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Received: 13 April 2020 Revised: 29 May 2020 Accepted: 1 June 2020

DOI: 10.1002/er.5678


Environmental impact assessment of green energy systems

for power supply of electric vehicle charging station

Constantin Filote1 | Raluca-Andreea Felseghi1 | Maria Simona Raboaca1,2 |

Ioan Aşchilean3

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Stefan cel Mare
University of Suceava, Suceava, Romania The Electric Vehicle (EV) as a clean alternative to Classic Vehicle that use fos-
ICSI ENERGY Department, National sil fuels is promoted as an immediate solution to improve the quality parame-
Research and Development Institute for
ters of the environment related to the transport sector. The transition to clean
Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies—
ICSI Rm, Valcea, Romania electrified mobility must be considered from the sustainability spectrum, and
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical the planning of a strategy related to the implementation of electric vehicles
University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, implies, from the beginning, providing clean energy conditions to go toward a
green-to-green paradigm. It should be noted that the successful implementa-
Correspondence tion of the “green electro mobility” concept depends heavily on the green
Raluca-Andreea Felseghi, Faculty of energy supply solutions of green electric vehicle, so Electric Vehicle Charging
Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Stefan cel Mare University of Stations (EV-CS) should be powered by electricity generation systems based on
Suceava, Universitaţii Street, No. 13, green resources. This research article has as main objective the environmental
720229 Suceava, Romania.
impact assessment from the perspective of CO2 emissions embedded in green
stand-alone energy systems and the estimation of the environmental benefits
Ioan Aşchilean, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Technical University of of their implementation in the power supply of EV-CS from the perspective of
Cluj-Napoca, C-tin Daicoviciu Street, No. avoided CO2 emissions compared to the classic electricity supply grid. The
15, 400020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
results indicate that the green energy systems represent feasible solutions for
the independent energy support of electric vehicle charging stations, being able
Funding information to supply electricity based on on-site available 100% alternative energy sources.
Romanian Ministery of Research and Related to 1 kWh of electricity, the CO2 emissions embedded in these systems
Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI, Grant/
represent on average 11.40% of the CO2 emissions of the electricity supplied
Award Number: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-
2017-0776/No 36 PCCDI/15.03.2 through the grid at European level and on average 7.10% of the CO2 emissions
of the electricity supplied through the grid worldwide. Results also show that
the average price of 1kWh of electricity generated by the analyzed systems is
4.3 times higher than the average unit price of the European Union grid
energy, but this indicator must be correlated with the kgCO2/kWh cost savings
compared to the electricity production from classic power plants.

clean energy, CO2 emissions embedded in system, eco-responsibility of electric vehicle charging
station, environmental impact of electric vehicle, green electro mobility, green energy, green-to-
green paradigm

Int J Energy Res. 2020;1–24. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1

1 | INTRODUCTION systems. Plans are being set up around the world and in the
EU Member States, and ways for achieving the agreed
“Climate change” is one of the largest phenomena with a energy and climate eco-responsibility goals for 2030 are
negative impact that generates significant threats to the being opened. Policies and measures to support innovation
environment, the social and economic framework.1 and investment are in a continuous process of development,
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contribute to the global and the European Commission has recently adopted its
phenomenon of climate change, the main sources of long-term strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
GHG produced by humans being related to the burning 2050.7-9
of traditional classic fuels for the generation of electricity, The transport and mobility sector represents 31% of
transport, industry and households.2 global final energy consumption (see Figure 2), ranking
The report of the World Meteorological Organization second after the residential sector–considered the largest
of December 20193 highlights that “there is no sign of energy consumer and GHG massive emitter.10 Given that
slowing down and even less of a decline, despite all the target of 80% decarburization globally translates into
commitments under the Paris Agreement on climate practice also for the transport sector, it is necessary to
changes.4 The quoted report indicates that the global combine efforts to switch from propulsion based on inter-
average CO2 concentration reached 407.8 ppm in 2018, nal combustion engines powered by conventional fossil
compared to 405.5 ppm in 2017. At this moment the CO2 fuels to those using alternative fuels, respectively when
concentration is 50% higher than in 1750, before the using electric propellers.
industrial revolution opened the era of large-scale use of Worldwide, in recent years, there has been a diversifi-
coal, oil and gas. Since 1990, the increase in the level of cation of the vehicle propulsion mode, by using biofuels,
greenhouse gasses has led to an increase of 43% in the biogas, electricity, and exceptionally, hydrogen (H2), the
heating effect of the atmosphere. Most of this effect–four main types of vehicles, respectively the main fuels used
fifths–is caused by CO2. But the concentrations of meth- by these vehicles were schematically shown in Figure 3.
ane and nitrogen oxide, two other key greenhouse gasses, As clean alternatives to vehicles that consume fossil
have also increased in 2018 with more than the annual fuels, electric vehicles (EVs) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
average of the last decade.3 (FCVs) have attracted significant attention both to the
CO2 is the greenhouse gas released into the environ- researchers and the manufacturers, because it is considered
ment with the highest weight in relation to the other that they do not generate harmful emissions for the environ-
harmful emissions, being usually produced by human ment during the operational phase.11,12 Although FCVs are
activities. Other greenhouse gasses are issued in smaller exceptional options for mitigating GHG emissions, hydrogen
quantities, but they capture heat much more efficiently infrastructure and economy face serious limitations,13 but
than CO2, and in some cases are thousands of times EV use has grown rapidly in recent years–electric vehicle
stronger. Figure 1 summarizes the GHG weights issued at charging station (EV-CS) infrastructure management is con-
the worldwide level by the main economic sectors.5,6 venient through worldwide availability of grid electrification,
The energy sector produces the highest share of green- especially in congestion key knots from urban areas.14,15
house gas resulting from the human activities. Therefore, Counteracting the effects on climate change and the
reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 80% by 2050 will effort to improve environmental parameters combined
exert particular pressure, especially on power generation with the obvious and worrying depletion of traditional

(A) (B)

emissions by sector. Carbon
dioxide (CO2);
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs);
Methane (CH4); Nitrous Oxide
(N2O) [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

F I G U R E 2 Final energy
consumption by sectors10 [Colour figure
can be viewed at]

FIGURE 3 Vehicle types and fuels [Colour figure can be viewed at]

fossil fuel resources, as well as the associated costs of availability of motor fuel and its impact on the quality of
increasing extraction, is vital to developing a whole range the environment.
of innovative technologies with low carbon footprint that In the reports by International Energy Agency (IEA)
will ensure long-term sustainability of global mobility, it is appreciated that in the transport sector, the technol-
based on electric propellers and/or alternative fuels. ogy of electric or hybrid cars with direct power supply
Although electric cars were introduced to the market from the grid is constantly expanding. The EV market is
more than three decades ago by large manufacturers, it has growing rapidly and according to most forecasts, it will
only become popular in recent years with consumers.16 continue on this trajectory.16-18
The integration of electric vehicles into the car park can However, the transition to green vehicles will not be
significantly reduce the overall level of greenhouse gas very easy, and for the widespread adoption by consumers
emissions and air pollution, especially if the electricity of the concept of electro mobility technological improve-
comes from renewable sources.17 ments are needed, in particular an improvement of infra-
Currently, electro mobility is considered a perfect solu- structure is needed, so that electric vehicle charging
tion for decarbonizing the transport sector. The develop- stations to become as numerous as conventional fuelling
ment of electric vehicles has made significant progress, stations, and the capacity to produce energy from clean
being recognized as an effective way to support transport alternative sources to be expanded to take full advantage
by reducing oil dependence and air pollution, producing of the electro mobility benefits.19,20
potential benefits for human health and improving the The transition to clean electrified mobility must be con-
quality parameters of the environment and it is anticipated sidered from the sustainability spectrum, and the planning
to act a significant role in the future for a broad range of of a strategy related to the implementation of electric vehi-
transport systems.16,17 cles implies, from the beginning, providing clean energy
However, it is impetuous necessary to take into conditions to go toward a green-to-green paradigm.
account the fact that this technological deployment will This paper aims to make a comprehensive compara-
only be a part–a solution to the problem regarding the tive analytical overview of environmental performances

