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Math 6 Q2 Summative test 4

Name:________________________________________________ Score:___________________
Grade and Section:___________________________
Test I- Read carefully the following questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. What type of proportion that, as one quantity increases, the other quantity increases at the same rate and vice
A. Direct proportion C. Inverse Proportion
B. Inverse proportion D. percent
_____ 2. It is a proportion that, one quantity increases as the other quantity decreases at the same rate, and vice versa.
A. Direct proportion C. Inverse Proportion
B. Inverse proportion D. percent
_____ 3. A whole is divided into parts that are proportional to the given ration.
A. Direct proportion C. Inverse Proportion
B. Inverse proportion D. percent
_____ 4. It came from the Latin word “ per centum”.
A. Direct proportion C. Inverse Proportion
B. Inverse proportion D. percent
_____ 5. What is the meaning of the word percent?
A. per hundred C. fifty
B. sign D. variable
Test II. Analyze and solve the problem by using partitive proportion.
1. The ratio of 5th graders to 6th graders at a School is 5:8. If there are 390 5th and 6th graders combined, how many 5th
graders are there?
Test III. Write each Fraction as percent.


2. 25

3. 20

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