas and share half of the bananas to his

sister and one-fourth of the bananas for his brother. How many
bananas will each get? How many bananas remain with him?
2. Deraro thinks of a number. She subtracts from the number
and multiples the result by 8. The result obtained is 3 times the
same number she thought. What is the number?
Revision on Fractions
In number system, the number which written in the form of , for b ≠0
is a fraction. Although people today are making greater use of deci-
mals and fractions as they work with calculators, computers, and the
metric system; common fractions still surround us. We use fractions
in everyday measures. For example in buying objects such as kg
of coffee, kg of sugar, liter of milk, etc. Fractions are also used
when sharing something.

Unit 3 | Linear equations 141

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A fraction is a quotient of a number divided by any non-zero

For example, the arithmetic fraction indicates the quotient of 2 di-

vided by 5.
Method of solving linear equation involving fractions
To solve linear equations involving fractions;
1. Remove fractions by multiplying both sides by least common
multiple (LCM).
2. Solve the resulting equation by using one of the methods.
3. Check by substituting in the original equation.
Solve the following linear equations.
The LCM of 3, 5 and 15 is 15
(Multiply both sides by 15)
(Removing brackets by using dis-
tributive property)
(Add 5 on both sides)
3x = 6

142 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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both sides by 3)
Check: when x=2,

Therefore,x=2 is the solution of the equation

The LCM (2, 3, 4) = 2×3×4=12

6x+6+4x = 3x-3 (Removing brackets by distributive property)
10x+6 = 3x-3
10x+6 − 6=3x − 3 − 6 (Subtract 6 from both sides)
10x=3x − 9
10x − 3x = 3x+3x − 9 (Subtract 3x from both sides)
7x = − 9
(Divide both sides by 7)

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Check: (Left as exercise)

Linear equation may have one solution, no solution or in-
finitely many solutions.

Example 14
a. 2x-1=11
2x = 12
x = 6 . The equation has one solution.
b. 5x-3(x+4)=2x+17
This is always false. Therefore,the equation has no solution.
c. 18x+6(3-3x-4)=-6
-6 = - 6 is always true.
This implies that, there are many values of x, which makes the equa-
tion true. Therefore, the equation has many solutions.

144 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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Exercise 3.3

1. Solve the following linear equations.

a. e.

b. f.

c. g.


2. What should be added to twice the rational number to get ?

3. If one side of a triangle is one-third the perimeter, the second
side is one-fifth the perimeter and length of the third side is 7
centimeters, what is the perimeter of the triangle?
4. Solve for F in terms of C, if C= (F-32),where F- is temperature
in degree Fahrenheit and C- is temperature in degrees Celsius.

Unit 3 | Linear equations 145

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3.3 Cartesian coordinate system

Rene Descartes (1596-1650): French scientific philos-
opher who developed a theory known as the mechanical
philosophy .This philosophy was highly influential until
superseded by Newton's methodology. Descartes was the
first to make a graph, allowing a geometric interpretation of
a mathematical function and giving his name to Cartesian

The coordinate plane is a two dimensional surface formed by two

number lines. One number line is the horizontal and is called the
x-axis. The other number line is the vertical and is called the y-ax-
is. The two axes meet at the point called the origin, which is denot-
ed by O. at the origin the values of both x and y are zero. we can
use the coordinate plane to graph point, lines and more.

♦ On the number line, the values of x to the right of zero are
positive and to the left of zero are negative and
♦ The values of y above the x-axis are positive and below the
x - axis are negative

146 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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3.3.1 The four quadrants of the Cartesian

coordinate plane
The Cartesian plane is sometimes called the xy- plane or the coordi-
nate plane. The x-axis and the y –axis divide the coordinate plane in
to four parts. They are called the quadrants. First quadrant (quadrant
I), the second quadrant (Quadrant II), the third quadrant (Quadrant
III) and the fourth quadrant (quadrant IV).
Quadrants and signs of value in each quadrant.
⧪ O is the origin.
⧪ In quadrant I both x and y values are positive
⧪ In quadrant II value of x is negative and value of y is positive
⧪ In quadrant III values of both x and y are negative
⧪ In quadrant IV the value of x is positive and the value of y is

Example 15
The point (3, 4) lie in quadrant I because both x and y are positive.
In the coordinate (3, 4) the value of x is the first component, which is

Unit 3 | Linear equations 147

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3, and the value of y is the second component which is 4.

Example 16
The point (-4, 3) lie in second quadrant
(-5, -2) lie in third quadrant and
(3, -6) lie in fourth quadrant
Plotting points on the coordinate plane.
Any point P(a, b) has a specific place on coordinate axes. To plot it in
a coordinate axes we follow the following steps.
i. Draw the xy - plane
ii. Write the corresponding values of x and y on the axes
iii. Draw vertical line which pass through the point a
iv. Draw horizontal line which passes through b
v. Determine the intersection point of the two lines.
Therefore, the intersection point is the place of the point P(a,b) on the
coordinate axes.

148 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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⧪ The vertical or horizontal lines you draw for such

case should be broken (dot lines)
Remark: ⧪ After you adapt how to plot numbers on a num-
ber line, no need of drawing such vertical or hor-
izontal lines to plot on the number line.

Example 17
Determine the quadrant of each of the following points and plot the
points on the coordinate plane.
(-2, 4), (3, -1), (-1, 0),(1, 2) and (-3, 5)
i. (-2, 4) lie in quadrant II
ii. (3, -1) lie in quadrant IV
iii. (-1, 0) lie on x-axis.
iv. (1, 2) lie in quadrant I
v. (-3, -5) lie in quadrant III

Group work 3.5

The coordinates of the corners of a shape are
A(2,4), B(4,1), C(2,-2), D(-2,-2), E(-4,1) and F(-2,4).
a. Draw the shape
b. What is name the shape formed?

Unit 3 | Linear equations 149

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3.3.2 Coordinates and straight line

Activity 3.3
1. Which of the following ordered pairs not satisfy the equation
2x+y = 0?
a. (-1,2) b. (2,1) c. (1,3) d. (0,0)
2. Complete the table given below for y =2x
x -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
3. Plot the points in question 2 using coordinate axis and join

The expression y = mx is called a function where x and y are variables

and m is a constant. The constant m is the coefficient of x and it is
called the slope of the line y = mx.
♦ Slope of a line is a measure of its steepness.
♦ Mathematically, slope is calculated as “rise over run”
(change in y divided by change in x).
Let p1 (x1, y1) and p2 (x2, y2) be two points on a line, then the slope of
the line is given by

150 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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Example 18
Find the slope of a line, which passes through the following points.
a. A (4,5) and B (2,3)
b. A (-1,2) and B (-6,2)
a. The slope of a line which passes through point A and B is

b. The slope of a line which passes through pint A and B is

Example 19
Slope of the line y = 2x is 2 and slope of the line y =-4x is -4.
Sketching the graph of a line y = mx
To sketch graph of the line y = mx follow the steps given below.
i. Take some values of x and calculate for y
ii. Plot the points on the coordinate plane
iii. Join the points, and then make the straight line.
Example 20
Draw the graph of the line y = x
x -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
y -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

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Example 21
Draw the graph of y = 3x
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
y -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 12

152 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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The line y = b is a horizontal line which passes through (0, b)
The line x = a is a vertical line which passes through (a, 0)
In y = b, for every value of x the value of y is b.
The function y = b is called constant function.
Example 22
Sketch the graph of y = 4 y=4
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

y = 4 is a horizontal line which crosses y-axis at 4

Example 23
Sketch the graph of the line x = 3
Solution 3

x 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 x=3
y -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
The line x =3 is a vertical line which crosses the x-axis at 3
In general, the line y = b is a horizontal line and the line x=b is a ver-
tical line.

Group work 3.6

1. Sketch the graphs of y = 0 and x = 0 using different coordinates.

Which axis is x = 0? Which axis is y = 0?
Unit 3 | Linear equations 153
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2. What is the slope of y = mx when m = 0? What is slope of a hori-

zontal line? What is slope of a vertical line?


1. Determine the quadrants of each of the following points

a. (5,-6) c. (-9,-1) e. (3,0)
b. (-2,8) d. (0,0) f. (0,7)
2. Looking at the signs describe the quadrants
a. (-, -) b. (-, +) c. (+, -) d. (+, +)
3. Write down the coordinates of each of the points marked on the
figure below.

4. Determine the slope of each of the following functions:

a. y = 4x c. y=3 e. x=2
b. y = -11x d. y=0

154 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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5. What is the slope of the line passing through the points P(2,4)
and Q(-3,2)
6. Each set of points listed on a and b below lie on straight line.
a. (1, 4), (3,12), (-2,8)
b. (-6, 12), (-4, 8), (-2, 4), (2,-4). Then
i. Plot the points on coordinate plane
ii. Draw the line
iii. Compute the relationship between the x and y-components
iv. In each case, does the line pass through the origin? Give

3.4 Application of linear equations.

Application of linear equation simplifies the process of solving re-
al-world problems. This is done by using letters to represent un-
knowns, restating problems in the form of equations, and offering
systematic techniques for solving those equations. In our day to day
activities we use the idea of linear equation however we do not con-
sider whether it is linear equation or not. For example, in selling or
buying items, we apply it. In this sub-topic, you will learn working
with one of the most important tools of mathematics, the equation.
The ability to recognize and solve for variables types of equations is
probably the most useful algebraic skill you will learn
In this sub topic, mostly we focus on solving word problems of linear

Unit 3 | Linear equations 155

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To solve word problems we should consider the following strategies.

i. Read the problem carefully several times if necessary until
you understand the problem; know what is required and
what is given.
ii. Represent one of the unknown quantity by variable, say x,
and write the other unknowns in terms of x. This is transla-
tion from words to mathematical expression.
iii. Form an equation relating the known quantities to the un-
known quantities.
iv. Solve the equation and write answers to all unknowns.
v. Check the answers by substituting to the original problem.

Activity 3.4
If Furra go to shop and buy 20 eggs and 3kg of sugar for Birr 180.
Price of a kilogram of sugar is Birr 20. What is a price of an egg?
The sum of two numbers is 60. One number is twice another. Find the
Let one of the numbers be x. The other is twice of x, that is 2x
The sum the numbers is 60
x + 2x = 60
3x = 60
x=20 (solving for x)
156 Unit 3 | Linear equations
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The other number is 2(20) = 40

Check: The sum of the numbers is 20+40 = 60-------------correct
40 is twice of 20 ------------again correct.
Therefore, the numbers are 20 and 40
Aman cuts 65cm wood so that one piece is 5cm more than four times
the other. What are the lengths of the two pieces of wood?
Let length of the smaller piece is x. Then, length of the larger piece
is 4x + 5
Sum of the two pieces = 65cm
x + 4x + 5 = 65cm
5x + 5 = 65cm
5x = 60cm
x = 12cm
The larger piece = 4(12) +5 = 48+5 = 53cm
Check: 53cm +12cm = 65cm.
Therefore, length of the smaller piece is 12cm and length of the larger
piece is 53cm.
Find the four consecutive even integers such that the sum of the first
three exceeds the fourth by 8

Unit 3 | Linear equations 157

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Let the first even integer is x, then the second is x+2, the third is x+4,
and the fourth is x+6.
The sum of the first three is x+x+2+x+4 = 3x +6
The sum of the first three exceeds the fourth by 8.
This implies 3x + 6 = x+6 +8
3x + 6 = x +14
3x-x = 14 – 6 ----------rearranging like terms
2x = 8
x=4 --------- solving for x
The numbers are 4, 6, 8 and 10
Sum of the first three is 4 + 6 + 8 = 18 but the fourth is 10, 18 is 8
more than 10.
Therefore, the numbers are 4, 6, 8, and 10
The daughter is one-fourth her father’s age at present. If after five
years, the daughter becomes one-third of her father’s age. Then cal-
culate their present ages.
Let age of the father is F and age of the daughter is D.
. From this we get F = 4D

158 Unit 3 | Linear equations

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After five years, age of the daughter will be D + 5 and age of her fa-
ther will be F + 5.
After five years, . From this we get 3(D+5) = F+5
3(D +5) = F +5
3D + 15 = F + 5, but in the above equation F = 4D
Then 3D + 15 = 4D + 5
15 – 5 = 4D – 3D
D = 10
F = 4D, substituting D = 10
F = 4(10)
F = 40
Therefore, age of the daughter is 10 years and age of her Father is 40

Group work 3.7

Find a number such that 10 less than two-thirds the number is one-
fourth of the number.


1. The sales price on a camera after a 20% discount is Birr 2000.

What was the price of the camera before the discount?

Unit 3 | Linear equations 159

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. The present age of a mother is 15 more than four times her

daughter’s age. The sum of their ages 65. Find their ages.
3. Fertilizer is applied at the rate of 30 grams per square meter.
Find the area cover by 270 grams of fertilizer.
4. The number of boys and girls in a class are in the ratio 7:5. The
number of boys is 8 more than the number of girls. What is the
total number of students?
Challenge problem
5. The digits of a two-digit number differ by 3. If the digits are
interchanged, and the resulting number is added to the original
number, we get 143. What can be the original number?

