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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

II - Semester
(M.E – CSE)
(Regulations 2021)

1 What is requirements engineering and why is it important?
Requirements Engineering (RE) is the process of gathering, documenting, and
managing the requirements for a software system. It is an essential part of the
software development process, as it ensures that the system meets the needs of its

RE is important because it helps to ensure that the software system is:

● Functional: The system does what it is supposed to do.

● Usable: The system is easy to use and understand.
● Efficient: The system uses resources efficiently.
● Maintainable: The system is easy to change and update.

2 List out all the applications of software.

. Business, Education, Transport, Entertainment, Health, Financial Services
3 List out the types of software process models.
. Waterfall, Agile, Spiral, Iterative, V Model
4 Demonstrate about the process pattern?
A process pattern is a reusable description of a solution to a recurring problem in
software development. It is a template that can be used to guide the development of
a software module.

Process patterns typically include the following elements:

● Problem: The problem that the pattern solves.

● Solution: The steps that are needed to solve the problem.
● Benefits: The benefits of using the pattern.
● Examples: Examples of how the pattern has been used in other projects.

5 Demonstrate the importance of process patterns in designing a module.

Process patterns are important in designing a module because they can help to
ensure that the module is:

● Efficient: The pattern can help to ensure that the module is designed in a way
that is efficient and easy to maintain.
● Flexible: The pattern can help to ensure that the module is flexible and can be
easily adapted to change.
● Scalable: The pattern can help to ensure that the module can be scaled up or
down as needed.

6 Describe the template for process patterns.

The template for process patterns typically includes the following sections:

● Problem: A brief description of the problem that the pattern solves.

● Solution: A detailed description of the steps that are needed to solve the
● Benefits: The benefits of using the pattern.
● Examples: Examples of how the pattern has been used in other projects.
● References: References to other resources that provide more information
about the pattern.

7 Define Scrum.
8 Demonstrate the concept of earned value analysis.
9 Design the software process?
1 What is meant by DevOps?
1 What are prescriptive process models?
1 What is agility and its importance in software development?
1 What is Extreme Programming (XP) and its main practices?
1 How does Kanban help in managing work in an agile environment?
1 What is DevOps and how does it improve software development?
1 Define a prototype in the context of software development.
1 What is scenario-based modelling and how is it used?
1 What is functional modelling and its significance?
1 What is behavioural modelling and how is it used?
2 How is prototype evaluation conducted?
1 Can you provide an overview of prescriptive process models and their role in (13)
. software development?
2 How does agility contribute to the success of software development projects? Provide (13)
. examples of agile methodologies and their benefits.
3 Explain the Scrum framework, including its key roles, ceremonies, and artifacts. (13)
4 What are the main practices of Extreme Programming (XP) and how do they support (13)
agile development?
5 How does Kanban facilitate the management of work and improve productivity (13)
. in an agile environment? Provide examples of Kanban principles and practices.
6 What is DevOps, and how does it bridge the gap between development and
. operations? Discuss the benefits and key practices of DevOps.
7 Describe the concept of a prototype in software development, its purpose, and how it (13)
. helps in the development process.
8 Can you explain the construction phase in software development, its activities,
. and its importance in delivering a final product? (13)
9 How is prototype evaluation conducted, and what are the key considerations in (13)
. assessing a prototype's usability and functionality?
1 Discuss the significance of prototype evolution in software development and the (13)
0 iterative refinement process involved.
1 Explain behavioural modelling in the context of software development, its (13)
1 purpose, and how it helps in capturing and representing system dynamics.
1 What is requirements engineering, and why is it crucial in software (13)
2 development? Describe the steps involved in the requirements engineering
. process.

1 What are the key principles that guide software development, and how do (15)
. they influence decision-making and development processes?
2 Explain the concept of modelling in software development, including (15)
. its types and how it aids in system understanding and design.
3 Discuss class-based modelling in software development, its role in representing (15)
. system structure, and its relationship with object-oriented programming.
4 What is functional modelling, and how does it contribute to the (15)
. specification and understanding of software system functions?

