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CSC-40084: Software Engineering with Group Project

Week 1 Introduction

Hello and welcome to the software engineering with group project module.
Over the course of the coming weeks, you'll be learning the techniques
required to plan and produce a piece of software for a real world client.
This will be done as group work project rather than individually. You will
have been or will very shortly be split into groups within the Canvas
framework for this. Many of the weeks ahead have a large group work
element to them and you'll be working with the same group in these weeks
as you will be for the final project itself.

One of the things you will have to do this week is get in contact with the
other members of your group for the first time. Initially this can be done
through Canvas, but you will want to organize methods of communication
within your group. How specifically you do this is up to you, as long as
whatever tool you use allows you to communicate effectively both
synchronously and asynchronously. You should be able to leave messages
for each other and arrange a group meeting as and when required,
although you will have to bear in mind that not everybody in the group will
always be in the same time zone as you, so you'll have to take this into
account when arranging a time you certainly don't want to do it so that
someone else has to get up in the middle of the night.

The material provides in the module covers the key skills required for a
software engineering project. You are expected to do your own reading
into and around the topics discussed. No single module could ever cover
everything that you would want to know about software engineering. And
there may well be other resource online that enables you to better work
within your group. You're expected to manage working within your groups.
within the group and meet the deadlines both weekly and for the module
as a whole.

The specific project you'll be looking into is that of creating a system for a
company called Book Me In2. This company runs events or conferences
depending on the wording you choose to use. And the idea is the software
with which would be produced would be intended to allow them to do that

more effectively or at all. There will be further description of this in some of
the lessons later on this week. The requirements for this particular project
will foremost or 50% in total of the coursework for the module. Part of that
will be the final project and part of that will be the requirements for it
around about in week three - halfway through the module. You will also be
expected producing individual report on how your team performed or work
together, as well as a personal reflection on how you felt you worked within
the group. At the end of each week you will be required to fill in reflective
diary about how that week went, both to keep track of how you have
progressed and how you felt the group work during that week.

Thank you.

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