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WEDNESDAY, APR 20, 2022, 22 47

Today was a lot but not really. School was easy and a breeze like it always is but I’m realizing now it’s
only cuz that’s not where my true life lies, which is good. So yeah school was whatever then we get to
the second half of my day. For the most part it’s easy I just have to practice bass and then go get
Christian to take him to the church. I get there and see there’s a text in a gc that has all of us with josh
and michael. Michael wants to go do something after church. Chloe noticed it and showed me. Of
course then my mind kind of starts raving about why he would ask and what this is going to do to Chloe
in terms of me. It wasn’t too bad and of course me and Chloe are acting normal like we always do.
Which sidebar, she gives me the most mixed signals like obviously she doesn’t like me then she does
that cute head tilt and smiles at me when we catch eye contact. ANYWAYS we go to dinner and I’m
actually having a great time, michale sat next to Chloe( not important), michael is chatting it up with
everybody and it’s pretty evident that he likes to hangout with us. He even stayed after matt and toria
left. I genuinely hope we can all stay close friends cuz he’s cool to hangout.

Of course the entire situation with him and Chloe does nothing but hit me in the chest with a rocket but
it’s whatever. Whenever my mind decided to just turn left instead of right I accepted this would be what
I’d have to live with and it’s fine. I mean it’s not fine but I have to be fine with it. And then at the end
Chloe and michael and kenzi started making remarks about how I’m a bad driver and idk I just take that
personally because my car is the only true thing I know when I pour my love and attention into it I know
it gives the same amount of not more back. I don’t have to live for little slivers with it. it got me in a bad
mood and I hope none of them felt bad I mean they probably didn’t at least Chloe ptobsbly didn’t. That
was toxic. ANYWAY.

Then on the drive home Chloe called me to talk about the whole situation. Which is fine because I’ve
given up so anytime she wants to talk to me I take it. Obviously this one kind of hurts but we are almost
in the same boat so it’s nice to be able to kind of vent to someone about all of this, even if it’s not exactly
how I’d expected. Anyways we’re still texting about it now but I’m glad this night didn’t end bitter but
just plain fine.


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