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Medical Terminology - Chapter 3 & 4

anter/o - correct answer front

caud/o - correct answer tail (downward)

cephal/o - correct answer head (upward)

dist/o - correct answer away (from point of origin)

dors/o - correct answer back

infer/o - correct answer below

later/o - correct answer side

medi/o - correct answer middle

poster/o - correct answer back, behind

proxim/o - correct answer near (from point of origin)

super/o - correct answer above

ventr/o - correct answer belly

bi- - correct answer two

uni- - correct answer one

-ad - correct answer toward

-ior - correct answer pertaining to

caudad - correct answer toward the tail (downward)

cephalad - correct answer toward the head (upward)

lateral - correct answer pertaining to a side

medial - correct answer pertaining to the middle

unilateral - correct answer pertaining to one side

bilateral - correct answer pertaining to two sides

mediolateral - correct answer pertaining to middle and side

distal - correct answer pertaining to away (from point of origin)

proximal - correct answer pertaining to near (from point of origin)

inferior - correct answer pertaining to below

superior - correct answer pertaining to above

caudal - correct answer pertaining to the tail

cephalic - correct answer pertaining to the head

anterior - correct answer pertaining to the front

posterior - correct answer pertaining to the back

dorsal - correct answer pertaining to the back

ventral - correct answer pertaining to the belly

anteroposterior - correct answer pertaining to the front and to the back

posteroanterior - correct answer pertaining to the back and to the front

frontal or coronal - correct answer vertical field passing through the body from side to side, dividing
body into anterior or posterior

sagittal or midsagittal - correct answer vertical field running through body from front to back, dividing
body into right and left sides

transverse - correct answer horizontal field dividing body into superior and inferior portions

Fowler - correct answer semi-sitting position

lithotomy - correct answer lying on back with legs raised and in stirrups

orthopnea - correct answer sitting upright in bed

prone - correct answer lying on abdomen, face down

Sims position - correct answer lying on left side, right knee up, left arm behind

supine - correct answer lying on back, face up

Trendelenburg - correct answer lying on back, body tilted so head lower than feet

Epigastric region - correct answer directly above the umbilical region

Umbilical region - correct answer around the navel

Hypogastric region - correct answer directly below the umbilical region

Hypochondriac region - correct answer to the right and left of the epigastric region

Lumbar region - correct answer to the right and left of the umbilical region

iliac region - correct answer to the right and left of the hypogastric region

epidermis - correct answer outer layer of skin

keratin - correct answer layer composed of protein, contained in hair, skin, and nails

melanin - correct answer color of the skin

dermis - correct answer inner layer of skin

sudoriferous glands - correct answer secrete sweat

sebaceous gland - correct answer secrete oil

hair - correct answer compressed, keratinized cells that arise from hair follicles

nails - correct answer originate in the epidermis

cutane/o - correct answer skin

derm/o - correct answer skin

dermat/o - correct answer skin

hidr/o - correct answer sweat

kerat/o - correct answer horny tissue

onych/o - correct answer nail

ungu/o - correct answer nail

seb/o - correct answer sebum (oil)

trich/o - correct answer hair

aut/o - correct answer self

bi/o - correct answer life

coni/o - correct answer dust

crypt/o - correct answer hidden

heter/o - correct answer other

myc/o - correct answer fungus

necr/o - correct answer death (cells, body)

pachy/o - correct answer thick

rhytid/o - correct answer wrinkles

staphyl/o - correct answer grapelike clusters

strept/o - correct answer twisted chains

xer/o - correct answer dry

epi- - correct answer on, upon, over

intra- - correct answer within

para- - correct answer besides, beyond, around, abnormal

per- - correct answer through

sub - correct answer under, below

trans- - correct answer through, across, beyond

-coccus - correct answer berry-shaped

-ectomy - correct answer surgical removal

-ia - correct answer diseased

-itis - correct answer inflammation

-malacia - correct answer softening

-opsy - correct answer view of

-phagia - correct answer eating or swallowing

-plasty - correct answer surgical repair

-rrhea - correct answer flow, discharge

-tome - correct answer instrument used to cut

abrasion - correct answer scraping away of the skin by injury

abscess - correct answer localized collection of pus

actinic keratosis - correct answer precancerous skin condition

basal cell carcinoma - correct answer epithelial tumor arising from epidermis

candidiasis - correct answer thrush

cellulitis - correct answer inflammation of skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by infection

contusion - correct answer bruise

eczema - correct answer non-infectious inflammatory skin disease

fissure - correct answer slit, cracklike sore in skin

gangrene - correct answer death of tissue caused by loss of blood supply

herpes - correct answer inflammatory disease caused by herpes virus

impetigo - correct answer skin infection with pustules

kaposi sarcoma - correct answer cancerous skin condition associated with AIDS

laceration - correct answer torn, ragged-edged wound

dermabrasion - correct answer removal of scars with abrasive material

suturing - correct answer stitch edges of wound surgically

alopecia - correct answer loss of hair

cicatrix - correct answer scar

diaphoresis - correct answer profuse sweating

ecchymosis - correct answer bruise

erythema - correct answer redness

fungus - correct answer mold

induration - correct answer abnormal hard spot

jaundice - correct answer yellow tinge to skin

keloid - correct answer overgrowth of scar tissue

leukoplakia - correct answer white spots on mucous membrane

macule - correct answer flat, colored spot on skin

nevus - correct answer birthmakr

papule - correct answer small, solid skin elevation (pimple)

petechia - correct answer pinpoint skin hemorrhages

pruritus - correct answer severe itching

wheal - correct answer transitory, itch elevation of the skin with a white center and a red surrounding

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