Key terms
♠ Algebraic expressions ♠ Multinomial
♠ Variables ♠ Linear equation
♠ Like terms ♠ Cartesian coordinate
♠ Unlike terms ♠ The slope of a line
♠ Constant terms ♠ Quadrants
♠ Monomial
♠ Binomial
♠ Trinomial

160 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Unit summary
♦ An algebraic expression is one or more mathematical terms con-
taining variables and constants connected by mathematical oper-
♦ Variables are letters or symbols that represents unknown value in
mathematical expressions.
♦ Coefficients are the number part of the terms that multiply a vari-
able or power of the variables.
♦ Constants are the terms or elements that are represented only by
numbers without a variable
♦ Term is a constant number, a variable or product of a number and
a variable.
♦ Like terms are terms, whose variables are the same and whose
exponents of the variables are equal.
♦ Unlike terms are terms which are not like terms.
♦ An algebraic expressions containing:
⧪ One term is called monomial.
⧪ Two term is called binomial.
⧪ Three term is called trinomial.
⧪ Many terms are called multinomial.
♦ Steps should be followed in simplifying algebraic expressions:
Step 1: Remove the bracket if any
Step2: Collect like terms

Unit 3 | Linear equations 161

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Step3: Perform any of the operation

Step4: Write in simplest form
♦ An algebraic expression to the left and right side which are joined
by the ‘equal’ sign is called an equation.
♦ Any equation that can be written in the form ax+b = 0,(a≠0)where
a and b are numbers and x is a variable is called a linear or first
degree equation in one variable.
♦ The highest power of the variable in linear equation is 1.
♦ For a,b and c are numbers;
⧪ If a = b then, a+c = b + c ( addition property of equation)
⧪ If a = b then, a-c = b-c ( subtraction property of equation)
⧪ If a = b then, ac = bc (multiplication property of equation )
⧪ If a = b then, ( for c≠0 ) ( division property of
♦ Linear equation may have one solution, no solution or infinitely
many solutions.
♦ Key words used to translate word problems into algebraic expres-
Key words Translation
Sum, increased by, more than, plus, added to, total +
Difference ,decreased by, subtracted from, less, minus -
Product, multiplied by, of, times, twice ×
Quotient, divided by, ratio, per ÷ or /
Is, total, result =

162 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ The Cartesian plane is called the xy- plane or the coordinate plane.
♦ In ordered pairs (a,b) the first component indicates the values of x
and the second component indicates the values of y.
For example, in (-3, 4), -3 is the value of x and 4 is the value of y
♦ The x-axis and the y-axis divide the coordinate plane in to four
⧪ In quadrant I both x and y values are positive.
⧪ In quadrant II x value is negative and y value is positive.
⧪ In quadrant III both x and y values are negative
⧪ In quadrant IV, x is positive and y is negative.
♦ In the linear equation y=mx,m is the slope of the line and its graph
passes through the origin.
♦ The slop of the line is given by change in y divided by change in
x. That is if p1 (x1, y1) and p2 (x2, y2) be two points on a line, then
the slop of the line is given by;
♦ For b is any constant number, the line y = b is a horizontal line
and the line x = b is a vertical line.
♦ The graph of y = 0 is the x-axis and x = 0 is the y -axis

Unit 3 | Linear equations 163

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Review Exercise:
1. In the algebraic expression -2x2 y + 3xyz + 2x - y find;
a. The coefficient of x2y d. The coefficient of y
b. The coefficient of xyz e. The constant term
c. The coefficient of x
f. Number of terms in the given algebraic expression
2. Simplify each of the following algebraic expressions.
a. 2xy + 5y-(8xy - 2y) + 3xy
b. 0.5ab - 3.4ab + 4 - 0.4ab - ab
c. x2y3z+y3 zx2
d. xy-3yz+z
e. -10z+3(x+y+z)-3y+5z-(x+y)
f. b2 c-5ac+4ab-(b2 c-(b2 c-2ac)-b2c-2ab)
3. Translate the following into an algebraic expression.
a. Ten more than a number.
b. Three less than 4 times a number.
c. The quotient of a number and 12.
d. 12 times the sum of a number and 3.
e. The sum of a number and 3 is subtracted from 10 the result
is 5.
f. 9 is subtracted from 13 times the sum of a number and 4, the
result is -13.

164 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4. Solve the following linear equations.

a. 3x+17=7-2x b. 5(1-2x)+4(1-x)=2x-6

5. The points with coordinates (-6, -3),(2,1),(4,2),and(6,3) lie on a

straight line.
a. Compute the missing numbers in the coordinates of other
points that lie on the line
(7, ___), (___, -1), (3, ___), (___, 4), (100, ___)
b. Describe the relationship between the x-and y-coordinates.
c. Will the points with coordinates (24,12) lie on the line? Give
a reason for your answer.
d. Sketch the graph based on the given ordered pairs.
6. Draw the vertical or the horizontal line on the same coordinate
a. x = 3 b. x = 0 c. y = -3 d. y = 0
7. Draw the graph of the function y =7x on coordinate plane.
8. A shape has corners at the points with coordinates (3,-2), (4,2),
(-2,2), and (-3, -2).
a. Draw the shape
b. What is the name of the shape?

Unit 3 | Linear equations 165

Gread 7 | Mathematics

9. Two numbers add up 589 and the first is 199 bigger than the sec-
ond is. What are the two numbers?
10. What should be added twice to the number 35 in order to get
11. There is a narrow rectangular plot reserved for school in Bushulo
village in Hawassa. The length and width of the plot are in the
ratio 11: 4. At the rate 100 birr perimeter, it will cost 7500 birr to
fence the plot. What are the dimensions of the plot?
12. Rahel’s age is 3 times her son’s age. Ten years ago, she was five
times her son’s age. Find their present age.
13. According to working plan of a certain development agency
1800 different type of trees are planted in three consecutive
years. The number of trees planted in the second year is twice of
the first and number of trees planted in the third year is of the
second year. How many trees are planted in each year?
14. A man created a triangular botanic garden such that the largest
side is 6meter less than twice the smallest and the medium side
is 5meter larger than the smallest side. If the total perimeter of
the botanic garden is 47meter, what are the lengths of the three
15. If the average daily temperature in Hawassa city is 27 0C. What is
th city’s average daily temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

166 Unit 3 | Linear equations

Gread 7 | Mathematics


Unit Outcomes

After completing this unit , you should be able to:

► Classify different kinds of angles
► Construct and describe properties of four-sided
► Find the perimeter of triangle, parallelogram, trape-
zium, rhombus, and composed figures.
► Derive formula for area of triangle, parallelograms,
trapezium and rhombus
► Calculate areas of triangle, parallelograms, trapezi-
um and rhombus
► Apply the concept of area and perimeter of plane
figures in solving real life problem

Main contents of the unit

4.1 Revision of triangles
4.2 Four-sided figures
4.3 The perimeters and areas of four-sided figures

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 167

Gread 7 | Mathematics

. 4.4 Perimeter and Areas of triangles

4.5 Applications
Key terms
Unit summary
Review exercises

In early grades, you have learned about angles, triangles, four
sided figures and computing area and perimeters of squares and
rectangles. In this unit, you will learn how to construct four-sided
figures and describe their properties, how to find area and perim-
eter of triangles, perimeter and area of four sided figures and their
applications in real life situation.

4.1. Revision of triangles

4.1.1 Types of angles.

Activity 4.1
1. A farmer used 300m long material to fence his field that has the
shape given in figure below in which the two opposite sides are
parallel. The longest side of the field is100m. What is the length
of the side denoted by x?

168 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Describe the following angles

a. Acute angle e. Reflex angle
b. Right angle f. Supplementary angles
c. Obtuse angle g. Complimentary angles
d. Straight angle h. adjacent angles

Adjacent angles: Two angles, θ and β, are said to be adjacent
angles if they have common vertex, a common side and have no
common interior point.

Angles θ and β are adjacent angles

θ = < AOB and β = < BOC

Vertically opposite angles: Two angles are said to be vertically
opposite angles if two intersecting lines form them and one lies
on opposite side of the other.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 169

Gread 7 | Mathematics

+AOB and +DOC are vertically oppo-

site angles
+AOD and +BOC are vertically oppo-
site angles
When two lines intersect at a point, they form two pair of vertically
opposite angles.

Vertically opposite angles are congruent.

Exercise 4.1

1. Classify each angle measure as acute, right, obtuse or reflex.

a. 980 c. 1980 e. 700
b. 1340 d. 900
2. Find the supplementary angle of each angle
a. 1050 b. 870 c. 900
3. Find the complementary angle of each angle.
a. 560 b. 760

170 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

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4.1.2. Classifications of triangles.

Triangles are classified depending on their sides and angles
A. Classification of triangles depending on their sides
I. Scalene triangle
II. Isosceles triangle
III. Equilateral triangle

I. Scalene triangle is a triangle in which all of its sides have

different lengths.
II. Isosceles triangle is a triangle in which two of its sides
have equal length.
III. Equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all of its sides are
The following are examples of the three types of triangles

B. Classification of triangles depending on their angles

I. Acute angle triangle
II. Obtuse triangle
III. Right angle triangle

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 171

Gread 7 | Mathematics

I. Acute triangle is a triangle in which each of its interior

angle is less than 900
II. Obtuse triangle is a triangle in which one of its angle is
greater than 900
III. Right triangle is a triangle in which one of its angle is a
right angle.

♦ Base: In a triangle, any one of the three sides can be desig-
nated as a base and a segment perpendicular to it from the
opposite vertex is its altitude.
♦ Vertex angle: the angle opposite to the base is the vertex
♦ Altitude: An altitude of a triangle is a line drawn from any
vertex perpendicular to the opposite side
♦ Hypotenuse: is the side opposite to the right angle of
right-angled triangle

172 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

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For a right angle triangle, height (altitude) and the base sides
are said to be the legs of the triangle.

Properties of equilateral triangle and isosceles triangles.

1. Equilateral triangle
A triangle is said to be equilateral if all of its
sides are equal and each of its angle measure 600

is 600.
600 600

∆ABC is an equilateral triangle.

AB = BC = AC
+ABC = +ACB = +BAC = 600.
Properties of an equilateral triangle
♦ Any segment drawn from one of its vertex to the opposite side is
considered as an altitude.
♦ Altitude of an equilateral triangle perpendicularly bisects the base
♦ Altitude of an equilateral triangle bisects the vertex angle.
♦ Triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle.
♦ h(BD) is the altitude
♦ AC is the base side, B is considered as
a vertex.
♦ An equilateral triangle has three vertices.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 173

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⧪ AD = CD = AC
⧪ +ABD = +CBD = 300
2. Isosceles triangle
A triangle is said to be an isosceles triangle if two of its sides are
equal or any two of its angle are equal.

Triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle.

⧪ AC = BC ---- congruent sides of the triangle
⧪ C is the vertex
⧪ An isosceles triangle has only one vertex and it is opposite to
the base side.
⧪ AB is the base side
⧪ +A and +B are base angles.
⧪ Base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent.
⧪ Altitude of an isosceles triangle perpendicularly bisects the
base side.
⧪ An altitude from the vertex of an isosceles triangle bisects
vertex angle.

174 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Group work 4.1

Discuss whether the following statements are correct or not.

a. All equilateral triangles are isosceles triangles
b. All Isosceles triangles are equilateral triangles
c. If a triangle is equilateral, then all of its angles are acute
d. Right-angled triangle has two acute angles
e. Equilateral triangles are scalene triangles.

4.1.3 Properties of triangles

♦ The sum of the degree measures of interior angles of any triangle
is 1800.
♦ The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is always
greater than the length of the third side. That is,
a + c > b,
b + c > a , and

Activity 4.2
1. Given ∆ABC, which one of the following three angles can be
the possible angle measures of triangle ABC? Which are not?
Discuss with your friends
a. 700, 800, 300 b. 450, 600, 500 c. 600, 300, 1000

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 175

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Which one of the following triplets of numbers can be the sides

of a triangle? Discuss
a. 3,5,9 b. 2,3,6 c. 4,5,7
d. 3,4,8 e. 5, 12, 13

For any triangle ABC
♦ An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two
opposite interior angles
♦ In any triangle the longest side is opposite to the largest
angle and shortest side is opposite to the smallest angle of
the triangle

X = b +c
Y=a+c b
Z=a+b a c

Exercise 4.2

1. Determine whether the following triplets of numbers are wheth-

er lengths of the sides of a triangle or not.
a. 5cm, 6cm, 9cm c. 12cm, 4cm, 7cm
b. 3cm, 2cm, 8cm d. 19cm, 27cm, 38cm
2. Classify the following triangles as scalene, isosceles and equilat-
eral depending on their sides

176 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

3. Classify the following triangles depending on their angles as

acute, obtuse or right angled triangle.

4. If two angles of a triangle are 600 and 700. Find the third angle.
5. If ∆ABC is an isosceles triangle and one of its angles is 900,then
find the other two equal angles?
6. In ∆PQR, angle PQR= 45°, and angle QPR = 72°.Calculate the
measure of the exterior angle at R.

7. Find the sum of x and y and

describe z in terms of x and y.

8. Given triangle ABC to the right, determine

a. The longest side of ∆ABC
b. The shortest side of ∆ABC

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 177

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4.2 Four Sided Figures

4.2.1 Quadrilaterals
The word ‘Quadrilateral’ is derived from a Latin word, in which,
‘Quadra’ means four and ‘Latus’ means sides.
A quadrilateral is a four-sided geometric figure bounded by line

♦ A quadrilateral has four sides, four angles and four verti-
♦ All four sides of a quadrilateral may or may not be equal.

Group work 4.2

Discuss the following key terms with groups.

Using the figure given to the right, determine:
a. All its vertices
b. All the interior angles.
c. All its sides
d. All pair of opposite sides.
e. The number of all possible diagonals that
can be drawn from all its vertices.
f. Adjacent sides and adjacent angles

178 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ The quadrilateral given below named using any one of the
following form: ABCD, BCDA, ADCB or DCBA. Do not
name it as ACBD or DBAC.
♦ Quadrilateral ABCD has four sides: AB, BC, CD, AD and
four angles, +A, +B,+Cand +D.

♦ The point A, B,C and D are vertices of the quadrilateral.

♦ Adjacent sides of a quadrilateral are sides that have a com-
mon vertex.
♦ AD and DC, AB and BC, DC and CB, AB and AD are pairs
of adjacent sides.
♦ Opposite sides are sides that have no common point.
♦ AD and BC, AB and DC are pairs of opposite sides
♦ A diagonal is a line segment that connects two opposite
♦ AC and BD are diagonals of the quadrilateral
♦ The interior angles of a quadrilateral are angles that are ly-
ing inside of the quadrilateral and formed by adjacent sides
of the quadrilateral.
♦ Any quadrilateral has four interior angles.
♦ The sum of all interior angles of any quadrilateral is 3600

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 179

Gread 7 | Mathematics

The figure below clarifies about interior and exterior angles of a quad-

Exercise 4.3

1. For each of the following polygons, determine

a. Name of the quadrilateral
b. All possible diagonals
c. All interior angles
a. .b
d. Pairs of adjacent sides
e. Pairs of adjacent angles
f. Pairs of opposite sides c. .d

g. Pairs of opposite angles

a. .b
2. What is parallelogram? Can you write its properties? Discuss.