achieved by alternative technologies associated with low Khan et al present in Reference 27 an optimization model
carbon footprint electro mobility as opposed to the classic which aims to reduce the functional costs of a solar micro-
technologies. It is notable that the successful implemen- grid. The authors implement several methods, such as dual
tation of green electro mobility concept depends strongly decomposition, Lambda iteration, Lagrange relaxation or
on the green energy solutions of green electric vehicles, so binary integer programming in order to obtain a joint opti-
electric vehicle charging stations should be powered by mization solution. The simulations validating the solution
electricity production systems based on green resources. show a good cost and emission reduction. In Reference 28,
The increasing demand for electric vehicles and the Mehrjerdi and Hemmati propose a three-level charging sys-
need to ensure a sustainable energy infrastructure for EV- tem with optimization on the rated power and capacity of
CS motivate researchers to explore research in this domain. storage systems. The power grid reinforcement and the
It is obvious that in order to contribute to the GHG emis- capacity of charging station are also taken into account in
sions reduction from the transport sector, electric vehicles the simulation. In Reference 29, Suganaya et al propose a
should be charged with clean electricity from green energy strategic placement method for charging stations and dis-
resources. The existing scholarly literature discussed below tributed generation systems, as well as a smart energy man-
presents various approaches to the clean power supply for agement framework. As in Reference 23, PSO algorithm is
the EV-CS proposed by other researchers. used in order to deal with the time constraint. Basit et al
Bhatti et al conduct in Reference 21 a complete study present in Reference 30 a complete review of renewable
on the use of solar energy for the power supply of electric energy sources and make an approach to solve critical
vehicles. The focus is on the comparison between two issues in photovoltaic panels related to low efficiency, iner-
types of EV charging, grid connected and stand-alone tia reduction, harmonics, by comparing three models in
mode, from both economic and technical feasibility point MATALB/Simulink and introducing the FACTS technol-
of view. Also, a solid background with reference to the ogy/controllers (flexible AC transmission system). Moradi
architecture and control of the integrated photovoltaic– et al31 raise a multi-objective optimization problem in order
grid EV charging systems is made in Reference 22. to obtain an optimal solution regarding the impact on the
Some studies in the literature highlight elements of microgrid of the EV charging stations and renewable
design, sizing and optimal management of EV-CS powered energy sources. The goal of optimization based on the Dif-
by renewable energy. In Reference 23, Bhatti et al propose ferential Evolution algorithm is to increase energy quality
a solution for the optimum sizing of a photovoltaic array and efficiency and to decrease the energy losses. In Refer-
and storage unit used for an EV office workplace charging ence 32, the author's combines estimations on photovoltaic
system. The solution is computed using particle swarm energy yield from available roof and façade areas with sim-
optimization, taking into account both the financial model ulations of electric vehicle charging energy load. In Refer-
(fixed prices) and the energy management algorithm, ence 33, Kurien et al conduct a feasibility study related to
obtaining a 16% decrease in price compared to a typical solar based EV charging stations mounted on the roofs of
charging system. Domínguez-Navarro et al24 design an EV- the installed gas station, the considered location being Deh-
CS that is energetically supported by wind and sun, with radun, India. This solution improved the overall accep-
batteries provided as an energy storage medium. By con- tance of EVs and power generation using renewable
ducting the study, the authors conclude that the use of energy sources. Another feasibility study in conducted by
renewable energy in EV charging would reduce the impact Rodriguez et al,34 in relation to EV charging using PV sys-
on the electricity grid, and could also reduce pollutant tems, leading to a decrease in CO2 emissions and less over-
emissions. Karmaker et al combined the sun and biogas load of local grids. The study was conducted in several
energy resources to produce electricity to drive EV-CS. The countries and the results showed that the countries with
authors claim that by implementing this type of energy sys- high irradiation (Brazil and Australia) are more likely to
tem in the power supply of EV-CS it is possible to obtain a operate such systems. Esfandyari et al35 proposed a model
reduction of CO2 emissions (34.68%) compared to a classic for optimizing and designing an energy system based on
energy supply system.25 photovoltaic panels and batteries with practical applicabil-
Most of the researchers focus on optimizing energy sys- ity for charging light electric vehicles. The study highlights
tems that power electric vehicle charging stations. These the energy performances of the system, a cost analysis was
studied systems integrate various alternative energy con- carried out, but also, environmental benefits are presented
version equipments and various green energy storage solu- and CO2 savings estimates are made.
tions. Hafez and Bhattacharya26 conduct the optimization Some authors propose new approaches and energy
of energy systems in order to minimize the life cycle cost. solutions for the power supply of EV-CS, by integrating
Different energy sources are considered, such as renewable new technologies for electricity production, especially
energy technology (solar, wind) and diesel generation. hydrogen energy.36-40 Xu et al39 introduce a unique concept

