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Quick and easy medical terminology

chapter 2
-er, -ist - correct answer One who

-iatrician - correct answer practitioner

-logist - correct answer one who studies, specialist

-ac, -al, -ic, -ical - correct answer pertaining to

-logic, -logical - correct answer Pertaining to the study of

-iatrics, -iatry - correct answer medical profession or treatment

-logy - correct answer Study or science of

esthesi/o - correct answer Feeling or sensation

ger/a, ger/o, geront/o - correct answer Elderly

Ne/o, nat/o - correct answer New, birth

obstetr/o - correct answer midwife

onc/o - correct answer tumor

orth/o, ped/o - correct answer Straight, child

path/o - correct answer Disease

ped/o - correct answer Child

radi/o - correct answer Radiation, or radius

crin/o - correct answer to secrete

-Centesis - correct answer surgical puncture to remove fluid

-ectomy - correct answer excision, removal

-lysis - correct answer Process of loosening, freeing, or destroying

-pexy - correct answer Surgical fixation

-plasty - correct answer surgical repair

-rrhaphy - correct answer suture (uniting a wound by stitches)

-scopy - correct answer visual examination

-stomy - correct answer formation of an opening

-tome - correct answer instrument used to cut

-tomy - correct answer incision

-tripsy - correct answer surgical crushing

aden/o - correct answer Gland

angi/o - correct answer vessel (blood)

bi/o - correct answer life or living

blephar/o - correct answer eyelid

cerebr/o, encephal/o - correct answer Brain

chir/o - correct answer Hand

faci/o - correct answer face

mamm/o, mast/o - correct answer Breast

muscul/o, my/o - correct answer Muscle

myel/o - correct answer bone marrow, spinal cord

pulm/o, pulmon/o, pneum/o, pneumon/o - correct answer Lungs

*pneum/o sometimes means "air" or "gas"

vas/o - correct answer vessel; vas deferens; duct

-algia, -dynia - correct answer Pain

-cele - correct answer Hernia

-ectasia, -ectasis - correct answer dilation, stretching, widening

-edema - correct answer swelling

-emesis - correct answer vomiting

-emia - correct answer blood condition

-ia, -iasis - correct answer Condition

-malacia - correct answer softening

-mania - correct answer excessive preoccupation

-oid - correct answer resembling

-oma - correct answer tumor, mass

-osis - correct answer condition (often an abnormal condition; sometimes an increase)

-pathy - correct answer disease

-ptosis - correct answer prolapse, sagging

-rrhage, -rrhagia - correct answer excessive bleeding or hemorrhage

-rrhea - correct answer flow, discharge

-rrhexis - correct answer rupture

-spasm - correct answer twitching, cramp

-stasis - correct answer stopping, controlling

-able, -ible - correct answer capable of, able to

-ac, -al, -an, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ic, -ive, -tic - correct answer pertaining to

-ase - correct answer enzyme

-eum, -ium - correct answer membrane

-ia, -ism - correct answer condition or theory

-iac - correct answer one who suffers

-opia - correct answer vision

-ose - correct answer sugar

-ous - correct answer pertaining to or characterized by

-y - correct answer State or condition

-adip/o, -lip/o - correct answer Fat

-amyl/o - correct answer Starch

-glyc/o - correct answer Sugar

Hemat/o - correct answer Blood

Lact/o - correct answer Milk

Lith/o - correct answer Stone

micr/o - correct answer Small

-megaly - correct answer enlargement, large

Muc/o - correct answer mucus

-prote/o, protein/o - correct answer Protein

Pyr/o - correct answer Fire

Psychiatrist - correct answer a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental

Psychologist - correct answer A person who studies how people think, feel, and behave

Psychiatry - correct answer Medical specialty that deals with the mind

Psychology - correct answer the science of behavior and mental processes

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