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Second Quarter
Araling Panlipunan 8

Quarter 2 centered on fostering active participation among my students, aligning with my learner-centered
teaching philosophy. Drawing from Progressivism, I encouraged students to take an active role in shaping
their learning experiences. To achieve this, I organized group activities where they had to collaboratively
solve problems and present their solutions to the class. This approach not only boosted their confidence
but also facilitated peer learning and cooperation.

In line with Constructivism, I designed tasks that required critical thinking and inquiry. Instead of proving all
the answers. I encouraged students to ask questions and explore different avenues to arrive at their
conclusions. By guiding them through this process, I witnessed their excitement and engagement in
discovering knowledge independently.

Humanism played a vital role in creating a supportive classroom environment. I prioritized open
communication, encouraging students to share their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment. Their
contributions were met with respect and appreciation, fostering a sense of belonging and trust among the

Prepared by:

Azelo G. Mabanes
Teacher I

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