to provide, in the same location, both the electric charging This research article fills the gap in the literature
of the electric vehicles and the hydrogen supply of fuel cell by assessing the environmental impact from the perspec-
vehicles. Mehrjerdi conducts a study on the optimal coop- tive of CO2 emissions embedded in alternative energy
eration of solar panels, hydrogen storage system, water systems and estimating the environmental benefits of
electrolyzer, fuel cells, and diesel generator with the goal of their implementation in the power supply of EV-CS from
fuelling at the same time electric vehicles and hydrogen the perspective of avoided CO2 emissions compared to
vehicles. The research results are disseminated consisting the classic electricity supply grid. The study was orga-
of energy efficiency and economic analysis.40 Another nized as follows: Section 2, Background presents in a
researcher proposes for study a stand-alone energy system comparative manner an overview of the life cycle assess-
dedicated to EV-CS that integrates solar and wind energy ment (LCA) of the conventional vehicle vs the electric
with various energy storage media (battery, hydrogen, and vehicle, and then the environmental impact of the elec-
ammonia energy storages). The specific objective of the tricity production recorded by the Grid Mix Composition
study is to investigate the level of contribution of each from the perspective of CO2 emissions is presented; in
alternative energy source to EV charging.41 Section 3, Materials and Methods–a brief framework for
Other approaches in the literature refer to the public conducting the study is presented, being proposed for
studies on the willingness of EV drivers to pay for renew- analysis a series of electricity production systems based
able energy, the economic and environmental benefits on the conversion of clean energy resources, and the
resulting from the use of renewable energy for electric methods of analysis are widely described, together with
vehicle charging42 and present geospatial, political and the proposed input data for the purpose of conducting a
socio-demographic trends related to the implementation case study; Section 4 presents the Results of the study in
of alternative energies in the power supply of electric vehi- the form of comparative graphs that are critically dis-
cle charging stations.43 Eser et al make a research in Ref- cussed; Section 5, Discussion gives practical implications,
erence 44 related to battery electric vehicles and the limitations, suggestions and future research directions
European Union requirement of having lower CO2 emis- are highlighted; Section 6 concludes the paper.
sions. Power plants and transmission lines are modeled
and simulated using a georeferenced optimal power flow.
Betancourt-Torcat, et al formulate in Reference 45 an opti- 2 | BACKGROUND
mal decision-making methodology using a general alge-
braic modeling system for satisfying the overall electricity Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a worldwide standardized
demand, considering carbon capture and distribution of methodology through the International Organization
electricity to EV-CS. De Tena and Pregger investigate in for Standardization (ISO) 1404047 which, together with
Reference 46 the impact of electro mobility on power sys- other tools for implementing environmental policies (eg,
tems in Europe, especially in Germany by 2050. Their pro- eco-labeling, “green” procurement, carbon footprint), is
posal is to ensure the energy demand during peak loads the basis of sustainable development, being a useful tool
using controlled charging and hydrogen production, thus in substantiating the decisions regarding the protection
obtaining a 10% efficiency increase. of the environment.
By analyzing and overviewing the perspectives for the The Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) approach requires a
implementation of renewable energies in EV-CS it can be broader perspective, paying attention to the raw materials
stated that this research area is constantly evolving. We will used, the supply chains, the use of products or the provi-
be stander-by to novel and completely different modes of sion of services and, finally, the effects produced as a result
manufacturing and using energy. Electricity could be of waste disposal, without excluding the possibilities of re-
engendered from practically zero pollution resources in a use or recycling.48 The use of LCT can help to avoiding sit-
future day, after the fossil fuel economy. uations where one problem is solved while another one is
Existing research in the field of implementing clean alter- created, thus preventing the transfer of tasks from one stage
native energies in the power supply of EV-CS successfully of the life cycle to another, from one region to another,
demonstrates the energy, economic and environmental ben- from one generation to another or between different types
efits. However, there is no work that making an environmen- of impact. Also, the LCT can help to the identification of
tal impact assessment of green energy systems for power opportunities that can be transposed into decisions, in
supply of electric vehicle charging station in a dedicated order to improve the environmental performance (LCA)
approach. Even if these energy systems do not seem to pro- and increase the economic benefits.48,49
duce pollutants in operation, they have an impact on the Figure 4 briefly shows the main stages that are part
environment due to the embedded pollutant emissions in of the vehicle life cycle to be taken into account for the
systems, which can be stated throughout the whole life cycle. drawing up of an inventory of relevant inputs and

F I G U R E 4 Life Cycle
Thinking for conventional
vehicles and electric vehicles
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

outputs related to the assessment of potential environ- on the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions associated
mental impacts associated with these elements in order with an EV.53 Wu et al presented a survey from China
to identify opportunities to the improve environment aimed at investigating environmental concerns in EV pub-
aspects at different points of the life cycle. lic acceptance.54 Pouria Ahmadi studied the environmental
By analyzing the diagram in Figure 4, the main ques- impacts and behavioral drivers of deep decarburization for
tion that this study will answer is stated. Who generates transport through electric vehicles.55 Qiao et al conducted
more greenhouse gas emissions: the classical fossil fuel a study on life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of Electric
consumption of conventional vehicles or electric vehicles Vehicles in China: combining the vehicle cycle and fuel
that consume electricity produced in traditional coal-fired cycle. The main results of the study indicate that the GHG
power plants? emissions during the life cycle of an EV was about 41.0
In addition, in order to improve the environmental tCO2eq in 2015, 18% lower than those of an internal com-
performances of electro mobility based on the LCT, the bustion engine vehicle. This value is expected to be reduced
main opportunity to increase the benefits of EV eco- to only 34.1 t CO2eq in 2020, due to the reduction of the
responsibility was drawn, by intervening on a key point GHG emission factor due to electricity.56
in this chain, namely the green energy supply of EV-CS, Onata et al ask the question “How sustainable is elec-
respectively the energy support of these consumers by tric mobility?” The authors concluded that “the adoption
using locally available alternative renewable resources. of electric vehicle alternatives does not favor macroeco-
It is well known that clean alternative energy conver- nomic indicators and they have slightly less for a life-cycle
sion technologies do not produce pollutants during oper- cost.”57 Wael Salah et al investigate the impact of large-
ation and do not degrade the environment,50,51 but they scale EV implementation and use on energy demand and
must also undergo a careful life cycle analysis to high- on improving environmental parameters.58
light their impact on the environment. Thiel et al analyzed the EV societal impacts and infra-
structure deployment at EU scale, specifically they analyze
the likely impact of related plans of the EU member states.59
2.1 | Environmental impact— Milligan et al conducted an analysis related to “driven per-
Comparative presentation of the formance of Electric Vehicles in Edinburgh and its environs,”
conventional vehicle vs electric vehicle where an argumentation is provided on the impact of the
electricity mix on carbon emission decreasing.60
Nowadays, some research topics are focusing on the Li et al conducted in Reference 61 a research on EV
impact of electro mobility on the environment and on the carbon emissions during the whole life cycle. According
comparative approach of environmental life cycle assess- to the analyzes carried out by the authors, it follows that
ment of alternative (EV, FCV) and conventional vehicles the CO2 emissions of EVs of the same weight class are
(CV),52 various results of the analyzes and studies in the 24% to 31% higher than those of conventional fuel vehi-
field being presented in the specialized literature. cles, which is due to the current composition of the elec-
Fernández proposed a more realistic approach to EV tricity grid mix in China. As the proportion of clean
contribution to GHG emissions in the city, research based energy in the grid mix composition increases, the benefits

