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Subject: Request for Submission of Detailed Exploratory Data Analysis Reports

Deadline: 14/05/2023, @ 23:59

Dear Students

As an essential component of your project, you need to submit a comprehensive Exploratory Data
Analysis (EDA) report for your chosen dataset. EDA plays a vital role in any machine learning
project, as it helps us understand the data we are working with, elucidates potential problems, and
informs us about the subsequent decision-making processes regarding data pre-processing and
modelling techniques.

In your EDA report, which will be maximum 4-5 pages in the IEEE double column conference
template (Usage of Overleaf is highly recommended), please address the following points:

Significance of EDA: Begin your report by briefly explaining the importance of EDA in the context
of your project. Explain how EDA assists in the identification of potential issues with your dataset,
reveal underlying patterns and trends, and ultimately guide your choices for pre-processing and
modelling techniques. EDA analysis plays a critical role in learning model selection, as it reveals
underlying data characteristics, patterns, and potential issues that can influence the choice of an
appropriate machine learning solution. By understanding the unique features of your dataset
through EDA, you can make well-informed decisions regarding which model will best suit the
problem at hand and optimize its performance.

Dataset Overview: Present a comprehensive overview of your dataset, encompassing its

dimensions, number of features, and any relevant background information. Moreover, discuss the
target variable for your classification or regression task and the distribution of class labels or target

Data Exploration: Conduct a comprehensive exploration of your dataset using various visualization
and statistical techniques, such as histograms, box plots, scatter plots, correlation matrices etc.
Deliberate on any intriguing findings or anomalies in your data and expound on their potential
impact on your project.

Data Pre-processing: Drawing from the insights acquired during your data exploration, delineate
the necessary data pre-processing steps and implement them. These may encompass handling
missing values, encoding categorical variables, feature scaling, and feature engineering. Explain
the rationale underpinning each step within the context of your project.

EDA Findings: Summarize the key findings from your EDA and discuss how they will inform the
subsequent steps of your project. For instance, the distribution of your target variable might
influence the selection of an appropriate machine learning algorithm (e.g., traditional models vs.
CNN or LSTM) or the choice of resampling techniques to address class imbalance. Additionally,
correlations between features could guide your decisions on feature selection or dimensionality
reduction techniques, while the identification of outliers may necessitate the application of outlier
detection or robust modelling approaches.

Please ensure that your EDA report is submitted to the University UBIS system by 14/05/2023,
@ 23:59. Bear in mind that this report serves as the bedrock for the remainder of your machine
learning project; hence, thorough and reflective analysis is essential.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.



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