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Name:Abdul wahab Upline:



Life is all about achieving something meaningful by taking small baby steps towards our goal.Before joining
any company, we’ll see how it works,it’s ethics , working plan and where will we stand after joining that

Best company amongst TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY Having motive of

Producing best quality products
With zero financial risk
Transferable assets to your heirs

A lifestyle with the motive of helping others

Secured assets and personal plans for family

Providing Best opportunity and future to youth

3.Being asprouting seed of change in your society

Rewarded for your tiring efforts

The answer to this word why is explained in the points below:

No other comparable industry without financial risk

No investments required that excludes the chances of loss

We can have Balance between our personal as well as profession life.

Competitive learning environment provided alongside earning

Requires investment of flexible time not money.

Provides free Trainings by teaching new ways of earning and living.

Your business
Your company (FLP)

Rights of your costumers

Comply with
Law of the land

Direct selling guidelines.

You should be transparent with all your customers as well as downliners. Have to know and
apply Rex’s Company policy

Operates most business friendly plan

Enthusiasm to guide and help others
Participate actively
Zero financial risk
Requires no personal office,no running cost,zero staff

Joining as a customer (Novus customer)

Being working under extraordinary and unique platform

Personal discount:upto 30%

Retail profit: upto 43%
Team,leadership,Gem bonuses
Earned incentive programs
Full funded trips
Chairman bonus Etc

Works on cc = case credit or commune currency

Requires a certain cc to achieve 5 levels starting from 0cc of Novus customer to 120cc of manager
Assurance of permanent position
No fear of demotion
Use of any two consecutive months to move up by cc accumulation
Can include cc from other countries but is excluded from domestic cc counts
Discounts ,volume bonuses ,provided depending on different levels
Provides car plan for different consecutive months for each level ranging from level 1-3
Belief on industry and yourself
Analyse results

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