1 What are design concepts?
2 What is a design model?
3 What is software architecture?
4 Name a few architectural styles.
5 What is architectural design?
6 What is component-level design?
7 What is user experience design?
8 What is design for mobility?
9 What is pattern-based design?
1 Explain the concept of design concepts and their role in the design process. (13)
3 How does a design model help in understanding the structure and
. components of a software system?
4 Discuss the importance of software architecture in developing scalable and reliable (13)
5 Compare and contrast different architectural styles used in software design. (13)
6 What are the key considerations and activities involved in architectural design? (13)
7 Describe the process of component-level design and its significance in software (13)
. development.
1 Discuss the principles and techniques involved in user experience design. (15)
2 How does design for mobility differ from traditional software design? What (15)
. factors need to be considered in designing for mobile platforms?
3 Explain the concept of pattern-based design and provide examples of commonly (15)
. used design patterns.


1 What are dependable systems?
2 Name some dependability properties.
3 What are socio technical systems?
4 What is redundancy and diversity in the context of dependability?
5 What are dependable processes?
6 How are formal methods used in ensuring dependability?
7 What is reliability engineering?
8 Explain the concepts of availability and reliability.
9 What are reliability requirements in system design?
1 What are fault-tolerant architectures?
1 Define dependable systems and discuss why dependability is important in (13)
. various domains.
2 Explain the key dependability properties and discuss their significance in (13)
. ensuring system reliability, availability, safety, and security.
3 Discuss the role of redundancy and diversity in enhancing system dependability (13)
. and mitigating failures.
4 Explain the concept of dependable processes and discuss their importance in (13)
. achieving system reliability and safety.
5 Discuss the field of reliability engineering and its techniques for designing and (13)
. evaluating dependable systems.
6 Differentiate between reliability and availability, and explain their relationship (13)
. in ensuring system performance.
7 Describe the process of defining reliability requirements and discuss their role in (13)
. system design and development.
8 Explore fault-tolerant architectures and discuss their principles and mechanisms
. for achieving system resilience and dependability. (13)
9 Explain the significance of programming for reliability and discuss techniques (13)
for writing reliable and robust software.
1 Discuss the concept of reliability measurement and evaluation, including (13)
0 common metrics and techniques used in assessing system dependability.
1 Describe safety engineering and its role in ensuring the safety of systems, (13)
1 particularly safety-critical systems.
1 Explain the concept of safety requirements and discuss their importance in (13)
2 the design and development of safety-critical systems.
1 Discuss the safety engineering processes and standards used in developing (13)
3 safety-critical systems, including their key activities and deliverables.
1 Explore the concept of safety cases and discuss their purpose and components (13)
4 in demonstrating the safety of systems.
1 Describe security engineering and its relationship with dependability, (13)
5 particularly in ensuring the security of systems.
1 Discuss the concept of security requirements and their role in designing secure (13)
6 and dependable systems.
1 Explain the principles and techniques used in secure system design to enhance (13)
7 system security and dependability.
1 Discuss the importance of security testing and assurance in verifying the (13)
8 security and dependability of systems.
1 Explore the field of resilience engineering and its principles for designing and (13)
9 maintaining resilient systems.
2 Describe the principles and techniques used in resilient systems design to (13)
0 handle disruptions and maintain system functionality.
1 Describe the concept of socio technical systems and discuss how their (15)
. characteristics affect dependability.
2 Explore the use of formal methods in the context of dependability, including (15)
. their benefits and challenges.
3 Explain the concept of cyber security and discuss its relationship with (15)
. dependability and system protection.
4 Discuss the concept of socio technical resilience and its importance in ensuring (15)
. the dependability and adaptability of systems.