of electric vehicles for reducing CO2 emissions will grad- of increasing electro mobility varies greatly in different
ually emerge.61 countries, which means full-scale deployment of electro
Bicer and Dincer carry out a comparative assessment of mobility does necessarily deliver the sustainability of trans-
the life cycle of internal combustion vehicles fuelled by var- port that was expected from it.”64
ious fuels, ranging from hydrogen to gasoline, electric vehi- Baumann et al in the work “Reducing the Environ-
cles and hybrid electric vehicles also being considered for mental Impacts of Electric Vehicles and Electricity Sup-
the study. The results of the study highlight that, among all ply: How Hourly Defined Life Cycle Assessment and
the analyzed fuel/vehicle categories, the hydrogen vehicle Smart Charging Can Contribute” emphasize that the mix
is the best ecological option. With respect to the EVs, the of electricity used for charging sessions for electric vehi-
authors conclude that although they do not directly emit cles significantly influences the EV life cycle greenhouse
CO2 during operation, the processes of production and dis- gas emissions.65
posal/recycling of the batteries have consequences that Xiao and Wen66 conducted a comprehensive analysis
harm the environment in terms of acidification, eutrophi- of the impact of electric vehicles on the environment in
cation and human toxicity. The essential element of sus- the United States based on the Life Cycle Assessment
tainability in the operation of EVs is the use of non-fossil method. In the study, the main stages of the life cycle of
fuel routes and/or clean alternative resources for the gener- car were approached, and the results were presented and
ation of electricity they consume.62 analyzed critically compared to the similar parameters
Kawamoto et al in the work “Estimation of CO2 calculated for a conventional vehicle.
Emissions of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle and One of the research directions, which refers to energy
Battery Electric Vehicle Using LCA” conclude that “the consumption during the EV life cycle, whose results are
CO2 emissions of CV and EV are dependent on the presented in Table 1, shows that compared to the total
regions as well as the CO2 emissions of battery produc- EV life cycle it is more energy efficient than CV. This
tion. This study suggested that EV is not only solution for aspect is justified by the energy consumption of EV in
reducing CO2 emissions globally, but it is important for driving stage decreased by 43.34% compared to CV
car manufacturers to introduce CV as well as EV to each consumption.66
region in consideration of electricity mixes and so on.”63 The other research direction addressed refers to the
Skrúcaný et al in the article “Impact of the Electric environmental pollutants emitted during the EV life
Mobility Implementation on the Greenhouse Gasses Pro- cycle, the results being presented in Table 2. Reported to
duction in Central European Countries” concludes that “the the life cycle, the EV is more environmentally friendly
quantification of the positive environmental consequences than the CV, an aspect justified mainly by the CO2 emis-
sions discharged by the EV, which represents 60.30% of
those discharged by the CV. It should be mentioned that
T A B L E 1 Energy consumption during the vehicle life cycle. the CO2 discharged by the EV in the driving stage repre-
Comparative presentation of conventional the vehicle vs electric sents CO2 emissions embedded in the electricity con-
vehicle66 sumed by the vehicle, and the CO2 discharged by the CV
is due to the consumption of classic fossil fuel.66
Energy consumption (kJ)
Regardless of the approach to the problem of electro
Conventional Electric mobility, it is obvious that the widespread adoption of
Life cycle vehicle vehicle the electric vehicle as an eco-responsible and sustainable
Manufacturing stage 9.50 × 107 16.20 × 107 solution to the environmental problems in the transport
Driving stage 240.00 × 107 136.00 × 107 sector depends decisively on the quality of the electricity
that is used for their propulsion. Therefore, for the suc-
Recycling stage 0.20 × 107 51.40 × 107
cessful implementation of the EV, the attention should
TOTAL 249.70 × 107 203.60 × 107
be directed in particular to the decarburization of the grid

T A B L E 2 Environmental pollutant emissions during the vehicle life cycle. Comparative presentation of the conventional vehicle vs
electric vehicle66

Discharge coefficient

Vehicle type CO2 CH4 CO NOX dust SOX VOC

CV 1890 × 10 2
2.10 × 10 2
15.5 × 102
1.64 × 10 2
1.67 × 10 2
96 × 10 1.19 × 102
EV 1140 × 102 1.57 × 102 2.19 × 102 0.93 × 102 3.78 × 102 2.24 × 102 0.11 × 102

mix composition or the adoption of clean energy supply Eurostat agencies and the values of the carbon dioxide
solutions for electric vehicles charging stations by capitaliz- emissions generated by this sector.
ing on the green energy resources available on their site. At the worldwide level, particularly at EU28 level, it is
critically important to decarbonize this production sector.
Since 1990, worldwide actions have been initiated in order
2.2 | Environmental impact of the power to reduce the costs of limiting actions and to reduce green-
generation mix composition house gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol (1997),73 a proto-
col to the United Nations Framework Convention on
The concept of “power generation mix composition” Climate Change, has made an important contribution to
refers to the combination of the different primary energy establishing key principles on strategies for energy, envi-
sources used to meet the electricity needs of different ronment and climate policy. This protocol is also an impor-
consumers. This includes fossil fuels (coal, natural gas tant step forward in the fight against global warming,
and oil), non-renewable waste, nuclear power and vari- containing mandatory and quantified objectives for limit-
ous alternative energy resources (hydro, solar irradiation, ing and reducing greenhouse gasses that underpin a com-
wind speed, biomass, biofuel, biogas, geothermal, heat mon global energy strategy, including at European Union
from heat pumps, hydrogen).67,68 level. Also, it was the basis for the adoption of the 20-20-20
According to the statistical reports published by the target package of the 2007 European Council, which envis-
specialized agencies, the European Environment Agency ages a 20% increase in energy efficiency, a 20% reduction in
(EEA),69 the Statistical Office of the European Union greenhouse gas emissions and a 20% increase in the share
(Eurostat)70 and the International Energy Agency of renewable energy in the energy mix74 and the launch in
(IEA),71,72 at the level of the European Union, the produc- 2011 of a visionary exercise for the energy of the European
tion of electricity based on coal and lignite recorded Union on the horizon of the 2050s (Roadmap for Energy
decreases by 22% in 2016 compared to 1997, but a signifi- 2050), with the intention of establishing intermediate
cant percentage was replaced by natural gas, which regis- benchmarks for the year 2030.75
tered large increases in 2016 compared to 1997, so that By value, CO2 emission intensity from public electricity
fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy sector. In the production of important pawns of the world is graphically
direction of use of alternative resources for electricity gen- illustrated in Figure 6, in gCO2 for 1 kWh of electricity.
eration, significant progress has been made, in 2016 being The presentation of values in a comparative way aims to
recorded 2.5 times higher use rate at EU28 level compared highlight the evolution of CO2 emission discharge in 2019
to 1997.70-72 The reported values are shown schematically compared to 1990–the reference year assumed by the Kyoto
in Figure 5. In accordance with the reported electricity Protocol and the 20-20-20 target package. If at the EU28
production, the chart compiled statistics of the EEA, IEA, and China level there have been significant improvements

F I G U R E 5 Gross electricity
generation by resources at EU28
level69-72 [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

F I G U R E 6 CO2 emission
intensity from public electricity
production69,71,72 [Colour figure can
be viewed at]

in terms of CO2 emission, worldwide changes in values are 3.1 | Framework

modest, India being the country with the highest emissions
for 1 kWh electricity, but it has not made any progress This study was carried out within the complex project
toward the improvement of quality of the electricity gener- “Intelligent conductive charging stations, fixed and MobiLe,
ation compared to the 1990 reference moment.69-72 for electric propulsion transport”–(SMiLE-EV).77 The main
The average value of carbon dioxide emissions at objective of the SMiLE-EV project is to improve the institu-
EU28 (295.80 gCO2/kWh)10 and worldwide (475.00 tional performance of public organizations with relaunching
gCO2/kWh)6 were taken into account when carrying out possibilities by developing existing research competences
the analysis and case study covered by this article. and identifying interdisciplinary competences that will
Figure 7 shows the price of electricity for households; make possible the implementation of advanced theoretical
prices include all items in the electricity bill, such as dis- and technological solutions for the establishment of fixed
tribution and energy cost, various environmental taxes charging stations and EV-type mobile, Green-Green type,
and fuel costs. for increasing efficiency by reducing energy consumption
In the first half of 2019, electricity prices for household and preserving the environment. The purpose of the project
consumers in the EU28 were the highest in Germany (0.31 is the establishment, design, achievement, testing, demon-
EUR/kWh) and the lowest in Bulgaria (0.10 EUR/kWh). In stration and prototyping of fixed (TRL5/TRL6) and mobile
June 2019, worldwide, the lowest electricity price is regis- (TRL5) charging stations for electric propulsion transport,
tered in Iran (0.01 EUR/kWh), and the highest in Bermuda in order to obtain and develop clean energy applications,
(0.36 EUR/kWh). In order to have a reference unit regard- such as Green-Green.77
ing the Levelized Cost of Energy generated by green energy One of the specific objectives of the project concerns
systems, in the present work, the average value of the elec- the interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research regard-
tricity price calculated at EU28 level (0.22 EUR/kWh) was ing the achievement of fixed and mobile EV power stations
considered for the economic analysis.76 supported energetically by new technologies based on
green, unconventional energies.77 In order to achieve this
objective, a series of energy systems for the power supply of
3 | MATERIALS AND METHODS EV-CS have been proposed, integrating various technolo-
gies for the conversion and storage of alternative energy.
This study will focus on the intervention in the “power The variants of green energy systems (SeG) consid-
generation” point of the LCT chain presented in Figure 4, ered for the analysis and study have been optimally con-
especially highlighting the low environmental impact of figured and simulated virtually in operation so that the
the green energy systems for the power supply of the stand-alone operating mode of EV-CS is ensured. The
electric vehicle charging station. main equipment, components of the energy systems are:

