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Bài KT 2 Kỹ năng tổng hợp 1 B2

Câu 1:

1. I really love musicals and I always buy the soundtrack after I see the film.
I ____________ musicals and I always buy the soundtrack after I see the film.
2. He really hates documentaries and romantic comedies.
He ____________ documentaries and romantic comedies. (STAND)

3. She was too young to see the film.

She couldn't see the film because ____________. (ENOUGH)

4. I don't think Avatar is as good as Up.

I think Up ____________ Avatar. (THAN)

5. The costumes in science fiction films are sometimes more spectacular than in
historical dramas.
The costumes in historical dramas sometimes ____________ in some science
fiction films. (AS)

6. The plot of that thriller was really confusing – even after I watched it twice.
I ____________ the plot of that thriller – even after I watched it twice. (BY)

7. Many people thought the film was too dull, so they left the cinema.
Many people thought the film ____________, so they left the cinema. (ENOUGH)

8. Of all the films I saw last year, no other film made me more frightened than that
That ____________ that I saw last year. (THE)

9. Most adults prefer romantic comedies to animated films.

Romantic comedies ____________ animated films with adults. (MORE)

10. Some thrillers are more scary than some horror films.
Some horror films ____________ some thrillers. (AREN'T)
Trả lời:
1. am a big fan of
2. Can not stand
3. She is not old enough
4. Is better than
5. Are not as spee tacular as
6. Was confused by
7. Is not interesting enough
8. Film is the most firightened
9. Are more fascinating than
10. Are not as scary as
Câu 2:

1. Could you go to the b_ _ _ _ _ _’s and buy some sausages, please?

2. We want to move to a bigger house, so we went to the e_ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ _’s.

3. She bought a new DVD player at the e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s_ _ _ _.

4. The bread you bought at the b_ _ _ _’s is nice and fresh.

5. My cousin loves the t_ _ s_ _ _ with the big teddy bear in the window.

6. He bought a ring for his girlfriend at the best j_ _ _ _ _ _ _’s in town.

7. I bought some paint at the D_ _ s_ _ _ _. I’m going to decorate my room.

8. Sara has gone to the n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _’s to buy a magazine.

9. Could you go to the g_ _ _ _g_ _ _ _ _’s on the corner and get some apples?

10. It’s Mother’s Day on Sunday. I must go to the c_ _ _ s_ _ _.

Trả lời:
1. Barbola
2. Enlager
3. Entertainer
4. Baker
5. Toy store
6. Jeweller
7. Dad store
8. News paper
9. Grocery store
10. Card store
Câu 3:

The death of the cinema?

1_____ In the 1940s thirty million people in Britain went to the cinema regularly. It
wasn’t expensive. Ordinary working people could afford it and it was a treat for
children. It was also the place to see the news. Hundreds of cinemas opened up
all over Britain.

2_____ By the 1960s more and more homes had televisions, and cinemas
started to close. In the 1980s people watched videos. Then came satellite TV, the
Internet and computer games. By the end of the twentieth century, fewer and
fewer people went to the cinema.

3_____ New technology like 3D means that cinemas can offer something most
people can’t get at home. In 2007 the number of people going to the cinema
started to go up again. When the 3D film Avatar came out in 2009, it broke
records – millions of people went to see it at the cinema.

4_____ Now there are huge multiplex cinemas showing ten different movies,
there are drive-in cinemas and open-air screens in parks. Over 100 years after
the first movie theatres in America opened, the cinema is still evolving.

5_____ It is true that you can watch a film on the bus on your smartphone, on a
screen that is smaller than your hand. But the cinema experience, with friends,
popcorn and ice cream is a tradition we have learned to love. It seems the
cinema will be around a while longer.

A. In the second half of the century, different forms of entertainment became


B. There is something special about seeing a film in the cinema.

C. The ratings system helps parents choose which films are suitable for children.

D. In the first half of the twentieth century, going to the cinema was the most
popular form of entertainment.

E. However, in the twenty-first century, cinemas are fighting back!

F. Cinema venues have also changed in the last few years.

Trả lời:
1. D
2. A
3. E
4. F
5. B
Câu 4:

You are writing a film review for a website. Write about a film you saw recently
that you thought was very good.

•Introduce yourself and say what kinds of films you usually enjoy.

•Say which film you are reviewing and why you liked it.

•Mention two good things about the film and explain why people should see it .

•Compare the film to another film and say whether you think it is better or worse.
Trả lời:
Poseidon is the film I have seen recently. It is a moving film. Just like Titanic,
Poseidon is the name of luxury liner which is hit by huge waves and sinks down
on the new Year Eva. The main characters are Dylan Johns who tries to rescue
himself instead; Robert Ramsey and Richard Dreyfuss, a waiter who knows the
building stucture of the liner. All of them attempt to find the way for their lives -
with understanding; sympathy and solidarity they succeed. The film has a happy

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