1 What is Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)?
2 What are RESTful services?
3 What is service engineering?
4 What is service composition?
5 Write short notes on: Systems engineering?
6 What are socio technical systems?
7 What is conceptual design?
8 Define system procurement?
9 What is system development?
1 What is system operation and evolution?
1 What is real-time software engineering?
1 What is embedded system design?
1 Name some architectural patterns for real-time software.
1 What is timing analysis?
1 What are real-time operating systems?
Part B
1 Explain the concept of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) and discuss its (13)
. advantages and challenges in software development.
2 Describe Restful services and discuss the principles and constraints of the REST (13)
. architectural style.
3 Discuss the process of service engineering, including the activities involved in (13)
. identifying, specifying, implementing, testing, and deploying services.
4 Explain the concept of service composition and discuss the benefits and (13)
. considerations in composing services to create complex systems.
5 Define systems engineering and discuss its role in the design, development, and (13)
. management of complex systems.
6 Explore the concept of socio technical systems and discuss how the interaction (13)
. between social and technical elements affects system behavior and performance.
7 Explain the concept of system procurement and discuss the considerations (13)
. involved in selecting and acquiring system components or services.
8 Discuss the stages and activities involved in system development, including
. requirements engineering, system architecture, implementation, and testing. (13)
9 Explain the principles and techniques used in real-time software engineering for (13)
. developing systems that must respond within strict timing constraints.
1 Discuss the challenges and considerations in embedded system design, including (13)
0 resource limitations, real-time requirements, and hardware-software integration.
1 Explore architectural patterns for real-time software, such as publish-subscribe, (13)
1 client-server, and event-driven architectures, and discuss their benefits and use
. cases.

1 Describe the process of conceptual design and its importance in system (15)
. development, including requirements elicitation, analysis, and high-level system
2 Explain the concept of timing analysis and discuss the techniques used to ensure (15)
. that real-time systems meet their timing requirements.
3 Describe real-time operating systems (RTOS) and discuss their features (15)
. and benefits in supporting the development and execution of real-time
4 Describe the process of system operation and evolution, including system (15)
. deployment, monitoring, maintenance, and upgrades.


1 What is a software testing strategy?
2 Define unit testing?
3 Short notes on:Integration testing?
4 What is validation testing?
5 What is system testing?
6 Define debugging?
7 What is white-box testing?
8 What is basis path testing?
9 What is control structure testing?
1 What is black-box testing?
1 What is software configuration management (SCM)?
1 What is an SCM repository?
1 Define SCM process.
1 What is configuration management for web and mobile apps?
1 Describe the process of unit testing and discuss its benefits in software (13)
. development.

2 Explain the concept of validation testing and discuss its role in confirming that a (13)
. software system meets the specified requirements and user needs.

3 Describe the goals and activities involved in system testing, including the types (13)
. of tests performed and the criteria for evaluating system behavior.

4 Discuss the process of debugging and the techniques used to identify and fix (13)
. software defects.

5 Explain the concept of white-box testing and discuss its advantages in (13)
. uncovering errors and ensuring the reliability of software code.
6 Describe basis path testing and its role in achieving thorough test coverage by
. exercising all possible paths in a program.

7 Discuss control structure testing and the techniques used to test the different (13)
. control structures in software code.

8 Explain the concept of black-box testing and discuss its benefits in verifying the
. functionality and behavior of a software system from an external perspective. (13)

9 Describe an SCM repository and its role in storing and managing software (13)
. artifacts, such as source code, documentation, and configuration files.

1 Discuss the software configuration management process, including activities (13)

0 such as configuration identification, control, status accounting, and auditing.

1 Discuss the objectives and techniques used in integration testing to ensure the (15)
. smooth interaction between software components.
2 Explain the concept of software testing strategy and discuss its importance in (15)
. ensuring the quality of software systems.
3 Define software configuration management (SCM) and discuss its importance in (15)
. managing software development processes, version control, and change
4 Explain the specific considerations and challenges in managing (15)
. configuration for web and mobile applications, including versioning,
deployment, and compatibility issues.

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