F I G U R E 7 Electricity prices for

households, June 2019 (kWh, Euro)76
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

i. Energy conversion equipment: photovoltaic panels electricity, especially the CO2 emissions embedded in these
(PV), wind turbines (WT), fuel cell (FC), electrolyzer alternative energy production systems. SeG environmental
(Ely), inverter (I); performances were analyzed in comparison with the values
ii. Energy storage equipment: batteries (B) and hydro- of the ecological parameters regarding the grid supplied
gen storage tank (H2 tank). electricity grid supplied, reported at world level (World6)
and at the European Union level (EU2810).
The configuration of each proposed SeG is presented
in Table 3.
The implementation and installation of these stand- 3.2 | Virtual simulation environment
alone green energy systems in practical applications
depends essentially on the local availability of renewable The optimal configuration of clean energy generation sys-
energy sources (solar irradiation and wind speed), but tems and the selection of alternative energy conversion
also on site-conditioned limitations. Wind energy based technical equipment, depending on the availability of
systems (SeG2, SeG3, SeG5 and SeG6) are feasible solu- local renewable energy sources, is a problem that can be
tions for isolated areas, land free of any encumbrances, solved using mathematical numerical tools, such as evo-
less populated and built, the positioning of wind turbines lutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms.
on site being conditioned by limitations on their distance In this study, in order to optimally configure the energy
from other objectives or the context of the natural habitat systems and to simulate the operation of the energy equip-
of plants and animals. The wind turbines adopted in this ment, it was chosen to perform virtual simulations using
case study are indicated in agricultural area with some the iHOGA PRO +2.5 version (Hybrid Optimization by
buildings and preserving hedges 8 (m) high with an Genetic Algorithms).78 This software tool works based on
approximate distance of 1250 (m). These types of systems the principles of evolutionary algorithms and Pareto optimi-
can be considered in planning the EV charging infra- zation for solving multicriteria optimization problems.79
structure, and they could be strategically located to cover Most of the times the optimal criteria are contradictory,
the long-distance intercity trips. SeG1 and SeG4 are suit- which makes it difficult to establish a technique for solving
able to be located both in crowded areas of cities (super- such problems. The main disadvantage of the multicriteria
market, parking spaces, university campus, individual or optimization problems is the incompatibility of the different
collective housing, etc.), and in isolated areas (near high- criteria and, therefore, the impossibility of comparing the
ways, mountain remote area, non-electrified areas, etc.). solutions. In the Pareto optimization this difficulty is elimi-
The feasibility of SeGs has been studied in an analysis nated by defining an order relation (dominance relation)
on energy, ecological and economic performance over the solution set.80,81 Schematically, the working meth-
(3E_Analysis). Within this article, “3E_Analysis” is pres- odology with this software tool is presented in Figure 8.
ented in detail, underlining the environmental impact of The iHOGA software78 allows the user to select
the studied green energy systems, which power EV-CS between various optimization methods: a mono-objective

TABLE 3 SeG configurations

SeG Configuration Operating principle

SeG 1 PV + B The energy system uses solar irradiation as a primary renewable source of
electricity generation, and during periods of intermittent weather and/or
alternating day/night, it uses battery storage as a back-up solution.
SeG 2 WT + B The energy system uses wind speed as a primary renewable source of electricity
generation, and during periods of intermittent weather and/or alternating
day/night, it uses battery storage as a back-up solution.
SeG 3 PV + WT+ B The energy system uses both types of renewable energy resources for electricity
production and batteries storage as a back-up solution.
SeG 4 PV + FC + Ely + H2tank The energy system uses solar irradiation as a primary renewable source of
electricity generation, and as an alternative secondary resource for its use
during periods of intermittent weather and alternating day/night, it uses
hydrogen produced locally by electrolyzer and used in the generation of
electricity by the fuel cell.
SeG 5 WT + FC + Ely + H2tank The energy system uses wind speed as a primary renewable source of electricity
generation, and as an alternative secondary resource for its use during periods
of intermittent weather, it uses hydrogen produced locally by electrolyzer and
used in the generation of electricity by the fuel cell.
SeG 6 PV + WT + FC + Ely + H2tank The energy system uses both types of renewable energy resources for electricity
production, and as an alternative secondary resource for its use during periods
of intermittent weather, it uses hydrogen produced locally by electrolyzer and
used in the generation of electricity by fuel cell.

FIGURE 8 Working methodology with iHOGA software tool [Colour figure can be viewed at]

one for which the software will output the most cost- by which it was achieved are the following: total system
efficient solution (having the smallest life cycle costs) cost, carbon dioxide emissions, unmet load, excess energy
or a multi-objective one, where the solution depends and rated power/component equipment related to energy
on multiple objectives: two, three or five (total cost and demand assurance.
unmet load, total cost and carbon dioxide emissions, total
cost, unmet load and dioxide emissions, any other combi-
nation of objectives to be optimized). The algorithm 3.3 | 3E_analysis
behind the mono objective optimization ensures elitism
by making use of an archive (secondary population), Green Energy Systems for Power Supply of Electric Vehicle
while the one behind the multi objective optimization Charging Station proposed for the case study were opti-
relies on the principles of Strength Pareto Evolutionary mally configured and simulated in operation, the optimal
Algorithm (SPEA).82-85 solutions being described in Section 4. Results and were
In this analysis is opted for the multi-objective type examined from Energy, Environmental and Economic
optimization, and the criteria with minimization function perspectives.

