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Maestra Grace

o Feb 6, 2020
o 5 min read

Full Moon Herbal Bath Limpia

Updated: Oct 5, 2022
This spiritual cleansing herbal bath will help rid your body, mind, emotions, and auric field of negative mental
self-talk and external "messages" that may be causing you difficulties at the physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual level. Read these instructions well in advance so that you have all the materials and ingredients you
will need. Do not omit any step. It is important that you set aside ample time alone to pray, reflect, and
prepare. This is a healing ceremony. Therefore, we do not drink alcohol nor take any non-prescription drugs
three days before, the day of, and three days after the bath.

Ideally, this bath should be taken during the full moon. But, it may also be taken on either:
 Three consecutive nights (the day before, the day of, and the day after the full moon); or
 on the day or night before the full moon;
 the day or night of the full moon;
 the day or night after the full moon.
 at any time during the waning phase of Grandmother Moon.

Shower ahead of time so that your body is clean and ready for this beautiful ritual.
Purification. Use the smoke of copal resin or white sage if it is part of your Indigenous culture and customs. If
you identify as Euro-American, you can do a smoke cleansing by using dried mugwort, rosemary, rowan, or
cedar. If you're in the Pacific Northwest or Canada cedar may be substituted for white sage, which is
Indigenous to Southern California and Northwestern Mexico and is being dangerously overharvested /
incorrectly gathered.

Reflection. Taking as much time as you need, reflect on your situation and what it is that you wish to release.
It is recommended that you do this reflection practice at least a couple of days before your spiritual bath so that
you have more clarity about what it is you wish to experience as a result of this limpia espiritual. For example,
your intention could be clearing the root cause of illness, anxiety, fear, chronic negative self-talk, anger, or
envidia (envy) directed towards you, or that you feel towards another person; obstacles to having harmonious
relationships in your personal and professional life, or letting go of un-forgiveness and grudges towards
another person, and towards yourself. Be willing (or at least be willing to be willing) to let go of the physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual effects of hurtful words, thoughts, and actions directed towards you, and from
you to others, and just as importantly, if not more so, from you to yourself. Depending on one's circumstances,
this practice must be supported with working with a traditional healer or therapist.
1. Light a white glass encased 7-day candle (known as a deity or sanctuary candle) and offer
prayers to Creator or God, Goddess, or Higher Power, in gratitude for the good medicine of
the herbs and plants that have been given to us to use for our good health and well-being. Ask
for protection and blessings from Creator, the Spirit of Water, Mother Earth, Good Healing
Spirits, Grandmother Moon, and your Guides.
2. Cook the herbs. Bring to a gentle boil in a large pot, a very generous handful of: rue or
rosemary, mugwort, white sage (if it grows near you), and basil. Fresh is best, but dried can
be used. These plants are chosen for their purifying qualities so it is best not to substitute with
other plants or flowers. Do so only if you absolutely are not able to gather or purchase the
plants listed. It's a good idea to place the plants inside a large cheesecloth or old clean
pillowcase so that the leaves and stems do not clog your drain. You may also bundle them
together tied with a red string so that you can use them to brush your body as you bathe or
shower. While you are doing this part begin to fill your bath tub with very warm water (part
way only as you'll be adding the herbal water to it).
3. Bathe. Once the water and plants have come almost to a boil, let it sit for a few minutes
(steep) then carefully remove the pot from the stove and add the herbal water to your already
warm bath water and soak in it for at least 15-20 minutes. It is very important that you make
sure that the herbal water touches every part of your body: from the top of your head to the
soles of your feet and everywhere in between. Pay special attention to areas that have
experience physical trauma. As the sacred water washes over you mentally see it entering
your body healing all your vital organs, brain, bones, and skin, so that all that needs to be
released leaves your body/mind/spirit, flowing down and out through the drain. The bath
takes about 20 minutes in order to do it with mindfulness and surrender. You can repeat the
prayers you offered earlier as you pour the water over yourself. Allow the prayed-over water,
your deeply held desire and intention, and the healing power of the plants to wash away
fatigue, confusion, anger, and grief.
4. While you're in the bath, say the following phrases out loud, mindfully and with feeling:
"I now return any energy that I may have taken from someone, knowingly or unknowingly, to its
source, with blessings of love and peace." (3x);

pause for a moment and then state firmly and with deep intent:

"I call back all of my own personal power or energy that I have given away, knowingly or
unknowingly, in all directions of time and space, so that I am fully present and restored to wholeness
and balance. (3x)

Afterward, simply sit in stillness, remembering to breathe normally. Focus on your heart, feeling the light of
compassion flow throughout your body mind.
If you do not have a tub, you may pour the herbal water over your head and body in your shower stall. Make
sure that the water touches every crevice and fold of your body. Perform #3, above. As the sacred water
cascades over you mentally see it entering your body healing all your vital organs, brain, bones, and skin, so
that all that needs to be released leaves your body/mind/spirit, flowing down and out through the drain. The
bath takes about 20 minutes in order to do it with mindfulness and surrender.

Once you feel that you're done, do not rinse off. Allow the blessing of the herbal tea medicine that you bathed
in to remain on your skin. Step out carefully and air dry as much as possible.