180 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4.2.2 Types of Quadrilateral

Although a quadrilateral always has four sides, four angles, and four
vertices, the measures of the sides and angles differ. There are six
types of quadrilaterals, these are:
1. Trapezium 4. Square
2. Parallelogram 5. Rhombus kite
3. Rectangle 6. Kite
Construction and properties of parallelogram.

Group work 4.3

1. Using ruler, protractor and pair of compasses, construct a paral-

lelogram DEFG with DE = 6cm, EF = 4cm, m(+D) = 650
Step 1. Draw a line segment DE =6cm
Step2. Construct m( +GDE) = 650 starting from D and
m( +DEF) = 1150
Starting from E.
Step 3. Mark point F such that EF = 4cm
Step 4. Join points F and G using ruler. Then, DEFG is the re-
quired parallelogram.
2. Using ruler measure the sides FG and DG and using protractor
measure angles (+EFG) and (+DGF) of the parallelogram con-
structed in question one. Which pairs have equal length?

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 181

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Write your conclusion about pairs of opposite sides and pairs of

its opposite angles.
3. Using the applications GSP (geometry sketchpad) and
GeoGebra, sketch the parallelogram with the sides given in ques-

Parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which pairs of its opposite
sides are parallel and congruent.

In a parallelogram ABCD
I. AB and DC are parallel and AD and BC are parallel
i.e. AB // DC and AD//BC
II. AB and DC are equal and AD and BC are equal
III. Pair of its opposite angles are equal
i.e. m(+ABC) = m(<CDA) and
m(+DAB) = m(+BCD)
IV. Adjacent angles of a parallelogram
are supplementary.

Two angles of a quadrilateral are called adjacent angles, if
they have a common side as an arm.

182 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Activity 4.3
Write pairs of supplementary angles of the parallelogram ABCD
given above.

Properties of parallelogram
♦ The opposite sides of a parallelo-
gram are equal
♦ The opposite angles of a parallel-
ogram are equal
♦ The adjacent angles of a parallel-
ogram are supplementary
♦ The diagonals of a parallelogram
bisect each other

Bisect means divide in to two equal parts.

Construction of trapezium
To construct a trapezium we need four independent information.
a. Three sides and one diagonal
b. Three sides and one angle
c. Two sides and two angles
d. Four sides.
Example: Draw a trapezium EFGH in which EF is parallel to GH, EF
= 10cm, FG = 5cm, EG = 8cm and GH = 6cm.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 183

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Step1: Draw a rough trapezium

EFGH and mark the given mea-

Step2: Draw EF = 10 cm as a
base line using ruler

Step3: Using protractor with

E and F as center draw arcs of
radius 8cm and 5cm respectively.
Mark the intersection point G.

Step4: Join EG and FG using ruler.

Step 5: Draw ray GX parallel to EF

using ruler

Step 6: Using G as a center and ra-

dius 6cm draw an arc cutting GX
at H

Step 7: Join E and H

Therefore, EFGH is the required trapezium

184 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Group work4.4

Following the steps in each case, sketch the quadrilaterals. Use the
instruments ruler, compasses and protractor for your work.
a. Trapezium ABCD:
AB // CD, AB = 6cm, BC = 4, m (+A) = 700 and m (+B)=800
Step 1: Draw a line segment (AB) ̅ = 6cm
Step 2: Construct m (+DAB) = 700 and (+ABC) = 800 starting from
A and B respectively
Step 3: Mark point C on the side of < B such that interior angle at BC
= 4cm
Step4: Draw a line through C and parallel to AB so that it intersects
the side of +A at point D
b. Parallelogram
Construct a parallelogram DEFG with DE = 6cm, EF = 4cm,
+D = 650. Using
I. Ruler, protractor and pair of compasses
II. Using Geometry sketchpad(GSP)
I. Use the following steps
i. Draw line segment DE = 6cm
ii. Construct +GDE = 650 and +DEF = 1150
iii. Mark point F such that EF = 4cm

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 185

Gread 7 | Mathematics

iv. Construct m(+EFG) whose measure is 650, where G is

the intersection of DG and FG, then DEFG is the required
II. Using Geometry sketchpad(GSP)

Properties of quadrilaterals
1. Rectangle

A rectangle is a parallelogram in which all its angles are right

Properties of Rectangle
I. Pairs of opposite sides of a rectangle are congruent and
II. All angles of a rectangle are right angles.
III. The diagonal of a rectangle are equal in length and bisect
each other.
♦ Rectangle has all properties of parallelogram
♦ Rectangle is a parallelogram
♦ A quadrilateral with congruent diagonals is not necessarily
a rectangle.

186 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Square

Square is a rectangle in which all of its sides are congruent.

Properties of square
All the sides of a square are equal and pairs of opposite sides are par-
allel. That is,
= BC = CD = DA and AB || CD and BC || AD
⧪ All the angles of a square are right angles.
⧪ That is, m(+A) =(+B) =m(+C) =m(+D) = 900
⧪ The diagonals of a square are equal (congruent) and perpen-
dicularly bisect each other. That is AC = BD , AC BD
and AE = EC= BE = ED

⧪ The diagonal of a square bisect the angles at the ver-
⧪ Square is a rectangle

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 187

Gread 7 | Mathematics

3. Rhombus

Rhombus is a Parallelogram in which all of its sides are equal
and pairs of opposite sides are parallel.

Properties of rhombus:
♦ All sides of a rhombus are equal (congruent).
That is, EH = HG = GF = FE
♦ Opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel.
That is EF || GH and EH || FG
♦ Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.
♦ Diagonal of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other
♦ Adjacent angles of a rhombus are supplementary.
Rhombus is a parallelogram

4. Trapezium
A trapezium a special type of quadrilateral in which exactly one pair
of opposite sides are parallel.

188 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

The parallel sides of the trapezium are called the bases of the trape-
⧪ The distance between the bases is known as the height (or
altitude) of the trapezium.
⧪ Adjacent angles of a trapezium are supplementary.
If non-parallel sides of a trapezium are congruent then the
trapezium is called an isosceles trapezium.

5. Kite

A kite is a quadrilateral in which
two pair of adjacent sides are equal.

Properties of kite
♦ Two pair of adjacent sides are equal. That is, AB = BC and

♦ The diagonals of a kite are perpendicular to each other.

♦ The longer diagonal bisects the shorter diagonal.
That is AE = CE

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 189

Gread 7 | Mathematics

⧪ Two angles of a kite where unequal sides meet are equal.

Construct a kite ABCD, using ruler, protractor and pair of compasses.
Given that AB = AD =4cm, BC = DC =7cm and m(+ABC)
=1100 and m(+ABC))=480.

Step1: Draw AD = 4cm.

Step2: Draw BC = DC =7cm

and m (+ADC) = 1100

Group work 4.5

Construct a kite ABCD using the information given below and the
instruments ruler, protractor and pair of compasses in each case.
a. AB = AD =3cm, BC = 6cm and m (+ABC) =1200.

b. AB = 3cm, BC = , CD = 5cm,m (+ABC) = 1010 and m

(+BCD) =590.
In the Figure below,ABCD is a square. CO intersects DB at E. If
the measure of +DEC =600, then find the measure of +AOC

190 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Since each angle of a square is bisected by a diagonal,
m (+ABD) = (900) = 450
m (+BEO) =m(+DEC) = 600….. vertically opposite angle.
Thus, m (+BOE) + (+OEB) + m(EBO) =1800 ….sum of interior
m (+BOE) + 600 + 450 =1800…. Substitution
m (+BOE) = 1800 -1050
m (+BOE) = 750
Now, m (+AOC) +m(+BOE) =1800…. Supplementary angles.
m (+AOC) + 750 = 1800
m (+AOC) = 1050
Alternatively, m (+AOE) = m (+OEB) + m (+OBE)
Example 3
In the Figure below, EFGH is a rhombus if m(+E)=800.
Then find m(+G ).

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 191

Gread 7 | Mathematics

By property of a rhombus, its opposite angles are congruent.
Therefore, m (+E ) =m (+G) = 800
In the figure below, ABCD is a
square. Find the measure of +DBC

Using property of square, diagonals of square bisect the vertex an-
gles. Therefore, m ( +DBC) = = 450
Example 5
In Figure ABCD to the right is a kite, if m (+ABC)
=1200 and m(+BCD) = 370. Find m (+BAD).
Given: m (+ABC) =1200 and m(+BCD) = 370
Required: m (+BAD) = ?
m (+ABC) = m (+ADC) = 1200 …. One pair of opposite angles
are equal.

192 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

m (+DAB) + m(+ABC) +m(+BCD) +m(+CDA) =3600 …. Sum

of interior angle of a quadrilateral.
m (+BAD)+ 120 + 370 + 1200 = 3600 ……. Substitutions.
2770 + m (+BAD) = 3600
m (+BAD) = 830

Exercise 4.4

1. In Figure below, DEFG is a parallelogram.

Find the measure of +D, +F and +G

2. In Figure below, DEFG is parallelogram.

If the diagonals DF and EG intersect at
point O and OD = 4cm. Find the lengthof
DF .

3. In Figure below DEFG is a parallelogram withm (+EDG ) = 430.

A line through G meets EF at H and m (+FHG)= 580. Then
a. m(+HFG)
b. m(+FGH)
c. m(+DEF)

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 193

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4. Find the value of x and y in parallelo-

gram DEFG: Then find OD, EO, FO and

5. Find the unknown marked angles. ABCD and LMNO are par-

4.3. Perimeter and area of four-sided figures

The purpose of this section is solving problems involving perimeter
and area of four-sided figure.

Perimeter is the length of the boundary of a closed figure.

Area of a closed figure is the region enclosed by the sides of the

Number of square units inside that closed figure gives the
area of a closed figure

194 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4.3.1 Area and perimeter of the parallelogram.

Activity 4.4
1. The surface of a floor of a house has rectangular shape. The
dimension of the floor is 10m by 5m. A person wishes to cover
the floor by plastic. If the cost of 1m2 plasticis birr 50 find the
total cost needed.
2. If Jemal wants to fence one of the rectangular shapes of land.
Which one of the two rectangles needs the smallest fencing
material? a or b? why?

a. . b
3. Find the area and perimeter of the two figures below and com-
pare their areas and perimeters. What do you understand from

a. .b

A rectangle is quadrilateral in which the opposite sides are par-
allel and all angles are equal.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 195

Gread 7 | Mathematics

The area (A) of rectangle is the product of its length (l) and
width (w)
Area= length×width
A= l×w

The perimeter (P) of a rectangle with length (l) and width (w)
is equal to two times the length (l) plus two times the width (w)
Perimeter =(2l+2w)
P = 2(l+w)

Group Work 4.6

Make a parallelogram ABCD with dimension AB= 2cm and BC =

4cm using paper. Do the activities below following the instructions
Draw a line AE that is perpendicular to DC
Cut out the triangle AED and connect it to the line BC
Such that AD and BC coincides.

a. .b

196 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. What kind of quadrilateral is formed?

b. What is the area of the figure formed?
c. What is the area of the parallelogram?
1. Given parallelogram ABCD with CD=base (b) and AE =
height (h) (AE is a line perpendicular to CD, is known as
a height of a parallelogram)
2. The area (A) is equal to the product of its base (b) and
height (h). It is given by Area (A) = DC × AE = b×h
If the length of the sides of a par-
allelogram ABCDare a and b, then
perimeter P of the parallelogram
ABCD is given by

Given a parallelogramPQRS ifSR 5cm ,PH = 4cm andQR= 6cm, then
a. The area of the parallelogram PQRS
b. The perimeter of the parallelogram PQRS

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 197

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. GivenSR=5cmand PH=4cm, where SR = b and PH = h
A=5cm×4cm = 20cm2
b. P = PQ + QR + SR + SP
P = 5cm + 6cm + 5cm + 6c m
= 5cm + 5cm + 6cm + 6cm
P =2×5cm + 2×6cm = 22cm

Exercise 4.5

Solve the following problems using the formulas of area and perime-
ter of parallelogram.
1. In the parallelogram PQRS given below, PQ = 4cm, PS = 6cm
and PH = 2cm
a. Find the area of a parallelogram ABCD
b. Find the perimeter of parallelogram

2. The area of parallelogram is 40cm2 and the base is8cm find

height of a parallelogram
3. Find the perimeter of parallelogram whose sides are 6cm and-
4. The perimeter of a parallelogram ABCD is 48cm and AB = 9cm.
Find the adjacent side of AB.

198 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4.3.2. The area and perimeter of trapezium

Group work 4.7

1. Define a trapezium
2. Drive the formula for perimeter of a trapezium
3. Revise the properties of a trapezium
4. Make trapezium using paper with parallel side AB = b1 and
DC = b2 and non-parallel sides AD and BC

Step1: Draw a line BE and AF which are perpendicular to CD,

Step2: Cut out triangles ∆EBC and ∆AFD
Step3: Connect the pieces together such that BC and DA coincides.
I. What two shapes are formed ?
II. What is the area of each shape?
III. Show that the area of trapezium ABCD is given by
A = AF(AB + CD) = (b1 + b2) h, h = AF

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 199

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Trapezium is special type of quadrilateral in which one pair of
opposite sides are parallel.

⧪ AB and DC are parallel sides of trapezium ABCD
⧪ AD and BC are the non-parallel sides of trapezium
ABCD and they are called legs of the trapezium
⧪ b1 and b2 are bases of trapezium ABCD
⧪ h is the height of a trapezium which is perpendicular
to the base
Then the area A of the a trapezium is given by
A= (b1 + b2 )h
The perimeter p of the trapezium is given by
P = b1+b2+ d + e
Kebede needs to know the area and perimeter of his field whose shape
is a trapezium with legs are 50m and 60m and parallel sides 100m and
130m with height 50m. Calculate the perimeter and area of the field.