Energy outputs: the most relevant to be presented • EV-CS average daily load was 16.49 kWh/day77;
refers to the average annual values of the energy gener- • The studied site: 23.60 + E longitude and 46.7667 + N
ated by SeG during 1 year of operation. latitude;
Environmental achievements: refer to SeG life cycle • The availability of renewable energy sources (RES) for
CO2 emissions and take into account the CO2 emissions the studied site were summarized in Table 4. The values
embedded in the components of the systems during the are taken from the NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar
entire SeG lifespan (manufacturing stage, transportation Energy database: RETScreen Data.87 These refer to the
stage, installation, operation, maintenance/equipments Average Solar Daily Irradiation (ASDI) in (kWh/m2/
replacement stage, recycling stage). The results calculated day), the Average Monthly Sunshine Duration (AMSD)
for a period of 25 years were divided, being presented in in (hours) and the Average Monthly Wind Speed
relation to the amount of energy generated during 1 year, (AMWS) in (m/s) at 10 m height. This wind speed calcu-
respectively for 1 kWh of electricity.85,86 These results were lation data is converted to hourly values within iHOGA
compared with the similar indicator calculated for the PRO +2.5.78 following the procedure presented by the
grid electricity mix composition, highlighting the CO2 software developers, Dufo-López and Bernal-Agustín in
emissions avoided if these green energy generation systems Reference 88.
are used instead of the electricity provided by the grid.
Economic achievements: the financial-economic indi- The main alternative energy storage and conversion
cators analyzed in this study refer to the following equipment have the parameters summarized in Table 5.
aspects: The technical, ecological, and economic characteristics
are average values of the parameters described in accor-
• Initial investment, which represents the initial expense dance with the data provided by the manufacturers,
with the purchase of the equipment components of the being available in the iHOGA PRO +2.5 library.78,85
systems (photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, batteries, With regard to the ecological parameters related
hydrogen technology, auxiliary components) and the ini- to the technology of generation of electrolytic hydrogen
tial costs for the execution, installation, commissioning.85 based on RES, its storage in H2 tank and its electro-
• The global indicator Total Net Present Cost (NPC) chemical conversion into electricity by the fuel cell,
consists of operational costs, initial cost, maintenance the value taken into account was 330 kg equivalent
(service, component replacement) costs and other costs CO2 emissions/kW rated power.85 This value represents
occurring during the SeG's 25 year lifetime. The cost CO2 emissions incorporated into the system resulting
related to component equipment consists of the follow- from the manufacturing of electrolyzer, fuel cell, and
ing costs: service, maintenance and replacement of each H2 tank.
system component (wind turbines, photovoltaic panels,
batteries, auxiliary components related to hydrogen tech-
nology). The remaining costs are related to interest or 4 | RESULTS
inflate rates, discount rates, etc.85,86
• The term of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCE) can be com- The results obtained based on the methodology described
puted as the ratio between the 25-year total cost and the in the previous section and following the computational
total energy produced by the generation system.85 simulations were synthesized in the “3E_Analysis,”
presented in tabular form, graphically illustrated and crit-
ically analyzed to highlight the energy, economic perfor-
3.4 | Input data mance, but also the carbon dioxide emissions specific to
each type of RES-based power generation system that has
The optimal sizing, design and configuration of the SeG been considered to power supply of electric vehicle charg-
are based on the following particular input data: ing station.

TABLE 4 RES input data87

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ASDI 1.35 2.16 3.18 4.02 4.87 5.32 5.35 4.93 3.47 2.37 1.42 1.08
AMSD 66.23 77.87 131.63 120.07 202.35 183.26 190.77 232.93 136.63 99.50 62.60 42.80
AMWS 4.00 3.8 3.3 3.2 2.9 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.6 3.2 3.4 3.9

TABLE 5 Parameters of the main technological equipments78,85

Equipment Parameter description Value Unit

Photovoltaic panel (PV) Nominal voltage 24 V
Shortcut current 8.39 A
Nominal power 280 Wp
Loss factor 1.2 -
Weight 24.2 kg
Dimensions 1645 × 990 × 40 mm
Area 1.63 m2
CO2 emissions during manufacturing 800 kg CO2 equiv/kWp
Expected life cycle 25 year

Operating temperature −40 to 85 C
Temperature coefficient ISC (α) 0.03 %/ C
Temperature coefficient VOC (β) −0.34 %/ C
Temperature coefficient P (γ) −0.43 %/ C
Acquisition cost 350 €
Operation and maintenance cost 52 €/year
Wind Turbine (WT) HWP-30 Output power (m/s) 3 4 6 8 10
(W) 630 1900 6500 14 100 23 900
Acquisition cost 34 000 €
Replacement cost 26 000 €
Operation and maintenance cost 680 €/year
CO2 emissions during manufacturing 12 000 kg CO2 equiv
Expected life cycle 20 year
Height 18 m
Wind Turbine (WT) B-1500 Output power (m/s) 3 4 6 8 10
(W) 100 250 600 930 1225
Acquisition cost 4875 €
Replacement cost 3675 €
Operation and maintenance cost 198 €/year
CO2 emissions during manufacturing 900 kg CO2 equiv
Expected life cycle 15 year
Height 13 m
Battery (B) Nominal Capacity 38.57 Ah
Voltage 350 V
Acquisition cost 6100 €
Operation and maintenance cost 80 €/year
Expected life cycle 15 year
CO2 emissions during manufacturing 55 kg CO2 equiv/kWh
Weight 120 kg
SOC minimum 10 %
Self discharging 2 % month
Intensity max. 14.3 A
Global efficiency 91.8 %

TABLE 5 (Continued)

Equipment Parameter description Value Unit

Fuel Cell (FC) 1 kW Nominal power 1 kW
Acquisition cost 7000 €
Operation and maintenance cost 0.2 €/h
Expected life cycle 25 000 h
Pmax_ef 20 %
H2 consumption (1 kW) 0.004 kgH2/h
Fuel Cell (FC) 2 kW Nominal power 2 kW
Acquisition cost 12 000 €
Operation and maintenance cost 0.2 €/h
Expected life cycle 25 000 h
Pmax_ef 20 %
H2 consumption (2 kW) 0.008 kgH2/h
Electrolyzer (Ely) 3 kW Nominal power 3 kW
Acquisition cost 18 000 €
Operation and maintenance cost 2000 €/year
Expected life cycle 20 year
Electrolyzer (Ely) 5 kW H2 HHV 39.4 kWh/kg
Nominal H2 mass flow 0.06 kg/h
Nominal power 5 kW
Acquisition cost 24 000 €
Operation and maintenance cost 2500 €/year
Expected life cycle 20 year
H2 HHV 39.4 kWh/kg
Nominal H2 mass flow 0.1 kg/h
Hydrogen tank (H2tank) Maximum size 20 kg
Acquisition cost 1000 €/kg
Operation and maintenance cost 60 €/year
Expected life cycle 25 year
Inverter (I) Power 1800 VA
Acquisition cost 1200 €
Operation and maintenance cost 23 €/year
Expected life cycle 10 year
VDC min 42 V
VDC max 64 V
Weight 18 kg

4.1 | Energy performances average annual values of the energy generated based on
the RES harnessing.
Based on the input data described in Section 3.4. Compu- The condition which was initially established was
tational optimizations and simulations were performed that EV-CS was 100% energetically supported by green
with the iHOGA software,78 and the optimal configura- energy sources. The annual electricity demand for the
tion regarding the component equipment of each power analyzed consumer was calculated as having the value of
generation system is presented in Table 6. 6022 kWh/year. The values of the energy performance
The results obtained from the operating simulations indicators were directly influenced by the degree of local
of each SeG are illustrated in Figure 9 and represent the availability of alternative energy generation resources

