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1. What is HCI? Discuss the goals of HCI.

2. What is meant by the term ‘affordance’ and what does it have, to offer in interaction
3. Discuss the usability principles the features that make them. (6 Marks)
4. What is meant by ‘User-Centered Design’?
5. Explain the characteristics of User-Centered Design.
6. Discuss with examples the 4 evaluation methodologies used in usability evaluation in
HCI, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. (12 marks)
7. Explain the software development life cycle.
8. What are the factors that make software easy to learn? Define and explain the differences
between functional requirements and non-functional requirements in usability
9. Explain the difference between Cognitive walkthrough and cognitive modeling. Discuss
what is meant by ‘heuristic evaluation’.
10. Differentiate, with examples User Experience Goals and usability goals with examples of

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