For the following three (3) days:

 Listen to uplifting music, read spiritual books, watch funny or inspirational movies, and do
gentle exercises such as qigong, tai chi, or yoga or go for walks in nature.
 Avoid being around persons who indulge in negative talk or who have a history of causing
harm through their words and actions.
 Drink plenty of water and eat good healthy food. Honor the needs of your body and your
Respectful disposal of water: offer all or some of the herbal bath water back to Mother Earth.
Important: Refrain from this bath if you are pregnant (some herbs are abortificient), or have health issues
such as high blood pressure or if you are menstruating --in our traditional healing ways if you are
menstruating your body is already purifying itself.

Grace Alvarez Sesma is not a physician, therapist, nurse, or psychiatrist. The information provided is for
cultural educational purposes and is not meant to replace medical or psychological, diagnosis and treatment.
It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or
psychological ailment you may have.
#Limpias #FullMoonBath

Full Moon Herbal Bath Limpia (

2023. február 4.

Maestra Grace
o Jul 25, 2018
o 3 min read

Baño Espiritual de Luna Llena

Updated: Sep 4, 2019
Este baño es para limpiar el cuerpo, la mente, las emociones y el campo áurico de negatividad, interna y
externa, al igual energía estancada que puede estar causándole dificultades a nivel físico, mental, emocional y
espiritual. Lea estas instrucciones unos dias antes de que vaya hacer este ritual para que esté ampliamente
preparada y tenga todos los materiales. No omita ningún paso ni haga cambios. Es importante que reserve
tiempo suficiente para orar, reflexionar y prepararse.

Idealmente, este baño debe tomarse durante la luna llena. También se puede tomar:
 durante tres noches consecutivas (el día antes, el día de, y el día después de la luna llena);
 en el día o la noche antes de la luna llena;
 el día o la noche de la luna llena;
 el día o la noche después de la luna llena.
 también puede tomar el baño en cualquier momento durante la fase lunar menguante
Prepárese bañándose antes de tiempo para que su cuerpo esté limpio y listo para este hermoso ritual.

1. Sahumere su cuerpo de pies a cabeza con humo de copal o salvia. A continuación, establezca su intención
claramente para los resultados deseados: ¿qué es lo que desea dejar ir de su vida o cuerpo? Por ejemplo, la raíz
o causa fundamental de alguna enfermedad; ansiedad, miedo, pensamientos negativos que tenga hacia usted
misma (bajo auto-estima), envidias dirigidas a usted, o que usted siente hacia otra persona(s), resolver
obstáculos a relaciones armoniosas en su vida personal y/o profesional, dejar ir rencores o bloqueos para poder
perdónar a otros y/o hacia si misma. Debe estar dispuesta a soltar los efectos físicos, emocionales, mentales y
espirituales de trauma, palabras hirientes, acciones y pensamientos rencorosos, tanto hacia usted y que usted
siente hacia otros.
2. Encienda una vela blanca de 7 días (también conocida como vela de santuario). Ofrezca oraciones de
agradecimiento al Creador por esta buena medicina, por las virtudes de las matitas que está usando; y pida
protección y bendiciones del Creador, los guardianes de luz, Abuela Luna, y sus guías y aliados espirituales.
3. Lleve a hervir suavemente en una olla grande, un puño grande de: ruda (o bien romero), salvia blanca, y
albahaca. Es una buena idea poner todas las hierbitas en una funda de almohada para que las hojas y los tallos
no bloquen su drenaje. También puede hacer en un ramillete que puede usar para cepillar su cuerpo mientras se
baña (sea en la tina o ducha/regadera).
4. El Baño. Una vez que el agua y las plantas hagan llegado a un hervor, retire con cuidado y agregue el "te" a
sú tina que debe estar llena con agua ya caliente. Sumergirse en la tina por lo menos 15 minutos. Puede repetir
las oraciones que ofrecio anteriormente.
5. Cortar cuerdas. Diga la siguiente frase con sinceridad y intención: "Regreso todas las energía que pude
haber tomado de alguien, inconscientemente o no, a su fuente, con bendiciones de paz y amor. (3 veces)
después, "Que en este momento regrese todo mi poder personal o cualquier aspecto de mi energía personal que
alguien me haya quitado, inconscientemente o no, para restaurar a la plenitud y equilibrio mi cuerpo, mente, y
espiritu." Digalo en voz alta o mentalmente, tres veces. A continuación, tome cuatro respiros profundos y en
silencio, concentrece en sentir paz en su corazón.
Si no tiene tina: Vierta el agua de hierbas sobre su cabeza y cuerpo en la ducha (regadera), haga todo lo
posible para asegurarse de que el agua toque todas las partes de su cuerpo, incluyendo partes intimas. No se
enjuague. Es mejor no secarse con toalla y dejar que el cuerpo se seque con aire lo más posible.

Durante los próximos tres (3) días: escuche música edificante, lea libros espirituales, o vea películas
divertidas o inspiradoras, y haga ejercicios suaves como qigong, tai chi o yoga, o bien salga a caminar en la
naturaleza. Evite estar cerca de personas que se entregan a conversaciones negativas o chismes. Beba mucha
agua y coma buena comida saludable. Honre las necesidades de su cuerpo y espíritu.
Nota importante: Abstenerse de este baño si está embarazada (ciertas plantas como la ruda son
abortificientes), o si tiene problemas de salud como presión arterial alta o si está en su luna. Griselda (Grace)
Alvarez Sesma no es médico, enfermera o psiquiatra. La información presentada es para fines educativos y no
pretende sustituir diagnosis y tratamiento médico o psicológico, Se recomienda que consulte a un médico o
profesional de salud para cualquier dolencia física o psicológica que pueda tener.

Baño Espiritual de Luna Llena (

2023. február 4.

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