200 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. A= (b1+b2)h
A= (100+130)m×50m
A= 115 m2
b. P = (50+60+130+100)m
P = 340m

Exercise: 4.6

1. Trapezium ABCD, with AB || CD is given as shown in the fig-

ure below. If DC = 6cm, AD = 8cm, AB = 4cm, CB = 8Cm
a. Find the area of the trapezium
b. The perimeter of the trapezium

2. The area of a trapezium is 60 cm2 and the bases are12 cm and18

cm. Find the height of the trapezium.
3. A trapezium has legs 20 cm and 30 cm and length of parallel
sides 15 cm and 18 cm. Calculate the perimeter of the trapezium.
4. The area of trapezium is 70 cm2.If one of the parallel sides is 5cm
and the height is 7cm long, then find the lengths of the other
parallel side.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 201

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4.3.3 Area and perimeter of Rhombus

Group work4.8

1. Revise the properties of rhombus.

I. Make a rhombus ABCD with side length of 5 cm using
II. Draw diagonal AC = d1and BD = d2
III. Cut along the diagonal AC
a. What are the two shapes formed?
b. How do you compare the two shapes?
c. What is the area of each shape formed?
d. What is the area of the rhombus?
2. Drive the formula for perimeter of a rhombus
⧪ The perimeter and area of rhombus ABCD whose side
is s unitand the diagonals d1 and d2 is given by
P(perimeter) =AB+BC+CD+DA = s + s + s + s = 4s
⧪ The area (A)of rhombus is half of the product of its

202 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Find the area and the perimeter of rhombus whose side5cm and the
diagonals 6 cm and 8 cm respectively
A= (d1 × d2) = (6cm × 8cm) = 24 cm2
P =4×5cm = 20cm

Exercise: 4.7

1. Given a Rhombus with sides 10cm and the diagonals are12cm

a. Find area of the Rhombus
b. Find perimeter the of Rhombus
2. The perimeter of a rhombus is 52cm. Find the length of the
3. The area of a rhombus is120cm2 and one of its diagonals is 10cm.
Find length of the other diagonal.
4. A man covers rhomboidal shape of land by grass. The dimen-
sion of the land is 400m.How many meters of fencing material is
needed to fence the land?

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 203

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4.3.4 Area and perimeter of kite

Group work 4.9

1. Define a kite
2. Revise the properties of a kite
3. Make a kite ABCD using a paper with dimension 2cm by 4cm
Draw diagonal AC and BD
Cut the kite along the diagonalAC. Then
a. What are the two shapes formed?
b. How do we compare the two shapes formed?
c. What is the area of each of the shape formed?
d. What is the area of the kite?
For kite ABCD, AC(d1) and BD (d2) are the

The area (A) of a kite is equal to half of the product of

its diagonal.
A= (d1×d2)
Measure of AB = measure of BC and
Measure of CD = measure of DA

204 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Perimeter P = AB + BC + CD + DA, where AB = a, BC= b

P = 2a + 2b
Example 9
a. The diagonals of a kite are 5cm and 7cm respectively. Find
area of the kite.
A= d1 × d2
A= (5cm×7cm) = (35)cm2 = 17.5cm2
Let ABCD is a kite. If AB = 6cm and AD = 8cm, find the perimeter
of the kite.
P = 2AB+2AD
P = 2×6cm+2×8cm = 28cm

Exercise 4.8

1. Find the area of the kite if the diagonals are 6cm and 8cm.
2. In a kiteABCD,AB=10units and AD=15units. Find the perimeter
of the kite.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 205

Gread 7 | Mathematics

3. The area of a kite is 54cm2 and one of the diagonalsis6cm. Find

length of the other diagonal.
4. In a kite ABCD, AB =7cm and the perimeter of the kite is 32cm.
Find the measure of CD.

4.4 Perimeter and area of a triangle

In your earlier studies, you learnt about how to find the area and pe-
rimeter of squares and rectangles. In this topic, you will see how to
find area of a triangle, area of a composed figure formed by any two
or more figures.

Group work 4.10

1. Discuss with your friends how to derive area formula of right

triangle using rectangle. Follow the steps given below.
I. Make a rectangle ABCD using paper

II. Draw a diagonal BD

III. Fold the rectangle through the diagonal BD.
Using your constriction, answer the following questions
a. What are the two shapes formed?

206 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. How do you compare the two shapes formed?

c. What is the area of the original rectangle?
d. What is the area of each triangle?
2. Using the triangle given below derive area formula of triangle
ABC. Area = bh. Use the steps given below.

Step i. Fold the altitude BD of the given triangle ABC

Stepii. Fold the vertex B onto the base of the altitude BD How is
line EF related to line AC? How are AE and EB related?
Step iii. Fold the base angle vertices A and C to the base of the an-
For right angled triangle ABC with base b units and height h
units, the area (A) is given by Area(A) = (b×h)
If the three side length of a triangles are a, b and c, then the
perimeter (P) of the triangle is given by P = a+b+c

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 207

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 11
Find the area of triangle whose base is 4cm and height is 3cm
A= (b×h)
A= (4cm×3cm) = 6cm2
Example 12
Find the perimeter of the triangle whose sides are 6cm,8cm and 10cm
P = 6cm + 8cm + 10cm = 24cm

Exercise 4.9

1. Find the area of triangle whose base is 6cm and height is 4cm.
2. The area of a triangle is 60cm2. If the base of the triangle is 12cm.
Find the height of the triangle.
3. Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides are 7cm, 8cm and
4. Find the perimeter and area of the following composite figures.

5. Rectangle ABCD is separated in to three squares as shown below
in the diagram. The length of DA is 20 centimeters.
208 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures
Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. Find the measure of line segement AB

b. Find the ratio of the area of the square AEFD to the area of
rectangle ABCD.

4.5 Applications
The purpose of this section is applying the concept of perimeter and
area formula of plane figures to solve real life problems.
Activity 4.5
Kayite wants to cover her rectangular room of dimension 5m by 4m
using square tiles of length 0.5m. If the cost of one tile is 50Birr.
How much money she need to cover the room?

A man putting up Christmas lights around the rectangular house of
dimension 8m by 6m. Find the length of Christmas light required. If
1m of the light cost 5Birr, calculate the total cost of the light.
Length of the Christmas light is the same with perimeter of the house.
P = 2(w+l) = 2(8+6)m = 2(14m) =28m

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 209

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Total length of the Christmas light is 28m.

Total cost = 28(5Birr) = 140Birr
The scale of a map is 1cm to 5m. Find the area of the land if the di-
mension on map is 3cm by 4cm.
1cm on the map indicates 5m on the land, then 3cm on the map indi-
cates 3(5m) =15m on the land and 4cm indicates 4(5m) =20m on the
3cm by 4cm on the map indicates 15m by 20m on the land. Dimen-
sion of the land is 15m by 20m. Therefore, area of the land is 15m ×
20m = 300square meter.

Exercise 4.10
1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 48cm. The length of sides is in the
ratio of 3: 4. Find the lengths of each side.
2. A man wants to paint a square shape wall of dimension 10m by
10m.If the cost to paint 1m2 is 100birr, then find the cost to paint
the entire wall.
3. Ayana wants to cover 7m by 9m rectangular roof by tile. The area
of one tile is 0.1m2. How many tiles are needed to cover the roof?
4. Kayite wants to clothe a rectangular table of dimension 2m by
1m using fabric.If the cost of 1m2 fabric is 200birr. Find the cost
of the fabric that covers the table.

210 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

5. If Kuma wants to fence a parallelogram shape of plot of land

whose dimension is 5m by 20m. How much fencing wire will he
6. If 400m fencing material is required to fence a rectangular field
of height 15m.What is the length of rectangular field ?
7. Suppose a football federation decides to cover a football play-
ing field by grass. The football field is a rectangular shape with
length 120m and width 90m. If it costs 500Birr to cover1m2.
What is the total cost to cover the field by grass?

Key terms
Adjacent angle
Supplementary angle right angle obtuse angle
Acute angle adjacent angle straight angle
Obtuse angle triangle Acute angle triangle Right angle triangle
Scalene triangle Isosceles triangle Equilateral triangle
Quadrilateral parallelogram Rhombus
Trapezium Kite Rectangle
Area Perimeter

Important points which are discussed in this unit you should know
♦ Adjacent angles: Two angles are side to be adjacent if they have
the same vertex and a common side between them.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 211

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ Supplementary angles: If the sum of the measures of two angles

is 1800 they are called supplementary
⧪ Classification of triangles depending on their sides

Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle scalene triangle

All sides are equal Two sides are equal no equal side

♦ Classification of triangles depending on their angles

Acute angle Right angle Obtuse angle

triangles triangle triangle
♦ There are six kinds of quadrilaterals: Parallelogram, Rectangle,
Square, Rhombus,
♦ Trapezium and Kite.
Name Shape Properties
1. Parallelo- ⧪ Opposite sides are parallel
gram ⧪ opposite angle are equal
⧪ opposite sides are equal
⧪ the diagonal bisect each other

212 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Rectangle ⧪ The opposite sides are parallel

and equal
⧪ All angles are right angle
⧪ The diagonals are and bisect
each other
3. Square ⧪ All sides are equal
⧪ All angles are equal
⧪ The diagonals are equal and per-
pendicular bisect
4. Rhombus ⧪ All sides are equal
⧪ The adjacent angle are supple-
⧪ The opposite sides are parallel
⧪ The opposite angles are equal
⧪ The diagonal are perpendicular
bisect each other
⧪ The diagonal bisect the vertex
5. Kite ⧪ Two adjacent sides are equal
⧪ One pair of opposite angles are
⧪ the diagonal are perpendicular
to each other
⧪ The longer diagonal bisect the
shorter diagonal
♦ Square, rectangle and rhombus are types of parallelogram.

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 213

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ A square is a rectangle as well as a rhombus.

♦ Rectangle and rhombus are not a square.
♦ A parallelogram is a trapezium,
♦ A trapezium is not a parallelogram.
♦ Kite is not a parallelogram.

Review Exercise
1. Identify whether each of the following statements is true or false
a. The diagonal of parallelogram are perpendicular to each
b. Kite is a parallelogram.
c. The diagonals of rectangle are equal
d. A square is rhombus.
e. If one angle of a parallelogram is a right angle then the par-
allelogram a rectangle
f. Every rectangle is rhombus.
g. Every trapezium is parallelogram
h. A triangle can have two obtuse angle.
i. If the measures of the interior angles of a triangle are x, y
and x + y, then it is a right-angled triangle.
2. If the first angle of a triangle measure 800 and the second angle of
the triangle is 4times of the third, then find each angle of trian-
3. Which one of the following cannot be the side of triangle

214 Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. 5cm,7cm,8cm c. 13cm,7cm,5cm
b. 10cm,12cm,6cm

4. Given∆ABC.Which angle is the

largest angle of ∆ABC?

5. Find the area of triangle with base 16cm and the corresponding
height 6cm.
6. What is the perimeter of triangle whose sides are 15cm,12cm
and 10cm.
7. The area of a parallelogram is 180cm2 and the base is 10cm find
the corresponding height of parallelogram.
8. Given a parallelogram ABCD If
m(+D)=600, findA

9. The area of rhombus is 60cm2 and the measure of one of the di-
agonal is 6cmfinding the measure of the other diagonal.
10. Find the area of a trapezium with the length of the parallel sides
14cmand 20cm and distance between the parallel sides is13cm.
11. Area of the given trapezium is 91cm2. Find the value of x.
12. The width of a rectangular plot of land is 5m less than its length.
If the perimeter of the plot of land is 58m, what are the dimen-
sion of the land in meter?
13. The base of an isosceles triangle is cm. The perimeter of the
triangle is cm. What is the length of either of the remaining
equal sides?

Unit 4 | Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures 215

Gread 7 | Mathematics


Unit Outcomes

After completing this unit , you should be able to:

► Define congruent figures.
► Identify congruent triangles by using SSS, SAS
and ASA congruency tests.
► Apply concept of congruency in real-life situations
in solving geometric problems.

Main contents of the unit

5.1. Congruency of plane figures
5.1.1.Definition and illustration of congruent figures
5.1.2.Congruency of triangles
5.1.3.Tests for congruency of triangles(ASA,SAS and SSS)
5.2. Applications
Key terms
Unit summary
Review exercises

216 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

In geometry, we use the term “congruent” in the sense that “all
measures are equal”. You may wonder why we are studying con-
gruence. You are now ready to learn an important geometrical idea
that is called Congruence. In this unit, you will study a lot about
congruent figures, identify congruent triangles by using the tests
for congruency (SSS, SAS, ASA) of triangles and also, you can
find numerous activities where congruence of objects is applied in
daily life situations.

5.1. Congruence of plane figures

5.1.1. Definition and illustration of congruent

Activity 5.1
1. Can you give some examples of congruent and non-congruent
figures in your surrounding?
2. Which of the following figures are congruent and which are
a. Any two 10 Birr notes of Ethiopia.
b. Any two squares.
c. Two copies of your photographs that have the same shape
and size.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 217

Gread 7 | Mathematics

d. The two footprints of a man.

e. Two circles of the same radii.

In geometry, two figures or objects are congruent if they have exact-
ly the same shape and size.
That is;
⧪ Matching angles have the same size
⧪ Matching intervals have the same length
⧪ Matching regions have the same area.

Example 1:
Look at the following figures
The Same size and shape the same shapes but different

Congruent figures Non-congruent figures

For example, if we take five spades from each of two identical decks
of cards, they look exactly the same. We can move one card and place
it on top of the other one. So that the pictures on the two cards coin-
cide exactly, as shown below

218 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Two objects like this are called congruent. The word ‘congruent’
comes from Latin and means ‘in agreement’ or ‘in harmony’.
The diagram below indicates two foot prints of a man. They have the
same shape and size. One fit exactly on other. They are congruent.

i. Two line segments are congruent if they have the
same length.
ii. Two angles are congruent if they have the same mea-
iii. Two circles are congruent if they have the same
iv. Two triangles are congruent if they have the same
shape and size.