TABLE 6 SeG optimal configurations

SeG PV WT FC Ely Htank B Inverter

SeG 1 no: 38; Ptotal = 10.64 kWp - - - - no: 10; Etotal = 18.5 kWh 1800 VA
SeG 2 - Ptotal = 23.90 kW - - - no: 13; Etotal = 24 kWh 1800 VA
SeG 3 no: 24; Ptotal = 6.72 kWp Ptotal = 1.225 kW - - - no: 10; Etotal = 18.5 kWh 1800 VA
SeG 4 no: 70; Ptotal = 19.60 kWp - 2 kW 5 kW 20 kg - 1800 VA
SeG 5 - Ptotal = 23.90 kW 2 kW 5 kW 20 kg - 1800 VA
SeG 6 no: 48; Ptotal = 13.44 kWp Ptotal = 1.225 kWp 1 kW 3 kW 10 kg - 1800 VA

F I G U R E 9 Average annual
values of the energy generated by
SeG during 1 year of operation
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

(sun and wind), during 1 year of operation. Besides the 4.2 | Environmental impact–CO2
useful power of EV-CS supply, a considerable amount of emissions
excess energy is also obtained. In SeG1, SeG2 and SeG3,
the short-term excess RES storage in batteries is provided It is justified that the generation of electricity based on
as an energy back-up solution, so as to achieve autonomy green energy does not produce pollutant emissions for
of 3 days in the operation of the systems. The energy the environment.86,89,92 However, the SeG proposed in
balance shows that the excess energy is the difference the project have a minor negative impact on the environ-
between the generated energy and load energy (storage ment due to the CO2 emissions embedded within. For
was considered useful energy for EV-CS energy demand). energy systems that power EV-CS considered in this case
It is found that in SeG4, SeG5, and SeG6, the excess study, the calculated CO2 emissions values for 1 kWh
energy is less than the difference between the generated energy are shown in Figure 10.
energy and load energy. This is due to the integration Comparing the values recorded by SeG with the data
of hydrogen technology as a medium and long-term reported by the specialized statistical institutions regard-
RES storage solution, including the fuel cell as an energy ing the grid mix compositions for 1 kWh electricity, the
back-up solution. By producing on-site electrolytic hydro- following are observed:
gen and using it to generate useful energy for EV-CS, the
excess energy in the SeG energy balance decreases, elec- • The average CO2 emissions of Green Energy Systems
trolysis being a clean method of hydrogen production for Power Supply of Electric Vehicle Charging Station
that has energy intensive consumption. However, the is 88.30% lower than that of EU2810 grid mix
excess power can be used in other types of practical appli- compositions;
cations, injected into the electricity distribution network • The average CO2 emission of Green Energy Systems for
or capitalized by hydrogen obtained on-site by electro- Power Supply of Electric Vehicle Charging Station is
lytic processes.86,89-92 92.70% lower than that of World6 grid mix compositions.

F I G U R E 1 0 CO2 emissions/
1 kWh energy [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

F I G U R E 1 1 CO2 emissions/
energy during 1 year [Colour figure
can be viewed at]

By value, CO2 emissions generated by each SeG and 91.88% lower than the electricity supplied at
reported at average annual values of the energy generated World level;
by SeG for 1 year of operation are shown in Figure 11. • SeG4–has an annual average CO2 emissions value of
These values were compared with the similar indica- 87.04% lower than for electricity supplied at EU28 level
tor regarding the electricity supplied through the distri- and 91.93% lower than the electricity supplied at
bution network, the following aspects being concluded: World level;
• SeG5–has an annual average CO2 emissions value of
• SeG1–has an annual average CO2 emissions value of 89.55% lower than for electricity supplied at EU28 level
87.72% lower than for the electricity supplied at EU28 and 93.50% lower than the electricity supplied at
level and 92.35% lower than the electricity supplied at World level;
World level; • SeG6–has an annual average value of CO2 emissions
• SeG2–has an annual average CO2 emissions value of 88.18% lower than in the case of electricity supplied at
90.38% lower than for electricity supplied at EU28 level EU28 level and 92.64% lower than in the case of World
and 94.00% lower than the electricity supplied at electricity.
World level;
• SeG3–has an annual average CO2 emissions value of By using the RES-based power generation systems for
86.96% lower than for electricity supplied at EU28 level EV-CS power supply, it is possible to avoid generating

specific annual amounts of carbon dioxide, whose value 4.3 | Economic aspects
are shown in Figure 12. The indicators presented refer to
the annually avoided amount of CO2 emissions associ- The economic indicators specific to each power genera-
ated with the production of electricity in the EU2810 sce- tion system were determined and calculated according
nario and the World6 scenario. to the previous sections, being presented by value
Related to the lifetime of the SeG proposed for the in Table 7 and graphically illustrated in Figure 15 in
analysis, respectively 25 years of operation, the embedded the form of percentage costs within the Total Net
CO2 emissions presented the values calculated in Present Cost.
Figure 13. On average, they are lower by 88.60% com- By analyzing the particularities of the economic-
pared to the EU2810 scenario and by 92.90% compared to financial indicators of each of the six energy systems
the World6 scenario. under study, it was concluded that the conversion and
For a period of 25 years, at EU28 and/or World level, storage technologies of the alternative sources of green
a considerable amount of CO2 emissions associated with energy generation have relatively high costs compared to
the production of electricity can be avoided by using the conventional technologies, already established for the
green energy systems to supply electric vehicle charging production and supply of electricity through the power
station. The values calculated in the case study conducted grid, whether it refers to the initial investment costs or
in the project are illustrated in Figure 14. the costs generated by their operation.

F I G U R E 1 2 CO2 emissions
avoided during 1 year [Colour figure
can be viewed at]

emissions/25 years of operation
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 1 4 CO2 emissions
avoided during 25 years [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 7 SeG–Economic performances

Cost SeG 1 SeG 2 SeG 3 SeG 4 SeG 5 SeG 6

LCE (€) 0.79 0.94 0.8 1.13 1.09 0.91
Investment (€) 78 826 124 234 78 250 83 634 94 446 59 333
NPC (€) 118 673 140 772 120 386 171 910 164 405 136 548

The average value of electricity price calculated at climate change issues in relation to the production of
EU28 level is 0.22 EUR/kWh.76 The average price of electricity based on alternative energy. There are other
1kWh electricity generated by the analyzed SeG is 4.3 pollutants containing greenhouse gasses that contribute
times higher than the reference of EU28 scenario. to global warming to a higher extent than CO2 and which
For 25 years of operation it is found that the largest can have a considerable impact on the environment, but
share of the cost diagram is held by RES storage they are difficult to assess.
equipment–batteries, respectively the technology of elec- However, energy generation systems based on alter-
trolytic production and on-site hydrogen storage. native sources are considered sustainable–which means
However, the technologies of electricity generation ecologically, economically and socially compatible, and
based on alternative sources, as well as the methods of elec- clean electricity production involves a key factor, namely
tricity production, storage and distribution are constantly the kgCO2/kWh cost savings in relation to electricity pro-
undergoing research and development, and as a series of duction from classic power plants.
pilot projects currently carried out in this field will be vali- In this work, an example of practical application was
dated, it is expected that in the near future these systems, realized with the purpose of demonstrating the ability of
equipment, including hydrogen technology, will record these complex systems to sustainably and independently
decreasing costs,93 competitive with traditional technolo- support an EV-CS, and the defined input elements, the
gies in the field of energy production and storage. methodology, the virtual conditions created, the parame-
ters evaluated in the “3E_Analysis” framework and last,
not least the comparative analysis of the results demon-
5 | DISCUSSION strate their practical utility. The addressed methodology
can be applied also to other types of consumers condi-
For a global assessment of the specific pollutant emis- tioned by the customization depending on the situation
sions related to the production of electricity through that is required to be demonstrated. Depending on the sto-
energy systems based on alternative energies, a complete chastic nature of the input data (solar irradiation, wind
analysis of the life cycle is required, including the equip- speed, EV-CS demand, outside temperature, monthly sun-
ments/devices needed for the transport, the installation shine duration), the results may vary significantly.
on site of the SeG and their fuel supply. Finally, carbon The analyzes carried out and the results obtained
dioxide emissions are not the only negative criterion for during this study, as well as the problems, the technical

