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[delete this page in the final output]

 Note: In summarizing of your learnings per lesson, it will allow you to express
your experiences and learnings as you journey with God through this course. As
such, express it in a very personal manner (use “I” and not “we” or “you”) and try
to be as specific and concrete as possible. In summarizing, limit your answers to
5-10 sentences (although you may exceed 10 sentences).

 Note: In making your creative output per module, be guided by this question –
“As you journeyed with Him, how can you express this journey through a creative
form?” After which, you are then to explain your work briefly (limit your answers
to 5-10 sentences (although you may exceed 10 sentences).

 Note: Every part should begin at the beginning of different pages.

 This template just presents the ORDER of presentation. You may express your
creativity here while still following the ORDER and the aforementioned notes.

 Your final output should be in PDF so that it will not be disarranged.

[delete this page in the final output]

Page 1
Page 2

This is Andrei Gwenne D. Sonido

on CFE 101 2371
This journal represents all that is
learned and accomplished as an
engineering student regarding
religious life during this pandemic.

This quarter, I learned about the

aspects of our faith that applied
what I know into day-to-day
productivity. This E-portfolio is a
collection of the outputs I
produced over several weeks as an offline student. It is a
compilation of my finished works created with sound knowledge on
specific topics, skills in interaction, a touch of creativity, and my
passion for this subject. Religion class is more than just 1 hour of
sermons to listen to and to disregard wight after. Instead, it is a
time to integrate faith with our day-to-day life and learn the many
aspects that have occurred rapidly over time.

Page 3
General Introduction: The Sacred Scripture as Stories of Faith

[A brief summary of your learnings per lesson.]

Page 4
Module 1: Introduction to the Sacred Scripture

This chapter helped me understand the relevance of the Sacred Scripture and
presented basic information for me to appreciate the words of God in the words of
human beings. It serves as an introductory lesson that highlights the challenge of
utilizing the Bible as my guide for upright Christian living.

[A brief summary of your learnings per lesson.]

[insert creative output for Module 1 here]

[Be creative in the presentation of your experiences, reflections, and realizations. Being
creative refers to the use of a digital or hand-drawn artwork or a poem or a song, and
the like. Place a brief discussion about the meaning of your creative output.]

Page 5
Module 2: God, the Father, journeys with His people in the Pentateuch, Prophets
(prophetic books) and Wisdom Writings

Module 2 invited me to start with the journey together with God, the Father, as
experienced by the patriarchs and the prophets. This also covered the different Wisdom
writings that equipped me for wise living

[A brief summary of your learnings per lesson.]

1. Module 2, Lesson 1: Torah
2. Module 2, Lesson 2: Nevi’im
3. Module 2, Lesson 3: Ketuvim

[insert creative output for Module 2 here]

[Be creative in the presentation of your experiences, reflections, and realizations. Being
creative refers to the use of a digital or hand-drawn artwork or a poem or a song, and
the like. Place a brief discussion about the meaning of your creative output.]

Page 6
Module 3: God, the Son, journeys with His people

Module 3 invited me to continue with my journey together with God through the Son.
Encountering Jesus as the fullness of God’s revelation beginning from the annunciation
to resurrection. The role of Mary and John the Baptist as Jesus’ companions in his
journey was presented.

[A brief summary of your learnings per lesson.]

1. Module 3, Lesson 1: Mary, the Mother of Jesus and a Woman of Faith
2. Module 3, Lesson 2: John the Baptist, The Forerunner of Jesus
3. Module 3, Lesson 3: Jesus’ Event in His Public Ministry

[insert creative output for Module 3 here]

[Be creative in the presentation of your experiences, reflections, and realizations. Being
creative refers to the use of a digital or hand-drawn artwork or a poem or a song, and
the like. Place a brief discussion about the meaning of your creative output.]

Page 7
Module 4: God, the Holy Spirit, journeys with His People

Module 4 is still a continuation of the journey together with God through the Holy Spirit.
The presence of God through the Holy Spirit matters in the experiences of the Early
Christian communities and to the Christian communities today.

[A brief summary of your learnings per lesson.]

1. Module 4, Lesson 1: The Early Christian Community
2. Module 4, Lesson 2: The Christian Community Today

[insert creative output for Module 4 here]

[Be creative in the presentation of your experiences, reflections, and realizations. Being
creative refers to the use of a digital or hand-drawn artwork or a poem or a song, and
the like. Place a brief discussion about the meaning of your creative output.]

Page 8
The CFE course leads the students to learn and appreciate the dynamic of God
encountered in human history just to bring back people to the right path and to guide them
not to commit the same mistakes are made by their forefathers. It discussed the different
ways of God's journeys with His people, the peak of His revelation through His Son Jesus
Christ and His vision of the Kingdom, His continuing guidance to the people through the
Holy Spirit present in the Church, and her celebrations. With this framework, the first part
of the course will present a brief discussion about the Sacred Scriptures, its formation and
compilation as the so-called Bible, which is the primary record of this God's journey with
His people and the methods of bringing out its message.

Page 9

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