♦ denotes line segment AB is equal with line segment DF
♦ ∆ABC≡∆DEF denotes that triangle ABC is congruent with trian-
gle DEF.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 219

Gread 7 | Mathematics

⧪ Congruent figures or objects are represented by the symbol

"≡" read as‘congruent to’.
When we draw a diagonal of a rectangle using only one pair of op-
posite its vertex, we get two triangles. We can check the congruency
of these triangles by cutting out the triangles along the diagonal and
placing one over the other.
To check this follow the instruction given below and do the same
thing using piece of paper.
i. Cut out the triangles along the diagonal
ii. Place one over the other such that their right angles coin-
Check that the triangles fit exactly.
This indicates that the corresponding sides are equal and the corre-
sponding angles are equal. Therefore, the triangles are congruent.

In D, the two triangles exactly fit each other. This shows that the tri-
angles are congruent.
In rectangle ABCD shown below, the opposite sides AB and CD
are equal and the opposite sides AD and BC are also equal. The
two triangles formed are ∆ACB and ∆CAD. The two sides of ∆ACB
are equal to corresponding two sides of ∆ACD. what about the third
220 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures
Gread 7 | Mathematics

In each triangle, the third side AC is a common side of both trian-

gles. AC is congruent with itself. Any side is congruent with itself.
Thus the three sides of ∆ACB are equal to the three sides of ∆CAD.
Therefore, these triangles are congruent. Denoted by: ∆ACB ≡ ∆CAD
From these congruent triangles we can see that AC = AC ,
AB = AD and CB = CD .

If two plane figures are congruent, then their corresponding
sides and corresponding angles are equal.

On the other hand, the two figures below are exactly the same in all
respects apart from their position and orientation. We can pick up one
of them and place it so that it fits exactly on top of the other. Such
figures are called congruent.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 221

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Trapezoids ABDC and OPRQ are congruent. If the length of
AC ≡ BD = 6 cm, AB =3 cm and the length of side
CD = 9 cm. Find the length of OQ QR , OP and PR

Side AB is matching side with OP. Therefore, length of side OP is
Side BD is matching side with PR. Hence = 6cm
Side DC is matching side with RQ. Hence = 9cm
Side AC is matching with side OQ. Therefore, the length of side OQ
is 6 cm
Example 3
Two circles are said to be equal if they have the same radii.

222 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Radii of circles in a and b are 3cm and radii of circles in c and d are
5cm. This indicates that circles in a and b are congruent, and circles
in c and d are congruent.

Matching sides are corresponding sides of congruent


Group work 5.1

The following shapes are drawn on a grid of centimeter squares. Write

down the letters of a pair of shapes that are congruent.

Exercise 5.1

1. Identify the true statements

a. Any two-line segments are congruent.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 223

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. Any two circles are congruent.

c. Square with the same side length are congruent.
d. Any two equilateral triangles are congruent.
e. Any two Isosceles triangles are congruent.
2. Among two congruent angles, if one has a measure of 120°,
then the measure of corresponding angle of the other triangle is
3. Given that ? Why?
4. Draw a parallelogram, construct a diagonal and compare the two
triangles formed by the diagonal. Are the two triangles congru-
ent? How?

5.1.2. Congruency of triangles

In geometry, a triangle is a plane figure that is formed when three
non-collinear points are connected by segments. Each pair of seg-
ments form an angle of the triangle. The vertex of each angle is the
vertex of the triangle. The letters at their vertices name the triangle.
Any one of the following forms can name the triangle whose vertices
are D, E, and F.
∆DEF, ∆EFD, ∆FDE, ∆EDF, ∆DFE, or ∆FED. All they represent the
same triangle
♦ ∆DEF read as Triangle DEF

224 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ +D , +E and +F are an angles of ∆DEF.

♦ D,E and F are vertices of∆DEF and
♦ DE, DF and EF are sides of ∆DEF.
Forming congruent triangles
We can form two congruent triangles by rigid motion of one triangle
like the figure below. This rigid motion is called translation.

B B'

A A'
C C'

These two traingle are obtained by moving sides of the first to an oth-
er place keeping the lengths unchanged (equal).
Here are two congruent triangles. Triangle PQR on the right, has been
formed by a translation of triangle ABC on the left.

The vertices and sides of triangle ABC are matched by the congru-
ence with the vertices and sides of triangle PQR as follows:
A↔ P B↔ Q C ↔R


Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 225

Gread 7 | Mathematics

All these can be expressed extremely concisely by using the symbol ≡

for ‘is congruent to’, and by observing the convention that the two tri-
angles are named with the vertices in matching order: ∆ABC ≡ ∆PQR
We live in the world of motion. Geometry helps us to define and de-
scribe that motion. In geometry there are three fundamental types of
motion: translation, reflection, and rotation.

When figures are translated, reflected, or rotated, the length of the

sides of the figure donnot change. Therefore, in each case the trian-
gles formed are congruent with the original triangle.

Two triangles are congruent if their corresponding sides have the
same length, and their corresponding angles are congruent (have the
same measure).

Symbolically ∆ABC ≡ ∆DEF if and only if the following six proper-

ties holds true

226 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Three corresponding sides a

Three corresponding angles

When drawing congruent triangles, you should mark

the corresponding parts to show they are congruent.

Example 4
What are the corresponding congruent parts of ∆JKL and ∆TSR?


a. Corresponding angles b. Corresponding sides

i. J and T
ii. K and S
iii. L and R
Example 5
Given that, ∆ABC≡∆DEF. Write the three corresponding congruent
sides and the three corresponding congruent angles.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 227

Gread 7 | Mathematics

i. ----- the three corresponding
congruent sides and
ii. ------ the three correspond-
ing congruent angles.
Example 6
If ∆ABC ≡∆LMN and the length of =5cm
and measure of angle B = 700 and L=650. Find
a. m( A) c. The length of
b. m( N)
a. Given ∆ABC ≡∆LMN
A≡ L Implies that m( A)=m( L)=650
Therefore m( A)=650
b. B ≡ M implies that m( B)=m( M)=700
m( L)+m( M)+m( N)=1800 …….. By angle sum theorem
650+700+ m( N)=1800 …….. By substitution.
m( N)=1800 - 1350=450
Therefore,( N)=450
c. Given: ∆ABC ≡∆LMN
Implies (corresponding sides of congruent triangles)
= 5cm

228 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Therefore, =5cm

Activity 5.2
1. In the figure given below ∆XYZ ≡ ∆MNL. If m( YXZ) = 400,
m( LNM) = 1100 and = 4cm, then complete the following.

a. m( Y) = d. ∆NLM≡
b. = e. m( L) =
c. m( M) = f. ≡
2. Decide whether ∆ABC is congruent to ∆XYZ based on the in-
formation given below.
a. If m( A) = 450,m( B)=1000,m( X) = 450 , m( Z) = 350 and

b. m( B)=m( Y)=900,m( A)=m( X)=450

Properties of Congruent Triangles
i. For any triangle ABC, ∆ABC≡∆ABC ….reflexive Property
of congruence
ii. If ∆ABC≡∆DEF, then ∆DEF≡∆ABC…Symmetric Property
of congruence

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 229

Gread 7 | Mathematics

iii. If ∆ABC≡∆DEF and ∆DEF≡∆LMN then ∆ABC ≡ ∆LMN

…. Transitive Property of congruence
Example 7
Let ∆ABC≡∆DEF and ∆DEF≡∆KLM. If = 6cm, = 8cm and
= 7cm. Find the corresponding sides of all the three triangles.
∆ABC≡∆DEF and ∆DEF≡∆KLM. This shows that ∆ABC≡∆KLM
by transtivity law.
Then, the following relations are true. Given that
= 7cm

Example 8
In the figure given below, if
m( ACD) = m( CAB) and m( CAD)=m( ACB) then, Show that

230 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Statement Reason
1. Given
2. Reflexive Property of Congruence
3. m( ACD)=m( CAB) Given
m( CAD)=m( ACB)
4. m( ADC)≡m( ABC) Angle sum theorem of ∆'s
5. ∆ACD ≡ ∆CAB Definition of congruent triangles
(By step ii & iv)

Example 9
In fig. below, given that ,m( ABC) = m( EDC) and
m( BAC)= m( DEC). Show that ∆ABC≡∆EDC

Statement Reason
1. Given

2. =6

3. m( ABC)=m( EDC) Given

m( BAC) = m( DEC)
4. m( ACB)≡m( ECD) Vertically opposite angles
5. ∆ABC≡∆EDC By definition of congruent triangles

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 231

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Exercise 5.2

1. Let ∆PQR≡∆STU, =8cm, then

find the lengths of the remaining sides.
2. Suppose ∆ABC≡∆EFD,∆EFD≡∆GIH,m( BAC)=900 and m(
GHI)=700, then find m( EFD).

3. In the diagram given below,

∆PQR≡∆SQR and .
Show that R is the mid-point of .

5.1.3 Tests for congruency of triangles (ASA,

SAS and SSS)

Group work 5.2

1. Use Compass, ruler and protractor to construct triangle A'BC
from triangle ABC as given below with measure of the length of
and measure of angle B= 300. Measure
length of each side-using ruler. What do you see from this? Is
∆ABC ≡ ∆A'BC. Justify.
Draw lines as

232 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Given two triangles, ∆ABC and ∆DEF.

If m( A)=500,m( B)=700 and m( C)=600. In ∆DEF,m( D)=500
and m( E)=700. Is it possible for the two triangles to be congru-
ent? Explain it.
Conditions for congruence
When two triangles are congruent, the three corresponding sides and
the three corresponding angles are equal. However, if we wish to
prove two triangles are congruent, it is not necessary to prove that all
six elements are identical. We can apply certain tests for congruency
and this will allow us to determine very easily if two triangles are
congruent or not. These tests outline a set of minimum conditions that
must be satisfied for congruency to be true. There are four different
tests named below which determine whether a pair of triangles are
congruent or not. If any one of these tests is satisfied, then the trian-
gles are congruent.
A. Two angles and the included side (Angle- Side- Angle) (ASA)

Group work 5.3

Draw two triangles ABC and DEF such that AB = DE , A = D and

B= E. Using a ruler measure the remaining sides. Are the two tri-
angles congruent? Discuss.
If two pairs of angles of two triangles are equal in measure, and the
included sides are equal in length, then the two triangles are congru-

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 233

Gread 7 | Mathematics

In triangles ABC and PQR; A P

B α α
ii. m( ABC)=m( PQR) θ θ
iii. m( ACB)=m( PRQ)
There fore ∆ABC≡∆PQR by ASA congruency test.
Example 10
In figure given below, if AB = 9cm and A'C = 8cm. Find lengths of
the sides AC and A'B.

First show that ∆ABC≡∆A'BC
m ( ABC) = m(A'BC) = 350 ----- given
AC = AC = 13cm ----- given
m ( ACB) = m( A'CB) = 450------given
∆ABC≡∆A'BC by ASA congruency test.
From these congruent triangles, we can write the three corresponding
i.e. AB = A'B, AC = A'C and BC = BC

234 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Therefore, AC = A'C = 8cm and A'B = AB = 9cm

B. Two sides and the included angle (Side- Angle-Side) (SAS)
If two pairs of sides of two triangles are equal in length, and the mea-
sures of the included angles are equal, then the two triangles are con-
In triangles ABC and PQR; A P



Therefore, ∆ABC≡∆PQR
Example 11
Prove that ∆AEB≡∆DEC

Statement Reason
1. Given
2. Given
3. m( AEB)=m( DEC) Vertically opposite angles
4. ∆AEB≡∆DEC By SAS congruency theorem

Example 12
In the figure given below if ∆STU≡∆VWX, then find:
i. The length of
ii. The measure of m( U) and m ( S)
Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 235
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Since ∆STU≡∆VWX, the corresponding sides are congruent.
In addition, the corresponding angles are congruent
i.e. S = V, T = W and U = X
i. = 43 ft.
Therefore, = 43 ft
Therefore, =16ft
ii. From the two congruent triangle given above.

SUT≡ VXW m( U)= m ( X)=180

Therefore, m( U)= 180

In the same way V≡ S
m( WVX) = m( TSU) = 380
m( V)=m( S)=380
Therefore, m( S)=380

236 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

C. The three sides (Side-Side-Side) (SSS) congruency test

If three pairs of sides of two triangles are equal in length, then the two
triangles are congruent.
In triangles ABC and PQR; A P



There fore ∆ABC≡∆PQR

Example 13

Given that:
Show that ∆CAB≡∆BDC

Statement Reason
1. Given
2. Given
3. By reflexive Property ( common side)

4. ∆CAB≡∆BDC By SSS congruency theorem

D. Right angle, hypotenuse and side(RHS)

If two right-angled triangles have their hypotenuses equal in length
and a pair of shorter sides are equal in length, then the two triangles
are congruent.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 237

Gread 7 | Mathematics

In triangles ABC and PQR;



There fore ∆ABC ≡ ∆PQR by RHS test

Example 14

For ∆ABC and ∆CDE given below

Show that ∆ABC≡∆CDE.

Statement Reason

1. Given
2. B= D Both are right angles

3. ∆ABC≡∆CDE By RHS congruency test

Activity 5.3
♦ State which congruence method(s) can be used to prove the
congruency of triangles given below. If no method to test, write

a. b.

