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Radhwa International school

2021/2022 trimester 2
AP Biology
Cell Communication Poster Project
A. Logistics
1. Topics: Immune, Endocrine and Nervous System and various other topics we can use as future illustrative
2. All topics will be researched only once by one person in the AP section.
3. A max of two days of class time to work in computer lab, to prepare poster, and to prepare class presentation.
You are welcome to come to the lab to work (you need your own laptop) will write you a pass to the media
B. The Goals
1. Your responsibility is to develop a poster that explains the basics of the topic and its relationship to a cell
communication pathway. Pictures and graphics are also necessary along with background research. I do not
expect you to work at the graduate level on this project, but I do expect you to be able to explain, in your own
words, the basics of the mechanism.
2. You will be responsible for all the topics presented by all the groups in each class. The posters will be on display in
the classroom. You will have to find time (before school, after school, study hall, lunch) to study the posters and
take notes if you wish. There will be assessment questions on at least one pathway from each of the above systems
on an upcoming test.

3. If, as you are researching, you don’t understand something being discussed, you will have to do further research
so that you develop an understanding of the topic so that you can share the information in your own words. Do
not be unnecessarily fancy with the word usage. The point is the understanding of the mechanism.

C. Grading Rubric: Poster/Content 20 points; Presentation (must include the “content” information) and
research time 10 points. TOTAL POINTS FOR THE ENTIRE PROJECT IS 30 points.
1. Poster: 10 points
a. Regular size poster board paper minimum requirement
b. Typed headings and typed informati on
c. Pictures and graphics as needed (you must have a visual-color preferred)
d. Text MUST be in your own words – NO cutting and pasting!!!
e. Neatness – including no spelling and grammatical errors
f. Organization – poster “flow” is organized and logical – remember other students will be studying your
2. Content: 10 points
a. Basics of topic and why it is important
b. Cell signaling pathway involved
i. Signal mechanism (What is the ligand?)
ii. Type of receptor
iii. Basics of signal transduction pathway
iv. Specifics of cellular response and organismal response
c. Correct mechanism
d. Faulty mechanism
(if you are researching a faulty pathway, you must include what would NORMALLY happen in a healthy
e. Graphics of pathway
f. Current direction of research, are there any uses in medicine, pharmaceuticals etc
3. Presentation: Must meet the above criteria for AND the following
a. 5-7 minute presentation of information to class. This can be a power point, active video (with you
in it), cartoon maker, photoshop, Imovie etc. THIS CANNOT BE you standing with your posting
explaining it!
b. Ability to put content into your own words and explain your topic
c. No direct reading – make notes for yourself
d. Ability to answer classmate questions on the topic
4. Research time: 10 points
a. Staying on task in computer lab/classroom in preparation of project
b. Asking questi ons as needed

Cell Communication Poster Projects Possible Topics:

-Thermal regulation in animals -Circadian rhythms
-Thermal regulation in plants -Pheromone release
-Regulation of seasonal reproduction -Photoperiodism in plants
-Diabetes mellitus -Cancer
-Graves’ disease -Cyclins and cylin dependent kinases
-Blood clotting (mitosis)
-Taxis vs kinesis in animals -Gene expression in viruses and bacteria
-Osmoregulation in plants, fish, bacteria -Temperature determination of gender
or protists -Morphogens in embryonic
-Physiological responses to toxins
-Immune responses to pathogens,
-Human growth hormone
toxins, allergens
-Cell mediated immune response -Testosterone
-Humoral immune response -Drugs
-Apoptosis -Fight or flight
-Cell differentiation -Vision
-Homeotic genes -Hearing
-Phototropism in plants -Muscle movement
-Cystic fibrosis
-Calcium channels
-B cells
-T cells
-Menstrual Cycle
-Lou Gehrig’s
-Down Syndrome
-Mental illness


Pick a topic you are interested in!!!

Good luck
Mr. Basim Abu Zaytoon

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