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Name :____________________________________________________ Grade and Section:_________

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

_____1. What term means “per hundred”?

A. base B. percent C. percentage D. rate

_____2. Which of the following is correct?

A. 33% = 0.33 B. 33% = 03.3 C. 33% = 33 D. 33% = 3.03

_____3. 45% of the grade 5 pupils are girls. Express 45% as decimals.
A. 0.045 B. 0.45 C. 4.5 D. 45.0

_____4. In the statement 35% of 600 = 210. Which is the percentage?

A. 35% B. 600 C. 210 D. none

_____5. Which does not belong?

A. 21% B. 21/100 C. 21:100 D. 21

_____6. Which element of percent represent part of the whole?

A. base B. percent C. percentage D. rate

_____7. In a survey on the choice of pizza, 900 out of 1500 people preferred brand A to B. What
percent preferred A? What is the missing element?
A. base B. percent C. percentage D. rate

_____8. What is the missing element in the problem, “A big theater has 1400 seats. During a concert, it
is 95% full. How many seats were taken?”
A. base B. percent C. percentage D. rate

_____9. Which element of percent represents the whole?

A. base B. percent C. percentage D. rate

_____10. How many is 75% of a class?

A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. ¾ D. 5/6

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