238 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics



Exercise 5.3

1. If ∆ABC≡∆DEF and ∆DEF≡∆XYZ, is ∆ABC≡∆XYZ ? How?

2. If ∆MNR≡∆XYZ. What are the pairs of their corresponding con-
gruent sides and angles?
3. In ∆ABC and ∆PRQ, if and ( B) and
( R) are right angle, then prove that ∆ABC≡ ∆QRP.
4. If ABCD is a kite , prove that AC
bisects both the vertex angles.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 239

Gread 7 | Mathematics

5. Prove that if one diagonal of a

quadrilateral bisects both vertex
angles, then the quadrilateral is a

6. In the figure given below

Show that ∆ACD≡∆BCD

7. The measure of one angle in a triangle is 380. The other two an-
gles are congruent. What is the measure of each?
8. Given that ∆LMN an isosceles triangle with . Draw ,
the bisector of vertex angle MLN. Prove that M≡ N

5.2 Applications of congruent figures.

Activity 5.4
1. What are the real life application areas of congruence of trian-
2. A fence around a rectangular garden is 18 meters long. A sec-
ond garden is congruent to the first. How mach fencing materi-
al is needed for the second garden?

Geometry has a wide range of application in different areas, such as
in measuring a land widely needs application of geometry, painters

240 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

apply the idea of geometry to sketch their portraits, in our surround-

ing carpeters use triangles in bulding houses, engeeners apply idea
of geometry in house and bridge constructions and in producing dif-
ferent materials that are very inportant for the world now a days. The
anecient Egiptians pyramids are one of the example of applications
of geometry.
Example 15
The two triangular botanic gardens are congruent and want to fence
around the garden. If the perimeter and area of one triangular botanic
garden is 18 meters. and 12m2 respectivily.What is the perimeter and
area of the second triangle.
If two figures are congruent, then they have the same area and pe-
Therefore, The perimeter of botanic garden of first is equal to the
perimeter of a botanic garden of second = 18 meters.
Similarly ,the area of a botanic garden of the first is equal to the area
of a botanic garden of the second = 12m2 meters.
Example 16
A tower crane is used to lift steel,concrete and building materials at
construction sites of Ethiopian Renaissance dam. The figure shows
part of the horizontal beam of a tower crame, in which

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 241

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. Is it possible to determine m( GBH)? If yes find it. If no,why?

The answer is yes, because corrosponding parts of congruent trian-
gles are congruent. i.e, m( ABG)=m( BCH)=270 and m( HBC)=m(
m( ABG)+m( GBH)+m( HBC)=1800 …degree measure of straight
270 +m( GBH)+590=1800
So, m( GBH)=1800- 590 - 270=940
b. A member of the construction crew claims that is twice as
long as . Do you agree ? Eplain.
Yes, the crossponding sides of congruent triangls are congruent. That
is , ≡ and B is the midpoint of . This implies that is
twice .
Example 17
In the airplane given below, given that m( C) and m( F) are right
angles, and m ( A) ≡ m ( D). Show that ∆ABC ≡ ∆DEF?

242 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

The triangles formed by two wings of the airplane are given as fol-

Statement Reason
1. Given
2. m( A) ≡m( D Given
3. m( C)≡m( F) = 900 Definition of right angles
4. m( B)≡m( E) Angle sum theorem of ∆'s

5. ∆ABC≡∆DEF By ASA theorem.

Example 18
The Greek mathematician Pappus (Alexandria, early 4th century AD)
took an interesting approach to these results, by noting that the trian-
gle is congruent to itself in a different orientation.
a. If ∆ABC is isosceles with , explain why
∆ABC≡∆ACB and hence prove that B= C

The two triangles are congruent by SSS congruency test. Therefore,

B= C. Corresponding angles of congruent triangles.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 243

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. Conversily, if ∆ABC has B = C, why? explain.

∆ABC≡∆ACB and hence prove that .

Given: B= C
C= B ----- by symmetric property of congruency
----- the same side
Therefore ∆ABC ≡ ∆ACB by ASA congruency test.
Since the two triangles are congruent, the corresponding sides are
Therefore, .
Triangle and its application
Geometry and architecture are two disciplines that are fundamentally
linked. One of the most recognized geometric shapes is the triangle.
Triangles are identified by the three angles that are linked through
line segments to form a three-sided shape. The two most common
triangular forms used in architecture are equilateral and isosceles.
Triangles and Architecture
Triangles are effective tools for architecture and are used in the design
of buildings and other structures as they provide strength and stabili-
ty. When building materials are used to form a triangle, the design has
a heavy base and the pinnacle on the top is capable of handling weight

244 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

because of how the energy is distributed throughout the triangle. This

is why many residential homes have A-frames; it provides a sturdy
structure. The sturdiest of the triangles are equilateral and isosceles;
their symmetry aids in distributing weight.
Triangles are used to make a structure to hold more weight than the
weight of materials used to construct it. Bridges are a great example
of this.

Group work 5.4

The following figure is the picture of the bridge over the blue nile,
abay gorge between dejen and gohatsion in Ethiopia. As you can see
the bridge is suspended by triangular huge metals in both left and
right sides of each vertical walls. Are the traingles congruent? if your
answer is yes, why the architect use congruent triangles? Discuss.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 245

Gread 7 | Mathematics

If two sides or two angles of a triangle are congruent then
the triangle is an isosceles triangle

Exercise 5.4

1. If two figures have the same area, can you conclude that the two
figures are congruent ? Why?
2. A fence around a square botanic garden is 48 meters long. A
second botanic garden is congruent to the first. How mach fence
is needed for the second botanic garden?
3. Roof trusses allow a roof to withstand the stress of heavy loads.
A roof truss for a particular building is made so that the angle
on the left measures 400. The trianglar sides of the truss are to be
congruent as marked below.
a. What should the measure of ACB be?
b. What should the measure of side be?

4. Two triangular gardens have the same size and shape. The land-
scaper needed 24m of fencing material for one garden. How
much fencing material is needed for the scond garden? Explain
your reason.

246 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

5. A new bridge structure shown below requires triangles that are

in the ratio of 1 : 1. If AC = 5x – 5 and EC = 3x + 9. Find the dis-
tance between the top and the bottom of the bridge in feet.

6. The figure below shows how the Greek mathematician

Thales(624B.C –547B.C) determined the distance from the shore
to the enemy’s ship during a war. He sighted the ship from point
P and then duplicated the angle at QPT. The angles at Q are
right angles. Explain why QT represents the distance from the
shore to the ship.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 247

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Key terms
⧪ Congruent figures ⧪ Congruent angles
⧪ Congruent triangles ⧪ Congruent sides
⧪ Angle- Side- Angle(ASA) congruence
⧪ Side-Angle-side(SAS) congruence
⧪ Side-side-Side(SSS) congruence
⧪ Right angle, hypotenuse and side(RHS)

Unit summary
♦ Congruent objects are exact copies of one another.
♦ Two figures are congruent if they have the same size and shape.
♦ Two line segments are congruent ,if they have the same length.
♦ Two angles are comgruent if they have the same measure.
Symbolically: ABC≡ CDE, if m( ABC)=m( CDE)
♦ Two triangles are congruent if the three corresponding sides are
equal in length and the three corresonding angles have the same
degree measure(Congruent). That is ∆ABC≡∆DEF if
i. ( three corresponding sides
are congruent)
ii. m( A) = m( D), m( B) = m( E) and m( C) = m( F)
(Three corresponding angles have the same measure.)

248 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ If ∆ABC ≡ ∆DEF then the following six conditions are true.

i. ∆ACB ≡ ∆DFE ii. ∆CAB ≡ ∆FDE
iii. ∆CBA ≡ ∆FED iv. ∆BCA ≡ ∆EFD
v. ∆BAC ≡ ∆EDF vi. ∆ABC ≡ ∆DEF

Properties of Congruent Triangles

⧪ For any triangle ABC, ∆ABC ≡ ∆ABC ….reflexive Property
of congruence
⧪ If ∆ABC ≡ ∆DEF, then ∆DEF ≡ ∆ABC…Symmetric Proper-
ty of congruence
⧪ If ∆ABC ≡ ∆DEF and ∆DEF ≡ ∆LMN then ∆ABC ≡ ∆LMN
….Transitive Property of congruence.
Tests for congruency of triangles
♦ Angle- Side- Angle(ASA) congruency:
⧪ If two angles and included side of one triangle are congruent
with corresponding two angles and included side of the other,
then the two triangles are congruent by ASA congruency.
♦ Side-Angle-side(SAS) congruency:
⧪ If two sides and the angle included between them in one of
the triangles are equal to the corresponding sides and the an-
gle included between them, then the triangles are congruent
by SAS congruency.
♦ Side-Side-Side(SSS) congruency:
⧪ If the three sides of the one are equal to the three correspond-
ing sides of the other, then the two triangles are congruent by
SSS congruency.

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 249

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ Right angle, hypotenuse and side(RHS) congruency:

⧪ Two right-angled triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse
and a leg of one of the triangles are equal to the hypotenuse
and the corresponding leg of the other triangle.

Review exercise
1. Given that ∆LMN≡∆RST, complete the following statements.
a. ∆MNL≡ d. ∆TRS≡
b. ∆SRT≡ e. ≡
c. ≡
2. For each of the following, determine whether the given con-
ditions are sufficient to prove that ∆ABC≡∆DEF. Justify your

3. Given that ∆JKL ≡ ∆MNO, = 5cm, is it possible

to determine the length of ? If so, find the length and justify
your steps. If not, explain why not.

250 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics

4. ∆LMN ≡ ∆XYZ, m( LMN) = 550, m( MLN) = 800 and

m( XYZ) = 3x+10. Find
a. The value of x c. m( YXZ)
b. m( XZY)
5. In the figure given below
a. Show that ∆ADB ≡ ∆CDB
b. Does ̅ bisect ADC?
Give reasons.
6. Given that, E and G are right angles. , F is the midpoint
of .
Prove that ∆DEF ≡ ∆HGF

7. In triangle ABC, , and m( FAC) = m( EBC)

Show that ∆AFC ≡ ∆BEC

8. E is a midpoint of the line segment AB. C and D are points on

the same side of AB such that

BAD ≡ ABC and AEC ≡

BED. Show that
i. ∆DAE = ∆CBE

Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures 251

Gread 7 | Mathematics

9. In Fig below, AB and CD bisect each other at O.

i. State that the three pairs of equal parts in ∆AOC and
ii. Which of the following statements are true?
a. ∆AOC ≡ ∆DOB
b. ∆AOC ≡ ∆BOD

10. The figure given below demonstrates a method of constructing a

parallelogram from the diameters of two concentric circles.

The intervals AOB and POQ are diameters of two concentric circles
with center at O.
a. Prove that ∆AOP ≡ ∆BOQ
b. Prove that ∆POB ≡ ∆QOA and Conclude that APBQ is a

252 Unit 5 | Congruency of plane figures

Gread 7 | Mathematics


Unit Outcomes

After completing this unit , you should be able to:

► Organize the data using frequency table
► Construct and Interpret data from pie charts
► Calculate Mean, Mode, Median and Range of a
given data
► Apply the concept of data handling to organize and
interpret real life problems

Main contents of the unit

6.1 Organization of data using frequency table
6.2 Construction and Interpretation of Line Graphs and Pie charts
6.3 The Mean, Mode, Median and Range of Data
6.4 Applications
6.5 Applications
Key terms
Unit summary
Review exercises

Unit 6 | Data handling 253

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Data handling is a process of gathering, recording, and presenting
information in a way that it is helpful to others in using (read or
fetch information). For instance, in graphs or charts. Data handling
is sometimes also known as a statistics. It is used for comparing
data and taking out mean, median, and mode, which is useful for
both mathematics and science. Data is often organized in graphs
or charts for analysis and may include facts, numbers, or measure-

Opening problem
Assume you work at a community center on HIV consultancy and
want to gather some data on the people who use your services. You
would like to know the following information:
i. Whether they are male or female
ii. Whether they use the center during the day or during the
iii. Which age category they are: 0 – 25, 26 –50, 51 and above.
Design a suitable data collection sheet to gather the information.

254 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

6.1 Organization of Data using frequency table

Data is an information collected, stored, transferred or reported for
any purpose whether electronically(in the form of audeo,video,pho-
tographs) or in the form of hard copy(paper).

Some techniques of data collection:

You can collect data using one or more of the following techniques:
i. Observation ii. Carrying out experiments
iii. Questionnaire iv. From written documents
v. Interview vi. From internet, etc.

Data organization
Data organization is the process of arranging data and making it suit-
able or easy for use.
Definition: Frequency table is a table that contains an item of a data
and its corresponding frequency.
Frequency is number of repetitions of an item or a data.

Tally mark – is a way to mark or record the counting using the
symbol “ | ”.
Small vertical lines each one representing one unit are called
Tally marks.

Unit 6 | Data handling 255

Gread 7 | Mathematics

For example

... etc.
Tally marks are grouped in five to make them easier to count:
is easier to count than
Remember that represents 5 members of the group (sample).

Group work 6.1:

Dukamo has visited the animal farm; he used tally marks to count the
animals in the farm, and recorded the following.

What is the number of cows, calves and oxen in the farm?

Data is a factual or a true information (such as measurements or
statistics) used as a basis for reasoning or decision-making.
For example, if you register number of children in your village for
some purpose, the number you obtained is a data.
Can you mention some other examples of data from your surround-
ing? Please discuss.

256 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring infor-
mation for some desired purpose.
Some ways of presenting Data

Group work 6.2

1. Record age of each student in your class. Categorize it in the

following form.
Age Tally-mark Number(frequency)
8 – 12
13 – 17
Above 17
2. An NGO in certain villages of Ethiopia had recorded the follow-
ing data about number of children a family has. Write the corre-
sponding number in each case.
No of children Village1 Village2 Village 3 Village4 Village 5
Tally mark

Organizing and presenting scattered (not arranged) data us-
ing frequency table
Example 1:
Consider the following data, which is about mathematics exam score
of 40 students out of 60%.

