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Medical Terminology - Chapter 2

Combining Forms
anter/o - correct answer front

abdomin/o - correct answer abdomen (a)

adip/o - correct answer fat

bol/o - correct answer to cast, throw

cervic/o - correct answer neck (of the body of the uterus)

chondr/o - correct answer cartilage

chrom/o - correct answer color

coccyg/o - correct answer coccyx (tailbone)

crani/o - correct answer skull

dist/o - correct answer far distant

cyto- - correct answer cell

dors/o - correct answer back portion of the body

hist/o - correct answer tissue

ili/o - correct answer ilium (part of the coxa)

inguin/o - correct answer groin

kary/o - correct answer nucleus (a)

later/o - correct answer side

lumb/o - correct answer lower back

medi/o - correct answer middle

nucle/o - correct answer nucleus (b)

pelv/i - correct answer pelvis, hip region

poster/o - correct answer back, behind

proxim/o - correct answer nearest

sacr/o - correct answer sacrum

sarc/o - correct answer flesh

spin/o - correct answer spine, backbone

thel/o - correct answer nipple

thorac/o - correct answer chest

trache/o - correct answer trachea, windpipe

umbilic/o - correct answer navel, umbilicus

ventr/o - correct answer belly side of the body

vertebr/o - correct answer vertebra(e), backbone(s)

viscer/o - correct answer internal organs

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