F I G U R E 1 5 Percentage costs (A) (B)

within Total Net Present Cost
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

(C) (D)

(E) (F)

limitations encountered allowed identifying and tracing electric propulsion transport,77,94 energetically supported
future directions of research in the field of the by alternative green energy sources;
approached topic: • Conducting an analysis on the optimal synergies
between solar panels, wind turbine, batteries, hydro-
• Development of a calculation model regarding the gen storage system, water electrolyzer, fuel cells with
kgCO2/kWh energy cost savings associated with elec- the specific objective of investigating the level of each
tro mobility; alternative energy resource contribution in supplying
• Development/implementation of real-time, hardware- power to electric vehicle charging station;
in-the-loop Simulink models on PC Hardware based • Development and conduct of a reliability analysis on the
on the SeG initially proposed within the project and green power supply mixes for each SeG that is the object
described in this article; of the SMILeV project77; development of a virtual data-
• Establishment, design, completion, testing, demonstra- base in order to create the useful prerequisites for the
tion and prototyping of some charging stations for elaboration of procedures, regulations and standards

regarding the design, execution and safe operation of • SeG represents feasible solutions for energy support to EV-
charging stations for electric vehicles powered by on- CS in stand-alone mode, being able to provide electricity
site-generated electricity, but also related to elements of based on on-site available 100% alternative energy sources;
production, storage, transmission and distribution–the • From SeG operation, as a rule, excess energy results,
infrastructure needed to develop an economy based on which can be useful in various other practical applica-
alternative energy; tions or can be stored in the medium and long term in
• Integration of hydrogen technology into EV-CS elec- the form of hydrogen obtained by electrolytic process
tricity supply systems, with the purpose of increasing on-site (in which case, the autonomous regime of the
and exploiting the on-site available renewable energy EV-CS can be extended for EV or the utility of the
sources; charging station can be extended to supply the FCV);
• Extension of the research regarding the implementa- • Compared to 1 kWh of electricity, CO2 emissions embed-
tion of electricity generation solutions through hydro- ded in SeG represent on average 11.40% of CO2 emissions
gen fuel cell for the energy support of other types of of the EU28 grid mix composition and on average 7.10%
consumers. of CO2 emissions of the World grid mix composition;
• Compared to the SeG life cycle proposed for analysis,
respectively 25 years of operation, if used, the average
6 | C ON C L U S I ON S avoided CO2 emissions would be of 88.60% compared
to the EU28 scenario and of 92.90% compared to the
The prospective and demonstrative studies currently con- World scenario;
ducted worldwide are focusing on the large-scale develop- • The average price of 1kWh of electricity generated by
ment and implementation of electro mobility as an the analyzed SeG is 4.3 times higher than the reference
immediate solution to the decarburization of the transport in the EU28 scenario, but this indicator must be corre-
sector. In this regard, the present paper, with the theme lated with the kgCO2/kWh cost saving, compared to
addressing the topic of “Green Energy Systems for Power the electricity production from classic power plants.
Supply of Electric Vehicle Charging Station,” made an in-
depth insight in the studies on the possibilities of Addressing the issue of ensuring the energy demand
implementing green energies in this sector, by identifying for the transport/electro mobility sector in conditions
the solutions of use and applicability of the various conver- of protecting the natural environment and satisfying
sion equipment/storage of alternative energy sources. economic and social restrictions in the context of the
Moreover, this study identified the sustainability elements multidisciplinary and complex concept of sustainable
related to the eco-responsible implementation of the con- development is of great complexity. The next generations
cept of electro mobility and underlined the fact that the of energy systems and technologies for the energy sup-
decarburization of the transport sector through the large- port of the EV-CS infrastructure, respectively electricity
scale adoption of the electric vehicle depends decisively generation systems based on alternative energies, have
on the quality of the “low carbon” electricity delivered significant potential to reduce the environmental impact
through via EV-CS. Thus, it can be conceived as a first of the transport sector, implicitly having a significant
conclusion that electro mobility would contribute and impact on the decrease in pollutant emissions and green-
accentuate the reduction of CO2 emissions in this sector, house gas effect associated with classical technologies.
but the real contribution is lower than shown in the cur-
rent approaches described in the literature. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Also, this work provides an overview of the main ele- This work was supported by a grant from the Romanian
ments of the Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Vehicle and Ministery of Research and Innovation, CCCDI-UEFISCDI,
identifies the opportunities to improve the environmental project number PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0776/No. 36 PCCDI/
aspects at different points of the life cycle, the intervention 15.03.2018, within PNCDI III.
being proposed at a key point, namely “power generation”
for EV-CS from the LCT chain described. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
The case study conducted as part of the complex pro- Conceptualization, Raluca-Andreea Felseghi and Ioan
ject “Intelligent conductive charging stations, fixed and Aşchilean; methodology, Maria Simona Raboaca and
MobiLe, for electric propulsion transport”–(SMiLE-EV)77 Raluca-Andreea Felseghi; software, Constantin Filote
proposes a series of systems for generating green energy and Maria Simona Raboaca; validation, Raluca-Andreea
for the power supply of EV-CS investigating them within Felseghi and Ioan Aşchilean; formal analysis, Constantin
the “3E_Analysis.” The main findings of this research Filote, Raluca-Andreea Felseghi, Maria Simona Raboaca
article can be stated as follows: and Ioan Aşchilean; investigation, Maria Simona Raboaca;

resources, Raluca-Andreea Felseghi; data curation, Maria Cadrul-National-de-Politica_Combustibilii-Alternativi-in-Sectorul

Simona Raboaca and Raluca-Andreea Felseghi; writing— %20Transporturilor%281%29.pdf. 2019.
original draft preparation, Raluca-Andreea Felseghi; 10. European Environment Agency–EEA, Overview of electricity
production and use in Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, Retrieved
writing—review and editing, Raluca-Andreea Felseghi and
on 26 January 2020 from
Ioan Aşchilean; visualization, Maria Simona Raboaca; and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-production-2/
supervision, Constantin Filote; project administration, Con- assessment-4. 2019.
stantin Filote All authors have read and agreed to the pub- 11. Aschilean I, Varlam M, Culcer M, et al. Hybrid electric
lished version of the manuscript. powertrain with fuel cells for a series vehicle. Energies. 2018;11:
12. Lin W-Y, Hsiao M-C, Wu P-C, Fu JS, Lai L-W, Lai H-C. Analy-
sis of air quality and health co-benefits regarding electric vehi-
Constantin Filote cle promotion coupled with power plant emissions. J Cleaner
5308 Prod. 2020;247:119152.
Raluca-Andreea Felseghi 13. Ala G, Di Filippo G, Viola F, et al. Different scenarios of elec-
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