Unit 6 | Data handling 257

Gread 7 | Mathematics

56 48 45 44 52 48 44 40
38 55 42 58 50 60 38 50
44 50 58 48 42 52 48 55
52 38 52 42 55 50 52 60
50 42 60 55 60 58 40 55

To make this data more clear and easy for a reader, we can draw a
tally mark chart as follows. To do this start from the least (smallest)
Score Tally mark No of the students(frequency)
38 ||| 3
40 || 2
42 |||| 4
44 ||| 3
45 | 1
48 |||| 4
50 5
52 5
55 5
56 | 1
58 ||| 3
60 |||| 4
Total 40

Example 2:
An NGO had done a survey on number of children what a family has
in certain village of Ethiopia and obtained the following information.
258 Unit 6 | Data handling
Gread 7 | Mathematics

3 2 3 1 0 0 1 1 2 2
2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3
1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 0
0 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 2 2
0 3 1 2 3 3 1 3 1 2
Present this information using tally chart
No of children in a family Tally mark Frequency
0 / 6
1 15
2 /// 18
3 / 11

Exercise 6.1

1. The mark of 50 students in mathematics exam out of 100% is

recorded as follows
73 72 73 91 90 80 81 81 82 72
82 81 91 72 72 81 72 81 73 63
91 81 73 72 91 72 82 72 63 70
80 72 82 73 81 82 70 91 72 82
70 73 91 82 73 73 81 73 91 82

Show this information more clearly by drawing a frequency table.

2. For each of the following sets of data recorded at a certain Ethio-
pian weather station, display the information in a tally chart.
Unit 6 | Data handling 259
Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. Hours of sunshine
3 3 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 5
7 8 8 2 5 5 3 6 5 5
3 4 4 1 6 4 8 5 4 6
5 5 3 4 8 4 4 8 5 8
4 9 5 8 4 8 5 4 8 5
b. Maximum temperature in degrees Celsius
13 33 23 34 25 24 24 34 24 25
27 18 28 32 25 25 33 26 25 25
23 24 24 21 26 24 28 25 4 26
25 25 33 24 28 34 24 28 25 28
24 19 25 28 24 28 25 24 28 25

6.2. Construction and Interpretation of Line

Graphs and Pie charts.

6.2.1 Line graphs

Activity 6.1
1. Draw a line graph for the following set of points.
(1,4), (2,7),(3,5), (4,10), (5,3)
2. Consider the following graph and analyze the information
which shows the price of a quintal of Teff over the past seven

260 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

From the graph

a. Write the price of Teff in 2001, 2003 and 2004
b. What do you say about the price, is it increasing or decreas-
ing each year?
A line graph is the most commonly used graph to represent two relat-
ed facts. To plot a line graph, you can take two lines which cross at
right angles to each other. These lines are called the axes of reference.
Their intersection is called the origin. The number of units repre-
sented by a unit length along an axis is called a scale. A line graph is
drawn based on pairs of measurements of two quantities. Each pair
of coordinates is represented by a dot, and a straight line or a smooth
curve connects consecutive dots.
So remember the following important points in making a line graph.
1. Draw the horizontal and vertical lines (axes) and label them by
using appropriate scale, so that it should be enough to represent
the data to be used.

Unit 6 | Data handling 261

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. Make a table of data arranged in pairs. The first number of each

pair is read from the horizontal scale (axis) and the second num-
ber is from the vertical scale (axis).
3. Use these numbers to locate points on the graph.
4. Connect the points by a straight line or a smooth curve.
Example 3:
A car uses one liters of petrol for every 10 km it travels.
a. Copy and complete the table shown below which is about
how much petrol the car uses.
b. Draw a line graph from the information in the table.
c. Work out how much petrol is used to travel 7km.
d. Work out how many kilometers had been travelled by the
time 10 liters of petrol had been used.
Distance traveled in km 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Petrol used in liter 0 1 2 3

a. 10km = 1liter
40km = x liter
For 50km, it used 5l and for 60km the petrol used is 6l

262 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. line graph.
c. For 10km it used 1liter of petrol, then for 170 liters it should
use = 17l
d. 1l = 10km
10l = x
1l × x = 10l × 10km
x = 100km.
Therefore,the car traveled 100km using 10l petrol.

Group work 6.3

The temperature of certain town in Sidama Region in a week is re-

corded in degree centigrade is given as follows
Day Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri Sat Su
Temperature in
21 15 17 18 10 13 22
degree Celsius (c0)
1. Draw a line graph that represents the given information.(repre-
sent the day on the horizontal and temperature on the vertical

Unit 6 | Data handling 263

Gread 7 | Mathematics

2. What is the day with

a. Highest temperature?
b. Lowest temperature?

6.2.2 pie–chart
Activity 6.2
Safo was sitting at the side of the road waiting for her lift.
While she waited, she recorded the colors of 200 cars that drove
past her. Below is a pie chart showing the number of red (R),
blue (B), green (G) and white (W) cars that drove past Safo.

i. How many white cars drove past Safo?

ii. How many red cars drove past Safo?
iii. How many green cars drove past Safo?
iv. How many blue cars drove past Safo?

Pie chart is a circular graph, which shows the shares of each

264 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

⧪ The portion of a circular region enclosed between two
radii and part of the circumference (an arc) is called a
sector of the circle.
⧪ The size of the sector is determined by the size of the
angle formed by the two radii.
⧪ The larger the angle is, the wider the sector will be.
⧪ In a pie chart, the total data is represented by the circu-
lar region as a whole and the individual data by sectors
of the circle.
⧪ The angle at the center of the circle is divided propor-
tionally to determine the size of the individual data

Remark: A pie chart shows how something is divided into parts. It

is a good way of showing the proportion (or fraction) of the data in
each category.
To draw a pie chart:
i. Collect all the data and add them.
ii. Find how many degrees represent each item by dividing
3600 by the total.

Unit 6 | Data handling 265

Gread 7 | Mathematics

iii. Multiply the result in ii by the number of items in the cate-

gory to calculate the angle for each category.
iv. Check the angles add up to 3600
v. Draw a circle and divide it into sectors using the angles
you have found.
vi. Write a title to say what information the pie chart gives.
vii. Include a key to show what each sector represents or label
each sector of the pie chart.
Example 4:
Assume Duguna’s salary is 2000Birr and he spend it as follows;
600Birr for house rent
300Birr for transport
600Birr for food
400Birr for education and the rest for other activities.Represent this
information using pie chart
To find the amount of the other activies, we use the following equa-
tion.Let it be x.
Total = 600 + 300 + 600+ 400 + x =2000
Percentage of house rent = × 100% = 30%

Percentage for transport = × 100% = 15%

Percentage for food = × 100% = 30%

266 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Percentage for education = × 100% = 20%

Percentage for other activities = × 100% = 5%

The portion of the sector that is represented by each is calculated as


Then the pie chart of this data is as follows

Fig. A pie chart showing Duguma’s salary distribution

Example 5:
A shop sells different sizes of gloves. The table shows the percentage
of gloves sold in a year that were each size.

Unit 6 | Data handling 267

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Size % of gloves sold

Small 14%
Medium 40%
Large 35%
Extra Large 11%

As the values are percentages, the total must be 100% (but check to
make sure)
Each % will be represented by:

Size % of gloves sold Angle (nearest º)

Small 14% 14×3.6 = 50°
Medium 40% 40×3.6 = 144°
Large 35% 35×3.6 = 126°
Extra Large 11% 11×3.6 = 40°

Exercise 6.2

1. Consider the following line graph that represents the sales of a

shop in six osecutive months.

268 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

a. Find the total sales in each of the six months
b. Find the month with the highest sale
c. Find the month with the lowest sale
d. Find the total sale in six months.
2. Furra kept a record of the hours she spent on different activities
during the day. This information is shown below.

Activity Number of hours Number of degrees

School 5 ……. x 360° = ……
Meals 1
Home work 3
TV 2
Travel 1
Sleep 8
Other 4
Total 24

Complete the table to show the degrees needed for each activity when
drawing a pie chart.

Unit 6 | Data handling 269

Gread 7 | Mathematics

i. Represent the information using a line graph.

ii. Draw the pie chart.
3. In a school there are 120 teachers, from them 20 are diploma
holders, 65 are degree holders, 30 are masters and the rest are
certificate teachers. Represent this data using pie chart.
4. The following pie chart represent graph of 150 students in a
school who participates in Football club, Anti HIV club, Teach-
ers club, and in Basketball clubs. Determine the number of the
students in each club.

5. 120 adults participating in an online course were asked if they

felt there were enough activities for them to complete through-
out the course. The pie chart below shows the results. Determine
a. Number of respondents in each response.
b. The Percent in each case
c. What fraction of the adults thought there were too many ac-
tivities? Give your answer in its simplest form.

270 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

6. In a pie chart, the angle for 14 years olds is 1150 and you have
been told that this represents 23 students. What is the total num-
ber of the students?
7. On one particular day, the sales in Birr of different items of a
baker’s shop are given below. Draw a pie chart or this data.
Item sold Amount in Birr
Ordinary bread 320
Fruit bread 80
Cakes 160
Biscuits 120
Others 40
Total 720

6.3 The Mean, Mode, Median and Range of

Data handling enables us to give analysis about the data, such as de-
termining the central values of the data or it gives information about
scatterings of the data. In this sub-topic, you will learn about the three

Unit 6 | Data handling 271

Gread 7 | Mathematics

basic measures of central tendency: the mean, median and mode,

while the range is called measure of dispersion.

Activity 6.3
1. Assume you got 75% in first semester and 97% in second se-
mester in mathematics exam in grade 6. What is your average
2. The following data is about a student’s result in first semester in
six subjects.
Subject Sida.afo. Amah. Eng. Math.
Mark 95 92 98 98 96 94

What is the average mark of the student?

3. Which integer number is at equal distance from both -3 and 5
on the number line?

6.3.1. Measures of central tendency

Measures of central tendency or measures of averages are classified
as mean, median and mode.
A. Mean
For two numbers, the average of the values is the sum of the values
divided by 2
If the numbers are a and b, their average is

For example the average of 12 and 7 is = 9.5

272 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 6:
If a seventh grade student Adula scored 86 in first semester and 78
in second semester in mathematics exams out of 100%, what is his
average mark out of 100%?
Average = = 82

The mean of a set of data is the sum of all the values divided by the
total number of items:
sum of all values
Mean =
total number of items

Example 7:
Find the mean of 4, 5, 12, 8, 10 and 15
Mean =

= = 9
Example 8:
The following data is about ages in years of 20 children in a village
2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 3, 7, 5, 6, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 6, 4, 5
What is the average age of the children?

Unit 6 | Data handling 273

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Average 2+3+1+4+5+3+7+5+6+2+5+6+3+4+4+5+2+6+4+5
age (Mean) 20

= = 4.1
Therefore, the average age of the children is 4.1 years.
Example 9:
The mean of three numbers is 10, and the mean of an other four num-
bers is 16. What is the mean of all seven numbers?
For the first set of data,
Mean = , total number of values = 3, mean = 10

10 =

We get the Sum of values = 10 × 3 = 30

For the second set of data, mean = 16 and number of items = 4
16 =
From this equation we get sum of the values = 16 × 4 = 64
Total sum = sum1 + sum2 = 30 + 64 = 94
Total number of items = 3 + 4 = 7
Mean of all the seven values

= 13.43 in two decimal places

274 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 10:
The mean of four numbers is 9. Three of the numbers are 8, 16 and 6.
Find the value of the fourth number.
Let x be the missing number.
Thus, mean

30 + x = 36
x = 36-30
Therefore, the missing number is 6.


1. Calculate the mean for each set of data.

a. 12, 11, 9, 10, 8
b. 23, 15, 37, 26, 21, 33, 23
c. 60, 75, 95, 80, 200
2. Find the value of x so that the mean of the given data: 14, 6, 2x,
8, 10, 4 is 8.
3. What number should be included in the data 2, 8, 7, 4 and 9 so
that the mean is 6?
Unit 6 | Data handling 275
Gread 7 | Mathematics

Challenging problems
4. If the mean of A and B is 20, the mean of B and C is 24 and the
mean of A, B and C is 18. What is the mean of A and C?
5. If 2x4 + 2y4 + 2z4 = 144, what is the mean of x4, y 4 and z4
6. The mean of 5 numbers is 11. The numbers are in the ratio
1:2:3:4:5. Find the smallest number.
7. The mean length of 6 rods is 44.2cm. The mean length of 5 of
them is 46 cm. How long is the sixth rod?
B. Median

The middle value of the list after arranging (ordering) the val-
ues in increasing or decreasing order is called the median of the

For example, on the number line the number 0 is the middle value be-
tween -1 and 1, and 5 is the middle value between 4 and 6 and so on.
Example 11:
Find the median of the following data
a. 1,3,5,1,2,0,4 b. -3,4,0,4,5,8,-5,9,2
c. 1,3,5,1,2,0,4
Arrange the numbers in

276 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

i. Increasing order
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then divide the data in to two equal parts from the
right and left, the value which remains at the middle is the median.
i.e. after arranging in order of magnitude, count equal numbers to the
left and to the right, then the remaining single number is the median.
the middle value is 2. Therefore, the median is 2.
ii. In decreasing order

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0

Here also the median is 2

b. -3,4,0,4,5,8,-5,9,2
Arranging the numbers we get -5, -3, 0, 2, 4, 4, 5, 8, 9

The median is 4
If number of the data items is odd, then the median is
simply the middle value of the arranged data in order of
If the number of data items is even, the median is the aver-
age of the two middle values of the data that is arranged in

Example 12:
1. Find the median of the following data
a. 3, 5, 2, 6

Unit 6 | Data handling 277

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 7
c. 5, 6, 8, 5, 8, 2, 9, 4, 3, 7, 9, 10
a. 3, 5, 2, 6
Arranging the numbers, we get 2, 3, 5, 6
If you count equal number of data to the left and to the right, no
number will remain at the middle, therefore you should count equal
numbers to the left and right letting to remain two items( numbers) at
the middle.
2, , 6. The median is the average value of 3 and 5
Median = =4
b. 2, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 7
First arrange the data in increasing order: 1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7
Then count three items to the left and three items to the right
1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
3 and 4 remains at the middle. The average of these numbers is the
Median of the data is = 3.5
c. 5, 6, 8, 5, 8, 2, 9, 4, 3, 7, 9, 10
2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10
Here total number of the data items is 12, then count 5 items from
right to left and from left to right, then 6 and 7 remains in the middle.
Therefore, Median = = 7.5

278 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 13:
If the median of the data 2, 4, 3, 1, x, 6 is 3.5. Find the value of x
The median is 3.5 that is less than 4 and greater than 3. This shows
that x lies between 3 and 4.
Arrange the numbers: 1, 2, 3, x, 4, 6
Median = = 3.5
2(3.5) = 3+x
7 = 3+x
x = 7-3 = 4
C. Mode
Activity 6.4
Assume a student scored the following marks out of 100.
Subject Sida. Eng. Amha. Math. Soci.Sc. civics
Mark 88 82 80 85 88 86 88
a. In which subjects the student scored similar marks.
b. What is the most repeated mark?

Mode of a data is the most repeated value in a given distribution.

For example in the data 88, 82, 86, 85, 88, 86, 88 the repeated values
are 86 and 88. However, 86 is repeated twice and 88 is three times.
So the most repeated value is 88. Therefore, mode of the data is 88.

Unit 6 | Data handling 279

Gread 7 | Mathematics

We determine the mode simply by observation or by


Example 14
Determine the modes of the following distributions
a. 31,23,34,32,31,34,23,43,34,23,33,34
b. 21,23,43,32,23,43,43,35,21,24
a. 23,23,23,31,31,32,33,34,34,34,34,43
The most repeated value in this data is 34. Therefore, mode of the
data is 34.
b. 21,21,23,23,24,32,35,43,43,43
Mode = 43
For a given distribution:
a. The mode can be a single value, two values, or more
than two value.
b. The mode may not exist at all.

If the mode is only one value, then the distribution is called unimodal.
If a distribution has two modes, then it is called bi-modal
If a distribution has three modes, then it is called tri-modal
If a given distribution has more than three modes, it is called multi-

280 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Example 15:
Determine the modes of the following distributions and classify each
as unimodal, bi-modal, multimodal or no mode distributions.
a. 21,12,23,34,43,21,23,43,21,23,21
b. 100,105,100,107,102,107,105,107,105
c. 23,34,34,45,43,23,23,34,45,43,43
d. 23,24,35,46,12,65,74,78,48,39,40
a. 12, 21, 21, 21, 21, 23, 23, 23, 34, 43, 43
The most repeated value is 21.Therefore, mode of the distribution is
Since the mode is only one value, the distribution is called unimodal.
b. 100, 100, 102, 105,105,105,107,107,107
In this distribution, both 105 and 107 repeated equally. Therefore,
modes of the distribution are 105 and 107. The distribution is said to
be bi-modal.
c. 23, 23, 23, 34, 34, 34, 43, 43, 43, 45, 45
In this distribution 23,34 and 43 repeated three times but 45 is only
two times. Hence the modes are 23, 34 and 43. The distribution has
three modes. It is called tri-modal distribution.
d. In question d, all the values in the distribution occurs equal
times. Therefore, the distribution has no mode.

Unit 6 | Data handling 281

Gread 7 | Mathematics

D. Range
Activity 6.5
Assume a student scored the following marks out of 100.

Subject Sida. Eng. Amha. Math. Soci.Sc. civics

Mark 88 82 85 85 88 86 88
a. What is the student’s highest mark?
b. What is the student’s lowest mark?
c. What is the difference between the highest and lowest marks

In a given distribution, the difference between the largest and the
smallest values is called the range of the distribution.
Range = largest value – smallest vale.

Example 16:
In the distribution 23, 43, 21, 35, 36, 32, 26, 43, 38, the highest value
is 43 and the smallest value is 21. The difference between them is
43-21 = 22
Therefore, the range is 22.
Example 17:
The temperature in Ethiopia at some region was recorded as 300c,
270c, 250c, 220c, 170c and 240c. What is the range of the temperature?
Highest temperature = 300c

282 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Lowest temperature = 170c

Range = Highest temperature - Lowest temperature
= 300c - 170c = 130c
Therefore, range of the temperature is 130c.

Exercise 6.4

1. Calculate the mean, mode, median and range of each of the fol-
lowing sets of numbers.
a. 200 406 604 706
b. 326 580 580 799 799 900 900
c. 1100 966 688 499 966 1278 1000 699 566
d. 800 900 1000 800 800 900 1000 700 800 700 800
2. Use the information given to find the value of x in each of the
following sets of numbers.
a. 2, x, 5, 7, 1, 3: the median is 7/2
b. 4, 7, 2, x, 2, 9, 6: the median is 5
3. Find the range of the following mathematics examination scores.
80, 65, 84, 73, 90 and 96
4. In a class of 30 students, the highest score in physics test was 18
and the lowest was 5 out of 20%. What was the range?
5. Find the range of these sets of data: -2, -9, -1, -2000, and -6000.
6. The range for the a data items is 40. Find the largest number if
the smallest is -8.

Unit 6 | Data handling 283

Gread 7 | Mathematics

6.4. Applications
The real life application of data handling is that it helps to compare,
evaluate and do survey about a situation under study.
You may have observed your teacher recording the attendance of the
students in your class, or recording marks obtained by you after every
test or examinations to decide on your progress. This is one of the
application of data handling.
Data handling has many application areas with great importance in
different day-to-day activities .Such as
⧪ In libraries -To keep a record of books.
⧪ Doctors keep records of patients
⧪ Meteorologists take records of the weather
⧪ Astrologists record the movement of stars
⧪ For recording water levels in rivers.
⧪ For recording the economical income of each household.
⧪ For recording on a graph, the progress you have made in your
⧪ For recording traffic data

Group work 6.4

The table given below is about accidents occurred in Ethiopia
from 2008 – 2011E.C reported by Federal Police Commission,
a. In which age level the highest death recorded on drivers

284 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

b. What is the average death occurred on drivers in the three

c. What do you understand about the causes of these accidents?
d. Calculate the average death accidents occured on drivers,
pedestrians and pasengers in each case in the three years.
Represent these data using pie char.
Age Fatalities % Serious % Slight %

injuries injuries
Under 18 25 3.5 30 3.8 10 2.0

18-30 452 63.5 378 48.1 174 34.6


31-50 171 24.0 254 32.3 165 32.8

Above 51 64 9.0 124 15.8 154 30.6
Total 712 100 786 100 503 100
(15.5) (10.6) (8.5)
18-30 438 28.9 1191 43.6 751 45.2
31-50 469 31.0 742 27.1 439 26.4
Above 51 259 17.1 347 12.7 227 13.7

Total 1513 100 2734 100 1660 100

(32.9) (36.9) (27.9)
Under 7 36 1.5 177 4.6 92 2.4
7-13 106 4.5 1132 2.9 324 8.6
14-17 227 9.6 340 8.7 454 12.0
18-30 877 37.0 1621 41.7 1454 38.4
31-50 656 27.7 1050 27.0 1010 26.7

Above 51 470 19.8 586 15.1 452 11.9

Total 2372 100 3887 100 3786 100
(5.6) (52.5) (63.6)

Road injury severity by road users in 2018 (Federal Police Commis-

sion, 2019)

Unit 6 | Data handling 285

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Activity 6.6.
The table below shows Road traffic Injury victims’ distribution
among the Regional States in Ethiopia (2016–2018). Depending on
the table given, answer the following questions

2018 2017 2016










Tigray 386 854 381 374 854 584 371 664 356
Afar 56 73 20 72 49 31 131 164 79
Amhara 1104 1032 1252 1152 1181 1924 1035 1190 1990
Oromia 1478 1448 1386 1882 1710 1586 1541 1459 1485
Somali 132 127 134 204 533 447 157 408 396
Benshangul 91 136 266 36 126 215 33 224 395
712 1152 725 720 1121 922 634 990 937
Gambela 19 43 81 18 20 48 16 38 101
Harari 55 203 188 34 224 507 53 123 284
528 2210 1274 585 1804 1232 477 2085 1232
Dire Dawa 36 129 242 41 128 278 31 141 180
Total 4579 7407 5949 5118 7754 7775 4479 7486 7435

a. What is the total deaths in Ethiopia in all the three years?

b. What is the average death in 2017?
c. What is the average death in Addis Ababa in all the three years?
d. Compute the average deaths in each region in the three years

286 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

e. In 2018, in which region the maximum death encountered? In

which region the minimum death encountered in 2018? What is
the difference between the two?
f. What is the range of serious injuries between Oromia and Ben-
shangul Gumuz in 2016?
g. How do you compare the dangers encountered each year in all
regions? do they increase? Decrease? How do we reduce them?
Source: Federal police commission of Ethiopia, 2019

Exercise 6.5

1. A student has an average score of 90 on four tests. If the student

scored 88, 96 and 92 on the first three tests. What was the stu-
dent’s score on the fourth test?
2. The heights of a group of students, in centimeters, are 158, 162,
172, 157, and 161.
a. Calculate the mean height.
b. Another student joins the group. His height is 169 cm. Cal-
culate the new mean height
3. The mean of four numbers is 90, and the mean of another nine
different numbers is 17. What is the mean of all thirteen num-

Unit 6 | Data handling 287

Gread 7 | Mathematics

Key terms
♠ Data ♠ Pie chart
♠ Data handling
⧪ Measures of central tendency
⧪ Mean, Mode, Median and Range

Unit Summary
In this section, you have learned:
♦ Data is an information, which is collected for a purpose.
♦ Data handling is not only collection of data it is about carefully
collecting, organizing, presenting, and analyzing the data.
♦ Data handling is a set of skills, which includes, collecting data,
keeping records of data, analysis of data, and sharing data. Data
handling may be as simple as orderly recording on a sheet of pa-
per or the completion of entry forms on a computer screen.
♦ We can collect a data using either of the techniques Observation,
Questioners, Interview, Carrying out experiments, From record
office, or From internet
♦ The collected data should be organized, presented and analyzed.
♦ Organizing a data means that editing the data in order to omit
unnecessary information
♦ Presenting a data in tables makes the data more clear and easy for
a user.

288 Unit 6 | Data handling

Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ A line graph is the most commonly used graph to represent two

related facts.
♦ Pie chart is a circular graph.
♦ To present a data in pie chart use the formula totaln,
where n is the given amount and x is the degree that n occupies.
For example in example 6.4,
n = 600Birr, x =300 and the total=2000Birr
Total amount = 100% in percent or Total amount = 3600
♦ To draw a pie chart you should understand
i. what types of information can be represented effectively on a
pie chart
ii. how to use and interpret a pie chart
iii. how to draw an accurate pie chart when a set of data is given.
♦ The total value of the pie is always 100%.
♦ To work out with the percentage for a pie chart, follow the steps
given below:
♠ Categorize the data ♠ Convert into percentages
♠ Calculate the total ♠ Finally, calculate the de-
♠ Divide the categories grees

⧪ Therefore, the pie chart formula is given as:

Given Data
× 360°
Total value of Data
♦ Mean, median and mode are measures of central tendencies
♦ Range is a measure of dispersion.
Unit 6 | Data handling 289
Gread 7 | Mathematics

♦ Mean, median and mode indicates the central values of a data.

♦ Mean and median are single(only one) values where as mode can
be one or more values.
♦ A data may or may not have a mode.
♦ Mean means average. To calculate the mean, add together all of
the numbers or data points (values) in your data set. Then divide
that sum by the number of values in the data set.
♦ Median is the middle number when listed in either ascending
(least to greatest) or descending (greatest to least) order.
♦ The mode tells us the number that occurred the most often in the
data set.
♦ The Range is the difference between the highest and lowest val-
ues in the data set.
♦ A data, which has only one mode, is called unimodal, with two
modes is called Bi-modal, with three modes is called tri-modal
and with more than three modes is called multimodal.
♦ Dispersion of a data refers to how much the data is scattered.
♦ Range is the simplest measure of dispersion.
♦ Range is simply the difference between the highest (largest) and
lowest (smallest) values.

Review exercise
1. Ekita was asked to collect data for size of shoes of the students
in her class 7A. Her findings were recorded in a manner shown
290 Unit 6 | Data handling
Gread 7 | Mathematics

35 36 34 38 37 38 37 36 35 38
34 35 35 36 37 36 36 38 34 37
35 37 38 37 34 35 37 38 38 37
a. the size of shoes worn by maximum number of students
b. the size of shoes worn by minimum number of students
2. Assume that the table below shows the intervals of ages in whole
number of 372 people in certain woreda of Sidama regional state.
Age 0-14 15-29 30-44 45 and above
Percent 48% 14% 30% 8%

a. Draw a pie chart showing this result

b. Determine number of people in each case
3. The pie chart given below shows how long a gardener spent do-
ing various activities over a month.
a. What fraction of the time was spent
on planting? Give your answer in
itssimplest form.
b. If 5 hours were spent on digging.
How long was spent on cutting the
Pie chart of gardening
4. Find the mean, median, mode, and range for the following list of
values 5, 13, 9, 7, 1, 9, 2, 9, and 11
5. A milkman buys milk at Birr76, Birr78 and Birr86 per liter for

Unit 6 | Data handling 291

Gread 7 | Mathematics

three successive years. What approximately is the average cost

per liter of milk if he spends Birr 16,000 each year?
6. Masamo met with his son’s mathematics teacher at parents’ con-
ference. The teacher told Masamo that his son got 23, 21, 20, and
19 out of 85 points on his first four tests. There is one more test
and he needs to increase his average to 98% to get the first rank
in the class.
a. What is his son’s average mark in mathematics now?
b. Write his total mark in percent.
c. By what percent should the last test increase his total score
inorder to be first in rank?
d. What should be his score in last test?
Challenging problems
7. In a pie chart representing the percentages of students having an
interest in reading various kinds of books, the central angle of
the sector representing students reading novels is 81°.
What is the percentage of students interested in reading novels?
8. In a pie chart representing the number of students registered for
different streams of study out of a total strength of 1650 stu-
dents, the central angle of the sector representing arts students is
48°. What is the number of students who registered for the arts

292 Unit 6 | Data handling

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